当前位置:文档之家› 10月中国日报热词




1. 基层代表

grassroots delegate


The Communist Party of China (CPC) is set to hold its 19th National Congress this month. The five-yearly political event will feature more grassroots delegates.


按照党中央的统一部署,党的十九大代表选举工作已顺利完成,选举共产生2287名出席党的十九大代表(a total of 2,287 delegates have been elected to attend the 19th National Congress of the CPC)。代表结构与分布比较合理,具有广泛代表性。他们中既有党员领导干部(Party leaders),又有生产和工作第一线的党员(CPC members from frontline production and manufacturing),有一定数量的女党员(female CPC members)、少数民族党员(CPC members from ethnic minority groups),有经济、科技、国防、政法、教育、宣传、文化、卫生、体育和社会管理等各方面的代表。

当选代表总体上符合中央规定的条件(be in accordance with the CPC Central Committee requirements),具有较高的思想政治素质(be highly-qualified ideologically and politically)、良好的作风品行(have good work and life styles)和较强的议事能力(be competent in discussing state affairs),是共产党员中的杰出代表(outstanding representative)。

在2287名中共十九大代表中,有771名来自基层,占代表总数的33.7%,比十八大增加79名、提高了3.2个百分点。其中,工人(农民工)党员代表198名,占8.7%;农民党员代表86名,占3.8%;专业技术人员(professional technical personnel)党员代表283名,占12.4%。许多基层代表(grassroots delegate)在平凡岗位上做出了显著成绩(have made remarkable achievements on ordinary positions),展现了中国共产党人不忘初心(stay true to the mission)的政治本色。


党章Party constitution

入党join the Party

基层党员grassroots Party member

退休党员retired Party member

流动党员floating Party member

2. 中等收入陷阱

middle-income trap


China is becoming an innovation-driven developing economy, and innovation, if continued, will help the country ward off the "middle-income trap", according to a recent HSBC report.


世界银行《东亚经济发展报告(2006)》提出了"中等收入陷阱(middle-income trap)"的概念,其基本涵义是:一个经济体的人均收入达到世界中等水平,即人均国内生产总值(per capita gross domestic product)达到4000至12700美元的阶段后,由于不能实现发展战略和发展方式转变(transformation in development strategy and development mode),导致增长新动力(new growth drivers),特别是内生动力(internal impetus)不足,经济发展长期停滞不前(remain stagnant for a long period of time);与此同时,快速发展中积聚的问题集中爆发,造成贫富分化加剧(aggravation of polarization of wealth)、产业升级(industrial upgrading)艰难、城市化(urbanization)进程受阻、社会矛盾凸显等。汇丰的这份报告称,尽管中国经济增速放缓(slowdown of China's economic growth),但增长新动能正迅速发展。世界知识产权组织编制的全球创新指数(Global Innovation Index)称,中国是全球最具创新力的经济体25强中唯一的发展中经济体(developing economy)。中国也是世界第三大专利申请国(the third largest patent filer)。2016年,中国的国际专利(international patent)申请达4.31万余件,较前一年增长44.7%。

报告称,规模经济(economies of scale)、金融和制造生态系统(financial and manufacturing eco-systems)、良好的基础设施和扶持政策(supportive policy)带动了创新热潮(innovation boom)。不同行业的动态融资(dynamic financing in different sectors)以及强大的供应商网络(network of suppliers)也为中国在创新上取得成功提供了生态系统。

报告认为,创新是中国经济充满活力的一个标志(a sign of the dynamism of the Chinese economy),是中国改变其未来经济增长模式(change its future economic growth model)的关键要素(vital ingredient)。目前中国的创新主要由面向消费者的公司

(consumer-facing company)推动,实现基于知识的科学技术领域的进步(progress in knowledge-based areas of science and technology)还需付出更多努力。


中等收入国家middle-income country

创新驱动发展战略innovation-driven development strategy

经济增长引擎engine of economic growth

创新型人才innovative talent

大众创业,万众创新mass entrepreneurship and innovation

科技创新scientific and technological innovation

3. 达摩院

DAMO Academy


The investment of 100 billion yuan over three years in the Alibaba DAMO Academy takes the internet giant one step closer to fulfilling its ambition to serve 2 billion people in two decades, said Alibaba Group's chairman Jack Ma.


11日,阿里巴巴集团宣布成立全球研究院(global research academy)阿里巴巴达摩院,以吸引顶级科学家进行基础科学(basic science)和颠覆式技术创新(disruptive technological innovation)研究。未来3年,阿里巴巴在技术研发(research and development)上的投入将超过1000亿人民币。达摩院的英文名为DAMO Academy,DAMO是"发现、冒险、动力和前景(discovery, adventure, momentum and outlook)"英文首字母缩写。阿里巴巴首席技术官(Chief Technology Officer, CTO)张建锋将担任达摩院院长(head of the Academy)。

达摩院由全球实验室、高校联合研究所和全球前沿创新研究计划三部分组成。达摩院将首先在中国、美国、俄罗斯、以色列和新加坡建立7家实验室,重点研究数据智能(data intelligence)、物联网(Internet of Things)、金融科技(fintech)、量子计算(quantum computing)和人机交互(human-machine interaction)等领域。达摩院正在全球招募100名优秀研究人员(recruit 100 talented researchers from around the world)。

达摩院还将成立一个学术咨询委员会(academic advisory board),对实验室的研究方向(research direction)、重点研究领域(key research area)、重大任务和目标等提供指导和建议(provide guidance and advice)。首批公布的学术咨询委员会10人中,有三位中国两院院士(three academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering)、五位美国科学院院士,包括世界人工智能(artificial intelligence)泰斗迈克尔·I·乔丹(Michael I. Jordan)、分布式计算(distributed computing)

大家李凯和人类基因组计划(Human Genome Project)负责人乔治·M·丘奇(George M. Church)等。


前沿研究cutting-edge research

颠覆性技术disruptive technology

生物识别技术biometric identification technology

机器学习machine learning

视觉计算visual computing

技术终端用户technology end-user

4. 联合国教科文组织

the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)请看例句:

The US has formally notified UNESCO that it is withdrawing its membership of the organization citing "continuing anti-Israel bias".


