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人教版Unit 8 Sports教案

人教版Unit 8 Sports教案
人教版Unit 8 Sports教案

Unit 8 Sports I. 单元教学目标

技能目标Goals 1.Talk about sports.

2.Talk about the O1ympic Games.

3.Talk about interests and hobbies.

4.Use the Future Passive V oice.

5.Talk about what will be done.

6.Write a sports star’s profi1e.


功能句式兴趣和爱好(Interests and hobbies) Which do you like,...or...?

I like watching it.

What’s your favorite sport? Shooting,I think.

Which sports do you like best?

I like...best.

Which do you prefer,...or...?

I prefer...to...

What about ...?

I’d rather watch it than play it.Are you interested in...?

Yes, very much

No,not really.

Sure.I love sports.

词汇1. 四会词汇:

BC, AD, continent, well-known, athlete, gold, medal, torch, badminton, speed, skating, track and field, tie, final, dive, shooting, Greece, competitor, motto, further, rank, gymnastics, prepare, preparation, effect, flame, compete, flag, weight, position, point, superstar, skill, weigh, title, gesture, facial.

2. 认读词汇:

Mardi Gras, Ramadan, Arabic, bunny, destruction, Kwanzaa, Swahili, community, reminder, Day of the Dead, Mexico, occasion, Halloween, Obon.

3. 词组:

stand for, because of, would rather, take part in, preparation for

4.重点词汇:competitor, motto, further, gymnastics, prepare, preparation, effect, compete, weigh


1. 使用将来时被动语态——用英语描述事物将受到某种影响或某种处


e.g. More trees will be planted and new roads will be built.

2. 使用将来时被动语态——用英语描述人物将被动地接受某种行为或


e.g. A great number of reporters will be invited to Beijing to report the 29th Olympic Games.

重点句子1. Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games. P52. 2. The ancient Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in Greece. P53.

3. They were held in Greece——the country in which the Games were born. P53.

4. The Olympic motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” P53.

5. Following the history-making success in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, China won another great competition in 2001, which was not for a medal. P53.

6. It was the competition between countries to host the Olympic Games. P53.

7. The people of Beijing... will be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome athletes and sports fans from all over the world. P53

III. 教材分析与教材重组

1. 教材分析

本单元以sports为话题,使学生了解“各种体育运动”、“奥运会”、“体育爱好与兴趣”,能用所学的有关sports 的词汇描述自己喜爱的体育运动和体育明星的生平及事迹;能够运用所学的语言知识和技能听懂体育赛事报道,谈论各项体育运动。

1.1 Warming up 是一份类似知识自测的问卷调查,测试学生对奥运会的了解程度。目的有两个,一是呈现本单元的中心话题——Sports and Olympic Games,帮助学生在大脑中形成一个有关“Sports”的信息包;二是学习和复习有关描述体育运动的名词,为下一步关于"体育运动"的听、说、读、写打下基础。

1. 2 Listening 是三则体育赛事报道,分别关于NBA、足球联赛和乒乓球比赛。在这部分中,学生要通过听来捕捉信息。这些信息包括:体育项目、比分情况及比赛结果。这是一项具体、真实的任务,整体设计符合体育新闻特点,难度适中。通过这项任务的完成,可以达到以下目的:①增加学生相关的体育知识,并以此诱发、培养学生对体育的兴趣;②训练和提高学生听体育新闻报道的技能技巧;③学习和复习有关描述体育比赛结果的表达方式。

1. 3 Speaking 是一项采访活动,内容是调查了解同学最喜爱的体育活动及原因。活动以“说”为主,兼容了听和写的技能,比较完整的体现了语言能力的综合训练。这项设计的特点是:①训练学生在比较真实的情景中使用有关体育的兴趣、爱好方面的用语及口头表达能力;②丰富学生有关描述“体育”的语言,包括词汇和句型等;③进一步帮助学生提高对体育活动的认识。

1. 4 Pre-reading 是READING的热身活动。设计了四个问题供学生讨论。其中前两个问题是在Warning up, Listening, 和Speaking所涉及话题的基础上,进一步提高学生对体育活动的正确认识;后两个问题涉及奥运会,旨在引导学生理解奥运会的重要性和奥运会所倡导的体育精神。这部分的设计既有利于培养学生的开放性思维能力,又为引导学生下一步的“阅读”作好思想准备。

1. 5 Reading 是一篇叙述性的说明文,介绍了现代奥运会的发展历史,奥运会在世界范围的影响,以及举办奥运会的最高宗旨。最后还介绍了全世界人民


1. 6 Post-reading 部分设计了三类问题,其中前两类是针对文章的理解,评价学生对文章理解的程度;第三类是"读前"中的议题的发展,要求学生结合文章谈谈举办奥运会对一个城市或一个国家正反两方面的影响, 具有很大的灵活性和开放性,旨在培养学生辩证地、客观地分析问题的能力以及更高水准的英语语言表达能力。

