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Present and Future Bounds on Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions

Present and Future Bounds on Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions
Present and Future Bounds on Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions

英语作文:我的未来My Future

英语作文:我的未来My Future 导语:你有想过未来吗?下面是yuwenmi小编为备考的同学准备的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 我的未来My Future I think I will be a teacher in the future, because I like to stay with children. I'll live in shanghai because I went to shanghai last summer and fell in love with it. I think it's really a beautiful city. As a teacher, I’ll try my best to teach my students well and tell them how to be a useful person. In my free time, I’ll listen to music, pop songs and go shopping with my friends, Sometimes I'll keep pets-maybe a colorful bird. It makes me happy. During the summer holiday, I’ll go to Italy on vacation. I hear that it's a great place to have fun. 我觉得将来我会成为一名教师,因为我喜欢和孩子们待在一起。我会住在上海,因为我去年夏天去上海的时候就爱上了它。我真的觉得那是一个美丽的城市。作为一名老师,我会尽力教好我的学生并告诉他们如何做一个有用的人。在我的空闲时间,我会听音乐,流行歌曲,和我的朋友去购物,

励志的短篇英文演讲稿-Never, Never Give Up

励志的短篇英文演讲稿:Never, Never Give Up 本文是关于励志的短篇英文演讲稿:Never, Never Give Up,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 励志短篇演讲稿:Never, Never Give Up we often hear people say, “never give up.” these can be encouraging words and words of determination. a person who believes in them will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails. in my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have. therefore, i believe that we should never give up. one reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything. it is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again. besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow as people. another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort. if we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted. finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives. if we never challenge ourselves, we will begin to doubt our abilities. in short, it is important that we do not give up when working for our goals. whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to become better, more confident people. furthermore, if we give up, we have non chance of attaining our goals, but if we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day.


竜崎桜乃 加入方法:队中有千石或葵时游玩,发生事件「かわいい女の子み~っけ」后可选。 ·橘杏 加入方法:1.队长是幸村以外的人,队员在两人以上时游玩,发生事件「ストリートの悪魔」,挑战街头网球,胜利后可选。 2.队中有千石或葵时游玩,发生事件「かわいい女の子み~っけ」后可选。 ·滝萩之介 加入方法:队长是凤且队中有宍戸时,邀宍戸进行特别练习中的“シングルス練習”,比赛后,发生事件「宍戸ふたたび!」,之后可选。 ·榊太郎 加入方法:队中有冰帝的成员时,连续游玩8周,发生事件「榊登場」后可选。 ·木更津亮 加入方法:选手视察时找木更津淳,发生事件「取り替えられた双子」后加入。 ·福士ミチル 加入方法:队员在两人以上时游玩,发生事件「選手の後ろ姿」,追上他后可选(未必每次都追的上,若失败则训练下降)。 ·幸村精市 加入方法:队长是立海大成员、南次郎、榊以外的人,并且队中有立海大的成员,在総合チーム力70%以上、练习比赛获胜的情况下去游玩(快餐店),发生事件「立海大部長」后可选。·越前南次郎 加入方法:队中某人全能力S时,发生事件「限界」,之后选特别练习,突破界限,在突破界限的状态下去游玩,发生事件「南次郎登場」,用突破界限的队员打赢他后可选。 长发穴户:在滝萩之介是领队的情况下,穴户在队后通关,然后出现 金发橘:获得古伤后会发生离队去九州事件,回来后能力都提升2,样子改变 觉醒100%习得方法 首先要让你想学得觉醒的人达到界限!!然后帮助他克服界限,下一周游玩遇到南次郎,输给他学得压破,然后用S/L大法游玩再次遇到南次郎,在LV的情况下击败他就会学得觉醒了(不需要用必杀打败他) 其实后来再遇到他几率是很高的 5种习得觉醒的方法~~ 1:队员得到古伤后会去九州10周(有的人要10周以上)回来所有能力提升2且获得觉醒。2:突破界限后游出中碰到南次郎先输给他习得气魄,第2次遇到以气力LV5击败获得觉醒。3:总友情70%左右,特定人的一些能力达到SS后就有几率获得,如切原技术SS就能随机获得觉醒。 4:国光去九州后,出游随机在市街碰到切原,与他对战3局,且要切原出危险必杀,将其打败后获得觉醒。(与之对战的是领导人,所以只限领导人) 5:使用越前南次郎当领导人,在最后10周后一直出游,那么就能随机在第三次(也就是第13周)出游队员获得觉醒。 古伤的获得方法: 1:随机获得完全运气 2:出现在桃城与神尾的地方,获胜后得到但获得古伤的都是领导人 3:当你的训练项目的等级提升时,比如提升到LV2时,随机获得

