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二、研究性学习的教学目的和方法(可按新课程标准的三维目标(或布鲁姆目标分类法)进行研究性学习的教学目和方法的阐述) 1.知识与技能





































不同动物的习性特点。世上有多少珍稀动物?为什么珍稀动物会越来越少?本次活动的主题就定为:WILDLIFEPROTECTION 第4-6周













































会计专业英语答案 【篇一:15 春学期《会计专业英语》在线作业满分答 案】 a. an expense account b. a capital account c. a liability account d. an asset account ? 正确答案:d 2. the debt created by a business when it makes a purchase on account is referred to as an a. account payable b. account receivable c. asset d. expense payable ? 正确答案:a 3. when the corporation issuing the bonds has the right to repurchase the bonds prior to the maturity date for a specific price, the bonds are a. convertible bonds b. unsecured bonds c. debenture bonds d. callable bonds ? 正确答案:d 4. which of the items below is not a business organization form? () a. entrepreneurship b. proprietorship c. partnership d. corporation ? 正确答案:a 5. cash investments made by the owner to the business are reported on the statement of cash flows in the a. financing activities section


2018年辽宁省普通高中学业水平考试模拟试卷 英语 (本试卷分第I 卷和第II 卷,考试时间90 分钟,满分100分) 第I 卷(选择题满分60分)第一部分阅读理解(共20 小题;每小题2分,满分40 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A It was Christmas Eve, 1881. I was 15 years oldand feeling like the world was over for me. Ididn 't have enough money to buy myself thegift that I had wanted that year. Dad came back in and there was ice in hisbeard. “You've been by widow (寡 妇) Smith ' shouse rec ently?" he asked. Ms. Smith livedtwo miles down the road. Her husband had died and left her with three children. “I rode by just today ” Dad continued. “ Little Jack was out looking for wood.They must be out of wood, Tom. ” Wef illed our sled (雪橇) high with wood.Then we went to the store and Dad bought some food, and a smaller pair of shoes. I triedto think through what Dad was doing. I knew we didn 't have much money ,so why Dadwas buying them so many things 。 Weg ot to the Smith ' s house and went in; “Web rought you a few things, madam”, Dad said, and put down the bag of food on the table.Then Dad handed Ms. Smith the pair ofshoes. She bit her lower lip to keep itfrom trembling (发抖), and then tears filled hereyes and started running down her cheek My throat seemed to be filled withsomething, and there were tears in my eyes, too. Just then my dream gift seemed very unimportant. Dad had given me the look Ms. Smith ' s face and the smiles of hert hree children. He had given me the best Christmas of my life. 1.Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. A Poor Life of A Woman. B.A Spirit of Sharing. C. Father and Son. D. Real Gift at Christmas. 2.The writer was not happy on ChristmasEve in 1881 because ___________ . A.he was worried that his father was stillnot back B.it was the beginning of a new year andhe didn 't want to grow up C.he couldn 't have the Christmas gift he wanted D.he didn 't want to go out in the cold 3.The father decided to help the Smithsbecause _____________ . A.he learned from Ms. Smith about hertrouble B.he saw the little child looking for woodout in the cold C.he realized Ms. Smith had to raisethree children D. he saw their neighbors were not nice orhelpful 4.How did Ms. Smith feel when the dadhanded her the pair of shoes? A.Surprised. B. Moved. C. Excited. D. Worried. 5.What did the writer learn from thatChristmas? A.Helping those in need makes us feel good.


