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2.homeschooling 在中国



















4. 最担心的问题





5. 在家教育孩子适合你吗?

* 认为现行教育体制不能最大限度地发挥孩子的潜能。

* 孩子的智商很高,学校教育不能满足他的求知饥渴。

* 孩子在某方面有特长,需要有更多机会发展此特长。

* 孩子有多动症,在大课堂里难以专心学习,需要更多的关爱和指导。

* 孩子长得矮小,在学校里受欺侮,或因其他容貌缺点,有较重的自卑心理。

* 孩子感到学习压力太大,缺乏自信,厌学逃学。

* 孩子因家庭变故(如离婚),产生难以克服的心理障碍,需要重建安全感。














对于Home schooling,我们最担心的是不好解决孩子的社会化问题,不敢把孩子接回家来,因为学校是一个小型的社会,孩子得和儿童多多相处,从中得到社会化学习。但从美国的经验看,家庭教育完全可以解决这个问题。而且从某种角度讲可以解决得更好。为什么呢?因为家长充分重视,而且孩子离开学校后有充分的时间足够的机会可以直接地介入社会;而所谓的现代学校,理论上讲,除了学生群体的社会性,只能折射社会,并不影响离开学校的孩子直接地接触社会。而且,现在的学校脱离社会的倾向日益严重。如果我们注意了这些方面,Home schooling也完全可以做得很好。



一、视听说教程 Unit 1 Life is a learning curve 1、Long conversation M: Miranda, let's speak about your performance in class. You're not participating; you're careless with your assignments and often hand them in late. You don't want to be here, do you? W: I'm sorry Dr. Smith. It's just ... I've got lots of things to do. I'm studying Web design and I'm a first-class player on our golf team. It's hard to see why I need to take a Spanish language class! M: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but learning another language can improve your performance in all of your efforts. And it can be very useful sometimes, for instance, when you visit your father in Mexico. W: Gosh! What do you mean, professor? Just because my father does business in Mexico I'm supposed to learn Spanish —on top of everything else I have to learn? It's just too much! And if I don't spend enough time on the golf course, I won't remain a first-class player on the golf team. I still don't see why I should learn a language that's so hard for me. There are no verb tenses on the golf course or in Web design! M: Listen Miranda, I've known your father since we were students at university 20 years ago —and have known you since you were a little girl. Of course, there are no verb tenses in golf or Web design. But I am giving you good advice. Please listen. W: Yes, of course, you're like my favorite uncle. M: Your brain isn't like a cup that has water flowing over its edge when it is full. Instead, it's like a muscle. Learning Spanish exercises your brain in new ways, making it stronger. It will strengthen your critical thinking skills and creativity. W: Really?! Then I guess I can give it a try. Question: 1、How is the woman doing in the man's class? 2、What does the woman think of learning Spanish? 3、What do we know from this conversation about the man? 4、What is the woman most likely to do after talking with the man? 2、passage 2 Have you ever heard of homeschooling? It is a legal choice for parents in most countries to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to public or private schools outside the home. Parents cite numerous reasons for homeschooling their children. The three reasons that are selected by the majority of parents in the United States are the concern about the traditional school environment, the lack of


题目要求: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Is Homeschooling Advisable? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 现在有不少家长让孩子在家上学 2. 各人看法不同 3. 我自己的观点 Is Homeschooling Advisable? 参考范文:Is Homeschooling Advisable? Today, a growing number of children in China are staying at home, not because they are giving up education but because their parents think they will actually receive a better education at home. They are being homeschooled at every level — kindergarten, primary, junior middle and even senior middle school. People’s opinions vary on homeschooling. Some people support it, saying China’s current education mode puts heavy study pressure on students and many of them suffer from depression and even commit suicide. Some oppose it, maintaining that students need interaction with classmates, so that they can fit into society. Still, there are people who insist that homeschooling is a game for rich people only, which cannot be expanded to the whole of society. Personally, I think homeschooling is advisable as long as the family can afford it. As people’s personalities differ, so education should be diversified. What’s more, we do have successful examples of homeschooling. For example, Zheng Yuanjie, a famous Chinese writer of children’s stories had his son study at home after his son finished primary school study. Today, his son has grown up to be a successful person. 更多英语六级作文、六级英语作文、四六级作文,请继续关注英语作文大全


