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Homotopy Perturbation Sumudu Transform Method

Homotopy Perturbation Sumudu Transform Method
Homotopy Perturbation Sumudu Transform Method


中国金融集成电路(IC)卡 借记/贷记规X 第五部分:与应用无关的IC卡与终端 接口需求 中国金融集成电路(IC)卡标准修订工作组 二零零四年九月 目次

1.X围4 2.参考资料5 3.定义5 4.缩略语和符号表示7 第I部分10 机电特性、逻辑接口与传输协议10 1.机电接口10 1.1IC卡的机械特性11 1.1.1物理特性11 1.1.2触点的尺寸和位置11 1.1.3触点的分配12 1.2IC卡电气特性12 1.2.1测量约定12 1.2.2输入/输出(I/O)12 1.2.3编程电压(VPP)13 1.2.4时钟(CLK)13 1.2.5复位(RST)14 1.2.6电源电压(VCC)14 1.2.7触点电阻14 1.3终端的机械特性14 1.3.1接口设备15 1.3.2触点压力15 1.3.3触点分配15 1.4终端的电气特性16 1.4.1测量约定16 1.4.2输入/输出(I/O)16 1.4.3编程电压(VPP)17 1.4.4时钟(CLK)17 1.4.5复位(RST)18 1.4.6电源电压(VCC)18 1.4.7触点电阻18 1.4.8短路保护19 1.4.9插入IC卡后,终端的加电和断电19 2.卡片操作过程19 2.1正常卡片操作过程19 1 / 77

2.1.1操作步骤19 2.1.2IC卡插入与触点激活时序19 2.1.3IC卡复位20 2.1.4交易执行22 2.1.5触点释放时序22 2.2交易过程的异常结束23 3.字符的物理传输23 3.1位持续时间23 3.2字符帧24 4.复位应答25 4.1复位应答期间回送字符的物理传输25 4.2复位应答期间IC卡回送的字符25 4.3字符定义26 4.3.1TS-初始字符27 4.3.2T0-格式字符27 4.3.3TA1到TC3-接口字符28 4.3.4TCK -校验字符32 4.4复位应答过程中终端的行为32 4.5复位应答-终端流程33 5.传输协议35 5.1物理层35 5.2数据链路层35 5.2.1字符帧35 5.2.2字符协议T=035 5.2.3T=0的错误检测及纠错37 5.2.4块传输协议T=138 5.2.5T=1协议的错误检测和纠正43 5.3终端传输层(TTL)45 5.3.1T=0协议下APDU的传送45 5.3.2T=1协议下APDU的传送49 5.4应用层50 5.4.1C-APDU50 5.4.2R-APDU51 第II部分51 文件、命令和应用选择51 6.文件52

Perturbation of the Wigner equation in inner product C-modules

a r X i v :08 1 . 8 5 v 2 [ m a t h . O A ] 2 M a r 2 8 PERTURBATION OF THE WIGNER EQUATION IN INNER PRODUCT C ?-MODULES JACEK CHMIELI ′NSKI,DIJANA ILI ˇSEVI ′C,MOHAMMAD SAL MOSLEHIAN,AND GHADIR SADEGHI Abstract.Let A be a C ?-algebra and B be a von Neumann algebra that both act on a Hilbert space H .Let M and N be inner product modules over A and B ,respectively.Under certain assumptions we show that for each mapping f :M →N satisfying | f (x ),f (y ) |?| x,y | ≤?(x,y )(x,y ∈M ),where ?is a control function,there exists a solution I :M →N of the Wigner equation | I (x ),I (y ) |=| x,y |(x,y ∈M )such that f (x )?I (x ) ≤ 2000Mathematics Subject Classi?cation.Primary 46L08;Secondary 39B52,39B82.Key words and phrases.Wigner equation,inner product C ?-module,stability. 1


6.1.4 Multiple load case analysis Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/CAE References *LOAD CASE *END LOAD CASE Chapter 34, “Load cases,” of the Abaqus/CAE User's Guide Overview A multiple load case analysis: is used to study the linear responses of a structure subjected to distinct sets of loads and boundary conditions defined within a step (each set is referred to as a load case); can be much more efficient than an equivalent multiple perturbation step analysis; allows for the changing of mechanical loads and boundary conditions from load case to load case; includes the effects of the base state; and can be performed with static perturbation, direct-solution steady-state dynamic and SIM-based steady-state dynamic analyses. Load cases A load case refers to a set of loads, boundary conditions, and base motions comprising a particular loading condition. For example, in a simplified model the operational environment of an airplane might be broken into five load cases: (1) take-off, (2) climb, (3) cruise, (4) descent, and (5) landing. Often a load case is defined in terms of unit loads or prescribed boundary conditions, and a multiple load case analysis refers to the simultaneous solution for the responses of each load case in a set of such load cases. These responses can then be scaled and linearly combined during postprocessing to represent the actual loading environment. Other postprocessing manipulations on load cases are also common, such as finding the maximum Mises


