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Ultra-Low Cost and Power Communication and Computation Enables Ambient Intelligence

Ultra-Low Cost and Power Communication and Computation Enables Ambient Intelligence
Ultra-Low Cost and Power Communication and Computation Enables Ambient Intelligence

Ultra-Low Cost and Power Communication and Computation

Enables Ambient Intelligence

Jan M. Rabaey

Berkeley Wireless Research Center

University of California at Berkeley



An untapped opportunity in the realm of wireless data lies in low data-rate low-cost wireless transceivers, assembled into distributed networks of computation, sensor and actuator nodes. This enables applications such as smart buildings, innovative user interfaces, everyday computing, and new forms of entertainment, amongst others. These emerging applications are now commonly called “ambient intelligence” (Europe) or “sensor networks” (US).

These ubiquitous networks require that the individual nodes are tiny, easily integratable into the environment, and have negligible cost. Most importantly, the nodes must be self-contained in terms of energy via a one-time battery charge or a replenishable supply of energy scavenged from the environment. With the proposed size limitations, battery power alone does not suffice to ensure self-containment. Energy scavenging approaches can deliver up to 100 microWatt. While the continued scaling of silicon technology goes a long way towards reducing the size and power dissipation of electronic components, achieving these ultra-low power-dissipation levels and meso-scale component size requires innovations from the system architecture down to the circuit technology. The paper introduces a number of techniques to accomplish this and presents a roadmap towards truly affordable ambient intelligence.

Energy Scavenging

For the dream of truly embedded electronics to come true, it is essential that the nodes can be sub-merged in the environment and stay so for the lifetime of the application. This means that the nodes have to be tiny (1 cm3 at most). In addition, regular replacement of batteries in an environment where 100s of nodes have been deployed is not acceptable.

Hence, the nodes must be self-contained in terms of energy via a one-time battery charge or a replenishable supply of energy scavenged from the environment. Figure 1 shows how batteries fare compared to a number of energy-scavenging technologies [1]. At 100 μW, 1 cm3 of non-rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery lasts < 6 months. 10 cm2 of solar panel under typical lighting conditions meets the specifications, and so does 2 to 3 cm3 of piezo-electric material. The latter is quite effective in gathering vibrational energy from sources such as HVAC ducts, large industrial equipment, small household appliances, large exterior windows, office building floors, and automobiles. A representative vibration input based on all the sources measured is 2.25 m/s2 (0.23g) focused at 120 Hz. Other sources of energy have been identified such as electrostatic, electromagnetic, and thermal. Their applicability is a strong function of the application at hand and the location of the deployed nodes.

Figure 1: Power density versus lifetime for batteries, solar cell and vibration based power.

The Road to Low-Cost and Low-Power


The following functions are to be supported by the wireless node: (1) sensor and actuator interface functions; (2) applications and controller; (3) networking protocol stack; (4) locationing; (5) RF and physical layer; and (6) energy supply chain. While most functions are implemented in CMOS, some components are not: RF passives, antenna, sensor parts and energy train parts. The assembly of those components into a single module represents a substantial fraction of the overall cost, especially when the overall price of an individual node has to be at the 5$ level or below. Minimizing the number of components is hence a prime requirement. Fortunately, the continuing success of Moore’s law helps to reduce the cost per transistor and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future, enabling ever further integration at a lower cost.

In the presentation, we propose three major guidelines that we believe to be essential to reach the goal of truly embedded, self-contained electronics:

1.Simplicity Rules

While the common trend in the semiconductor industry has been towards ever more complex integrated circuits with higher transistor counts and higher clock frequencies, the interesting trend in sensor networks is that complexity of the application lies not in the individual nodes, but in the collaborative effort of a large number of distributed elements, each of which can (or actually should) be simple by itself.

Only by keeping the complexity of wireless sensor node to a minimum can the aggressive cost and power constraints be met. Rather than using super-GHz clock frequencies and wireless data-rates of many Mbit/sec, individual nodes get away with a rather restricted amount of computational power, and aggregate data rates between nodes that rarely supersede 10 kBit/sec. This observation is quite crucial, and in some sense goes against the dominant trends in both the worlds of computation and wireless communication. For example, if one examines a wireless data link such as used in 802.11(abg) WLAN applications, one discovers that a large amount of complexity (and power) is put into optimizing the capacity (that is, the use of the spectrum) of the radio link. This leads to a large overhead, which is a waste for most ambient intelligence applications where spectrum utilization is not really an issue.

