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Part I Reading Comprehension (共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)

Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

The sea is the common property of all nations. It belongs equally to all. None can appropriate it exclusively to themselves, nor is it foreign to any.

This was the decision of John Marshall, chief justice of the United States from 1801 to 1835. It was stated as a fundamental rule of the sea that no one, and therefore everyone, owns the ocean. This means that outside territorial waters (the waters within three miles of

a country’s coast) the law is whatever nations agree on in peacetime and whatever the

strongest naval powers can enforce in wartime.

After the United States purchased Alaska, Americans began to seize Canadians who were hunting seals outside Alaskan territorial waters. The Americans claimed that the seals were American property because they often came in to the Alaskan shores owned by the United States. International arbitrators disagreed with this reasoning. In some cases, however, the special rights of a nation that makes use of an open-sea area are recognized.

All of the sea’s rules are established by international conferences and treaties.

1. The id ea that the sea “belongs equally to all” was established

by ________.

A) an unwritten agreement C) an international conference

B) a U.S. Supreme Court decision D) a written treaty

2. The fundamental rule of the sea means that ________.

A) any powerful nation may control the sea

B) any area of the sea belongs to the nation close to it

C) no one has exclusive rights to the open sea

D) no nation has any sea rights

3. Territorial waters are those waters that ________.

A) nations acquire through use C) border a nation’s coast

B) nations share by agreement D) belong equally to all nations

4. The Americans claimed the seals because ________.

A) the seals came to American shores

B) the sealers were in American territorial waters

C) the United States had purchased all the waters off Alaska

D) there were no regulations for sealing

5. International arbitrators decided that ________.

A) Canada had no sealing rights off Alaska

B) the Canadians could hunt the seals

C) the United States could claim the seals

D) the United States could not hunt the seals

Passage Two

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.

After-sales service and guarantee become an integral and essential part of a “good brand” on bot h local and regional levels, and the provision of such service also produces solid ground for customer loyalty.

Customer today are a lot more demanding than before. Being able to find after-sales service creates a feeling of convenience and a sense of responsibility from the manufacturer. This is very important to build customer loyalty and explains why more 24-hour hotline centers are available nowadays.

Product guarantee is also one of the major factors when a potential customer decides

to make a purchase. Whether this be in the form of a written guarantee or a guarantee based

on reputation, the importance to the consumer is self-evident. A brand’s research and development, an unavoidable investment, usually back up safety guarantees for marketers nowadays. Product testing and refinement are conducted for both new and existing products. With the help of computerized machinery, quality control has achieved the highest level than ever before to enable consistency in production. For the consumer this means a quality

of guarantee for that brand whether it be available at home or abroad.

6. After-sales services and guarantee can provide the customers with ____.

A) solid ground for loyalty C) a feeling of convenience

B) sense of responsibility D) sense of satisfaction

7. More 24-hour hotline centers appear because ____.

A) more companies have come to realize the importance of after-sales services

B) there are more customer complaints

C) it’s a new type of investment

D) more customers demand that goods be delivered

8. Product guarantee ____.

A) must be in written form

B) can be based on the company’s reputation

C) is not often provided by the companies

D) often fails to meet in reality

9. Product testing and refinement are conducted for ____.

A) only new products C) degraded products

B) quality products D) both new and existing products

10. Which is not mentioned in the introduction to product guarantee?

A) A brand’s research and development.C) Quality control.

B) Product testing and refinement. D) Product distribution.

Passage Three

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.

The golden rule your parents and your kindergarden teacher taught you was pretty simple: “Do unto others as you’d have others do unto you.” Imagine how you’d feel if you

were in the other person’s shoes. Stand up for yourself, but try not to hurt people’s feelings.

In cyberspace, we state this in an even more basic manner: Remember the human. When you communicate ele ctronically, all you see is a computer screen. You don’t have

the opportunity to use facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice to communicate your meaning; words -lonely written words -are all you’ve got. And that goes for your correspondent as well.

When you’re holding a conversation online -whether it’s an email exchange or a response to a discussion group posting -it’s easy to misinterpret your correspondent’s meaning. And it’s frighteningly easy to forget that your correspondent is a perso n with feelings more or less like your own.

It’s ironic, really. Computer networks bring people together who’d otherwise never meet. But the impersonality of the medium changes that meeting to something less personal. Humans exchanging email often behave the way some people behind the wheel of a car do:

They curse at other drivers, make dirty gestures, and generally behave like savages. Most of

them would never act that way at work or at home. But the interposition of the machine seems to make it acceptable.

