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Solving Linearized Equations of the $N$-body Problem Using the Lie-integration Method

Solving Linearized Equations of the $N$-body Problem Using the Lie-integration Method
Solving Linearized Equations of the $N$-body Problem Using the Lie-integration Method

a r X i v :0707.3454v 1 [a s t r o -p h ] 23 J u l 2007

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–13(2007)Printed 1February 2008

(MN L A T E X style ?le v2.2)

Solving Linearized Equations of the N -body Problem

Using the Lie-integration Method

Andr′a s P′a l 1?and ′Aron S¨u li 11

Department of Astronomy,Lor′a nd E¨o tv¨o s University,P′a zm′a ny P′e ter s′e t′a ny 1/A,Budapest H-1117,Hungary

Accepted 2007July 18.Received 2007July 13;in original form 2007May 25


Several integration schemes exits to solve the equations of motion of the N -body

problem.The Lie-integration method is based on the idea to solve ordinary di?eren-tial equations with Lie-series.In the 1980s this method was applied for the N -body problem by giving the recurrence formula for the calculation of the Lie-terms.The aim of this works is to present the recurrence formulae for the linearized equations of motion of N -body systems.We prove a lemma which greatly simpli?es the deriva-tion of the recurrence formulae for the linearized equations if the recurrence formulae for the equations of motions are known.The Lie-integrator is compared with other well-known methods.The optimal step size and order of the Lie-integrator are calcu-lated.It is shown that a ?ne-tuned Lie-integrator can be 30%-40%faster than other integration methods.

Key words:celestial mechanics –methods:numerical –methods:N -body simula-tions


The classical problems of celestial mechanics are described by a system of ordinary di?erential equations (ODEs).The investigation of the motions in the Solar System,exoplan-etary systems,satellites around the Earth or other celes-tial objects are based on the solutions of such ODEs.How-ever,several modern analysis,including many chaos detec-tion methods require to solve the linearized equations of the problem.

The integration method based on the Lie-series (Gr¨o bner &Knapp 1967)is widely used in celestial mechan-ics to solve ODEs (see Hanslmeier &Dvorak (1984),here-after H&D and articles referring to it).The basis of this method is to generate the coe?cients of the Taylor expan-sion of the solution by using recurrence relations.The prin-cipal application,i.e.the integration of the N -body problem is described in details in H&D.1.1


Here we summarize the key points of this method of numer-ical integration,using almost identical notations as used by

Hanslmeier &Dvorak (1984).

Let us write the di?erential equation to be solved as ˙x i =f i (x ),



E-mail:apal@szo?.elte.hu (AP);a.suli@astro.elte.hu (′AS)

where x ≡(x 1,...,x N )is an R →R N and f ≡(f 1,...,f N )is an R N →R N continuous function and N is the dimension of the vector x and the vector space where f maps from and maps to.Let us introduce the di?erential operator D i :=


?x i


which is known as the Lie-derivation or Lie-operator.L 0is a linear di?erential operator and one can apply Leibniz’s rule,L 0(ab )=aL 0(b )+bL 0(a ),


where a and b are R N →R N di?erentiable functions.It can easily be proven that the solution of equation (1)at a given instance t +?t is formally x (t +?t )=exp (?t ·L 0)x (t ),(5)


exp (?t ·L 0)=

∞X k =0

?t k k !

N X i =1

f i D i !k


The method of Lie-integration is ?nite approximation of the

sum in the right-hand side of equation (6),up to the order of M ,namely


A.P′a l and ′A.S¨u li

x (t +?t )≈

M X k =0

?t k k !

“L k 0

x (t )”


The proof of equation (5)and other related properties of the

Lie-derivation can be found in Gr¨o bner &Knapp (1967)or Hanslmeier &Dvorak (1984).

In spite of the



the Lie-derivatives can ana-lytically be calculated up to arbitrary order,the formulae yielded by these expansions are highly complicated even if all kinds of new variables are introduced (see e.g.equations (19d)or (19e)in H&D at page 204).A de?nitely more e?-cient way to evaluate the Lie-derivatives is to ?nd a set of recurrence relations.These relations allow us to express the (n +1)th Lie-derivative,e.g.L n +1x as the function of the derivatives with lower order,namely L j x where 0 j n .The initialization of such a recurrence relation is evident,because L 0x ≡x .We note that in several applications,well-chosen auxiliary variables have to be introduced to gain a compact set of recurrence relations which can e?ciently be evaluated.1.2

The importance of linearized equations

Wide range of problems related to celestial mechanics re-quire to solve simultaneously the linearized form of the orig-inal equations too.The numerous experiments conducted in the last decades show that chaotic behaviour is typical and already occurs in simple but nonlinear systems.This ?nd-ing throws completely new light upon these systems and the study of chaotic behaviour became of high concern.A major part of the frontline research focuses on the structure of the phase space,therefore the problem to separate ordered and chaotic motion in systems,which posses only a few degrees of freedom and are described by ODEs,has become a fun-damental task in a wide area of modern research.The phase space of these nonlinear systems can not be described by the known mathematical tools.To map the phase space and study the chaotic behaviour of a given system fast and reli-able numerical tools are needed.These tools are extremely useful in those cases when the inspected dynamical system has more than two degrees of freedom and accordingly its phase space cannot be explored in a direct way or the clas-sical method of surface of section (SoS)can not be applied which is widely used in the case of conservative systems with two degrees and freedom.The basic idea of the method of SoS was invented by Poincar′e (1899)and its application was renewed by H′e non &Heiles (1964).

The mathematical foundation of the theory of Lya-punov Characteristic Exponents (LCEs)is approximately of the same age as the SoS and arose progressively in the lit-erature.The use of such exponents dates back to Lyapunov (1907),but was ?rst applied by Oseledec (1968)to charac-terize trajectories.H′e non &Heiles (1964)found that in an integrable region of the phase space of a dynamical system nearby orbits diverge linearly whereas in a chaotic region they diverge exponentially.The LCEs express these facts in a precise form and many papers were devoted to the appli-cation of LCEs in several nonlinear problems.

Unfortunately both methods have a serious drawback.To compute the LCEs the equations have to integrate for in-?nity,which is numerically impossible.The method of SoS becomes hard to handle and greatly deceiving for systems

with more than two degrees of freedom.To overcome these problems was the main motivation in the 1980s that initiated the research to develop new numerical methods to character-ize the stochasticity of the trajectories in the phase space in short time-span and in arbitrary dimension.The developed methods can be classi?ed in two groups:one group con-sists of the methods which are based on the analysis of the orbits,(e.g.SoS or frequency analysis,see Laskar (1990)),the other one is based on the time evolution of the tangent vector,i.e.the solution of the linearized equations of mo-tion (e.g.LCE).There are complete software packages de-signed to analyse systems of celestial mechanics,both for for general integration of motion (e.g.Mercury6,see Chambers 1999)and for solving linearized equations and calculating LCEs (ORBIT9,see Milani &Nobili 1988).We also have to mention that there are several improved chaos detec-tion methods which are based on the solution of the lin-earized equations.Instead of a complete review,we only mention two of them:the method of Fast Lyapunov Indi-cators (FLIs,see Froeschl′e et al.1997)and the method of Mean Exponential Growth of Nearby Orbits (MEGNO,see Cincotta &Sim′o 2000;God′z iewski et al.2001).

The aim of this paper is to present a lemma which ad-vances the derivation of the same kind of recurrence relations for the linearized equations.We present these relations for certain classical dynamic systems:for the general N -body problem and for the N -body problem in the reference frame of one of the bodies.In the last section we compare the e?ciency of this method with well-known other ones.


The chaos indicators mentioned in the previous section can be obtained if the linearized form of the equations of motion is solved.The solution of the linearized equations is an ξ≡(ξ1,...,ξN ):R →R N function having the same dimension as the equations of motion has.The linearized equations of equation (1)(any ODE can be written in this form)can be written as ˙ξ

i =N X

m =1


?f i (x )



the coupled system of equations (both the original and the linearized)is ˙x i =f i ,(11)˙ξ

i =

ξm D m f i ,


Linearized Equations of the N-body Problem3

and the Lie-operator of equations(11)-(12)is

L=L0+L?=f i D i+ξm D m f i?i.(13)

Lemma Using the same notations as above the Lie-deriva-

tives ofξk can be written as

L nξk=ξm D m L n x k=ξm D m L n0x k.(14)

Proof Obviously,equation(14)is true for n=0:

D m L0x k=D m x k=δmk,(15)


ξm D m L0x k=ξmδmk=ξk.(16)

Let us suppose that it is true for all0 j n and calculate

the(n+1)th Lie-derivative ofξk:

L n+1ξk=L(ξm D m L n x k)=

=(f i D i+ξj D j f i?i)(ξm D m L n x k)=

=f i D iξm D m L n x k+

+ξj(D j f i)[δim D m L n x k+

+ξm D m?i L n x k].(17)

Here the termξm D m?i L n x k equals to zero,because x k and

L n x k for all n 0do not depend onξ.Therefore,

L n+1ξk=f i D iξm D m L n x k+ξj(D j f i)D i L n x k=

=ξm f i D m D i L n x k+ξm(D m f i)(D i L n x k)=

=ξm(f i D m+D m f i)(D i L n x k)=

=ξm D m(f i D i)(L n x k)=

=ξm D m L(L n x k)=ξm D m L n+1x k

=ξm D m L n+1

x k.(18)

We have applied Young’s theorem,namely

D m D i=D i D m,(19)

and Leibniz rule,

D m(f i D i)X=D m f i(D i X)=

=f i(D m D i X)+(D m f i)(D i X),(20)

where X can be an arbitrary function of x,in equation(18)

X≡L n x k.Therefore equation(18)is the same relation

for n+1,as equation(14)for n.Continuing the scheme

described above,equation(14)can be proven for all positive

integer values of n.

