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doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.014Article ID:1005-3085(2015)05-0772-11

The Maximal SNS-pattern Matrix

for a Signed Digraph?

MOU Gu-fang1,2,HUANG Ting-zhu1

(1-School of Mathematical Sciences,University of Electronic Science and

Technology of China,Chengdu611731;2-College of Mathematics and

Information Science,Leshan Normal University,Leshan614000)

Abstract:For an asymmetric sign pattern matrix P,we analyze the sign characteristic of P with the help of a signed digraph in this paper.The maximal SNS-pattern matrix

for a signed digraph is the maximal sign-nonsingular sub-pattern among all real

matrices having the given sign pattern P.In this paper,SNS problems for signed

digraphs are studied by converting a signed digraphΓinto a signed bipartite graph

G(U,V).We propose the algorithms for searching for a sub-signed bipartite graph

G(U′,V′)with the maximum perfect matching M′corresponding to every set of

disjoint M′-interlacing cycles,which contain an even number of M′-interlacing e-

cycles.The maximal SNS-pattern for a signed digraph is obtained according to


Keywords:SNS-pattern matrix;signed digraph;signed bipartite graph;matching;determ-inant

Classi?cation:AMS(2000)05C50CLC number:O157.6

Document code:A


The maximal SNS-pattern is to determine the maximal sign-nonsingular sub-pattern among all asymmetric real matrices whose sign pattern P is described by a signed di-graphΓ.The problem has been studied extensively[1-3].In[1],the characterization of SNS-pattern by analyzing square sign patterns and giving a graph-theoretic test to count the number of positive and negative signs in determinants expansions was stud-ied.There is a complete and satisfying theory which associates a digraph to a square sign pattern and a test which determines if the sign pattern is SNS[4].Signs in de-terminants expansions for sign patterns are of interest for chemical reaction networks such as[3,5,6].In[7],the SNS number to usefully generalize triangle number to sign

Received:15Jan2015. Accepted:04June2015.Biography:Mou Gufang(Born in1981),Female,Doctor,Lecturer. Research?eld:combinatorial matrix theory.

?Foundation item:The National Natural Science Foundation of China(61170309).

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