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天黑请闭眼 杀人游戏 英文版




red Joker:大王

black Joker:小王





hearts:红桃(红心) spades:黑桃
diamonds:方块(方片) clubs:梅花(草花)

红桃A:the ace of hearts
黑桃3:the three of spades
方块J:the Jack of diamonds

playing cards:扑克牌
play cards:玩牌
deck of cards:一副牌
face card :花牌
play straight:出顺子
straight flush:同花顺



【法官用语】:Judge’s Words
每人一张牌,请看好自己手中的牌,默记自己的身份。Each one takes one card. Please look at your own card carefully. remember your role according to the card in your hand.

天黑请闭眼。注意:低头、靠后、手离开桌面 It' s getting dark. Close all your eyes, please. Attention: Bow/hang/lower your heads, lie back and take your hands away from the table (and keep your hands off the table).

杀手请睁眼。The killers open your eyes, please.

杀手确定杀人目标。The killers choose one object you want to kill. Action!

是××号吗?Is it No.××?

杀手请闭眼。 The killers close your eyes, please. 警察请睁眼。The policemen open your eyes, please.

警察请验人。The policemen point out one suspect, please. 是××号吗?看我手势。Is it No.××? Please look at my gesture.

警察确定内推对象。The policemen determine other suspects /objects to be pushed out.

警察请闭眼。The policemen close your eyes. 天亮了,大家请睁眼。Day breaks. Everybody opens your eyes, please.

××号误睁眼了,被判出局。Since No.××opened his/her eyes by accident, he/she was (called) out. 第一个被杀的是。The first one to be killed was No.××.

请留遗言。Please leave (get out) your last words.

从死者左手边的第一个开始发言。The one sitting on the left side of the dead speaks (makes your statement) first.

好,现在开始投票。Well, begin voting now. 怀疑××号是杀手的请举手。Those who suspect No.×× is a killer put up your hands, please. ××号呢?No.××, No.……?

好,下面请票数相同的×号和×号开始为自己辩解。从××号开始辩解。Well, since No.×and No.× have the same ballot /poll, both have to say /defend for themselves.


同。就由其他人发言,为其辩解。Cast a vote on No. ×and No.× once again. If they still have the same poll, others will have to make statements for them.

【警察用语】:Policemen's Words

我是警察,我跳警。I declare seriously that I am a policeman.

我们的内推对象是二号和三号,先听他俩发言再决定先推谁。Our pushing objects are No. × and No.×. I’ll decide which one will be pushed out first after hearing their statements.

我们验出人来了,×号是匪徒,法官给的这个手势。We have confirmed that No.× was a killer. The judge showed us this gesture.

请大家,尤其是水民一起把他推出去,不要跑票。Everyone, especially the civilians (the common people) should vote against him and push him out.

这把没验出人来,我们验的是×号,是水民,法官给的这个手势。×号:已经给对你身份,就要好好帮警察玩。What a pity! This time we didn’t find out any killer. We have affirmed No.× to be a civilian. The judge showed us this gesture. No.×: We have proved /confirmed your identity in the hope that you can play nicely and help us to find out the killers.

现在只剩下No. ×and No.×,我们还没验(不确认其身份)。Now we are still uncertain of the identity of No. ×and No.×.

【杀手用语】:Killers’ Words

报匪。I declare that I am a killer.

点刀:×号和×号象警察,把他们给我剁了。I suspect No. ×and No.× to be policemen. My partners kill them. 

【水民用语】:Civilians’ Words

我是水民。I’m a civilian.

我觉得×号象杀手,不知警察验过没或希望警察下把验一下。I suppose No.× to be a killer. I don’t know whether the policemen have already verified him. (So I hope policemen could verify him next time.)

若警察验出人来,就请跳出来,给水民一个明示,免得推错人。If the policemen have found out a killer, declare frankly and clearly, please, for fear that we civilians push someone out wrongly.

【一般用语】: Common Expressions

过over (pass)

你凭什么怀疑我啊?Why (on earth) do you suspect me to be a killer?

你们冤枉好人啦(我是冤枉的) You wronged an innocent person. I was wronged.

我觉得他是假跳警I think that he pretends to be a policeman.

他是假跳,我正式跳警,我才是真警察 He isn't a policeman. I formally declare that I’m a real policeman (indeed).

平民若不确定,可以先不投票 The civilians: You may abstain from voting, if you are not sure.

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