1. 7 Language study 分为词汇和语法两项。词汇部分设计了八个与奥运会有关的字谜,引导学生分类记忆单词,培养学生运用英语解释单词的能力。语法项目是一般将来时的被动语态。要求学生围绕"北京为奥运会做准备"这一话题做机械性句型转换练习,来操练这一语法项目。两道大题在形式和难度上都有一定的梯度。教师在此基础上还可做些拓展性和巩固性练习设计。

1. 8 Integrating skill 包括读和写两部分。该部分设计了一个以阅读为基础的写作任务:写一段人物简介。阅读部分是一篇关于我国著名篮球运动员姚明的简介。写作部分的任务是仿写自己最喜爱的体育明星的简介。目的是继续学习以人物介绍为主题的写作能力。由于题材贴近学生生活,这个写作任务还有利于调动他们的学习积极性。

2. 教材重组

2. 1 从话题内容上分析,LISTENING, SPEAKING与Workbook中的LISTENING相一致;而WARMING UP 与Workbook中的TALKING比较一致。从训练目的上分析,两个LISTENING一致。从教材份量来说,可将WARMING UP,SPEAKING和Workbook中的TALKING整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“口语课”。

2. 2 将LISTENING 和Workbook中的LISTENING整合在一起,设计成一节“听力课”。

2. 3 可将PRE-READING, READING和POST-READING三个活动整合在一起上一节“阅读课(一)”。

2. 4 可将LANGUAGE STUDY 与Workbook中的PRACTISING语法练习题整合在一起上一节“语法课”。

2. 5 可将INTEGRATING SKILLS 中 1.Reading和Workbook中INTEGRATING SKILLS 的Reading整合起来上一节“阅读课(二)(泛读课)”。


Workbook中INTEGRATING SKILLS 的Writing整合成一节“写作课”。

3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用6课时教完)

1st period 口语课

2nd period 听力课

3rd period 阅读课

4th period 语法课

5th period 泛读课

6th period 写作课

Ⅳ. 分课时教案

The First Period Listening

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

stand for, because of, gold medal, would rather, continent, well-known, athlete

b. 交际用语

Asking about interests and hobbies:

Which do you like, ... or...?

What’s your favorite sport?

Which sports do you like best?

Which do you prefer,badminton or tennis ?

What about baseball?

Are you interested in …?

Possible answers:

Sure.I love sports.

Yes,very much./NO, I don’t like sports at all.

Shooting,I think.

I 1ike tennis best.

I prefer water skiing to surfing.

I 1ike watching it.

I’d rather watch it than play it.

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable the students to improve their speaking ability by talking about sports, telling their partners what sports

they like and why, with the target language.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students learn how to describe their favorite sports.

Teaching important points 教学重点

Let Ss learn to use the structures of expressing and supporting or opposing an opinion. Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to express their ideas about different kinds of sports in a proper way.

Teaching methods 教学方法

1. Talking method to enable the students to express

themselves freely.

2. Looking at the pictures (individuals), and do pairs

work to discuss and work in groups of four.

Teaching aids 教具准备

1. a computer

2. a projector

3. a tape recorder

Teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Sir/ Madam!

T: Yesterday I asked you to review the sports words

you’ve learned and look up new words about sports in your dictionary. Now, I’ll check your homework in this way: Let’s divide ourselves into two groups and have a contest:①Each group will write sports words as many as possible on the blackboard;

②Every group member should go up to write one word in turn;③You can’t write the same word; ④Three minutes later, we’ll check which group can write more words. One, Two, begin!

※The two groups of the Ss write down the words about sports as quickly as and as many as possible on the blackboard.

※Three minutes later, the contest ends. The teacher and the Ss check the result together. And the teacher prizes the winner, and encourages the other.

T: Now, in next period, we’ll talk about sports and the Olympics, including an interview.

Step II Warming up

※Talk about the pictures on the screen.

T: Do you like sports?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: What’s your favorite sport?

Sa: I like football best. It’s so exciting!

Sb: Basketball is my favorite sport.

Sc: ...(There will be some different answers.)

T: Look at the pictures. (The teacher shows the pictures on the screen. )

T: What’s she doing? (Pointing to the first picture. A girl player is skating in the picture.)

Ss: She is skating.

T: What are they doing? (Pointing to the second picture. Some players are playing football.)

Ss: They are playing football.

T: There are so many people here. And look at the five rings. What are they doing? (Pointing to the third picture. There are many people and a flag with five Olympic rings in the picture.)

Ss: They are having the Olympic Games.

T: The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world.P1ease open your books at Page 50. Let’s have a quiz and see how much do you know about the Olympics. Do it by yourselves. Later we’ll check the answers.

(A few minutes later, the teacher shows the answers on the screen.)

T: Please check your total score according to the information on Page 51.

(After a few seconds, ask some of the students about their scores.)

Sd: I’ve got 22 scores.

T: Good! You seem to know a lot about the Olympic Games. What about you? (Ask Se.)

Se: I’ve got 28 scores.

T: Congratulations! You really know much about the Olympic Games.

(Time permitting, the teacher can check more students.)

