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Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Modular Industrial Robots by Utilizing High Level CAD Templates


In the design of complex and tightly integrated engineering products, it is essential to be able to handle interactions between different subsystems of multidisciplinary nature [1]. To achieve an optimal design, a product must be treated as a complete system instead of developing subsystems independently [2]. MDO has been established as a convincing concurrent design optimization technique in development of such complex products [3,4].

Furthermore, it has been pointed out that, regardless of discipline, basically all analyses require information that has to be extracted from a geometry model [5]. Hence, according to Bow-cutt [1], in order to enable integrated design analysis and optimization it is of vital importance to be able to integrate an automated parametric geometry generation system into the design framework. The automated geometry generation is a key enabler for so-called geometry-in-the-loop[6] multidisciplinary design frameworks, where the CAD geometries can serve as framework integrators for other engineering tools.

To eliminate noncreative work, methods for creation and automatic generation of HLCt have been suggested by Tarkian [7].The principle of high HLCts is similar to high level primitives(HLP) suggested by La Rocca and van Tooren [8], with the exception that HLCts are created and utilized in a CAD environment.Otherwise, the basics of both HLP and HLCt can, as suggested byLa Rocca, be compared to parametric LEGOV Rblocks containing a set of design and analysis parameters. These are produced and stored in libraries, giving engineers or a computer agent the possibility to first topologically select the templates and then modify the morphology, meaning the

shape,of each template parametrically.

2、Multidisciplinary Design Framework

MDO is a “systematic approach to design space exploration”[17], the implementation of which allows the designer to map the interdisciplinary relations that exist in a system. In this work, the MDO framework consists of a geometry model, a finite element(FE) model, a dynamic model and a basic cost model. The geometry model provides the analysis tools with geometric input. The dynamic model requires mass properties such as mass, center of gravity, and inertia. The FE model needs the meshed geometry of the robot as well as the force and torque interactions based on results of dynamic simulations.

High fidelity models require an extensive evaluation time which has be taken into account. This shortcoming is addressed by applying surrogate models for the FE and the CAD models. The models are briefly presented below. 2.1 High Level CAD Template—Geometry Model

Traditionally, parametric CAD is mainly focused on morphological modifications of the geometry. However, there is a limit to morphological parameterization as follows:

?The geometries cannot be radically modified.

?Increased geometric complexity greatly increases parameterization complexity.

The geometry model of the robot is generated with presaved HLCts, created in CATIA V5. These are topologically instantiated with unique internal design variables. Topological parameterization allows deletion, modification, and addition of geometricelements which leads to a much greater design space captured.Three types of HLCts are used to define the industrial robot topologically; Datum HLCt which includes wireframe references required for placement for the Actuator HLCTs and Structure HLCts, as seen Fig.2.

Fig. 2 An industrial robot (left) and a modular industrial robot(right) The names of the references that must be provided for each HLCt instantiation are stored in the knowledge base (see Appen-dix A.4), which is searched through by the inference engine. In Appendix A, pseudocode examples describes how the references are retrieved and how they are stored in the knowledge base.

The process starts by the user defining the number of degrees of freedom (DOF) of the robot (see Fig. 3) and is repeated until the number of axis (i) is equal to the user defined DOF.In order to instantiate the first Structure HLCt, two Datum and two actuator instances are needed. References from the two Datum instances help orienting the structure in space, while the geometries of the actuator instances, at both ends of the link, are used to construct the actuator attachments, as seen in Figs. 2 and 3. For the remaining links, only one new instance of both datum and actuator HLCts are required, since the datum and actuator instances from adjacent links are already available.Appendix A.2 shows a pseudocode example of an instantiation function. The first instantiated datum HLCt is defined with reference to the absolute coordinate system. The remaining datum HLCt instances are placed in a sequential order, where the coordinate system of previous instances is used as reference for defining the position in space according to user inputs (see also AppendixA.3). Furthermore, the type of each actuator and structure instance is user defined.