A better solution is to optimize the wireless link for what it is really intended to: irregular and low-frequency bursts of short data packets. This is best accomplished with very simple radio architectures, using rudimentary modulation schemes and minimal amount of digital, analog and RF circuitry.

2.Standby Power Dominates

In current-day electronic components, power dissipation is dominated by far by the active power, that is the power that is consumed when the device is computing or communicating (even though the high leakage levels of the most advanced semiconductor technologies are gradually changing this perspective). The opposite is true in most ambient intelligence nodes. The duty cycle of an individual node is in general quite low. A typical sensor might sample the data only a couple of times per sec or even much slower than that. Hence the node is in standby mode most of the time. To reduce the power drainage during that interval, it is essential that the node gets turned off completely. While this helps to eliminate the leakage, it makes communication between neighboring nodes non-trivial. (How to create a reliable link between two communicating entities that are asleep most of the time, and that only wake up at irregular intervals?). Trying to synchronize 100s of nodes is a very power- and compute-intensive operation. In the presentation, we demonstrate that the standby power is by far the dominant source of power consumption in typical sensor networks, and that clever techniques can go a long way in alleviating this cost.

3.Redundancy Provides Reliability

For ambient intelligence applications really to become acceptable, it is crucial that the systems perform in an absolutely reliable manner over a long period of time. Repeated network failures can lead to life-threatening situations, or will quickly turn off the user.

While simplicity is a virtue from a power and cost perspective, it has a negative impact on the reliability of an individual link or node. For example, a major part of the complexity in a high-speed wireless point-to-point link is devoted to ensure that the link performs well under a wide variety of channel conditions. To mitigate the impact of fading, transceivers use diversity in the time, frequency and/or space dimensions. Simplicity does away with it, and hence results in rather unreliable individual links. The beauty of sensor networks again lays in the fact it offers substantial redundancy, and that the reliability of the system does only marginally depend upon the robustness of the individual nodes or links. For instance, fading might cause a particular link to temporary fail, but that this is most probably not an issue since many other links are available to forward a packet to its destination. In a sense, a wireless sensor network offers spatial diversity through its redundancy. The art in designing an efficient wireless node and network is to exploit the opportunities offered by these system-level characteristics.

Figure 2: Integrated Energy-Scavenging Wireless



The guiding principle established above have enabled researchers at the Berkeley Wireless Research Center to go a long way in designing wireless computation and communication nodes (so-called PicoNodes) that meet the stringent power requirements, dictated by energy scavenging. We have demonstrated that average power dissipation levels below 400 μW are currently attainable for traffic patterns and network densities that are typical for smart-home applications. Further improvements in power management can lead to another factor of at least 5 to 10, clearly enabling energy-scavenging.

As an example, Figure 2 shows a picture of an integrated node that uses a 3 cm2 solar cell to drive a 10 m wireless transmitter (RF only). Dependent upon the light intensity, the duty cycle of the node varies between 0.5% and 100%.

In summary, self-contained low-cost and ultra low-power computation and communication nodes for ambient intelligence are clearly attainable and realizable. The secret to their realization is (1) to move in directions that are somewhat

orthogonal to trends that dominate in the semiconductor

industry, and (2) to maximally exploit the ubiquitous property that is at the core of the ambient intelligence idea.

Yet a large number of challenges still remain. Especially getting the cost down to numbers that make true redundancy and ubiquitous embedding possible will still take 5 to 10 years. In the mean time, the technology will gradually but surely start to penetrate our daily lives, having potentially an even more profound impact than the computer and networking revolutions of the previous decades.


[1]J. Rabaey et al., "PicoRadio Supports Ad Hoc Ultra-Low

Power Wireless Networking", IEEE Computer, Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 42-48, July 2000.

[2] J. Rabaey, J. Ammer, T. Karalar, S. Li, B. Otis, M.