Step III Speaking

T: Now, look at the pictures on Page 52. There is a variety of sports here: diving, badminton, shooting and weightlifting. Do you know the other names?

Ss: Table tennis, swimming, high jumping, baseball and softball.

T: Look at the useful expressions. They are about asking interests and hobbies and the possible answers.Please read the expressions aloud. Suppose you are a reporter and interview three of your friends about their favorite sports. Then fi11 in the forms with their answers.

Prepare them in groups. A few minutes 1ater, I’11 ask some of you to act out the interview and read what you fill in the form.

※The students prepare the dialogues in groups and then fill in the forms, while the teacher goes among each of the groups to see if they have any questions and directs the students’ activities.

(A few minutes later.)

T: Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: Which group will act out?

Ss: (The first group) Let us have a try.

Dialogue I

(Student A: A news reporter; Student B: A’s friend. They are watching a basketball match on TV)

Sa: Are you interested in the basketball team?

Sb: I 1ove sports and I’m on the basketball team of our school.

Sa: Which do you 1ike, football or basketball?

Sb: I like basketball better than football.

Sa: What’s your favorite sport?

Sb: I like swimming best, I think.

Sa: Why do you 1ike it most?

Sb: Because I was born in Qingdao, Shandong Province.

When I was a 1ittle boy, my parents often took me to swim in the sea. When I moved here, swimming was impossible for me, for there was no swimming poo1 here. So I began to play basketball.

T: Well done! Thank you, sit down, please! Which

group would like to try again?

Ss: (The second group) We’d like to try.


(Student C and Student D are talking about sports. )

Sc: Which do you prefer, badminton or tennis?

Sd: I prefer badminton to tennis.

Sc: Are you good at it?

Sd: No. I can play neither of them. I’d rather watch it than play it.

Sc: Which sports do you 1ike best?

Sd: I like volleyball than any other sport.

Sc: Why?

Sd: Because the spirit of our Chinese Women V olleyball Team in the competition is always encouraging me in my study.

Sc: Do you do well in it?

Sd: No. I’d rather watch it than play it.

Sc: Could you tell me the reason?

Sd: Because I’m near-sighted.

Sc: What a pity!

T: Very good! Thank you, and sit down, please.

(If possible, the teacher may ask more groups to act their dialogues out.)

T: Just now you did a very good job. Now, please put your books on your desk, I’1l check your forms.

(The teacher checks their forms, and asks some of them to read what they filled in the forms.)

One possible version:


Name Which sport do

you like best?

Zhang Lin basketball Love Yao Ming very much.

He’s tall enough to play basketball. Liu Fei swimming Born in a seaside city. The coach says

her muscle is good for swimming Wang Haitao football It’s exciting enough.

Love Ronaldo very much. He’s so


Step IV Talking

※TALKING. P127. Work in groups.

T: Now I know most of you like sports and pay close attention to the Olympic Games. Let’s come to the Talking on Page 127. Imagine that you have been asked by the Olympic Committee to discuss the causes and effects of some serious problems. Let’s see their question card.

(The teacher shows the question card on the screen.)

1. Some athletes use drugs to win. What do you think about the affair?

2. Sometimes the winner is not the best athlete. How to settle the problems?

3. How can you deal with the corruption of some of the officials?

4. Some athletes care too much about winning and money. How can we stop it and develop the spirit of the Olympic Games?

T: Please discuss the problems in your group and you may consult the role cards on Page 127 and 128. Try to think of possible solutions. You may do it in groups of four. (Ss are getting ready.)

T: Are you ready? I’ll check your work. Who’s willing to tell me your idea?

Sa: I don’t want to see athletes win by using drugs. That is dishonest and unfair. For one thing, the best athletes should win depending on their actual strength but not cheating. For another thing, if they use drugs, they will make young sports funs disappointed and angry. What’s worse, using drugs is harmful to their health. The purpose we watch the Olympic Games is to see the best athletes compete, not falsehood and cheating.

Sb: I think that the biggest problem is that some Olympic judges are unfair. Some judges give lower scores to athletes they don’t like. Some judges help the team that they like. This is wrong.

Sc: I agree with you. I think that perhaps these judges have got some good for themselves. I suggest that the Olympic Committee should research these events and punish those dishonest judges. If this case continues, sports fans will get angry and the Olympics will lose the significance.

Sd: In my opinion, we should take steps to settle the problems with some of the Olympic officials. They have a lot of power and the corruption is very easy to happen to them. Once we are blinded to them, they will use their power in a wrong way. I think the Olympic Committee should take some measures to forbid the corruption to keep the Olympic Committee clear and fair.

Se: Yes. I support your idea. And I have one point to add. Some officials from cities that want to host the Olympics also do bad things. They sometimes bribe the corrupt officials in the Olympic Committee in order to get their purpose. They also should be punished. If we want the Olympics to be successful and popular, we must make sure that the officials don’t do wrong.

