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Ⅰ. Phonetics( 5 points)

Directions:In each of the following groups of words,there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A,B,C,and D.Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet.

( )1.A.stage B.passage C.percentagee D.village

( )2.A.pension B.extensionC.collision D.dimension

( )3.A.move B.joke C.hope D.zone

( )4.A.wealthy B.athlete C.beneath D.southem

( )5.A.phrase B.loose C.expose D.accuse

Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure( 15 points)

Directions:There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

( )6.The relationship between parents and their children _______ a strong influence on the character of the children.

A.haver B.having C.to have D.has

( )7.Only by telling the truth _______ win the trust and support of your friends.

A.you can B.can you C.you did D.did you

( )8.These apple trees, _______ I planted three years ago, have not borne any fruit.

A.that B.what C.which D.when

( )9.Don?t remind me of that awful day; I _______ such a fool of myself. A.madeB.make C.will make D.am making

( )10.My daughter is quite well now _______ a slight headache.

A.beside B.besides C.but for D.execpt for

( )11.She is treated _______ better than I was.

A.much B.little C.many D.more

( )12.If it had not rained yesterday, they _______ work on time.

A.will finish B.will have finished

C.would finish D.would have finished

( )13.They are studying the Solar System?s _______ planet, Saturn,and its moons.

.A.two largest B.largest two C.second largest D.largest second ( )14.I?d like to go with you; _______ , my hands are full at the moment.

A.however B.whateverC.wheneverD.wherever

( )15.He entered the office hurriedly, _______ the door open.

A.leaving B.left C.leave D.to leave

( )16.He had to quit the job _______ his ill health.

A.asB.as for C.because D.because of

( )17. She needs more friends of her own _______.

A.yearB.age C.period D.stage

( )18._______ ,the training will help you become better at what you do.

A.In the season B.In the period

C.In the long run D. In the long range

( )19.Sea levels are _______ to rise between 7 and 23 inches by the end of 21 century. A.inspectedB.suspected C.expected D.detected

( )20.Smoking and drinking may _______ heart disease and cancer.

A.result from B.lead to C.come from D.get to

Ⅲ.Close(30 points)

Directions:For each blank in the following passage,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

The Nobel Prizes are awards that are given each year for special things that people or groups of people have achieved. They are awarded in six 21 : physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace and economics.

The prizes come from 22 that was created by the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel. He wanted to use some of his money to help make the world a 23 place to live in.

Many organizations, chosen by Alfred Nobel himself, 24 who receives the prizes. Each award 25 a gold medal, a diploma and a lot of money. Prizes can only be given to 26

of all races, countries and religions. Only the Peace Prize can 27 be given to a group.

The first Nobel Prizes were handed out 28 December 10, 1901-five years after Alfred Nobel’s death. Nobel was a chemist, engineer and inventor 29 most famous invention, dynamite(炸药), made him a 30 man. Although he gave the world such a 31 weapon. Nobel was always against wars and 32 . He therefore left a lot of money that was to go to those who did a lot for the peace of 33 .

Officials at first handed out only five prizes a year. The prize for economics was first awarded in 1969. In some 34 prizes were not awarded because there were no 35 candidates.

All prizes are presented in Stockholm, Sweden, with the exception of the Peace Prize, which is awarded in Oslo, Norway.

( )21. A.parts B.areas C.regionsD.classes

( )22. A.a bondB.a fundC.a scholarshipD.an investment

( )23. A.cleanerB.richerC.better https://www.doczj.com/doc/fa16193618.html,rger

( )24. A.declarerB.concludeC.determineD.announce

( )25. A.makes upB.focuses onC.refers toD.consists of

( )26. https://www.doczj.com/doc/fa16193618.html,anizationsB.singlesrC.institutionsD.individuals

( )27. A.yetB.also C.stillD.ever

( )28. A.onB.inC.atD.by

( )29. A.whoB.thatC.whoseD.whom

( )30. A.humorousB.richC.seriousD.smart

( )31. A.strangeB.mysteriousC.magic D.deadly

( )32. A.violenceB.hatredC.confusionD.jealousy

( )33. A.racesB.regionsC.mindD.mankind

( )34. A.yearsB.yearC.timeD.times

( )35. A.valuableB.invaluableC.worthyD.worthwhile

Ⅳ. Reading Comprehension (60 points)