2.2An example:applying to the H′e non-Heiles


Demonstrating the power of the lemma proven in the pre-

vious subsection we derive the recurrence relations for the

equation of the H′e non-Heiles dynamical system and its lin-

earized form.The H′e non-Heiles system is one of the simplest

Hamiltonian systems which shows chaotic behaviour under

certain initial conditions(see H′e non&Heiles1964).

The equations of motion are derived from the Hamilto-

nian function



y3?+ +


4 A.P′a l and′A.S¨u li

The same procedure can be performed forρand the result is

L n+1ρ=?L nη?


X k=0n k!h L kξL n?k x+L k xL n?kξ?

?L kηL n?k y?L k yL n?kηi.(38) 3THE LIE-DERIV ATIVES FOR THE N-BODY PROBLEM AND ITS LINEARIZED FORM Let us have K point masses m i(i=1,...,K)moving under the mutual gravitational attraction described by Newton’s universal law of gravity.The coordinates and the velocities of these particles are denoted by x im and v im,where m is the index for the spatial dimension(m=1,2,3).In the following sections we denote the bodies by indices i,j,k, ...and the spatial indices by m,n,p,...,therefore the Ein-stein summation convention should be performed between the appropriate limits,which is not explicitly noted every-where.

Following H&D,we present the derivation of the recur-rence formulae for the Lie-derivatives.The whole calcula-tion is presented in Appendix A.We note that with di?er-ent types of notations the calculation can also be found in H&D,some steps of the derivation should be emphasized for further calculations of the linearized equations.

3.1Equations of motion

Using the above notations,the equations of motion of the N-body problem are the following,

˙x im=v im,(39)

˙v im=?G


X j=1,j=i m j x im?x jm

?x im



Linearized Equations of the N-body Problem5

%1=(Ξ·D L kφij)L n?k A ijm+

+L kφij L n?kαijm

Ξ·D L n+1φij=?2ρ?2ijαijm A ijm L n+1φij+



X k=0F nk[%2],(66)

%2=(Ξ·D L n?kφij)L kΛij+

+L n?kφij(Ξ·D L kΛij).

For the initialization of the recursion we have to calculate Ξ·D L0φij≡Ξ·Dφij.It is easy to show that

Ξ·Dφij=Ξ·Dρ?3ij=?3ρ?5ijαijm A ijm.(67) We have some remarks concering the derivation and evaluation of the above formulae.First,we did not need the linearized equations explicitly to derive the recurrence relations for the linearized variables.Second,because of the symmetry properties of the variables,we do not have to calculate all of the matrix elements:we know that the ten-sors A ijm,B ijm,αijm,βijm are antisymmetric for swapping the indices i and j and the matricesΛij,φij,Ξ·DΛij and Ξ·Dφij are symmetric.Because distances are de?ned only between di?erent bodies,the diagonal matrix elements ofρii and their derived(φii,L nρii,L nφii,Ξ·D L nρii,...)are not de?ned.

3.3Motion in the reference frame of one of the


In the description of the Solar System or in perturbation theory,the equations of motion are transformed into a ref-erence frame whose origin coincides with one of the bodies. Practically,it is the body with the largest mass,in the So-lar System it is the Sun(where all orbital elements are de-?ned relatively to the Sun).Therefore,it could prove useful to have the recurrence relations both for the equations of motion and for the linearized part of the equations in this reference frame.

Let us de?ne the central body as the body with the index of i=0.Altogether we have1+K bodies,where the other ones are indexed by i=1,...,K.For simplic-ity,denote its mass by M≡m0.In an intertial frame,the equations of motion can be splitted into two parts,namely ˙x im=v im,(68)

˙v im=?G


X j=0,j=i m jρ?3ij(x im?x jm),(69)




X j=1m jρ?30j(x0m?x jm).(71)

Following the usual steps,the equations of motion in the ?xed frame can easily be derived by subtracting equa-tion(70)from the equations of(68)for all i indices.Let us de?ne the new variables

r im:=x im?x0m,(72) w im:=v im?v0m,

ρi:=ρ0i=ρi0,(73)φi:=ρ?3i.Table 1.Timing data for the Runge-Kutta integrators,the Bulirsch-Stoer integrator and for the Lie-integrator for di?erent orders.See text for further details.





BS8.578 2.0172 1.7734 1.5773


M=7 1.1690.10950.07960.0556

M=8 1.4210.22710.17760.1339

M=9 1.7060.29160.22750.1792

M=10 2.0040.43320.35410.2912

M=11 2.3360.55350.44800.3525

M=12 2.6890.69410.57620.4715

M=13 3.0480.90550.77700.6137

M=14 3.4110.93520.85550.7113

M=15 3.8100.94140.88050.8789

M=16 4.2230.94920.94140.9383


A.P′a l and ′A.S¨u li








-120-60 0 60 120 180L y a p u n o v e x p o n e n t [1/y e a r s ]

Difference in mean longitude [degrees] 1e-06

1e-05 1e-04 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10-180

-120-60 0 60 120 180

D i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n t h e l o g a r i t h m o f e x p o n e n t s

Difference in mean longitude [degrees]

Figure 1.The LCIs for a ?ctious asteroid having the same orbit as Jupiter.In the left panel,one can see the derived indicators by the method of RKN7/8/(crosses)and using Lie-integration (empty squares)as the function of ?λ.In the right panel,the ratios χ(?λ)de?ned by equation (77)are plotted.

in many integrators (e.g.ORBIT9)where the dimension-less accuracy is de?ned as the di?erence of the mean lon-gitudes between the exact and approximated solution (in radians)divided by the the square of the number of revolu-tions,namely ε=





are plotted resulted by this two integration method.Note that the integration length is 106yrs,therefore the LCIs concerning to regular solutions are saturated around ≈10?5?10?61/yr.It can easily be seen that in the stable re-gions (around the two Lagrangian points at ?λ=?60?and ?λ=+60?)the results of the two methods are very similar,the magnitude of the di?erences between them is ≈10?5.In the chaotic regions,the two methods yielded di?erent LCIs but their magnitudes were always the same.4.1

Performance analysis

We have compared the e?ciency of the Lie-integrator and the other implemented integrators.Here we give how much CPU time is required to integrate the equations of mo-

tion with RK4,RKN5/6/,RKN7/8/,BS and with the Lie-integration and parallelly the linearized equations to get the result with a previously given accuracy.The ratio of the net CPU times is the relative cost:cost





?t [method]



where T is the total length of the integration.Because the relative cost is the ratio of two such value of τCPU for two methods,the total length of the integration cancels.The atomic CPU time can easily be measured,the only un-known is the ?t optimal stepsize for the di?erent methods.The latter is determined by the following way.The exact mean longitude for the fastest rotating planet is derived for a given time-span (which is de?ned by the accuracy,see equation (76))with an appropriately small stepsize.After it,the stepsize is increased iteratively by a bracketing algo-rithm until the integration yields a mean longitude which di?ers from the exact one by the ?λvalue determined also by equation (76).We should note that this implies that the


In our tests,in the BS method the adaptive variation of the number of MMID substeps has been disabled,i.e.the extrapola-tion is performed after the same sequence of number of substeps:it yields an evaluation time which is independent from the step-size.