Fig. 3 The high level CAD template instantiation process Since it is possible to create new HLCts in the utilized CAD tool, the users are not forced to merely choose from the templates available. New HLCts can be created, placed in the database and parametrically inserted into the models.

2.2 Dynamic Model

The objective of performing dynamic simulation of a robot is to evaluate system performance, such as predicting acceleration and time performance, but it also yields loads on each actuated axis, needed for actuator lifetime calculations and subsequent stress analysis based on FE calculations. The

dynamic model in the outlined framework is developed in Modelica using Dymola, and it constitutes a seven-axis robot arm based on the Modelica Standard library [18].

The dynamic model receives input from the geometry model,as well as providing output to the FE model, which is further described in Sec. 2.3. However, to better understand the couplings between the models, the Newton –Euler formulation will be briefly discussed. In this formulation, the link velocities and acceleration are iteratively computed, forward recursively

When the kinematic properties are computed, the force and torque interactions between the links are computed backward recursively from the last to the first link

2.3 FE Surrogate Model

To compute the structural strength of the robot, FE models for each robot link is created utilizing CATIA V5, see Fig. 4. For each HLCt, mesh and boundary conditions are manually preprocessed in order to allow for subsequent automation for FE-model creation. The time spent on preprocessing each FE-model is thus extensive. Nonetheless, the obtained parametric FE-model paves way for automated evaluation of a wide span of concepts. Each robot link is evaluated separately with the load conditions extracted from the dynamic

model. The force (f

i-11and f


) and torque (?


and t


) are applied on the surfaces

where the actuators are attached.

2.4 Geometric Surrogate Models.

Surrogate models are numerically efficient models to determine the relation between inputs and o utputs of a model [19]. The input variables for the proposed application are the morphological variables thickness and link height as well as a topological variable actuator type. The outputs of the surrogate models are mass m, Inertia I, and center of gravity ri,ci.

To identify the most suitable type of surrogate model for the outlined problem, a range of surrogate models types are created and evaluated using 50 samples. The precision of each surrogate model is compared with the values of the original model with 20 new samples. The comparison is made using the relative average absolute error (RAAE) and relative maximum absolute error (RMAE) as specified by Shan et al. [20], as well as the normalized root mean square error (NRMSE), calculated as seen in Eq. (3). All precision metrics are desired to be as low as possible, since low values mean that the surrogate model is accurate

The resulting precision metrics can be seen in Appendix B and the general conclusion is that anisotropic kriging [21], neural networks [22], and radial

basis functions [23] are the most promising surrogate models. To investigate the impact of increasing number of samples, additional surrogate models of those three are fitted using 100 samples, and the results compiled in Appendix B. The resulting NRMSEs for 50 and 100 samples for anistotropic kriging, neural networks, and radial basis functions can be seen in Fig.5. The figures inside the parentheses indicate the number of samples used to fit the surrogate models.

Fig. 5 Graph of the NRMSEs for different surrogate models,

fitted using 50 and 100 samples

According to Fig. 5, anisotropic kriging outperforms the other surrogate models and the doubling of the number of samples usedfor fitting the surrogate model increases the precision dramatically.

2.5 FE Surrogate Models

For generating FE surrogate models, the anisotropic kriging was also proven to be the most accurate compared to the methods evaluated in Sec. 2.4. Here, one surrogate model is created for each link. Inputs are thickness,

actuators, force (f

i-11and f


) and torque (?


and t


). The output for each

surrogate model is maximum stress (MS).A mean error of approximately 9% is reached when running 1400 samples for each link. The reason for the vast number of samples, compared to geometry surrogate models, has to do with a much larger design space.