八年级优秀英语作文my future

八年级优秀英语作文my future 从我的能力倾向及人格特质来判断,我理想的生活方式将是担任一名科学家,从事研究讲学以及著作。 由于我来自农家,尤其喜欢亲近土地。 如果我有经济能力在乡下过着田园生活,我会深感福佑。 至于社交生活,「单纯」是我所要追求的,所以我确实不需要太多的朋友。 如果我现在懒散,这一切都将流于空谈;要达成目标,我必须重视锻炼自己的身心。 这是一个高度竞争的社会,人人都渴望拔得头筹。 那不但是一场体力和脑力的竞争,也是耐心、信心和毅力的马拉松。 人生并不全是美好的事,但以我目前得自这所精英聚集的学校的顶尖老师所施的教化,我必定有个光明的前程。 首先,我必须要有一个健康的身体保证我能工作或做别的事情。 我十分赞同“身体是革命的本钱这一说法。 此外,我也会和我的妻子和孩子组建一个和谐美满的家庭,我是家里的支柱。 我要为他们努力工作,所以一份好的工作也是必不可少的。 我想成为一名工程师,这挣得比较多。 我也要赡养我和我妻子的父母,从这点来看,一份好的工作就显

得十分重要了。 但是,我仍然希望我闲暇空余的时间,去旅旅游或者做我想做的事。 简单来说,我想要的未来就和家人一起过平淡富足的日子。 学生英语作文my futureI think I will be a teacher in the future, because I like to stay with children. I'll live in shanghai because I went to shanghai last summer and fell in love with it. I think it's really a beautiful city. As a teacher, I’ll try my best to teach my students well and tell them how to be a useful person. In my free time, I’ll listen to music, pop songs and go shopping with my friends, Sometimes I'll keep pets-maybe a colorful bird. It makes me happy. During the summer holiday, I’ll go to Italy on vacation. I hear that it's a great place to have fun.我觉得将来我会成为一名教师,因为我喜欢和孩子们待在一起。 我会住在上海,因为我去年夏天去上海的时候就爱上了它。 我真的觉得那是一个美丽的城市。 作为一名老师,我会尽力教好我的学生并告诉他们如何做一个有用的人。 在我的空闲时间,我会听音乐,流行歌曲,和我的朋友去购物,有时候我会养宠物,也许会是一只色彩鲜艳的鸟。 它能让我开心。 暑假的时候我会去意大利度假。

一分钟励志英语演讲稿带翻译 英语口语演讲小短文精选

一分钟励志英语演讲稿带翻译英语口语演讲小短文 精选 励志的演讲稿能够让我们更好地积极面对生活,下面小编为大家整理了一些英语励志演讲稿,供参考! ? ?一分钟励志英语演讲稿范文带翻译You are Absolutely Unique ?Enjoy that uniquenesss1. You do not have to pretend in order to seem more ?like someone else. You do not have to lie to hide the parts of you that are not ?like what you see in anyone else. ?You were meant to be different. Nowhere, in all of history, will the same ?things be going on in anyone’s mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yours ?right now. ?If you did not exist, there would be a hole in creation, a gap2 in history, ?and something missing from the plan for humankind. Treasure your uniqueness. It ?is a gift given only to you. Enjoy it and share it! ?No one can reach out to others in the same way that you can. No one can ?speak your words. No one can convey your meanings. No one can comfort others with your kind of comfort. No one can bring your kind of understanding to ?another person. No one can be cheerful and light-hearted3 and joyous4 in your way. No one can smile your smile. No one else can bring the whole unique impact ?of you to another human being.