Sheets, T. Tuan, “PicoRadios for Wireless Sensor Networks: The Next Challenge in Ultra-Low Power Design”, IEEE ISSCC Digest of Technical Papers, pp.200-1, Feb 2002.


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入职登记表 个人基本信息 姓名性别民族 相 片籍贯学历政治面貌 婚姻状况□已婚有子女□已婚无子女□未婚□其他 现住地址 身份证号 本人 联系电话 身份证住址 提交资料 (复印件) □身份证□学历证□其他 紧急联系人 紧急联系人(请填写常住地的亲友) 姓名关系工作单位和现住址紧急联系人电话 家 庭 成 员 姓名关系工作单位家人联系电话 健康信息利手:□左□右是否怀孕:□无□有 是否曾被认定工伤或持有残疾人证明:□无□有: 是否有重大疾病或家族病史:□无□有: 是否从事过特别繁重体力劳动及有毒有害工种:□无□有:是否有职业病或慢性影响工作的疾病:□无□有: 教 育 培 训 起止时间就读学校学历专业持有证书 工 作 经 历 起止时间工作单位职位离职原因证明人/电话

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新员工入职流程New employee orientation process 入职准备 1、人力中心向合格者发送《录用通知书》; 2、确认新员工报到日期,通知新员工在报到之前来公司明确报到需注意事项:所需资料、体检以 及其他须知; 3、通知人事助理新员工报到日期,人事助理准备好新员工入职手续办理所需表单并负责依据《新 员工入职通知单》内容落实各项工作: --用人部门负责安排办公位,申领电脑、电话; --行政办负责发放办公用品; --信息组负责开通邮箱、帐号、调试电脑设备等。 2入职报到 1、人力中心向新员工发放《新员工报到工作单》,并按要求办理入职手续: --员工填写《应聘登记表》,并交验各种证件: 一寸免冠照片3张; 身份证原件或户口复印件; 学历、学位证书原件(学生提供学生证原件); 资历或资格证件原件; 与原单位解除或终止劳动合同的证明; 体检合格证明; --与员工签订劳动合同、保密协议、职位说明书; --建立员工档案、考勤卡; --介绍公司情况,引领新员工参观公司、介绍同事; --将新员工移交给用人部门; --OA网上发布加盟信息更新员工通讯录。 2、用人部门负责的工作 --负责安置座位,介绍并帮助熟悉工作环境; --制定专人作为新员工辅导员,介绍岗位职责和工作流程[1]。 3入职手续 1、填写《员工履历表》。 2、发放向新员工介绍公司情况及管理制度的《制度汇编》,使其具备基本公司工作知识,要求 其通过公司内部网络了解进一步情况。 3、按照《新员工入职手续清单》逐项办理入职手续。 4、确认该员工调入人事档案的时间。 5、向新员工介绍管理层。 6、带新员工到部门,介绍给部门总经理。


一、新员工入职办理流程 第1步:新员工报到,人事专员接待(谁招聘谁办理)。 第2步:人事专员先收集:员工应提供的资料,核对并复印。 第3步:人事专员提供我方应准备的资料:劳动合同、保密协议、告知函、人事制度等,给新员工学习,并讲解,时间控制在15分钟以内。 第4步:告知其薪酬为面试时的约定,一周内由财务来核定其薪酬如何切分。 第5步:员工签订相关资料后,用手机钉钉通知IT部,开通邮箱/钉钉等权限,开通后由IT部发到其钉钉上。 第6步:人事讲解公司基本考勤制度。 第7步:人事介绍公司/部门/岗位基本情况。 第8步:人事协助员工安装钉钉,并讲解基本的钉钉使用技能。 第9步:引领员工,认识主要部门负责人,并熟悉公司环境。 第10步:引导员工:到IT部领取电脑设备,到行政部领取办公用品。 第11步:引导员工到部门负责人处报到,并安排好办公桌。 第12步:邮箱发送新员工报道通告,员工档案转交。 第13步:员工入职报到流程结束。 二、员工基本档案资料 员工提供资料: 1.身份证原件、复印件,公司核对原件,留存复印件; 2.学历证书原件、复印件、学位证书原件、复印件(一般为最高学历),公司核对原件, 留存复印件; 3.专业技术职称证书原件、职业资格证书原件、上岗证书原件,公司核对原件,留存复 印件; 4.上家公司离职证明(原件); 5.上家公司劳动合同,公司核对原件,留存复印件; 6.体检报告:最近三个月内、三甲医院体检证明原件; 7.银行卡复印件(标配光大银行卡,入职一个星期后收取); 8.就业失业登记证(上海户籍员工);