Sf: Now athletes care too much about money and win, which is too selfish. Win is important, but there is something else more important. Firstly, the Olympic athletes meet together not only to compete but also to make friends. All the athletes and sports fans from all over the world get together at the same place just like a big family, without fighting or conflicts. That is good for the world peace and unity. Secondly, the Olympic spirit is “Faster, Higher, Stronger”. I think its further sense is to make people all over the world live more healthily and happily and also to make the whole nations in the world more friendy and closely from the competitions in the Olympic Games. Thirdly, the Olympic Games can promote the cultural exchange among

different countries. Making the athletes understand these is very important.

(The Ss may have different ideas and the teacher may collect them and make a summary.)

Step ⅥHomework

T: You have done very well in the class. That’s all for this period. Homework for today:

1. Tell the other students what is your favorite sport using at least five or six sentences.

2. Learn the new words by heart. In next period, I’ll check the new words by having a dictation. Goodbye everyone.

Ss: Goodbye, sir/madam.

Step III Listening (Workbook P85)

The students will hear something about problems between friends and what can be done to solve them. They are asked to write down the solutions mentioned on the tape.

T: In the following part, we are going to listen to more problems that friends may have and what can be done to solve them. This time, the problems are given. Go through them quickly to get a general idea about the passage. Listen for the first time. Take some notes about the solutions mentioned in the passage. Listen again. Try to write down the solutions in whole sentences. And check your answers with your partners. Listen for the third time. Check the answers with the whole class.

Step IV Assignment

T: Today we have learnt how to describe a friend and how

to solve problems between friends. For the homework, you have two options:

1. Write a short introduction about one of your best friends.

2. Describe one of the problems between you and one of your friends and how it is solved.

仁爱版英语八年级下册Unit8 Topic1 SectionD 参考教案

Unit8 Topic1 SectionD 参考教案 Ⅰ. Material analysis 本节课建议教师用1课时上完。主要活动为Section D 的1a。 本课是本话题的最后一课,要求学生通过本课的学习活动,复习so…that…, such…that…和so that…结构,了解更多与服装相关的知识。本课通过对1a短文的阅读理解,在让学生了解服装的起源与功能等知识的同时,指导学生如何有效地完成任务型阅读。要求学生掌握黑体词discuss, 短语protect …from…和business, 谚语You are what you wear. 的用法,理解白体词skin, materials, uniform, kimono, sportswear, easy-going, saying和function的含义。通过本课学习,让学生了解着装的起源、发展历程及传递的信息。 Ⅱ. Teaching aims Knowledge aims: 1. 了解更多的与服装相关的知识。 2. 复习so…that…, such…that…和so that…的用法。 Skill aims: 1. 能针对所听语段的内容,识别语段的主题,获取主要信息。 2. 能引出服装的话题并进行简单的交谈。 3. 能通过关键词迅速理解短文大意。 4. 能根据写作要求和素材,整理出符合逻辑的短文。 Emotional aims: 了解着装的起源、发展历程及传递的信息。 Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points Key points: 1. 了解更多的与服装相关的知识。 2. 复习so…that…, such…that…和so that…的用法。 3. 有效地完成任务型阅读。 Difficult points: 能根据写作要求和素材,整理出符合逻辑的短文。 Ⅳ. Learning strategies

九年级英语Unit8 教案

九年级英语Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks教案 The First Period Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give out, volunteer, food, bank (2) Target Language I’d like to work outside. You could give out food at a food bank. 2. Ability Objects (1) Train the students to express offering to help with the target language. (2) Train the students’ listening skill. 3. Moral Object Offer help to the others as much as possible. Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points 1. Key Vocabulary :clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give up 2. Target Language How to express offering to help with target language. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points 1. Teach the students how to use the new phrasal verbs.

英语人教版九年级全册unit 9教案

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 本单元教学以音乐为话题,主要应掌握定语从句的简单用法。让学生们学会用定语从句来表达喜好。 教学目标: 1.知识目标:掌握本课的大纲词汇和that、who引导的定语从句的简单用法。 2.能力目标:1)能听懂喜欢什么种类的音乐的话题的有关的简单会话。 2)能用定语从句造简单的句子。 3.情感目标:让学生们懂得去欣赏美好的音乐。 教学内容: 1.大纲词汇prefer lyrics electronic music Australian 2.句型i like music that … ①教学重点:初步掌握定语从句的构成及从句中谓语动词基本变 化。 ②学习dance to the music ,sing along with 等几个词组。 教学步骤 Step 1:Lead-in 1. Play a song to present the new words. Step 2 Presentation 1.Tell more about the teacher to students, presenting more sentences and asking them to help saying in another way. 2.Set a scene to talk with students by telling them something about the teacher by using the attributive clause. Step 3 Practice 1. Present students several pictures or several pieces of music with a relative question. And ask them to talk in pairs with the help of sample shown. 2. Invite some pairs to show their talk in order to help the teacher know more about them. 3 Listening1 1. Present the question and help students make sure what information they


Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some useful words and expressions: disease, body, illness, empty, stomach, human, through, sour, tidy, sweep 2. Learn modals for giving advice and modals for necessity: (1)We should keep the air clean and fresh. (2)We shouldn’t drink sour milk. (3)We must keep our streets clean. 3. Talk about personal hygiene: (1)We should tidy our bedrooms and sweep the floors often. (2)We must keep the air clean and fresh. (3)We must wash our hands before meals. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/图片/多媒体课件 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:15分钟) 1. (让学生讨论哪些是好的生活习惯,哪些是不好的生活习惯,并将讨论的结果写下来。) T:Let’s discuss what are healthy habits and what are unhealthy habits. Discuss with your partners, then write them down. For example: Healthy habits: Drink at least eight cups of water every day. Go to bed early and get up early. ) Unhealthy habits: Throw litter about. Keep long fingernails. Get up late. 2. (教师将全班分成两组, 一组在黑板上写健康的生活习惯,另一组写不健康的生活习惯, 写得多的小组获胜。) T:Now, work in groups. We have two groups. One group writes healthy habits, the other group writes unhealthy habits. The group that writes more is the winner. 3. (要求学生根据前面写的校规来写一写班规,并将写好的班规贴在教室的墙上。) T:There are many regulations in our school. Can you write some regulations for our class? We will choose the best one to put on the wall. 4.(出示一些健康和不健康的生活习惯图片,让学生根据图片口头造句,引导他们用上should/shouldn’t/must/must not。) T:Look at these pictures, let’s talk about them.(导入本课目标语言。) For example:

英语人教版九年级全册unit8 教案

Teaching Plan for 9 Unit8 Section B Reading Stonehenge-Can Anyone Explain Why It is There? Designed by Cao Chunxia From Ping Yao No. 1 Middle School Learning Objectives: 1.To understand some new words by listening, free talking, guessing and finishing tasks. 2.To understand the passage’s main idea, the structure and the different opinions by using some reading strategies, such as skimming, scanning, identifying the linking words or phrases etc. 3. To get moral education: Learn to question and hold the spirit of exploring the mysteries. Important Points: 1. must, might, could and can’t for making inferences 2. Identifying the conjunctions or phrases that link ideas together Difficult Points: The suitable usage of the linking words or phrases Teaching Aids: Multi-media Teaching Procedure:


九年级英语Unit9 When was it invented 教案 学习目标: 1.学会使用含有被动语态的不同句型结构“When/ Where was it invented? ” 和“ What are they used for?--- They are used for doing sth.. ”来谈论各种发明物的历史。 2.学习理解被动语态的含义。能够就不同的发明物与他人交流看法,发表自己的见解,并陈述理由。 3.了解到更多在世界上有重大意义的发明,并向那些伟大的发明家学习。 一、词汇 1.基础词汇 invent adjustable heel battery operate slipper scoop electric bulb microwave oven island sweet salty crispy sour potato chip mistake thin chef sprinkle beverage thousand according ancient legend emperor boil fire leaf nearby remain

notice produce pleasant smell taste metal pie bakery throw special abacus century telescope camera term 2.重点短语 experience airplane India develop 二、日常用语 1. --- When was the car invented ---It was invented in 1985.

仁爱版八年级下册英语unit8 topic2教案设计

仁爱版八年级下册英语-unit8-topic2教案 Unit 8 Topic 2 Section A Section A需用1课时。 重点活动是1a、1b和2。 教学目标: 1.学习It is+adjective +for...。 2.学习宾语从句的用法。 3.培养学生的集体主义观念。 教学过程: 第一步:复习 1.头脑风暴:让学生归纳学过的服装名称。如:jeans,scarf,overcoat等。 2.问答。例如:Do you like the jeans? Why? What’s it made of? 第二步:呈现 1.回答问题:Do you like the uniforms? Why? 2.听1a录音,回答问题: ①What will the school make for students? ②Do they like the uniforms?Why? ③Do they have any ideas to solve the problem? ④What does Miss Wang think about it? 第三步:巩固 1.读1a课文,学习生词,牢记以下的内容。 ①I don’t like uniforms because they will look so ugly on us. ②But a uniform is more comfortable and it can show good discipline. ③I think our school should allow us to design our own uniforms. ④A good school uniform would keep both teachers and students happy. ⑤You’d better make a survey about the styles of uniforms.


初中英语新课程标准教材 英语教案( 2019 — 2020学年度第二学期 ) 学校: 年级: 任课教师: 英语教案 / 初中英语 / 八年级英语教案 编订:XX文讯教育机构

新目标英语八年级上册unit2教案 教材简介:本教材主要用途为通过学习英语的内容,提高学生的语言技能,增加一项语言能力,有利于国际化的日常交流、生活、工作等,本教学设计资料适用于初中八年级英语科目, 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。本内容是按照教材的内容进行的编写,可以放心修改调整或直接进行教学使用。 unit 2what’s the matter? topic: health 教学目标 语言目标 what’s the matter? i have a headache. you should drink some tea. that sounds like a good idea.

