当前位置:文档之家› 高考英语核心词汇复习系列第1、2课时






(1)The captain gave the order to a________ the ship because it was sinking.

(2)Plants a________ carbon dioxide and give off oxygen·

(3)Tim was looking through an old photo a___________, with pictures of Christmas.

;it was an a________; I mean I did not intend to do it.

(4)I’m sorry about breaking the vase

(5)I've opened an a_____________ with the Agricultural Bank of China.

(6)1 will give you my a_______________ (地址) and telephone number.

(7)He has never achieved his a________________(夙愿) of becoming a famous writer.

(8)She was born without the a____________(能力) to speak.

(9)Shelly speaks with a slight a_________(口音).

(10)More than 75%of the land is used for a______________(农业).


,but I never seem ________ to find the time.

(1)I’d like to do more gardening

A.about B.able C.active D.accurate

(2)Slavery was _______ in the U.S.in the 19th century,and slaves were given equal fights.

A.absorbed B.abused C.abolished D.adopted

(3)A billion https://www.doczj.com/doc/fb14645513.html,people in the world will not have _________ to clean drinking water.

A.action B.advance C.access D.agreement

(4)Dana admitted _________ hurt by what I had said.

A.to feel B.felt C.having felt D.feeling

;1 want to find someone to share the room.

(5)I couldn’t ________ the rent on my own

A.aim B.allow C.afford D.advise

(6)The couple are unable to have children of their own,but hope to __________ one.

A.adapt B.adopt C.advertise D.acquire

(7)一I wish it was time to go home.

一__________.I’m missing my family so much.

A.That’s all right B.I couldn’t agree more C.You can’t miss it D.Don’t mention it

_______ is a terrible feeling.

(8)Not knowing whether he’s dead or ______

A.1ive B.alone C.alive D.1ively

(9)As we can see,it is necessary to get _________ information about the company.

A.a large number of B.the number of C.a large amount of D.the amount of

(10)Max is hardworking, cheerful, and _________ honest.

A. above all

B. after all

C. at all

D. all in all


take action / be aimed at / be addicted to / adapt to / be against / be accused of / agree with

be just about to / add up to / take advantage of

(1)The children are finding it hard to____________ the new school.

(2)The professor _____________stealing his student’s ideas

(3)The numbers ______________exactly 100.

ave told us.

(4)Your story doesn’t ____________ what the police h

(5)I ________________ the good weather to paint the door.

(6)The use of drugs _______________ the law;it’s illegal

(7)These measures __________________ preventing violent crimes.

(8)We ___________________ leave when Jerry arrived.

(9)The government must _______________ now to stop the rise in road accidents.

(10)Some kids _______________ surfing the Net; they often forget their schoolwork.



_______________________________________________________________________________ (2)Jason决定不接受这份工作。(accept)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (3)他们出国时遗弃了宠物。(abandon)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (4)她让丈夫陪同去医院。(accompany)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (5)Tracy在考试中取得了好成绩。(achieve)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (6)Bob装得好像什么都没有发生一样。(act)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (7)我欣赏她恪守原则的作风。(admire)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (8)我劝你不要告诉他真相。(advise)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (9)你的意见不会影响我的决定。(affect)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (10)我们不允许在教室里吃东西。(allow)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 5.猜测词义

(1)The file is not accessible t o the public.

(2)Strawberries don't agree with me;they make me feel ill.

(3)The injured were immediately admitted to the nearest hospital.

(4)We can’t

a fford to wait any longer, or we’ll miss the plane

(5)This show no doubt added to his reputation and made him more famous.

(6)I met her quite by accident; it was not planned at all.

the police are after him again.

(7)That boy’s always in trouble ——

(8)一Can I have the sports section?

一Yeah, go ahead.I’ve read it.

(9)Jim was absorbed in his book;he didn’t notice us come in

(10)It’ll take about an hour to

get to the airport,allowing for traffic delays.


(amusement ~ average)


(1)He made funny faces to a_________ the children.

(2)You need to sit down and a_________ (分析)why you feel so upset.

(3)My a_________ (祖先)originally came from Ireland.

(4)The show attracts an a_________ (观众)of about 20 million.

(5)The family are making a_________ (安排)for his birthday party.

(6)The tall building was designed by the famous a_________ Frank Lloyd Wright.

(7)You should phone his secretary if you want to make an a_________

(8)一Ann wants to be an a_________.

一Does she really like to travel and work in a spacecraft?

(9)It was discovered that three of the Olympic a_________ had taken drugs.