自考英语二 高频考点100 题 第四部分:填句补文(第26~30 题,每题 2 分,共10 分) 下面的短文有5 处空白,短文后有6 个句子,其中5 个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌,请将所选项对应的字母写在答题卡上。 Homeschooling vs School Many kids find it hard to concentrate in school. Classmates, bells, and even cheerful decorations in school can make it hard for some children to concentrate. 26 . In some schools, conditions are bad for children’s safety and health.27 . Homeschooling parents can control their children’s environment to make sure it is safe and healthy. When students sit in a classroom surrounded by classmates, under the tight control of adults, they find it very hard to function in a normal way. Homeschooling children don’t have to stay in the school.28 . They can interact with people in familiar situations, and they feel they can interact with people as adults. School bullying ( 以强欺弱) is a serious problem. 29 . Although schools are starting to deal with this problem, many kids are still afraid of going to school. Homeschooling kids can choose who they associate with and walk away from an uncomfortable situation. Schools are cutting field trips. 30 . On the contrary, homeschooling can move outdoors, to the beach or the zoo. For homeschooling families, the whole world is a classroom. Learning takes place everywhere and it never ends. A.Instead, they are out in the community. B.In this case, homeschooling offers fewer interruptions. C.Children usually sit at desks or around the kitchen tables. D.Some children do not treat their classmates appropriately. E.Many students go to class in old or poorly-designed buildings. F.Even a short trip to the countryside is controversial in some places. 26.【答案】B 【解析】由空前的一句话,“Classmates, bells, and even cheerful decorations in school can make it hard for some children to concentrate.”,同学、铃铛,甚至学校里令人愉快的装饰品都会让一些孩子难以集中注意力。可知,空格处应提与之想对应的解决方法,B 选项符合题意,在这种情况下,家庭教育提供较少的干预能起到一定作用。故选B。 第 1 页共12 页

家庭教育(Home Education)

家庭教育(Home Education) 家庭教育(Home Education)家庭教育(Home Education) home education, or home schooling, is a phenomenon which is both old and now. it may seem to many like a strange idea, but years ago, it was the norm. george washington and abraham lincoln both received their education at home. and there is a growing trend for children to be educated at home. an estimated two million american children, one source says, are taught in their own homes instead of going to regular schools. the number of support groups, magazines and other resources for home-schooling families is also on the rise. being comparatively rare cases in china, home schooling is repeatedly reported as an attractive and promising alternative. parents who decide to home-school are not without reasons. many may worry about the quality of education at regular schools. they want to tailor the education of their children to their intelligence and aptitude. they prefer to choose the subjects on their own. they also think caring parents make the best teachers. studies show that many home-schooled children really do very well.proven benefits of


Unit1 Passage 1 I began learning Spanish when I was in high school, using a traditional academic method of studying verbs, sentence structures, and grammar by using textbooks and not much else. I found it very easy to learn, but was frustrated with the slow pace and repetitive nature of all my Spanish classes. So I worked extra hard in my spare time and asked my teacher if I could skip a level by the end of the semester. This was unsuccessful, however, because the school was not willing to test me or otherwise prove that I could be successful in the top level after skipping a level. This made things even more frustrating, as then I was stuck in a class where I already knew the material! Then I went on to college where I then used the language extensively both in and out of the classroom. I studied Spanish literature, culture, and linguistics and very much enjoyed the cultural and linguistic elements, but found the in-depth study of literature a very unbalanced way to study Spanish. I got a lot out of using my Spanish outside of the classroom, including a trip to Mexico with a church group, where I found myself acting as an interpreter. It was certainly challenging, but it was also a lot of fun. I then also volunteered to be an interpreter in the community schools and also used my Spanish to teach English to some Spanish speakers. This is probably where I learned the most! Passage 2 Have you ever heard of homeschooling It is a legal choice for parents in most countries to provide their children with a learning environment as


