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Information for the examinees:

This examination consists of 3 parts. They are:

Part I: Literary Fundamentals (30 points)

Part II: Reading Comprehension (50 points)

Part III: Writing (20 points)

The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.

There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet; therefore, you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.

Part I Literary Fundamentals [30 points]

Section 1. Match the writers with their works (10 points).


1. The Pearl

2. Lord of the Flies

3. The Dumb Waiter

4. An Inspector Calls

5. The Old Man and The Sea


A. John Steinbeck

B. Robert Frost

C. Harold Pinter

D. Walt Whitman

E. Ernest Hemingway

F. JB Priestley

G.. Arthur Miller

H. William Golding

Section 2. Decide whether the following statements are True (T ) or False (F) (10 points).

6. Arthur Miller wrote his play The Crucible in 1950s. The play is aimed to exposing the hypocrisy of the property-owning class of the United States.

7. Macbeth is one of Shakespeare?s tragedies.

8. What has been termed confessional poetry in widely associated with American poets such as Anne Sexton and Sylvia Plath.

9. “I have a dream” is a famous speech made by President Lincoln during the American Civil War.

10 . Wide Sargasso Sea, is based on the story of Jane Eyre.

Section 3. Choose the correct answers to complete the following sentences (10 points).

11. Usually ______ works by starting a story at a point in the recent past, then switching the action back to an earlier time, farther back in the past. At the end it will then usually bring us back to the same time zone we started from.

A. climax

B. point of view

C. flashback

D. setting

12. A stanza is a grouping of the verse lines in a poem. There are various stanzas containing two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight lines, etc. A _____is a pair of rhymed lines that are equal in length.

A. couplet

B. ballad

C. sonnet

D. limerick

13. ___________ novels reflect the complexity and the inhuman aspects of Victorian society. His well-read novels include Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations and so on.

A. Charles Dickens?

B. Charlotte Bronte?s

C. Joseph Conrad?s

D. Graham Greene?s

14.Which figure of speech is used in the following lines by Martin Luther King?

“With this faith w e will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.”

A. Metaphor

B. Parallelism

C. Simile

D. Personification

15. In his essay “Of studies”, Bacon classified books thus: “Some books are to be _______,

others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and ________”.

A. tasted, skimmed

B. skimmed, scanned

C. scanned, perfected

D. tasted, digested

Part II Reading Comprehension [50 points]

Read the extracts and give brief answers to the questions below.

Text 1

Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks, …My dear Scrooge, how are you? When will you come to see me?? No beggars implored him to bestow a trifle, no children asked him what it was o?clock, no man or woman ever once in all his life inquired the way to such and such a place, of Scrooge. Even the blind men?s dogs appeared to know him; and when they saw him coming on, wo uld tug their owners into doorways and up courts; and then would wag their tails as though they said, …No eye at all is better than an evil eye, dark master.?

(A Christmas Carol)

Questions (10 points)

16. Why wouldn?t children like to ask Scrooge the time?

17. What is the reaction of the blind men?s dogs when they encountered Scrooge?

Text 2

“Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone”

He was my North, my South, my East and West,

My working week and my Sunday rest,

My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;

I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;

Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;

Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.

For nothing now can ever come to any good.

Questions (10 points)

18. What does the poet mean by the line “He was my North, my South, my East and West,/My working week and my Sunday rest, / My moon, my midnight, my talk, my song”?

19. Identify the key verbs the poet uses to call for things to be got rid of.

Text 3

Lady Bracknell:… What is your income?

Jack: Between seven and eight thousand a year.

Lady Bracknell (makes a note in her book): In land, or in investments?

Jack: In investments, chiefly.

Lady Bracknell: That is satisfactory. What between the duties expected of one during one?s lifetime, and the duties exacted from one after one?s death, land has ceased to be either a profit or a pleasure. It gives one position, and prevents one from keeping it up. That?s all that can be said about land.

Jack: I have a country house with some land, of course, attached to it, about fifteen hundred acres, I believe; but I don?t depend on that for my real income. In fact, as far as I can make out, the poachers are the only people who make anything out of it.

Lady Bracknell: A country house! How many bedrooms? Well, that point can be cleared up afterwards. You have a town house, I hope? A girl with a simple, unspoiled nature, like Gwendolen, could hardly be expected to reside in the country.

Jack: Well, I own a house in Belgrave Square, but it is let by the year to Lady Bloxham. Of course, I can get it back whenever I like, at six months? notice.

Lady Bracknell: Lady Bloxham? I don?t know her.

Jack: Oh, she goes about very little. She is a lady considerably advanced in years.

Lady Bracknell: Ah, nowadays that is no guarantee of respectability of character. What number in Belgrave Square?

Jack: 149.

Lady Bracknell (shaking her head): The unfashionable side….I thought there was something. However, that could easily be altered.

Jack: Do you mean the fashion, or the side?

Lady Bracknell (sternly) : Both, if necessary, I presume.

(The Importance of Being Earnest)

Questions (10 points)

20. What are Lady Bracknell?s main criteria for choosing a husband for her daughter? Support your answer with a quotation from the text.

21. Which does Lady Bracknell prefer, investment or land? Support your answer with a quotation from the text. Text 4

Please note: This reading task will be relevant to the writing task in Part III.