1 介绍



消除没有创新的工作,Tarkian已经提出了创造和生成HLCt的方法。高HLCts 的原理类似于La Rocca 和van Tooren提出的高水平的原始(HLP),例外的是,HLCts 是在CAD的环境中被创造和应用的。此外,HLP 和 HLCt的基础被比作参数LEGOVR 块包含一个组设计和分析参数。这些都是生产和存储在库中,使工程师或计算机代理可能首先选择模板,然后修改形态、意义的形状,每个模板参数化。

2 多学科设计框架







几何模型的机器人与presaved生成HLCts,创建在CATIA V5。这些是拓扑实例化与独特的内部设计变量。拓扑参数化允许删除,修改和添加导致获得一个更大的设计空间的几何元素。三种类型的HLCts用于定义工业机器人拓扑;基准HLCt包括需要的执行机构HLCTs位置和结构HLCTs的线框引用,见图。












为计算机器人的结构强度,有限元模型创建每个机器人链接利用CATIA V5,见图4。





为概述问题确定最适合的代替模型,一系列代替模型被建立,并且使用50个样本来评估。每一个代替模型是与原始模型的数值和20个新样本作比较的。比较是通过使用相对平均绝对误差(RAAE)和相对最大绝对误差(RMAE)所指定的山et al。[20],以及归一化均方根误差(NRMSE)来确定的,,计算见Eq。(3)


结果精度指标中可以看出附录B和总的结论是各向异性克里格[21],神经网络[22],径向基函数[23]是最有前途的替代模型。对于日益增加的样本的调查影响,那三个附加的代替模型使用100个样本是合适的,结果编译在附录B。由此产生的NRMSEs 50和100个样本作为各向异性克里格,神经网络和径向基函数,如图5。



为了生成有限元替代模型,各向异性克里格与2.4的评估方法相比被证明是为准确的。在这里, 为每个链接的一个代理模型被创建。输入厚度、致动器、力(fi1和fit1)和转矩(si1和sit1)。输出为每个代理模型是最大应力(MS)。



前言 在目前激烈的市场竞争中,产品投入市场的迟早往往是成败的关键。模具是高质量、高效率的产品生产工具,模具开发周期占整个产品开发周期的主要部分。因此客户对模具开发周期要求越来越短,不少客户把模具的交货期放在第一位置,然后才是质量和价格。因此,如何在保证质量、控制成本的前提下加工模具是值得认真考虑的问题。模具加工工艺是一项先进的制造工艺,已成为重要发展方向,在航空航天、汽车、机械等各行业得到越来越广泛的应用。模具加工技术,可以提高制造业的综合效益和竞争力。研究和建立模具工艺数据库,为生产企业提供迫切需要的高速切削加工数据,对推广高速切削加工技术具有非常重要的意义。本文的主要目标就是构建一个冲压模具工艺过程,将模具制造企业在实际生产中结合刀具、工件、机床与企业自身的实际情况积累得高速切削加工实例、工艺参数和经验等数据有选择地存储到高速切削数据库中,不但可以节省大量的人力、物力、财力,而且可以指导高速加工生产实践,达到提高加工效率,降低刀具费用,获得更高的经济效益。 1.冲压的概念、特点及应用 冲压是利用安装在冲压设备(主要是压力机)上的模具对材料施加压力,使其产生分离或塑性变形,从而获得所需零件(俗称冲压或冲压件)的一种压力加工方法。冲压通常是在常温下对材料进行冷变形加工,且主要采用板料来加工成所需零件,所以也叫冷冲压或板料冲压。冲压是材料压力加工或塑性加工的主要方法之一,隶属于材料成型工程术。 冲压所使用的模具称为冲压模具,简称冲模。冲模是将材料(金属或非金属)批量加工成所需冲件的专用工具。冲模在冲压中至关重要,没有符合要求的冲模,批量冲压生产就难以进行;没有先进的冲模,先进的冲压工艺就无法实现。冲压工艺与模具、冲压设备和冲压材料构成冲压加工的三要素,只有它们相互结合才能得出冲压件。 与机械加工及塑性加工的其它方法相比,冲压加工无论在技术方面还是经济方面都具有许多独特的优点,主要表现如下; (1) 冲压加工的生产效率高,且操作方便,易于实现机械化与自动化。这是