大学英语4 期末考试复习题 完形填空 1 Most people, young or old, don’t know how to plan a healthy diet. Some people eat too much, and some eat too___1___. Many people don’t have breakfast at all __2___ a cup of coffee, and __3___ people eat very heavy and greasy supper. According to heath experts, ___4___ very important to have a balanced diet, __5___ usually has many foods such as vegetables, fruit, eggs, milk, cereals and meat. ___6___breakfast, which starts you off on ___7__ work, you need enough food to give you enough energy. Lunch is equally important. __8___ you don’t store enough ___9___ at lunchtime for a long afternoon of work, you will easily feel ___10___. But it’s better to have a light supper, because after supper, you normally relax yourself and don’t need much energy. 1. A. less B. few C. little D. more 2. A. besides B. expert for C. in addition D. except 3. A. all B. every C. any D. most 4. A. it’s B. they’re C. he’s D. you’re 5. A. that B. what C. which D. whose 6. A. To B. For C. Of D. In 7. A. a long days B. long days C. long a day D. a long day’s 8. A. If B. Because C. As D. Unless 9. A. eggs B. lunch C. energy D. food 10. A. happy B. tired C. sad D. interested 2 In our everyday life, we often meet people who ask us for help. What should we do? Of course, helping others is a 1 . But in some cases, we will have to say “no”. For example, if 2 others want you to do is unreasonable or even 3 , you should say “no” without any hesitation. Everyone has his 4 principles of doing things, and he won’t do anything 5 to the right principle. If he did, it would do 6 but harm himself. In other cases, if the request from others is reasonable but 7 your ability, you just say “no”. Never promise others what you can’t do. If you can’t 8 you promise, you will be considered dishonest, and it will do you 9 good when dealing with other people. In a word, if you don’t want to get into 10 , then say “no” without hesitation when it is necessary. 1. A. virtu B. virtual C. virtue D. virture 2. A. that B. what C. when D. which 3. A. capable B. incapable C. legal D. illegal 4. A. own B. right C. self D. very 5. A. contract B. contrary C. contrasy D. contrast 6. A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something 7. A. beside B. beyond C. within D. without 8. A. break B. have C. keep D. make 9. A. neither B. no C. none D. not 10.A. trouble B. troubled C. troubling D. troublesome 选择题: 1. “Can you ______ what this is with your eyes shut?” “It tastes of strawberry, but I’m not sure.”


Refuting essay on “The Advantages of Homeschooling” Homeschooling is an option that is becoming more and more attractive to parents. In the article titled The Advantages of Homeschooling, the two authors argue that homeschooling is a preferable option to public school. They present several advantages of homeschooling to support this view. However, I find that opinion not so persuasive. In paragraph four, the authors state that there are multiple resources to help parents to study and teach, so we should not doubt the parents’ level of education. But is it really so easy to master those curricula? At least, there must be some homeschooling parents who have a very hard time with subjects like algebra and physics as they learned these courses many years before, or simply never learned these subjects at all. Generally, to translate instructions from a book into mastery of a subject is no easy job for many parents. So I would say the authors see the convenience of learning resources but overlook the difficulty of learning. In paragraph five, the authors mention that homeschoolers who have gone to college show greater leadership skills and stronger work ethic. Actually the authors take a portion for the whole and therefore missed something important. Colleges do recognize homeschooling as a legitimate educational mode. But it's important to remember that colleges often require certain subjects be taught in high school, plus, tests like the SATs. Kids and parents need to plan to be sure that the homeschooling experience is preparing the child to attend college or pursue the career he or she has in mind. This kind of planning takes a lot of hard work and not every family can implement it. If the kids and parents fail to realize this, the leadership skills,work ethic and moral values will be out of the question. In paragraph six, seven and eight, the authors argue that homeschoolers will not lead to social misfits. Rather, homeschoolers, owing to the meaningful contact with adults, which gives them more confidence to think and act, are more socially and emotionally adjusted than children who regularly attend schools. However, something is left out. What I want to point out here is that although errands with parents can help children learn to communicate with many kinds of people and make them socially adjusted, but this does not provide the amount of social exposure that maturing children need such as the incessant competition in future career. The regular football matches, school debates, music bands and games in school constitutemeaningful extracurricular activities, in which students enjoy both the participation and the success, and it becomes avaluable and irreplaceablepart of growing up to adults. Homeschooling with siblings provides this to an extent, but not in the same way as school environment, which is characterized by teamwork and competition. If a homeschooled student enters the workforce without truly knowing how to cooperate and compete, they will be at a disadvantage. Conclusively, t he authors’ views are lopsided and they more or less misinterpret some important facts. Although homeschooling has its advantages and is attracting many parents and children, but the parents must stay clear-minded and look before they leap.