Directions:There are five reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by four questions.For each question there are four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

At first glance, there hardly seems to be any comparison between Ravenna and Rome, but back in the 5th century, it was Ravenna that served as capital of the Westem Roman Empire. In this city. Roman rulers built monuments which are famous, then and now, for their sweeping mosaics(镶嵌图案). Seven of Ravenna’s eight buildings from the 5th and 6th centuries are spectacularly decorated with examples of this ancient art. “in the past, many people couldn’t read or write.”says tour guide and Ravenna native Silvia Giogoli. “Mosaics were a way to explain the religion and the political situation to the people.”

Visitors to Ravenna can look at pieces of art by ancient artists, listen to musicians, and learn to make their own masterpieces.

Travel Tips

When to Go:June—October;weather is pleasant in April and May but historic sites can get crowded with shool groups.

Where to Stay: Walk through historic district sites from Albergo Cappello and stay at a modern Hotel Centrale Byron.

How to Get Around: Take the train from Bologna, and then walk, bike, or use taxis within the city.

Where to Eat or Drink: Housed in a former movie theater, two-story Ristorante Cinema Alexander blends 1940s Hollywood flavor with homemade Emilia Romagna courses and attentive service(helpful in translating the menu). For fresh seafood, try Osteria L’Accigua and Da Buco.

What to Buy: Watch the next generation of Emilia Romagna mosaic artists create contemporary and traditional pieces in local studios where modern artists use the same methods as their Byzantine forefathers.

What to Read Before you Go: Ravenna in Late Antiquity, by Deborah Mauskopf Deliyannis(2010), provides a wide-ranging look at the city?s art, architecture, and history.

( )36. In ancient times, mosaics were used to .

A. display artistic achievements

B. compete with Roman paintings

C. explain religion and politics

D. teach reading and writing

( )37. Lots of schoolchildren visit historic sites such as Ravenna in .

A. May

B. June

C. September

D. October

( )38. If you want to try fresh seafood, you should go to .

A. Emilia Romagna

B. Hotel Centrale Byron

C. Ristorante Cinema Alexander

D. Osteria L?Accigua and Da Buco

( )39. Why is Ravenna in Late Antiquity recommended in this passage?

A. Because it was written by a famous writer.

B. Because tourists get to learn a lot about the city from it.

C. Because tourists can get valuable tips for buying art pieces.

D. Because it provides useful information about the city?s weather.

Passage Two

When you pat your pet dog, he wags(摆来摆去)his tail. That is his way of saying that he loves you. And, if you pay attention, you will see that he uses his tail to say so many things. Every movement of the tail means a different thing. If the dog is wagging its tail, it is a sign of friendliness; if his tail is straight, it means he is getting ready for a fight; and if his tail is tucked (塞)behind his legs, it means he is giving up the fight.

Unlike dogs, cats? tail language is not so expressive. When a cat feels threatened, he puffs himself up to appear big and his tail shakes with tension. And when he is displeased with something, he lashes out(甩动)his tail.

The tail language of dogs and cats has a little story behind it. Earlier, when dogs and cats had not become friends with human beings, they were predators. They used to hunt other animals for their food. When dogs went out hunting with their friends, tail language came handy. When they were close to each other,dogs could use facial expressions to talk. But, for long-distance communication, they used their tails. Unlike dogs, cats liked to hunt alone. So, they did not need to use tail language too often. As a result, their vocabulary in tail language is much smaller than that of dogs? .

( )40. What does it mean when a dog?s tail is straight?

A. It has a lot to say to you.

B. It wants to stop fighting.

C. It is going to fight.

D. It likes to be patted.

( )41. A cat tries to appear big when it is .

A. facing a danger

B. unhappy

C. ready to hunt

D. hungry

( )42. Which of the following does the author intend to say?

A. Dogs and cats are not good friends

B. Dogs are much friendlier than cats.

C. Dogs and cats are usually good pets.

D. Dogs use tail language more than cats.

( )43. In the last paragraph, the underlined word “predators” refers to .