9.公积金账号; 人事专员准备资料: 10.个人简历; 11.员工求职/入职信息登记表; 12.面试评估表(给入职者看薪资); 13.劳动合同(需签收); 14.保密协议(需签收); 15.用人单位基本信息告知函。


入职资料审核标准 一、审核原则: 1、完整性:所有资料务必全部准备齐全,否则不予办理正式入职手续。 2、真实性:所有资料务必全部真实,如若查出伪造证件,不予办理入职手续。 二、详细内容 1.照片 A、规格:一寸彩色照片; B、数量:4张; C、要求:务必在每张照片背后写上姓名,以方便查询; D、范围:往届、应届毕业生、实习生、兼职等均需提供。 2. 身份证 A、规格:原件核查,只收取复印件; B、数量:4份; C、要求:身份证正反面复印在一张A4纸上; D、范围:往届、应届毕业生、实习生、兼职等均需提供。 3. 毕业证、学位证 A、规格:原件核查,只收取复印件; B、数量:各1份; C、要求:分开复印,均复印在A4纸上; D、范围:往届、应届毕业生、兼职等均需提供,实习生暂不提供。 4. 体检报告 A、规格:原件核查,只收取复印件; B、数量:1份; C、要求:必查项目健康,无其它严重疾病。注意传染性疾病的核实; D、范围:往届、应届毕业生、兼职等均需提供,实习生暂不提供。 5、E-HR个人信息 A、规格:外网登陆门户主页https://www.doczj.com/doc/fe15839515.html,.“XXX”部分, 选择、进入“人才库”,进行在线录入; B、数量:1次; C、要求:所填的信息必须真实、完整,打印后签字确认; D、范围:往届、应届毕业生、实习生、兼职等均需提供。 6、原单位离职证明 A、规格:原件核查,只收取复印件; B、数量:1份;

C、要求:必须有离现在最近的工作单位人事或公司公章盖章; D、范围:往届毕业生需提供,其他不提供。 7、户口本复印件1份,用于办理社会保险(要求:户口本首页和个人信息页复印到一张A4纸上,其中户口本首页说明了您的户籍性质;亦可提交户籍证明或户籍卡复印件)。 A、规格:户口本复印件或户籍证明、户籍卡复印件; B、数量:1份; C、要求:如果是户口本复印件,户口本首页和个人信息页复印到一张A4纸上 (其中户口本首页说明了您的户籍性质); 如果是户籍证明,需要有户档保管单位的签章; 如果是户籍卡,只需要复印件即可。 D、范围:往届、应届毕业生等均需提供,实习生、兼职暂不提供。


企业新员工入职流程及六大步骤 企业新员工入职流程主要共分为六大步骤: 一、入职准备; 二、入职报到; 三、入职手续; 四、入职培训; 五、转正评估; 六、入职结束。 入职准备 1、人力中心向合格者发送《录用通知书》 2、用人部门助理负责依据《新员工入职通知单》内容落实各项工作 --用人部门负责安排办公位,申领电脑、电话; --行政办负责发放办公用品; --信息组负责开通邮箱、帐号、调试电脑设备等。 入职报到 1、人力中心向新员工发放《新员工报到工作单》,并按要求办理入职手续:--员工填写《员工登记表》,并交验各种证件: 一寸免冠照片3张; 身份证原件或户口复印件; 学历、学位证明原件; 资历或资格证件原件; 与原单位解除或终止劳动合同的证明; 体检合格证明