Mystery of the White Gardenia

By Marsha Arons

Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia was delivered to my house in Bethesda, Md. No card or note came with it. Calls to the florist were always in vain -- it was a cash purchase. After a while I stopped trying to discover the sender?s identity and just delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect flower nestled in soft pick tissue paper.

But I never stopped imagining who the anonymous giver might be. Some of the happiest moments were spent daydreaming about someone wonderful and exciting but too shy or eccentric to make known his or her identity.

My mother contributed to these imaginings. She?d ask me if there was someone for whom I had done a special kindness who migh t be showing appreciation. Perhaps the neighbor I?d helped when she was unloading a car full

of groceries. Or maybe it was the old man across the street whose mail I retrieved during the winter so he wouldn't have to venture down his icy steps. As a teen-ager, though, I had more fun speculating that it might be a boy I had a crush on or one who had noticed me even though I didn't know him.

When I was 17, a boy broke my heart. The night he called for the last time, I cried myself to sleep. When I awoke in the morning, there was a message scribbled on my mirror in red lipstick: Heartily know, when half-gods go, the gods arrive. I thought about that quotation by Emerson for a long time, and until my heart healed, I left it where

my mother had written it. When I finally went to get the glass cleaner, my mother knew everything was all right again.

I don?t remember ever slamming my door in anger at her and shouting, “you just don?t understand!” because she did understand.

One month before my high-school graduation, my father died of a heart attack. My feelings ranged from grief to abandonment, fear and overwhelming anger that my dad was missing some of the most important events in my life.

I became completely uninterested in my upcoming graduation, the senior class play and the prom. But my mother, in the midst of her own grief, would not hear of my skipping any of those things.

The day before my father died, my mother and I had gone shopping for a prom dress. We found a spectacular one, with yards and yards of doted swiss in red, white and blue, it made me feel like Scarlet O?Hara, but it was the wrong size. When my father died I forgot about the dress.

My mother didn?t. The day before the prom, I found that dress -- in the right size -- draped majestically over the living room sofa. It wasn?t just delivered, still in the box. It was presented to me -- beautifully, artistically, lovingly. I didn?t care if I had a new dress or no. But my mother did.

She wanted her children to feel loved and lovable, creative and imaginative, imbued with a sense that there was magic in the world and beauty even in the face of adversity. In truth, my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia -- lovely, strong, and perfect -- with an aura of magic and perhaps a bit of mystery.

My mother died ten days after I was married. I was 22. That was the year the gardenias stopped coming.

Questions (20 points)

22. Who sent the white gardenias? Why were the flowers sent ?

23. When and how did the father die? How did the n arrator feel at her father?s death?

24. What two traits of the mother?s characters are highlighted in the story? Cite examples from the story to support your points.

25. Explain the role of the gardenia in the story.

Part III Writing [20 Points]

Summarize the story “Mystery of the White Gardenia” in about 150 words.


Part I Literary Fundamentals [30 points]

Section 1. Match the writers with their works (2 points each).

1. A.

2. H

3. C

4. F

5. E

Section 2. Decide whether the following statements are True (T ) or False (F) . (2 points each)

6. F

7. T

8. T

9. F 10 T

Section 3. Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences (2 points each) .

11. C 12. A 13. A 14.B 15. D

Part II Reading Comprehension [50 points]

l 5 points each.

l Every 5 mistakes in grammar, spelling or of any other kind will lead to the reduction of one point.

16. Because Scrooge is a mean-spirited miserly person. He won?t help anybody.

17. The dogs would tug their owners into doorways and up courts; and then would wag their tails, indicating to their owners that this man is an evil person.

18. The poet is celebrating the importance of the loved / dead one to the poet/ or the dead is everything is to him or any similar idea.

19. Award one point for one of the following expressions: 1) put out 2)pack up 3) dismantle 4) pour away 5) sweep up

20. Clearly income, property and family connections. For example, she asks Jack directly questions such as “What?s your income?” “You have a town house, I hope?”

21. She prefers investment to land. She feels land involves too many expenses during life, and is then taxed heavily after one?s death. Quotation: What between the duties expected of one during one?s lifetime, and the duties exacted from one after one?s death, land has ceased to be either a profit or a pleasure.

22. The narrator?s mother. Th e mother sent the flowers to remind her daughter that a person could become all that the gardenia symbolised—loving, strong, and perfect. She kept it a secret so that the daughter could have the

self-knowledge of her own good deeds as she speculated about who the sender might be.

23. The father died of heart attack close to her graduation from high school. She felt sad, disappointed that her father would not experience the important events in her life.

24.a. The mother?s wisdom: She thought of a wise way to encourage kindness in her daughter: to send flowers secretly; or she wisely scribbled a quotation from Emerson on her daughter?s mirror instead of directly talking her teenage daughter into accepting the loss of her boyfriend.

b. Her strength in the face of adversities: she stood strong when her husband died.

25. The gardenia is the essential symbol in the story, helping to bring about the theme of the story: mother?s love. The gardenia symbolizes the qualities that the mother hoped for her daughter, qualities such as magical (aura of magic, a bit of mystery), loving, strong, perfect , etc. (Points should be given when ideas are similar or stand to reason.)