(10)The couple celebrated their 20th wedding a_________ in January.


(1)The government has_________ plans to create 10,000 new jobs.

A.declared B.announced C.approved D.assumed

(2)I knocked at the door and nobody_________

A.replied B.Apologized C.answered D.argued

(3)The bright colors can make a small room_________ much bigger.

A.arise B.arrange C.notice D.appear

(4)I don’t need any help, but I do _________ your offer

A.apply B.appreciate C.annoy D.appeal

(5)Helen left her last job and has yet to find_________.

A.else B.other C.another D.extra

(6)一Hello, is _________ home?

一Yes.We’re here.

A.anyone B.one C.nobody D.someone (7)Can you do the job alone,or do you want someone to _________ you?

A.affect B.assist C.apply D.arrange (8)He decided to adopt a different _________ and teach history through story-telling.

A.analysis B.angle C.attitude D.approach (9)The age of the students ranged from 17 to 21 with a/an _________ of 19.

A.average B.usual C.normal D.regular

(1 0)Lily hoped she would pass her driving test at the first _________.

A.aspect B.attempt C.effort D.attack


(1)The school carried out an _________ (analyze)of pupils’ needs

(2)There were puzzles and games to keep the children _________ (amuse).

(3)Silence,please.Mr. Bennett is about to make an _________ (announce).

(4)After an _________ (anxiety)wait,Audrey was told that her son was safe.

(5)She rushed into the hotel,_________ (apology) for being so late.

(6)Women are more concerned than men about their personal _________ (appear).

7)I broke the vase during an _________ (argue)with my husband.

(8)She was rushed to the hospital,but was dead on ________ (arrive).

(9)He was one of 30 ________ (apply)for the manager’s job

(10)The young man was accused of _________ (attempt)murder.


atmosphere / arrange/ attracts / available /ancient / ashamed attack / attend / armed / area

(1)Man has used the horse since ________ times.

(2)The hotel tries to give the restaurant a more family-friendly ________.

(3)What ________ me to the job is the salary and the chance to travel.

(4)We need someone to work on this job immediately.Who’s ________?

(5)A smoker has three times the risk of having a heart ________ than a nonsmoker.

(6)After ________ church, the family would go home for dinner.

(7)She was so ________ of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher.

(8)If you have a lot of things to do,just make a list and ________ them in order of importance.

(9)The crowd ________ themselves with sticks and stones and fought with the police.

(10)The room is 12 square meters in ________



_______________________________________________________________________________ (2)他们总是为钱争吵。(argue)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (3)这项新科技已被应用到农业。(apply)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (4)他知道真相后感到很惊讶。(astonish)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (5)你为什么不征求他的意见?(ask)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (6)她对生活态度积极。(attitude)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (7)她对自己在晚会上的行为感到羞愧。(ashamed)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (8)Tom为自己的迟到而道歉。(apologize)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (9)他企图引起服务员的注意。(attract)

_______________________________________________________________________________ (10)他不愿意被人当作小孩子。(appreciate)



生命数字的四个成长阶段 您的生命数字为:1 解读生命数字的意义——代表创造与自信。 当能量毫无阻碍,就会自然地流动形成创造力,这种能量的丰富性可以是1号人在任何领域均能产生创造力。这种能量就像汹涌的大河,需要流动与表达,并可以修正因为错置而产生的沉溺行为。 生命进化四阶段关键字: 第一阶段:学习独立(自主、真主见) 第二阶段:学习从管理到领导 第三阶段:独特艺术的创造 第四阶段:直觉力 ================================================== 您的生命数字为:2 解读生命数字的意义——代表合作与平衡。 数字2的人具有毅力与支援合作的特性,但首先他们必须厘清自己的极限以及责任范围,他们常常会帮忙过度,然后退缩。他们必须避免被奴役的极端现象,以免造成事后的愤恨与反抗。 第一阶段:一依赖、拒绝 第二阶段:配合与分析能力 第三阶段:洞察力 第四阶段:真假分辨力的应证 ==================================================