联合国教科文组织(the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO)成立于1945年11月,总部设在巴黎,目前有195个成员国(member state)和10个准成员国(associate member)。其宗旨是促进教育、科学及文化

改革方面的国际合作(promote international collaboration through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms),以利于各国人民之间的相互了解,维护世界和平。

美国国务院在当日发布的一项声明中称,美国决定退出联合国教科文组织的主要考虑包括不断增加的欠费(mounting arrears)、该组织需要根本性改革(the need for fundamental reform)及对该组织"针对以色列的持续偏见(continuing anti-Israel bias)"。

对于美国的退出决定,联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃表示"非常遗憾(profound regret)"。她表示,这不仅仅与世界遗产有关(this is not just about World Heritage),美国的退出是"联合国大家庭的损失(a loss to the United Nations family),也是多边主义(multilateralism)的损失"。联合国秘书长古特雷斯对美国的决定也"深表遗憾",不过他表示,联合国将通过一系列组织在一系列问题上与美国进行卓有成效的沟通(interact with the US very productively on a range of issues through a range of organizations)。[相关词汇]

世界遗产保护protection of world heritage

倡导新闻自由advocate for press freedoms

非成员观察国non-member observer state

贡献观点、看法及专业知识contribute views, perspectives and expertise

5. 行为经济学之父

father of behavioral economics


The 2017 Nobel Prize in economics was awarded to US economist Richard H. Thaler, the father of behavioral economics. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said in its statement that Thaler has incorporated psychologically realistic assumptions into analyses of economic decision-making.


塞勒通过探索"有限理性(limited rationality)"、"社会偏好(social preferences)"、"自制力缺乏(lack of self-control)"等因素的影响,揭示了这些人性特征(human traits)对个体选择和市场结果产生的系统性影响,被称为"行为经济学之父(father of behavioral economics)"。诺贝尔经济学奖委员会称,塞勒的研究成果成功地将经济学和心理学整合在一起,让经济学更人性化(make economics more human)。他的理论"帮助人们做出更好的经济决策(help people make better economic decisions)"。

塞勒提出:人们在进行经济活动时,并不像传统经济学理论中认为的那样理性(rational)。譬如,人们拥有某件东西时,会比没有的时候更高估其价值(people value the same item more highly when they own it than when they don't);往往做出最容易的选择,而不是最明智的选择(often choose what is easiest over what is wisest);容易聚焦于单个决策的狭隘影响,而不是它们的总体效果(focus on the narrow impact of each individual decision rather than its overall effect)。


禀赋效应endowment effect

独裁者博弈dictator game

计划者-执行者模型planner-doer model

助推理论nudge theory

心理账户理论theory of mental accounting


1. Education


We will promote the coordinated development of compulsory education in urban and rural areas, while giving particular attention to rural areas. We will improve preschool education, special-needs education, and online education, and make senior secondary education universally available.


We will move faster to build Chinese universities into world-class universities and develop world-class disciplines as we work to bring out the full potential of higher education.


2. Employment


We will launch vocational skills training programs on a big scale, give particular attention to tackling structural unemployment, and create more jobs by encouraging business startups.


We will provide extensive public employment services to open more channels for college graduates and other young people, as well as migrant rural workers to find jobs and start their own businesses.


3. Social Security


We will look to see that everyone has access to social security.


We will quickly bring pension schemes under national unified management.


We will improve the unified systems of basic medical insurance and serious disease insurance for rural and non-working urban residents.


We will improve the system for supporting and caring for children, women, and elderly people left behind in rural areas.


We must not forget that housing is for living in, not for speculation. With this in mind, we will move faster to put in place a housing system that ensures supply through multiple sources, provides housing support through multiple channels, and encourages both housing purchase and renting. This will make us better placed to meet the housing needs of all of our people.


4. Poverty Alleviation


We should implement targeted poverty reduction and alleviation measures.


Particular attention will be paid to helping people increase confidence in their own ability to lift themselves out of poverty and see that they can access the education they need to do so.


We must ensure that by the year 2020, all rural residents living below the current poverty line will have been out of poverty, and poverty is eliminated in all poor counties and regions.


5. Health


We will deepen reform of the medicine and healthcare system and develop a sound modern hospital management system.


We will initiate a food safety strategy to ensure that people have peace of mind about what they're putting on their plates.


6. Rule of Law


We will accelerate development of the crime prevention and control system, and combat and punish all illegal and criminal activities in accordance with law.


7. Culture


We will strengthen protection and utilization of cultural relics, and better preserve and carry forward our cultural heritage.


We will strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges with other countries, giving prominence to Chinese culture while also drawing on other cultures.