--与员工签订劳动合同、保密协议、职位说明书 --建立员工档案、考勤卡、 --介绍公司情况,引领新员工参观公司、介绍同事 --将新员工移交给用人部门; --OA网上发布加盟信息更新员工通讯录 2、用人部门负责的工作 --负责安置座位,介绍并帮助熟悉工作环境; --制定专人作为新员工辅导员,介绍岗位职责和工作流程 入职手续 1、填写《员工履历表》。 2、发放向新员工介绍公司情况及管理制度的《制度汇编》,使其具备基本公司工作知识,要求其通过公司内部网络了解进一步情况。 3、按照《新员工入职手续清单》逐项办理入职手续。 4、确认该员工调入人事档案的时间。 5、向新员工介绍管理层。 6、带新员工到部门,介绍给部门总经理。 7、将新员工的情况通过E-mail和公司内部刊物向全公司公告。 8、更新员工通讯录。 9、签订《劳动合同》 入职培训 1、组织新员工培训。 2、不定期举行由公司管理层进行的企业发展历程、企业文化、各部门职能与关系等方面的培训。 转正评估 1、转正是对员工的一次工作评估的机会,也是公司优化人员的一个重要组



入职承诺书 本人 , 男/女,学历:,身份证号码: , 1.本人在填写本《入职登记表》时,已保证自己符合国家法定的劳动年龄的标准,且与其他任何用人单位、机构、 组织、团体无劳动关系;若违反前述承诺,导致用人单位被追究有关经济责任的,所有责任均由本人承担。 2.本人在填写《入职登记表》时,用人单位已如实告知工作内容、工作地点、工作条件、职业危害、安全生产状况、劳动报酬以及本人所需要了解的所有情况。 3.本人如有传染病、精神病或其他可能影响用人单位工作的病史,本人应以书面形式向用人单位说明。 4.本人承诺已与原单位解除劳动关系,且无仍然生效的保密协议、竞业限制协议。 5.本人填写的《入职登记表》所有信息真实有效,如有任何虚假,用人单位可按严重违反规章制度解除劳动合同, 同时承担因此引起的所有责任。 6.本人承诺对用人单位相关信息(包括但不限于工资)承担保密责任。 7.如《入职登记表》中的信息有变化,本人有责任以书面形式向用人单位人事部门提交最新的信息。 8.本人承诺在试用期满经考核合格后即与用人单位签订劳动合同,本人将认真阅读并遵守各项规章制度。 9.本人承诺在用人单位任职期间不从事任何兼职行为。 10.本人所填写的通讯方式(包括地址、手机)均为有效,用人单位向任一通讯方式寄送或发出的文件或物品,如 果发生收件人拒绝签收和已发送成功均视为送达。 11.本人承诺无被追究刑事责任记录,如有应以书面形式告知用人单位,如隐瞒事实真相,一切法律后果由本人承担。 12、本人承诺,遵守以下各项入职时的甲乙双方达成的约定:: ①新入职员工的试用期范围为一至三个月,用人单位将视试用期绩效考核确定转正期限。 ②员工在试用期需提前3日书面申请辞职,试用期满后离职必须提前一个月以书面形式向用人单位递交辞职申 请,待用人单位批准后按指定日期办理工作交接,双方确认无误后方可离职。 ③凡未经批准或未办理正式离职交接手续而自行离职的员工,均视为自动离职,用人单位有权停发其工作期间 的工资,作为离职后给公司带来损失的补偿。 ④自愿遵守公司规章制度,若在试用期3天内(含3天)不合适或自离的,不予工资结算。 本人已充分了解上述资料的真实性是双方订立劳动合同的前提条件,本人填写的以上任何信息虚假 或没有履行以上特别说明的义务,无论任何时候被发现,本人均同意被用人单位视为严重违反《劳动合 同法》的诚实信用原则以及用人单位的规章制度,用人单位可以解除劳动合同且不用支付经济补偿金。 入职承诺人签名:日期:年月日