解读生命数字的意义——代表表达与灵敏度。 生命数字为3的人需要为世界带来建设性的情绪表达,把3号人的情感与理念用最直接、最正面、最诚实的方法分享出来,他们需要找到合适的方式去应用他们的敏感与表达能力,以便提升生命,而不是破坏生命。 第一阶段:学沟通能力的技巧与收放的敏锐度 第二阶段:新思维与新观念的建立 第三阶段:创新发明力 第四阶段:创意理想与美丽人生 ================================================== 您的生命数字为:4 解读生命数字的意义——代表稳定程度与程序的贯彻力。 不管是建造房子或其他事情,4号人必须要了解一个成熟而稳定的基础是成功的开始,而后伴随的是耐心执行的过程,直到完成理想。当4号人具备弹性的平衡感及直觉式的分析能力时,就可以达成任何目标。 第一阶段:安全感 第二阶段:实际务实的生活观 第三阶段:责任与义务 第四阶段:组织力,组织力(4)+分析能力(2)×配合能力(2)==================================================


应用文海淀 One Possible Version Dear Sir/Madam, I am Li Hua, a Senior 3 student in Hongxing Middle School. Learning that you are recruiting volunteers for the coming 18th World Middle School Games in Jinjiang, Fujian, in 2020, I am writing to apply for this position. As a super fan of sports, I am eager to expose myself in various sports-related activities. World Middle School Games is such a golden opportunity to meet the outstanding teenagers worldwide that I really don’t want to miss it. In addition, the voluntary service will offer a precious chance to contribute to our society, which appeals to me very much. I believe I ama qualified candidate. A good commandof English ensures that I can communicate with the foreign athletes effectively. Moreover, with my love and knowledge for sports as well as Chinese history and culture, I can fulfill my role not only as a successful coordinator but also a cultural ambassador to spread the splendid Chinese culture. I am longing to join you and I would be grateful if you could offer me the opportunity. Thank you for your consideration. Yours, Li Hua 应用文西城 One possible version: Dear Jim, I amglad to know that you have joined your school ’s calligraphy club. The calligraphy piece I sent to you was written by myself. I really hope you will like it. The Chinese characters on the piece are “天道酬勤” (Tian Dao Chou Qin), meaning “ Hard work pays off. ” It is a well-known Chinese idiom, widely adopted as a motto by Chinese people. There is a similar calligraphy piece hanging in the study at my home, which was written by my grandfather. He gave it to me when I started to learn calligraphy at age six in hopes that I would practise it often and learn it well. You see now my efforts have paid off. I hope it can serve as an encouragement to you at all times. I wrote this piece in the calligraphic style of my favorite calligrapher, Yan Zhenqing, a renowned master of the Tang Dynasty. His style is Kaishu,

高中化学 专题4 第1单元第2课时 价层电子对互斥理论 等电子原理教案 苏教版选修3

第2课时 价层电子对互斥理论 等电子原理 [核心素养发展目标] 1.了解价层电子对互斥理论,通过对价层电子对互斥模型的探究,建立判断分子空间构型的思维模型。2.了解等电子体的概念及判断方法,能用等电子原理解释物质的结构和某些性质。 一、价层电子对互斥模型 1.价层电子对互斥模型的基本内容 分子中的价电子对(包括成键电子对和孤电子对)由于相互排斥作用,而趋向于尽可能彼此远离以减小斥力,分子尽可能采取对称的空间构型。 (1)当中心原子的价电子全部参与成键时,为使价电子斥力最小,就要求尽可能采取对称结构。 (2)当中心原子的价电子部分参与成键时,未参与成键的孤电子对与成键电子对之间及孤电子对之间、成键电子对之间的斥力不同,从而影响分子的空间构型。 (3)电子对之间的夹角越大,相互之间的斥力越小。 2.价电子对的计算 (1)AB m 型分子中心原子价层电子对数目的计算方法 AB m 型分子(A 是中心原子,B 是配位原子)中价层电子对数n 的计算: n = 中心原子的价电子数+每个配位原子提供的价电子数×m 2 (2)在计算中心原子的价层电子对数时应注意如下规定 ①作为配位原子,卤素原子和H 原子提供1个电子,氧族元素的原子不提供电子; ②作为中心原子,卤素原子按提供7个电子计算,氧族元素的原子按提供6个电子计算; ③对于复杂离子,在计算价层电子对数时,还应加上负离子的电荷数或减去正离子的电荷数。如PO 3- 4中P 原子价层电子数应加上3,而NH + 4中N 原子的价层电子数应减去1; ④计算电子对数时,若剩余1个电子,即出现奇数电子,也把这个单电子当作1对电子处理; ⑤双键、叁键等多重键作为1对电子看待。 3.价层电子对互斥模型与分子的几何构型 (1)中心原子中的价电子全部参与形成共价键的分子的几何构型如下表所示(由中心原子周围的原子数m 来预测): AB m 几何构型 示例 m =2 直线形 CO 2、BeCl 2 m =3 平面三角形 CH 2O 、BF 3

