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高一英语作文:保护天使To Protect Angels

Panda is familiar by more and more people as the development of Internet. Now people can see the live show from the Internet. These lovely angels are favored by the fans from all over the world. What they do in the daily life makes people laugh out loudly. No one can resist the charm from these angels. But it is known to all that panda is dying out, because it is not easy for them to get birth to the ne w babies. What’s more, people damage the environment, which makes panda lose their home. We can do small things to protect them. When we go to the zoo, we should not throw away the rubbish and keep quiet, in the purpose of not to disturb these lovely creature. We love panda, it is our duty to protect them from dying out.



高一英语作文:No Pains,No Gains 没有付出就没有收获

It is obvious to everybody that the only way to achieve ones goal is to work hard. Just as the old saying goes "no mill, no meal". Have you ever seen a man who succeeds just by idling about? Of course, the answer is "No". So we know if you want to gain something, you will have pains.

The farmers harvest by a year of arduous work; the scientists gain achievements by years of devoted researches; students get good marks by working hard; even the little ants have their food by working hard day and night. 1 know there are always some people who wait for the opportunities falling on them. They may attribute their failures to lack of good chances. Therefore, there are so many people gaining nothing at last. Clever men know that the more effort they make, the bigger chance they will have to be successful.

So, when others achieve their aspirations and you still gain nothing, dont complain about the unfair fate and dont give up, either. Remember: no pains, no gains.





Someone asks me what on earth happiness means? I cant give you the exact definition of it, but Im sure if you love and help others, youll get it..

Ill never forget an old lady. She lives in a small house alone. Its said that her husband and her son died in a traffic accident. How

bitter her life is!But the old lady often helps others with a smile. Whenever it snows, she is always the first to clean the paths. She looks after several children living nearby. I am one of them. I often remember the stories she told us and her kind smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is full of laughter and love.

But Im sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways.They speak loudly in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time, but they will never get true happiness because they have lost their personality.

Now I know what happiness is. It means kindness, love and unselfishness. Above all, only bringing happiness to others can make you yourself get it.




高一英语期末复习写作范文 Topic 1: Festivals 春节The Spring Festival 农历lunar calendar 正月lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar 买年货do Spring Festival shopping 红包red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.) New Year’s Day 元旦Christmas Day 圣诞节 New Year’s Eve 除夕Spring Festival 春节 April Fools’Day 愚人节Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 Lantern Festival 元宵节Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Labor Day 劳动节Day of the Dead 清明节 lucky money 压岁钱世界爱滋病日(12月1日)-----WORLD AIDS DAY 介绍春节 假如你是李华,你校的外教要在中国过春节,请你根据以下内容,用英文写一篇短文介绍我国的春节,并祝他们节日愉快。 时间一般在二月份,中国农历正月初一,前后要持续半个月 风俗: 1. 12生肖命名,如狗、猴、虎等,今年是猪年 2. 春节前人们要大扫除,大年夜全家人在聚集一起吃年夜饭 3. 年初一、初二走访亲友,给孩子们压岁钱 写作要求: (1)必须包括以上全部内容(题目已经写好); (2)只能使用5个句子。 参考词汇:农历Chinese Lunar Calendar 压岁钱lucky money A brief Introduction of the Chinese Spring Festival The Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year, which is usually in February. There is a name for each year, such as the dog, the monkey, the tiger or one of the twelve animals, and this year is the year of the pig. Before the New Year’s Day, the Chinese people usually give their houses a good cleaning and on the last evening of the old year, all the members of a family will get together and have a big meal. On the first or second day of the new year, people usually go to visit their relatives and friends and give some lucky money to children. I wish you have a good time during the Spring Festival. Topic 2: Healthy diet Today, there are more and more people going on a diet.当今节食的人越来越多。 Going on a diet keeps people from growing too fat and saves them from many inconveniences and diseases related to being overweight. 节食可以防止肥胖,避免许多由于肥胖带来的不便和疾病。 However, if carried too far, going on a diet could become extremely dangerous. Some young girls risk their lives to lose weight because they are eager to have a beautiful figure. The risk can damage their health and even can be life threatening.