We will tell China's stories well, present a true, multidimensional, and panoramic view of China, and enhance our country's cultural soft power.


8. Environment


We will get everyone involved in improving the environment and address environmental issues at the root. We will continue our campaign to prevent and control air pollution to make our skies blue again.


We need to provide more quality ecological goods to meet people's ever-growing demands for a beautiful environment.




Secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and strive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era


Remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind, hold high the banner

of socialism with Chinese characteristics, secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, strive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and work tirelessly to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.


As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved. What we now face is the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life.


As the Chinese saying goes, the last leg of a journey just marks the halfway point. Achieving national rejuvenation will be no walk in the park; it will take more than drum beating and gong clanging to get there. Every one of us in the Party must be prepared to work even harder toward this goal.


The Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era builds on and further enriches Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development.


The overall plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics is the five-sphere integrated plan, and the overall strategy is the four-pronged comprehensive strategy. It highlights the importance of fostering stronger confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


8月24日 近日,湖南永州的唐慧女士因“闹访”被劳教一案引发了全国舆论空前关注,劳教制度也引起社会各界的诟病。来自北京、广东、河南、湖南、山东等10个省市的10位律师,联名致信司法部和公安部,建议对劳教制度进行调整。 中国日报报道:Prominent lawyers r joining those now calling on China to reform its controversial laojiao system, or re-education through labor system, which allows suspects to be sentenced to forced labor without 1st undergoing a trial. 知名律师加入声讨大军,要求国家对劳教制度进行改革。劳教制度可以在未经审判的情况下对犯罪嫌疑人作出强制劳动处罚。 Re-education through labor----劳(动)教(养),是一种行政处罚----administrative punishment, 无需法院审判定罪即可deprive freedom of a suspect----限制嫌疑人人身自由,re-educate suspect through forced labor----通过强制劳动进行再教育。 十位律师对公安部和司法部发出公开信----open letter,称劳教制度的intransparency—不透明性和lack of supervision—缺少监督会导致abuse of power—权力滥用。 8月30日 1.Pedestrian overpasses人行天桥 2.plazas 广场 3.China is trying hard to revive interest in its ailing stock market, but some investors are instead shell ing out big money on an asset they can hold in the palms of their hands----walnut s.中国正竭力挽回投资者对股市的兴趣,但一些投资者却开始将大笔资金投入可以在掌心把玩的资产----核桃。(If you shell out for something, you spend a lot of money on it. 付(一大笔钱))


2016浙江省考时政热点:热词记录2015·文化 浙江省考时政热点作为浙江公务员考试、政法干警及其他各类考试共同所考察的考点,在申论、浙江省考面试等考试中占有很大的比例,因此建议广大考生需注重关于时政热点的积累。为方便各位考生在备考期间系统的复习浙江省考时政热点以及与之相关的热点解读,在此浙江人事考试网邀您及时关注更新国内外时事政治热点汇总。 需要更多指导,请选择在线咨询一对一解答。 凡人善举 好人文化风行天下 一年来,人们总被乡亲、邻里、同事、朋友等身边好人传递出的温暖和坚韧感动着: 新时期公正为民的好法官、敢于担当的好干部邹碧华,崇法尚德,捍卫公平正义,特 别是在司法改革中,甘当“燃灯者”,诠释了一名共产党员对党和人民事业的忠诚;重庆老 爹方联海是一家中药铺的第十二代传人,他恪守“只卖良心药”的祖训,采药、制药、卖 药,一丝不苟、诚信经营;上世纪60年代“八六海战”中,“钢铁战士”麦贤得闻名全 国。50年过去了,英雄依然健康,他的妻子居功甚伟。“英雄背后的英雄”李玉枝说, “照顾好我的家庭,是一个妻子的本分、一个母亲的责任。” 在培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的过程中,这些不断涌现的“最美人物”“时代楷 模”“道德模范”,有道德、讲道德、守道德,可亲可爱、可敬可学,传承了千百年来的 中华传统美德,在全社会领奏出学好人、敬好人、帮好人的时代强音。

与此同时,以人民日报为代表的各大媒体,专门开辟出“点赞中国”“德耀中华”“志愿服务进行时”“对话核心价值观”等栏目,通过讲述一个个真实的故事,点赞凡人善举,褒奖美好、鞭挞丑陋、推介经验,将社会主义核心价值观播撒向千家万户。 榜样的力量是无穷的,道德的力量也是无穷的。社会文明的温度、大众学习的热情已然在神州大地持续高涨,凝聚成推进改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的强大精神力量,不仅清澈了乡风民风,还持续影响到了党风政风。人们对守信有坚持、对失信有顾忌,对节俭有赞赏、对浪费有抵制;官员对规矩有敬畏、对腐败有不安,不该伸的手坚决不伸,该做到的事立军令状行事。政风清,民风淳,向善向美成为全民共识。 正义向前一步,邪恶就后退一步。凡人善举积攒而来的强大正能量,还在孤立和抑制着种种负能量。多地建立的“红黑榜”制度,赏罚分明,对不良行为构成巨大震慑,让好人终有好报,让“坏人”寸步难行。 一流大学 中国特色世界前列 推进一流大学和一流学科建设,是中国高等教育发展史上一个里程碑式的战略举措。 回首过去,为促进高等教育跨越式发展,从上世纪90年代开始,我国先后实施“211工程”和“985工程”,重点支持部分高校、部分学科的建设,显著缩短了与世界一流大学的差距。2012年,高等学校创新能力提升计划(“2011计划”)启动,旨在建立一批协同创新中心,推进高等教育内涵式发展,深化科技体制改革。