机械设计 摘要:机器是由机械装置和其它组件组成的。它是一种用来转换或传递能量的装置,例如:发动机、涡轮机、车辆、起重机、印刷机、洗衣机、照相机和摄影机等。许多原则和设计方法不但适用于机器的设计,也适用于非机器的设计。术语中的“机械装置设计”的含义要比“机械设计”的含义更为广泛一些,机械装置设计包括机械设计。在分析运动及设计结构时,要把产品外型以及以后的保养也要考虑在机械设计中。在机械工程领域中,以及其它工程领域中,所有这些都需要机械设备,比如:开关、凸轮、阀门、船舶以及搅拌机等。 关键词:设计流程设计规则机械设计 设计流程 设计开始之前就要想到机器的实际性,现存的机器需要在耐用性、效率、重量、速度,或者成本上得到改善。新的机器必需具有以前机器所能执行的功能。 在设计的初始阶段,应该允许设计人员充分发挥创造性,不要受到任何约束。即使产生了许多不切实际的想法,也会在设计的早期,即在绘制图纸之前被改正掉。只有这样,才不致于阻断创新的思路。通常,还要提出几套设计方案,然后加以比较。很有可能在这个计划最后决定中,使用了某些不在计划之内的一些设想。 一般的当外型特点和组件部分的尺寸特点分析得透彻时,就可以全面的设计和分析。接着还要客观的分析机器性能的优越性,以及它的安全、重量、耐用性,并且竞争力的成本也要考虑在分析结果之内。每一个至关重要的部分要优化它的比例和尺寸,同时也要保持与其它组成部分相协调。 也要选择原材料和处理原材料的方法。通过力学原理来分析和实现这些重要的特性,如那些静态反应的能量和摩擦力的最佳利用,像动力惯性、加速动力和能量;包括弹性材料的强度、应力和刚度等材料的物理特性,以及流体润滑和驱动器的流体力学。设计的过程是重复和合作的过程,无论是正式或非正式的进行,对设计者来说每个阶段都很重要。 最后,以图样为设计的标准,并建立将来的模型。如果它的测试是符合事先要


译文资料: 机器人 首先我介绍一下机器人产生的背景,机器人技术的发展,它应该说是一个科学技术发展共同的一个综合性的结果,同时,为社会经济发展产生了一个重大影响的一门科学技术,它的发展归功于在第二次世界大战中各国加强了经济的投入,就加强了本国的经济的发展。另一方面它也是生产力发展的需求的必然结果,也是人类自身发展的必然结果,那么随着人类的发展,人们在不断探讨自然过程中,在认识和改造自然过程中,需要能够解放人的一种奴隶。那么这种奴隶就是代替人们去能够从事复杂和繁重的体力劳动,实现人们对不可达世界的认识和改造,这也是人们在科技发展过程中的一个客观需要。 机器人有三个发展阶段,那么也就是说,我们习惯于把机器人分成三类,一种是第一代机器人,那么也叫示教再现型机器人,它是通过一个计算机,来控制一个多自由度的一个机械,通过示教存储程序和信息,工作时把信息读取出来,然后发出指令,这样的话机器人可以重复的根据人当时示教的结果,再现出这种动作,比方说汽车的点焊机器人,它只要把这个点焊的过程示教完以后,它总是重复这样一种工作,它对于外界的环境没有感知,这个力操作力的大小,这个工件存在不存在,焊的好与坏,它并不知道,那么实际上这种从第一代机器人,也就存在它这种缺陷,因此,在20世纪70年代后期,人们开始研究第二代机器人,叫带感觉的机器人,这种带感觉的机器人是类似人在某种功能的感觉,比如说力觉、触觉、滑觉、视觉、听觉和人进行相类比,有了各种各样的感觉,比方说在机器人抓一个物体的时候,它实际上力的大小能感觉出来,它能够通过视觉,能够去感受和识别它的形状、大小、颜色。抓一个鸡蛋,它能通过一个触觉,知道它的力的大小和滑动的情况。第三代机器人,也是我们机器人学中一个理想的所追求的最高级的阶段,叫智能机器人,那么只要告诉它做什么,不用告诉它怎么去做,它就能完成运动,感知思维和人机通讯的这种功能和机能,那么这个目前的发展还是相对的只是在局部有这种智能的概念和含义,但真正完整意义的这种智能机器人实际上并没有存在,而只是随着我们不断的科学技术的发展,智能的概念越来越丰富,它内涵越来越宽。 下面我简单介绍一下我国机器人发展的基本概况。由于我们国家存在很多其


