当前位置:文档之家› 沪教版上海小学一年级牛津英语M1测验卷含答案




Class______ Name___________ No._____ Score _________

Part Ⅰ Listening (听力部分40%)

I. Listen and tick. (听录音, 勾出你听到的图) 12%

1) A. B.

2) A. B.

( )

( )

( )

( )

3) A.


4) A. B.

( )

( )

( )

( )

5) A. B. 6) A. B.

( )

( )

( )

( )

II. Listen and number. (听录音, 给下列图片或句子按顺序用1、2、3、4编号)



( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3)

( ) ( ) ( )

( )

4) Hello! Hi! Good morning!

Good afternoon! ( ) ( )

( ) ( )



Eddie Danny Kitt y Alice Danny


III.Listen and judge. (听录音,判断看到的图片和听到的内容是否一致,用“√”和“×”表示) 8%

1) 2)

( ) ( )

Hi! I’m Danny!

3) 4)

( ) ( )

IV.Listen and choose the sentence your hear.(听录音,圈出你听到的句子的字母代号) 4%

1) A. Hi, I’m Danny. B. Hello, I’m Eddie.

2) A. Good morning! B. Goodbye!

3) A. Here you are. B. Thank you.

4) A. This is my eye. B. This is my ear.

PartⅡReading and writing (读写部分40%)

Ⅰ.Look and match. (看一看, 将图片和单词用直线连起来) 12%


············face morning pencil nose eye book

II. Look and tick. (在正确的单词前打勾) 12%

1) 2) 3)

( ) rubber ( ) ruler ( ) morning

( ) afternoon

( ) ear

( ) nose

4) 5) 6)

( ) mouth ( ) eye ( ) book

( ) rubber

( ) Danny

( ) Eddie

Ⅲ. Look and circle.(圈出隐藏在表格里的单词)5%






Ⅳ. Read and circle.(圈出意义上不属于同一类的词)5%

1) A. rubber B. pencil C. face

2) A. morning B. mouth C. afternoon

3) A. ear B. ruler C. nose

4) A. book B. eye C. pencil

5) A. Kitty B. Alice C. Eddie Ⅴ. Read and tick.(在正确的句子前打勾)6%

1) 2)

( ) Hello, I’m Kitty. ( ) Hello, I’m Danny.( ) Touch your ear. ( ) Touch your eye.

r o m o u t h m u o o s n o u n o s e s t o u c h u c h m t d u o h m t h i s s r u b l e r u l e r


3) 4)

( ) Give me a ruler, please. ( ) Give me a book, please. ( ) Look, this is my face. ( ) Look, this is my nose.

5) 6)

( ) Good morning, Alice. ( ) Good afternoon, Alice. ( ) A rubber, a pencil, I can see. ( ) A ruler, a pencil, I can see.

Part Ⅲ. IPE (新综合部分)20%

I. Match(读一读,选择合适的应答句,将字母代号写在前面括号内)10% ()1. Good morning, Mummy. A. Goodbye, Kitty.

()2. Good afternoon, Tony. B. Good morning.

()3. Goodbye, Pip. C. Good afternoon.

()4. How are you? D. I’m fine, thank you.

()5. Hi, Mimi. E. Hello, Kitty.

II. Read and judge(读一读,判断下列句子是否正确,用“√”和“×”表示)10%

1). ( ). Good morning, Mummy!

2) ( ) Goodbye, Pip. 3). ( ). This is Miss. Xu.

4).( ) Hello, I’m Alan. 5). ( ). I’m six.


尚德实验学校2013-2014学年度第一学期一年级M1测验卷PartⅠListening Materials (听力材料)

Ⅰ. Listen and tick. (听录音, 勾出你听到的图) 12%

1) morning 2) book 3) Hello, I’m Eddie. 4) eye 5) rubber 6) nose

Ⅱ. Listen and number.(听录音, 给下列图片或句子用1、2、3、4编号) 16%

1) mouth face eye ear (3、1、4、2)

2) pencil ruler rubber book (1、4、2、3)

3) Hi, I’m Kitty. Hello, I’m Alice. Hi, I’m Eddie. Hello, I’m Danny.