2017年1-11月《中国日报》热词1.王储 crown prince 2.兄终弟及 agnatic seniority 3.碳排放收益 carbon emission bonus 4.爱国主义、集体主义、顽强拼搏 patriotism, collectivism and the spirit of indomitable struggle 5.企业资信 enterprise credit standing 6.慢就业 delayed employment 7.债券通 Bond Connect 8.全网络售票 online-only ticket sales 9.“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛 the Belt and Road Initiative Forum for International Cooperation 10.“一照一码”营业执照 a unified business license with a unified social credit code 11.“多证合一” integrate multiple certifications and licenses into one consolidated license 12.国家赔偿 state compensation 13.住宅用地供应 housing and land supply 14.千年大计 strategy crucial for a millennium to come 15.“生前契约” pre-plan funeral arrangement contracts 16.药品加成 drug upmarket 17.投资争端解决机制


【每日1词】四六级高频词速记(五月汇总版) 2014-05-30 中国日报网双语新闻 【每日1词】#exaggerate# I'm not exaggerating - it was the worstmeal I've ever eaten in my life. 此处exaggerate (英[?ɡ'z?d??re?t]美[?ɡ'z?d??ret])意思是? A.夸张 B.欺骗 C.隐瞒 ------------------------------ 答案:A.夸张 句意:这是我这辈子吃过的最糟糕的一顿饭——我一点儿没夸张。 [解析] 除"夸张、言过其实"外,动词exaggerate还有"使……更显眼"的意思:--That dress exaggerates my thinness. 那条裙子显得我更瘦了。 名词exaggeration: --To say she is beautiful is anexaggeration, but she does have nice eyes. 说她漂亮有些夸张了,但她的眼睛的确很好看。 【每日1词】#mop#

She mopped the kitchen floor. 此处mop (英[m?p]美[mɑp])意思是? A.拖地 B.扫地 C.打蜡 ------------------------------ 答案:A.拖地 句意:她把厨房地板拖了。 [解析] 任何跟"拖地"差不多的动作,都可以用mop: --mop the hallway 拖一拖走廊 --mop the spilled water 把弄洒的水擦干 --mop her forehead with a towel 用毛巾擦额头 还有名词mop,指"蓬乱的头发(像拖把头似的有木有)":--a mop of dark hair 乱蓬蓬的一团黑发 【每日1词】#jail#


【chinadaily】中国日报上的热词——学英语(下) (2011-06-06 07:40:11) 37. “无人值守”怎么说 近日,我国在世界最高峰建成了首个无人值守地震台。珠峰地震台的建成填补了西藏日喀则南部地区的监测空白,增强了我国中尼边界地区的地震监测能力,还将为地学工作者提供这一区域的第一手地震观测资料,将大大增强我国在青藏高原国际地学和防震减灾领域的科技竞争能力。 请看相关报道: China has built its first unattended seismic monitoring station at the foot of Mount Qomolangma, the world's highest mountain. 我国在“世界屋脊”珠穆朗玛峰脚下建成了首个无人值守地震台。 在上面的报道中,seismic monitoring station是“地震监测台”,简称“地震台”。地震台是利用各种地震仪器进行地震观测的观测点,是开展地震观测和地震科学研究的基层机构。这次建成的地震台是unattended seismic monitoring station(无人值守地震台),unattended在这里表示not watched(无人看守的)意思,有时还表示neglected(被忽视的)意思,比如:Never leave your luggage unattended.(千万注意看好你的行李。) Seismic一词的意思是“地震的,地震性的,地震引起的,易发生地震的”,和它相组合的短语都和地震有关。例如:seismic waves(地震波);seismic focus/origin(震源);seismic zone (地震带);seismic catastrophe(地震灾难)。 地震台中不可缺少的就是地震勘探(seismic prospecting)的工具——地震仪(seismograph),通过它可以测量地震活动度(seismicity)和地震波速(seismic velocity)。 38. 钓鱼执法entrapment 查处黑车本是一件好事,但若是为了多得罚款,而安排“钓钩”进行“钓鱼执法”,让好心的正当车主“被钓鱼”,可就另当别论了。近日,上海陆续出现涉嫌“钓鱼执法”的争议或诉讼,双方各执一词,但我们相信真相终究会大白于天下。 请看相关报道: Local transport supervisors did not entrap a van driver while investigating illegal cab operations, according to urban management authorities in the Pudong New Area of Shanghai. Sun said he believed it was obviously entrapment and "felt so angry and insulted" that he cut off his finger to protest the alleged trap. 上海浦东新区的城管人员称,地方交管人员在调查黑车非法营运时,没有诱捕这位货车司机。但孙先生(货车司机)认为这很明显就是一起“钓鱼执法”案件,并“感到非常恼怒和受辱”,他自断手指以抗议所谓的“钓鱼执法”行为。 报道中的entrapment就是指“钓鱼执法”,指在掌握一定证据的同时,为了抓获已知犯罪嫌疑人,而通过“诱惑”方式,以利引之,使其落网。如装扮成乘客搭乘illegal cab(黑车),在司机收取费用时将其抓获的行为。 Entrap在这里表示“诱捕,使入圈套、陷阱等”,诱使某人(做某事),则用entrap somebody into doing something.来表示,例如He felt he had been entrapped into marrying her. (他觉得和她结婚是上了当。) 39. 友好城市sister city