11. The golden rule tells us ____.

A) one should not force others to do what he doesn’t want to do

B) one can do the same thing that others do

C) we should not fight with each other

D) we should cooperate with each other

12. In electronic communication, all one needs is ____.

A) gestures B) sounds C) words D) pens

13. One of the disadvantages of talking online is ____.

A) it makes you unable to see each other

B) you may forget the feelings that the other has

C) it does harm to your eyes

D) you cannot talk very long time

14. According to the passage, computer networks ____.

A) shorten the distance between people C) enable us to make more friends

B) make the meetings less personal D) enable us to hold meeting online

15. It can be inferred from the passage that ____.

A) having online meeting is like driving a car

B) online meeting is very effective

C) drivers are usually very rude and impolite

D) people tend to behave rudely online

Passage Four

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.

All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. The sun heats and feeds mankind. Each year it provides men with two hundred million tons of

grain and nearly ten million tons of wood.

Coal, oil, natural gas, and all other fuels are stored-up energy from the sun. Some was collected by this season’s plants as carbon compounds. Some was stored by plants and trees

ages ago.

Even waterpower derives from the sun. Water turned into vapor by the sun falls as rain.

It courses down the mountains and is converted to electric power.

Light transmits only the energy that comes from the sun’s outer layers, and much of this energy that is directed toward the earth never arrives. About nine-tenths of it is

absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth. In fact, the earth itself gets only one half-billionth

of the sun’s entire output of radiant energy.

16. The sun is the source of all of the following EXCEPT ______.

A) gasoline B) natural gas C) atomic energy D) green plants

17. Radiant energy is stored as carbon compounds by _______.

A) plants B) rain C) rock D) wind

18. The sun’s energy directly provides us with _________.

A) rain B) vapor C) light D) food

19. The largest part of the radiant energy directed toward the earth is _________.

A) stored by the current season’s plants

B) absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere

C) turned into fuel

D) used for electric power

20. Of the sun’s entire output of radiant energy, the earth receives ________.

A) one tenth

B) nine tenths

C) all that comes from the sun’s outer layers

D) a very small portion

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (共40小题,每小题1分,共40分)

Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are 4 choices

marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

21. For serious study, a sociologist should not have a ________ against any society.

A) prejudice B) campaign C) gesture D) consciousness

22. Many people are ________ with the notion that a straight A student is the most prospective

worker in career.

A) imbued B) identified C) compensated D) distinguished

23. Bill had taken ________ transferring his house into his wife’s name before the company collapsed.

A) the risk of B) refuge in C) the precaution of D) stock of

24. To improve his oral English, he was advised to practise each day for a(n) _______ of thirty minutes.

A) obligation B) minimum C) mission D) multitude

25. Kids with sole parent are _______ to psychological problems because they tend to feel inferior to their peers.

A) prone B) accustomed C) bound D) sensible

26. S ince we can’t hear you at the back of the hall, you’ll have to ______ your voice.

A) rise B) arise C) arouse D) raise

27. The team’s cooperation during the match ________ the triumph in the season.

A) owes to B) contributes to C) awakens to D) attributes to

28. Do you agree that a ban on genetically modified (GM 转基因) crops would _______ growers from adopting biotechnology on their farms?

A) prompt B) obsess C) prelude D) terrify

29. The mind is an amazing and powerful tool with ________ potential, capable of attaining levels of consciousness far beyond what many imagine.

A) countless B) numerous C) ultimate D) infinite

30. Modern civilization is the result of accumulated knowledge _________ to practical life.

A) adopted B) accepted C) applied D) approved

31. These children should be given _________ when the new day nursery is set up.

A) minority B) initiative C) priority D) prestige

32. The effects of the drought continue to affect many areas of the country and cereal (谷物) prices ________ in rural and urban markets.

A) diversify B) crash C) revive D) escalate

33. Do you think choosing and preparing for a career is of _______ importance to college students?

A) disastrous B) extreme C) excessive D) exact

34. Keeping employees focused and productive amid crisis is a difficult and sometimes impossible task when a large number of problems can _______ employees from the task at hand.

A) distract B) convert C) surpass D) shield

35. Peter got out of his car, still ________ at having spent an hour waiting for a parking place.

A)having been annoyed C) annoyed

B)to be annoyed D) annoying

36. ________, the investment in the stock market is more profitable then that of bonds and savings in the banks.

