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Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes

Section A 1a—2d




1. 能听、说、读、写下列单词:

license , smoke , safety , earring , pierce , cut, protect , anyway

2. 能正确使用以下常用表达:

be allowed to , get the driver’s license , no way , be worried about , get their ears pierced , sixteen-year-olds , spend time with friends , be excited about , take photos , stop doing sth

3. 能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式:

1)I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive . —I agree.

2)He should stop wearing that silly earring .

3) —Do you think teenagers should…? —Yes, I…/ No, I….



通过听说训练,学会使用should be allowed to结构表达自己的观点。










1. Enjoy a song: If you are happy.

2. Revision “复习检查”

Revise and learn some new words:

license , smoke , safety , earring , pierce , cut, protect , anyway


体验1. Learning tasks“示标定向” 出示这节课的三维学习目标。


license , smoke , safety , earring , pierce , cut, protect , anyway


be allowed to , get the driver’s license , no way , be worried about , get their ears pierced , sixteen-year-olds , spend time with friends , be excited about , take photos , stop doing sth


1)—I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive . —I agree . 2)He should stop wearing that silly earring .

3) —Do you think teenagers should…?

Give an sample sentence using the structure above.



本单元是对学生进行规则教育。通过对学校或其他制度的讨论,培养学生自我判定是非的能力,作为学生什么该做、什么不该做,要做到心中有数,针对一些社会的不良现象,也应该有极强的判定力和正义感。学生通过短语be allowed to do和be not allowed to do这两个重点短语结构,来练习相关句型,深刻体会本单元的意义,学会规范自己的言行。多媒体教学,为学生理解句子,进行操练提供方便。但是在课堂节奏把握上不够,造成课堂容量过大,在今后的教学中应该与学生实际相结合,恰当处理教材。


九年级英语unit13教案 【篇一:九年级英语第十三单元教案unit 13 we】 unit 13 we’re trying to save the earth! 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标 基本词汇:litter, advantage, bottom, fisherman, coal, ugly, cost, wooden, plastic, takeaway, bin, shark, fin, method, cruel. harmful, chain, ecosystem, industry, law, scientific, afford, reusable, transportation, recycle, napkin, upside, gate, bottle, president, inspiration, iron, work, metal, creativity, 基本词组:be harmful to, at the top(of sth.), take part in, turn off, take action, throw away, put sth. to good use, pull… down, bring back 基本句型:we’re trying to save the earth! the river used to be so clean. the air is badly polluted. no scientific studies have showed that shark fins are good for health. we should help save the sharks. 2. 技能目标: 能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情 态动词和used to 句型。 3. 情感目标: 有环境危机意识,学会关注环境保护环境。 二、教学重难点: 1. 教学重点:(1)能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和used to 句型。 (2)保护环境的措施方法。 2. 教学难点:能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情 态动词和used to 句型。 三、教学步骤: unit 13 section a 1 (1a-2d) i. presentation show the picture of the earth and tell students the earth is polluted now. for example: (1) the factories that burn coal pollute the air with a lot of black smoke.