附:外文翻译 外文原文: Fundamentals of Mechanical Design Mechanical design means the design of things and systems of a mechanical nature—machines, products, structures, devices, and instruments. For the most part mechanical design utilizes mathematics, the materials sciences, and the engineering-mechanics sciences. The total design process is of interest to us. How does it begin? Does the engineer simply sit down at his desk with a blank sheet of paper? And, as he jots down some ideas, what happens next? What factors influence or control the decisions which have to be made? Finally, then, how does this design process end? Sometimes, but not always, design begins when an engineer recognizes a need and decides to do something about it. Recognition of the need and phrasing it in so many words often constitute a highly creative act because the need may be only a vague discontent, a feeling of uneasiness, of a sensing that something is not right. The need is usually not evident at all. For example, the need to do something about a food-packaging machine may be indicated by the noise level, by the variations in package weight, and by slight but perceptible variations in the quality of the packaging or wrap. There is a distinct difference between the statement of the need and the identification of the problem. Which follows this statement? The problem is more specific. If the need is for cleaner air, the problem might be that of reducing the dust discharge from power-plant stacks, or reducing the quantity of irritants from automotive exhausts. Definition of the problem must include all the specifications for the thing that is to be designed. The specifications are the input and output quantities, the characteristics of the space the thing must occupy and all the limitations on t hese quantities. We can regard the thing to be designed as something in a black box. In this case we must specify the inputs and outputs of the box together with their characteristics and limitations. The specifications define the cost, the number to be manufactured, the expected life, the range, the operating temperature, and the reliability. There are many implied specifications which result either from the designer's particular environment or from the nature of the problem itself. The manufacturing processes which are available, together with the facilities of a certain plant, constitute restrictions on a designer's freedom, and hence are a part of the implied specifications. A small plant, for instance, may not own cold-working machinery. Knowing this, the designer selects other metal-processing methods which can be performed in the plant. The labor skills available and the competitive situation also constitute implied specifications. After the problem has been defined and a set of written and implied specifications has been obtained, the next step in design is the synthesis of an optimum solution. Now synthesis cannot take place without both analysis and optimization because the system under design must be analyzed to determine whether the performance complies with the specifications. The design is an iterative process in which we proceed through several steps, evaluate the results, and then return to an earlier phase of the procedure. Thus we may synthesize several components of a system, analyze and optimize them, and return to synthesis to see what effect this has on the remaining parts of the system. Both analysis and optimization require that we construct or devise abstract models of the system which will admit some form of mathematical analysis. We call these models


机械外文文献翻译 Overall position of Agricultural Mechanization in Turkey Agricultural equipment and machinery are the indispensable part of agricultural activities. If these instruments, which are used in various stages of production, are not used properly, there may be some problems. So, how can we use them properly ? As the proverb goes, “It is the want of care that makes the field bare”. They return the money and efforts invested in them if they are maintained well. Ploughs, which were being used in our country up until recently, resemble those ploughs of the various tribes that lived in Anatolia long time ago. It is because one society gets use of societies that lived before. Some of the black ploughs that were being used up until recently resemble the ploughs that had been used in the ancient Rome. The first agricultural school was established in the Ottoman Empire in 1846. The first domestic heavy ploughs was manufactured i n Izmir 90 years ago, and tractor was introduced 80 years ago. However, it was only the foundation of the Republic that the tractor began to be used in agricultural activities. Agricultural mobilization began with modern agricultural practices in the Atatürk Forest Farm, which was founded by the Great Atatürk. Use of modern agricultura l equipment was encouraged,