18-19 专题2 第1单元 第3课时 溴、碘的提取

第3课时溴、碘的提取学习目标:1.了解溴、碘的主要性质及其应用。2.了解溴、碘的提取和反应原理。(重难点)3.掌握Cl-、Br-、I-的检验方法。(重点) [自主预习·探新知] 1.溴、碘的制备与性质 (1)Br2、I2的制备 ①制取溴单质:在一支试管中加入2~3 mL KBr溶液,滴加少量新制氯水,再滴加少量CCl4,振荡,静置,观察到的实验现象为分层,上层为无色溶液,下层为橙红色液体,反应的化学方程式为Cl2+2KBr===2KCl+Br2。 ②制取碘单质:在一支试管中加入2~3 mL KI溶液,滴加少量新制氯水,再滴加少量CCl4,振荡,静置,观察到的实验现象为分层,上层为无色溶液,下层为紫红色液体。反应的化学方程式为Cl2+2KI===2KCl+I2。 (2)Br2、I2的物理性质 ①溴单质具有氧化性,能将碘化钾溶液中的碘置换出来,反应的化学方程式为Br2+2KI===2KBr+I2。 ②在水溶液中,溴离子能与银离子反应,生成难溶于水和稀硝酸的浅黄色溴化银沉淀。反应的化学方程式为NaBr+AgNO3===AgBr↓+NaNO3,实验室常用硝酸银溶液和稀硝酸来检验Br-。 ③在水溶液中,碘离子能与银离子反应,生成难溶于水和稀硝酸的黄色碘化银沉淀。反应的化学方程式为NaI+AgNO3===AgI↓+NaNO3,实验室常用硝酸银溶液和稀硝酸来检验I-。 ④I2遇淀粉变蓝色,该性质可用于检验I2。 (4)溴、碘及其化合物的应用 ①溴可用于生产多种药剂,如熏蒸剂、杀虫剂、抗爆剂等。溴化银是一种重

要的感光材料,是胶卷中必不可少的成分。 ②碘是一种重要的药用元素,含碘食品的生产也需要碘元素,碘化银可用于人工降雨。 2.溴、碘的提取 (1)海水提溴 提取粗食盐后的母液――→Cl 2Br 2的水溶液鼓入热空气或水蒸气――→冷凝粗溴 ――→精制溴单质。 (2)从海产品中提取碘的流程 说明:海带中所含的碘在浸泡时可以I -的形式进入溶液。 [基础自测] 1.判断正误(正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”) (1)海水提溴的过程中不发生氧化还原反应。( ) (2)可以用淀粉溶液检验加碘食盐中的KIO 3。( ) (3)用CCl 4萃取碘水中的碘,先振荡,后静置,液体分层,下层呈无色。 (4)反应Br 2+2KI===I 2+2KBr 说明还原性Br 2大于I 2。( ) (5)海带用水浸泡可以使I 2直接溶于水。( ) (6)检验Cl -、Br -、I -可以加入HNO 3和AgNO 3溶液。( ) 【答案】 (1)× (2)× (3)× (4)× (5)× (6)√ 2.某学生往一支试管里按一定次序分别加入下列几种物质:A.KI 溶液,B.淀粉溶液,C.NaOH 溶液,D.氯水。发现溶液颜色按下面次序变化: 【导学号:90512056】 ①无色→②棕黄色→③蓝色→④无色。 依据溶液颜色的变化回答下列问题: (1)加入以上药品的顺序是_______________________________________。 (2)写出①→②的离子反应方程式,若为氧化还原反应,请用双线桥法标明电子转移的方向和数目:_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________。 (3)I 2与NaOH 反应类似Cl 2与NaOH 反应,写出③→④的化学方程式:_____ _____________________________________________________________。