九年级英语英语 第七单元句型

第七单元句型 1.The other team was strong, but you beat them. 对方颇有实力,但你们打败了他 们。 2.By the way, where was Steven today? 顺便问问,今天史蒂文去哪了? 3.Danny is just about to say something when he sees Steven running towards then carrying a basketball. 丹尼正要说什么,这时他看到史蒂文抱着一个篮球向他们跑来。 4.Well, my computer broke down the day before yesterday and it’s still being repaired. 噢,前天我的计算机坏了,现在还在修理呢。 5.I tried calling you, but your phone was out of service. 我试着给你打过电话,但 你的电话不在服务区。 6.Danny almost hits Steven, but Brian and Jenny jump in to separate them. 丹尼差 点打了史蒂文,布莱恩和詹妮急忙把他们拉开。 7.You are good friends, not enemies. 你们是好朋友,不是敌人。 8.I’m in Grade 9 this year, and I’m president of the student council at my school. 今 年我上九年级,担任学校的学生会主席。 9.Student councils work to make schools better places to learn. 学生会的工作就是 使学校成为更好的学习场所。 10.In the council, we share our ideas, interests and concerns with teachers and others. 在学生会里,我们与老师们和其他同学们分享我们的思想、兴趣和事务。11.In December, we decided to raise money for an organization that provides food for poor people in our city. 在12月份,我们决定为本市一个给穷人提供食物的组织集资。 12.We sold tickets and, in the end, we all right $300. 我们出售比赛的门票,最后, 我们赚了大约300美元。 13.I think we should work together towards peace in our schools and in the world. 我认为我们应该共同努力让学校氛围融洽,让世界和平。 14.We need to learn about different countries and make friends with people from other cultures. 我们需要了解不同的国家,与不同文化背景的人交朋友。 15.He was a good man, and God loved him. 他是个好人,上帝爱他。 16.This made God very angry. 这让上帝很生气。 17.In the evening, the dove came back with a green olive branch in its mouth. 晚上, 那只鸽子嘴里叼着一根绿色的橄榄枝回来了。 18.This meant that land was near and the danger had passed. 这意味着离陆地很近


Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标 基本词汇:litter, advantage, bottom, fisherman, coal, ugly, cost, wooden, plastic, takeaway, bin, shark, fin, method, cruel. Harmful, chain, ecosystem, industry, law, scientific, afford, reusable, transportation, recycle, napkin, upside, gate, bottle, president, inspiration, iron, work, metal, creativity, 基本词组:be harmful to, at the top(of sth.), take part in, turn off, take action, throw away, put sth. to good use, pull…down, bring back 基本句型:We’re trying to save the earth! The river used to be so clean. The air is badly polluted. No scientific studies have showed that shark fins are good for health. We should help save the sharks. 2. 技能目标: 能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和used to 句型。 3.情感目标: 有环境危机意识,学会关注环境保护环境。 二、教学重难点: 1. 教学重点:(1)能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词 和used to 句型。(2)保护环境的措施方法。 2. 教学难点:能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和used to 句型。 三、教学步骤: I. Presentation Show the picture of the earth and tell students the earth is polluted now. For example: (1) The factories that burn coal pollute the air with a lot of black smoke. (2) Factories put waste into the river. (3) People should throw away litter in the bin. (4)There are more cars on the road. II. Learning Here are some words related to different kinds of pollution. Write them in the box below. Then add more words. loud music cars rubbish planes littering ships factories smoking building houses mobile phones noise pollution air pollution water pollution ____________ ___________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _____________ III. Listening 1. 1b Listen and complete the sentences. What was the problem? The river was _____________. Even the bottom (底部) of the river was full of

人教版英语九年级第七单元 知识点总结

人教版九年级英语第七单元知识点总结 Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 一.单词 License safety smoke part-time pierce earring flash tiny cry field hug lift badly talk back awful teen regret poem community keep…away from chance make one’s own decision educate manage society get in the way of support enter choice We should allow teenagers to choose their own clothes. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to choose their own clothes. Should teenagers be allowed to choose their own clothes? Why should teenagers be allowed to choose their own clothes? 二.1.driver’s license 驾照=driving license have/do part-time jobs=have/do part-time work做兼职 2.get/have/make sth done 表被动 eg: have/get/make my ears pierced have/get/make my hair cut 3.give sb. a hug = hug sb. 拥抱某人 4.succeed v. 成功(过去式succeeded)success n. 成功(一般为不可数,说到具体的某一次成功时为可数) successful adj. 成功的 5.against 介词,反对,反义词是for 另;对抗 6.manage v.管理,努力完成manager n.经理manage to do 设法做成某事区分 try to do sth 7.important adj.重要的,important=of importance n.重要性 8.regret