Buzzwords 流行新词 中国日报英文最潮最酷的流行新词

Buzzwords 流行新词 中国日报网英语点津为您汇集中英文最潮最酷的流行新词,解析它们背后的文化背景。 Wi-Fi蹭网族 2012-11-22 16:22 Wi-Fi squatter指长时间占用公共场所无线网络连接资源的人,或未经授权使用无线网络连接的人,即“Wi-Fi蹭网族”。你是“受挤压的中产阶级”吗? 2012-11-21 14:44 The squeezed middle指收入一般的人群因为生活成本提高而收入未曾增加而变得手头紧,原先能买的东西现在都没钱买了,我们称之为“受挤压的中产阶级”。各类节目中的“噱头”2012-11-20 13:30 电视或广播节目中提前设计好的较具争议性或者很精彩的节目片断通常会成为人们的谈资,这些片断就叫watercooler moment(噱头)。你“第二屏幕”了吗? 2012-11-19 14:09 第二屏幕,有时也被称为“伴侣设备”,指看电视时能同时与电视节目内容互动交流的电子设备,如平板电脑或智能手机等。“diao丝”英语怎么说? 2012-11-15 13:17 Plebs多指处于社会底层的人,即我们所说的“diao丝”。他们多被归类为出生低下、平凡无奇,且被轻视的社会阶层。什么是“赌场赢利效应” 2012-11-14 13:02 “赌场赢利效应”指人们拿着易来之财或者意外之财时更愿意采取一些冒险的投资方式。走光wardrobe malfunction 2012-11-13 14:08 Wardrobe malfunction常用作指代因穿衣不当(尤指演员)或演员更换演出服时导致身体部位外露的意外“走光”的委婉语表达。“女同性恋”说法种种 2012-11-12 14:07 Gay 这个词可以泛指男同性恋和女同性恋,但是女同性恋自己还有一个专属的单词叫lesbian。工作重压下的“过劳肥” 2012-11-09 13:01 “过劳肥”指很多办公室职员因为过度劳累、长时间坐着以及压力太大而变得超重,甚至肥胖。什么是“情境式亲密” 2012-11-07 13:07 情境式亲密(situational intimacy)指因彼此临近或同处于一个环境而引发的亲密感,与爱或其它深层次联系无关。一到冬季就“抑郁”? 2012-11-05 15:39 季节性情绪紊乱(seasonal affective disorder,SAD)指多发于冬季的一种抑郁症,也称“冬季抑郁症”。脸盲症face blindness 2012-11-02 14:27 脸盲症(face blindness)指难以辨认或分别人的容貌的状况。患者对熟人视而不见,看电影时也跟不上情节。你有“肉牙”吗? 2012-11-01 14:53 Meat tooth指某人爱吃肉。这个说法是对sweet tooth进一步演绎。Sweet tooth在英语中流传使用已超过600年,是人尽皆知的一个短语,用以形容对甜食的喜爱。喜欢“重启”的一代


新闻周刊 新闻记录时代,聚焦本周热点。欢迎在每周六晚的18:00与我们准时相约,如果大家有什么对新闻的看法或想法、观点可以通过@江西科技学院广播电视台或WO张力中的新浪微博与我们互动。我是张力中。我们首先进入今天的第一个版块新闻1+1 揭开部分高中国际班的美丽盖头 首先呢我们先来关注高校的国际班。近年来,我国一些大中城市的高中“国际班”日趋火爆,不少学校打出“中外合作”“国际精英教育”“世界名校录取”的招牌,吸引越来越多的家长送孩子前往就读。然而,新华社“新华视点”记者调查发现,一些“国际班”不仅收费昂贵,而且教学质量堪忧。专家呼吁,“国际班”泛滥之风急须整治,选择留学需要谨慎。新华社就说,“出国留学热带来的客观需求,是高中…国际班?越办越多的主要原因,而审批和监管上的缺位,造成了蜂拥而上、良莠(you)不齐。”对此牟利因素也不容忽视。由于财力不足,部分高中靠创收乃至高收费来解决经费来源,导致了“国际班”等高收费行为盛行。那么专家建议,应该在加大对高中教育投入的基础上确保教育“公共事业”属性。中外合办的“国际班”应明确审批制度和权限,规定本土学生的招生比例;规范课程设置,明确中方和外方课程所占比例;应该在财务上公开透明。东华大学教授严诚忠表示,高中“国际班”亟待规范,特别是示范性高中,更要控制开设“国际班”,避免优质教育资源和教育经费被少数家庭子女占用“教育国际化是正确的,但要看孩子是否适合去国外留学。”盲目的出国热危害很大,从家长到教育工作者乃至整个社会,都要给攀比出国的现象降温。来看下一个话题, 吸烟逼高铁降速要提醒更要执法跟进 12月3日,旅客王某乘坐沈阳北至大连北的D8072次高铁时吸烟,引发列车报警降速,受到铁路警方治安罚款处罚。这是哈大高铁开通3天来,发生的第7起因旅客吸烟引发的降速事件。如此频繁的高铁吸烟事件昭示着人们安全意识的缺乏,也反映了“法不责众”的默许条文带来的潜在不安定因素。 可见,在类似事件中,缺少的不是“道德经”,而是能真正约束人们行为的“硬道理”。但是,现有规定仍有不足之处,交通部《关于在公共交通工具及其等候室禁止吸烟的规定》实施细则中,明确对交通工具内的吸烟者,“个人卫生检查员应对其进行教育,责令其停止吸烟,可处以10元的罚款;对经教育、劝阻仍不执行本规定者,可处以20-50元的罚款。”,那这个法规应因时而变,《规定》中的10元罚款对现代人而言实属小菜,就算最高50的罚款也不能起到预防之效。因此,铁路部门要杜绝第N个吸烟哥的出现,在普及高铁不能吸烟的常识外,更要加强执法力度,用威慑力迫使“烟枪”灭烟也是必要的办法。接下来来聊聊南京停止公费报销的话题。 南京2013年起取消公费医疗 目前呢南京宣布,从明年起南京市将取消公费医疗制度,所有机关事业单位全部参加职工医保,实现机关事业人员和企业职工基本医疗保险统一制度政策、统一参保缴费、统一缴费比例、统一待遇标准、统一经办流程、统一医疗服务,等等等等。据介绍,目前南京有参加企业职工医保人员330万名,有约20万名机关事业单位人员享受公费医疗。那么公费医疗制度改革后,机关事业单位参保人员将和企业参保职工一样在定点医疗机构和定点零售药店