Book6 Module3 Interpersonal relationship—— Friendship 高中英语写作课教案 Teaching Aims 1.To get the students to appreciating remarks on friendship or friends. 2.To enable the students to write a short story about friends or friendships. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Discussion Now, I found 500 pounds in Roy’s pocket. Did Roy steal the money from the charity? Someone says ‘yes’, someone says ‘no’. If Roy did steal the money from the charity, shall I tell the teacher or call the police? If Roy didn’t steal the money, what should I do? Discuss it in groups of four . Collect answers from students. Draw a conclusion; whether Roy stole the money or not, we help him all the same. Because we’re friends. Friends are the ones we can get help from and we can trust. In this unit, we have talked a lot about friends and friendship, knowing the importance of friends. And what do you think of a friend or friendship?


高一英语写作课课件 高一英语写作课课件 教学目标 Target language目标语言 a重点词汇和短语 explore, characteristics b重点句子 Write a short article explaining three problems you might meet on the moon.. You may ask the following questions as well as work out some more. 2 Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the Ss to write an article about your idea or hopes for traveling in space. 3 Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the Ss to learn how to write a passage. Teaching important& difficult points教学重点和教学难点

Teach the Ss how to write an article about a space travel. Teaching methods教学方法 Task-based learning Discussion. Teaching aids教具准备 a projector, a computer Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式 Step I Writing The purpose of this writing is for students to think about what kind of equipment they would need to b e safe in space. It’s a good opportunity for a discussion about the pains and pleasures that might occur when traveling in space. After the discussion, they can write down the problems and the way to solve them. T: If you are going off on a holiday, what will you take? S1: I will take clothes, shoes, food and many other things.


自我介绍的高一英语作文优秀范文 高一英语作文(一) Good morning, my admirable teacher and my dear fellows. My name is Qing Cheng and I’m in my 17 years old. I graduated from theTianTaoMiddle school, which is one of the best middle schools in my city. Its campus is as beautiful as ours. My favorite subject is math, because it’s a complicated subject that drives a lot of students crazy. But I am a student who likes challenges and I can feel great achievement when I solve a math problem. Besides, I like various extra curricular activities, because they can bring me a colorful life. In my opinion, study is just a part of our life, so that we should not be constrained by it. The most important is that I am happy to be a classmate of you. I hope we can study as well as play together. 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好。我叫秦成,今年十七岁。我毕业于天桃中学,它是我们市里的中学,校园和我们校园一样美丽。我最喜欢的科目是数学,因为它是使很多学生抓狂的复杂科目。但是,我是一个喜欢挑战的学生,每当我解答出一道数学问题的时候,我感到一种巨大的成就感。除此之外,我喜欢各种各样的课外活动,因为我它们给我带来了多姿多彩的生活。在我看来,学习只是生活中的一部分,因此我们不应该被学习束缚。最重要的是,我很高兴能成为你们的同学。我希望我们可以一起学习,一起玩。 高一英语作文(二) Good morning, my admirable professors and my dear fellows. It’s my great honor to be here to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Xing Heng and I’m in my eighteen years old. I come fromXiamen, which is a famous and beautiful city. I strongly suggest you visiting there and I can be your guide if it’s convenient. After three years’ hard work, I am so excited that I am finally enrolled by my dreaming school,SichuanUniversityand be one of you. I am outgoing and I have many interests, such as playing basketball, football, and swimming, but I am only good at basketball. I hope we can always play together in the next four years. Computer Science and Technology is my favorite subject and I am sure that it’s also a promising area in the future, with the great development of computer science and our society. I am glad to be a classmate of you and I hope we can study and make progress together in the future. I greatly expect my life to be with you in the coming four years. 亲爱的教授以及同学们,大家早上好!很荣幸能够站在这里向大家介绍自己。我叫邢恒,今年18岁。我来自美丽的城市厦门。我强烈建议大家到厦门旅游,如果方便的话,我可以做你们的导游。经过了三年的努力,我感到很兴奋,因为我最终录取了我梦寐以求的


