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【英语】 七年级英语下册任务型阅读易错题经典

【英语】 七年级英语下册任务型阅读易错题经典
【英语】 七年级英语下册任务型阅读易错题经典




House fires are the cause of about 90% of the fire deaths. At least one child dies in a house fire every day. And 293 children are injured(伤害)by fire.

77% of the families don't have a house fire escape(逃离)map. But such a map can help you escape a house fire. Fire can spread(蔓延)quickly through a house. You only have about two minutes to escape. If you live in a tall building and can't escape, remember not to jump. Go to the windows and wave(挥舞)something colorful, like a red shirt.

House fires

? About________of all fire deaths are from house fires.

? At least________child dies in a house fire EVERY day

?It's important to have a house fire escape________. It can help you run

quickly. Be quick! You have to escape in________minutes.

? If you are kept in the tall building, don't________. Go to the windows and

wave colorful things for help.

【答案】 90%/90 percent;1/one;map;2;jump


(1)根据House fires are the cause of about 90% of the fire deaths.可知大约90%的火灾死亡来自房屋起火,故填90%/90 percent。

(2)根据At least one child dies in a house fire every day.可知每天至少一个孩子死于火灾,故填1/one。

(3)根据But such a map can help you escape a house fire.可知一张地图可以帮助你逃离火灾,故填map。

(4)根据You only have about two minutes to escape.可知你仅仅有2分钟左右的时间逃跑,故填2。

(5)根据If you live in a tall building and can't escape, remember not to jump.可知住在高楼上不能逃跑时不能跳,don't后面用动词原形,故填jump。



My father doesn't know how to cook. ________ If no one cooks for him, he doesn't eat


Today, my mother doesn't feel well. ________ My mother and I are happy. My father says he will go shopping first.________

So my mother writes all the things on a piece of paper(-张纸)like this: ⒈cake; ⒉egg;

⒊tomato; ⒋milk; ⒌chicken.

Then my father goes out.________ He brings out all the things: one cake, two eggs, three tomatoes, four bags of milk and five chickens!

Looking at those things, ________


A. So he doesn't cook.所以他不会做饭。

B. An hour later, he comes back.一小时后他回来了。

C. But he doesn't know what to buy.但是他不知道买什么。

D. My father says he will cook for us.我爸爸说他将为我们做饭。

E. my mother and I laughed (笑) and laughed.我妈妈和我笑了又笑。

(1)根据前句My father doesn't know how to cook.我爸爸不知道怎样做饭,可知后句讲的是他不会做饭,故选A。

(2)根据前句Today, my mother doesn't feel well.可知今天妈妈感觉不舒服,可知后句讲的是爸爸做饭,故选D。

(3)根据后句So my mother writes all the things on a piece of paper(-张纸) like this我妈妈在纸上写下所有的东西,可知前句讲的是爸爸不知道买什么,故选C。

(4)根据后句He brings out all the things他带来所有的东西,可知前句讲的是爸爸回来了,故选B。

(5)根据前句Looking at those things看着那些东西,可知后句讲的是看着爸爸买的东西,我和妈妈笑了,故选E。



Kevin has an interesting hobby. He likes collecting tropical fish (热带鱼). He keeps his hobby for seven years. Now he is fourteen. There is a big aquarium in his room. There are many fish in it.

Kevin often travels around the world with his family. He loves it because he can see the underwater world in many places. Under the water, he can see lots of tropical fish. Sometimes he can see sharks (鲨鱼). He wants to keep one or two small sharks in an aquarium, but he can't do it at home. So Kevin goes to help in the ZO0 on the weekend. There he can see a lot of sharks

and some other big fish. Kevin likes working in the zoo because he can work with his favorite animals and learn more about them.

Information Card

;his family;the zoo


(1)根据He likes collecting tropical fish (热带鱼).可知Kevin喜欢收集热带鱼,故填collecting tropical fish。

(2)根据Now he is fourteen.可知Kevin14岁了,故填14/ fourteen。

(3)根据There is a big aquarium in his room.可知Kevin房间里有个水族馆,故填a big aquarium。

(4)根据Kevin often travels around the world with his family.可知Kevin经常和家人环游世界,故填his family。

(5)根据So Kevin goes to help in the ZOO on the weekend.可知Kevin周末去动物园,故填the zoo。



It's important for each of us to be healthy and happy. Do you want to improve (改善) your health and feel better? Here are some ways.

Eat whole foods. Eat some healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and a little meat. If you have a healthy eating habit, you'll be happier.