Linearized Equations of the N -body Problem


r e l a t i v e C P U t i m e c o s t

Negative logarithm of accuracy

r e l a t i v e C P U t i m e c o s t

Negative logarithm of accuracy

Figure 2.The relative cost in the CPU time as the function of the desired precision for the Lie-integration against the RKN7/8/(left panel)and the Bulirsch-Stoer method (right panel)for the model system of Sun –Jupiter –Saturn.The curves show the cost for di?erent orders of the Lie-integration (plus signs for M =6,crosses:M =8,stars:M =10,open squares:M =12,?lled squares:M =14and open circles M =16).The thick solid line shows the unity cost,where the RKN/BS and Lie-integration methods have the same performance.Smaller costs represent lower CPU usage,therefore higher gain and better performance.

r e l a t i v e C P U t i m e c o s t

Negative logarithm of accuracy

r e l a t i v e C P U t i m e c o s t

Negative logarithm of accuracy

Figure 3.The relative cost in the CPU time as the function of the desired accuracy for the Lie-integration against the RKN7/8/(left panel)and the Bulirsch-Stoer method (right panel)for the model system of Sun –Jupiter –Saturn –?ctitious asteroid,while the linearized equations are also evaluated only for the massless test particle.The curves show the cost for di?erent orders of the Lie-integration (see also Fig.2).

stepsize ?t is constant during the integration.In Table 1we summarize these timing values for some values of accuracy and for the Runge-Kutta methods,for the Bulirsch-Stoer method as well as for the Lie-integration method for orders M =6,...,16for the dynamical system of Sun –Jupiter –Saturn –test particle extended with the linearized equa-tions of the latter.The second column contains the atomic CPU time 2,while the other three columns show the opti-mal stepsize ?t [method]


,derived by the above manner for the accuracies ε=2.4·10?11,2.4·10?12and 2.4·10?13respectively.Thus,the cost can be derived by the fractions of the appropriate values taken from this table,namely:cost



τ[m1](0)?t [m2]



A.P′a l and ′A.S¨u li





6 8 10 12 14 16

r e l a t i v e C P U t i m e c o s t

Order of the Lie-integration

Figure 4.The relative cost in the CPU time as the function of

the order of the Lie-integration against the RKN7/8/method for the model system of Sun –Jupiter –Saturn –?ctitious asteroid.In these runs the linearized equations are also evaluated for the massless test particle.The thin solid line,the long dashed line and the dashed line show the cost for the accuracy of 2.4·10?11,2.4·10?12and 2.4·10?13,respectively.The thick line marks the unity cost,below which the Lie-integration is more e?cient.

In Fig.3we have plotted the cost of the Lie-integration against the methods as above but the dynamical system is extended with a massless test particle and for the latter the linearized equations are also solved.The qualitative be-haviour of the cost as the function of the accuracy and the orders of the Lie-series is almost the same as in Fig.2.We note that the di?erent methods used in the RKN,BS and Lie-integration to evaluate the linearized equations result di?erent number of operations,therefore the costs won’t be exactly the https://www.doczj.com/doc/ff14045690.html,ly,the relative CPU time cost of the Lie-integration against the other methods is slightly larger when the linearized equations are solved parallely.

As a conclusion,we can say that omitting the linearized part orders below M ≈10the Lie-integration method is infe-rior to the RKN7/8/,while the equations are extended with the linearized equations for the massless particle,the Lie-integration is more e?ective than RKN7/8/for orders larger than M ≈12below a certain accuracy about ε≈10?https://www.doczj.com/doc/ff14045690.html,paring with the BS method,the Lie-integration is more e?ective for orders larger than M ≈8and M ≈10when the linearized equations are omitted or not,almost indepen-dently from the accuracy.We note that the Lie-integration is e?ective with more than a magnitude (or more)than the lower-order Runge-Kutta methods,as it can easily be de-rived from Table.1and equation (80).4.3

E?ciency as the function of the order

As it was written in the introduction,the method of Lie-integration approximates the Taylor-expansion of the solu-tion up to a ?nite order.One can easily prove that the appro-priate order,n of a Taylor-series to obtain a certain accuracy of a periodic function de?ned on an interval is proportional to the length,L of this interval.The concept of the proof is as follows.An adequately smooth periodic function can be approximated as a sum of sine (and cosine)functions,the so-called Fourier terms.The sine function,sin(x )can be expanded as

sin(x )=


k =0



x 2k +1


=(α+βM +γM 2)


Linearized Equations of the N-body Problem9 this lemma on the H′e non-Heiles system,and thereafter ap-

plied it to the equations of the N-body problem,includ-

ing the non-inertial equations where the origin of the refer-

ence frame is?xed to one of the bodies.Our performance

comparisons have shown that although these recurrence for-

mulae are rather complicated,they can e?ciently be used

for integrations where high accuracy is required.We have

investigated realistic dynamical systems for these compar-

isons:using the lemma,the recurrence relations were deter-

mined and using the Lie-integration technique,the LCIs for

a?ctitious asteroid was computed.The method of LCIs is

the basis for many modern chaos detection methods,there-

fore our lemma and the derived Lie-integration method can

widely be used in various kind of dynamical investigations,

providing a faster alternative to the currently used tech-

niques.We have checked the e?ciency as the function of

the order and accuracy.These tests have shown that the

Lie-integration is de?nitely more e?ective than the classical

RK4and RKN5/6/integration method and above a certain

accuracy aboutε≈10?11,the Lie-integration is more ef-

fective than the method of RKN7/8/for orders larger than

M=10or M=8,whether the linearized equations are eval-

uated parallelly or not.We found that the Lie-integration is

more e?ective than the BS integrator for orders larger than

M≈10,almost independently from the accuracy.

Further studies are already ongoing concerning this

problem.First,there could be several possibilities for opti-

mization in the actual implementation of the Lie-integration:

we expect that the re-ordering of the highly nested loops

and/or the introduction of new auxiliary variables yield bet-

ter performance.Second,some aspects of the Lie-integration

should better be analysed and understood,including the

long-term error propagation in higher orders which is the

basis of the adaptive extensions of this integration method.

And last,we are going to develop a more general code which

is not only capable of the calculation of LCIs but can be ex-

tended with other chaos indicators.





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A.P′a l and ′A.S¨u li


Using the notations de?ned in Section 3.1,we derive the recurrence relations for the equations of motion for the N -body


As we have shown in Section 3.1the Lie-operator of the equations of motion is

L 0=v im D im ?G

X i


@K X j =1,j =i

m j φij A ijm 1A ?im 35.(A1)This implies that the ?rst Lie-derivatives of the coordinates and velocities are the right-hand side of the equations of motion,

namely L 0x im =v im ,(A2)

L 0v im




j =1,j =i m j ρ?3

ij (x jm

?x im )=?G


j =1,j =i

m j φij A ijm .

The distance ρij does not depend on the velocities,like so φij ,therefore their Lie-derivatives can easily be calculated:

L 0ρij =



v km D km ρij .(A3)Therefore,

L 0ρij =



v km




(x jm ?x im )(x jm ?x im )=



v km





(2(x jm ?x im )(δkj

?δki ))–=X


v km ρ?1

ij [(x jm ?x im )(δkj ?δki )]=



[(v jm ?v im )(x jm ?x im )]=


ij B jim A jim

=ρ?1ij Λji =ρ?1ij Λij .


Now one can calculate the Lie-derivative of φij =ρ?3

ij :L 0φij =L 0(ρ?3ij )=?3ρ?4ij L 0ρij =?3ρ?5ij Λij =ρ?2ij (?3φij Λij ).


With mathematical induction,one can prove that

L n +10φij =ρ?2ij

n X k =0

"?3 n k

!?2 n k +1!#L n ?k

0φij L k 0Λij .(A6)

For n =0this equation is equivalent to equation (A5).Let us assume that this is true for all m n ,and calculate L n +2

φij :L n +20φij =L 0 ρ?2ij n X k =0

"?3 n k

!?2 n k +1!#L n ?k

φij L k 0Λij !==L 0`ρ?2ij ′·`ρ2ij L n +10φij ′|}Term 1



n X k =0

"?3 n k !?2 n k +1!#L n +1?k 0φij L k 0Λij |}Term 2



n X

k =0


?3 n k


?2 n k +1!#L n ?k 0φij L k +1

Λij |


Term 3


The ?rst term is

L 0`ρ?2ij

′·`ρ2ij L n +10φij ′=?2ρ?1ij Λij φij ρ2ij L n +10φij =ρ?2ij `?2L n +1

0φij Λij ′.(A8)

We can increase the upper limit of the ?rst summation of term 2in equation (A7)from n to n +1,since in the appearing new terms,the factors `n n +1′and `n n +2′are zero by de?nition.To unify term 1and term 3,we introduce a new index,k ′

=k +1in term 3of equation (A7):



n X k =0

"?3 n k !?2 n k +1!#L n ?k 0φij L k +10Λij =ρ?2ij n +1X k ′=1

"?3 n k ′?1!?2 n k ′!#L n +1?k ′0φij L k ′0Λij .(A9)Note that if we substitute k ′=0into the expression after the summation,we get the same what equation (A8)is,therefore the latter can be inserted into the summation of equation (A9)while the lower limit of k ′=1is replaced to k ′=0.Therefore:

Linearized Equations of the N -body Problem


%=ρ?2ij n +1X

k ′=0


?3 n k ′!?2 n k ′+1!?3 n k ′?1!?2 n k


L n +1?k ′

φij L k ′0Λij =%.(A10)

Using the relation `n k

′+`n k +1′=`n +1k +1′

,we get ?3 n k !?2 n k +1!?3 n k ?1!?2 n k !=?3 n +1k !?2 n +1k +1



therefore we could simplify equation (A10):



n +1X k =0

"?3 n +1k !?2 n +1k +1!#L n +1?k 0φij L k 0Λij .(A12)

Comparing equation (A12)with equation (A6),we conclude that the relation is proven.For simplicity,we de?ne

F nk :=?3




?2 n k +1!.(A13)

Continuing the derivation of the recurrence formulae,we calculate the higher order Lie-derivatives of Λij using the binomial


L n 0Λij =n X k =0

n k !L k 0A ijm L n ?k 0B ijm =n X k =0

n k

!(L k 0x im ?L k 0x jm )(L n ?k 0v im ?L n ?k

v jm ).(A14)In the equations of motion the term φij A ijm appears,its higher order Lie-derivatives can also be calculated like the last

relation for L n 0Λij :

L n 0(φij A ijm )=n X k =0

n k !L k 0φij (L n ?k 0x im ?L n ?k

0x jm ).(A15)To summarize our results the complete set of the recurrence relations for the equations of motion can be found in equations (49)-(54).