幸村精市 人物简介 幸村是日本集英社旗下的人气漫画《网球王子》人物“幸村精市”的姓氏。 在日本文化中,呼姓氏比较尊敬,在网球王子中人们多呼幸村精市为“幸村”。 在中学网球界最强军团立海大里带头领军的社长兼教练,竟是名出人意料的纤细少年。但从真田副社长所说的“即使少了你,我们也要称霸全国给你看”这句话,可见其实力也是立海大的骨干。 几乎无可质疑的,真田在日本中学界有着第一的名称,然而幸村则有着日本第一的称谓(在幸村第一次出场的医院中,几名小孩子“日本第一”叫着)。 幸村、真田已经连续两年带领立海大获得全国优胜,今年病情治愈後回归,对于立海的战力又是一大提升,在已完结的剧情中,幸村以4:6败给越前龙马,立海大败北。 幸村精市 (ゆきむらせいいち,Yukimura Seiichi) 立海大附属国中网球社社长 声优: 永井幸子 Nagai Sachiko 外号:神之子 年级:3年C组21番 生日:3月5日 星座:双鱼座 身高:175cm 体重:61kg 血型:A 惯用手:右手 家庭成员 祖母、父、母、妹妹 父亲的职业:广告代理商会社员 诞生花:矢车菊(德国国花哦!) 绿菟葵 花语:矢车菊(女):幸福,象征体贴宽厚的性格 是个浪漫主义者,在恋爱方面相当专一 眼前似乎是把社员全当成恋人看待…… 绿菟葵(男):锐利

四世纪殉教的巴勒斯坦的圣艾德里安之花 凡是受到这种花祝福而生的人,智能又冷静,是最恰当的商讨对象 (两种花恰好反映了在网球场内外幸村两种不同的性格) 人生态度 座右铭:没有经历严冬就不能体会春天的温暖(另一意:不经一番寒彻骨焉得梅花扑鼻香) 委员会:美术委员 得意科目:英语、数学、美术 苦手科目:化学(药品的气味让人想起了医院的原因……) 在学校经常去的地方:学校的花园和屋顶庭院 出身小学校:南湘南小学校 兴趣:园艺 零花钱用途:园艺用具和书 有爱的事物 喜欢的食物:烤鱼 喜欢的电影:ゴダールの映画 喜欢的书:诗集(特别是法国的) 喜欢的音乐:勃拉姆斯第四交响乐 喜欢的颜色:水蓝 喜欢的类型:健康的人 想去的约会地点:美术馆(现在正好是印象派画展呢) 与真田的关系:曾在生病住院时感到绝望,而真田则给了他铁拳的制裁,幸村因而受到鼓舞努力配合治疗。与真田似乎是是最知心的朋友。 现在最想要的东西:雷诺阿的画集 每天要做的事:给种的植物浇水,Image Training 讨厌的事情:背地说别人坏话 网球之外的拿手好戏:水彩画,对动植物详细的知识 打球方式:全面 得意技:Yips(灭五感,剥夺触觉、视觉、听觉,从而使对手精神崩溃,全国大赛和越前的比赛中出现)、无我境界(真田在关东决赛对越前的比赛里提到过) 幸村领域 所谓“幸村领域”其实是手冢魅影(所谓的手冢领域是利用球的旋转将球吸引到自己身边,而幸村领域则是将打到自己这一方的球排斥出界外);“秘球”到现在为止还没有出现


Special occasions Wedding Birthday traditional Chinese wedding Churching wedding Bride/bridegroom/bridesmaid/groomsman Bride/bridegroom/bridesmaid/groomsman Traditional Chinese wedding 1. How to prepare before the wedding ceremony for the bride and bridegroom? Buy wedding rings. Buy or hire wedding dress and wedding suit Order a big bunch of flowers\ book the hotel for relatives and friends far away Send out invitation To choose a lucky day Decide where to have the honeymoon 2. During the wedding ceremony: 1.The bridegroom goes to the bride's house to welcome her. There are so many ways to escort the bride. 2.Set off fireworks and firecrackers 3.Colorful ribbons are thrown all over the bride and bridegroom 4.Bow to Heaven and Earth 5.Have a big wedding banquet. 3. On the wedding banquet: The relatives and friends will give them best wishes for example: A harmonious union lasting a hundred years Double happiness Early birth of a healthy baby Ever-lasting love A churching wedding 1.In church 2.Wedding march: When the wedding march begins, the bride is coming with her father . 3.Ceremony:The bride in a wedding dress, the groom in a swallow-tailed coat The priest hosts the ceremony 4.Wedding rings:The bride and bride groom exchange their wedding rings and vows