C)Before you know it C) By name

D)By origin D) In the long run

37. Her performance has by far surpassed ________ a boss may expect of a secretary.

A) that B) which C) what D) where

38. At the sight of the ____ picture, the child had a ____ look on her face.

E)mo ving … surprised C) moved … surprised

F)moving … surprising D) moved …surprising

39. Remember that you won’t be able to cancel the contract ______ you have signed it.

A) until B) once C) because D) unless

40. Only after the visitors had left _______ the opportunity of reading his e-mail messages.

G)he did have B) did he have C) had he had D) he had had

41. If the world is to remain peaceful, the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local ________.

A) precautions B) conflicts C) boundaries D) discriminations

42. It’s hard to_______ the idea that the company will go from bankrupt to profitable and prosperous before long.

A) contemplate B) qualify C) propose D) escalate

43. Both sides exchanged their views on a wide _______of issues they were interested in at the meeting.

A) context B) venture C) extent D) range

44. Anesthetics (麻醉剂) makes the patient unconscious of pain and thus gives the surgeon time to perform the operation _______.

A) skillfully B) properly C) patiently D) leisurely

45. He believed that he was _______ in a situation from which escape was out of the question.

A) initiated B) reflected C) imbued D) involved

46. The Nobel Prize winner admitted being _______ when he found that he had been awarded.

A) surpassed B) overwhelmed C) prejudiced D) simplified

47. So far as is known, the original manuscripts (手稿) of Shakespeare’s plays are no longer in _______.

A) succession B) existence C) departure D) orientation

48. They did not return to the village until they were ______ that the danger was over.

A) convinced B) alarmed C) obsessed D) precluded

49. They are very concerned about the ______ effects that violent films may have on children.

A) domestic B) desperate C) destructive D) emotional

50. _______ the enormous flow of food from the entire globe, these countries have for many years not felt any population pressure.

A) In line with B) By means of C) Thanks to D) With regard to

51. It is generally agreed that textile industry used to _______ greatly to the economy of our city.

A) attribute B) stimulate C) lead D) contribute

52. The professor is doing an important research. He doesn’t want anybody to _______ him.

A) disturb B) annoy C) disqualify D) distinguish

53. Not being able to pass his mathematics exam proved an _______ to his career.

A) obstacle B) emphasis C) extension D) experience

54. The city is planning a public _______ to awaken people to the problem of noise pollution.

A) impulse B) regulation C) administration D) campaign

55. Although he is in perfect health, he has decided to take some medicine with him on the tour as

a _______.

A) protection B) prevention C) precaution D) prediction

56. Many researchers have found that people with high achievement need persist even in the face of failure, ______ people with low need tend to give up easily.

A) whereas B) instead C) however D) thus

57. ________ he really hopes for as a birthday present is a walkman.

A) All what B) That what C) What D) That

58. The workers were sure that the factory would make some profit _______ properly.

A) they managed B) if managed C) to manage D) when managing

59. The reason why Mr. Green’s house always looks new is because they ________ every year.

A) had it painted B) have it painted C) have it paint D) had it paint

60. I have two brothers but ________ of them likes sweets.

A) both B) all C) either D) neither

Part III Cloze (共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best fits in the context. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

One of the first principles of effective communication is that a good speaker should have a single, controlling thought on which all other remarks are __61__. If a piece of merchandise (商品) __62__ unsatisfactory and you want your money refunded (退还), come __63__ and say so. If you are confused and need help from others, __64__ them know in plain words. If you appreciate the friendship of someone, make your feelings __65__. When you express your __66__ in a brief, clear core statement, you will be __67__ in two ways. First, you’ll be misunderstood less often; second, people will be more __68__ to take you seriously.

There are at least two common reasons for __69__ to make a clear core statement. The most common one is embarrassment. Many times you might be reluctant to express just what is on your mind for fear it won’t be appreciated or __70__. People often fail to complain about poor service for fear __71__ being judged “touchy.” Others fail to express appreciation or affection __72__ it might not be reciprocated (回应). Sometimes you might be reluctant to express an __73__ for fear someone would disagree. __74__ than speaking out in situations like these, the usual alternative is to send the message indirectly.

A second reason for failing to make a clear core statement is that we often don’t know ourselves what is __75__ on our minds. Precisely what __76__ you about a neighbor’s behavior? Exactly what is wrong with the merchandise you have recently bought, and what do you want to do __77__ it? Just what do you appreciate __78__ another person? What are your opinions, and __79__ did you reach them, and how do they __80__ from the other ideas you have heard expressed?

