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朱永涛《英语国家社会与文化入门》笔记和考研真题详解-下册-第14章 美国早期爵士乐【圣才出品】

朱永涛《英语国家社会与文化入门》笔记和考研真题详解-下册-第14章 美国早期爵士乐【圣才出品】
朱永涛《英语国家社会与文化入门》笔记和考研真题详解-下册-第14章 美国早期爵士乐【圣才出品】


14.1 复习笔记

I. Jazz music

1. The reasons for its popularity

2. Characteristics

II. Early New Orleans jazz

1. Early jazz music

2. Blues

III. Jazz in Chicago and New York in the 1920s

1. Two styles

2. The musicians

IV. The piano

1. The history

2. Ragtime music

3. “Stride” piano

V. Boogie Woogie

1. The development

2. Characteristics

I. Jazz music(爵士乐)

1. The reasons for its popularity(受欢迎的原因)

(1) Jazz, as a uniquely American contribution to the arts, was initially performed and

appreciated by African-Americans.

(2) It gained acceptance in all classes because it appealed to the young and

rebellious, and it became modified and softened for more sensitive “ears”.

(1) 爵士乐是美国对世界艺术的独特贡献,起源于黑人音乐。

(2) 爵士乐赢得了社会各阶层的认同,这是因为它首先吸引了有反叛精神的年轻人,也因为


2. Characteristics(特点)

(1) The emphasis on free invention and the development of individual ways of

playing instruments appealed to themes in American culture.

(2) All the great jazz musicians are characterized by individual sound and style. (1) 爵士乐强调即兴自由发挥并发掘独具匠心的演奏方式,对美国文化的主旋律构成了极大


(2) 所有的爵士乐大师都有其独特的演唱与演奏风格。

II. Early New Orleans jazz(新奥尔良爵士乐)

1. Early jazz music(早期爵士乐)

(1) The origin(起源)

Early jazz music first appeared in New Orleans at the end of the 19th century. It was a blend of folk music, work chants, spirituals, marches, and European classical music.


(2) Characteristics(特点)

It was identified by an ensemble of musicians improvising their notes in changing chords around a specific melodic line, and by its polyrhythmic structure, a contribution from the drumming of West Africa brought by black slaves.


(3) Instruments(乐器)

①The “front line” of the ensemble included a cornet (or trumpet) , a clarinet,

and a trombone.

②Percussion instruments, behind the front line, included drums, the banjo,

guitars, etc.

◆Drums established the beat, did the timing, and contributed to the

“texture” of the ensemble.

◆From the drumming of the famous drummer “Baby” Dodds, one can hear

the melody.





(4) The types of music(音乐类型)

Jazz bands not only played dance music, marches and ragtime music, but also played “cakewalks”, a type of strutting dance, and blues.


2. Blues(布鲁斯)

(1) The origin(起源)

①Blues is a type of slow, sad music from the city of New Orleans.

②Blues is derived from a blend of field chantey and spiritual—a form of hymn

singing prevalent in African-American Christian churches.

③The tradition of the vocal ballad, usually accompanied by a guitar, contributed

to the blues.





(2) Characteristics(特点)

①The music has a peculiar, poignant sadness.

②The lyrics of many blues pieces are sardonic, filled with wry, self-deprecating




III. Jazz in Chicago and New York in the 1920s(20年代芝加哥与纽约爵士乐)

1. Two styles(两种音乐风格)

(1) Jazz developed into the 1920s with two different styles, the Chicago style and the New York style.

(2) In the early 1920s, Chicago emerged as the creative center for jazz.

①In Chicago, jazz was played at a faster tempo than was usually the case with

New Orleans style jazz.

②This was the beginning of the arranged musical piece as distinct from

ensemble improvisation.

(3) New York had its musicians especially in the African-American district called Harlem.

(1) 20世纪20年代,芝加哥与纽约分别产生了新的爵士乐风格。

(2) 20世纪20年代早期,芝加哥成为爵士乐的创作中心。




(3) 纽约的爵士音乐家主要是黑人,他们大多数集中在哈莱姆。

2. The musicians(音乐家)

(1) Louis Armstrong(路易·阿姆斯特朗)

①Born in New Orleans in 1901, Louis Armstrong learned to play the cornet in his

early teens.

②After an apprenticeship in several bands in New Orleans, he acquired the

nickname “Satchelmouth”.

③He joined Joe Oliv er’s orchestra in Chicago, where he set the style identified

with Chicago.

④In 1924, he left for New York to play with Fletcher Henderson’s orchestra and

participate in small groups to record music.

⑤He organized the “Hot Five”and the “Hot Seven” and made a series of

recordings which represented the origin of the Chicago style of jazz, and reflected the Roaring Twenties life in Chicago.

⑥In 1926, he recorded his famous “scat singing”, vocalizing nonsense

syllables in tune with the music.

⑦Armstrong’s career as a jazz musician continued well into t he 1930s and the

1940s. He is remembered as America’s foremost jazz musician.




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