2020中国日报5月份热词汇总 由@江城小译整理 应急响应等级emergency response levels 突发公共卫生事件应急响应response to public health emergencies 强化公共卫生法治保障to strengthen the legal framework of public health 统一的应急物资保障体系unified emergency supply system 外防输入、内防反弹to prevent the coronavirus from re-entering the country to cause a new epidemic 京津冀地区联防联控joint prevention and control efforts in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region 长征五号B运载火箭Long March5B carrier rocket 载人空间站manned space station 空间实验室space lab 在轨加注in-orbit refuelling 交会对接rendezvous and docking 运载火箭carrier rocket 助推火箭booster rocket 发射中止系统launch abort system 发射场launch site 可重复使用运载火箭reusable carrier rocket 珠穆朗玛峰Mount Qomolangma 专业测绘人员professional surveyor 高程测量measurement of height 高海拔地区the high-altitude region 高原反应altitude sickness 珠峰大本营base camp at Mount Qomolangma 摩天大楼skyscraper 房地产开发real estate development 面子工程face job 中层建筑mid-rise building 楼层建筑面积floor space 户外活动outdoor activities 近视nearsightedness/myopia 视力不良poor vision 弱视vision impairment 视力健康visual health 眼保健操eye exercises 解除封锁lifting of lockdowns 不麻痹、不厌战、不松劲to remain vigilant and never slacken our efforts 公共卫生监测系统public health surveillance system 病例反弹resurgence of cases 开展国际联防联控to make a collective response for control and treatment at


01 国事访问+待遇:state visit plus experience 02 侮辱国歌行为列入刑法处罚:criminal penalties for disrespect to national anthem 03 营业税废止:business tax abolished 04 电子商务领域信用记录:credit records of e-commerce 05 双11促销:Double 11 promotion/促销方法:promotion methods/直接打折:direct percent-off discounts/预售:prelaunch/减免:money-off/价保:price protection 06 论文引用数:academic paper citation 07 联合国教科文组织创意城市网络:the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) 08 美联储主席:Fed Chair 09 政治投机主义:political opportunitism/留任:stay in power 10 关系回到正常轨道:relations back on track 11 性别差距:gender gap 12 联合国教科文组织“空间科学奖章”:UNESCO Medal on Space Science 1东亚经济共同体:East Asian Economic Community 2国家账本:State balance sheet 3混合所有制改革:SOE mixed ownership reform/国有资本:State-owned capital/集体资本:collective capital/非公有资本:non-public capital 4支付产业:payment industry 5消费革命:consumer revolution 6绿色包装:eco-friendly packaging/快递包装产品绿色认证:green certification of packaging products 7公共健身场所:public exercise venue 8Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership(CPTPP):全面且先进的跨太平洋伙伴关系协定 9lucky money:吉利钱 11global wealth:全球财富/household wealth:家庭财富/wealth per adult:人均财富 take control of the country to “target criminals” around the president:“勤王清君侧” 1自主经营权和合法财产所有权保护:protection of their operational and property rights/居民产权保护:resident's property protection2国有股权划转:State-owned equity transferring 4人类头部移植:human head transplant 5数字人才库:digital talent pool 6核心素养:key qualities/十大专业能力:professional skills/行为准则:behavioral standards 7专项督查:special inspection/学前教育: preschool/早期教育:early childhood education 8幸福产业:happiness industries 9灵活就业:flexible employment 10king of social media:社交媒体之王 14extend the streak:(票房)颓势难改 15install a new country president:任命新总统 16air and sea reseach:空中和海上搜索


English News Hot Words 1.散伙饭farewell dinner party 魔幻电影《哈利?波特》6月10日全系列杀青收工。在片中扮演韦斯利家双胞胎中一位的詹姆斯?皮尔斯透露,艾玛?沃特森盛情邀请大家去她在英国的家中大办派对,好好道别这段难忘的时光。请看相关报道: Actress Emma Watson hosted a farewell dinner party at her home for her Harry Potter co-stars as the cast filmed their last scenes for the final movie in London. 《哈利?波特》剧组在伦敦拍摄完最后一幕后,女演员艾玛?沃特森在家中为一起合作拍戏的演员们举办了一个告别宴会。 在上面的报道中,farewell dinner party的意思是―告别宴会‖,通俗点说,也就是―散伙饭‖。毕业季又到了,在校园周围随处都可以看见大四的学生们三三两两地聚在一块吃farewell dinner。