61. A) based B) fixed C) developed D) stuck

62. A) turns B) proves C) shows D) results

63. A) out B) along C) on D) round

64. A) have B) let C) make D) allow

65. A) real B) vague C) clear D) indirect

66. A) senses B) hearts C) brains D) thoughts

67. A) rewarded B) harvested C) profited D) achieved

68. A) possible B) likely C) proper D) adequate

69. A) avoiding B) expecting C) failing D) having

70. A) greeted B) admitted C) received D) accepted

71. A) in B) about C) of D) to

72. A) because B) though C) when D) unless

73. A) advice B) opinion C) explanation D) interest

74. A) Rather B) More C) Instead D) None

75. A) just B) exactly C) only D) later

76. A) worries B) confuses C) bothers D) interrupts

77. A) on B) for C) about D) at

78. A) about B) for C) to D) with

79. A) what B) why C) whether D) how

80. A) differ B) range C) change D) shift

Part IV Translation (共35分)

Section A (共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)

Directions:Translate the following sentences into Chinese. You may refer to the corresponding passages in Part I.

81. All of the sea’s rules are established by international conferences and treaties. (Passage One)

82. Customer today are a lot more demanding than before. (Paasage Two)

83. When you communicate electronically, all you see is a computer screen. (Passage Three)

84. All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. (Passage Four)

85. Coal, oil, natural gas, and all other fuels are stored-up energy from the sun. (Passage Four)

Section B (共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English.

86.尽管很忙,他每天至少花两小时上网(surf the Internet),了解这个领域的最新动态。(even though)

87.随着电子邮件的广泛应用,垃圾邮件(spam / junk email)问题已引起人们的极大关注。

(issue /problem, draw much concern)

88. 不论理由是什么,反正我喜欢流行音乐。(whatever)

89. 我已经把我的简历和附函传真给了那家公司,但尚未收到回复。(resume, cover letter, fax)

90. 她终于来到电话亭,投入硬币后便开始拨打巴黎。(finally, dial)

Part V Writing (15分)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay with the title“The Benefits of Children on Net”. You are required to write at least 120 words, following the outline given below:

1. getting a lot of information

2. communicating with other people and making friends

3. enjoy a lot of entertainment


2017年成人高考专升本英语真题及参考答案 第1卷(选择题,共125分) I.Phonetics ( 5 points) Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and iden-tify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answerby blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A. penalty B. moment C. quarrel D. absent 2. A. sympathy B. material C. courage D. analysis 3. A. starvation B. suggestion C. satisfaction D. situation 4. A. donkey B. turkey C. money D. obey 5. A. revise B. consist C. advertise D. visit Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure ( 15 points ) Directions : There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. Jonathan and Joe left the house to go for__ after supper. A. walk B. the walk C. wallks D. a walk 7. He pointed at the new car and asked, "___ is it? Have you ever seen it before?" A. Why B. Where C. Who D. Whose


英语基础模块一期末考试卷 (考试时间:120分钟满分:120分) 姓名:___________ 班级:___________ 得分:_________ 一.单词过关我能行: (20*1=20分) 1.超市_________ __________3.提供_____________ .信息 7.咖啡_________ .服务员___________ 10. form________11.爱好____________12. guest____________ 13.欢迎_________14. customer_________15.邮票____________ ________17.音乐___________18. translation________ 19.国际象棋 二.短语翻译我最棒: (10*2=20分) 1.向....学习________________ to do 3.对...感兴趣______________ computer games__________ 5.放风筝stamps__________________ 7.一杯果汁ready for___________________ 9.向B介绍good at doing 三.单项选择: (20*1=20分) ( )1. What_____you like for breakfast A. may B. will C. would D. can ( )2. What do you like to eat A.juice B. dishes C. soup D. tea ( )3. He likes the book but it_____ too much. A. pays B. costs C. takes D. spends ( )4. There_____five sheep in the field. A. be B. is C. are D. been ( )5. They won't go to the Great Wall if it _____tomorrow. A.rain B. raining C. rains D. will rain ( )6. Miss Li is one of ______in our school. A. a popular teacher B. more popular teacher C. most popular teacher D. the most popular teachers ( )7. You can borrow all kinds of books from the_______. A. library B. classroom C. canteen D. office ( )8. He doesn't have much money. He is only a____ of the company. A. manager B. general engineer C. director(导演) D. cleck ( )9. ______your umbrella, or you will be wet in the rain. A. Talk B. Talked C. Take D. Took ( )10. When traffic lights are red, we_____ stop and wait. A. may B. can C. must D. might ( )11. Jeff_______ football and knows a lot about it. A. is interested on B. is interested in C. is interesting about D. is intesting with