Part III Writing [20 Points]


文学评论写作 一、文学评论的几个要求 1.要注意评论的科学性。不要以个人的直觉和偏见任意地拔高或贬低。 2.要注意见解的独创性。要深入了解准确把握评论对象,挖掘出作品的思想意义和艺术特色,从而提出自己新颖、深刻、精辟的见解;而不是浮光掠影地泛泛而谈,分析不得要领,只是发表一些陈旧、肤浅、庸俗的见解。 3.采用叙议结合、评析结合的写法。在文学评论中,叙是指对作品内容的复述、介绍或引用,议则包含分析和评价两方面。分析,是对作品的思想内容、艺术特色等进行揭示的过程,评价,则是作者通过分析得到的结论,即对作品或作者艺术创造的总的看法,也就是文学评论的中心论点。 4.要注意评论语言的生动性。评论语言与议论文的语言有相同的地方,如要求语言表达准确、严密;又有不同的地方,需要讲求适当的文采,增强表达的形象性与生动性。 文学评论与读后感有着明显的区别。文学评论是对作品作客观的评价,对象仅限于文学作品;读后感是写读了作品之后的主观感受,对象包括所有体裁的作品。 二、写作角度与内容: 1.赏析作品的主题思想及其表现。这类题目主要是评析作品的思想内容和作者的观点态度,分析作品运用了哪些主要的表现手法(如想像、联想、象征、渲染、烘托、对比、先抑后扬、托物言志、借景抒情、寓情于景),表现一个怎样的主题思想,反映了怎样的社会现实,指出作品有何积极意义或局限性。赏析主题常用的术语有:中心突出、主题深刻、言近旨远、言简意丰、意在言外、含蓄蕴藉、深化主题等。 2.分析作品的形象。文学作品的形象指的是文学作品中创造出来的生动具体的、能激发人们感情的生活图案,通常指文学作品中人物的精神面貌和性格特征。分析作品的人物形象主要应从两个方面进行分析:一是揭示人物的典型意义,二是简要分析人物主要的性格特征。 3.赏析作品的艺术手法。文学作品的艺术手法是多种多样的,主要包括以下几个方面:(1)表达方式,如叙述、描写、议论、抒情、说明;(2)表现手法,如想像、联想、象征、渲染、烘托、对比、以小见大、先抑后扬、托物言志、借景抒情、寓情于景等;(3)叙述方式,如顺叙、倒叙、插叙、补叙等;(4)描写方式,如肖像描写、心理描写、语言描写、动作描写、环境描写等;(5)描写技法,如以动衬静、动静结合、虚实结合、点面结合、明暗结合、声色结合、粗笔勾勒、白描工笔等;(6)抒情方式,如直接抒情(直抒胸臆)、间接抒情(借景抒情、寓情于景)等;(7)意境的创设、修辞的运用等。赏析作品的艺术手法,主要从以上几个方面进行分析评价。



英语文学考试复习提纲 一、I’m am Nobody!Who are you? 1、主体思想: 1)作者是想成为nobody还是somebody?为什么?在哪里看出? She wants to be a Nobody,because she feels peaceful and quiet. Being Nobody won’t be disturbed by others and can do what we want to do. The author is proud of being Nobody,and she wants to find somebody to be her friend,who is also Nobody,too. And being Somebody will face the facts that they will be watched by others,their life will be disturbed by others with many noisy. Furthermore, there will be less private room. Use the soliloquy独白 and interpunction 标点符号 2)成为somebody和nobody各有什么好的和不好的地方? 2、写作手法、修辞手法(rhetorical device/figure of speech) 1)比喻(metaphor /simile):frog?an admiring bog? 2)对话形式(conversation) 3)独白(soliloguy) 4)对比(contrast/comparison):somebody and nobody 5)大写(capitals):强调(emphasize)/特指某一类人(refer to a particular type of person) 二、Theme for English B 1、theme 是指homework,the paper that say somet about oneself。 B:一是指black people,二是指不同英语水平level的英语班 2、中心思想: 1)racial pride种族自豪感,作为一个黑人,班上唯一的黑人。 2)强调(emphasize)大家都是一样,具有共性的(share the commonalities),呼吁(call on)黑人与白人的平等地位(equal social status)。 3、写作手法、修辞手法(rhetorical device/figure of speech) 1)对比(contrast/comparison):白人和黑人受到的不同的对待 三、A clean well-lighted place 1、海明威的写作方法:极简主义Minimalism 、冰山原则Ice Principle、存在主义哲学理念Existentialist Ideal 1)文中只出现三个人物角色(no names):young waiter 、old waiter ,and the old man


文学英语赏析》课程典型考点解析 中央电大 本资源系根据教材内容及特点, 找出课程学习中必须引起重视的核心考点, 并结合历届考题加以分析, 供学生在自主学习、期末复习时使用, 也可作为教师进行面授教学、归纳课程重点的依据。 典型考点4: 文学作品赏析(戏剧) 考点扫描 主要考察学生对戏剧这种体裁的英语文学作品的理解及相关文学常识的运用。 (二)真题链接 ( -1) Macbeth: My dearest love, Duncan comes here tonight. Lady Macbeth: And when goes hence? Macbeth: Tomorrow, as he purposes. Lady Macbeth: O, never Shall sun that morrow see. Your face, my thane, is as a book where men May read strange matters. To beguile the time, Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, Your hand, your

tongue; look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under 't. he that ' s coming Must be provided for; and you shall put This night ' s business into my dispatch, Which shall to all our nights and days to come Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom. Macbeth: We will speak further. (Macbeth) Questions 1. Which of the following is the proper paraphrase for the line ” To beguile the time, look like the time ” ? (Write the letter representing your choice on the answer sheet.) A. Seize the hour. Seize the day. B. Make your appearance fit the occasion. C. Enjoy as you may, for tomorrow you may die. 2. In her speech, Lady Macbeth _____________ . (Write the letter representing your choice on the answer sheet.) A. tells Macbeth to behave normally as hospitable host and leave the murdering part to her to arrange B. persuade Macbeth to act as a serpent and carry out the murder in person