人教版九年级英语Unit1 教案

Unit 1How can we become good learners? 单元话题Talk about how to study, in this unit, students learn to talk about how to study for a test and give advice to those who have difficulties in studying. 单元语法By +sth./doing sth. 教学目标 1.语言目标:理解重点句子,掌握学习英语的方法。介词by引导的方式状语的合理运用。 2.技能目标:正确运用动名词谈论学习中的问题。 3.情感目标:通过开展角色表演等活动,培养学生阅读兴趣。通过本单元的阅读,培养学生的文化意识,陶冶思想情操,让学生树立终身学习的道德素养。 第一课时Section A(1a~2d) 自主学习案 翻译下列词组。 1.通过制作生词卡________________________________ 2.通过听录音带___________________________________ 3.向某人寻求帮助__________________________________ 4 大声读来练习发音___________________________________ 5.小组合作学习___________________________________ 6.和朋友练习对话___________________________________ 7.逐个单词___________________________________ 8.作报告___________________________________ 9.意群___________________________________ 10.慢慢来___________________________________ 11.口语技能___________________________________ 12 英语口语___________________________________ §课堂导学案 Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) Lead-in with a free talk(自由对话导入新课)(2分钟) Greeting with the students:Hello, everyone.Welcome back to school.I'm very happy to see you again.Most of you got good grades last term ! Of course, don't lose your heart if you didn't get good grades. OK.Today, let's talk about how to study for a test and how to learn English well. T: How do you study English? Do you study English by the following ways? (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.) T: How do you study English? S: I study English by ________. working with friends making word cards asking the teacher for help reading the textbook working with a group listening to tapes Step 2 呈现与输入(Presentation) 1.要求学生翻开课本P1,迅速阅读1a部分的内容。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务。(1分钟)

2014新版人教版九年级英语Unit13教案unit 13-5

学科English 年级9 班级 课型fresh 课时 5 / 6 媒体a tape recorder, CAI 课题Unit 13 we’re trying to save the earth! Section A 2a ~ 2e 话题 Protecting the environment 功能Talk about pollution and environmental protection 教 学目标知识 技能 1.Target language: Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use? You have probably never heard of Amy. The more popular works can be seen in art shops around the city. 2.Grammar: Present perfect, passive voice 3.Words and expressions; (1)Curriculum words: upside, gate, bottle, president, inspiration, iron, work, creativity (2)Useful expressions: throw away, put sth. to good use, pull…down, upside down, bring back X k B 1 . c o m 过程 方法 According to reading to improve students’ integrating skills-reading skill and writing skill. 情感 态度 We must realize the importance of recycling, It not only is a useful saving of money but also can protect our environment. 学习策略1. Learn to predict what the reading passage is about. 2.Reading for general ideas and specific details. 重点Target Language 难点 Practice reading and writing using the target language. 教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图 2a. To prompt Ss predict what the reading passage is about. Checking for understanding Check Ss adequately understand the three words used in the title. ?rethink –think carefully about something again to see if changes 新- 课 -标- 第 -一- 网 让学生初步 理解前缀的 作用:改变 单词的含 义。


人教版九年级英语 U n i t-7-教案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 教学目标: 1语言目标:理解并正确运用本单元的重点词汇 2 技能目标:熟练运用“should (not) be allowed to do”谈论应该被允许 和不应该被允许做事; 熟练运用“be (not) allowed to do”谈论被允许和不被允许做某事; 熟练运用“I agree / disagree.”或“ I don’t agree.”表达自己的观点。 3 情感目标:通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生日常行为准则、 规范自己的言行,养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯和优良品德; 正确看待“家规”“班规”“校规”等,并能认真遵守; 明白父母、教师的合理建议对自己成长的重要性 4文化意识目标: 了解中外审美观的差异,形成自己的审美观,展示个性; 了解中西方关于青少年的不同文明准则。 教学重点: 重点语法:被动语态 重点词汇:smoke, pierce, license, safety, earring, cry, field, hug, lift, awful, teen, regret, poem, bedroom , community, chance, manage, society, unit, educate, professional, enter, support talk about, keep away from, make one’s own decision, get in the way of 重点句型: I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. I agree./ I disagree. I think sixteen is too young. Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work at night Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 教学难点:含情态动词 should的被动语态结构“should be allowed to” 课时划分: Period One: Section A 1 (1a-2d) Period Two: Section A 2 (3a-3c) Period Three: Section A 3 (Grammar Focus-4c) Period Four: Section B 1 (1a-2e) Period Five: Section B 2 (3a-Self Check)