在毕业离别的时刻,校园的空气中弥漫着淡淡的惜别感伤之情,同学们会互赠farewell present(饯别礼物),开farewell party(欢送会),在欢送会上有人会发表farewell speech(告别演讲),临别时会wave goodbye to friends(和朋友挥手告别)。 2.世博园的“啤酒馆” 在上海世博园里,有一处可以让你舒舒服服地喝上一杯冰爽生啤的地方,这就是世博D区的朝日啤酒美食馆,那里可以让你的世博之旅舒爽快乐。 请看《中国日报》的报道: The beer garden sells 300 glasses and 200 to 300 cans of Super Dry, its signature brew, per day and is happy about a hot summer and FIFA World Cup. 啤酒美食馆每日售出的―Super Dry超爽‖啤酒达到300杯,罐装销量为200到300个。―Super Dry 超爽‖啤酒是他们的招牌产品。炎炎夏日和世界杯让啤酒美食馆欢喜不已。

中国日报 中国特色热词翻译+句子详解 第一弹

暴利行业industry of windfall profits In the latest session of the NPC, some lawmakers painted the banking sectors as an “industry of windfall profits”. 在最近一届全国人民代表大会上,一些委员将银行业称为“暴利行业”。 报销reimburse You can have expenses for flight tickets, meals, and hotel costs reimbursed. 飞机票,餐费和旅馆住宿均可以报销。 爆冷门upset/ unexpected win The previous 77 Academy Awards ceremonies have had their share of unexpected twists, though the best-picture win by the upset winner “Crash” over “Brokeback Mountain”ranks as one of the biggest in Oscar history. 尽管在本年度奥斯卡最佳影片评选中,实现不看好的《撞车》击败《断背山》成为奥斯卡历史上最大的冷门之一,然而纵观前77届颁奖典礼,这种意外并不罕见。 背黑锅be the scapegoat/ bear the blame If anything goes wrong, I always bear the blame. 悲情牌tragedy trumpcard The party could only bring out their tragedy trumpcard to win the election. 该党派只好打出悲情牌以求赢得选举。 被解除隔离be released from quarantine Animals will not be released from quarantine unless they are five-month-old. 动物知道5个月大才能被解除隔离。 本命年the year of one’s animal sign He planned to cross the Yellow River on a motorcycle during the year of his animal sign. 他计划在自己的本命年骑摩托车飞越黄河。 逼供forced confession The new standard stipulate that procuratorates do not use evidences collected from forced confession, torture or violence. 新标准规定,检察院不能使用通过逼供,拷问和暴力获得的证据。 鄙视链disdain chain The so-called disdain chain works like this: British drama fans look-down upon folks who prefer US shows, and they in turn look down on South Korean soap opera fans. The lowest of the low in the disdain chain are the fans of domestic dramas. 传说中的“鄙视链”是这样的,英剧迷瞧不起美剧迷,美剧迷瞧不起韩剧迷,而鄙视链地位最低的则是国产剧迷。 比赛“放水”/ 故意输球


绿色复苏:green recovery 美国当选总统奥巴马近日公布了经济刺激方案,并表示希望新的经济刺激方案是“绿色的”。该方案旨在增加“绿领工作”岗位和使用节约能源。其中20亿美元将用于减少收费和提供扩展服务,50亿美元用于可再生能源债券,25亿美元用于购买和淘汰老式的污染汽车,以及花费9亿美元帮助100万户家庭节约能源。 请看外电的报道: Earlier this fall, the center recommended that the government spend $100 billion on energy efficiency, renewable energy and mass transit to promote what it calls a "green recovery". 今年秋初,该中心就建议政府花费1000亿美元用于节约能源,发展可再生能源以及公共交通,以促进经济的“绿色复苏”。 在上面的报道中,green recovery就是指“绿色复苏”,是指利用发展green industry(绿色产业)的契机恢复经济。“绿色产业”即为环保产业,它是以防治环境污染、改善生态环境、保护自然资源为目的所进行的技术开发、产品生产、商业流通、资源利用、工程承包等活动的总称。那么从事这一行业的工作人员就可以被称为green-collar workers(绿领工人),而这个行业的工作自然就是 green-collar jobs(绿领工作)了。 Recovery在这里的意思是“恢复,复苏”,例如我们现在都希望看到recovery of the market(市场复苏)。人身体的“复原”也可以用它来表示,如:His recovery is a miracle.(他的复元是一个奇迹),我们也没想到他可以make a quick recovery(迅速痊愈)。 此外,recovery还可以表示“回收,找回”,the recovery of something就是指“找回丢失的东西”。 鸵鸟政策: head in the sand approach 美国当选总统奥巴马于上周日在接受电视采访时表示,美国经济面临的最大挑战是“使人们重回工作岗位”。奥巴马还巧妙地回答了关于美国汽车业的问题,他表示,“我认为国会正在做正确的事情,即要求出台强迫汽车业同意的有条件救助方案”。 请看外电的报道: The president-elect said it is important that domestic carmakers survive the current crisis, although he accused the industry's executives of taking a "head in the sand approach" that has prevented their companies from becoming more competitive. 尽管美国当选总统奥巴马指责汽车行业主管们的“鸵鸟政策”使公司无法更具竞争力,但他仍然表示国内汽车业摆脱目前的困境非常重要。 在上面的报道中,head in the sand approach就是指“鸵鸟政策”。有时也写成ostrich policy。据说鸵鸟在遭到外敌追赶不能逃脱时,就会让头钻进沙里,以为自己什么都看不见就会太平无事。殊不知,自己大大的屁股露在外面,更加引人注目。后来人们用它来嘲讽拒绝面对现实,自欺欺人的政策。这个名词最初见于1891年9月12日英国的新闻和文学刊物《蓓尔美尔文学新闻》上,后来被广泛运用到外交和经济等领域而逐渐流传开来。 Head in the sand意思是“逃避现实”,如:If there is a difficulty, you cannot just bury your head in the sand.(如果有困难,你不能逃避它)。除了bury one’s head in the sand外,我们还可以用have/put one’s head in the sand来表示这个意思,如:It's no use having your head in the sand .You should try to solve the problem.(逃避现实是没有用的。你应该尝试解决问题)。“逃避现实的人”,我们一般称之为ostrich或者escapist。 年度考核:annual assessment 日前,国家公务员局下发三个试行规定,将工作表现和业绩列为公务员考核标准。根据规定,连续两年年度考核被评为“不称职”的公务员将被辞退,“公务员队伍将建退出机制”的说法终于首次落到了“纸面上”。 请看相关的报道: China's state bureau of civil servants on Tuesday, stipulated that civil servants, who were evaluated as "incompetent" for two consecutive years in the annual assessment, would be dismissed. 中国国家公务员局于本周二做出规定,连续两年年度考核为“不称职”等级的公务员将被辞退。 在上面的报道中,annual assessment就是我们工作中常遇到的“年度考核”。在这个短语里annual做形容词,表示“一年一度的”,例如公司每年都会出一份annual report(年度报告),里面会标明annual accounting(年度决算)。可是annual the contract可不是表示再续一年合同,而是“废除合同”的意思。 此外,assessment在我们的生活中也是无处不在,我们在单位可能还会有performance-based assessment(工作表现评价),