2016高考英语作文预测范文:保护文化遗产 2016高考正在紧张的复习备考阶段,菁优英语小编为大家整理了《2016高考英语作文预测范文:保护文化遗产》,供大家参考。 2016高考英语作文预测范文:保护文化遗产 Cultural heritage is a very important resource.文化遗产是很重要的资源。 1. It is an awareness of ancient civilizations important way to study an important resource for human civilization. 它是人们认识古文明的一条重要的途径,研究人类文明的重要资源。 2. Cultural heritage is an important indicator of national development is the distinction between national or regional differences in other important reference. 文化遗产是一个国家发展的重要标志,是区分于其他国家或地区差别的重要参考。 3. Animal or plant can study the remains and other heritage of the history of the human body structure and better understand their own. 动物或植物尸骸等遗产可以研究人类身体结构的发展史,更好的认识自己。 4. With regard to natural heritage allows us to recognize the difference between the present and ancient times,recognizing that they have on this environment on this planet caused much destruction,called on people to protect the earth. 关于自然遗产可以让我们认识到现在与古代的差别,认识到自己已经对这个环境对这个地球造成了多大的破坏,呼吁人们保护地球。 5. Of course,there are ancient buildings,etc.,let us insight into the unsurpassed wisdom of our ancestors,to succeed in life! 当然了,还有古建筑等,让我们见识到我们祖先的绝伦的智慧,奋发向上! In short,the cultural heritage of human development has an indelible impact,we should protect the cultural heritage,and actively repair the damaged heritage of human civilization and contribute to the development. 总之,文化遗产对人类的发展有着不可磨灭的影响,我们应该保护文化遗产,积极修复受损的遗产,为人类的文明和发展做贡献。 假定最近你们班进行了一次题为“保护文化遗产是否很重要”的讨论。请根据以下要点用英语向大家介绍一下讨论结果,并谈谈你自己的看法。 观点 87%认为重要


北京高考英语作文优秀范文 高考英语作文具有地域性,比如北京高考,广东高考等。下面是给大家整理的北京高考英语作文,供大家参阅! 北京高考英语作文:Actions for a Greener EarthActions for a Greener Earth A week before Earth Day, posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth. Our class came up with the idea to make better use of used materials. We brought to our classroom worn-out clothes, pieces of cardboard and empty plastic bottles and turned those into dolls, handbags, tissue boxes and small vases. That weekend, we went to a nearby neighborhood and gave them away to the people there. All were very happy with those unexpected gifts, especially little kids and elderly people. We did so well that we were invited to share our idea and experience with all the students of our school. We are very proud of ourselves and believe we can do more for a better world.

高中化学 专题2 第1单元 原子核外电子的运动 第1课时 原子核外电子的运动特征教案 苏教版选修3

第1课时原子核外电子的运动特征 [核心素养发展目标] 1.了解原子核外电子运动的特点,能说明微观粒子的运动状态与宏观物体运动特点的差异,培养宏观辨识与微观探析的学科核心素养。2.理解“电子云”的概念,会用电子云和原子轨道的模型来描述原子核外电子运动的特征,培养证据推理和模型认知的学科核心素养。 一、核外电子运动的特点及电子云 1.原子核外电子的运动特点 (1)电子的质量很小,带负电荷。 (2)相对于原子和电子的体积而言,电子运动的空间很大。 (3)电子运动的速度很快,接近光速。 2.电子云图:用小点的疏密来描述电子在原子核外空间出现的机会的大小所得到的图形。3.电子云轮廓图:是指量子力学描述电子在原子核外空间运动的主要区域。一般是将出现的概率约为90%的空间圈出来,制作电子云的轮廓图,称为原子轨道。如氢原子核外电子的电子云轮廓图的绘制: (1)电子云中的小黑点并不代表一个电子而是代表电子在该处出现过一次。小黑点的疏密程度表示电子在原子核外出现的概率大小。小黑点稀疏的地方,表示电子在该处出现的概率小;小黑点密集的地方,表示电子在该处出现的概率大。 (2)离核越近,电子出现的概率越大,小黑点越密集。 例1下列关于氢原子电子云图的说法正确的是( ) A.通常用小黑点来表示电子的多少,黑点密度大,电子数目多

B.黑点密度大,单位体积内电子出现的机会多 C.通常用小黑点来表示电子绕核做高速圆周运动 D.电子云图是对运动无规律性的描述 答案 B 解析黑点的疏密表示电子出现的概率大小,不表示电子数目的多少,黑点密度大,电子出现的频率高,故A错误,B正确;小黑点表示电子在核外空间某处出现的机会,不代表电子的运动轨迹,故C错误;电子云图反映电子在核外无规则运动时在某点出现的概率,是对运动的描述,故D错误。 二、核外电子运动状态的描述 对于多电子原子来说,常从以下几个方面来描述: 1.电子层 (1)电子层:如图所示,在多电子原子中,核外电子是分层运动的,能量高的电子在离核远的区域里运动,能量低的电子在离核近的区域里运动。这也说明多电子的原子中电子的能量是不同的。能量不同的电子在核外不同的区域内运动,这种不同的区域称为电子层(n)。 (2)电子层的表示方法: 电子层(n) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 …… 符号K L M N O P Q …… 离核远近由近到远 能量高低由低到高 2.原子轨道 (1)类型及形状 ①类型:即同一电子层中含有不同类型的原子轨道,分别用s、p、d、f表示,不同的轨道其形状不相同。 ②形状:s轨道呈球形,p轨道呈纺锤形,d轨道和f轨道较复杂。


