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A Linear Algorithm for the Hyper-Wiener Number of Chemical Trees

A Linear Algorithm for the Hyper-Wiener Number of Chemical Trees
A Linear Algorithm for the Hyper-Wiener Number of Chemical Trees

A Linear Algorithm for the Hyper-Wiener Number of Chemical Trees.

R. Aringhieri 1, P. Hansen 2 and F. Malucelli 3

Abstract: The paper addresses the problem of computing the Hyper-Wiener index for molecules in the alkanes family. A new algorithm having linear computational complexity is proposed. The algorithm has optimal complexity, and can be extended to the family of all the acyclic molecular structures. Some computational results are reported.


In computat onal chem stry, the determ nat on of nd ces wh ch synthes ze the i nformati on about structural properti es of the molecules has recei ved a great deal of i mportance. Molecules wi th the same atoms, but wi th di fferent structures may have very di fferent physi cal and chemi cal properti es, as for example the fusi on and boi li ng poi nts, conductabi li ty, osmoti c pressure, cri oscopi c characteri sti cs, and so on. One measure that can capture these structural di fferences i s the Wi ener i ndex (W ) [8, 9],and i ts generali zati on called Hyper-Wi ener i ndex (HW ) [4, 5]. These two numbers measure the compactness of acycli c structured molecules.

In the present paper we consi der the computati on of HW and we propose an algori thm to compute i t effi ci ently. In parti cular we focus on the case of the alkanes molecular family, however the algorithm can be easily generalized to any other acyclic molecular structure.

The alkane molecular fami ly i s composed by classes of homologous molecules ,that i s molecules wi th the same numbers of carboni um and hydrogen atoms; the n -th class is characterized by the following formula:

C n H 2n +2, n =1, 2, …

An alkane molecule i s usually represented by i ndi cati ng the carboni um atoms and thei r (pri mary) li nks, omi tti ng to represent hydrogen atoms (see fi gure 1). When n is suffi ci ently large (n ≥4), to the same formula correspond molecules wi th di fferent structures. Take as an example butane (C 4 H 10): there are two possi ble molecular structures nbutane and isobutane as represented in figure 1.a and 1.b, respectively.



figure 1.a: nbutane figure 1.b: isobutane

Molecules of the same class but wi th di fferent structure have di fferent compactness measures (HW ) and di fferent chemi cal and physi cal properti es. In the above case, we 1

Dipartimento di Informatica - Università di Pisa, Corso Italia 40, 56125 Pisa - Italy 2

GERAD - HEC, Université de Montréal, 5255 Avenue Decelles, Montréal, H3T 1V6 (Canada)3ISTEL - Università di Perugia, S.Lucia Canetola - 06131 Perugia - Italy

have that H W of nbutane i s 15 and H W of i sobutane i s 12, and for example thei r boiling points are 0°C and -12°C, respectively.

Alkanes can be represented by acyclic connected graphs whose nodes correspond to carboni um atoms and edges correspond to the pri mary li nks. Thus the fami ly of alkanes correspond to the fami ly of the connected acycli c graphs (i.e. trees) whose nodes have degree less than or equal to 4.

The problem of efficiently enumerating all the alkanes of a class has been studied si nce ni neteenth century. To enumerate degree constrai ned trees, the graph must be sui tably encoded. Di fferent numeri cal codes have been proposed as well as a good number of efficient algorithms to produce all the codes of one alkane class [1, 2, 6, 7].

The paper i s organi zed as follows: i n Secti on 2 we formally defi ne the Wi ener and Hyper-Wi ener numbers W and HW, and we present some properties. In Section 3 we discuss an efficient algorithm to compute all the HW numbers of a class of alkanes. The proposed algori thm i mproves on the computati onal complexi ty of the known algori thms of the li terature, and we prove that i t has opti mal complexi ty. Secti on 4 reports some computati onal results.

2. The Hyper-Wiener number

A topological index to measure the compactness of a molecule was first introduced by Wi ener [9]. Let us consi der the graph representati on of a molecule descri bed i n the previ ous Secti on. That i s, a molecule can be represented by a tree T=(V,E) where the nodes i n V correspond to carboni um atoms, and the edges i n E to the pri mary li nks. For each edge (i,j)∈E, consider the two connected components T i=(V i,E i) and T j=(V j,E j) obtained by removing edge (i,j) from T. The Wiener number W is given by:

W =∑


|V i||V j|.(2.1) For the nbutane and the isobutane we obtain W=10 and W=9, respecti vely.