反腐:anti-corruption “两个一百年”奋斗目标:Two Centenary Goals 全面二孩政策:universal two-child policy 全面建成小康社会:comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society 全面深化改革:comprehensively deepen reform 全面依法治国:comprehensively implement the rule of law 全面从严治党:comprehensively strengthen Party discipline 三严三实:Three Stricts and Three Steadies 丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路:the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road 四个全面:Four Comprehensives “四个全面”战略布局:Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy 一带一路(规划):The Belt and Road (Initiatives) 中高速增长:medium-high economic growth 中国经济新常态:China's New Normal 中国梦:the Chinese Dream 中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念日:the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-fascist War 中华民族的伟大复兴:the great renewal of the Chinese nation 中华民族伟大复兴中国梦:the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation


中国日报四月新闻热词汇总【深中通道Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge】 港珠澳大桥Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge 粤港澳大湾区Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 广深港高速铁路Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link 自助出境通关self-service outbound customs clearance 通关时间customs clearance time 收费站toll gate 电子护照electronic passport 【年号era name】 年号era name 退位abdicate/step down from the throne/relinquish the throne 退位仪式abdication ceremony 继位ascend the throne 皇室家族imperial family 【森林火灾forest fire】 森林火灾forest fire 紧急状态state of emergency 燃烧面积burning area 燃烧强度burning intensity 伴随性火灾accompanying fire 消防演习fire drill 消防喷淋系统sprinkler system 森林防火隔离带firebreak/fire line 山火wildfire 【自主招生independent enrollment】 自主招生考试independent recruitment test 教育改革educational reform 录取分数admission score 文科liberal arts 理科science 招生简章recruitment brochure['br????] 经济学economics 金融学finance


The lexicon features of China Daily The lexicon features of China Daily The newspaper is not an exception since every each style has its features of using words. The paper will discuss the lexicon features of China Daily.It will be involved in two aspects. One is the lexicon features of the headlines, the other is the body part of articles. Generally speaking, the words used in China Daily are various ranging from initialism, compound, conversion, clipping to vivid words. Other words used in the

newspaper are foreign words and short words, new words, etc. Ⅰ. The lexicon features of the headlines in China Daily a.the use of preposition phrases eg: Ukraine a lesson for the west (from China Daily April 16,2014 page 9 ) b.the use of figure of speech-metonymy, metaphor, personification ⅰ.the use of metaphor eg: Japan business encouraged to repair tie (from China Daily April 16,2014, page 11) Tie means the national relationship China and Japan as the newspaper said the vice-premier Wang Yang met visiting former Japanese lower house speaker Yohei Kono on Tuesday and called on prominent entrepreneurs in Japan to repair the nation’s strained relationship. ⅱ.the use of metonymy eg: April could be “cruelest month” for Abe (from China Daily April 16, 2014, page 9 ) Abe ,the name of prime minister of Japan, stands for the Japanese government. ⅲ. The use of personification eg: Ukraine a lesson for the west (from China Daily April 16,2014 page 9 ) c.the use of initialism eg: Reports of NSA spying win Pulitzer for public service (from China Daily April 16,2014, page 10) NSA stands for National Security Agency. d.the use of small or short words eg: Japan business encouraged to repair tie (from China Daily April 16,2014, page 11) Tie is the substitute of relationship. The content must be concise and easy as a headline for the requirements of the newspaper. As long as there is a short word, the editor will not turn to a big long word.

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