从2001至今,普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习(普通专升本)考试只考两门课程,一是公共英语课程,二是专业基础课程;公共英语课程是所有非英语专业的必考课程。满分150分,可见公共英语在专升本考试中的重要性。为了帮应试学生更好地整体把握考试,给出历年真题的题型及分值统计分析表。 2003-2010专升本公共英语真题题型及分值表 从该表看出,自2006年开始,词汇语法、阅读理解、完形填空、作文都是每年必考的固定题型,并且分值不变。翻译也是每年必考的题型,从2003-2009年每年20分(英译汉10分,汉译英10分),但2010年翻译部分增加了10分的英汉对话翻译。词性转换自2005-2009年每年10分,但2010年取消该题型。每年固定不变的题型有词汇语法、阅读理解、完形填空、翻译、作文;可变化的题型有词性转换、补全对话、辨识错误和英汉对话翻译,预测这几种题型会任选一个,分值10分。 2003-2010年专升本公共英语词汇与语法测试试题分值表 从表中看出,直接考察语法和词汇知识分值有70分,占了总分值的近1/2。从2006年开始,在40分的语法词汇部分,语法占的比重大,如2006年,语法:词汇是38:2;2007年,语法:词汇是30:10;2008年,语法:词汇是22:18;2009年,语法:词汇是19:21; 2010年,语法:词汇是30:10。而阅读、翻译及写作部分,依然是考核语法词汇基本知识的,

所以学好语法词汇是考好专升本英语的关键。 考什么?学什么? 河南省教育厅学生处“专升本”考试的要求指出:“英语考试要求为大学英语考试三至四级水平”。短短的几句话,包含了英语考试的全部内容,但我们考生很多时候却并不明白:到底要考什么? Example 1:P52,03,36 Lynda and hundreds of young people like him____ the post of typist. 第A approach(方法,靠近,走近)B applied for C appealed to(吸引,恳求,上诉)D approved of (赞成) 题干研究: 1 考查词汇:Q1: like; post; typist.熟词生意。 Post no bills.禁止张贴。Post position of paid employment.职位。 2 考查语法:Q2: Lynda and hundreds of young people like him 并列平行结构。并列连词所连接的并列成分应当在结构和功能上保持一致,这就是并列平行结构,该语法知识点时常考到。 历年真题再现:直接考的有词汇结构题中的04,P98,24; 间接考的有:05,P85,阅读中4中句子A growing number of unemployed Americans waste time browsing the estimated 4,000 to 5,000 online job sites, filling them with resum es and then waiting for replies. 在这样一个句子中,并列平行结构这一语法知识对于句子的正确理解起到了绝对重要的作用。 选项研究: A approach(方法,靠近,走近) B applied for C appealed to(吸引,恳求,上诉) D approved of (赞成) 选项考查到:1 形近词;2 词义及语境,在此语境下只能选用某一选项。另外appeal t o 在同一份试卷的第49页阅读3中出现。 综合本题,其主要考查词汇的,考查形近词在特定语境下的区别。但间接的考到了上述的其他知识。如果不能正确理解上述相关知识,不可能理解本句的意义,也就不可能正确地根据句义选出正确的答案。同时,需要提醒的是,在本题中间接考到的相关知识点在另外的题目中就可能直接考到,真题已经说明了这一点。因此,教师要做到举一反三,同学也要做


Ⅰ从下列各组ABCD四个选项中,选出划线部分读音不同的选项。(5×1=5分)()1. A. with B. thank C. three D. both ()2. A. day B. today C. Monday D. windy ()3. A. cake B. nice C. come D. clean ()4. A. watch B. school C. much D. China ()5. A. bread B. sea C. leave D. meat Ⅱ单项选择题。(1×15=15分) 1. Apples and milk on sale in this supermarket. A. There are B. There is C. There isn't 2. Where I buy phone cards? A. does B. can C. am 3. A: John clean the meeting room? B:No, I’m sorry. He . A. Can; can B. Can't; can C. Can; can't 4. Nice to meet you. Here my name card. A. am B. is C. are 5. A: Where they come from? B: They from London, England. A. are; are B. does; are C. do; are 6. Three of study in vocational school. A. them B. they C. their 7. A: Who ? B: Mary and Carmen.


闽教版小学英语六年级毕业班英语测试卷 班级:姓名: Ⅰ. 写出与下列字母相邻的两个字母(写出大小写并注意书写格式)。4分 Ee Ii Mm Vv Ⅱ. 从右栏中选择正确的翻译,并将序号写在题前的括号里。 10分 (A) ()1.go swimming A. 在秋天 ()2.a red sweater B. 吃早餐 ()3.turn on the TV C. 去游泳 ()4.in fall D. 一件红色的毛衣 ()5.have breakfast E. 开电视 (B) ()1.下雨天 A.play basketball ()2. 起床 B.on Sunday ()3. 打篮球 C. get up ()4. 在星期日 D. on duty ()5. 值日 E. a rainy day Ⅲ. 情景问答,从右栏中选择合适的答语,并将序号写在题前的括号里。8分 (A) ()1. Can you run? A. I like apples. ()2. Happy birthday! B. I’m from China. ()3. What do you like? C. Thank you. ()4. Where are you from? D. Yes, I can. (B) ()1. What are they doing? A. It’s eighty yuan. ()2. How is the weather today? B. My name is Sally. ()3. How much is it? C. It’s a sunny day. ()4. What’s your name? D. They are running. Ⅳ. 给下列图片选择正确的单词、词组或句子,并将序号写在相应图片下的括号里。 5分 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )



英语公共课预测试题 弘博教育专升本第二轮模拟考试 英语试题 (考试时间:105分钟) 注意:所有答案都要写在答题纸上。 Part I Listening Comprehension(20Points,15minutes)(Omitted) Part II Vocabulary and Structure Directions: In this part there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 21There is miserable news that very few people ______the earthquake. A. recovered B. survived C. existed D. discovered 22. ______your book, and do this work first. You may read it later. A. put out B. put away C. put up D. put on 23. Would you like to come to see a film with me tonight? I’d love to, ______I didn’t finish my homework ye t. A. and B. so C. as D. but 24. Many companies are seeking to exploit and develop the rich natural______in western regions. A. sources B. resources C. materials D. power 25. Many students will watch TV only to ______ time during the summer vacation. A. spend B. waste C. enjoy D. kill 26. When I try to understand ______that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes.


英语试题( 基础模块上9-11单元) 姓名____________ 一. 单词拼写: 1.驾驶 2.ancient 3. 友谊 4.funny 5.道歉 6.pardon 7.意思8.smart 9.拖、拉 10.story 11.足,英尺12. beside 13.精神,情绪14. once 15. 原谅 二. 短语翻译: 1.顺便问一下 2.in anger 3.在......起作用 4.make friends 5.听--- 6.get on with 7.尽快地8.lose one’s temper 9..擅长10.keep silent 三.用所给汉语完成句子。 1.We __________(渴望)Learn English well. 2.I am ___________(寻找) my homework___________(尽快) 3.Tom born in Dalian _________(擅长)swimming 4.Even if he was Very tired he didn’t__________(放弃) 5.We are still students now. We have to (依靠)our parents. 四.介词填空。 1.We often go to America __________air

2.My pen is just the same __________yours 3.This song reminds me _________my home town 4.None of the student agree __________you 5.I went to park ____________my parents last weekend 五、完形填空。 One day after ___1___ for a long time, I wanted to have a rest. So I ___2__my car at one side of a road. I ___3__my eyes and covered a newspaper on my face. When I was almost ___4___,someone knocked at my car window. I opened my eyes and saw an old lady.”___5___,but can you tell me the way to the post office?” I told her the way, and then went on sleeping. A few minutes ___6___,another person knocked at my car window, asking ___7___question. I had to tell him the way. I thought that ___8___I could not have a sleep. So I put a piece of paper on the car window, ___9____says, “I don’t know the way to the post office,” I believed that no one would knock at my window. But to my ___10__, only a few minutes later, the third man came, “I think I can tell you the way to the post office.” ( ) 1.A. sleeping B. driving C. walking D. reading ( )2.A. stopped B. brought C. took D. carried ( )3.A. opened B turned off C closed D turned on ( ) 4.A. sleep B. Sleeping C. asleep D. slept ( )5. A. Hello B. How do you do C .How are you D.Excuse me ( ) 6.A. before B. ago C. after D. later ( ) 7.A. the same B. same C. a same D. an some ( ) 8.A. in this way B. on that way C. by the way D. on my way ( ) 9.A. what B. which C. that D. / ( ) 10.A. pleasure B. surprise C. pleased D. surprised 六.阅读理解


高中毕业班摸底测试试题(英语) 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。第Ⅰ卷(选择题)第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1.答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。 2.答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。 3.答非选择题时,必须使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。 4.所有题目必须在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上答题无效。 5.考试结束后,只将答题卡交回。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共100分) 第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分) 第一节语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在机读卡上将该项涂黑。 1.—Shall we watch a film tonight, darling? —_____ .We haven't been to the cinema for weeks. A.You are nice B.Thank you C.Sounds great D.Never mind 2.Do you think _____ possible to master a foreign language without any memory work? A.it B.this C.that D.how 3.Dear passengers, please remain _____ until the bus totally stops. A.seat B.seated C.seating D.to be seated 4.______ by "is impressive performance, Peter will probably be accepted by a key university A.To judge B.Being judged C.Judged D.Judging 5.Overeating and lack of regular exercise easily _____ overweight and high blood pressure. A.result from B.live with C.consist of D.contribute to 6.The 12th Five-Year Plan ()said a system _____ to protect people's secrets on line. A.would be developed B.has been developed C.was developed D.had been developed 7.Tony eventually realized his childhood dream _____ he could play on one of the top teams.A.when B.that C.of which D.where 8.Talk Show is becoming more and more ______ among some actors, who make full use of various topics to reflect the changing society. A.average B.popular C.usual D.ordinary 9.—Our journey cost a lot of money. —Really? Well, that doesn't matter _____ you enjoyed yourselves. A.as far as B.unless C.as long as D.in case 10.There is coffee and tea; you can have_____.