北京英语口语考试试题(中级) 第一部分 Introduction and General Conversation (about 3 - 4 minutes) Good morning/afternoon! Sit down, please. (Take a seat, please./Please be seated.) What's your name? (Could you tell me your name?) * My name is Chai Qinghua . And what is your registration number (准考证号)? * My registration number is… Right. Can you hand me your mark sheet, please? (登分卡) (Can you give me the mark sheet, please?) * Here you are. Thank you. Now we are ready for the test. (Let’s begin our test.) First of all, I'd like to know something about you. Could you tell me sth. about you family (friends, work, study, hobby)? * Yes,of course. Where are you from? * I’m from Chao Yang District. How did you get here? Did it take long? * I came here by bus. It took me about an hour. Where is your hometown? (Are you from Beijing? Which part of Beijing are you from? Tell me something about your hometown. How do you like your hometown?) * Well, Beijing is my hometown. Beijing is the capital of China. It is both an ancient city and a modern city. It is also an international city. It is developing very fast. I like Beijing very much. There are many foreign companies in Beijing. So in the near future, if I want to have a job in these companies, I have to be good at English. How long have you lived in Beijing? (Have you been living in Beijing for many years?) * For about 18 years. Are you working or studying? (Are you a student? What is your job?) *I ‘am a college student . What is the name of your college? The Tongzhou college of Beijing university of technology . When did you begin to study in your present school? * I began to study here in September 2012. Is English an important course in your school? * Of course, it is a very important course in our school. Both teachers and students pay great attention to this course, because English is very important. How do you usually learn English on your own? * I often listen to English programs over the radio. * I often review what I have learnt in my English classes. What is your major(专业)? Do you like your major? Is it difficult to you? * I major is the Business Administration Management. I like my major very much. It is very interesting and practical. Some courses are easy to learn, but some are difficult.


以下为爱麟霖/(Curlylin)倾情奉献,需要的朋友可以参考一下 7. Friendship (Listening and Speaking Course, Unit 3; Integrated Course, Unit 2) 1) Do you have many friends? What kind of people do you want to make friends with? Why? Yes. I’d like to make friends with loyal people. In my opinion,a friend is a person who can share his/hers happiness with you, who can lend you a shoulder when you cry,who can give you a hand when you are in trouble without asking for anything in return. In a word,a friend in need is a friend indeed, I think a loyal people can do the things which were mentioned above for his/hers true friend. So I prefer to make friends with loyal people, and I also believe I am a loyal people who you can make friends with. 2) How do you make friends? Please comment on “a friend you buy isn’t worth the price”. First,I’d like to talk to him to find out whether we have the same interest with each other. If the answer is YES,then we have the foundation to develop a friendship. The next days, all we need to do is to treat each other by heart and soul. 3) How valuable is friendship in a person’s life? How can we keep friendship alive? As for me, I regard friendship as a very important part in my life.Just imagine a life,there’s no one to be your friend. What life could be if you had no friend to talk to , no friend to comfore you and cheer you up when you were having a hard time,no friend to lend you a hand when you needed help …… Life without friends is unthinkable ... We have to do hard work to build up and sustain our friendship. First, let your friends know that you really care about them.It’s important to give some cues to your friends. Be sure your friend knows that she is cared about.Second,try to be with your friends when they are in trouble when they need you. Keeping friendship alive is not only to say some sweet words,but need some real action. 4) What does friendship mean to you? What kind of friends do you think are true friends? It's a fantastic experience in whole of my life. Friendship to me is what water to fish.I can't live without a real friend. 2问见(1) 5) How can we get along well with other people? To begin with, we need to be honest with others and always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough. If we are proud in public, we can hardly win other's respect, not to mention "friendship" . Finally, we must not be selfish. We should learn how to show concern for others. As long as we abide[?'ba?d] by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.