4)Good morning! Hello! Good afternoon! Hi! (2、4、1、3)

Ⅲ. Listen and judge. (听录音,判断看到的图片和听到的内容是否一致,用“√”和“×”表示) 8%

1) Good morning, Mary. Good morning. ×

2) Touch your mouth. This is my mouth. ×

3) Give me a ruler, please. Here you are. Thank you. √

4) Hi, I’m Danny. Hello, Danny. √

Ⅳ.Listen and choose the sentence your hear.(听录音,圈出你听到的句子的字母代号) 4%

1) Hi, I’m Danny. A

2) Goodbye! B

3) Here you are. A

4) This is my ear. B


上海版牛津英语全册教案 Oxford English Book 1A Unit 1 the first period 一.教学说明 1.今天是小朋友进入小学的第一节英语课,所有的学生都表现出对英语的极大的好奇。作为一名英语教师,要通过充满知识和乐趣的课堂将 孩子们的好奇转换成对英语学习持久的兴趣和热情。 2.班级中的孩子来自不同的环境,有着完全不同的知识基础和认知能力。教师应主动地去了解学生,这对今后的教学工作十分重要。二.教学内容 1.认知内容:能听懂会说Good morning. –How do you do? –How are you?-Fine, thank you. –Hello! 等问候语。 2.能力要求:学会用-Good morning. –How do you do? –How are you?-Fine, thank you. –Hello! 来问候和交流。 3.情感态度:通过学生对本课问候句子的学习,培养学生讲文明的良好习惯。并鼓励学生用这些问候语与新同学交朋友,增进新生之间的了 解和友谊。

四、教学提示 1.媒体准备: 玩偶、响板、歌曲磁带 2.教学关注点: 本课中的句子例如:How are you ? Fine, thank you. 对于一些从来没有接触过英语的小朋友来说比较困难,为了解决这一问题,可从以下方面做努力。 1)注重学习的过程,为学生的学习铺好台阶; 2)在小朋友们喜欢的游戏、歌曲等活动中巩固句子; 3)多创设学生间的合作交流的机会,以缓解因差异造成的成效不一。 3.资源分享: 九年义务教学课本3A有配套的歌曲:如 4. 设计思路: 1)这个单元中的歌曲对于一年级的小朋友而言学起来比较困难。而少量 多次是分解难题的有效方法,因此可将这首歌的学习安排在本单元中的 各课时中,让小朋友在几节课中,从感知到熟悉和学唱一步步的学习, 这样学起来既轻松又有成效。 3)由于Let’s talk的内容适合刚入学的一年级新生,所以将这部分内容提前到第一课时来上。 5.教学反思: 1)句型最好板书出示,加以认读。加强音和形的联系。 2) 对于一些英语课堂用语可以进行提前感知,为下节课的学习做伏笔。 the second period


上海版沪教版牛津英语1A教案(全册) Unit 1 My classroom Period One Teaching contents: L et‘s act ( Page 2) Teaching aims: 1. 知识目标:能用祈使句Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Open your book. Close your book.给出简单指令。 2. 能力目标:能听懂简单指令并作出反应。 3. 情感目标:激发学生学习的兴趣,使学生寓教于乐。 Difficult and key points:能用所学的命令相互交流。 Teaching aids: cassette, book, bag. Teaching procedure:

Unit 1 My classroom Period Two Teaching contents: let‘s talk ( page 3 ) Teaching aims: 4. 知识目标:学会问候语How are you?及回答Fine, thank you.学会Good morning.问候早上好。 5. 能力目标:熟练运用句子交流。 6. 情感目标:教育学生做到礼貌待人。 Difficult and key points: How are you? Good morning.的问候语。Teaching aids: Cassette, a puppet. Teaching procedure:

Unit 1 My classroom Period Three Teaching contents: let‘s learn ( page 4 ) Teaching aims: 7. 知识目标:学会pencil, pen, ruler, rubber, bag等学习用品。 8. 能力目标:运用各种方法简单描述物品。 9. 情感目标:教育学生热爱学习。 Difficult and key points:单词的发音和识记。 Teaching aids:Cassette1A, picture cards and word cards. Teaching procedure:


牛津上海版英语一年级课本 第一学期 Content Module 1 Getting to know you 1.Greetings Vocabulary: morning, afternoon Daily expressions: Hello! Hi! Good morning. Good afternoon. Goodbye. 2.My classmates Vocabulary: book, ruler, pencil, rubber Daily expressions: Give me…, please. Here you are. Thank you. 3.My face Vocabulary: eye, mouth, face, nose, ear Module 2 Me, my family and friends 1.My abilities Vocabulary: dance, read, sing, draw I can… 2.My family Vocabulary: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, me He’s/She’s my…Daily expressions: How are you? Fine, thank you. 3.My friends Vocabulary: fat, thin, tall, short Module 3 Places and activities 1.In the classroom Vocabulary: one, two, three, four, five, six How many…? … 2.In the fruit shop Vocabulary: apple, pear, peach, orange …, please. Daily expressions: Apples, please. Here you are. Thank you. 3.In the restaurant Vocabulary: hamburger, pizza, cake, pie May I have a/an…, please? Daily expressions: Can I help you? May I have…, please? Here you are. Thank you. Module 4 The natural world 1.On the farm Vocabulary: chick, duck, cow, pig What’s this/that? It’s a… 2.In the zoo Vocabulary: bear, tiger, monkey, panda Is this/that…? Yes./No. 3.In the park Vocabulary: red, blue, yellow, green What colour is it? It’s…


一年级英语上册期末模拟卷 听力 一Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片)10分1. 2. ()()( ) ( ) 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 7.8. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 9. 10. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二Listen and circle. (听录音,圈出听到的内容)10分1.hello hi 2. eye ear 3.four five 4. mouth mother 5.rubber ruler 6. blue brown

7.peach pizza 8. a tall boy a short girl 9.What’s this? It’s a tiger. What’s that? It’s a tiger. 10.Who’s he? He’s Danny. Who’s she? She’s Kitty. 三Listen and number. ( 听录音,根据听到的顺序编号)12分 1. ()()()()()()2.bear blue pencil book pear peach ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四Listen and choose ( 听录音,圈出正确的应答句)12分 1.Good morning Hello 2.It’s red. It’s cow. 3.Here you are. Thank you. 4.He is my father. She is my mother. 5.I can dance. Kitty can dance. 6.Yes, it’s a bear. No, it’s a bear. 五Listen and judge. (听录音,判断下列图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的用“√”表示,不符的用“×”表示)10分 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 六Listen and number. (听录音,为句子编号。) 6分


M1U1: green 绿色, yellow 黄色, blue 蓝色, purple 紫色, white 白色, pink 粉红色, orange桔黄色, brown 棕色, black 黑色,red 红色, grey 灰色, what colour 什么颜色, see 看见, beautiful 美丽的,rainbow 彩虹, shine 阳光,照射,shining 闪闪发光的, shiny, 发光的,发亮的, over there 在那边, outside 在外面, inside 在里面,window 窗, I 我, my 我的, you 你,你们, your 你的,你们的, he 他, his 他的, she 她, her 她的, it 它, its 它的, they 他们, their 他们的, colour 颜色, what colour 什么颜色, pear 梨, rabbit 兔子,butterfly 蝴蝶, butterflies 蝴蝶(复数), bird 鸟, apple 苹果, bag 书包, dog 狗, elephant 大象, five 五, girl 女孩, hand 手, insect 昆虫, jar 罐子, kite 风筝, lion 狮子, mouse 老鼠, net 网, orange 桔子, pig 猪, queen 女皇, rabbit 兔子, soup 汤, table 桌子, umbrella 伞, van 货车, window 窗, box 盒子, yellow 黄色, zebra 斑马, What colour is it ? It’s pink. 它是什么颜色?它是粉红色。 What colour are they ?They are yellow. 它们是什么颜色?它们是黄色。 What can you see ? I can see a butterfly. 你看到了什么?我看到了一只蝴蝶。 M1U2: watch 手表, bag 书包, soft 软的, hard 硬的, rough 粗糙的, smooth 光滑的, touch 摸, feel 感觉, open 打开, close 关上, tall 高的, short