The study of si gni fi cant topologi cal i ndi ces has been deepened by Randi c, Guo, Oxley and Kri shnapri yan [5]. They extended and generali zed the Wi ener number by i ntroduci ng the Wi ener matri x. The extensi on consi ders all the pai rs of nodes (i,j) instead of considering only the adjacent ones. In particular, the generic entry w ij of the Wiener matrix is defined by:

w ij =|V ij i||V ij j|,?i, j∈N, i≠j,(2.2) where V ij i and V ij j are the set of nodes i n the connected components contai ni ng i and j obtai ned by removi ng from T the uni que chai n P ij between i and j. Note that the Wi ener matri x i s symmetri c.

The Hyper-Wiener number HW is defined as follows [5]:

HW = ∑


j∈N, i

w ij = ∑


j∈N, i

|V ij i||V ij j|(2.3)

The computati on of HW seems to require O(n2) time, where n is the number of nodes of the tree, as it is the sum of n(n-1)/2 elements. In the next Secti on we show that thi s computation can be carried out in O(n) time.

The followi ng theorem gi ves an upper bound to HW for graphs with n nodes. A chain C=(V,E') is a particular tree whose nodes have degree less than or equal to 2.

Theorem 2.1 [3]

Consi der a tree T=(V,E) wi th |V|=n. The Hyper Wi ener number of T is less than or equal to Hyper Wi ener number of the chai n C=(V,E'). Moreover the Hyper Wi ener number of a chain C with n nodes is

HW = n(n+1)(n(n+1)-2)/24.(2.4)


In practi ce the above theorem confi rms the i ntui ti ve i dea that the less compact molecule is the one with a chain structure.

3. The algorithm for HW computation

In order to devi se an effi ci ent algori thm for the computati on of H W, we have to rewrite (2.3). First, note that we are dealing with trees with a particular structure. This implies that we can renumber the nodes of the tree and orient the edges in such a way that there is always an oriented path from any node i to node n = |V| and

if (i,j)∈V then i < j,

where V i s the set of ori ented arcs. Thi s i s called good numeration of the graph. It i s always possible to find a good numeration of a tree; a possible way is described by the followi ng algori thm.

Algorithm Good Numeration

Input: T=(V,E); Output: Label;

0.S be an empty stack; for each u∈V do Visited(u):=false;

Let u such that Degree(u)=1;

Label(u):=n; Next_Number:=n-1; Visited(u):=true; for each v∈Adjacent(u) do Push(v,S);

1.u:=Pop(S); Label(u):=Next_Number; Next_Number:=Next_Number-1; Vi si ted(u):=true;

for each v∈Adjacent(u) such that not Visited(v) do Push(v,S);

2.if S is empty then stop else go to 1.

We assume that the nodes adjacent to any node u (i.e. those contai ned i n Adjacent(u)) are sorted by non decreasi ng degree. The output vector Label contai ns the new numerat on of the nodes. From now on, let us assume that the graph s well numbered.

Now, observe that |V ij i| does not depend on j, if j > i; i n fact i n the connected component V ij i there are only nodes with number less than or equal to i, and any path goi ng from i to any j (>i) does not i nvolve any one of these nodes (accordi ng to the good numerati on).

Thus (2.3) can be rewritten as follows:

HW = ∑i =1n -1 ∑j =i +1n |V ij i ||V ij j | = ∑i =1n -1 |V ij i | ∑j =i +1n |V ij j |.


If we define M i =

∑j =i +1n |V ij j |, the HW number can be computed as follows:HW = ∑i =1n -1 |V ij i |M i .

(3.2)The linearity of the computation of HW depends on the fact that, for a given i , M i can be obtained recursively in constant time knowing the values M j , j >i . In order to do thi s computati on we have to di sti ngui sh several cases. Let us begi n wi th the si mplest case, the chain case. Consider the computation of w ij and assume that between i and j there are no other nodes than those i n the chai n P ij , that i s, by removi ng the edges of P ij we obtain only two connected components. If we exclude the case of P ij equal to a single edge (i.e. (i ,j )), we have the situation depicted in fig. 2, where h can be possibly equal to k


. . .

figure 2In this case, obviously V ij i is equal to V i computed wi th respect to edge (i ,h ), and V ij j is equal to V j computed wi th respect to edge (k,j ). Thi s suggests us to compute all the values of |V i | and |V h | for each edge (i ,h ) i n order deal wi th these cases very effi ci ently. The algori thm consi ders i n i nput the tree T , and gives in output the labels C (i ,j ).i and C (i ,j ).j on each edge (i ,j ), whose values are |V i | and |V j |, respect i

vely,computed with respect to the elimination of edge (i ,j ).