【篇一】高考英语作文预测及范文 给朋友写电子邮件 Dear Tony, I am Li Hua, a boy of 16 from China. I'm a middle school student. I'm glad to read your information on the Internet and I know you want to make an e-pal with a Chinese. I want to be your friend and wish to know more about the culture of the USA. I'm good at English and I think we can help each other to know more about America and China by sending e-mails. We can also chat on the Internet in English or Chinese. I like table tennis, enjoy singing and prefer popular music. At the same time, I like collecting stamps and traveling around in my spare time. I hope you can come to visit China, and I'll show you around many places of interest. I'm looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua 【篇二】高考英语作文预测及范文 感谢帮过你的人 Last week I saw a young man giving up his seat to a woman with a baby in her arms on a bus. To my great surprise, the woman did not thank the young man; on the contrary, she glared at him coldly, which made him embarrassed. 上周,我在公共汽车上看到一个年轻人给一个怀抱婴儿的妇女让座。让我感到奇怪的是,这位妇女没有感谢这位年轻人,反而用冷淡的目光盯着他,使他感到困窘。 This incident set me thinking. If everyone acted like that woman, who would like to help others? And what would our society be like? 这事令我深思。如果每个人都像那个妇女那样,谁还愿意帮助别人?我们这个社会将会变成什么样子?


走进心灵激发灵性成长生命 杨雯 在日子的流中,365日又悄然而逝,岁月中没有留下我太多的脚印,更多的是领导和老师们的帮助与支持,让我更清楚的知道,上来说的第一句话应该是发自肺腑的感谢:谢谢各位老师,谢谢各位领导。本学年对我来说是最有挑战的一年。更是我重新认识自己的一年,想起来,百般滋味在心头。但我还是努力地在学校的少先队工作和语文教学工作中去寻找一个平衡点。也努力地以平常心面对生活,用良心面对工作,用爱心面对学生。 一、德育工作带给我心灵的蜕变 虽说是语文学科的论坛,但我还是想从少先队工作的一个点说起。走进德育这个团队,真的还是自惭形秽,我从小缺乏的就是自信,面对经验丰富,雷厉风行的各位领导,我觉得自己无知的像个小女孩。连我熟悉的课堂似乎也离我远去,一度迷失与彷徨。但毕竟得思考,得改变。我要干什么?我能干什么?在领导们的帮助下,我知道了南鹰孩子最需要的就是养成良好的习惯,改变精神风貌,让每个南鹰孩子变得自信而又阳光。这种改变并不容易,而要让孩子们从心灵深处开出鲜花,我得首先走进孩子们的心里,去耕种他们的心田。所以,我首先在学校设立了“知心姐姐信箱”,重新开通小红鹰广播站。利用广播统一解答,和个别谈心的方式,做同学们的朋友,很高兴,这个角色,得到了同学们的欢迎。大街上,校园里,好的同学都毫无芥

蒂地叫我知心姐姐,当他们向我问好的时候,我也一定同样热情的说:你好!我发现,用知心姐姐的身份去和他们交流,比用杨老师的身份和他们交流更容易。记得那次去参加少先队检阅的彩排,孩子们的表现,让我很生气,台上的拘谨,台下的张狂。回来后,又急又气的我按捺住怒气,说:孩子们我现在是用知心姐姐的身份和你们聊聊天好吗?孩子们一下安静,当时交流的效果非常好,孩子们认识到自己的错误,其实也不是错误,我觉得平常我们只注重了要求孩子们去努力,去做好,而没有在他们心里树立起一种为啥做好的责任意识,那次,我们形成了一个暗号,四根手指,分别代表四个字:南鹰小学。我让孩子随时记得,我们是南鹰人,为南鹰争光,是我们的责任。正式上场前我们就用手势一起暗暗加油,因为这个简单的手势背后的含义,孩子们的力量汇集成一股绳,演出很成功。 这让我想起那句话:教育不是从外到内的包围,那只是一种禁锢,而应该是由内到外的弥漫,那才是一种激发。怎样才能去除孩子心田的杂草?简单而又粗暴的连根拔起,当然可以,但彼此都很受伤,洒下鲜花的种子,来年春天一定会百花满园。这就是在杨校长的带领下,我们一直努力的温情德育。多一份温情,孩子会多一份自信;多一份温情,孩子就会多一些阳光;多一份温情,孩子就会多一些感恩。因为有了这种体会,走进课堂的我极力温婉,所以我现在所教的孩子们,在语文课堂上更多了一些灵性的表达,与我亲切的交流。感谢我所面对的德育工作,就像佛光一样的,洗涤了我,让我明白教育如果离开了心与心的碰撞,情与情地交流,都是失败的。都是昙花一现的,这