A. animals that follow and obey other animals

B. animals that kill and eat other animals

C. animals that live in the wild

D. animals kept by people

Passage Three

Like any teenagers, the face of One Teen Story is changing fast. Just a year olk, the monthly magazine of short fiction for young people is getting a new editor-in-chief: Patrick Ryan, 47, the associate editor of Granta from 2009 to 2013. He left the London-based literary journal last month.

Editing One Teen Story- the younger sibling(姊妹篇)of One Story magazine-will offer Ryan a chance to reach a whole new audience. “It’s really the only magazine for young aduit short fiction,”he says from his office in New York. “It’s tremendously exciting that there are younger people out there who have subscriptions and look forward to getting these stories once a month. That form is usually only presented when it’s forced upon them in schools.”

Designed for readers 14 and up, One Teen Story publishes nine issues a year. Like its sibling magazine, it doesn’t carry photographs or advertising. It’s just exactly what it says:one story perissue.

Ryan says young people are“looking for engaging reads about people whom they can identify with. It?s not about having a message or positive spin(说教). It always start on a character level, and it has to have an interesting story. If you look at the …Twilight? characters and the …Harry Potter? characters, they feel very contemporary.”

Ryan also sees the magazine as a way to encourage talented authors. “ I would love th make One Teen Story the first publication for writers who then go on and keep at this business. I just really love the idea that this magazine would be the starting point for somebody –would be the push to make a talented writer feel that it was worth keeping at this.”

( )44. Who is Patrick Ryan?

A. He is the editor-in-chief of Granta.

B. He is the editor-in-chief of One Story.

C. He is the editor-in-chief of “Twilight”.

D. He is the editor-in-chief of One Teen Story

( )45. What is One Teen Story?

A. It is a story magazine for teenagers.

B. It is a London-based literary journal.

C. It is a column of a newspaper.

D. It is a magazine of science fiction

( )46. According to Ryan, what attracts young rcaders most?

A. Photographs and illustration.

B. Chances and practices in business.

C. Characters and stories close to their life.

D. Political teachings and moral messages.

( )47. In the last paragraph, the underlined phrase “this business” means .

A. reading stories.

B. writing stories

C. editing magazines

D. making money

Passage Four

Couples are restricting the size of their families in the UK because of cash worries brought on by the financial crisis and the subsequent decline. We?re now up to nearly 3.7 million families where there is an only child, a rise from about 3.3 million in 2005. That means nearly half of all parents have only one child.

Financial worries aren?t the only driver. The trend towards later motherbood has been mentioned as a cause, as have soaring casts of raising a child, which have been calculated as $222,500 from birth to 21 years of age. This is an increase of nearly 40% in 10 years.

The increasing availability of IVF(试管婴儿)is also a factor and an interesting one. Couples who might have remained childless in the past now invest in IVF and get pregnant. And because of the cost they stop after one child.

It may not be a bad thing; there are outstanding examples of talented only children. Some argue that being an only child promoted their success. These include actors Natalie Portman and AI Pacino, golfer. Tiger Woods and even Queen Victoria. A study from the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex also showed that the fewer brothers and sisters a child has, the happier they are. It seems fighting for parental attention and affection-which sometimes descends into physical fights-is mor stressful than any adult had previously thought. And it?s not compensated(弥补)by having a playmate.

( )48. The smaller size of UK families is mainly related to .

A. financial problems

B. technical problems

C. health problems

D. cultural problems

( )49. The passage shows that IVF is .

A. safer than natural pregnancy

B. very popular in UK

C. very expensive

D. a risky investment

( )50. What is a proved advantage of one-child family?

A. Improved family life

B. Higher number of sports stars.

C. Efficient family education.

D. Promotion of children’s success.

( )51. The findings of the institute at the University of Essex might mean that .

A. the only children’s lack of playmates causes problems

B. the only children are much happier than others

C. parents-children relationship is off balance

D. children have to struggle for parental love

Passage Five

About 79 million Americans have pre-diabetes(糖尿病前期). That means they have blood sugar that’s higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed(诊断)with type 2-at least not yet. One long-term study reported by the American Diabetes Association found that 11% of people with pre-diabetes develop the full-blown disease each year. Another study shows that pre-diabetes will probably become type 2 in 10 years or less.