一时态和语态:16种表现形式 一、一般现在时(do/does;am/is/are) 考点如下: 1.时间状语: 2.表示客观事实,永恒真理和规律。 必考点1:3.(主将从现)在时间和条件状语从句中,从句中的谓语动词用一般现在时表示一般将来时。 考法:If you pass the spoken English test,you will get a chance to go abroad. 解析:考试一般都会给出时间/条件连词,且从句中的时态,让考生们选择主句中的时态。 注意1:如果从句中的时态是do/does,那么主句中是will do/shall do/be going to do/be about to do/be to do.(be动词为am/is/are;这里will do出现的考点频率最高)注意2:如果从句中的时态是did,那么主句中是would do/shouldl do/be going to do/be about to do/be to do.(be动词为was/were;这里would/should do出现的考点频率最高) 2.He_______as soon as he finishes his homework. A.goes to bed B.will goes to bed C.went to bed D.will go to bed 主将从现例题:用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.If he_______(study)harder,he will catch up with us soon. 2.Frank_______(see)a film if he’s free next Saturday. 3.We won’t go to the park if it________(rain)tomorrow. 注意3:主句中暗含一般将来时,从句中仍然用一般现在时(do/does): 1.the new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she______ a.will arrive b.arrives c.is arriving d.is going to arrive


2010级高职英语第一单元试卷 班级: 姓名: 座号: 一.选出划线部分读音不同的选项。(10分) 1.( ) A. food B. cool C. book D. zoo 2.( ) A. also B. talk C. walk D. call 3.( ) A. with B. thank C. three D. both 4.( ) A. bread B. sea C. leave D. meat 5.( ) A. cake B. nice C. come D. clean 6.。 7.( ) A. works B. bags C. workers D. names 8.( ) A. why B. where C. what D. who 9.( ) A. milk B. time C. fish D. in 10.( ) A. mother B. come C. on D. color 11.( ) A. watch B. school C. much D. China 二. 介词填空(5分) 1. Who’s the boy _______red hair 2. The child stands _______ the left of the girl. ( 3. Jim is popular __________ his friends. 4. Many students play football _________class every day. 5. My bedroom is _______the second floor. 三. 单项选择(15分) ( ) Excuse me, is this your gold ring --- Yes, ___________. A. is it B. it’s C. it is D. it isn’t ( ) is my sister. name is Linda. A. My B. His C. Its D. Her ! ( )3. __________ is a girl, __________ name is Jill. A. Her, she B. He, his C. She, her D. I, my ( ) What’s this in English --- ________________. A. Yes, it’s a watch. B. It’s my watch C. It’s a watch D. No, it’s a watch. ( )5. Jim isn’t _______ Japanese boy. He’s _______ English boy. A. a, a B. an, a C. a, an D. an, an ( )6. ______ favorite food is rice. … A. His B. He C. Him D. She ( )7. One of my friends _______from England. A. come B. are C. is D. be ( )8. There _____ a pear, two bananas and three apples on the table. A. am B. are C. be D. is ( )9. My father often enjoys _____ to classical music after work. A. listens B. to listen C. listened D. listening ( ) 10. Thanks _______your help. A. at B. for C. in D. of ( )11. What’s this ____Japanese > A. of B. to C. in D. at ( )12. .______ are good friends. A. Me and Tom B. Tom and me C. Tom and I D. I and Tom ( )13. ____ name is Ann. What’s ____ name A. She, you B. Her, your C. Her, you D. She, your ( )14. ---How do you do ---_____. A. How old are you B. Fine, thanks. C. How are you D. How do you do - ( )15. _____ are her _____. A. This, brother B. these, brothers C. These, brother D. These, brothers 四. 完形填空(10分)