《经典英语影视赏析》课程教学大纲 课程名称(中文):经典英语影视赏析 课程名称(英文):Appreciation of English Classic Films and Television Plays 课程类型:历史与文化类适用范围:贵州大学各专业本科生 学时数:32 其中:实验/实践学时:课外学时:无 周学时:2 学分数: 2 考核方式:考查 制订单位:外国语学院制订日期:2014-07-10 执笔者:张涛 【课程性质】 本课程是各专业本科阶段的一门选修课程。 【教学目的】 本课程旨在提高学生对语言真实度的各类视听材料的理解能力和口头表达能力。以经典英语影视为对象,通过“视”、“听”、“说”、“写”的结合,以直观画面和情节内容为基础开展有针对性的口语训练,运用复述、总结、对话、口头概述等活动形式,提高学生的听力理解和口头表达能力,同时通过论文写作的形式,加深他们对英语国家的政治、经济、社会、文化等方面的认识和了解,从文化层面上更好的把握语言这门艺术。 【教学任务】 此课程教学旨在使学生在提高英语语言能力的同时对西方的电影和文化有更多的了解和认识。 【教学内容】 1.阐述当代原版电影的一般知识,即通俗地介绍电影的文化特征和艺术特征,同时比较完整地介绍英美电影的历史和特点。 2.精心挑选了在世界上具有广泛影响的影片作为读解素材,其中大部分影片曾获得过奥斯卡奖。在理解剧情的基础上,领略电影作品从独特的美学价值和文化性格所展现出不同民族的艺术风格。 3.介绍部分当代英美电影的著名导演和演员,了解各种电影手法和创作技巧。 【教学原则和方法】 教学原则: 英语影视课的教学既要注意结合各门课程所学内容,打好扎实的语言基本功,又要突出语言交际能力的培养,注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力。在教学中,要正确引导学生学习中西文化的差异,处理好欣赏和批判的关系以及如何正确接受西方文化的方法。 教学方法: 课堂教学采取学生为主体、教师为主导的教学模式。在教学中,利用音像环境所提供生动的英语语境训练听力和口语,分析英语经典影片,长、短片结合。多开展以任务为中心的、形式多样的教学活动,通过“视”、“听”、“说”的综合训练,提高学生的英语语言运用能力。 【先修课程要求】 以语音、语法、词汇、听力、口语等为基础的综合能力培养的大学英语课程。 【教材与主要参考书】 教材: Andrew Lynn Appreciating Cinema 《英语电影赏析》外语教学与研究出版社, 2005年参考书: 徐志英邓杉赵蓉英语电影视听说外语教学与研究出版社, 2009年


关于文学评论 文学评论也是我当初自己头疼的东西,大家反映都较难。其实真的不一定是难,而是平常见得少,写得少,老师的指导也少,因此没有把握而已。我不指望自己能给大家多高深的指导,只希望通过自己的理解,找一些自己觉得有用的资料给大家看看,希望有所启发,定有不足,望见谅。 一、什么是文学评论 文学评论是运用文学理论现象进行研究,探讨,揭示文学的发展规律,以指导文学创作的实践活动。 文学评论包括诗歌评论、小说评论、散文评论、戏剧评论、影视评论等。《我的父亲母亲》是电影。电影是集编剧,导演、演员、摄影、音乐、美工、剪辑、服装、道具、化妆、灯光、特技等于一身的一种集体创作的综合艺术,影视评论既可对诸多方面做综合评论,亦可对某一方面做重点评论。 文学评论与一般的思想评论是不同的。思想评论的对象是社会生活和人们在其生活,工作中表现出来的种种思想问题,目的是帮助人们提高思想认识,分清是非;它可以通过各种各样,各方面的材料予以论证,只要紧扣你所要阐明的观点就行。 文学评论的对象是文学作品(小说、诗歌、散文、戏剧、绘画、影视等);评论的目的是通过对其思想内容,创作风格,艺术特点等方面议论、评价,提高阅读,鉴赏水平,评论时当然可以旁征博引,引用各种材料论证,但这旁征博引的各种材料,应是与文学作品有关的,而文学评论所用的材料基本上是来自所评文学作品本身。 另外文学评论与一般的作品分析也不同。当然从某一角度讲,文学评论首先要基于对作品的分析,没有分析何来评论;而分析本身也自然含有对作品的评价。但之间仍是有区别的,分析作品侧重是谈作品“是这样”;而评论侧重是谈作品“为什么是这样”,“这样好不好”。 文学评论必须对作品有总的评价,并且对你这个评价有一定论证过程,但作品分析就未必对作品要有总评价。 另外在写文学评论时,不必大段引述原材料,那样会用原材料挤掉你的论述;评论点要集中,鲜明。评论角度不要过大,比如你写“评《红楼梦》”如此宏大的古典巨著,你从何处下手评?很难写,如果你把它缩为“评《红楼梦》中人物的对话”,进而再缩小角度为“评《红楼梦》凤辣子的语言特征”就容易下笔了。 观点要鲜明,要用确凿的材料的阐析去支持观点,引证的材料首先要来自作品本身,当然还可旁征博引,材料分析和观点要始终保持一致。对读者不太了解的作品,评论前要对其有关方面作一定的交代。 文学评论的标准:毛泽东同志《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》中提出了文学评论的两个标准即:一个是政治标准,一个是艺术标准。政治标准是为了解决文学为什么人服务的问题,艺术标准则是为了解决文学如何服务好的问题。这两个标准是中华人民共和国建国以来一直坚持的文学艺术工作的指导思想。 二、文学评论的写法 文学评论的写作大致有四个步骤:阅读——定题——评论——写作。