写作指导(7) 说明文 1.说明文是以说明为主要表达方式,用简洁明了的语言来解说事物、阐明事理,从而给读者提供知识的一种文体。 2.在高考书面表达中,其主要命题形式为图表式作文,有时也以图画式和提纲式作文来呈现写作材料。 3.它要求语言要简明扼要,通俗易懂,说明过程讲究层次性和条理性。 4.这种文体通常用第三人称,时态以一般现在时为主。 根据以下图画,写一篇英语短文,描述今昔通讯方式的变化,以及这些变化给人们生活带来的影响。

注意:1.词数:100左右; 2.参考词汇:通讯communicate (with sb.)vi.,communication n.;互联网the Internet n.。 案例分析⊙ 从材料的呈现方式(两幅图对比)及材料所提出的要求“描述变化及影响”可知,本文应该用说明文体来写作。时态的把握是本文的一大难点,一般情况下,说明文应用一般现在时,但本文描述的是今昔通讯方式的变化,所以在描写过去通讯方式的时候要用一般过去时,例如:In the past,people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone及 It used__to__take several days to hear from each other.在描写过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响时,谓语动词要用现在完成时,例如本文的起始句可用“Great changes have__taken__place in the

way of communication in people’s life in recent years”及讲述影响的过渡句“With these changes,people’s pace of life has__been__quickened__and people’s work has__been__made more efficient ”。相对来说,本文用第三人称容易把握。 Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in people’s life in recent years. In the past,people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone.But now almost everyone has his own mobile phone.People can communicate with each other almost at any place and at any time.What’s more,people have easy access to the Internet,which enables them to send and receive emails whenever they like.With these changes,people’s pace of life has been quickened and people’s work has been made more efficient.It used to take several days to hear from each other,but now it takes only


英语写作课教案英文版 【篇一:高一英语写作课教学设计】 高中英语写作课教学实施及反思 为了提高教学质量和升学率,我校实施了一系列的课堂改革举措。 在“三段六环”课堂模式的引领之下,我们都在尽自己所能力争将自 己的课堂打造成高效的课堂。作为英语教学我认为结合我校的课堂 改革模式我们的外语教学的目的就是培养语言应用能力。《新课程 标准》指出基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是激发和培养学生学习英 语的兴趣使学生树立自信心养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习 策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作的精神,使学生掌握一定的英语 基础知识和基本技能,形成一定的语言综合运用能力。作为教师我 们要转变自身的角色,确认自己新的教学身份。我们是学生学习活 动的组织者、指导者、参与者。教师与学生都是课程资源的开发者,共创共生,共同发展。学校对我们的“三段六环”课堂教学的要求一 再强调要突出互动探究环节,这就要求我们的英语教学就必须要建 立以学生为主体的英语教育方式,使英语学习既有利于学生打好英 语基础,也有利于学生形成健全的人格,更有利于学生去探索,创新。教学活动的设计和开展不但要使学生的主观能动性得到充分的 发挥,做到以学生为主体,同时也要营造一个和谐、民主、轻松的 课堂气氛,并在教学过程中注重实效,提高课堂教学效率。在教学 方法上,教师应多采用启发式教学。教师可以通过设计各种情境, 问题来引导学生发现问题,解决问题,并帮助学生自主地总结归纳。教师的引导要做到含而不露,指而不明,开而不达,引而不发。下 面我谈谈写作课在新课改下的实施情况及我对此的一些反思。 培养学生规范准确的书面表达是高中英语教学目的之一,而英语听 说读写四项技能中,写作是相对较难的.在教学中,学生惧怕写作,教师觉得写作教学难,批改学生作文也难,因此一般对阅读理解较

高一优秀英语作文:My Hometown

高一优秀英语作文:My Hometown My hometown is beautiful place It stands near a wide river at the foot of low green hills. It has many tall buildings and wide streets. There are trees and flowers everywhere. But it has not always been like that. In the old days it was a sad dirty little town. Landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses. For the working people there were only dark unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets. Nearly everyone was poor and many had no work. Everything has changed since liberation. The people led by the Party have got rid of the mud and dirt. They have put up schools theaters shops and flats. They have an assembly hall and a hospital. Along the river they have built offices hotels and parks. A lot of factories have sprung up. On the river streamers and boats come and go busily day and night. They carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country. I love my hometown and I love its people. They also have changed. Healthy and happy