沪教版(上海)牛津英语知识点汇总 Module1Unit1 一,核心词汇 1.first第一 2.second第二 3.third第三 4.fourth第四 5.fifith第五 6.sixth第六 7.party派对,聚会 8.begain 开始 9.bring带来10.wear穿着11.favourite最喜欢的 二,词组 1. at Peter’s birthday party在Peter的生日聚会上 2. on the 19th of September在9月19日 3.on Sunday在周日4.at two o’clock在两点5. in the afternoon在下午6. at night在晚上7. sb. be tired 某人很累8. my favourite color我最喜欢的颜色9. That sounds interesting.那听上去有趣10. I can’t wait!我等不及了!11. Happy Birthday!生日快乐12. Welcome to my party.欢迎来我的派对13. a pair of orange trousers一条橙色的裤子1 4. make a birthday invitation制作一张生日请帖1 5. make a hat制作一顶帽子1 6. have some fun过得高兴1 7. birthday present生日礼物 三,词汇解释 1.bring,take,carry辨析bring是指把人或物从别处带到说话人所在的地方。例如:Bring me some water, please.请给我取点水来。carry及物动词,“搬运,运送”,一般是指搬运较重的物品。例如:carry a box on one’s shoulder扛着箱子carry a baby on one’s back背着孩子“携带,带”例如:Almost every teacher carries a watch.差不多每位教师都带着一只表。I never carry much money about me.我身边不带许多钱。How many kilograms of luggage can I carry with me?我随身可以带多少公斤行李?take是指把人或物从说话人的地方带到别处去。例如:Take my box to my room.把我的箱子拿到房间去。 2. wear穿着表示一种状态;put on穿上是瞬间动作。 四.本课重点 本课重点学习疑问句when’s...?和日期表达法。When用来询问某件事什么时候发生,通常问的是某一天。它的回答是It’s on...。注意,what time也可用来询问时间,但它通常询问某一时刻。 五.课文学习 1.When is your birthday?It is on the 19th of September. when用作疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句,指“什么时候”。用来对时间进行提问。例如:⑴When will you come to see me?你什么时候要来看我?When are they going to visit the Great Wall? 他们打算什么时候去游览长城?⑵序数词在句中可作主语、宾语、定语和表语。The second is what I really need.第二个是我真正需要的。(作主语)He choose the second.他挑选了第二个。(作宾语)We are to carry out the first plan.我们将执行第一个计划。(作定语)She is the second in our class.在我们班她是第二名。(作表语)注意:序数词在使用时,通常前面要加定冠词the;但是如果序数词前出现不定冠词a或an时,则表示“再......”,“又......”。We'll go over it a second time.我们再念第二遍。⑶日期的写法可以采用基数词和序数词两种形式。例如:March 1也可以写成March 1st;May 29也可以写成May 29th。但是,日期的读法只能用序数词的形式。例如:October 31(October 31st)读作October(the)thirty-first


balloon n. 气球 ball n. 球 bag n. 书包;提包;袋子;口袋 autumn n. 秋天,秋季 apple n. 苹果 father n. 父亲 face n. 脸;面孔vt. 面向;面对 eye n. 眼睛 ear n. 耳朵;耳状物;听力,听觉 draw v. 绘画;绘制;拉,拖;提取(金钱) doll n. 玩偶,玩具娃娃 dance vi. 跳舞(过去式danced)n. 舞蹈;舞会 book n. 书;本子v. 预定,定(房间、车票等)Bicycle n. 自行车;两轮脚踏车 bean n. 豆,豆科植物 mother n. 母亲 mooncake n. (= moon cake)月饼 moon n. 月球;月光;月状物 melon n. (甜)瓜;瓜状物 me pron. 我(宾格) lemon n. 柠檬a. 柠檬色(味)的 leaf n. (树,菜)叶复数leaves jump n. 跳跃;跳v. 跳跃;惊起;猛扑 four num. 四 five num. 五 rubber n. 橡皮;橡胶;合成橡胶 read v. 读;朗读(过去式:read,过去分词:read pencil n. 铅笔 pen n. 钢笔,笔 pear n. 梨子,梨树;梨木 peach n. 桃子 orange n. 橘子,橙子,橘汁a. 橘色的,橙色的 one pron. 一(个,只...);某一num. 一;一个adj. 某一nose n. 鼻2014/5/26 14:36:34 删除 mouth n. 嘴,口 write v. 写,书写;写作,著述(过去式wrote) two num. 二2014/5/26 14:37:35 删除 three num. 三2014/5/26 14:37:32 删除 taro n. 芋头2014/5/26 14:37:30 删除 swing vt. 挥舞,摆动v. 转向n. 秋千 slide n. 幻灯片,滑道;滑梯v. 滑行,滑动 six num. 六2014/5/26 14:37:10 删除 sister n. 姐;妹2014/5/26 14:37:08 删除 sing v. 唱,唱歌(过去式sang) ruler n. 统治者;支配者;尺;直尺