英语:Unit2 全单元教案 (人教版九年级)

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 教学目标: 1语言目标:掌握本单元词汇,听懂、掌握谈论中外不同国家文化的语言材料。 2 技能目标:能听懂语言材料,掌握听的技巧;能读懂介绍中外不同文化的文章。 3 情感目标:通过开展角色表演等活动,培养学生阅读兴趣。通过本单元的阅读,培养学生的文化意识,陶冶思想情操。 教学重点: (1) 短语: Section A 1 the Water Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, watch the races, a little crowded, like best, go…for one’s vacation, enjoy doing sth., eat out, five meals a day, put on, in two weeks, sound like, from…to…, be similar to, throw water at each other, wash away, have good luck, in the new year Section A 2 celebrate Middle-Autumn Festival, the shape of, carry …to…, shoot down, plan to do sth., try to do sth., refuse to do sth., fly up, so…that…,call out, lay out, start the tradition of Section A 3 one…, the other…, give…to…,take out, more and more popular Section B 1 dress up, care about, make money, used to, end up, warn sb. to do sth., expect sb. to do sth., wake up, find out, decide to do sth., promise to do sth., in need, Section B 2 introduce sb., make sb. do sth., give birth to life, not only…but also… (2) 句子: Section A 1 Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch. Bill wonders whether they’ll have the sweet rice dumplings again next year. What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?


人教版新目标九年级英语Unit13 Reading 案例 教学目标:(teaching goals) 1.words and phrases: guilty, thought, would rather, prefer to … 2.read the article, and try to know the idea https://www.doczj.com/doc/fb17492358.html,e some of the adj. from the article to make a short passage. 教学重点:(teaching ip)reading and understanding the article. 教学难点:(teaching dp)create a things with an adj. that affect you. 教学用具:(teaching tools)小黑板 教学过程:(teaching steps) step1. warming-up show some adj. on the blackboard, let ss make up sentences with “make(s) or made”. sad, happy, surprised, anxious, exhausted, frustrated, stressed out… step2. showing when your friends’ birthday is coming, what will you do?(gifts or presents) what’s your suggestions? (hard to give: clothes, personal things, easy to give: small things, interests) lead to this saying: it’s the thought that count. today let’s learn about the art of receiving.(write the title on the blackboard) step3.reading 1.let ss read the article fast, and check the exercise on the small blackboard. ( )1.guo xiaojing’s parents were very happy because she liked the sweater they bought. ( )2.han ling didn’t like the birthday gift from her grandparents. ( )3.han ling’s grandparents gave her an orange purse a few years ago. ( )4.sometimes, giving money to people makes them uncomfortable. ( )5.the passage is mainly talking about the art of receiving. 2.check the answers and correct the right answers. 3.talk about the main idea of each para. 4.ask one of the ss to read the article. step4.practice. (complete the exercise from 3a) use “embarrassed, guilty, comfortable” to create ss’ own things . step5.homework


新目标九年级英语unit7教案 来新目标九年级英语unit7教案应该怎么设计!教案要明确教学目标、要突出重点难点、要有灵活的教学形式、教学对象要有针对性。下面给大家带来新目标九年级英语unit7教案,欢迎大家阅读。 新目标九年级英语unit7教案1 1、语言目标:理解并正确运用本单元的重点词汇 2、技能目标:熟练运用“should (not) be allowed to do”谈论应该被允许和不应该被允许做某事; 熟练运用“be (not) allowed to do”谈论被允许和不被允许做某事; 熟练运用“I agree / disagree.”或“ I don’t agree.”表达自己的观点。 3、情感目标:通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生日常行为准则、规范自己的言行,养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯和优良品德; 正确看待“家规”“班规”“校规”等,并能认真遵守; 明白父母、教师的合理建议对自己成长的重要性 4、文化意识目标: 了解中外审美观的差异,形成自己的审美观,展示个性; 了解中西方关于青少年的不同文明准则。