外文翻译 英文原文 Belt Conveying Systems Development of driving system Among the methods of material conveying employed,belt conveyors play a very important part in the reliable carrying of material over long distances at competitive cost.Conveyor systems have become larger and more complex and drive systems have also been going through a process of evolution and will continue to do so.Nowadays,bigger belts require more power and have brought the need for larger individual drives as well as multiple drives such as 3 drives of 750 kW for one belt(this is the case for the conveyor drives in Chengzhuang Mine).The ability to control drive acceleration torque is critical to belt conveyors’performance.An efficient drive system should be able to provide smooth,soft starts while maintaining belt tensions within the specified safe limits.For load sharing on multiple drives.torque and speed control are also important considerations in the drive system’s design. Due to the advances in conveyor drive control technology,at present many more reliable.Cost-effective and performance-driven conveyor drive systems covering a wide range of power are available for customers’ choices[1]. 1 Analysis on conveyor drive technologies 1.1 Direct drives Full-voltage starters.With a full-voltage starter design,the conveyor head shaft is direct-coupled to the motor through the gear drive.Direct full-voltage starters are adequate for relatively low-power, simple-profile conveyors.With direct fu11-voltage starters.no control is provided for various conveyor loads and.depending on the ratio between fu11-and no-1oad power requirements,empty starting times can be three or four times faster than full load.The maintenance-free starting system is simple,low-cost and very reliable.However, they cannot control starting torque and maximum stall torque;therefore.they are


人工智能的形成及其发展现状分析 冯海东 (长江大学管理学院荆州434023) 摘要:人工智能的历史并不久远,故将从人工智能的出现、形成、发展现 状及前景几个方面对其进行分析,总结其发展过程中所出现的问题,以及发展现状中的不足之处,分析其今后的发展方向。 关键词:人工智能,发展过程,现状分析,前景。 一.引言 人工智能最早是在1936年被英国的科学家图灵提出,并不为多数人所认知。 当时,他编写了一个下象棋的程序,这就是最早期的人工智能的应用。也有著名的“图灵测试”,这也是最初判断是否是人工智能的方案,因此,图灵被尊称为“人工智能之父”。人工智能从产生到发展经历了一个起伏跌宕的过程,直到目前为止,人工智能的应用技术也不是很成熟,而且存在相当的缺陷。 通过搜集的资料,将详细的介绍人工智能这个领域的具体情况,剖析其面临的挑战和未来的前景。 二.人工智能的发展历程 1. 1956年前的孕育期 (1) 从公元前伟大的哲学家亚里斯多德(Aristotle)到16世纪英国哲学家培根(F. Bacon),他们提出的形式逻辑的三段论、归纳法以及“知识就是力量”的警句,都对人类思维过程的研究产生了重要影响。 (2)17世纪德国数学家莱布尼兹(G..Leibniz)提出了万能符号和推理计算思想,为数理逻辑的产生和发展奠定了基础,播下了现代机器思维设计思想的种子。而19世纪的英国逻辑学家布尔(G. Boole)创立的布尔代数,实现了用符号语言描述人类思维活动的基本推理法则。 (3) 20世纪30年代迅速发展的数学逻辑和关于计算的新思想,使人们在计算机出现之前,就建立了计算与智能关系的概念。被誉为人工智能之父的英国天才的数学家图灵(A. Tur-ing)在1936年提出了一种理想计算机的数学模型,即图灵机之后,1946年就由美国数学家莫克利(J. Mauchly)和埃柯特(J. Echert)研制出了世界上第一台数字计算机,它为人工智能的研究奠定了不可缺少的物质基础。1950年图灵又发表了“计算机与智能”的论文,提出了著名的“图灵测试”,形象地指出什么是人工智能以及机器具有智能的标准,对人工智能的发展产生了极其深远的影响。 (4) 1934年美国神经生理学家麦克洛奇(W. McCulloch) 和匹兹(W. Pitts )建立了第一个神经网络模型,为以后的人工神经网络研究奠定了基础。 2. 1956年至1969年的诞生发育期 (1)1956年夏季,麻省理工学院(MIT)的麦卡锡(J.McCarthy)、明斯基(M. Minshy)、塞尔夫里奇(O. Selfridge)与索罗门夫(R. Solomonff)、 IBM的洛

Manufacturing Engineering and Technology(机械类英文文献+翻译)