高中英语作文写作技巧方法 导读:本文高中英语作文写作技巧方法,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 审题是做到切题的第一步。所谓审题就是要看清题意,确定文章的中心思想、主题,并围绕中心思想组织材料。 高中英语作文写作技巧方法:构思并列出简单的提纲审好题、立好意后,就要写提纲,打造文章的骨架。文章布局要做好几件事:安排好层次段落,铺设好过渡,处理好开头和结尾。 高中英语作文写作技巧方法:扩展成文根据字数多少扩展成篇。扩展的内容一定要紧扣主题,千万不要写那些与主题不相关的内容。展开的方式包括:顺序法、举例法、比较法、对比法、说明法、因果法、推导法、归纳法和下定义等。可以根据需要任选一种或几种方式。 在这一步骤中还需注意三方面问题: 1)确保提纲中段落结构的思路与各段主题句的一致性。只有这样,才能保证所写段落不 偏题、不跑题。 2)要综合考虑各个段落的内容安排,避免段落内容的交叉。 3)用好连接词,注意段落间、句子间的连贯性。要做到所写文章层次分明,思路清晰, 文字连贯,就需要在句与句之间、段与段之间架起一座座桥梁,

而连接词起的正是桥 梁作用。 在扩展的过程中也有些窍门,以下几点可供参考: 1)在整篇文章中,避免只是用一两个句式或重复用同一词语。英语中存在着极为丰富的同义词,准确地使用同义词可以给读者清新的感觉。同时要灵活运用各种句式,如 倒装句、强调句、省略句、主从复合句、对比句、分词短语、介词短语等,从而增加 文章的可读性。 2)使用不同长度的句子。如果一个意思用一句话写不清楚的话,通过分句和合句或用两 句、三句来表达,增强句子的连贯性和表现力。 3)改变句子的开头方式,不要总是以主、谓、宾、状的次序。可以把状语至于句首,或 用分词等。 4)学会使用过渡词。 (1) 递进furthermore,moreover,besides,in addition,then,etc (2) 转折however,but,nevertheless,afterwards,etc (3) 总结finally,at last,in brief,to conclude,etc (4) 强调really,indeed,certainly,surely,above a11,etc (5) 对比in the same way,just as,on the other hand,etc


优秀英语作文范文高一6篇 为让读者更好地理解所传递的信息,使用英文进行写作时,行文一定要注意做到清晰、准确、简洁这三点。下文是小编为你精心编辑整理的优秀英语作文范文高一6篇,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏U查看,谢谢! 优秀英语作文范文高一1 There was a big stone in front of my living zone? Though so many people lived here and they came in and out everyday, they just ignored the stone and walked through it directly. Some day, when I went home after school, I found the stone was moved to another side? It was so comfortable to see the road back to its original way. I was so curious, in my eyes, the person who did this was a hero. So I asked the security guard, he told me that it was a new guy who just moved to here did it. A few days later, the security guard suddenly pointed to me the new guy, as he just passed? I saw him. He looked very ordinary, and a little thin in the middle age? I looked at his back, and admired him so much. Though he did the small thing, he was a hero. 优秀英语作文范文高一2 People always feel unsatisfied with themselves, because no matter what they


高一英语作文10篇 在英语考试中,英语作文写作对于许多同学来讲都是个头疼的问题。下面橙子也收集了高一英语作文分享给大家,希望对大家有帮助。 The Internet 互联网 In the technology society, the Internet hasdfss become asdfsn importasdfsnt pasdfsrt in dasdfsily life. 在科技社会中,互联网已经成为日常生活中的重要部分。 There asdfsreasdfs growing number of people interested in the Internet. 越来越多的人对互联网感兴趣。 People casdfsn study, entertasdfsin, asdfsnd wasdfstch the news on the Internet. 人们可以在互联网上学习,娱乐,看新闻。 For our students, we asdfsre asdfsble to get the lasdfstest informasdfstion asdfsnd leasdfsrning masdfsteriasdfsls in the Internet. 对我们学生来说,我们可以在网上获取最新信息和学习材料。 Besides, we casdfsn join group discussions with other students, asdfsnd the distasdfsnce educasdfstion on the Internet is very useful to us. 此外,我们可以与其他同学加入讨论组,而且网上远程教育对我们很有用。