《英语文学文化及影视赏析》课程教学大纲 一、课程说明 1、课程名称(中英文):英语文学文化及影视赏析/English Literature and Culture & Appreciation of English movies 2、学时学分:75学时理论教学,2学分 3、适用专业:非英语专业研究生 4、开课学院:外国语学院 5、课程负责人:姜萌萌 二、课程描述: 本课程拟对英语经典文学与相关文化概况进行简要介绍,并遴选英美国家的经典作家和作品,对其文学特色、文化背景进行分析。课程重视文学作品与时代背景、西方历史文化的联系,在教学中将理论与实践相结合,做到寓教于乐。在课内,不仅有作家作品、相关文化背景和信息的介绍、经典作品片段的解读,并通过课堂讨论以及影视作品的欣赏帮助学生最直观地理解西方文化与文学作品的文本意义。在课外,学生需要查阅相关资料,完成相关问题的回答与读书报告,以一种轻松愉悦并且多方面切入的方式学习、了解和体验英语文学文化。该课程目的在于通过英语文学文化的学习,提高学生对英语语言的掌握能力、增强对英语文学经典的理解力和对西方文化的审美能力,进一步养成对英语的敏感性,培养人文素质和文学涵养。 三、教材: 王守仁主编,《英国文学选读》,北京:高等教育出版社。 陶洁主编,《美国文学选读》,北京:高等教育出版社。 秦秀白,《英美国家概况》,北京:高等教育出版社。 王佐良,《欧洲文化入门》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社。 自编讲义 四、教学方式: 理论与实践相结合。 五、考核方式: 提交一篇与所学课程相关的课程论文,用英语完成。 总成绩=期末考试成绩70%+平时成绩30%(考勤占10%)


第二部分作业1参考答案 1. Read the following fables and figure out the morals of the fables Passage A. The moral of the story is C. You can’t please everybody. PassageB The moral of the story is B. Look before you leap. The Chinese translation could be “三思而后行” . Passage C The moral of the story is A ____________________. A. One good turn deserves another. The Chinese translation could be “善有善报”. 2. Name the figures of speech used in the following lines A. Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit. (simile) B. Out,out, brief candle! / Life is but a walking shadow. (Metaphor) C. Edelweiss, edelweiss, every morning you greet me, small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me. (Personnification) D. He has the microwave smile that warms another person without heat. (Metaphor) E. An Englishman thinks seated; a Frenchman, standing; an American, pacing; an Irishman, afterward. (Parallelism) F. Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit. (simile)


《英语影视作品赏析》 课程报告 课程报告题目:影视英语赏析论《阿凡达》 学生姓名:闪鑫学号: 1504011031 班级: 15电气工程及其自动化(1)班 所在学院:机电工程学院 任课教师:吴海燕 课程报告成绩: 2016年11月20日