Yet, that process is not inevitable. Last year, scientists in Colorado found that people with pre-diabeles who lowered their blood sugar to normal levels—levels—even briefly—were 56% less likely to reach type 2 levels.

If you have pre-diabetes, here are four steps to help prevent or delay a diabetes diagnosis.

Lose 7% of your body weight. That is about 15 pounds for the persons who weigh 200. Dropping that small percentage has been shown to lower the risk of developing type 2 by close to 60%.

Exercise 30 minutes five days a week. Whether you do the 30 minutes in one shot or in three 10-minute sessions, the benefit is the same. Choose certain exercises, such as fast walking,playing tennis or lifting weights. Physical activity such as sweeping floors works,too.

Turn to your doctor. In some cases, pre-diabetes raises the risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%. Your doctor may use some medicine to control your glucose(葡萄糖)levels and keep your blood pressure in check.

Know your numbers. To see if your pre-diabetes is improving, have your blood sugar checked regularly. A fasting blood sugar of 100 to 125 mg/dl suggests pre-disbetes; 126 mg/dl or above is diabetes; and below 100 is normal. Other tests, including glucosc tolerance and AIC, also are used to monitor blood sugar.

( )52.What do we learn from the two studies mentioned in Para graph 1?

A. Pre-diabetes will surely become type 2 diabetes.

B. Pre-diabetes is likely to become diabetes within years.

C. Enough attention should be paid to the treatment of type 2.

D. Pre- diabetes is ranked No. 1 danger threatening Americans?health.

( )53. To prevent or delay a diabetes diagnosis, people with pre-diabetes should pay most attention to .

A. glucose levels

B. exercises

C. heart disease

D. stroke

( )54. Which of the following suggests that you have pre-diabetes?

A. 70 mg/dl.

B. 90 mg/dl.

C. 110 mg/dl.

D.130 mg/dl.

( )55. What column of a newspaper is most likely to have this article?

A. Technology.

B. Entertainment.

C. Education.

D. Health.

Ⅴ.Daily Conversation (15 points)

Directions:Pick out five appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete

the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Father: How’s your day at school, Costa?

Costa: 56 , Daddy! It’s a day I will never forget.

Father: Oh, it is? 57 ,my son?

Costa: I have been made the chairman of the Strdents’Association.

Father: That’s great. 58 !

Costa: 59 .

Father: That’s really nice. You stood first in the examination and now you have won the chairmanship. 60 . my son.

Costa: Thank you ,Daddy.

Ⅵ. Writing(25 points)

Directions:For this part,you are supposed to write a composition of about 100—120 words based on the following situation.Remember to write it clearly.

61.你(Li Yuan ) 的班级即将组织一次郊游(picnic),请你给你的外籍(Steve)写封信,内容包括:







Ⅰ. Phonetics( 5 points,one point each)

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. B Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure( 15 points)

6. D


8. C

9. A 10. D 11.A 12. D 13. C 14. A 15.A 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. B Ⅲ. Close(30 points)

21. B 22. B 23. C 24. C 25. D 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. D 34. A 35. C Ⅳ. Reading Comprehension (60 points)

36. C 37. A 38. D 39. B 40. C

41. A 42. D 43. B 44. D 45. A

46. C 47. B 48. A 49. C 50. D

51. B 52. B 53. A 54. C 55. D Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (15 points)

56. G 57. E 58. D 59. A 60. B Ⅵ. Writing(25 points)


2016年成人高考专升本艺术概论考试真题及答案 一、选择题:l~20小题。每小题2分,共40分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,将所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.书法作品《祭侄文稿》的作者是( ) A.王羲之 B.米芾 C.怀素 D.颜真卿 答案:D 2.认为“艺术是人类情感的符号形式的创造”的美国美学家是( ) A.苏珊·朗格 B.杜威 C.克莱夫·贝尔 D.克罗齐

答案:A 3.法国印象主义绘画代表作《日出·印象》的作者是( ) A.凡·高 B.莫奈 C.库尔贝 D.安格尔 答案:B 4.下列民乐作品中,由中国现代著名作曲家刘天华创作的是( ) A.《昭君出塞》《十面埋伏》 B.《二泉映月》《江河水》 C.《病中吟》《听松》 D.《良宵》《光明行》 答案:D