home schooling英语作文带翻译

home schooling英语作文带翻译 家庭教育的好坏影响着孩子的一生,那么关于home schooling的英语有哪些呢?下面是第一为大家精心挑选的home schooling英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 Nowadays, teaching at home has been a hot topic. With the increasing number of high educated people have bee parents, the teaching at home trend has bee more mon. However, when it es to this matter, different people have different views. Some people think teaching at home could strengthen the parent-child contact, while others think child have better live in the munity. For me, I vote for the latter. 翻译: 如今,国内教学一直是一个热门话题。

与越来越多的高素质的人成为父母,在家教学趋势已变得更加普遍。然而,当谈到这件事,不同的人有不同的观点。有些人认为在家教学可以加强亲子接触,而另一些人则认为孩子有更好的生活在社区。 对我而言,我支持后者。 Today, many parents in China, particularly those in cities, are dissatisfied with the country’s education system. They believe the current education mode is outdated and prevents children from experiencing the joy of learning. To change the situation, they choose to have their children study at home. This phenomenon has attracted a range of mentary from experts as well as parents. Supporters of homeschooling say that today’s education system emphasizes too much on exam results to allow students to fulfill their full potential.


Have you ever heard of homeschooling? It is a legal choice for parents in most countries to provide their children with a learning environment as an 1) alternative to public or private schools outside the home. Parents cite 2) numerous reasons for homeschooling their children. The three reasons that are selected by the majority of parents in the United States are the concern about the 3) traditional school environment, the lack of religious or moral instruction, and the dissatisfaction with the4) academic instruction at public and private schools. Homeschooling may also be a factor in the choice of parenting style. Homeschooling can be a choice for families living in isolated 5) countryside or living briefly abroad. Also many young 6) athletes and actors are taught at home. Homeschoolers often7) take advantage of educational opportunities at museums, libraries, community centers, athletic clubs, after-school programs, churches, parks, and other community resources. 8) Secondary school level students may take classes at community colleges, which typically have open admission policies. Groups of homeschooling families often join up together to create homeschool co-ops. These groups typically meet once a week and provide a classroom environment. These are family centered support groups whose members seek to pool their talents and resources 9) in a collectiveeffort to broaden the scope of their children’s education. They provide a classroom environment where students can do hands-on and group learning such as performing, science experiments, art projects, foreign language study, spelling contests, discussions, etc. Parents whose children take the classes 10) serve as volunteers to keep costs low and make the program a success. Unit 2 I have never been able to understand people who don’t see the point in traveling. The common reason is that traveling is a waste of time and money. I’ve heard some are 1) scared to travel too far away. I can’t help but feel sorry particularly for those who2) perceive the experience of seeing a new place as a 100 percent 3) negative one. Telling them stories about unusual encounters doesn’t 4) result in the expected curiosity but a “Why would you wanna go there!?” It makes me 5) lose faith in humanity. Experience is the best teacher and knowledge is power. The things traveling can teach you are beautiful because you learn to trust in what you see rather than what you are told. It was Mark Twain who said, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness,” which in my mind 6) goes down as the closest to the truth about traveling. Too bad there aren’t enough people with the means to travel actually doing it. If you have the means to go abroad, you should do it despite going out of your comfort zone. You might realize why y ou loved it once you’re back home. I think traveling is also the best thing you could do if you feel 7) depressed at home, don’t know what to do with your future, your life, your partner –anything. Once you are away, 8) preferably somewhere very new and unknown, you are forced to9) adapt and meet people. This works especially if you travel alone. A new life and especially the new relationships you build, even if only for a short period of time, 10) reveal opportunities and views you never would have thought of and had otherwise.

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