2015高考英语满分作文范文及翻译(1) 假设你叫王明,昨天收到了笔友David的e-mail,得知他不久要到北京来学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封e-mail,介绍学习中文的体会和方法,提出你的建议,以及表达你帮助他学好中文的愿望。 【例文】 Dear David, I'm glad you'll come to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It's also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well. Hope to see you soon in Beijing. Yours, Wang Ming 【翻译】 亲爱的大卫, 我很高兴你会来北京学习中文。中国是非常有益的,许多外国人正在学习,现在。这很难为你,因为它是相当的英语不同。你要记住尽可能多的中国话。同样重要的是做一些阅读和写作。你可以看电视,听广播练习你的听力。你最好不要谈论与中国人民。你可以学习汉语,不仅从书本上,而且从你周围的人。如果您有任何问题,请问我。我敢肯定你会学好中文。 希望能尽快看到你在北京。 此致, 王明 2015高考英语满分作文范文及翻译(2) 请你根据下面的提纲,以“我的家乡”为题,写一篇100—120字的短文。 提纲: (1) 家乡的地理位置; (2) 解放前的情况; (3) 解放后的变化; (4) 对家乡的感情。 【例文】 My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it


专题4烃的衍生物第二单元醇酚1醇第2课时练习 例1.乙醇的分子结构为:,乙醇与钠反应时,断开的键是 ;与HX反应时,断开的键是;分子内脱水生成乙烯时,断开的键是;分子间脱水生成乙醚时,断开的键是;在铜催化作用下发生催化氧化反应时,断开的键是;酯化反应时,断开的键是。[参考答案]④;③;①③;③④;④⑤;④ 例2.婴儿用一次性尿片中有一层能吸水保水的物质。下列高分子中有可能被采用的是() [参考答案]B 例3.A、B、C三种醇同足量的金属钠反应,在相同条件下产生相同体积的氢气,消耗这三种醇的物质的量之比为3:6:2,则A、B、C三种醇分子中的羟基数之比是( ) A.3 :2 :1 B.2 :6 :3 C.3 :6 :2 D.2 :1 :3 [参考答案]D 例4.催化氧化产物是的醇是() [参考答案]A 例5.在下列醇中,不能脱水变成同碳原子数的烯烃的是() A.2,2-二甲基-1-丙醇B.2-戊醇 C.3-甲基-2-丁醇D.2-甲基-2-丁醇 [参考答案]A 例6.今有组成为CH4O和C3H8O的混合物,在一定条件下进行脱水反应,可能生成的有机

物的种数为() A.3种B.4种C.7种D.8种 [参考答案]C,思路分析:本题考查饱和一元醇的通式、同分异构体及醇的脱水方式。CH4O 可写成CH3OH;C3H8O可写成CH3CH2CH2OH或。分子内脱水产物: CH3CH=CH2。分子间脱水产物有:CH3OCH3、CH3CH2CH2OCH2CH2CH3、、 CH3OCH2CH2CH3、、。 例7.化学家诺贝尔一生研究最多的是硝化甘油,他希望硝化甘油能被更安全地应用于民用爆破。请写出浓硝酸与甘油反应生成硝化甘油的化学方程式。 [参考答案] 例8.若丙醇中的氧为18O,它与乙酸反应生成酯的相对分子质量为() A.102 B.104 C.120 D.122 [参考答案]B 1.下列物质的名称中,正确的是() A.1,1-二甲基-3-丙醇B.2-甲基-4-丁醇 C.3-甲基-1-丁醇D.3,3-二甲基-1-丙醇 [参考答案]C 2.(2006·上海)二甘醇可用作溶剂、纺织助剂等,一旦进入人体会导致急性肾衰竭,危及生命。二甘醇的结构简式是HO-CH2CH2-O—CH2CH2-OH。下列有关二甘醇的叙述中正确的是() A.不能发生消去反应B.能发生取代反应 C.能溶于水,不溶于乙醇D.符合通式C n H2n O3 [参考答案]B,解析:二甘醇的结构中有两个-OH,一个-O-,具有醇羟基的典型性质,能发生消去反应、取代反应、氧化反应、能溶于水和有机溶剂,则A、C不正确,B正确;通式中C与H原子关系类似烷烃C m H2n+2 ,故D不正确。 3.丙烯醇(CH2=CH-CH2OH)可发生的化学反应有() ①加成②氧化③燃烧④加聚⑤取代