5.下列选项中属于苏州四大园林之一的是( ) A.寄畅园 B.豫园 C.颐和园 D.留园 答案:D 6.被誉为世界古代建筑奇迹之一的泰姬陵坐落于( ) A.印度 B.埃及 C泰国 D.巴基斯坦 答案:A 7.奉先寺卢舍那大佛具有典型的唐代造像风格,它位于( ) A.云冈石窟

B.龙门石窟 C.麦积山石窟 D.敦煌莫高窟 答案:B 8.“三一律”是法国古典主义戏剧的创作原则,下列选项不属于“三一律”要素的是( ) A.时间 B.地点 C.人物 D.情节 答案:C 9.以艺术作品的存在方式为依据,戏剧属于( ) A.时间艺术 B.空间艺术

C.时空艺术 D.想象艺术 答案:C 10.通常被视为小说创作不可缺少的三个基本要素是( ) A.人物、情节和环境 B.语言、情节和形象 C.人物、情节和主题 D.题材、人物和主题 答案:A 11.西方20世纪美术野兽派的创始人和主要代表人物是法国著名画家( ) A.高更 B.塞尚 C.马蒂斯


2016年成人高考《专升本政治》模拟试题(3) 一、选择题:1~40小题。每小题2分。共80分。在每小题给出的四个选项中。选出一项最符合题目要求的。 1.马克思主义哲学的直接理论来源是() A.古希腊罗马哲学 B.德国古典哲学 C.17世纪英国哲学 D.18世纪法国唯物主义 2.“观念的东西不外是移人人的头脑并在人的头脑中改造过的物质的东西而已”,这是() A.主观唯心主义观点 B.客观唯心主义观点 C.庸俗唯物主义观点 D.辩证唯物主义观点 3.在内容和形式的矛盾运动中() A.内容总是落后于形式的变化 B.内容活跃易变,形式相对稳定 C.形式决定内容,内容反作用于形式 D.内容相对稳定,形式活跃易变 4.实践的最基本的形式是() A.处理社会关系的实践活动 B.改造自然的生产实践活动 C.科学实验活动 D.改造世界的物质性活动 5.划分阶级的根本标准是() A.思想观念和信仰不同 B.在社会历史发展中所起的作用不同 C.政治态度和政治立场不同 D.对生产资料的关系不同所造成的经济地位不同 6.我国现阶段社会的主要矛盾是() A.无产阶级和资产阶级的矛盾 B.先进的社会制度同落后的科学文化的矛盾 C.先进的生产关系同落后的生产力之间的矛盾 D.人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾 7.关于人性问题,下列选项中正确的是() A.人性本善 B.人性本恶 C.人性有善有恶 D.人性是在社会实践中形成的 8.人民军队的宗旨是() A.打仗 B.做群众工作 C.生产建设 D.全心全意为人民服务

9.1927年后,中国共产党在统一战线问题上的主要错误表现在() A.对待民族资产阶级的问题上 B.对待小资产阶级的问题上 C.对待富农的问题上 D.对待地主阶级的问题上 10.邓小平理论形成的时代要求是 A.中国改革开放的实践 B.中国社会主义建设的经验教训 C.解放思想、实事求是思想路线的确立 D.时代主题的转换和新技术革命浪潮的兴起 11.80多年来我们党进行的一切奋斗,归根到底都是为了() A.最广大人民的根本利益 B.发展先进生产力 C.发展先进文化 D.巩固执政地位 12.社会主义初级阶段的主要矛盾决定的中心任务是() A.经济体制改革 B.政治体制改革 C.经济建设 D.对外开放 13.提出社会主义初级阶段党的基本路线是在() A.党的十二大 B.党的十三大 C.党的十四大 D.党的十五大 14.科学发展观就是() A.两个文明一起抓 B.经济社会共同发展 C.人的全面发展 D.以人为本、全面、协调、可持续的发展 15.社会主义初级阶段的分配制度是() A.以按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存 B.以按资分配为主,其他分配方式为辅 C.以个体劳动收入分配为主,其他收入分配方式为辅 D.以劳动力价值收入分配为主,其他收入分配方式为辅 16.十七大报告指出深化政治体制改革必须坚持() A.正确经济方向 B.正确政治方向 C.正确文化方向 D.正确社会方向 17.20世纪50年代初由中、印、缅三国共同倡导的是() A.和平共处五项原则 B.不结盟运动