To obtain the recurrence relations for the linearized equations,we apply the operator Ξ·D to equations (49)-(54).We note

that the operator Ξ·D is linear,Ξ·D (pa +qb )=p (Ξ·D a )+q (Ξ·D b ),


where a and b are continuous functions while p and q are constants,and one can use Leibniz’s rule:Ξ·D (ab )=(Ξ·D a )b +a (Ξ·D b ).

(B2)Moreover,we should note that the operators Ξ·D and L cannot be commuted,Ξ·D L =L Ξ·D .

For the ?rst three equations,we get L n +1ξim =Ξ·D L n +1x im =Ξ·D L n v im =L n ηim ,(B3)L n αijm =L n ξim ?L n ξjm ,(B4)L n βijm


L n ηim ?L n ηjm .

(B5)For Ξ·D Λij we can use the linear property and apply Leibniz’s rule:

Ξ·D L n Λij =

n X k =0

n k !h

(Ξ·D L k A ijm )L n ?k B ijm +L k A ijm (Ξ·D L n ?k B ijm )i ==n X k =0

n k !h L k αijm L n ?k B ijm +L k A ijm L n ?k

βijm )i .


Here we applied the identities Ξ·D L n A ijm =L n αijm and Ξ·D L n B ijm =L n βijm .For the calculation of Ξ·D L n +1φij we

follow the same procedure:

Ξ·D L n +1φij =(Ξ·D )"ρ?2


n X k =0

F nk L n ?k φij L k Λij #==(Ξ·

D ρ?2

ij )(ρ2ij L

n +1φij )+



n X

k =0

F nk h (Ξ·D L n ?k φij )L k Λij +L n ?k φij (Ξ·D L k Λij )i



12 A.P′a l and′A.S¨u li

The only unknown factor in equation(B7)is the quantityΞ·Dρ?2ij.We can calculate it easily,becauseρ?2ij only depends by de?nition on the coordinates:

Ξ·Dρ?2ij=ξkm D km(ρ?2ij)=ξkm(?2)ρ?3ij D kmρij=`?2ρ?3ij′ξkm D kmρij=%.(B8) The expressionξkm D kmρij can be calculated like equation(A3),where we replace v km byξkm:

ξkm D kmρij=ρ?1ij(ξim?ξjm)(x im?x jm)=ρ?1ijαijm A ijm.(B9) Thus,we get

%=?2ρ?4ijαijm A ijm.(B10) Adding all terms together,we obtain

Ξ·D L n+1φij=?2ρ?2ijαijm A ijm L n+1φij+ρ?2ij


X k=0F nk h(Ξ·D L n?kφij)L kΛij+L n?kφij(Ξ·D L kΛij)i.(B11)

The derivation of L n+1ηim=Ξ·D L n+1v im is the following:

L n+1ηim=Ξ·D L n+1v im=?G


X j=1,j=i m j(n X k=0n k!Ξ·D“L kφij L n?k A ijm”)=



X j=1,j=i m j(n X k=0n k!h(Ξ·D L kφij)L n?k A ijm+L kφij(Ξ·D L n?k A ijm)i)=



X j=1,j=i m j(n X k=0n k!h(Ξ·D L kφij)L n?k A ijm+L kφij L n?kαijm i).(B12)

Now we obtained the recurrence relations for all of the linearized coordinates,velocities and the auxiliary variablesΞ·DΛij,Ξ·Dφij.The complete set of these equations are summarized in equations(61)-(66).


Throughout the derivation of the recurrence relations,we can use the fact that the partial di?erential operators?

?w im

are equivalent to D im=?

?v im ,because the variables di?er only in a constant(x0m and v0m,respectively).

We have to de?ne the new variableΛi=r im w im.The derivation of the recurrence relations can be done following the steps of Appendix A and Appendix B:the quantitiesρi,φi andΛi have the same properties for the Lie-derivation asρij,φij and Λij,respectively,therefore all of the induction steps can be done in the appropriate way.

Thus,the recurrence relations for the N-body problem around a?xed centre can be written as

L n+1r im=L n w im,(C1) L n A ijm=L n r im?L n r jm,(C2) L n B ijm=L n w im?L n w jm,(C3)

L nΛi=


X k=0n k!L k r im L n?k w im,(C4)

L nΛij=


X k=0n k!L k A ijm L n?k B ijm,(C5)

L n+1w im=?G(M+m i)


X k=0n k!L kφi L n?k r im?G K X j=1,j=i m j n X k=0n k!h L kφij L n?k A ijm+L kφj L n?k r jm i,(C6)

L n+1φi=ρ?2i


X k=0F nk L n?kφi L kΛi,(C7)

L n+1φij=ρ?2ij


X k=0F nk L n?kφij L kΛij.(C8)

Let us denote the linearized of r im and w im byξim andηim,respectively.Sinceαijm=ξim?ξjm andβijm=ηim?ηjm,for the linearized equations the calculations yield

L n+1ξim=L nηim,(C9) L nαijm=L nξim?L nξjm,(C10) L nβijm=L nηim?L nηjm,(C11)

Linearized Equations of the N-body Problem13

Ξ·D L nΛi=


X k=0n k!“L kξim L n?k w im+L k r im L n?kηim”,(C12)

Ξ·D L nΛij=


X k=0n k!“L kαijm L n?k B ijm+L k A ijm L n?kβijm”,(C13)

L n+1ηim=?G(M+m i)


X k=0n k!h(Ξ·D L kφi)L n?k r im+L kφi L n?kξim i?



X j=1,j=i m j n X k=0n k!h(Ξ·D L kφij)L n?k A ijm+L kφij L n?kαijm+(Ξ·D L kφj)L n?k r jm+L kφj L n?kξjm i,(C14)

Ξ·D L n+1φi=?2ρ?2iξim r im L n+1φi+ρ?2i


X k=0F nk h(Ξ·D L n?kφi)L kΛi+L n?kφi(Ξ·D L kΛi)i,(C15)

Ξ·D L n+1φij=?2ρ?2ijαijm A ijm L n+1φij+ρ?2ij


X k=0F nk h(Ξ·D L n?kφij)L kΛij+L n?kφij(Ξ·D L kΛij)i.(C16)


Introducing new variables,the required number of arithmetical operations can be decreased in equations(C1)-(C8)and equations(C9)-(C16).Namely,the calculation of L n+1w im and L n+1ηim can be written as

L n+1w im=?G(M+m i)S[n]im?G


X j=1,j=i m j“S[n]ijm+S[n]jm”,(D1)

L n+1ηim=?G(M+m i)Σ[n]im?G


X j=1,j=i m j“Σ[n]ijm+Σ[n]jm”,(D2)

where the new variables are



X k=0n k!L kφi L n?k r im,(D3)



X k=0n k!L kφij L n?k A ijm,(D4)



X k=0n k!h(Ξ·D L kφi)L n?k r im+L kφi L n?kξim i,(D5)



X k=0n k!h(Ξ·D L kφij)L n?k A ijm+L kφij L n?kαijm i.(D6)

The implementation of the above relations can increase the speed of the calculations by20%-30%,depending on the number of the bodies.

This paper has been typeset from a T E X/L A T E X?le prepared by the author.


高二《甜美纯净的女声独唱》教案 一、基本说明 教学内容 1)教学内容所属模块:歌唱 2)年级:高二 3)所用教材出版单位:湖南文艺出版社 4)所属的章节:第三单元第一节 5)学时数: 45 分钟 二、教学设计 1、教学目标: ①、在欣赏互动中感受女声的音域及演唱风格,体验女声的音色特点。 ②、在欣赏互动中,掌握美声、民族、通俗三种唱法的特点,体验其魅力。 ③、让学生能够尝试用不同演唱风格表现同一首歌。 ④、通过学唱歌曲培养学生热爱祖国、热爱生活的激情。 2、教学重点: ①、掌握女高音、女中音的音域和演唱特点。 ②、掌握美声、民族、通俗三种方法演唱风格。 3、教学难点: ①、学生归纳不同唱法的特点与风格。

②、学生尝试用不同演唱风格表现同一首歌。 3、设计思路 《普通高中音乐课程标准》指出:“音乐课的教学过程就是音乐的艺术实践过程。”《甜美纯净的女声独唱》作为《魅力四射的独唱舞台》单元的第一课,是让学生在丰富多彩的歌唱艺术形式中感受出女声独唱以其优美纯净的声音特点而散发出独特的魅力。为此,本课从身边熟悉的人物和情景入手,激发学生学习兴趣,把教学重心放在艺术实践中,让学生在欣赏、学习不同的歌唱风格中,培养自己的综合欣赏能力及歌唱水平。在教学过程中让学生体会不同风格的甜美纯净女声的内涵,感知优美纯净的声音特点而散发出的独特魅力,学会多听、多唱,掌握一定的歌唱技巧,提高自己的演唱水平。为实现以上目标,本人将新课标“过程与方法”中的“体验、比较、探究、合作”四个具体目标贯穿全课,注重学生的个人感受和独特见解,鼓励学生的自我意识与创新精神,强调探究、强调实践,将教学过程变为整合、转化间接经验为学生直接经验的过程,让学生亲身去感悟、去演唱,并力求改变现在高中学生普遍只关注流行歌曲的现状,让学生自己确定最适合自己演唱的方法,自我发现、自我欣赏,充分展示自己的的声音魅力。 三、教学过程 教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图