一、words and phrases 1.残值 scrip value 2.分期付款 installment 3.concern 企业 4.reversing entry 转回分录 5.找零 change 6.报销 turn over 7.past due 过期 8.inflation 通货膨胀 9.on account 赊账 10.miscellaneous expense 其他费用 11.charge 收费 12.汇票 draft 13.权益 equity 14.accrual basis 应计制15.retained earnings 留存收益 16.trad-in 易新,以旧换新 17.in transit 在途 18.collection 托收款项 19.资产 asset 20.proceeds 现值 21.报销 turn over 22.dishonor 拒付 23.utility expenses 水电费 24.outlay 花费 25.IOU 欠条 26.Going-concern concept 持续经营 27.运费 freight 二、Multiple-choice question 1.Which of the following does not describe accounting? ( C ) A. Language of business B. Useful ofr decision making C. Is an end rathe than a means to an end. https://www.doczj.com/doc/fb15447634.html,ed by business, government, nonprofit organizations, and individuals. 2.An objective of financial reporting is to ( B ) A. Assess the adequacy of internal control. B.Provide information useful for investor decisions. C.Evaluate management results compared with standards. D.Provide information on compliance with established procedures. 3.Which of the following statements is(are) correct?( B ) A.Accumulated depreciation represents a cash fund being accumulated for the replacement of plant assets. B.A company may use different depreciation methods in its financial statements and its income tax return. C.The cost of a machine includes the cost of repairing damage to the machine during the installation process. D.The use of an accelerated depreciation method causes an asset to wear out more quickly than does use of the unit-of-product method. 4. Which of the following is(are) correct about a company’s balance sheet? ( B ) A.It displays sources and uses of cash for the period. B.It is an expansion of the basic accounting equation C.It is not sometimes referred to as a statement of financial position. D.It is unnecessary if both an income statement and statement of cash flows are availabe. 5.Objectives of financial reporting to external investors and creditors include preparing information about all of the following except. ( A ) https://www.doczj.com/doc/fb15447634.html,rmation used to determine which products to poduce https://www.doczj.com/doc/fb15447634.html,rmation about economic resources, claims to those resources, and changes in both resources and claims. https://www.doczj.com/doc/fb15447634.html,rmation that is useful in assessing the amount, timing, and uncertainty of future cash flows. https://www.doczj.com/doc/fb15447634.html,rmation that is useful in making ivestment and credit decisions. 6.Each of the following measures strengthens internal control over cash receipts except. ( C ) A.The use of a petty cash fund. B.Preparation of a daily listing of all checks received through the mail. C.The use of cash registers. D.The deposit of cash receipts in the bank on a daily basis. 7.The primary purpose for using an inventory flow assumption is to. ( A )



2017年北京市春季普通高中会考 英语试卷 一.听力理解(共20小题'20'分。每小题,1分) 第一节:听下面八段对话或独白,从各题A, B, C三个选项中,选出能回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话或独白你将听两遍 听下面一段对话,回答第1题。 1. What's the woman going to do this Saturday? A. Stay at home: B. Visit her uncle. C. Go ice-skating 听下面一段对话,回答第2题。 2. When will the speakers probably have a meeting? A: On Wednesday B. On Thursday C: On Friday 听下面一段对话,回答第3题。 3. What is the man's hobby? A. Reading books. B. Collecting coins. C. Listening to music. 听下面一段对话,回答第4题至第5题。 4. How does the woman go to work now? A. By underground. B. By bus. C. By car. 5. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Neighbours. B. Colleagues. C. Husband and wife. 听下面一段对话,回答第6题至第7题。 6. What does the man want the woman to do? A. Pick him up on Thursd ay’ B. Buy his mother a gift.' C. Take care of his cat. 7. How many days will the man be away? A. 2 days. B. 5 days. C.7 days 听下面一段对话,回答第8题至第10题。 8. Where did the woman stay during the holiday? A. In a hotel. B. In a guesthouse. C. At a camp site. 9. What did the woman do? A. She went camping. B. She went swimming. C. She went walking. 10. How does the woman feel about the holiday? A. Tiring. B. Relaxing. C. Surprising. 听下面一段对话,回答第11题至第13题。 11. What are the speakers talking about?