高一优秀英语作文范文大全 女性的力量The Woman’s Power Barack Obama is the first president of black people, whose story inspires so many young people to chase their dreams. As the saying that every successful man has a woman to support him, and this woman for Obama is his wife Michelle. As the first lady, Michelle helped Obama so much. During the campaign, she gave inspiring speeches and people knew what they should voted for. Michelle was born in a poor family, but her mother paid special attention to education. Michelle was the top students all the time and she entered the top university, then she got the degree of doctor. Then she worked in a good law office. She was an excellent lawyer and the job experience made her a good orator. Michelle set good examples for the women. She showed that woman’s power was great, and they could be whoever they wanted. 奥巴马是第一个黑人总统,他的事迹激励了许多年轻人去追逐他们的梦想。俗话说每 个成功的男人背后都有一个支持他的女人,对奥巴马来说这个女人就是他的妻子米歇尔。 作为第一夫人,米歇尔对奥巴马的帮助很大。在竞选期间,她发表了鼓舞人心的演讲,让 人们知道他们应该投票支持谁。米歇尔出生在一个贫穷的家庭,但她的母亲特别注重教育。米歇尔一直都是最优秀的学生,她进入顶尖大学,获得了博士学位。然后她在一家优秀的 律师事务所工作。她是一个优秀的律师,她的律师工作经验使她成为一名优秀的演说家。 米歇尔为女性树立了好榜样,她告诉了大家女性的力量是伟大的,她们可以成为任何她们 想成为的人。 偷礼物的妈妈 A Mother Who Stole the Gift For every kid, Children’s Day is a big day , because they can enjoy the festival and get presents from schools and parents. While on this happy day, a mother was caught stealing chicken leg in the supermarket. The media paid much attention to it, because the mother was trying to bring the chicken leg as a gift to her daughter. The poor mother was forgiven by the public, as they had sympathy for her. As the media reported this news, many people wanted to donate money to this mother, helping her to buy gifts to her daughter. Though the mother made a mistake, she did it for love. Mother is the greatest person in the world. She not only gives us life, but also takes care of us all the time. No matter how hard life is, she will never let us concern about it. 对于每一个孩子来说,儿童节是一个很重要的日子,他们可以享受这个节日并且从学 校和家长那里得到礼物。在这快乐的一天,一位妈妈却在超市被抓到在偷鸡腿。媒体很关


关于高一英语作文范文 High school life is so wonderful for me, and I have made many good friends. We fight for our future together. As there are so many subjects for me to learn, I spend most of the time studying knowledge. But deep in my heart, I like sports so much, especially tennis. When I knew our school had tennis club. I felt so excited and wanted to be part of it. But the problem was that what if I lagged behind other students in study as I spent the time on this hobby. At last, I still decided to join tennis club, because I wanted to do something special and enriched my high school life. I tried hard to make plans for my study. At the same time, I spared some time to play tennis. I found the balance and enjoyed the thing l liked. 高中生活对我来说是非常美妙的,我认识了很多好朋友,一起为我们


。分151题,共:一、作文本题共1.在最近的一次主题为中学生课余时间上网的英语班会上,同学们对上网的利弊争论不休,意见不能统一。作为班长,请 覆盖以上内容,可作适当发挥;1. 要求:;2. 发言的开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数) 词数:120左右。 3. Attention, please! I'm going to give you a summary of today's discussion about whether we should go on line in our spare time. _____________________________________________________________________ _______ _____________________________________________________________________