Algorithm Edge Labels Computation :

Input : Tree T =(V ,E ); Output : C (i ,j ).i and C (i ,j ).j for each (i ,j )∈E .


for each i ∈V do t (i ):=1;


for each (i ,j )∈E such that Degree(i )=1 do


C (i ,j ).i := t (i ); C (i ,j ).j :=n - t (i );

E :=E \{(i ,j )};

t (j ) := t (j ) + C (i ,j ).i


until E = ?;


The computat i onal complex i ty of th i s algor i thm i s O (n ) as the edges are considered only once.

So, for the chain case, we have that:

M i = M j + C (i ,j ).j .

M n-1=1(3.3) Note that the above formula establi shes a vi si t order of the tree necessary to compute the values of M i. In fact node j must be visited after node i.

In the case where node has degree 3 or 4 the computati on of M i needs to consider all the nodes adjacent to j. The situation is depicted in figures 3 and 4.

= paths

= arcs


figure 3 figure 4

In order to maintain the information about all the paths incident with node j we introduce the value M aux j.

M aux j = ∑

C(v,w).v(3.4) (v,w)∈H

where H ={(v,w)∈P kj: degree(k)=1,k

Also M aux j can be calculated incrementally as in the case of M j. In the case of figure 3 (node j of degree 3) we have:

M aux w =M aux v +C(v,w).v w=k+1,...,j,


M aux k =0.

In the case of figure 4 (node of degree 4 or more) we have:

M aux w =M aux v + M aux w +C(v,w).v w=k+1,...,j,


M aux k =0.

Therefore, we have that:

M i = M j + C(i,j).j + M aux j.(3.7) Hence the computation of M i is based not only on the path coming from the root of the tree vi si t but also on the backtracki ng paths i nci dent wi th j. Obvi ously those paths can be easily managed with a Depth First Search on the tree. The algorithm that computes the Hyper Wi ener number i s a vari ant of a DFS vi si t of the tree and i s summari zed i n the followi ng:

Algorithm Hyper Wiener :

Input : Tree T =(V ,E ); Output : HW


for each i ∈V do


M (i ):=0; Maux (i ):=0; vi si ted:=false;

end ;

curr_node:=n -1;

prec_node:= n


visited[n ]:= true;visited[n -1]:=true;

M [curr_node]:=1;

while (curr_node ≠1) do


if ?u ∈Adjacent[curr_node] such that

visited[u ]=false and u



curr_node:=u ;M [curr_node]:=M [prec_node]+C (curr_node,prec_node).prec_node+Maux [prec_node];


else begin




Maux [curr_node]:=Maux [curr_node]+Maux

[prec_node]+C (prec_node,curr_node).prec_node


end ;

for i :=1,…,n -1 do


:=HW +C(i ,i +1).i M [i ]


Note that the algorithm is a particular DFS visit of T where some arcs are visited twice.Gi ven that we vi si t each arc at most twi ce and each verti ces at most three ti mes, the algori thm Hyper Wi ener computes the values M i in O(n ) ti me, hence i t gi ves HW in O(n ). Observe also that a lower bound to the ti me complexi ty i s O(n ) as the si ze of i nput tree i s O(n ). Therefore, we conclude that the proposed algori thm has opti mal complexity. Finally, we present an example of the complete algorithm.

Chemical tree

Edge labels computation M labels computation . [ . ]=M [Maux]Good Numeration 12HW = 110

figure 5

4. Computational results

In thi s secti on we report some computati onal ti mes and stati sti cal analysi s results on the di stri buti on of HW. The results are obtained on a SunOS 4.1.3 U1 4m by applying the algorithm to an alkane molecular family contained in a file of numerical codes.

n# of codes Total time Avg. time per molecule% time for HW comp.








Table I: Computing times (in msec.)

It should be noted that the average ti me i ncreases wi th the si ze of the molecule

rather than be

i ng constant:


n fact the number of molecules does not grow

proporti onally wi th respect to n. The last column reports the percentage of the total ti me spent computi ng the HW. The remai ni ng ti me i s used to translate the numeri cal code in graphs and for its numeration.

A stati sti cal study of the alkane molecular fami ly i s i mportant to deri ve some common properti es of HW. In Table II we show the result of the standard stati sti cal i ndi ces: μ, σ , maxi mum and mi ni mum.

n max minμσ

5352228.3 5.3
















Table II: Stati sti cal i ndi ces

Note that the minimum HW correspond to the value stated by (2.4).n





Table III: Deci les for HW'di stri buti on

Figures 5, 6, and 7 report the distribution of the HW in the classes of n =10, 11, 12based on the deciles reported on the table III.

F r e q u e n c i e s 0










HW values Figure 6: Distribution for n =10

HW values

F r e q u e n c i e s 0









Figure 7: Distribution for n


HW values F r e q u e n c i e s 0









Figure 8: Distribution for n =12


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