The way常见用法

The way 的用法 Ⅰ常见用法: 1)the way+ that 2)the way + in which(最为正式的用法) 3)the way + 省略(最为自然的用法) 举例:I like the way in which he talks. I like the way that he talks. I like the way he talks. Ⅱ习惯用法: 在当代美国英语中,the way用作为副词的对格,“the way+ 从句”实际上相当于一个状语从句来修饰整个句子。 1)The way =as I am talking to you just the way I’d talk to my own child. He did not do it the way his friends did. Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are—all we have to do is to clean and peel them. 2)The way= according to the way/ judging from the way The way you answer the question, you are an excellent student. The way most people look at you, you’d think trash man is a monster. 3)The way =how/ how much No one can imagine the way he missed her. 4)The way =because


适合女生KTV唱的100首好听的歌别吝色你的嗓音很好学 1、偏爱----张芸京 2、阴天----莫文蔚 3、眼泪----范晓萱 4、我要我们在一起---=范晓萱 5、无底洞----蔡健雅 6、呼吸----蔡健雅 7、原点----蔡健雅&孙燕姿 8、我怀念的----孙燕姿 9、不是真的爱我----孙燕姿 10、我也很想他----孙燕姿 11、一直很安静----阿桑 12、让我爱----阿桑 13、错过----梁咏琪 14、爱得起----梁咏琪 15、蓝天----张惠妹 16、记得----张惠妹 17、简爱----张惠妹 18、趁早----张惠妹 19、一念之间----戴佩妮 20、两难----戴佩妮 21、怎样----戴佩妮 22、一颗心的距离----范玮琪 23、我们的纪念日----范玮琪 24、启程----范玮琪 25、最初的梦想----范玮琪 26、是非题----范玮琪 27、你是答案----范玮琪 28、没那么爱他----范玮琪 29、可不可以不勇敢----范玮琪 30、一个像夏天一个像秋天----范玮琪 31、听,是谁在唱歌----刘若英 32、城里的月光----许美静 33、女人何苦为难女人----辛晓琪 34、他不爱我----莫文蔚 35、你是爱我的----张惠妹 36、同类----孙燕姿 37、漩涡----孙燕姿 38、爱上你等于爱上寂寞----那英 39、梦醒了----那英 40、出卖----那英 41、梦一场----那英 42、愿赌服输----那英

43、蔷薇----萧亚轩 44、你是我心中一句惊叹----萧亚轩 45、突然想起你----萧亚轩 46、类似爱情----萧亚轩 47、Honey----萧亚轩 48、他和他的故事----萧亚轩 49、一个人的精彩----萧亚轩 50、最熟悉的陌生人----萧亚轩 51、想你零点零一分----张靓颖 52、如果爱下去----张靓颖 53、我想我是你的女人----尚雯婕 54、爱恨恢恢----周迅 55、不在乎他----张惠妹 56、雪地----张惠妹 57、喜欢两个人----彭佳慧 58、相见恨晚----彭佳慧 59、囚鸟----彭羚 60、听说爱情回来过----彭佳慧 61、我也不想这样----王菲 62、打错了----王菲 63、催眠----王菲 64、执迷不悔----王菲 65、阳宝----王菲 66、我爱你----王菲 67、闷----王菲 68、蝴蝶----王菲 69、其实很爱你----张韶涵 70、爱情旅程----张韶涵 71、舍得----郑秀文 72、值得----郑秀文 73、如果云知道----许茹芸 74、爱我的人和我爱的人----裘海正 75、谢谢你让我这么爱你----柯以敏 76、陪我看日出----蔡淳佳 77、那年夏天----许飞 78、我真的受伤了----王菀之 79、值得一辈子去爱----纪如璟 80、太委屈----陶晶莹 81、那年的情书----江美琪 82、梦醒时分----陈淑桦 83、我很快乐----刘惜君 84、留爱给最相爱的人----倪睿思 85、下一个天亮----郭静 86、心墙----郭静

The way的用法及其含义(二)

The way的用法及其含义(二) 二、the way在句中的语法作用 the way在句中可以作主语、宾语或表语: 1.作主语 The way you are doing it is completely crazy.你这个干法简直发疯。 The way she puts on that accent really irritates me. 她故意操那种口音的样子实在令我恼火。The way she behaved towards him was utterly ruthless. 她对待他真是无情至极。 Words are important, but the way a person stands, folds his or her arms or moves his or her hands can also give us information about his or her feelings. 言语固然重要,但人的站姿,抱臂的方式和手势也回告诉我们他(她)的情感。 2.作宾语 I hate the way she stared at me.我讨厌她盯我看的样子。 We like the way that her hair hangs down.我们喜欢她的头发笔直地垂下来。 You could tell she was foreign by the way she was dressed. 从她的穿著就可以看出她是外国人。 She could not hide her amusement at the way he was dancing. 她见他跳舞的姿势,忍俊不禁。 3.作表语 This is the way the accident happened.这就是事故如何发生的。 Believe it or not, that's the way it is. 信不信由你, 反正事情就是这样。 That's the way I look at it, too. 我也是这么想。 That was the way minority nationalities were treated in old China. 那就是少数民族在旧中


定冠词the的用法: 定冠词the与指示代词this ,that同源,有“那(这)个”的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西. (1)特指双方都明白的人或物 Take the medicine.把药吃了. (2)上文提到过的人或事 He bought a house.他买了幢房子. I've been to the house.我去过那幢房子. (3)指世界上独一无二的事物 the sun ,the sky ,the moon, the earth (4)单数名词连用表示一类事物 the dollar 美元 the fox 狐狸 或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人 the rich 富人 the living 生者 (5)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词等前面 Where do you live?你住在哪? I live on the second floor.我住在二楼. That's the very thing I've been looking for.那正是我要找的东西. (6)与复数名词连用,指整个群体 They are the teachers of this school.(指全体教师) They are teachers of this school.(指部分教师) (7)表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前 She caught me by the arm.她抓住了我的手臂. (8)用在某些有普通名词构成的国家名称,机关团体,阶级等专有名词前 the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国 the United States 美国 (9)用在表示乐器的名词前 She plays the piano.她会弹钢琴. (10)用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人 the Greens 格林一家人(或格林夫妇) (11)用在惯用语中 in the day, in the morning... the day before yesterday, the next morning... in the sky... in the dark... in the end... on the whole, by the way...

2019-2020年高一音乐 甜美纯净的女声独唱教案

2019-2020年高一音乐甜美纯净的女声独唱教案 一、教学目标 1、认知目标:初步了解民族唱法、美声唱法、通俗唱法三种唱法的风格。 2、能力目标:通过欣赏部分女声独唱作品,学生能归纳总结出她们的演唱 风格和特点,并同时用三种不同风格演唱同一首歌曲。 3、情感目标:通过欣赏比较,对独唱舞台有更多元化的审美意识。 二、教学重点:学生能用三种不同风格演唱形式演唱同一首歌。 三、教学难点:通过欣赏部分女声独唱作品,学生能归纳总结出她们的演唱 风格和特点。 四、教学过程: (一)导入 1、播放第十三界全国青年歌手大奖赛预告片 (师)问:同学们对预告片中的歌手认识吗 (生)答: (师)问:在预告片中提出了几种唱法? (生)答:有民族、美声、通俗以及原生态四种唱法,今天以女声独唱歌曲重点欣赏民族、美声、通俗唱法,希望通过欣赏同学们能总结出三种唱法的风格和特点。 (二)、音乐欣赏

1、通俗唱法 ①(师)问:同学们平常最喜欢唱那些女歌手的歌呢?能唱唱吗? (可让学生演唱几句喜欢的歌,并鼓励) ②欣赏几首通俗音乐 视频一:毛阿敏《绿叶对根的情谊》片段、谭晶《在那东山顶上》片段、韩红《天路》片段、刘若英《后来》片段 视频二:超女《想唱就唱唱得响亮》 ①由学生总结出通俗音乐的特点 ②师总结并板书通俗音乐的特点:通俗唱法是在演唱通俗歌曲的基础上发展起来的,又称“流行唱法”。通俗歌曲是以通俗易懂、易唱易记、娱乐性强、便于流行而见长,它没有统一的规格和演唱技法的要求,比较强调歌唱者本人的自然嗓音和情绪的渲染,重视歌曲感情的表达。演唱上要求吐字清晰,音调流畅,表情真挚,带有口语化。 ③指出通俗音乐尚未形成系统的发声训练体系。其中用沙哑、干枯的音色“狂唱”和用娇柔、做作的姿态“嗲唱”,不属于声乐艺术的正道之物,应予以摒弃。 2、民族唱法 ①俗话说民族的才是世界的那么民族唱法的特点是什么呢? ②欣赏彭丽媛《万里春色满人间》片段 鉴赏提示:这首歌是剧种女主角田玉梅即将走上刑场时的一段难度较大的咏叹调。