沪教版牛津上海小学小升初英语阅读理解及答案 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读短文,判断下列句子正误 Lu Ban was a famous craftsman in China a long time ago. His father was a craftsman, too. He usually worked with his father and learned a lot from him. One day he worked on a mountain. His hand was hurt by a leaf. He found many teeth on the leaf and the teeth were very sharp. He thought he could make a tool with teeth to cut things quickly. That was a saw. People still use the tool today. (1)Lu Ban is a famous craftsman today. (2)Lu Ban's father's hand was hurt by a leaf one day. (3)Lu Ban found many sharp teeth on the leaf. (4)People still use the saw today. 【答案】(1)0 (2)0 (3)1 (4)1 【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了鲁班怎样发明锯的故事。 (1)句意:鲁班是当今著名的工匠。根据Lu Ban was a famous craftsman in China a long time ago. 可知鲁班很久以前是中国著名的工匠,故答案为错误。 (2)句意:鲁班父亲的手有一天被树叶弄伤了。根据One day he worked on a mountain. His hand was hurt by a leaf. 可知鲁班的手有一天被树叶弄伤了,故答案为错误。 (3)句意:鲁班在叶子上发现了许多尖牙。根据 He found many teeth on the leaf and the teeth were very sharp. 可知鲁班在叶子上发现了许多尖牙,故答案为正确。 (4)句意:今天人们仍在使用锯子。根据 People still use the tool today. 可知今天人们仍在使用锯子,故答案为正确。 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。 2.阅读理解我的好朋友是谁?读短文,圈出我的好朋友 This is my best friend. He is a boy. He is from the UK. He has no hair. He can speak English well and he can speak a little Chinese. He has no glasses. He is short. He looks very funny. 【答案】


Oxford English Book 1A Unit 1 the first period 一.教学说明 1.今天是小朋友进入小学的第一节英语课,所有的学生都表现出对英语的极大的好奇。作为一名英语教师,要通过充满知识和乐趣的课堂将 孩子们的好奇转换成对英语学习持久的兴趣和热情。 2.班级中的孩子来自不同的环境,有着完全不同的知识基础和认知能力。教师应主动地去了解学生,这对今后的教学工作十分重要。二.教学内容 1.认知内容:能听懂会说Good morning. –How do you do? –How are you?-Fine, thank you. –Hello! 等问候语。 2.能力要求:学会用-Good morning. –How do you do? –How are you?-Fine, thank you. –Hello! 来问候和交流。 3.情感态度:通过学生对本课问候句子的学习,培养学生讲文明的良好习惯。并鼓励学生用这些问候语与新同学交朋友,增进新生之间的了 解和友谊。 三.教学步骤

四、教学提示 1.媒体准备: 玩偶、响板、歌曲磁带 2.教学关注点: 本课中的句子例如:How are you ? Fine, thank you. 对于一些从来没有接触过英语的小朋友来说比较困难,为了解决这一问题,可从以下方面做努力。 1)注重学习的过程,为学生的学习铺好台阶; 2)在小朋友们喜欢的游戏、歌曲等活动中巩固句子; 3)多创设学生间的合作交流的机会,以缓解因差异造成的成效不一。3.资源分享: 九年义务教学课本3A有配套的歌曲:如 4. 设计思路: 1)这个单元中的歌曲对于一年级的小朋友而言学起来比较困难。而少量多次是分解难题的有效方法,因此可将这首歌的学习安排在本单元中的各课时中,让小朋友在几节课中,从感知到熟悉和学唱一步步的学习,这样学起来既轻松又有成效。 3)由于Let’s talk的内容适合刚入学的一年级新生,所以将这部分内容提前到第一课时来上。 5.教学反思:


Module1 Getting to know you Unit1 My birthday 生词: first second third fourth fifth sixth 音标: e e_e ee ea /i:/ she these bee sea me Chinese sweet read i y /i/ it drill easy happy this fish very early 语法: When is your birthday? It ’son the...of January/February/March/April/May/June/July/August/September/October/ November/December. Unit2 My way to school 生词: taxi underground zebra crossing traffic lights pavement 音标: e a ea /e/ bed any head pet many bread a /? / dad apple back black 语法 : How do you come to school? I come to school... Unit3 My future 生词: worker pilot farmer cook shop assistant 音标: /p/p pick map/t/t taste fruit /b/b book job/d/d date bad k kite work /k/c cook picnic ck clock duck /g/g game big 语法: What do you want to be? I want to be a/an...


上海版牛津英语一年级英语练习题 Class _______________ Name__________________ No ________________ 一、根据图片或单词,在字母框内圈出正确的内容 10% 1 b a g b e g f a t g 2 s m i n g s i n g l 3 f f e f a t h e r n 4 s t h i n t h a n n 5 t h o r t s h o r t 二、根据所给的图片,圈出正确的单词 30 % 1 nose mouth 2 nose ear 3 ruler rubber 4 book pencil 5 ear eye 6 pencil rubber 7 morning afternoon 8 ruler bag 9 eye ear 10 book pencil 三、圈出意义上不属于同一类的词 30% 1) rubber pencil face 2) morning mouth afternoon 3) ear ruler nose 4) book eye pencil 5) Kitty Alice Eddie 6) dance read book 7) fat sing tall 8) mother father mouth 9) draw short thin 10)grandfather grandmother Eddie

四、根据数字,圈出图片的数量 15% 1 six 2 eight 3 four 4 seven 5 three 五、根据图片内容,勾出正确的句子 16% 1 () What can you do? I can draw. () What can she do? She can dance. 2 () Who’s she? She’s my grandmother. () Who’s she? She’s my mother. 3 () This is my friend. She’s thin. () This is my friend. He’s fat. 4 () Tall girl, Short girl, I can see. () Tall boy, Short boy, I can see. 5 () I can draw a flower. () I can draw flowers. 6 () How many books? One. () How many pencils? One. 7 () I can see three rabbits. () I can see two rubbers. 8 () Four rulers. () Five rulers.


尚智小学15--16学年度第一学期一年级英语随堂测试卷班级姓名分数 (一)听力部分(30分) 一、听一听,按听到的顺序给下图标号。(5分) ()()()()() 二、听音连线。(5分) 1.May a melon 2.Tom a mooncake 3.Bill an apple 4.Mary a orange 5.Sam a taro 三、听一听,圈出你所听到的单词。(10分) 1. lemon melon 2. pear bear 3. leaf leaves 4. orange apple 5. peach banana 四、在与所听到的内容一致的图片下画“√”,不一致的图片下画“×”。(10分) 1. 2. 3. 4. ()()()() (二)笔试部分(70分) 一、看图圈出正确的单词。(10分) 1.bean pen 2. moon mooncake 3.cake kite 4. leaf taro 5.leaf leg 二、读问句选答语。(10分) () 1. How are you ? A. I am 5 years old. B. Fine, thank you. ()2. Good morning ! A. Good morning! B. Hello! 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