i have a sore back. that’s too bad. i hope you feel better soon. 能力目标 learn to give advice and make suggestions. talk about health. 语言结构 have for talking about health problems modals: should/ shouldn’t 语言功能

i have a headache/ stomachache / toothache. you should go to bed. you shouldn’t eat anything for two hours. 学习策略与思维技巧 using what you know. inferring content. 重点词汇 head, nose, eye, ear, mouth, tooth, neck, stomach, back, leg, arm, hand, foot tired, hungry, thirsty, stressed out a cold, headache, backache, toothache, stomachache, sore throat dentist 任


Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section A Reading 教案授课教师:授课日期: 一. Teaching aims and demands Master the language points. 二.Teaching important and difficult points The phrases such as have fun doing and so on 三.Teaching methods Discussion method, discovery learning. 四.Teaching aids An English textbook,papers. 五.Teaching designs Lead-in :review the contents of the last class. Step 1设问导读 1.However, these days, something unusual is happening in our town. happen为不及物动词,指事情的发生带有一定的偶然性或不能预料。sth happen to sb. sb happen to do sth. e.g. What (happen) you last night? I happened (meet) one of my good friends in the street. 2. interview v. 面试,采访,会见 Interview n. 面试,采访。Interviewer n. 记者,见面者,会见者Our teacher _______________ (interview) by the reporter yesterday. 3.There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? 一定有什么造访了我们社区的家庭,但是它是什么呢? There be句型中,当主语后的非谓语动词所表示的动作是由主语发出的时候,该动词要用现在分词形式,即构成There be sb./sth. doing sth.句型,表示“”。 e.g. There is someone (wait) for you at the door. There are a lot of birds (sing) in the tree. 4.have fun相当于 have a good time /enjoy oneself玩的开心


盆尧一中师生共用教学案 学科:英语年级:九课题:unit9 When was it invented? 第一课时P68 主备人:沈静复备人:九年级英语组上课时间: 09/11/18 审核人: 学习目标:被动语态 重难点:主动语态和被动语态的差异。 预习题:英汉互译。 1.modern inventions 2.couldn’t afford 3.in those days 4.我的一些朋友 5.私人电脑 6.上历史课 二、单项填空。 ( )1.Can you tell me what _____? A . it calls B. does it call C. is it called D. it is called ( )2.which one was _____ ,the computer or the TV? A .early B. earliest C. earlier D. the earliest ( )3.In old days, people didn’t have many modern _______ ,like computer. A. inventing B. invents C. inventions D. inventors ( )4.I didn’t have so much money when I was young, but I_____ now. A. doing B. am C. does D. do ( )5.The telephone was invented _____ 1876. A . in B. on C. at D. of 三、知识点汇总。 1.被动语态 (1)语态是动词的一中形式,表示句子中主语和谓语的关系,语态共有两种:主动语态和被动语态。 (2)两中语态结构对比: 主动语态:主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 (动作发出者)(及物动词)(动作承受者) 被动语态:主语 + 谓语 + (by+)宾语 (动作承受者) (be+v过去分词) (动作发出者) Eg. People speak English . English is spoken by people . (3)几种常用时态的被动语态: a.一般现在时的被动语态构成:主语+ am/is /are +v.的过去分词. Eg. This kind of car is made in China. Is this book written in English. b. 一般过去时的被动语态构成:主语+ was/ were +v.的过去分词. Eg.The trees were planted last year. The trees c. 一般将来时的被动语态构成:主+will/ be going to +be +v.的过去分词 eg. The child will be sent back to his parents next month. These letters are going to be posted tomorrow morning . d.现在完成时的被动语态构成:主+ have /has +been + v.的过去分词


Section A 初中2011课标版评论(1) 1教学目标 1、语言技能目标:能简单运用现在完成时询问最近已经发生的事,如:Have you read Robinson Crusoe yet? 并作肯定和否定回答;能运用最基本的现在完成时结构来谈论自己或他已经做完的事,如:I have read Little Women and Jack has read Tom Sayer. 2、语言知识目标:学习并初步掌握现在完成时的结构及基本概念,如:Have you read ...? 3、情感态度目标:通过讨论学生所读过的名著,使他们了解一些名著的大致内容,激发学生读书的兴趣,同时通过对名著的简单赏析,培养学生积极向上,不轻言放弃的良好品格。评论(1)2学情分析 由于大多数学生是首次接触现在完成时态,可能会觉得有点困难。教材以读过的名著为话题切入,帮助学生较好地理解理现在完成时。在此基础上,再进一步开展讨论,学习带有already 与yet的现在完成时态,较快地激发学生的学习积极性,从而达成本课的教学目标。评论(1)3重点难点 1、重点词汇:island, treasure, full of, classic 2、重点句型:Have you read Robinson Crusoe yet? Yes, i have. I have already read it./ No, i haven't. I haven't read it yet. Has he read Treasure Island yet? Yes, he has. / No, he hasbn't. 3、话题:Famous books. 4教学过程4.1 第一学时教学活动评论(0)活动1【讲授】Unit8Have you read Treasure Island yet Step 1 Warming-up Show a short video about Robinson Crusoe for the ss to watch before class. Then in class talk about the movie with the students: Do you know the movie? What is the name of it? (Robinson Crusoe) Have you watched the movie yet?