“the way+从句”结构的意义及用法

“theway+从句”结构的意义及用法 首先让我们来看下面这个句子: Read the followingpassageand talkabout it wi th your classmates.Try totell whatyou think of Tom and ofthe way the childrentreated him. 在这个句子中,the way是先行词,后面是省略了关系副词that或in which的定语从句。 下面我们将叙述“the way+从句”结构的用法。 1.the way之后,引导定语从句的关系词是that而不是how,因此,<<现代英语惯用法词典>>中所给出的下面两个句子是错误的:This is thewayhowithappened. This is the way how he always treats me. 2.在正式语体中,that可被in which所代替;在非正式语体中,that则往往省略。由此我们得到theway后接定语从句时的三种模式:1) the way+that-从句2)the way +in which-从句3) the way +从句 例如:The way(in which ,that) thesecomrade slookatproblems is wrong.这些同志看问题的方法

不对。 Theway(that ,in which)you’re doingit is comple tely crazy.你这么个干法,简直发疯。 Weadmired him for theway inwhich he facesdifficulties. Wallace and Darwingreed on the way inwhi ch different forms of life had begun.华莱士和达尔文对不同类型的生物是如何起源的持相同的观点。 This is the way(that) hedid it. I likedthe way(that) sheorganized the meeting. 3.theway(that)有时可以与how(作“如何”解)通用。例如: That’s the way(that) shespoke. = That’s how shespoke.

way 用法

表示“方式”、“方法”,注意以下用法: 1.表示用某种方法或按某种方式,通常用介词in(此介词有时可省略)。如: Do it (in) your own way. 按你自己的方法做吧。 Please do not talk (in) that way. 请不要那样说。 2.表示做某事的方式或方法,其后可接不定式或of doing sth。 如: It’s the best way of studying [to study] English. 这是学习英语的最好方法。 There are different ways to do [of doing] it. 做这事有不同的办法。 3.其后通常可直接跟一个定语从句(不用任何引导词),也可跟由that 或in which 引导的定语从句,但是其后的从句不能由how 来引导。如: 我不喜欢他说话的态度。 正:I don’t like the way he spoke. 正:I don’t like the way that he spoke. 正:I don’t like the way in which he spoke. 误:I don’t like the way how he spoke. 4.注意以下各句the way 的用法: That’s the way (=how) he spoke. 那就是他说话的方式。 Nobody else loves you the way(=as) I do. 没有人像我这样爱你。 The way (=According as) you are studying now, you won’tmake much progress. 根据你现在学习情况来看,你不会有多大的进步。 2007年陕西省高考英语中有这样一道单项填空题: ——I think he is taking an active part insocial work. ——I agree with you_____. A、in a way B、on the way C、by the way D、in the way 此题答案选A。要想弄清为什么选A,而不选其他几项,则要弄清选项中含way的四个短语的不同意义和用法,下面我们就对此作一归纳和小结。 一、in a way的用法 表示:在一定程度上,从某方面说。如: In a way he was right.在某种程度上他是对的。注:in a way也可说成in one way。 二、on the way的用法 1、表示:即将来(去),就要来(去)。如: Spring is on the way.春天快到了。 I'd better be on my way soon.我最好还是快点儿走。 Radio forecasts said a sixth-grade wind was on the way.无线电预报说将有六级大风。 2、表示:在路上,在行进中。如: He stopped for breakfast on the way.他中途停下吃早点。 We had some good laughs on the way.我们在路上好好笑了一阵子。 3、表示:(婴儿)尚未出生。如: She has two children with another one on the way.她有两个孩子,现在还怀着一个。 She's got five children,and another one is on the way.她已经有5个孩子了,另一个又快生了。 三、by the way的用法


女生唱的歌曲欢快甜美 美妙的歌曲能令我们陶醉其中而无法自拨,最激烈的歌曲能令我们的身体不由自主的跟着手舞足蹈起来,下面是小编整理的欢快甜美的歌曲的内容,希望能够帮到您。 欢快甜美的歌曲 1. Talking - 2. 羽毛- 劲歌金曲 3. 为你- 黑龙 4. 我的小时候- 罗艺达 5. 听说爱情回来过 6. 那个男人 7. 夫妻观灯_韩再芬、李迎春- 中国民歌宝典二 8. 往生- 镀飞爱在阳光空气中- 区瑞强- 音乐合辑 9. 说中国- 班- 华语群星 10. 第十八封信- Kent王健 11. 那一夜你喝了酒- 傅薇 12. 最近比较烦- 周华健/李宗盛/品冠- 滚石群星 13. 告白- 张娜拉 14. Talking VIII - 15. my love - 网友精选曲 16. 音乐人民- 音乐合辑 17. 深深深深- 徐誉滕 18. Honkytonk U - Toby Keith 19. 征服- 阿强 20. 我总会感动你- 沙宝亮欢快甜美的歌曲 1. 一千步的距离- 高桐 2. fleeing star - 音乐合辑 3. My Life - 李威杰 4. 小妹听我说- 金久哲 5. 上海滩- 梁玉嵘- 华语群星 6. 爱我多爱一些- 黎姿 7. 恋人未满- 8. 玛奇朵飘浮- 音乐听吧 9. 風- 音乐听吧 10. 七月- 小鸣 11. 滚滚红尘- 罗大佑 12. 张震岳—想要- 华语群星 13. 有梦有朋友- 14. 童年- 拜尔娜 15. 洪湖水,浪打浪- 宋祖英 16. 只爱到一半- 魏晨 17. 风雨人生路- 何静 18. 居家男人- 回音哥如果当时- 许嵩 19. 那个男人的谎言Tae In - 非主流音乐

The way的用法及其含义(一)

The way的用法及其含义(一) 有这样一个句子:In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. 1770年,这间琥珀屋按照她的要求完成了。 the way在句中的语法作用是什么?其意义如何?在阅读时,学生经常会碰到一些含有the way 的句子,如:No one knows the way he invented the machine. He did not do the experiment the way his teacher told him.等等。他们对the way 的用法和含义比较模糊。在这几个句子中,the way之后的部分都是定语从句。第一句的意思是,“没人知道他是怎样发明这台机器的。”the way的意思相当于how;第二句的意思是,“他没有按照老师说的那样做实验。”the way 的意思相当于as。在In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted.这句话中,the way也是as的含义。随着现代英语的发展,the way的用法已越来越普遍了。下面,我们从the way的语法作用和意义等方面做一考查和分析: 一、the way作先行词,后接定语从句 以下3种表达都是正确的。例如:“我喜欢她笑的样子。” 1. the way+ in which +从句 I like the way in which she smiles. 2. the way+ that +从句 I like the way that she smiles. 3. the way + 从句(省略了in which或that) I like the way she smiles. 又如:“火灾如何发生的,有好几种说法。” 1. There were several theories about the way in which the fire started. 2. There were several theories about the way that the fire started.


【适合女生唱的各种难度的歌】以后点歌的时候记得挑战一下自己(哈哈,今天心情高兴,在微博整理下的小东西和大家分享) 1.我不知道--唐笑(特别喜欢的一首歌) 2.那个--文筱芮(特别伤的歌,真的可以听到心里去) 3.一半--丁当(喜欢喜欢,但没能力唱) 4.指望--郁可唯(本来不喜欢她,但她唱歌挺有水平) 5.路人--江美琪(推荐,好听又挺好唱的) 6.过敏--杨丞琳(听听就知道了) 7.大女人--张亚飞(没什么名气的超级女生,这歌挺棒的) 8.一个人的星光--许静岚(绿光森林的主题曲) 9.不要说爱我--许紫涵(高潮真的挺好听,我爱单曲循环,但这歌还没腻) 10.为你我受冷风吹--林忆莲(没那么简单,都是很喜欢的老歌,偶尔听听老歌感觉特别好) 11.一秒也好--卓文萱(她的(爱我好吗)也不错,最近挺喜欢她的歌) 12.你在哪里--张婧(不被太多人知道的歌手) 13.你的背包--莫艳琳(在校内看到一个女孩唱的,觉得挺好听的) 14.原来爱情那么难--泳儿(好听好听,没什么难度,就是在ktv不太好找) 15.在你眼里--同恩(也是到副歌特别吸引人的一首)