新员工入职所需携带资料: 1、一寸白底彩色照片4张,电子版数码照公司留底。 2、相关学历证书及复印件。 3、户口本复印件(首页及本人页) 4、原单位的离职证明。 5、二代身份证复印件(正反面)。 6、北京农村商业银行的银行卡。 7、健康证明或体检报告(一年以内的) 新员工入职所需携带资料: 1、一寸白底彩色照片4张,电子版数码照公司留底。 2、相关学历证书及复印件。 3、户口本复印件(首页及本人页) 4、原单位的离职证明。 5、二代身份证复印件(正反面)。 6、北京农村商业银行的银行卡。 7、健康证明或体检报告(一年以内的) 新员工入职所需携带资料: 1、一寸白底彩色照片4张,电子版数码照公司留底。 2、相关学历证书及复印件。 3、户口本复印件(首页及本人页) 4、原单位的离职证明。 5、二代身份证复印件(正反面)。 6、北京农村商业银行的银行卡。 7、健康证明或体检报告(一年以内的) 新员工入职所需携带资料: 1、一寸白底彩色照片4张,电子版数码照公司留底。 2、相关学历证书及复印件。 3、户口本复印件(首页及本人页) 4、原单位的离职证明。 5、二代身份证复印件(正反面)。 6、北京农村商业银行的银行卡。 7、健康证明或体检报告(一年以内的) 新员工入职所需携带资料: 1、一寸白底彩色照片4张,电子版数码照公司留底。 2、相关学历证书及复印件。 3、户口本复印件(首页及本人页) 4、原单位的离职证明。 5、二代身份证复印件(正反面)。 6、北京农村商业银行的银行卡。 7、健康证明或体检报告(一年以内的) 新员工入职所需携带资料: 1、一寸白底彩色照片4张,电子版数码照公司留底。 2、相关学历证书及复印件。 3、户口本复印件(首页及本人页) 4、原单位的离职证明。 5、二代身份证复印件(正反面)。 6、北京农村商业银行的银行卡。 7、健康证明或体检报告(一年以内的) 新员工入职所需携带资料: 1、一寸白底彩色照片4张,电子版数码照公司留底。 2、相关学历证书及复印件。 3、户口本复印件(首页及本人页) 4、原单位的离职证明。 5、二代身份证复印件(正反面)。 6、北京农村商业银行的银行卡。 7、健康证明或体检报告(一年以内的)


出生日期 1/2 FOR-120,A

员工入厂规定须知 一、入厂前辨理手续应缴交1.有效身份证 2.毕业证 3.未(已)婚证 4.相片三张 5.健康证明 缺少上列任何一项证件,未能辨理入厂手续者以试工不合格处理。 二、入厂后发现上列证件有不符或作假情形,以自动离厂处理。 三、工作不满十五天辞工及被解雇者,公司不发给工资。 四、试工期为三个月,试用未能达要求无条件接受厂方处理。(新进厂的时间以整月计,只要破月都 计),满三个月再考核与考试,合格通过以成绩评估调薪额度。 五、本公司免费提供住宿及伙食于正式员工,新进员工入厂未满一年离职(含辞工、开除)本公司将追 扣试用期间之住宿伙食费(伙食费3元宿舍管理费2元每日5元人民币),以进厂日累计至试工合格日止。 六、住宿与伙食依本公司员工干部住宿福利制度执行。 七、文員及主管離職需提前30日,普通作業員需提前15日遞交辭職申請單。经核准后即日生效, 未满時間離職者依劳工法扣除30日工资。 八、工资发放依照本公司薪资结构制度执行。 九、确实遵守厂规,自愿接受工作调度与加班安排,如有违反,皆依厂规处理,绝无异议。 十、有下列严重情节者,视情节轻重予以罚款或开除处分。 a. 无故旷工半日或一个月内无故旷工三日以上者。 b. 无故抗令或侮辱压迫干部主管人员者。 c. 厂内禁烟区吸烟、饮酒闹事、赌博或有伤风化行为者。 d. 聚众或先动手打架、煽动教唆怠工、停工、罢工之行为者。 e. 毁损盗窃公司或他人财物,文件及造谣生事敲诈行为者。 f. 未经主管人员书面同意,操作非本人之机器或本人操作之机器供他人操作者。 以上各项本人全部已看阅仔细并完全了解无误. 保证书 本人诚蒙xxx录用,于任用期间,愿意保证任职一年以上并遵守上列规定裁决,若造成公司一切损失,本人愿负赔偿责任,绝无怨言与异议,特立此书。 此致年月日身份证号: 签章: 2/2 FOR-120,A

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