2014年成人高考专升本医学综合考试真题及答案 一、A型题:1~84小题,每小题l.25分,共105分。在每小题给出的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,请选出一项最符合题目要求的。 1.棘突呈垂直板状并伸向后方的椎骨是( ) A.颈椎 B.胸椎 C.腰椎 D.骶椎 E.尾椎 答案:C 2.参及构成肘关节的结构是( ) A.肱骨小头 B.肱骨内上髁 C.肱骨头 D.尺骨茎突 E.桡骨茎突 答案:A 3.臀大肌的作用是( ) A.使髋关节后伸和外旋 B.使髋关节后伸和内旋 C.屈髋关节并屈膝关节 D.屈髋关节并伸膝关节 E.使髋关节外展 答案:A

4.胃的角切迹所在的部位是( ) A.胃底部 B.贲门部 C.幽门部 D.胃大弯 E.胃小弯 答案:E 5.内、外痔的分界线是( ) A.肛柱 B.肛窦 C.齿状线 D.白线 E.肛梳 答案:C 6.位于前庭裂及声门裂之间的部分是( ) A.喉室 B.喉口 C.声门下腔 D.喉前庭 E.喉中间腔 答案:E 7.肺的心切迹位于( ) A.左肺下缘 B.右肺下缘

C.左肺后缘 D.右肺前缘 E.左肺前缘 答案:E 8.妊娠期形成子宫下段的是( ) A.子宫底 B.子宫峡 C.子宫体 D.子宫颈阴道上部 E.子宫颈阴道部 答案:B 9.属于大网膜的结构是( ) A.肝胃韧带 B.肝十二指肠韧带 C.胃结肠韧带 D.肝圆韧带 E.肝镰状韧带 答案:C 10.属于肾髓质的结构是( ) A.肾大盏 B.肾小盏 C.肾盂 D.肾锥体 E.肾柱

11.男性尿道的狭窄部位是( ) A.前列腺部 B.海绵体部 C.膜部 D.尿道球部 E.精索部 答案:C 12.主动脉口开口的部位是( ), A.左心房 B.右心房 C.左心室 D.右心室 E.左心耳 答案:C 13.直接注入上腔静脉的是( ) A.奇静脉 B.颈内静脉 C.锁骨下静脉 D.颈外静脉 E.头静脉 答案:A 14.不属于心传导系的结构是( ) A.窦房结


参考答案 WRITING Stated-owned business or Joint venture Upon graduation,virtually all college students will confront the problem of the career choice,which is truly a tough choice.Students'opinions differ greatly on this issue.Some hold that there is no better way to get a decent job than working in a stated-owned business which will guarantee my life after retirement,but others take the attitude that a joint venture outweighs any other jobs as it may provide higher income for employees. As to myself,I prefer the latter view.A joint venture,especially a high-salary joint venture,exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people,with no exception to me.Although it might be impossible to make sure my retirement pension is good enough,high-salary is exactly what I need just now.In my view,our career choices largely depend on where we want to stay for the rest of life.For me,metropolis is the place where I can grasp loads of opportunities and achieve my personal dreams.As I hold the view that live in the moment,not the future,and also in order to finance myself in some aspects such as the transportation,the house-renting,or social activities,a joint venture can satisfy my needs for the consumption I mentioned above. In short,a joint venture is the first and only consideration in my choice of career. Listening Comprehension Section A 1.[A] 2.[B] 3.[B] 4.[C] 5.[D] 6.[C] 7.[A] Section B 8.[D]9.[B]10.[D]11.[C]12.[D]13.[A]14.[C]15.[B] Section C 16.[D]17.[C]18.[B]19.[C]20.[A]21.[D]22.[B] 23.[B]24.[A]25.[A] Reading comprehension Section A 26.[E]challenges27.[J]searched28.[D]categorizing 29.[K]similarities30.[L]slightly31.[G]percentage 32.[O]traditional33.[I]regardless34.[H]proving 35.[M]suggests