Exercise. Take up a sport you really like. If you want to keep healthy, try to exercise for 30 minutes a day, twice or three times a week.

Get enough sleep. It is best to get eight hours' sleep a day. A cup of milk before sleeping may help you get a good sleep.

Keep yourself busy. This is very good because it stops you from having bad habits. To keep yourself busy, you can walk around the house, spend time with your pets, do sports, or do a hobby you enjoy.

Spend time with your friends. Spend time and have fun with them. Talk with them. But you shouldn't talk about anything bad. You should stay with the people who are healthy and happy.(1)What shouldn't you do when you talk with your friends?

(2)How many ways of improving your health and feeling mentioned (提及) in the passage? (3)请将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。

A cup of milk before sleeping may help you get a good sleep.


This is very good because it stops you from having bad habits.


【答案】(1)We/I shouldn't talk about anything bad.

(2)Five (ways).



(5)How to Improve Your Health and Feel Better/ Ways to Improve Your Health and Feel Better 【解析】【分析】大意:每个人都希望自己既健康又高兴,但是如何改善自己的健康并且让自己感觉更好呢,文章针对整个问题,给出了一些建议。

(1)根据 But you shouldn't talk about anything bad. 可知,我/我们不应该和朋友谈一些不好的事,故填 We/I shouldn't talk about anything bad.

(2)根据 Eat whole foods. Exercise. Get enough sleep. Keep yourself busy. Spend time with your friends. 可知,文章针对如何提高自己的健康和并让自己感觉好提出五点建议,故填Five (ways)。

(3)a cup of milk一杯牛奶,before sleeping睡前,may可以,情态动词,get a good sleep 获得一个好的睡眠。故填在睡觉之前喝一杯牛奶可能帮助你获得一个好的睡眠。

(4)because因为,引导原因状语从句,stop…from,阻止……远离……,have bad habits养成坏习惯,故填这很好因为它可以让你远离坏习惯。

(5)本文主要是讲述如何提高自己的健康并让自己感觉更好,故填How to Improve Your Health and Feel Better/ Ways to Improve Your Health and Feel Better



My name is Frank. ________ It was a very interesting trip.

We flew to Hawaii. ________ When we got there,we found a nice hotel. We stayed there for four days. ________ After breakfast,we went to the beach. My sister and I swam in the sea and played games on the beach. ________ My mom sat in the chair and read her favorite book.

We visited many beautiful places and ate a lot of food there. ________ I also made two friends there. They were very friendly and they invited us to their houses. The trip was very nice. We want to go there again next year.


A. 我们每天起得很早。

B. 那是我第一次坐飞机,因此我很兴奋。

C. 食物不同于我们的食物,但是美味可口。

D. 我爸爸给我们照了相。

E. 去年夏天,我跟我的家人去了夏威夷。








My favorite animals are swans (天鹅). They are white. They can swim very well. I think they look like beautiful girls in white dresses (连衣裙). They have a pair of wings (翅膀) and they can also fly (飞) well. I believe (认为) they are angels (天使) from the sky (天空). They bring us love and make (使) us happy. They are always friendly to us. We can't kill them, because they are our friends. I love them!

I also like dogs. They are not beautiful, but they are the best friends. They keep the thieves (小偷) away. Dogs have the best hearing and eyesight. They can hear (听见) in the noise (喧闹声) and see in the dark (黑暗). If we are in danger, they will help us at once (立刻). So, I love them.

the best hearing and eyesight;hear in the noise and see in the dark;we are in danger


(1)根据 I think they look like beautiful girls in white dresses ,可知她们看起来像穿白衣服的漂亮女孩,故答案是 beautiful girls in white dresses 。

(2)根据 They can swim very well 和 they can also fly well ,可知他们游泳很好,飞行也很好,故答案是 swim very well and fly well / swim and fly very well 。

(3)根据 Dogs have the best hearing and eyesight,可知狗有最好的听觉和视力,故答案是the best hearing and eyesight 。

(4)根据 They can hear in the noise and see in the dark ,可知他们能在噪音中听到,在黑暗中看到,故答案是 hear in the noise and see in the dark 。

(5)根据 If we are in danger, they will help us at once ,可知如果我们有危险,他们会立刻帮助我们,故答案是 we are in danger 。




Last weekend our geography teacher, Mr. Read, took us to Greentown on a school trip. He wrote letters to some hotels there. In the end, he chose the Ally Hotel. We had a terrible trip!