16.很久很久以后--梁文音(爱她的歌,她的很多歌都特别好听) 17.知道我们不会有结果--金莎(听着特别有感觉,那些喜欢听悲伤歌的都是因为这种感觉吧) 18.指尖的星光--钟汶(不太好唱的,我就只有听的份了) 19.放不下--龚诗嘉(挺简单的一首,调调挺平的,她的(远远在一起)也不错) 20.灰色的彩虹--范玮琪 21.现在才明白--萧贺硕(不被太多人知道的歌手,有些歌真的很好听,只是需要慢慢挖掘) 22.终点--关心妍(这首歌大多都听过,自己感觉吧) 23.遇到--王蓝茵(旋律让人感觉特舒服的,很爱的一首) 24.一个人--蔡依(她的毅力不是一般人能做到的) 25.婴儿--陈倩倩(这首歌真的凄凉到有点甚人的感觉。“喜欢一个人的心情”--江语晨,因为这歌的词)26.那又怎么样呢--张玉华(我爱听音乐,但一定要是伤感的,虽然不会听到泪流满面,但是那种感觉真的很好) 27.还爱你--景甜(像这样好听,又不被大家熟悉的歌还有很多吧)

way 的用法

way 的用法 【语境展示】 1. Now I’ll show you how to do the experiment in a different way. 下面我来演示如何用一种不同的方法做这个实验。 2. The teacher had a strange way to make his classes lively and interesting. 这位老师有种奇怪的办法让他的课生动有趣。 3. Can you tell me the best way of working out this problem? 你能告诉我算出这道题的最好方法吗? 4. I don’t know the way (that / in which) he helped her out. 我不知道他用什么方法帮助她摆脱困境的。 5. The way (that / which) he talked about to solve the problem was difficult to understand. 他所谈到的解决这个问题的方法难以理解。 6. I don’t like the way that / which is being widely used for saving water. 我不喜欢这种正在被广泛使用的节水方法。 7. They did not do it the way we do now. 他们以前的做法和我们现在不一样。 【归纳总结】 ●way作“方法,方式”讲时,如表示“以……方式”,前面常加介词in。如例1; ●way作“方法,方式”讲时,其后可接不定式to do sth.,也可接of doing sth. 作定语,表示做某事的方法。如例2,例3;


分享适合女生KTV唱的100首好听的歌别吝色你的嗓音很好学 1、偏爱----张芸京 2、阴天----莫文蔚 3、眼泪----范晓萱 4、我要我们在一起---=范晓萱 5、无底洞----蔡健雅 6、呼吸----蔡健雅 7、原点----蔡健雅&孙燕姿 8、我怀念的----孙燕姿 9、不是真的爱我----孙燕姿 10、我也很想他----孙燕姿 11、一直很安静----阿桑 12、让我爱----阿桑 13、错过----梁咏琪 14、爱得起----梁咏琪 15、蓝天----张惠妹 16、记得----张惠妹 17、简爱----张惠妹 18、趁早----张惠妹 19、一念之间----戴佩妮 20、两难----戴佩妮 21、怎样----戴佩妮 22、一颗心的距离----范玮琪 23、我们的纪念日----范玮琪 24、启程----范玮琪 25、最初的梦想----范玮琪 26、是非题----范玮琪 27、你是答案----范玮琪 28、没那么爱他----范玮琪 29、可不可以不勇敢----范玮琪 30、一个像夏天一个像秋天----范玮琪 31、听,是谁在唱歌----刘若英 32、城里的月光----许美静 33、女人何苦为难女人----辛晓琪 34、他不爱我----莫文蔚 35、你是爱我的----张惠妹 36、同类----孙燕姿 37、漩涡----孙燕姿 38、爱上你等于爱上寂寞----那英 39、梦醒了----那英 40、出卖----那英 41、梦一场----那英 42、愿赌服输----那英

43、蔷薇----萧亚轩 44、你是我心中一句惊叹----萧亚轩 45、突然想起你----萧亚轩 46、类似爱情----萧亚轩 47、Honey----萧亚轩 48、他和他的故事----萧亚轩 49、一个人的精彩----萧亚轩 50、最熟悉的陌生人----萧亚轩 51、想你零点零一分----张靓颖 52、如果爱下去----张靓颖 53、我想我是你的女人----尚雯婕 54、爱恨恢恢----周迅 55、不在乎他----张惠妹 56、雪地----张惠妹 57、喜欢两个人----彭佳慧 58、相见恨晚----彭佳慧 59、囚鸟----彭羚 60、听说爱情回来过----彭佳慧 61、我也不想这样----王菲 62、打错了----王菲 63、催眠----王菲 64、执迷不悔----王菲 65、阳宝----王菲 66、我爱你----王菲 67、闷----王菲 68、蝴蝶----王菲 69、其实很爱你----张韶涵 70、爱情旅程----张韶涵 71、舍得----郑秀文 72、值得----郑秀文 73、如果云知道----许茹芸 74、爱我的人和我爱的人----裘海正 75、谢谢你让我这么爱你----柯以敏 76、陪我看日出----蔡淳佳 77、那年夏天----许飞 78、我真的受伤了----王菀之 79、值得一辈子去爱----纪如璟 80、太委屈----陶晶莹 81、那年的情书----江美琪 82、梦醒时分----陈淑桦 83、我很快乐----刘惜君 84、留爱给最相爱的人----倪睿思 85、下一个天亮----郭静 86、心墙----郭静


1、偏爱----张芸京 2、阴天----莫文蔚 3、眼泪----范晓萱 4、我要我们在一起---=范晓萱 5、无底洞----蔡健雅 6、呼吸----蔡健雅 7、原点----蔡健雅&孙燕姿 8、我怀念的----孙燕姿 9、不是真的爱我----孙燕姿 10、我也很想他----孙燕姿 11、一直很安静----阿桑 12、让我爱----阿桑 13、错过----梁咏琪 14、爱得起----梁咏琪 15、蓝天----张惠妹 16、记得----张惠妹 17、简爱----张惠妹 18、趁早----张惠妹 19、一念之间----戴佩妮 20、两难----戴佩妮 21、怎样----戴佩妮 22、一颗心的距离----范玮琪 23、我们的纪念日----范玮琪 24、启程----范玮琪 25、最初的梦想----范玮琪 26、是非题----范玮琪 27、你是答案----范玮琪 28、没那么爱他----范玮琪 29、可不可以不勇敢----范玮琪 30、一个像夏天一个像秋天----范玮琪 31、听,是谁在唱歌----刘若英 32、城里的月光----许美静 33、女人何苦为难女人----辛晓琪 34、他不爱我----莫文蔚 35、你是爱我的----张惠妹 36、同类----孙燕姿 37、漩涡----孙燕姿 38、爱上你等于爱上寂寞----那英 39、梦醒了----那英 40、出卖----那英 41、梦一场----那英 42、愿赌服输----那英 43、蔷薇----萧亚轩 44、你是我心中一句惊叹----萧亚轩

45、突然想起你----萧亚轩 46、类似爱情----萧亚轩 47、Honey----萧亚轩 48、他和他的故事----萧亚轩 49、一个人的精彩----萧亚轩 50、最熟悉的陌生人----萧亚轩 51、想你零点零一分----张靓颖 52、如果爱下去----张靓颖 53、我想我是你的女人----尚雯婕 54、爱恨恢恢----周迅 55、不在乎他----张惠妹 56、雪地----张惠妹 57、喜欢两个人----彭佳慧 58、相见恨晚----彭佳慧 59、囚鸟----彭羚 60、听说爱情回来过----彭佳慧 61、我也不想这样----王菲 62、打错了----王菲 63、催眠----王菲 64、执迷不悔----王菲 65、阳宝----王菲 66、我爱你----王菲 67、闷----王菲 68、蝴蝶----王菲 69、其实很爱你----张韶涵 70、爱情旅程----张韶涵 71、舍得----郑秀文 72、值得----郑秀文 73、如果云知道----许茹芸 74、爱我的人和我爱的人----裘海正 75、谢谢你让我这么爱你----柯以敏 76、陪我看日出----蔡淳佳 77、那年夏天----许飞 78、我真的受伤了----王菀之 79、值得一辈子去爱----纪如璟 80、太委屈----陶晶莹 81、那年的情书----江美琪 82、梦醒时分----陈淑桦 83、我很快乐----刘惜君 84、留爱给最相爱的人----倪睿思 85、下一个天亮----郭静 86、心墙----郭静 87、那片海----韩红 88、美丽心情----RURU


t h e-w a y-的用法

The way 的用法 "the way+从句"结构在英语教科书中出现的频率较高, the way 是先行词, 其后是定语从句.它有三种表达形式:1) the way+that 2)the way+ in which 3)the way + 从句(省略了that或in which),在通常情况下, 用in which 引导的定语从句最为正式,用that的次之,而省略了关系代词that 或 in which 的, 反而显得更自然,最为常用.如下面三句话所示,其意义相同. I like the way in which he talks. I like the way that he talks. I like the way he talks. 一.在当代美国英语中,the way用作为副词的对格,"the way+从句"实际上相当于一个状语从句来修饰全句. the way=as 1)I'm talking to you just the way I'd talk to a boy of my own. 我和你说话就象和自己孩子说话一样. 2)He did not do it the way his friend did. 他没有象他朋友那样去做此事. 3)Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are ----all we have to do is clean or peel them . 大部分水果天然甜润,可以直接食用,我们只需要把他们清洗一下或去皮.


