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My Hefen- My fatuity often eat fruit salads after Look z.

(make) the fruit salads. I need five 3.

(strawberry)丿 two bananas 丿 one big apple one pear. 1 think


(they) in the market near t^y home. / also need some cream


One battle of the create is 20 yuan. The apple _______________ t ke pear are at S ? same

price. The strawberry is ZO yaan a kilo &? the haMM is 8 yuan a ki(o ? For

all of t^ese, t tX 駅k so yuan 7- enough.

After 8? _ (buy) Q H of these t 如仏gs going to wa$k first. Second I will Cut t 人em mto pieces. Then I wiU put them Mo a bowl. q. I'll put tM

Ciream oe I think it is easy for me AA M sure I ca^^ do it lO. (good). 考宵.

V 八八?

一般现在时:比(amjs 丿are );/。丿心es. There be 句型,一般将来时,宾语从句 解答:

【语篇分析】 丄?山第一段第 1?句"My family often eat fruit salads after 如met."可知,海伦一家吃 水果沙拉的时间常常在晚饭后。

2?山第一段第五句"f need five strawberries, two baMM$, one big apple and

tke list. T^ese are the thSgs 2.

get 4?

one p”严可知,没有提到橙子。

5第二段第二句"The apple aiad the pear are at the same “ice"可知,苹果和梨的价格相同。

4?根据第二段"the baMM is 8 yuan a k"。"可知,一千克香孩8元,那么三千克香孩就


S?根据第.1?段"The strawberry is久O yuan a kTo"可知,一千克草莓是十元。


X. at; 2. to Make; 3? stmwfcerries: 4. t人em; s. the: 6. ai^d^ 7- is; 8? bwyMg;

q. At:1O? well

Hi, Fin Joan. My birthday is coming. And I will have a party at my house this Sunday. I really want some 1. ___________ my friends to come to my birthday party, but it's not very easy to find my house, I write something to tell you how 2. ______________ (find) iny house.

Go along Jianshe Street and 3?__________ (not turn) left. Just walk straight for about ten minutes

and you can see a bus stop 4?________ your right. You can take No. 12 bus and get 5. ___________ at the 6. _________ (three) stop. Then you are on Heping Street. Walk 7. _____________ the street and you will

bank 9?___________ the corner of the street. My house is next 10. ____________

see 8?

the bank.


1. of;

2. to find: 3? don" turn; 4. on; 5. off; 6. third: 7. along; & a; 9. at; 10. to

Guo Ming was born 1. __________ a small village in 1999. His primary school 2?_______ (be) Hope Primary School. His Chinese teacher 3?_________ (be) Mrs Liu. She was 4. _____________ (friend) to her students. Guo Ming was good 5. ___________ Chinese. His maths teacher was Mr Tang, He was a strict teacher. The students 6. _______ (be) good in maths lessons.

At that time. Hope Primary Schoo! was small 7. __________ old. There were only six classrooms in it. There were no 8. ______________ (library) or labs. But now there is a new school 9. __________ (call) New Hope Primary School, It is big and beautiful. There are two tall buildings 10. ___________ two big libraries and three labs in it.


1. in;

2. was; 3? was; 4. friendly; 5. at; 6.were: 7. and: 8. libraries: 9? called: 10. with


One afternoon. I was in the garden reading my favourite book. An old dog 1. ______________ (walk) into iny garden slowly. From his collar (项圏)and the fat body. I 2. ____________ (know) that he had a home. But when I walked into the house, he 3. ______________ w alked into the house. And then he was

4. _________ (sleep) in a corner. An hour

5. ____________ (late), he went home. The next day, he was back again. He

6. _____________ (remember) his sleeping place and slept for

7. ___________ hour.

This went on for a few & ___________ (week). One day, I put a piece of paper on his collar Every afternoon, you dog 9. __________ (come) to iny house to take a nap (小睡)."The next day. he arrived with a different piece of paper "he lives in a home with four 10. __________ (child). He is trying to catch up on his sleep (补觉)?”


1. walked ; 2- knew ; 3. also ; 4. asleep ; 5. later : 6.remembered ; 7. an ; & weeks ; 9. comes ;

10. children


C 人0pm

of the greatest musicians m tke world. In 久85久丿 Me was not famous though he

most 他mows Hungarian pianist Liszt Liszt liked W HA very mwc 人.

One nightj At a concert. Liszt went to the pbao and all the

people 4.

(shout). As a" the lights in t”e Ml went off, a wonderful piano concert

all the (/steners almost forgot


except the music. TMe audience (观众)thought tXat Liszt reached a new level in


could play 2? pia^o very we". One day, he went to Paris 3- (visit) the started. The music was so good s.

Suddenly, all

the lights were turned 7.

And there stood a young man near the pf^no instead 8-

Uszt. Liszt plaiM^ed this. As the lights went off, Liszt left 州s ckair ai^d let Chopin

(My) tke

piano. u/Men the music came to an en/ the famous pianist

q. (take) his place play the piaw. So 10. the Mp of Liszt,

C 人op 仏 久.was ; 2?t 人 e : ,to visit ; 4?sXo 认 ted ;

S.that ; ^.playing ; 7.0^: 8.of : Gtake ::to .with.

soon became Famous.



3?此处用不定式作U 的状语。


7?tum on 打开。

xo.wfth the help of sb.在某人的帮助



Sso + adj. + that 如此 以至于

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