________ Mr. Read drove the school bus. The journey(旅程) took many hours! Some of us were asleep on the way because we got up very early in the morning. We finally arrived in Greentown at nearly 8:30 p. m. Then it started to rain heavily.

________ We could see the river. The water was very high. We went downstairs for breakfast. Oh, there was water everywhere in the kitchen! Then at lunchtime, one of the boys fell into the river. Luckily, Mr. Read was very good at swimming. ________.

The Sunday afternoon was terrible, too. Two girls didn't tell Mr. Read and went to the center of the town. They got lost. ________ Mr. Read was very angry.

We returned to our city on Sunday evening. We were cold, wet and tired. Never again!

A. A Weekend

B. Our Geography Teacher

C. A Terrible Trip

D. Greentown




A. He heard his shouts and ran out to save him.他听到他的喊叫声,跑出去救他。

B. We left home at 7: 00 a. m. on Saturday morning.我们周六早上7点离开家。

C. A policeman brought them back to our hotel.一个警察把他们带回我们的旅馆。

D. We woke up early on Sunday morning and looked outside.周日早上我们醒得早,朝外面看。

(1)根据后句Some of us were asleep on the way because we got up very early in the morning.我们早上起得早所以路上我们都昏昏欲睡,可知前句讲的是早上离开,故选B。

(2)根据后句We could see the river.我们可以看见河流,可知前句讲的是我们朝外看,看到了河流,故选D。

(3)根据前句one of the boys fell into the river.可知一个男孩掉进河里,所以后句讲的是救助落水儿童,故选A。

(4)根据前句They got lost.可知两个女孩迷路了,所以后句讲的是警察把她们送回来了,故选C。





________The letter "P" is for parking. Drivers may leave their cars here. If a driver wants to park his car and go to the shop, he will look for this sign.

________We can see these signs on a recorder. We can push "ON/OFF" to turn it on or off. If we want to play a tape and listen to music, we may push the key "PLAY". If we want the recorder to have a short stop, we may push "PAUSE".

________If we see "OPEN" on the door of a shop, we know it is business time. We may push the door open and get into the shop.

________If we see "CLOSED" on the door of a shop, we know it is not business time.

________As soon as a driver sees this sign, he or she must drive slowly and carefully, because he or she knows there may be a person near a crossing.


A. B. C.

D. E. F.









A. B. C.

D. E. F.

(1)It is a small means of transportation. It has two wheels. Many people ride it in China. (2)It is small. It is made of wood(木头). It goes on the water. It is quite popular in places where there are rivers and lakes. You can row it.

(3)It is big. It is a kind of public transportation(公共交通工具). It carries many people. It goes on the streets. It's quite cheap. Almost everyone can afford it.

(4)It is long. It can carry more people than most of the other transportation. It goes on rails. (5)It is big. It carries lots of people. It can fly. If you want to go somewhere far away,this is the quickest transportation.













(1)根据段落提到 It has two wheels ,有2个轮子,可知该图为自行车,故选A。

(2)根据段落提到 It is made of wood ,由木头做的,在水上行走,可知应该是一个船,故选F。

(3)根据段落提到 It carries many people ,搭载很多人,且在大街上行走,可知应该是一个公共汽车,故选D。

(4)根据段落提到 It goes on rails ,很长,在轨道上行走,可知应该是火车,故选B。(5)根据段落提到 It carries lots of people. It can fly ,可以飞,可知应该是一个飞机,故选E。




(2)Maria often reads books in her free time, so her best friend Linda wants to buy an interesting book for her as a birthday gift.

(3)It's Lisa's son's birthday next Saturday. Her son likes cakes, so she will book a big birthday

cake for him.

(4)Mr. Black would like to buy a new coat for his daughter as a birthday gift because her old one is a little short.

(5)Olivia's birthday is coming. Ashley, her friend, plans to buy some flowers for her friend on her birthday.







(1)根据 He has to buy some food and drinks. ,提到要买食物,可知应该去超市 Market ,故选B。

(2)根据 wants to buy an interesting book,提到要买书,可知应该去书店 Bookstore ,故选C。

(3)根据book a big birthday cake,要买生日蛋糕,可知应该去蛋糕店,D选项的Confiserie Bachmann里有chocolate cakes, fruit cakes and so on ,故选D。

(4)根据 buy a new coat,提到要买衣服,可知应该去衣服店 Clothing Store ,故选F。(5)根据 buy some flowers ,提到要买花,可知应该去花店 Flower Shop ,故选A。


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