重点语法:被动语态 重点词汇:smoke, pierce, license, safety, earring, cry, field, hug, lift,awful, teen, regret, poem, bedroom , community, chance, manage, society, unit,educate, professional, enter, support talk about, keep away from,make one’s own decision, get in the way of I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should beallowed to drive. Iagree./ I disagree. I think sixteen is too young. Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work at night? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 教学难点:含情态动词should的被动语态结构“should be allowed to” Period One: Section A 1 (1a-2d) Period Two: Section A 2 (3a-3c) Period Three: Section A 3 (Grammar Focus-4c) Period Four: Section B 1 (1a-2e) Period Five: Section B 2 (3a-Self Check) I. Presentation Ask students: Do yourparents allow you to watch TV?


人教版九年级英语第七单元汉译英练习题 1.我们正在考虑星期天去购物。 We are considering going shopping this afternoon. 2.上海是中国最繁华的城市之一。 Shanghai is one of the liveliest cities in China. 3.中国的父母们总是尽力给他们的孩子提供他们想要的一切。 Parents in China always try to provide their children with everything they want. 4.请为我把这个句子翻译成英语好吗? Could you please help me translate this sentence into English? 5.我梦想着有一天独自一人横渡太平洋。 I dream of sailing across the Pacific by myself one day. 6.无论你做什么都要坚持你的梦想 Whatever you do, hold on to your dream. 7.我们都想去天气温暖的地方度假。 All of us want to go somewhere warm on vacation. 8.我喜欢人友好的城市。 I like cities where the people are friendly. 9.他希望有一天能去法国。 He hopes to go to France one day.

10.你想要去哪里度假? Where would you like to go on vacation? 11.我的家人和我想要在今年夏天去中国东部的某个地方旅行。 My family and I want to take a trip this summer somewhere in eastern China. 12.希望你能给我们提供一个带厨房的房间。 I hope that you can provide a room with a kitchen for us. 13.他决定在毕业之后继续学习。 He decided to continue studying after leaving school. 14.我希望尽快开始工作。 I hope to start working as soon as possible. 15.相当多的学生说他们想在大城市工作。 Quite a few students said that they wanted to work in big cities. 16.如果你努力工作,总有一天你的梦想会实现的。 If you work hard, your dream will come true one day.


Unit12 You are supposed to shake hands. 重点短语词组 应该做某事be to do sth 握手 访问by 毕竟 本应该做但没做have done 餐桌礼仪table 到达at/in 有点晚late 习惯于某事be/get to sth 习惯于做某事be/get sth 被用于做某事be sth 被用作.... Be 过去常常做某事sth 特地,不怕麻烦的做某事 使某人感到宾至如归计划做某事sth 没有理由have 注意你的行为your manners 发出噪音make (a) 做鬼脸make 自学....by oneself 在适当的时间at the time 以......开始begin 忍不住做某事can't sth 代替of 对某事随意be sth 邀请某人做某事sb sth 指向 重点短语句型讲解: 1. Y ou should have asked what you were supposed to wear.你本应该问清楚怎么样穿才得体。 中的“should have asked”是“情态动词+现在完成时”表示过去本应该做某事,事实上没有做,这是虚拟语气的一种表达方式。 如:She should have gone to Beijing. 她本应该去了北京。(没有去) 同时was/were supposed to do sth 表示过去本该做某事而实际上并没有做,就相当于should have done sth. 2. make (some) mistakes 犯了(一些)错误。make a mistake 犯错误(一个) 与mistake相关的短语by mistake 错误地mistake…for…把..误认为… 5.relaxed:用来形容人,表示人本身很放松,主语一般是人。 relaxing:指物,表示事物可使人很放松。 I feel really after the vacation.经过这次令人放松的假期后我感到很放松。 3. …it’s okay if you arrive a bit late….即使你晚到一会也没关系。 a little 与a bit 二者都是“有点儿”的意思。 (1)二者相同之处在于①都可做状语,修饰比较级He is a bit/ a little older than you. ②都可做主语或宾语。Please give me a bit/ a little. (2)不同之处在于:两者修饰名词时,a little可以直接加名词,a bit必须加of后才能接名词。 A little money = a bit of money 4. drop by 顺便拜访串门 We just dropped by our friends’homes.我们刚刚去朋友家串门。 drop in/on sb 顺便走访某人。 Would you drop in/on us this evening for a chat?你今晚过来和我们聊聊好吗?