Oral Test for Grade 2013 (Band 1) Topic 1: Campus Love Directions: Some students say one of their wishes at college is to develop a romantic relationship with someone they love. Are you one of them? Create a conversation with your partner(s) and exchange your personal views on campus love. Topic 2: Communication Problems Directions: Misunderstandings are very common in our daily lives. As a Chinese saying goes, understanding a girl’s mind is as hard as searching a needle under the sea. Do you think so? Do you agree that men and women speak in different styles? Are there any examples in your daily life that support your point of view? Create a conversation with your partner(s) and exchange your opinions on misunderstandings between men and women. Topic 3: Winning and Success Directions: Have a discussion with your partner(s) about winners in your eyes. Do you have your personal hero? What accounts for his/her success?


1.Do you think China offers foreign business people great opportunities to fulfill their dreams? Why? 你认为中国为外国商人提供了实现梦想的巨大机会吗?为什么? 2.If offered an overseas assignment, would you like to work for your company at a foreign headquarters as long as required? 如果提供海外派遣,您愿意在国外总部工作吗? 3.What factors do you think contribute to the fulfillment of overseas assignments? 你认为哪些因素有助于完成海外任务? 4.What is the difference between E-commerce and the traditional business? 电子商务和传统商务有什么区别? 5.What are the benefits and limitations of E-commerce? 电子商务的好处和局限是什么? 6.Do you take it for granted that copyright should be protected by law? 你认为版权受法律保护是理所当然的吗? 7.Do you think it is criminal to adapt other's ideas in your own way and share them with your friends? 你认为以你自己的方式改变别人的想法并与你的朋友分享这些想法是犯罪吗? 8.What is corporate culture? How does culture affect the way we do business? 什么是企业文化?文化如何影响我们做生意的方式? 9.What are the advantages of online-communication? 在线交流的优点是什么? 10.Which way of communication do you prefer talking face-to-face or chatting online? Why? 你喜欢哪种交流方式面对面交谈或网上聊天?为什么? 11.The factors requisite for success may differ from one profession to another, what kind of elements may contribute to success in your opinion? 成功所需的因素可能因职业不同而有所不同,你认为哪种因素有助于成功? 12.Are you big fans of certain celebrities? Why or why not? 你是某些名人的忠实粉丝吗?为什么或为什么不呢? 13.What are the disadvantages of online-communication? 在线交流的缺点是什么? 14.Which way of communication do you prefer talking face-to-face or chatting online? Why? 你喜欢哪种交流方式面对面交谈或网上聊天?为什么? 15.As job hunters, what preparations should we make beforehand? 作为求职者,我们应该事先做些什么准备? 16.What is corporate culture? How do you get to know a company’s corporate culture? 什么是企业文化?你如何了解公司的企业文化? 17.Which do you think should receive priority in China, economic growth or environmental protection? Give your reasons. 你认为在中国,经济增长或环境保护应该优先考虑哪些问题?给出你的理由。 18.What do you think of love and marriage? 你觉得爱情和婚姻怎么样? 19.What should be considered when you decide to accept or decline a job offer? 当你决定接受或拒绝工作邀请时,应该考虑什么? 20.What is your plan for the future after graduation? Do you want to start a business or become an employee with a high salary? Why? 你毕业后的未来打算是什么?你想创业还是想成为高薪员工?为什么? 21.When hunting for a job, what do you choose, a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond? Why? 在找工作的时候,你会选择什么,小池塘里的大鱼还是大池塘里的小鱼?为什么? 22.List some hazards in our life that are related to the development of technology. Try to figure out some ways to avoid these hazards. 列出我们生活中与技术发展有关的一些危险。试着找出一些避免这些危险的方法。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/fb15447634.html,pare planes and rail (road) transportation and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.