授课有趣,老师从多方面很生动的给我们讲述,从第一节课给我们讲述英语的有趣和有用之处和老师自己学英语的经历,到每节课用电影这种悠闲的方式来叫我们知识和许许多多日常的用法等等,感触很深,也学到了许多,对于想看的英语原声影视作品,因为老师的选材都很好,很经典也很有看头,所以感觉非常好,喜欢老师的安排,没有什么特别的建议。 正文 1、电影简介 1.1《阿凡达》 《阿凡达》(Avatar)是一部科幻电影,由著名导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导,二十世纪福克斯出品,该片有3D、平面胶片、IMAX胶片三种制式供观众选择。影片预算超过5亿美元,成为电影史上预算最高的电影。主要讲述了战斗中负伤而下身瘫痪的前海军战士杰克?萨利(萨姆?沃辛顿 Sam Worthington 饰)决定替死去的同胞哥哥来到潘多拉星操纵格蕾丝博士(西格妮?韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)用人类基因与当地纳美部族基因结合创造出的“阿凡达” 混血生物。杰克的目的是打入纳美部落,外交说服他们自愿离开世代居住的家园,从而SecFor公司可砍伐殆尽该地区的原始森林,开采地下昂贵的“不可得”矿。在探索潘多拉星的过程中,杰克遇到了纳美部落的公主娜蒂瑞(佐伊?索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana 饰),向她学习了纳美人的生存技能与对待自然的态度。与此同时,SecFor公司的经理和军方代表上校迈尔斯(史蒂芬?朗 Stephen Lang 饰)逐渐丧失耐心,决定诉诸武力驱赶纳美人…… 最后,人类在利益的驱动下,派遣了战机去摧毁Navy族人所生存的一棵巨树,尽管杰克等人一再争取希望可以不要那么做,但是采矿公司还是决意要去摧毁。杰克与他们协商,自己去和Na'vi族人交涉,让他们离开那颗大树,然而当他说明了一切之后,Na'vi族人都很愤怒,特别是杰克喜欢的那个Na'vi族人女孩也是很愤怒,Na'vi族人就把杰克和一名女教授一起捆在了刑架上了。采矿公司派遣的战机发现他们协商失败了。于是就下令开火,摧毁了他们前进的障碍——Na'vi族人赖以生存的那棵巨树,Na'vi族人的领袖也被炮火炸死。 没有了生存之地的Na'vi族人被迫暂居神树之下。而杰克等人的正义行为因为和采矿公司的利益相冲,被他们关了起来。后来,他们借机驾机逃跑了,杰克骑着“魅影”到达了Na'vi族人暂居的神树下,呼吁Na'vi族人作出反抗,他终于又得到Na'vi族人的信任。在他的呼吁下,他们联络了潘多拉星球上了其他民族的人,一起组建了一支几千人的反抗军,形成了陆空两路的防线。采矿公司的军队也发现了Na'vi族人的反抗迹象,他们迅速装填了大量的高烈性炸药,准备提前消灭Na'vi族人。于是,Na'vi族人的反抗联盟和采矿公司的军队展开了血战,结果,Na'vi族人反抗军最终打败了人类,而人类的军队指挥也被杀死,Na'vi 族人在杰克的帮助下,将遣送采矿公司全部离开潘多拉星球。在Na'vi的精神领袖的带领下,


英文电影赏析活动 - 计划书及总结 策划人:邵光阳 2013年11月09日山峰英语俱乐部英文电影赏析活动方案 活动目的:在通过对英文电影的赏析与理解提高学生的英语文化素质,锻炼学生的组织能力,协调能力以及独立完成任务的能力,并且通过该社团培养兴趣,真正的提高自己的英语语言文化习得及口语表达能力。 活动名称:英文电影赏析 设备:电脑投影仪 活动策划承办单位:山峰英语俱乐部 人员:山峰英语俱乐部全体成员 时间与地点:待定 活动形式与内容: 1. 电影放映与赏析 电影的放映参考社团成员意见而形成最终意见。放映电影之前由宣组会成员负责对新影片的背景知识、经典对白注意率先进行讲解,并提出观看问题让社员带着问题看影片,找答案。问题设置以多样化、灵活化为基点,可有线索词寻找、镜头手段、经典语句、主题挖掘、人物分析、画面效果、语言现象等进行揣摩分析。 电影放映结束后,以小组自愿为原则、要求小组内分工合作,指派一人上台做成果汇报,可以回答宣组会一开始PPT中的问题,也可以结合小组智慧形成新的成果汇报,成果回报要求以PPT展示。宣组会将根据PPT效果、合作程度、内容价值、表达流畅性等角度进行评分。 活动要求

1、关于电影 要求在电影播放时提供所放电影中有经典对白及台词的中英文对照版。 电影放映前,负责同学提前20分钟到达指定地点,做好放映前的准备工作。例如电脑及音响设备的检测,电影台词的发放,对观看电影的同学的统筹安排及管理。电影放映结束后,负责打扫教室及其它善后工作。 英文电影赏析活动总结 校园中五彩缤纷的社团活动丰富了学生的业余生活,也为学生提供了展示自我的能力与发挥创造力的舞台,不但能开阔眼界,增加人生阅历,还能提高综合素质,适度的活动可以为我们的生活润滑,娱乐身心,放松心情,同时更重要的是增加知识与能力 这次英文电影赏析活动,活动前期做了充分的准备,在活动即将到来时,由于参加报名的人数比较少,所以,我们自己总结了一下,主要的原因是我们宣传的不到位。;另一个原因,我们刚刚接手社团,很多的事情并不是很熟悉,不知道该如何去做,现在想起这些事情,它不但锻炼了我个人的能力,也要求我的组织能力有所提高,对他们也要有明确的分工,只有让所有的人都参与进来,一起合作,才能办的更好! 社团的活动不在多,而在于精。每一次活动都尽力办到最好,社团的发展不能全部依赖于举办活动,必须有自己可发展和延续的东西。我们社团在本学期举办的活动虽然不是很多,活动也没有办的特别好,但那也是一次次精神的洗礼,能力的提升,团结的供赢。我们将会齐心协力,继续努力,争取做得更好。