2007年第26卷 5月 第5期 机械科学与技术 MechanicalScienceandTechnologyforAerospaceEn舀neering Mav2007 V01.26No.5 刘保国动力响应问题的摄动Riccati传递矩阵方法 刘保国,桑广伟 (河南工业大学机电工程学院,郑州450052) 摘要:基于Riccati传递矩阵法,给出了一维不确定参数结构系统动力学响应问题的二阶摄动计算方法。该方法在用于一维结构系统动力响应问题的摄动分析时,不需要按振型展开,避免了基于有限元的矩阵摄动方法所带来的模态截断误差问题,提高了分析结果的精度。以多跨转子——轴承系统为模型,导出了动力响应问题摄动Riccati传递矩阵法的具体计算公式,并编制了相应的计算分析程序。算例对弹性支承的等截面梁的动力响应问题进行了摄动分析,摄动计算结果和精确计算结果吻合良好。 关键词:摄动分析;Riccati传递矩阵法;动力响应 中图分类号:THll3.1;TBl23文献标识码:A文章编号:1003—8728(2007)05旬589D6 Perturbation砒ccatiTransferMatrixMethodfor DynamicResponseProblemS LiuBaoguo,SangGuangwei (Mechatronic0fElectricalEn舀neering,HenanUniversity0fTbchnology,zhenzhou450D52) Abstract:WeusetheRiceati磁msfermatrixme出odtopresentaseeond—orderperhlrbationcalculationmet}lodf.orthedynamicresponseproblemofaone—dimensionalstlllcturalsystemwithparameteruncertainties.TheperturbationcalculationmethodavoidsthemodaltmncationerrorscausedbytheFEM?basedmatrixperturbationmethod,thus enhancingtheaccumcyofperturbationanalysisresults. Setting山e rotor_be耐ngsystemwithmultiplespansasa model,wederiVethecalculationfo瑚ulasofthe perturbationRiccatitmnsfermatrixmethodfordynamicresponse pmblemsanddevelopitscomputationalpmgmm.Themetllodisappliedtotheperturbationanalysisofthedynamicresponsef而mabeamwithspringsupportsatbothends,andtllepenurbationcalculationresultsagreewellwith山eaccuratecalculationresults. Keywords:penurbationanalysis;Riccatitransfermatrixmethod;dynamicresponse 不确定参数结构在工程中十分普遍…。关于不确定参数对一维结构系统动力学性能和动力学响应的影响,原则上可以用摄动有限元素法进行研究旧J。但由于一维结构系统的特殊性,摄动有限元素法不是研究这类问题的最理想的方法。特别是在研究转子动力学问题时,由于油膜轴承、液体或气体密封的交叉刚度、阻尼项往往是不对称的,以及陀螺力矩的影响,用有限元素法形成的单元刚度阵和系统刚度阵是不对称的,阻尼也无法简单地以比例阻尼和小阻尼来替代,因此,在解决这些问题时用摄动有限元素法不能取得理想的结果”-。 传递矩阵法是研究一维结构系统动力学问题的有效手段,特别是在转子动力学问题的研究当中,传递矩阵法具有其独特的优势。典型的传递矩阵法有Myklestad.Pmhl传递矩阵法和Riccati传递矩阵法,它们具有结构型式简单、易于计算机程序实现等优点,但随着自由度数的增加和分析频率的提高,Myklestad—Prohl传递矩阵法会出现数值不稳定现象,而Riccati传递矩阵法克服了这个缺点,且计算精度高,数值也比较稳定旧J。 关于不确定参数对一维结构系统动力学特性的影响,文献[4—6]进行了详细的研究。本文基于 收稿日期:2006一04一03 基金项目:河南省高校杰出科研人才创新工程项目(2005KYcXol4)和河南工业大学博士科研基金资助 作者简介:刘保国(1962一),男(汉),河南,教授,博士,bguoliu@haut.edu.cn  万方数据

Perturbation methods扰动方法

II: Introduction to perturbation methods Parts: 1. Introduction. 2. The main idea behind perturbation methods. 3. Motion in a nonlinear resistive medium. 4. One example. 5. Comparison with the exact solution. 6. A nonlinear oscillator. 7. Poincaré-Lindstedt's method. 8. Ordo-notation. 9. Regular perturbation does not always work. 10. Inner and outer approximations. 11. Singul?r perturbation - when does regular perturbation not work?