( )3. What’s your name? A. I love you. B. My name is May. ( )4. What do you like to eat? A. I like to eat orange. B. Ok. ()5. How old are you? A. I am 6 years old. B. Sit down ,please. 三、读句子,与图片连线。(10分) 1. Eat a mooncake. 2. Feel the apple. 3. Eat a melon. 4. I have a leaf. 5. This is a moon. 四、读句子,选出正确的译文。(10分) ()1. 你有一个蛋糕。 ()2. 我有一片叶子。 ()3. 摸一摸苹果。 ()4. 我爱吃月饼。 ()5. 洗洗你的手。五、圈出前面所给的单词。(15分) 1. moon 2. pear 3. taro 4. leaf 5. melon 六、根据所给的单词,画出它的样子。(15分) moon cake orange 重庆大学本科 学生毕业设计 蔬菜电子商务可行性 a m o o n b c p e a r c d f b h t a r o u u j l e a f x y e m e l o n A. I have a leaf. B. Feel the apple. C. Wash your hands. D. You have a cake. E. I like to eat mooncakes. 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


沪教版牛津上海六年级上册英语阅读题及答案 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解并选择正确答案。 Ben is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week. He wants to give some presents to them. Yesterday he went shopping with his parents. In the shop, he bought a blue sweater and black trousers for his grandfather and some good books for his grandmother. Both his parents thought they were very good presents. Ben was very happy. (1)Where are Ben's grandparents? A. In London B. In New York C. In Beijing (2)What did Ben do yesterday? A. He visited his grandparents. B. He went shopping with his friends. C. He went shopping with his parents. (3)How many people went shopping yesterday? A. One B. Two C. Three (4)He bought _____ for his grandmother. A. black trousers B. some books C. blue sweater (5)When is Ben going to visit his grandparents? A. Tomorrow B. Next week C. Yesterday 【答案】(1)B (2)C (3)C (4)B (5)B 【解析】【分析】文章大意:描述Ben打算探望祖父母的事情。 (1)根据 Ben is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week.可知他的祖父母住在纽约,故选B。 (2)根据Yesterday he went shopping with his parents.可知昨天他和父母去购物了。故选C。 (3)根据Yesterday he went shopping with his parents. In the shop可知三个人去购物了,故选C。 (4)根据In the shop, he bought a blue sweater and black trousers for his grandfather and some good books for his grandmother. 可知他给祖母买了一些书,故选B。 (5)根据Ben is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week. 可知他打算下周去看望祖父母,故选B。 【点评】考查对篇章的把握和细节的辨别能力。答题时,紧扣文章中的关键词,做出正确选择。 2.阅读理解阅读短文,判断正误 Long, long ago there lived a king. He was very old and he


牛津上海版一年级第二学期英语 Module 1 Using my five senses (1)look and see 单词:frog rabbit bee bird One, two, three, I am a bee. Four, five, I am a bird. Six, seven, eight, I am a rabbit. Nine, ten, I am a frog. What do you see? I see a panda. I see a bear. I see a tiger. I see a monkey. Hi, kitty. What do you see? I see a frog. What colour is it? It’s green. What do you see? I see … What colour is it? It’s … (2)listen and hear What do you hear? I hear … What do you hear? Oink …Oink …I hear a pig. What do you hear? Quack …Quack …I hear a duck. 单词:sheep hen dog cat What do you hear? Oink …Oink …I hear a pig.

Oh, it’s you, Danny. Ha! Ha! (3) taste and smell 单词:rice soup egg noodles taste smell Taste the noodles, Tom. Yummy. Yummy. Smell the soup, Alice. It’s nice. Can I help you? Soup, please. Here you are. Thank you. Taste it, please. Hmm …Yummy. Yummy. Danny, stand up. Alice, touch you nose. Kitty, smell the flower. Smell the egg. Smell the rice. Egg and rice, Nice, nice, nice. Taste the soup. Taste the noodles. Soup and noodles, Yummy, yummy, yummy.