My Future 英语作文

My Future Everyone has the future, also include me, I also have a dream, I will have a lot of change in the future, for example, my looks, my work, my hobbies, and so on, there will be change. I think I will have a long brown hair, I will be fatter than now, and I will higher than now, this is not I can decide. But I want to be a host. However, I would like to be an English teacher, because I like children, they are clever and lovely, and I can help children open their eyes in the world and I believe I can give them a good start. So I must learn English well, I can easier to get the job in the future, I will probably won't be famous. As for my hobbies, I would very much like to drawing cartoon characters and reading magazines. But in the future, I'll be more like skating and singing songs, because they are exciting and interesting, they can keep me healthy。 I hope my future plan will come true, they are very wonderful, isn't it? 我的未来 每个人都有未来,也包括我,我也有一个梦,我在将来会有很多的改变,例如,我的长相,我的工作,我的爱好,等等,都会有改变。 我认为我将会有棕色的长头发,我将会比现在胖一点,并且我会比现在高,这都不是我能决定的。但是我想成为一名主持人。然而,我更想成为的是一名英语教师,因为我喜欢孩子,他们又聪明又可爱,而且我可以帮助孩子们打开他们的眼界在世界和我相信我可以给他们一个好的开端。所以我必须学好英语,我才可以更容易得到这份工作在将来,我将可能不会有名。 至于我的爱好,现在我非常喜欢画漫画人物和读杂志。可是在将来,我会更喜欢滑冰和唱歌,因为它们又是刺激的又有趣,他们还能使我保持健康。 我希望我的未来计划能够成真,它们都很精彩的,难道不是吗?


英语励志演讲稿范文(一) ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. first i want to ask you some questions: 1、do you know what is youth? 2、how do you master your youth? youth youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years . we grow old by deserting our ideals. years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust . whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living . in the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young . when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80. thank you! 英语演讲稿开头 尊敬的评委,尊贵的来宾,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!能够站在这里进行演说,我感到十分荣幸。今天我将和大家一起分享……honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,good evening!I feel really honored to stand here and make a speech.today I'm going to look together with you into this question:…… I love English--英语演讲稿As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed. But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese...


My favorite computer game 1、What my favorite computer games is I’ve been interested in computer games for … years. I prefer “Seer”to other kinds of games. I began to play it when I was in Grade Three. I will experience the adventure in the computer game. I usually play computer games twice a week. Seer is a kind of space science fiction game. I think it is the most exciting game I’ve played so far because there are many levels and I can experience the exploration of space in the Seer spaceship in the game. 反问:Do you like playing computer games? 2、Who I played computer games with last weekend Last weekend, I played computer games with my friend Lucy at home. I prefer playing with her because we have a lot of fun together. She’s a very nice girl. She has never been angry with me. When I made a mistake in playing games she would help me. We had a good time last week. I will play computer games with her when we have time. 问:Did you play any interesting computer games with your friend? 3、What my parents think of playing computer games


My Future Everyone has the future, also including me. I also have a dream. I will have a lot of changes in the future, such as my looks, my job, my hobbies, and so on. I think I will have long brown hair and I will be fatter than now, and I will taller than now, this is not I can decide. But I want to be a host. However, I would like to be an English teacher, because I like children, they are clever and lovely, and I can help children open their eyes in the world and I believe I can give them a good start. So I must learn English well, I can easier to get the job in the future, I will probably won't be famous. As for my hobbies, I would very much like to drawing cartoon characters and reading magazines. But in the future, I'll be more like skating and singing songs, because they are exciting


篇一:英语励志演讲稿范文 英语励志演讲稿范文(一) ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i‘m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is ―youth‖. i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. first i want to ask you some questions: 1、do you know what is youth? 2、how do you master your youth? youth youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years . we grow old by deserting our ideals. years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust . whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ?s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what‘s next and the joy of the game of living . in the center of your heart and my heart there‘s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young . when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80. thank you! 英语励志演讲稿范文(二) good evening , ladies and gentlemen . i am joy and glad to give you a speech about stress , yes , just the topic you see on the screen. psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life . 英语演讲稿开头 尊敬的评委,尊贵的来宾,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!能够站在这里进行演说,我感到十分荣幸。今天我将和大家一起分享??honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,good evening!i feel really honored to stand here and make a speech.today im going to look together with you into this question:?? :good morning everybody!its my honor to speak here,and i am very glad to share my topic with you. then today id like to talk something about......(大家早上好!能在这里做此次演讲我十分荣幸,也很高兴能跟大家一起分享我的主题,今天我想演讲的是......) (译文:女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!欢迎来到05级英语演讲比赛的现常首先,请允许