12. The outer approximation. 13. The inner approximation. 14. Matching. 15. A final example. 16. WKB-approximation 17. Exercises. 1. Introduction.

Let the mass of the earth be m. Consider the motion of the earth around the sun in an ideal case, where we have no influences from other celestial bodies. The motion y=y(t) is governed by Newton's law We now imagine the motion being perturbed by a comet passing close to the earth. Then the perturbed system will have an extra term It is not unreasonable that the solution of the perturbed problem might be on the form where y0(t) is the solution of the original problem and the rest are correction terms. Remark: The notation


International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 76– No.8, August 2013 Design and Implementation of Photo Voltaic System: Arduino Approach Neeraj Vijay Kale Department of Electronics Engineering, Walchand Institute of Technology, Solapur Maharashtra, India, 413006. Prashant Shivasharan Malge Department of Electronics Engineering, Walchand Institute of Technology, Solapur Maharashtra, India, 413006. ABSTRACT Photovoltaic (PV) is a renewable energy source and has become an important source of power for a wide range of applications. Design and implementation of an Arduino based Photovoltaic system are presented in this paper. Proposed system includes Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique, sun tracking technique to generate maximum power from PV panel and monitoring software for monitoring the performance of Photovoltaic system. The paper describes the design of MPPT unit, sun tracking unit and development of monitoring software for PC. Finally experimental results validate the performance of the proposed system. Keywords Maximum Power Point unit, Sun tracking unit, Monitoring Software. 1.INTRODUCTION The basic need for development and existence of human life is an energy. Fossil fuels (Coal, oil and natural gas), hydroelectric power and nuclear power are the commercial sources of energy. [2] Total world consumption of energy is increasing at an alarming rate year after year. According to Key World Energy Statistics 2012 published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), total world final consumption of energy has increased from 4672Mtoe (million ton of oil equivalent) in 1973, to 8677Mtoe in 2010.On the contrary, the fossil fuels are rapidly depleting and reserves of the fossil fuels are gradually coming to an end. Because of the increased world total consumption of energy and depletion of resources the cost of the commercial resources has achieved high hike. [2]. Because of these problems, the focus is now shifting towards renewable energy sources. Solar energy is a renewable energy source that can lead us away from our commercial energy sources. Solar energy is clean, renewable and sustainable unlike fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas and is also sustainable. Photo voltaic systems have two major problems; the conversion efficiency of electric power generation is very low about 10-24%[3], and get reduced under low irradiation conditions. PV panels have a nonlinear voltage-current characteristic [4], with a distinct maximum power point (MPP), which depends on the environmental factors, such as temperature and irradiation [3]. In order to continuously harvest maximum power from the solar panels, they have to operate at their MPP despite the inevitable changes in the environment. MPPT strongly tracks this operating point to generate maximum power from PV panel. Since the Earth rotates, and orbits around the sun, the relative position of the sun changes and is a major factor in the performance of PV systems [13]. To generate the maximum power from solar panel, solar panel must be aligned perfectly towards the sun; hence MPPT is used in conjunction with a mechanical sun tracking in the proposed system. To understand the performance of PV system monitoring software is developed. For proposed system Arduino is used. Arduino is an open source electronic prototype platform that consist of 8-bit Atmel AVR microcontroller such as Atmega328. More information about Arduino is available at http//Arduino. cc. The outline of the paper is as follows. The design of maximum power point tracking and sun tracking is described in section 2 and 3 respectively. Section 4 describes monitoring software. Experimental results are presented in section 5. Finally section 6 concludes the paper. 2.DESING OF MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING This section describes maximum power point tracking technique and its implementation in the proposed system. 2.1Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) The PV cell V-I characteristic is nonlinear and varies with irradiation [4]. Maximum Power point i.e. P MAX of PV modules is defined as the point on IV curve where we get maximum current and voltage [7] as shown below in Fig.1 at V MP and I MP maximum power of PV panel is located, V MP and I MP are the maximum voltage and current respectively. Maximum power point tracking is the control technique that maintains the PV modules operating point at its Maximum Power Point. MPPT technique operates the PV module in a manner that allows the module to produce all the power it is capable of. The terminal voltage of PV panel is adjusted so that the maximum power can be extracted. MPPT technique involves the design of DC to DC buck converter. MPPT algorithm is embedded in Arduino which adjust the duty cycle of DC to DC converter according MPPT algorithm by comparing the voltage and current of PV module [5]. Different methods of MPPT are available such as Perturb-and-observe (P&O) method, Incremental conductance (INC) method, and Constant voltage method [7]. For this system Perturbation and observation algorithm is used.

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