叩官初中英语八年级下活页备课 撰稿:李乃红定稿:张王丁周次:十一课时1234 导学一 一、教学课题:Section A 二、教学目标:Words: comment, album, personal, special, receive,gave, guy Phrases: get sb for sth, how about, give…….to, what about Sentenses: 1)What should I get my sister、 2)Why don’t you get my si ster? 3)How about / What about some tennis balls? 三、教学重难点:1)enough的用法。 2)情态动词should+动词原形表达征求意见,以及运用Why don't you---? How/What about---?等句型结构来表示提建议。 四、教学过程: 自主学习:写出下列单词及短语 1 私人的,个人的2特别的,专门的3收到,接受4有创造力的5字典 6照相机7便宜的_8昂贵的9无聊的,乏味的10有趣的 2)⑴What's up?含义:____________________同义句:_____________\ No way如何翻译?____________________. 合作交流 1)What's the best gift Joe has ever received? 例如:我曾经见过那个小男孩。________________. 2)Who gave it to him?give sth.to sb.=give sb. sth. 例如:请把那支钢笔给我。_____________________________________. 3)What a lucky guy!如何用how来替换:_________________________________. 例如:多么有趣的故事啊!___________________________/___________ 典型例题 1)Why not --------- to the movie with us? A.going B. go C.goes D.to go 【解析】:Why not 是Why don’t you 的简写故应选B 2)I’m really busy because I have homework to do at the moment. A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too 【解析】:too much 加不可数名词,too many 加名词复数.much too 加形容词或者副词,故应选C. 中考链接。 1.(2008,北京).—My brother’s ill in hospital. —I’m sorry _____ that. A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. to hear 2.(2008,芜湖).The child is ______ young to go to sch001 . A.enough B.very C.so D.too 3. (08河北)Chinese can sing English songs as ______ as native speakers . A.good B.well C.better D.best Step7、小结回扣: Let students read and memorize the important words and sentences.Then the teacher can explain the difficult points if nccessary. 【当堂达标】 一.单项选择。 ( )1.Some old people think they get _______ gifts. A.too much B.much too C.too many D.many too ( )2.I remember ___ the key in the box under the bed.But I cannot find it now! A.put B.to put C.putting D.put away ( )https://www.doczj.com/doc/f815382852.html,ter,the same gift may _______ away to someone else . A.give B.be give C.given D.be given ( )4.It is a good way to help learners have ______ with English. A.fun B.funs C.a fun D.funny ( )5.Chinese can sing English songs as ______ as native speakers .A.good B.well C.better D.best ( )6.--Whose car is this? Is it yours? --No,it isn’t mine.It must be ___. A.other someone B.someone else C.someone’s D.someone else’s ( )7.The number of tourists _____ to our country recently. A.have come B.has increased C.comes D.have increasing ( )8.--I’d like to get you roses for your birthday. --It sounds good,but it is not ______ enough. A.common B.special C.big D.difficult ( )9.I think old people should keep a dog as a _____ when their children are working in other parts. A.pet B.cat C.child D.care ( )10.Little child may give his mother leaves ______ a tree. A.from B.of C. for D.in 导学二 一、教学课题:Section B 二、教学目标:Words: spider, mouse, snake, hamster, turtle, child, pot-bellied, advantage, trendy, perfect, rabbit, clean, company, Phrases: take care of, too……..to


八年级英语下册Unit8教案 Unit8topic1 1)so…that…如此…以至于….,that引导的是结果状语从句,其结构是so+形容词或副词+that从句。 )so…that…可以换成such++形容词+名词。 ouldlie作为一个固定结构后接名词,代词,不定式作宾语,也可以用不定式作宾补,表示想要的意思。 )ouldliesth.想要某物;Iouldliesoericeandpor。我想要一些米饭和猪肉。 )ouldlietodosth.想要做某事。 )ouldliesb.todosth.想要某人做某事。 ouldlie=ant想要 be为助动词,ade是及物动词ae的过去分词,of后接宾语,beadeof的主语通常为成品。Beadefro后的原材料则看不出,beadein主语是成品,介词in后为产地,beadeinto 主语为原材料,介词into后接成品。 Thetableisadeofood。这桌子是由木头制成的。 Paperisadefroood。纸是由木材制成的。 Thebisadeinhongong。这把梳子是香港制造的。 Ironisadeintonives。铁可以制成小刀。 afford常接在can,could,beableto之后,意为担负

的起;抽的出。Afford还有提供,给予,出产的意思。 onsale上市;折价出售,减价出售。 Forsale待售,供出售。 though是从属连词,引导让步状语从句,和连词but不能连用,但翻译时需译为但是。如:thoughAustraliaisverylarger,thepopulationisquitesall。虽然澳大利亚面积很大,但是人口却很少。 suchas像,诸如,例如。 opportunitiessuchasthisdidnoteeveryday。这样的机会不是天天都有的。 .lie是名词,意为喜好,爱好,反义词为dislie eallhavedifferentlieanddislie,我们各有不同的好恶。 dependon意为依靠,依赖,随…而定,取决于。 Thecountrydependonitstouristtrade。这个国家主要依靠旅游业。 It/thatdepends那得看情况。 Dependonsb./sth.。依靠某人,信赖某人某事 Dependonsb.todosth./doingsth.。指望某人做某事。 Dependon=dependupon generally通常,一般的,一般放在句首。