婴儿——陈倩倩 这首歌真的凄凉到有点儿甚人的感觉。“喜欢一个人的心情”——江语晨,因为这歌的词。 那又怎么样呢——张玉华 我爱听音乐,但一定要是伤感的,虽然不会听到泪流满面,但是那种感觉真的很好 还爱你——景甜 你可以爱我很久吗——游艾迪 夜夜夜夜——原唱齐秦 爱一直存在——梁文音 有人想找男生唱的,真不常听男生的歌,不过有几首觉得挺不错的。 初雪的忧伤——赵子浩 爱你,离开你——南拳妈妈 说谎——林宥嘉 三人游、爱爱爱——方大同 分开以后——唐禹哲 突然好想你——五月天 还是男生的, 寂寞的季节、暗恋——陶喆 情歌两三首——郭顶 掌纹——曹格 需要人陪——王力宏 王妃——箫敬腾(除了这首,其他几首都是比较安静抒情的。) 挥之不去——殷悦 别再哭了——罗忆诗 前段时间特别喜欢这首歌,听的快吐了,真的挺好听。 热气球——黄淑惠 很特别,超级好听,强烈推荐。 你是爱我的——张惠妹 她的嗓音让我着迷,超级喜欢。 问——粱静茹 老歌了,不过很喜欢。

忽略——萧萧 握不住的他,看到萧萧还是会第一个想起这首。 趁早——张惠妹 她有点儿沙哑的声音让我着迷。 幸运草——丁当 早点儿的歌了,喜欢丁当。 哭了——范晓萱 越听越喜欢,。 氧气——范晓萱 小时候喜欢听她的歌,不过随着年龄的增长,喜欢的类型也变了。 温柔的慈悲——阿桑 喜欢她的歌,只是她的声音不能再更新了。 礼物——刘力扬 罗美玲的也还好。。 洋葱——丁当杨宗纬(两个不一样的感觉) 挺难的唱不好,不过喜欢听。 眼泪知道——温岚 喜欢,唱出来特别有激情哈。

类似爱情——萧亚轩 不难又有感觉。 第三者——梁静茹 还好,喜欢这首歌的歌词。 心墙——郭静 “我不想忘记你”,“不药而愈”,“每一天都不同”,都好听喜欢她的歌。 我知道你很难过——蔡依林 唱起来有感觉也不难唱,推荐。 夏伤——SARA 感觉很特别,喜欢。 那天——蓝又时 喜欢她的歌,她的调调,强烈推荐。“秘密”也不错。 礼物——罗美玲 好听有感觉,不过不太好唱。 我比想象中爱你——JS 老歌了一直很喜欢,唱起来有感觉。

高一音乐 甜美纯净的女声独唱教案

魅力四射的独唱舞台 ——甜美纯净的女声独唱 一、教学目标 1、认知目标:初步了解民族唱法、美声唱法、通俗唱法三种唱法的风格。 2、能力目标:通过欣赏部分女声独唱作品,学生能归纳总结出她们的演唱 风格和特点,并同时用三种不同风格演唱同一首歌曲。 3、情感目标:通过欣赏比较,对独唱舞台有更多元化的审美意识。 二、教学重点:学生能用三种不同风格演唱形式演唱同一首歌。 三、教学难点:通过欣赏部分女声独唱作品,学生能归纳总结出她们的演唱 风格和特点。 四、教学过程: (一)导入 1、播放第十三界全国青年歌手大奖赛预告片 (师)问:同学们对预告片中的歌手认识吗 (生)答: (师)问:在预告片中提出了几种唱法? (生)答:有民族、美声、通俗以及原生态四种唱法,今天以女声独唱歌曲重点欣赏民族、美声、通俗唱法,希望通过欣赏同学们能总结出三种唱法的风格和特点。

(二)、音乐欣赏 1、通俗唱法 ①(师)问:同学们平常最喜欢唱那些女歌手的歌呢?能唱唱吗? (可让学生演唱几句喜欢的歌,并鼓励) ②欣赏几首通俗音乐 视频一:毛阿敏《绿叶对根的情谊》片段、谭晶《在那东山顶上》片段、韩红《天路》片段、刘若英《后来》片段 视频二:超女《想唱就唱唱得响亮》 ①由学生总结出通俗音乐的特点 ②师总结并板书通俗音乐的特点:通俗唱法是在演唱通俗歌曲的基础上发展起来的,又称“流行唱法”。通俗歌曲是以通俗易懂、易唱易记、娱乐性强、便于流行而见长,它没有统一的规格和演唱技法的要求,比较强调歌唱者本人的自然嗓音和情绪的渲染,重视歌曲感情的表达。演唱上要求吐字清晰,音调流畅,表情真挚,带有口语化。 ③指出通俗音乐尚未形成系统的发声训练体系。其中用沙哑、干枯的音色“狂唱”和用娇柔、做作的姿态“嗲唱”,不属于声乐艺术的正道之物,应予以摒弃。 2、民族唱法 ①俗话说民族的才是世界的那么民族唱法的特点是什么呢? ②欣赏彭丽媛《万里春色满人间》片段 鉴赏提示:这首歌是剧种女主角田玉梅即将走上刑场时的一段难度较大的咏叹调。


way的用法总结大全 way的用法你知道多少,今天给大家带来way的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 way的用法总结大全 way的意思 n. 道路,方法,方向,某方面 adv. 远远地,大大地 way用法 way可以用作名词 way的基本意思是“路,道,街,径”,一般用来指具体的“路,道路”,也可指通向某地的“方向”“路线”或做某事所采用的手段,即“方式,方法”。way还可指“习俗,作风”“距离”“附近,周围”“某方面”等。 way作“方法,方式,手段”解时,前面常加介词in。如果way前有this, that等限定词,介词可省略,但如果放在句首,介词则不可省略。

way作“方式,方法”解时,其后可接of v -ing或to- v 作定语,也可接定语从句,引导从句的关系代词或关系副词常可省略。 way用作名词的用法例句 I am on my way to the grocery store.我正在去杂货店的路上。 We lost the way in the dark.我们在黑夜中迷路了。 He asked me the way to London.他问我去伦敦的路。 way可以用作副词 way用作副词时意思是“远远地,大大地”,通常指在程度或距离上有一定的差距。 way back表示“很久以前”。 way用作副词的用法例句 It seems like Im always way too busy with work.我工作总是太忙了。 His ideas were way ahead of his time.他的思想远远超越了他那个时代。 She finished the race way ahead of the other runners.她第一个跑到终点,远远领先于其他选手。 way用法例句


适合女生唱的100首好听的歌 1、偏爱----张芸京 2、阴天----莫文蔚味道很难把握 3、眼泪----范晓萱还好,张学友版本适合男生 4、我要我们在一起---范晓萱A段超级难唱的,拍子和口气都不好抓 5、无底洞----蔡健雅听起来简单,唱起来很难——这首是典型的例子 6、呼吸----蔡健雅 7、原点----蔡健雅&孙燕姿到哪里找两个好听的女中音呢? 8、我怀念的----孙燕姿 9、不是真的爱我----孙燕姿 10、我也很想他----孙燕姿 11、一直很安静----阿桑 12、让我爱----阿桑 13、错过----梁咏琪 14、爱得起----梁咏琪为什么没有洗脸?剪发?胆小鬼? 15、蓝天----张惠妹 16、记得----张惠妹 17、简爱----张惠妹是剪爱吧? 18、趁早----张惠妹男生可以试试张宇的版本 19、一念之间----戴佩妮 20、两难----戴佩妮 21、怎样----戴佩妮 22、一颗心的距离----范玮琪 23、我们的纪念日----范玮琪 24、启程----范玮琪 25、最初的梦想----范玮琪 26、是非题----范玮琪 27、你是答案----范玮琪 28、没那么爱他----范玮琪 29、可不可以不勇敢----范玮琪 30、一个像夏天一个像秋天----范玮琪范范的歌这么多啊。。。 31、听,是谁在唱歌----刘若英 32、城里的月光----许美静 33、女人何苦为难女人----辛晓琪我一直在找这个歌曲的粤语版,却找不到

34、他不爱我----莫文蔚 35、你是爱我的----张惠妹 36、同类----孙燕姿 37、漩涡----孙燕姿 38、爱上你等于爱上寂寞----那英在KTV点这个歌曲的MTV不是会很尴尬吗? 39、梦醒了----那英 40、出卖----那英 41、梦一场----那英 42、愿赌服输----那英没有征服?也许是太大众了吧。 43、蔷薇----萧亚轩 44、你是我心中一句惊叹----萧亚轩 45、突然想起你----萧亚轩 46、类似爱情----萧亚轩 47、Honey----萧亚轩 48、他和他的故事----萧亚轩 49、一个人的精彩----萧亚轩 50、最熟悉的陌生人----萧亚轩还记得她第一张专籍里面最喜欢那首《没有人》 51、想你零点零一分----张靓颖 52、如果爱下去----张靓颖 53、我想我是你的女人----尚雯婕 54、爱恨恢恢----周迅 55、不在乎他----张惠妹 56、雪地----张惠妹 57、喜欢两个人----彭佳慧 58、相见恨晚----彭佳慧 59、囚鸟----彭羚 60、听说爱情回来过----彭佳慧 61、我也不想这样----王菲 62、打错了----王菲 63、催眠----王菲 64、执迷不悔----王菲 65、阳宝----王菲 66、我爱你----王菲 67、闷----王菲

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