升本英语练习机密☆启用前 2005年福建省高职高专升本科入学考试 《基础英语》试题 (考试时间120分钟,满分150分) 答题说明:(1)选择题部分的答案请写在答题卡上相应字母的中间划横线。 (2)主观题的答案写在主观答题纸上相应的位置 注意:答案写在试卷上一律不给分。 I.Vocabulary and Structure(40point ,1for each) 1.It is easy to ______one state of matter from another. A) differ B) vary C) distinguish D) change 2.Not once _________ his view of life. A) did the gentleman mention B) has mentioned the gentleman C) the gentleman mention D) the gentleman mentioned 3.We discuss the matter _______ tea and cakes. A) over B) with C) by D) at 4.It wasn’t such a good dinner ______ she had promised us. A) that B) which C) as D) what 5.It was essential that the application forms _____ back before the deadline. A) must be sent B) would be sent C) be sent D) were went 6.The reason _______ I went to take that class is ______ the professor is supposed to be very good. A) why, for B) why, so C) why, that D) that, because 7.________ this awareness, attitudes towards dream are changing. A) As a matter of fact B) In effect C) Instead of D) As a result of 8.The machine can’t be made perfect overnight; in fact, it should be improved ________. A) one after another B) right away C) by turn D) step by step


英语基础模块一期末考试卷 (考试时间: 120 分钟满分:120分) 姓名 :___________班级:___________得分:_________ 一.单词过关我能行 : (20*1=20 分) 1.超市 _________ 2.different __________3提.供 _____________ 4.poster________5信.息 ______________6.baseball__________ 7.咖啡 _________ 8.salad_____________9服.务员 ___________ 10. form________11.爱好 ____________12. guest____________ 1 3.欢迎 _________1 4. customer_________15邮.票 ____________ 16.collect ________17.音乐 ___________18. translation________ 19.国际象棋 ___________20.welcome__________ 二.短语翻译我最棒 : (10*2=20 分) 1.向....学习 ________________ 2.need to do sth.______________ 3.对...感兴趣 ______________ 4.play computer games__________ 5.放风筝 __________________ 6.collect stamps__________________ 7.一杯果汁 ________________ 8.get ready for___________________ 9.向 B 介绍 A______________10.be good at doing sth.___________三.单项选择 : (20*1=20 分) ( )1. What_____you like for breakfast? A. may B. will C. would D. can ( )2. What do you like to eat ?A. juice B. dishes C. soup D. tea ( )3. He likes the book but it_____ too much. A. pays B. costs C. takes D. spends ( )4. There_____five sheep in the field. A. be B. is C. are D. been ( )5. They won't go to the Great Wall if it _____tomorrow. A. rain B. raining C. rains D. will rain ( )6. Miss Li is one of ______in our school. A. a popular teacher B. more popular teacher C. most popular teacher D. the most popular teachers ( )7. You can borrow all kinds of books from the_______. A. library B. classroom C. canteen D. office ( )8. He doesn't have much money. He is only a____ of the comp A. manager B. general engineer C. director(导演 ) D. clec ( )9. ______your umbrella, or you will be wet in the rain. A. Talk B. Talked C. Take D. Took ( )10. When traffic lights are red, we_____ stop and wait. A. may B. can C. must D. might ( )11. Jeff_______ football and knows a lot about it. A. is interested on B. is interested in C. is interesting about D. is intesting with

2021年高中毕业班第二次模拟检测英语试题 含答案

本试卷共8页,满分135分。考试用时120分钟 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔,将自己所在县(市、区)、姓名、试室号、座位号填写在答题卷上对应位置,再用2B铅笔将准考证号涂黑. 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卷上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,答案不能写在试卷或草稿纸上. 3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卷各题目指定区域内相应的位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再在答题区内写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液.不按以上要求作答的答案无效. I、语言知识及运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:完型填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Teenage years can be confusing for both teenagers and parents. At about 15, many teens start thinking about how they feel about themselves and 1 out how this matches or mismatches what others think of them. Most teens work through this 2 by the age of 16 or 17. Often teenagers are treated like 3 bigger children, but they will never bee 4 and responsible if they are not allowed to make some


英语公共课预测试题 弘博教育专升本第二轮模拟考试 英语试题 (考试时间:105分钟) 注意:所有答案都要写在答题纸上。 Part I Listening Comprehension(20Points,15minutes)(Omitted) Part II Vocabulary and Structure Directions: In this part there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 21There is miserable news that very few people ______the earthquake. A. recovered B. survived C. existed D. discovered 22. ______your book, and do this work first. You may read it later. A. put out B. put away C. put up D. put on 23. Would you like to come to see a film with me tonight? I’d love to, ______I didn’t finish my homework yet. A. and B. so C. as D. but 24. Many companies are seeking to exploit and develop the rich natural______in western regions. A. sources B. resources C. materials D. power 25. Many students will watch TV only to ______ time during the summer vacation. A. spend B. waste C. enjoy D. kill 26. When I try to understand ______that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes. A. why it does B.what it does C.what it is D.why it is 27. I'm sure he is up to the job ______ he would give his mind to it.

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