Manufacturing Engineering and Technology—Machining Serope kalpakjian;Steven R.Schmid 机械工业出版社2004年3月第1版 20.9 MACHINABILITY The machinability of a material usually defined in terms of four factors: 1、Surface finish and integrity of the machined part; 2、Tool life obtained; 3、Force and power requirements; 4、Chip control. Thus, good machinability good surface finish and integrity, long tool life, and low force And power requirements. As for chip control, long and thin (stringy) cured chips, if not broken up, can severely interfere with the cutting operation by becoming entangled in the cutting zone. Because of the complex nature of cutting operations, it is difficult to establish relationships that quantitatively define the machinability of a material. In manufacturing plants, tool life and surface roughness are generally considered to be the most important factors in machinability. Although not used much any more, approximate machinability ratings are available in the example below. 20.9.1 Machinability Of Steels Because steels are among the most important engineering materials (as noted in Chapter 5), their machinability has been studied extensively. The machinability of steels has been mainly improved by adding lead and sulfur to obtain so-called free-machining steels. Resulfurized and Rephosphorized steels. Sulfur in steels forms manganese sulfide inclusions (second-phase particles), which act as stress raisers in the primary shear zone. As a result, the chips produced break up easily and are small; this improves machinability. The size, shape, distribution, and concentration of these inclusions significantly influence machinability. Elements such as tellurium and selenium, which are both chemically similar to sulfur, act as inclusion modifiers in


. 轻型发动机设计方案 摘要: 在过去的一些年里,新一代汽车发动机燃油效率并不是像我们预料中的那样会有所降低。其原因:汽车重量的增加。通过对汽车发动机整车重量以及部分重量的分析知:曲轴箱作为一个单一部件具有潜在的可减少重量的部件,这篇论文讲述的是通过利用轻型材料和现代的设计手段减少发动机重量的方法。 将轻型材料应用于曲轴箱设计构思中包含着广泛的设计理念,这种设计理念就是尽最大可能利用被选材料所具有的可能性去减少汽车重量,以下我将详细的谈论关于直列式和V-型发动机特殊方法的构思,发动机重量减轻也可以利用中小型发动机来代替又大又重的发动机,现代技术以被应用于现存的发动机设计构思中从而增加发动机功率重量比,使发动机性能得到提高因此它的市场价值也得到提高。 新型轻型发动机设计方案中有一个重要方面就是与传统发动机设计理念相比要尽量减小发动机零部件数量,因为这样对于减少整车重量有着非常重要作用。 介绍: 汽车在生态方面和将来继续充当普通交通工具的要求已经显著提高尤其在美国和欧洲。通过合法的要求使那些有压力的顾客在这方面得到缓解。必需考虑到这样的事实,对于燃油的消耗,排放,回收在利用这些中心问题要有一个回应。 在过去的一些年里,汽车发动机的发展取的了进步,使发动机功率得到了显著的提高同时在降低发动机燃油消耗和排放方面已经付出巨大的努力。通过应用直喷,废气涡轮增压和多气门技术于柴油发动机中,使发动机的性能得到显著提高。 新车取代与在它之前所有具有相类似功能车时,其新车发动机工作效率的提高并不是通过对原有车的有效改进。整个交通工具工作效率停滞不前甚至降低的原因是在过去的十五年里增加了15%~20%的车辆(图1)。尽管轻型材料的使用不断增长以及设计者有意识的向轻型结构方面设计但是重量减轻却被其他方面所弥补。读者可以通过以下方面得知:多余的汽车外形 安全方面的改进