【篇一】高考英语作文预测及范文 我的未来职业规划 My career planning As a college student on how well the future is the way I have been considering.I always want to design their own professional staff and art computer design to enhance their professional learning.Just enter the school at the University,with a lot of hopes and illusions,it will also be full of confusion.I think I should do T-shaped professionals.Out of college,and strive to win the community the opportunity to practice.More respect,to find really suitable for their own.In the work of cultivating the ability to increase the handling capacity of things,human relationships,such as processing power.Engaged in design work,design their own brands,so a designer.This semester also choose to enjoy this art class,I am artistic,very yearning,is also pursuing,although there was no professional training.But I still hope that they can make their own personality to come. 【篇二】高考英语作文预测及范文 写给外国朋友的一封信 Dear Henry, I am glad to receive your letter.Thank goodness, I just know today is so beautiful.I have completed the college entrance examination eventually,which make me amaze and relax.You know,I was tired of studying when you sat in an annoying classroom everyday.But now I am so comfortable and I will have a good rest in future.For example,playing basketball and riding a bike are my favorate sports,which can make me enjoy myself everyday.During the time,I also reading some world-famous books from which I will gain a lot of knowledge.Surely,I will accompany my beloved parents to my hometown or other places.Joining the social activities are necessary, from which not only I can enrich my experience,but also contact with society better than before,At last, thank you for your help. Best wishes! Li Hua 【篇三】高考英语作文预测及范文 高考英语作文预测:计划与愿望


最新2017年北京高考英语作文范文精选 2017年北京高考英语作文范文篇1 Hi, everyone , We‘ll have an important activity—picking apples. The picking will go on from 8:00 am to 11:00 am next Saturday and welcome all of the people in our community to join in the activity . To join in the activity , you should sign your name in the office before 5:00 pm next Thursday ,which is the deadline ! Don‘t miss it ! Attention! It is suggested that all the people who will join in picking apples should wear a hat and a pair of gloves because there will be a lot of leaves or dirty things that will otherwise fall on your head and make your hands dirty . Be active , everyone in our community !

The community board 2017年北京高考英语作文范文篇2 Dear Sir , I’m LiHua , a Chinese student taking summer course in your university . I’m writing to ask for help . I came here last month and found my courses interesting .But I have some difficulty with note-taking and I have no idea of how to use the library . I was told the learning center provides help for students and I’m anxious to get help from you. I have no class on Tuesdays mornings and Friday afternoons . Please let me know which day is ok with you. You may email or phone me . Here are my email address and phone number :lihua@https://www.doczj.com/doc/fb14645513.html, ; 1234567. Look forward to your reply . Yours , Li Hua


2020最新高考英语作文预测:传统文化 近几年,高考英语写作多次出现对中国传统文化的考查,例如唐诗、剪纸等。国学更是这两年中国社会绝对教育热点,因此对这个话题一定要备考充分! 【题目要求】 假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Henry非常喜欢中国,来信询问你校中国国学经典(Chinese classics)的上课情况。请你依照下列要点写一封回信: 1. 表达问候; 2. 介绍国学上课情况; 3. 表达祝愿。 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 标题和落款已给出,词数不计算在内。 Dear Henry, _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

____________________________________________ Sincerely yours, Li Hua 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Henry, How is everything going? I feel glad to introduce the study of Chinese classics in our school. First, we have special textbooks about Chinese classics and professional teachers. Second, we’re scheduled once a week to study Tang and Song poetry. Third, there are weekly after-class activities to learn Chinese calligraphy and watercolor painting, from which we’ve been benefited a lot. I hope that through learning, we can have a deeper understanding of Chinese traditional culture. Now that you’re interested in China’s classical culture, I will send a textbook and some related materials to you soon. Wish you success in your study and all the best! Sincerely yours, Li Hua

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