………………………………………………最新资料推 荐……………………………………… Part1. Unit 7知识点回顾 【短语归纳】 1.driver's license 2.no way 3.sixteen-year-olds (=sixteen-year-old boys and girls) 4. be worried about=worry about 5. get one's ears pierced 6. get / have / make sth. done 7. stop doing / stop to do sth. 8. spend 一段时间with sb. 9.make sure = be sure 10.keep sb. (away) from sth 11. give sb. a hug = hug sb. 12.lift up 13. talk back 14. an adult 15. regret doing sth. 16.too + adj.+ to do 17.learn…from… 18.agree with sb 19.manage one's own life 20.manage to do sth. 21. take / pass / fail a test 22.be strict with sb. 23.get in the way of 24.fail to do sth. 25.end up with 26.see sb. do / doing / done sth. 27.make a choice 28. have nothing against doing 29. the other day


Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计) Goals ●To learn to use make/s me+ infinitive, make/s me+ adjective ●To listen and talk about eating in a restaurant Procedures Warming up by learning to use make/s me+ infinitive, make/s me + adjective On page 103 is the grammar focus chart. Read the three sentences and try to understand its structure. make/s me+ infinitive, make/s me+ adjective structure as possible. 1a Looking and saying On page 102 is a picture of restaurants. Which one would you like to go? And why? Listen to a conversation between Amy and Tina talking about eating in restaurants. While listening, pay attention to the “make/s me + infinitive, make/s me +adjective structure” .


2014年九年级英语上册Unit7教案(新版人教版) Unit 7 Teenagers shuld be alled t hse their n lthes 教学目标: 1语言目标:理解并正确运用本单元的重点词汇 2 技能目标:熟练运用“shuld (nt) be alled t d”谈论应该被允许和不应该被允许做某事; 熟练运用“be (nt) alled t d”谈论被允许和不被允许做某事; 熟练运用“I agree / disagree”或“ I dn’t agree”表达自己的观点。 3 情感目标:通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生日常行为准则、规范自己的言行,养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯和优良品德;正确看待“家规”“班规”“校规”等,并能认真遵守; 明白父母、教师的合理建议对自己成长的重要性 4化意识目标: 了解中外审美观的差异,形成自己的审美观,展示个性; 了解中西方关于青少年的不同明准则。 教学重点: 重点语法:被动语态

重点词汇:se, piere, liense, safet, earring, r, field, hug, lift, aful, teen, regret, pe, bedr , unit, hane, anage, siet, unit, eduate, prfessinal, enter, supprt tal abut, eep aa fr, ae ne’s n deisin, get in the a f 重点句型: I dn’t thin sixteen-ear-lds shuld be alled t drive I agree/ I disagree I thin sixteen is t ung D u thin teenagers shuld be alled t r at night? es, I d / N, I dn’t 教学难点:含情态动词shuld的被动语态结构“shuld be alled t” 时划分: Perid ne: Setin A 1 (1a-2d) Perid T: Setin A 2 (3a-3) Perid Three: Setin A 3 (Graar Fus-4) Perid Fur: Setin B 1 (1a-2e) Perid Five: Setin B 2 (3a-Self he) Setin A 1 (1a-2d) I Presentatin As students: D ur parents all u t ath TV? es, the d Present the sentene: u are alled t ath TV Teah “all sb t d sth “ “be (nt) alled t d sth”

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