上海牛津英语六年级上下册全知识点梳理 频度副词 always/sometimes/usually/never 是频度副词,提问应该要用How often…? 在句中的位置是:放在行为动词的前面,放在be动词的后面。也可以说“行前系后”。 E.g She is always kind.她总是很善良的。 She always helps other people.她总是帮助其他人。 不能出现这样的句子:She is always helps other people.(×) 一句话中不能同时出现两个动词。并且要注意主谓保持一致,尤其注意第三人称单数不可以忽略。 how often 与how many times how often 提问“频率次数+时间范围” how many times 提问“频率次数” e.g. —How often do you exercise? —Twice a week. —How many times have you been there? —Twice. 副词 表示动作特征或性状特征。一般用来形容或修饰除了名词和代词以外的词,主要修饰形容词、动词、其他副词和句子。 He looks very happy.(修饰形容词) The old lady is walking slowly now.(修饰动词) Luckily, he got the first prize.(修饰句子) 形容词后面+ly构成副词: slow—slowly slight—slightly quick—quickly careful—carefully fierce—fiercely immediate—immediately gentle—gently lucky—luckily happy—happily 介词 What else do you do with your…?你和你的…还干什么? With是个介词,后面接人称代词时,要用宾格的形式。 With me/him/her/it/us /them 在具体的某一楼层只能用介词on,并且第几层还要用序数词 On the ground floor, on the first floor, on the fifteenth floor


牛津英语1B-Module1-1 Module 1 模块1 Using my five senses 使用我的五官 Unit 1 Look and see Look and learn frog 青蛙 rabbit 兔子 bee 蜜蜂 bird 鸟 Listen and enjoy One,two,three,I am a bee 一,二,三,我是一只蜜蜂Four,five,I am a bird .四,五,我是一只鸟. Six,seven,eight,I am a rabbit 六七八,我是一只兔子Nine,ten,I am a frog. 九,十,我是一只青蛙. Look and say What do you see? 你看见了什么? I see... 我看见... What do you see? 你看见了什么? I see a panda. 我看见一只熊猫. I see a bear. 我看见一只熊. I see a tiger. 我看见一只老虎. I see a monkey. 我看见一只猴子. Ask and answer 1 Hi,Kitty. 嗨,基蒂. What do you see? 你看见了什么? I see a frog. 我看见一只青蛙.

What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的? It's green. 绿色的. 牛津英语1B-Module1-2 Module 1 模块1 Using my five senses 使用我的五官 Unit 2 Listen and hear Look and say What do you hear? 你听到了什么? I hear... 我听到... 1 Oink...Oink... 哼...哼... What do you hear? 你听到了什么? I hear a pig. 我听到一只猪叫. 2 Quack...Quack... 呷...呷... What do you hear? 你听到了什么? I hear a duck. 我听到了一只鸭子叫. Look and learn sheep 羊 hen 母鸡 dog 狗 cat 猫 Say and act At home 在家 1 Oink...Oink... 哼...哼.... What do you hear,Alice? 你听到了什么,艾丽丝? I hear a pig. 我听到一只猪叫. 2 Oh,it's you,Danny. 哦,是你,丹尼.


1. afternoon['a:ft?'nu:n]下午 2. book[buk]书 3. ear[i?]耳朵 4. eye[ai]眼睛 5. face[feis]面孔,脸 6. morning['m?:ni?]早晨 7. mouth[mauθ]嘴 8. nose[n?uz]鼻子 9. pencil['pensl]铅笔 10. rubber['r?b?]橡皮 11. ruler['ru:l?]尺子 12. dance['da:ns]跳舞 13. draw[dr?:]画画 14. fat[f?t]胖的 15. father['fa:e?]父亲 16. grandfather['gr?nd?fa:e?]爷爷 17. grandmother['gr?nd?m?e?]奶奶 18. me[mi:?mi]我(宾格) 19. mother['m?e?]母亲 20. read[ri:d]读 21. short[??:t]短的 22. sing[si?]唱

23. tall[t?:l]高的 24. thin[θin]瘦的 25. apple['?pl]苹果 26. cake[keik]蛋糕 27. five[faiv]五 28. four[f?:]四 29. hamburger['h?mb?:g?]汉堡包 30. one[w?n]一 31. orange['?rind?]橘子 32. peach[pi:t?]桃子 33. pear[p??]梨子 34. pie[pai]甜馅饼 35. pizza['pi:ts?]比萨饼 36. six[siks]六 37. three[θri:]三 38. two[tu:]二 39. bear[b??]熊 40. blue[blu:]蓝色 41. chick[t?ik]小鸡 42. cow[kau]母牛 43. duck[d?k]鸭子 44. green[gri:n]绿色的

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