NO.1 《海贼王》 推荐理由:为梦想踏上伟大航路的海贼 《one piece》(中译《海贼王》/海盗路飞)是尾田荣一郎在《周刊少年JUMP》上连载的漫画财富,权力,地位,曾经拥有一切的“海贼王”哥尔·D·罗杰,在临死前留下了一句话,让全世界的人们,趋之若鹜奔向大海:“想要我的财富吗?那就去找吧,我的一切都在那里,在那伟大的航道!”于是所有的男子汉们开始起航,驶入伟大航路,世界[1]迎来了『大海贼时代』,蒙奇·D·路飞正是这样来到大海,追逐梦想。 财富,权力,地位,曾经拥有一切的“海贼王”哥尔·D·罗杰,在临死前留下了一句话,让全世界的人们,趋之若鹜奔向大海:“想要我的财富吗?那就去找吧,我的一切都在那里,在那伟大的航道!”于是所有的男子汉们开始起航,驶入伟大航路,世界[1]迎来了『大海贼时代』,蒙奇·D·路飞正是这样来到大海,追逐梦想。 NO.2 《火影忍者》 推荐理由:最强忍着的热血成长史 《火影忍者》是日本漫画家岸本齐史的代表作,作品于1999年开始在《周刊少年JUMP》上连载。故事成功地将原本隐藏在黑暗中,用世界上最强大的毅力和最艰辛的努力去做最密不可宣和隐讳残酷的事情的忍者,描绘成了太阳下最值得骄傲最光明无限的的职业。在这个忍者的世界中,每一位年轻的主人翁都在开拓着属于自己的忍道。 以前参加诗社有一位朋友看过此动漫,曾热泪盈眶的说火影所伴随她的成长,由此可知火影的影响力了。 NO.3 《名侦探柯南》 推荐理由:史上最经典的推理悬疑动画 (日文:名探侦コナン;英文:Detective Conan、Case Closed),是日本推理漫画大师青山刚昌的作品,1994年1月在日本小学馆的漫画周刊《周刊少年SUNDAY》第5号起开始连载,1994年6月单行本第一册出版,1996年1月TV版动画播出,1997年4月第一部剧场版公映。自1994年问世后,至今已经连载了18年,却依然经久不衰,堪称动漫界的一大奇迹。目前仍在连载中。销量:2003年漫画单行本日本本土发行量突破1亿册;截至2012年,漫画单行本销量突破1亿4000万册。 NO.4《死神》

英语作文My future

提纲: 1、以MYFutureplan为题目,100字左右 2、我决定大学毕业后当一名中学教师,这是我孩提时代的梦想 3、我很喜欢教师在个职业,与中学生在一起可以使自己永保青春 4、我国师资力量缺乏,主要原因是教师工作辛苦,收入低。想当老师的人很少,所以需要大批有 [ manyfriends. Iamdeterminedtomakemydreamscometrue.Iknowitwon'tbeeasy,butwhenIdomakemydreams cometrue,I'llbethehappiestpersonintheworld. MyFuture In10years,IthinkIwillbeadoctor.IthinkIwillliveNingBo.BecauseIwasborninthere.SoIlikeitverymuch. Asadoctor,Imusttrymybesttohelppatient.AndIthinkIwillliveinanapartmentwithmybestfriends.Iwilha vealovelydog.BecauseIlikedogsverymuch.Iwilprobablysmimmingeveryday.IthinkIwillgotoShangh aionmyvacation,andonedayImightevenvisitGreece.

Asthesonggoes“Myfutureisn’tadream.”Ilovethesongwhichbringsmeconfidencewhensingingitever ytime.Ibelievethatallourdreamscancometrueifwehavecouragetopursuethem.WhenIwasyoungmyf atheralwaysaskedmewhatIwouldbeinthefuture.SometimesIfounditveryhardtogiveacertainreply.“I wanttobeadoctor.”“Iwanttobeateacher.”and“I’dliketobeascientist!”Manyoftheseanswersareperhap sverychildishandridiculous.ButIneverthinktheyarefaraway. Howtimeflies!Whoisabletogiveadefinitiontohisfuture?Iknowclearlythatthosehighbuildings arebasedonsolidfoundation.Asastudent,Ishouldhaveareasonableaim,andstudyhard.Mygoalist oenterthebestuniversityforfurth erstudyaftermiddleschool.Iknowit’shardwork,andI’llco meacrossmanydifficultiesandfrustrations.Butnomatterwhattheyare,I’llkeepworkingonitan dnevergiveup.Myteachersaysthere’sonlyonekindofpeoplethataretrulysuccessful:thosewhoa rebraveenoughtoputupwithhardships.Ev enifIwon’tachievethegoal,IhavenoregretsforwhatIh 如果我有 也

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