Unit 2How often do you exercise? Section A (1a-1c) 1.重点单词:housework,hardly,ever 2.重点短语:hardly ever,go shopping 3.重点句式:—What do you do on weekends? —I usually watch TV. —Do you go shopping? —No,I never go shopping. 能描述课余时间的活动安排 能描述课余时间的活动安排 一、预习课本P9新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。 1.家务____________ 2.几乎不____________ 3.从来____________ 二、认真预习1a-1c,找出下列短语和句型。 1.去购物____________ 2.几乎从不____________ 3.—你周末干什么?—我通常看电视。 ________________________________________________________________________ 4.—你去购物吗?—不,我从来不去购物。 ________________________________________________________________________ Step 1情景导入 Teacher:I like Saturday and Sunday.Because I can do many things what I like.I always watch TV.I sometimes help with the housework.I often go shopping.I usually play with my friends.What do you usually do on weekends?Can you tell us what you do on weekends?Please say something to your partner about your weekends. 环节说明:由自己的周末活动为导线让学生说出自己周末的活动,引出本课时的学习,同时也锻炼了学生的口语。 Step 2完成教材1a—1c的任务 1.认真观察1a图片中人物的活动,然后用适当的短语来描述人物的活动,完成后小组内互相交流答案。(3分钟) 2.邀请几组学生把所写的短语板书到黑板上,要求学生识记并互相提问所写的短语。(5分钟) 3.两人一组互相练习1a图片中的对话,然后用黑板上的短语来替换练习对话并邀请几组学生表演对话。(3分钟) 4.学生领读1b中的频率副词,教师纠正读音,然后互相背诵单词,为听力打好基础。(3分钟) 5.认真听录音,把1a图片中的字母写在横线上,集体核对答案,完成1b。(3分钟) 6.再听一遍录音,并跟读。(2分钟) 7.仿照1c中的对话,利用1a图片中的人物活动与同伴练习新对话,并邀请几组学生来表演对话。(5分钟)


人教版初中九年级英语Unit8 SectionA(Grammar Focus-4c)优质课教案I.Material analysis The reading material is an article about the strange noises in a town.Activity 3a asks Ss to read the article and choose the appropriate title According to the content of the article. Activity 3b requires the Ss to find the appropriate transfer according to the definition and to grasp the different expressions of the language. Activity 3c leads the Ss to pay more attention to the details of the text and find out the speculations of many characters in the article about the strange noises. II. Student analysis Section A focuses on learning the four modal verbs to indicate the different usages of making inferences and learning to use different sentence patterns to express the ownership of the object. The difficulty in this part is to master the usage of the modal verb must, could, can, can’t to make inferences. Ss need to experience and practice in a large number of languages to use them correctly and skillfully. III. Language knowledge goals: 1) New words: policeman, noise, wolf, happening, uneasy 2) Read the article and get relevant information as required; 3)Improve students’ reading ability through reading training; 4) Learn to use modal verbs to make inferences. IV. Emotional attitude value goals: In the face of temporary unexplained phenomena around us, reasonable conjecture is made on the basis of the available evidence. Do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors. V.Teaching important and difficult points 1.Read the article and get relevant information: 1) Master the new words and phrases in this part to achieve the goal of proficiency. 2) Read the article and get relevant information. Improve Ss’ reading ability by reading exercises. 2. Difficult points:

新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级(全一册)全册教案-Unit1-9

Unit 1 How do you study for a test? Period 1 1.words and expressions flashcard aloud pronunciation skill voice 2.Key sentences ---How do you study for a test? ---I study by working with a group . ---Do you learn English by reading aloud? ---Yes ,I do. 3.Difficult and important points Talk about how to study for a test . Teaching procedures and ways Step1 Lead-in Talk about the summer vacations with the students. T: Hello, everyone .Nice to meet you in the new term .How about your summer vacations? S; Wonderful .During the vacation,I went to Hong Kong and Hainan with my parents. The Hong Kong Disneyland will open in September. S:I studied English under the guidance of a famous teacher. And my English really improved a lot. T:I want to know what you study for. S: For a test. Step2 prestation(1a) T: How does he/she study English? S: She studies English by reading books . She studies English by watching TV. She studies English by surfing the Internet. He studies English by listening to the tapes. I study English by reading more English . By using computer . By watching TV. By learning from a foreign teacher. Step3 Listening and speaking (1b 1c) T: Right .Now you will listen to some students talking about how to study for a test .I will play the recording for you k two or more times .Please listen for the first time to get the idea .Keep notes while listening .OK? play the recording two or more times .Then check the answer. T: We heard just now that how Mei ,Pierre, and Antonio study for a test .What about you ? How about your friends ?Please work in pairs to discuss. Step 4 listening practice(2a 2b)

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