_______ _____________________________________________________________________ ________Thank you.:答案Attention, please! I'm going to give you a summary of today's discussion about whether we should go on line in our spare time.Many students think we can go on line as much as possible in our spare time because we are free then. Through the Internet, we can gain plenty of the newest knowledge and the latest information at home and abroad. What's more, network offers us a convenient way to communicate with each other. The Internet makes our lives outside class colorful and various.On the other hand, a few students partly agree to this idea. Going on line is part of our daily life. But they suggest a time limit. They've found that more students are playing computer games or chatting instead of studying their lessons or looking up materials. There are a few students who are often absent from school in order to go on line for fun.Thank you!2.假设你叫李华, 是一家英文杂志社的心理咨询师。某中学生小王给你写信,提到自己偏胖,想节食减肥,征求你的意见。请你给她回一封信,谈谈你对该问题的见解。内容要点. 如下:.健康比漂亮更重要;1.学生以学习为主,不要过于注重外貌和别人的看法;2.可通过多锻炼身体保持健康,要改变不良的饮食习惯;3.健康的心态也很重要。4.短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;1注意: 心态.参考词汇:state of mind 3 2.词数:100左右。


高一英语作文优秀范文精选【五篇】 高考英语满分作文一般胜在行文清晰、准确、简洁三点,这就是公认的英语满分作文“黄金三定律”。 高一英语作文1 The first day when I go to high school, I felt excited, after 9 years’study, I felt I was so close to university, the dream always gives me motivation to move on. The first year, I made many friends, I got to know all of my classmates, though the study was hard and tedious, I shared happiness and sorrow with my friends. When the second year came, I was arranged to another class, for the need of my major. I was a little frustrated at first, because I was worried no one could talk to me, but I made new friends quickly, sometimes I would keep in touch with my old friends. Now the last year has come, I must study hard, I will go to college next year, never have I felt so close to my dream. High school life is not easy for me, for the pressure is so heavy, but I won’t give


高中英语写作课教学 英语写作课不知讲些什么,学生写作时不知从何写起,作文不成句,语法错误,一直是老师们的困惑,也是学生的绊脚石。到底写作课该如何上,怎么下手,下面分享几点方法: 高中英语写作课教学 一、消除学生的恐惧心理,培养写作习惯 针对我校学生基础差,学习习惯不好的状况,首先让学生知道,写作并不难,就是把我们要说的话,用自己的话写出来,我们平时讲课的例句就是很好的素材,只要稍加整理即可,关键是敢写。 二、注意平时积累词汇,打好写作基础 平时上课尤其是词汇教学时,注意提醒学生积累一些例句,段落甚至是名人名言。要求学生背诵课文中的佳句和词汇句型较多的段落,这样可以帮助学生理解课文内容,背诵重点句型和短语,积累话题写作的素材,培养学生的语感。课下注意收集各种体裁的写作篇章结构以及开头结尾常用的优美句型。 三、练习写作的句式变化,进行专题指导 写作水平的提高非一日之功,也不能光说不练,积累素材完成后,教师要进行针对性的写作方法指导。首先,训练过程要循序渐进,要让学生体验到成功,有信心,愿意去写作,并且要安排由易到难,由课内到课外,有机械到灵活。英译汉练习让学生写出课文中的重点句 子—— 利用单元词汇进行造句练习

—— 缩写课文—— 改写课文 —— 仿写课文—— 写与课文相关的短 文。其次,讲解写作步骤:审题—— 构思—&m dash; 提纲& mdash;— 初稿 —&m dash; 修改&m dash;— 定稿。并注意写作中记 叙文的五个W(what---who---when---where---why or how) 。最后,提醒学生注意写作规则和标点符号的使用,并把咼考评分标准展示给学生们,让他们对照自己的文章,找出存在的问题。 四、真实客观的评价,批改欣赏得法 对于学生习作的批改,有两种途径,一是教师面批面改,及时发现学生存在的问题,提出改进的建议和今后要注意的问题。二是学生互评互批,这样既可以看到别人的长处,积累更多的方法,又可以发现学生们共同性的错误,以利于改正提高。教师应及时反馈具有共同性和倾向性的错误,并把优秀作文展示出来,激励优秀学生,鼓舞其他学生。 写作高分技巧 一、背诵+默写+仿写 step 1 背诵 其实,想要提高英文写作水平,无非就三大方法:多读、多背、多写。读是用心读,在阅读文章时及时将看到的精彩词汇、词组、句型记

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