The Disillusion of American Dream in Death of a Salesman 英语112 冯文娟 11425203 Franklin showed the people by aphorism and even his experiences,the myth that as long as you hard work,it is possible to achieve the American dream of fame and fortune. And his 13 virtues,which brought him great success,has made many ambitious young men regard it as the motto, they are doing Cinderella-like dream, a dream to one day become a prince. Later,American Dream becomes one of the most important themes in American literature,it convinces people that if they work hard, everyone can get rich.However, the harsh reality broke many people's American Dream into pieces, resulting in a series of tragedy.Many writers in American literature attempt to reveal the illusion of American Dream through their works, to explore the conflict between the reality and the American Dream.Among them, Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman reveals the illusory American dream by analyzing the reasons of the character,Willy Loman’s death.It has exposed some of the ills of American society, crushing the myth that "everyone can be successful." When I read the brief introduction of this book,there is a question constantly around me.Why Willy chose to commit suicide finally?But when I finished this book,I find the answer.Perhaps because of the sever reality,Perhaps when hopes dashed , Willy’s heart can no longer afford.Willy Loman is the play's tragic figure. His tragedy is to own his wrong values tightly, and can not face the reality. His whole lifetime is spent in the whole dream , as well died resulting from the wrong dream . As far as I am concerned,Willy represents his class, so he's tragedy is also the unfortune of a group of people who are holding the successful dream.As his name, Lowman ,implies that he belongs to the low-rise character of society.He has nothing.As a salesman,he has no pay, only led commission.He just sells other people's stuff and he convinces that as long as likable, charming,the door of the world is open to him. His life is built on such dreams.He admires David Sigelman very much because David sells products successfully and he does not have to leave the hotel, only a phone call can bring him a successful deal.When he died at the 84-year-old age, there are so many consumers and companions take part in his funeral procession.So Willy always lives in a world of his own imagination,considering the fantasy as the reality,and often boasts. As he said “I’m the New England man.I’m vital in New England.”Regardless of the fact that his products are unwelcomed,he boasts how important he is in New England and how high his sales volume is.Consequently,he falls into his own lie and can never escape. What’s more,to his son,Biff Loman,he also tries his best to instill the thinking:As


《文学英语赏析》课程作业评讲(4) 中央电大 题目: 1. Reading English literature is a necessary activity for English majors like you. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Why or why not? 2. The following quotations are all from the coursebook. Do you agree or disagree with them? Why or why not? Choose one of the quotations to comment on. a. Freedom and power bring responsibility. b. Studies pass into and influence manners. c. They (meaning suspicions) dispose kings to tyranny, husbands to jealousy, wise men to irresolution and melancholy. d. The tongue… is like a sharp knife: it kills without drawing blood. e. To keep your marriage brimming/with love in the loving cup, /whenever you’re wrong, admit it;/whenever you’re right, shut up! f. Words and eggs must be handles with care. /Once broken they are impossible/things to repair. g. A poor life this, if, full of care, /We have no time to sand and stare. 知识点 1. 对于文学阅读以及赏析的重要性的认识。 2. 对于英语文学作品中一些经典语句的的理解以及小论文的写作。 标准答案 1. (key points) Reading English literature shall help us learn more language and improve our proficiency in English overall. (1)The language of literary texts is generally much more carefully and artfully used than for most other kinds of texts (such as newspaper, etc.). This means that literary texts offer a resource for expanding your range of vocabulary, your repertoire of grammatical structures, and your sensitivity to style, and the way the language is used to convey subtle nuances of meaning. (2)Literature is also the vehicle for cultural information and for knowledge about world. This should help us to become more curious about the ways other people live, more tolerant about difference, and more able to see our own ways of doing


Name: XXX Major: 电子信息类 No.: XXXXXXXX Class:电信158 Date: Dec. 14th, 2016 Film Review:Captain America Civil War Captain America: Civil War is the third part of the series of the Captain . Campared with the previous films, the enermis were not some big bad guys , but the friends of the Captain who fought together . And the different design of the story made the Civil War more attractive . The director of the Civil War are Joe Russo and Anthony Russo . The main actors are Chris Evans , Robert Downey Jr and Scarlett Johansson . The Civil War was made in 2014 and it was shown in 2016 . The film was successful . Its box office had been broken the record of Us $678 million . The film included action , adventure , science fiction , the film began with an accident which happened in a intercept task , a young avenger killed many people by mistake ,and the whole world resisted the behavior of the

【最新】文学评论写作万能模板-范文模板 (16页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 文学评论写作万能模板 篇一:文学评论写作经验——现当代文学 文学评论写作经验——现当代文学 考研的路,走过,无意间再回首,万般滋味涌上心头。有过彷徨,也曾无助 过,千种感慨,尽在苏轼的一句词里:归去,也无风雨也无情。 暑期在家,闲下来的时候,翻看我喜爱的诗词,说到古诗词,想到了现当代文 学评论的写作。我想,没有对于古诗词所下的一番苦心,文学评论写作可能拿 不到140分。中国古代的诗歌、词,对于写作入门不失为捷径,。唐诗宋词重 意境的营构、重心绪的传达,看的多、品的多,慢慢感觉就出来了,叶嘉莹的 十五讲,还有胡晓明的《万川之月》,以及其他唐诗宋词的赏析性著作,对于 古诗词品味的提升,很有版主。现当代诗歌的品读,万象归一,与古诗词有异 曲同工之妙,都是文人的此情此景的再现。只是现代诗歌比较年轻,体式上尚 不足谓之成熟,略显涩一些。说到古诗词赏析,它可以更快的熏陶出对诗歌的 感知,籍此来赏析现代诗,也许上手比较容易些。毕竟,诗思是相通的。现代 诗评论的写作,构建在读懂诗意的基础上,大体方向要把我对。在09年考研的前一个月,我还在犹豫担心,我怕我抓不准这首诗,他具体所要传达的意思, 我怕我抓偏离。在去年夏天,我还在着急,面对一首诗歌,哇不能全一片空白,没有任何的感觉,也不知怎么评。复习时困惑厚重的像一堵墙,堆积的几近窒息。后来,我决定模仿评论写作。在图书馆借出孙玉石的两本《中国现代诗导读》,说到,说到孙玉石先生,他是诗评界的重量级人物,而这两本书中的评 论文章,均出自他和他的研究生之手,文采斐然,文笔妙曼读来是一种享受。 从暑假到考研的多半年时间,我几乎模写遍了这两本书的评论文章。模写要有 点变通,学的是笔者行文思路,如何定题的墓志铭开头的,他是从哪个角度分 析这首诗歌,人家是怎么论证的,收尾时怎么收的。先大题把他的文章熟识后,也明确了诗歌的大意,合上书本,用自己的语言,叙说作者的文章,两相对照 找不足。当然,记得重点是看人家怎 么评论这首诗。 评论的写作,是一个日积月累的过程,想一蹴而就怕不易。它考察学生对于诗 歌的感知能力、行文组织驾驭能力、逻辑思维能力,诗歌浓缩着文学的精华, 短小,读懂读透也是需要下一番功夫。我模写近十几篇时,已隐隐感觉到,诗