人工智能 【摘要】:人工智能是一门极富挑战性的科学,但也是一门边沿学科。它属于自然科学和社会科学的交叉。涉及的学科主要有哲学、认知科学、数学、神经生理学、心理学、计算机科学、信息论、控制论、不定性论、仿生学等。人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),英文缩写为AI。它是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。人工智能是计算机科学的一个分支,它企图了解智能的实质,并生产出一种新的能以人类智能相似的方式做出反应的智能机器,该领域的研究包括机器人、语言识别、图像识别、自然语言处理和专家系统等1。 【关键词】:人工智能;应用领域;发展方向;人工检索。 1.人工智能描述 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence) ,英文缩写为AI。它是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学2。人工智能是计 算机科学的一个分支,它企图了解智 能的实质,并生产出一种新的能以人 类智能相似的方式作出反应的智能 机器,该领域的研究包括机器人、语 言识别、图像识别、自然语言处理和 专家系统等。“人工智能”一词最初 是在1956 年Dartmouth学会上提出 的。从那以后,研究者们发展了众多 理论和原理,人工智能的概念也随之扩展。人工智能是一门极富挑战性的科学,从事这项工作的人必须懂得计算机知识,心理学和哲学。人工智能是包括十分广泛的科学,它由不同的领域组成,如机器学习,计算机视觉等等,总的说来,人工智能研究的一个主要目标是使机器能够胜任一些通常需要人类智能才能完成的复杂工作。但不同的时代、不同的人对这种“复杂工作”的理解是不同的。例如繁重的科学和工程计算本来是要人脑来承担的,现在计算机不但能完成这种计算, 而且能够比人脑做得更快、更准确,因之当代人已不再把这种计算看作是“需要人类智能才能完成的复 1.蔡自兴,徐光祐.人工智能及其应用.北京:清华大学出版社,2010 2元慧·议当人工智能的应用领域与发展状态〖J〗.2008


Automobile Brake System汽车制动系统 The braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes, the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes. Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake. The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The primary purpose of the brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake foot pedal or hand lever is set. The brake system is composed of the following basic components: the “master cylinder” which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the “slave cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme conditions, fills the system. “Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors” thus causing drag, which (hopefully) slows the c ar. The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder (Figure). Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against the rotating brake drum or disks at wheel. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel so that the car is braked.


沈阳工业大学工程学院 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 毕业设计(论文)题目:工具盒盖注塑模具设计 外文题目:Friction , Lubrication of Bearing 译文题目:轴承的摩擦与润滑 系(部):机械系 专业班级:机械设计制造及其自动化0801 学生姓名:王宝帅 指导教师:魏晓波 2010年10 月15 日

外文文献原文: Friction , Lubrication of Bearing In many of the problem thus far , the student has been asked to disregard or neglect friction . Actually , friction is present to some degree whenever two parts are in contact and move on each other. The term friction refers to the resistance of two or more parts to movement. Friction is harmful or valuable depending upon where it occurs. friction is necessary for fastening devices such as screws and rivets which depend upon friction to hold the fastener and the parts together. Belt drivers, brakes, and tires are additional applications where friction is necessary. The friction of moving parts in a machine is harmful because it reduces the mechanical advantage of the device. The heat produced by friction is lost energy because no work takes place. Also , greater power is required to overcome the increased friction. Heat is destructive in that it causes expansion. Expansion may cause a bearing or sliding surface to fit tighter. If a great enough pressure builds up because made from low temperature materials may melt. There are three types of friction which must be overcome in moving parts: (1)starting, (2)sliding, and(3)rolling. Starting friction is the friction between two solids that tend to resist movement. When two parts are at a state of rest, the surface irregularities of both parts tend to interlock and form a wedging action. To produce motion in these parts, the wedge-shaped peaks and valleys of the stationary surfaces must be made to slide out and over each other. The rougher the two surfaces, the greater is starting friction resulting from their movement . Since there is usually no fixed pattern between the peaks and valleys of two mating parts, the irregularities do not interlock once the parts are in motion but slide over each other. The friction of the two surfaces is known as sliding friction. As shown in figure ,starting friction is always greater than sliding friction . Rolling friction occurs when roller devces are subjected to tremendous stress which cause the parts to change shape or deform. Under these conditions, the material in front of a roller tends to pile up and forces the object to roll slightly uphill. This changing of shape , known as deformation, causes a movement of molecules. As a result ,heat is produced from the added energy required to keep the parts turning and overcome friction. The friction caused by the wedging action of surface irregularities can be overcome

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