资产负债表 Balance Sheet As at Dec. 31, 2007

损益表 Income Statement For the year ended Dec. 31, 2007

现金流量表 Cash Flow Statement For the year ended Dec. 31 2007

所有者权益变动表Statement of Changes in Equity For the year ended Dec. 31 2007

会计 确认reorganization计量measurement 表述presentation 揭示(附注)disclosure Chap. 1 会计基本假设underlying assumptions 会计主体假设separate-entity assumption 持续经营假设continuity assumption Going-concern assumption 会计分期accounting period 货币计量unit-of-measure assumption 币值稳定Nominal dollar capital maintenance assumption 会计信息质量要求qualitative criteria 可靠性reliability 相关性relevance 可理解性understandability 可比性comparability 实质重于形式substance over form 历史成本historical cost 重置成本replacement cost 可实现净值net-realizable value 现值present value 公允价值fair value 财务报告financial statement 资产负债表Balance Sheet


2018年北京市春季普通高中会考 英语试卷 一、听力理解(共25小题,25分。每小题1分) 第一节:听下面十段对话或独白,从各题A、B、C三个选项中, 选出能回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第1段材料,回答第1题。 1. When will the man go for dinner A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday. 听第2段材料,回答第2题。 2. What place of interest is the woman going to visit this year? A. The Forbidden City. B. The Summer Palace. C. The West Lake. 听第3段材料,回答第3题。 3. What is the woman going to wear? 听第4段材料,回答第4题。 4. What is the man doing? A. Giving advice. B. Asking the way. C. Offering help. 听第5段材料,回答第5题至第6题。 5. Where does this conversation most likely take place? A. In a hotel. B. In an office. 6. What does the woman advise the man to buy? A. Larger trousers. B. Dark blue trousers. 听第6段材料,回答第7题至第8题。 7. Why does the woman visit the man? A. To clean the house. B. To buy furniture. C. To rent the flat. 8. What is in the kitchen now? A. A fridge. B. A cooker. C. A washing machine 听第7段材料,回答第9题至第11题。 9. What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Go to Simon's house. B. Play basketball. C. Tidy the bedroom. 10. How does the woman sound? A. Angry. B. Proud. C. Excited. 11. What is the probable relationship between the two speaker s?


大学英语听说IV级口语考试题目(十三周考试用) 1.Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. If you were to travel, would you want to be with a companion or alone? Some might say they would want to travel alone. However, I have an opposite opinion. I think it is better to travel with a companion for the following reasons, they can give us information about the place, we won’t feel boring if we travel together, and we can have opportunities to meet more people through a companion. People travel around some places to get information about the specific areas. To get the information about the place, we need a guide. If we hire a guide, we should pay money and we will somewhat not be free to go anywhere. Despite that, if we travel with friends, they could tell us about it as a guide. We can save money and get some information about the place that we visit. In addition, we could be free to go anywhere we want. As t o the second point, if we travel with friends, we wouldn’t fell tedious while traveling. We can talk to each other and get chances to know each other more. On the other hand, traveling alone could make us feel down because it is quite boring to hang around by themselves. Thus, I would prefer traveling with a companion to alone. Besides, the second point, if we travel with a companion, we can get more opportunities to meet other people through my friends. For example, when I was 10 years old, I went to china. I have met a lot of people through my friend there and I’m still keeping in touch with them. If I didn’t go to china with my friend, I could have not met them in my life. This is the final reason why I think it is better to travel with friends rather alone. To conclude, some people might say it is better to travel alone because it might interrupt us if we travel with a companion. Nevertheless, I think it would be better to travel with a companion for the previous reasons, they can tell us some information about the place, we can enjoy more because it’s not boring, and we could get opportunities to meet many people through friends. 2.Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. Many people like to do things that they already do well, many others like to take risks to do things new. Both sides are supported by good reasons. For my part, I think it depends on what kind of things that people in the face of. I prefer to do things that I already do well when I should do things to benefit the others. On the other hand, I would like to take risks to try something new in order to improve myself, that means I will be the person who benefit from what I do. People are all live in the society and have relationships with each other. So what one do can influence the others directly or indirectly. In this case, people should do their best to benefit and convenient for the others. If one does not have enough experience and skills to do things well, the people around them maybe complain or they will ruin their plan. Is it very nice to share their own risks to the others to get more experience for themselves? Absolutely not. The society or the small

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