英语电影赏析选修课课程标准撰写人:审核人: 撰写日期:2011-12-14 审核日期:2011.12.14 一、课程的地位与任务 本课程是针对英语专业学生所开设的选修课程,每周两节。 该课程强调“文化鉴赏和评论”,精选历史文化价值高、思想内涵深刻、观赏性较强、贴合本班学生实际的经典影视作品供学生欣赏讨论,另辅以影视类型、艺术手法、电影奖项庆典的适当介绍,最后布置学生撰写评论。本课程通过对不同类型的英文经典影视作品的欣赏,促进学生从不同的角度提高对语言的运用能力,从而进一步提高学生的独立审美能力和人文素养。 二、教学目标及教学要求 《英语电影赏析》课程汇视、听、说为一体,熔英语语言学习及西方文化历史了解于一炉,是英语专业高年级学生英语课程的有益补充和延伸。本课程旨在帮助学生于异国文化氛围中熟悉地道的英语,以求开拓视野、拓宽胸襟;不仅利于英语语言的学习,更能帮助学生提高文化素养,跟上文化交流时代的步伐。1.通过本课程的学习,使学生进一步了解西方历史、文化(主要是英语文化),掌握一些影片中使用的经典表达,学习地道的英语口语; 2.通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握影视欣赏的一般方法,掌握对影视作品做出一般性评论的技巧,并从口头和书面两方面提高对影视作品进行分析和评论的一般能力;

3.通过本课程的学习,使学生了解主要英语影视类型,理解影视语言和方法;4.通过本课程的学习,使学生了解英语影视文化在主要英语国家大众文化发展中的地位; 5.通过本课程的学习,使学生了解世界性电影盛典和奖项。 三、本课程的重点和难点 本课程的重难点在于影片所涉及传达的英美文化学生能否理解和掌握。 四、教学方法与手段 1.提醒学生课前收集有关影片的相关内容。 2.课堂中让学生去分析经典片段意思,以及对这段影片的理解。 3.让学生课后去反思你观赏这部电影的感想,从影片中或人物身上能学到什么。 4.学习影片中的经典歌曲,培养学生对英语的学习兴趣。 五、教材与主要参考文献 这个教学以多媒体为主,教材只是配套。大致分为一下几部分: 一.影片介绍(背景,人物,评价等) 二.经典对白的讲解。 三.经典歌曲欣赏。 四.对于影片主题的理解和对人物个性的挖掘。 参考:奥斯卡获奖影片 六、考核形式与成绩计算 不再依照传统的以考试为主的形式,本课程考核方法如下: 1.课堂出勤率占20% 2.课堂表现占10%


Read the extracts and give brief answers to the questions below. Text 1 Lady Bracknell: … What is your income? Jack: Between seven and eight thousand a year. Lady Bracknell (makes a note in her book): In land, or in investments? Jack:In investments, chiefly. Lady Bracknell: That is satisfactory. What between the duties expected of one during one’s lifetime, and the duties exacted from one after one’s death, land has ceased to b e either a profit or a pleasure. It gives one position, and prevents one from keeping it up. That’s all that can be said about land. Jack: I have a country house with some land, of course, attached to it, about fifteen hundred acres, I believe; but I don’t depend on that for my real income. In fact, as far as I can make out, the poachers are the only people who make anything out of it. Lady Bracknell: A country house! How many bedrooms? Well, that point can be cleared up afterwards. You have a town house, I hope? A girl with a simple, unspoiled nature, like Gwendolen, could hardly be expected to reside in the country. Jack: Well, I own a house in Belgrave Square, but it is let by the year to Lady Bloxham. Of course, I can get it back whenever I like, a t six months’ notice. Lady Bracknell: Lady Bloxham? I don’t know her. Jack: Oh, she goes about very little. She is a lady considerably advanced in years. Lady Bracknell: Ah, nowadays that is no guarantee of respectability of character.What number in Belgrave Square? Jack: 149. Lady Bracknell (shaking her head): The unfashionable side. I thought there was something.However, that could easily be altered. Jack: Do you mean the fashion, or the side?

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