2016成人高考真题答案 【篇一:2016年成人高考专升本英语试卷及答案】 class=txt>英语 Ⅰ. phonetics( 5 points) directions:in each of the following groups of words,there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked a,b,c,and d.compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on theanswer sheet. ( )1.a.b.c.d. ( )2.a.( )3.a. ( )5.a.b..b.b.d.d.d.c.d.c.c.( )4.a.b.Ⅱ.vocabulary and structure( 15 points) directions:there are 15 incomplete sentences in this section.for each sentence there are four choices marked a,b,c and d.choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet. ( )6.the relationship between parents and their children _______ a strong influence on the character of the children. a.haverb.having c.to have d.has ( )7.only by telling the truth _______ win the trust and support of your friends. a.you can


山东省2016年冬季普通高中学业水平考试 语文试题 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共7题。满分100分。考试限定用时120分钟。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考籍号、座号填写在试卷和答题卡规定的位置。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共30分) 注意事项: 1、第Ⅰ卷共10道题,每小题3分,共30分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的。 2、每小题选出答案后,须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮残干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答案不涂答题卡上、只打在试卷上无效。 一、(12分,每小题3分) 阅读下面文段,完成1~2题。 盛夏晴朗的夜里,如果你走出毡包仰起脸,你就会看到它——无与轮比的草原的星空。遮住沧穹的无边天幕被清风完完全全地(撕开/掀开),高远深邃的夜以最最纯净的宝石蓝浸透自己永恒的面容,而那些星星,那些凝结闪亮传说的眼眸,则远远近近,高高低低地点亮了草原的古老和沉寂。它们就在你澄澈的目光里,在你透明的耳膜边,在你微微发麻的发根颊际唇边。 只要有过这样一个夜晚,便足够了。因为有那样广袤的大地,有那样(深远/深沉)的夜色,有那么多连缀的星星,有那么引人暇想的天幕,生命从此便不再游荡不依,不再支离破碎,更不会憔悴干枯。 此时,你的心会渐渐(熔化/融化)在浩渺的星空下,归于恬静。 1.下列文中画线的词语,字形全都正确的一项是() A.无与轮比耳膜澄澈 B.沧穹深邃广袤 C.支离破碎浩渺眼眸 D.暇想憔悴连缀 2.依次填写在原文括号中的词语,最恰当的一项是() A.掀开深沉融化 B.撕开深远融化 C.掀开深远熔化 D.撕开深沉熔化 3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用错误的一项是() A.黄金周外出旅游让张教授疲惫不堪,一回到家,他就横七竖八 ....地躺在床上睡了过去。 B.家乡变了,你看那鳞次栉比 ....的楼房、环境优雅的街心公园,完全没有了过去的模样。 C.辛弃疾先后被派到江西、湖北等地治理荒政,整顿治安,这与他抗金的理想大相径 ...庭.。 D.国家博物馆首次展出的中国现代文化名人蜡像,一个个栩栩如生 ....,令参观者赞叹不


2016年成人高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语试题及参考答案 一、语音知识(共5题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。) 1. A.notice B.patient C. British D.practice 2. A.bicycle B.centre C.city D.income 3. A.cloud B.country C.mountain D.round 4. A.hand B.habit C.honest D.behind 5. A.basket B.hotel C.direct D.express 二、词汇与语法知识(共15题;每题1.5分,共22.5分。) 6.My friend Bob always _____ jokes whenever we get together. A.says B.tells C.talks D.speaks 7.Before Tom got to the cinema,the film ______. A.begins B.will begin C. has begun D.had begun 8.The driver kept one eye on_____ traffic and the other on _____ map. A.the;the B.a;a. C.不填;a D. the;不填 9.I coul dn’tfind my black gloves______. A. nowhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. somewhere 10.Mary picked up her chil dren’s clothes that______on the floor. A. lie B.were lying C. have lain D. will lie 11.Jane had already finished cooking______ the time I got home. A.by B.on C.in D.at 12. -- Excuse me.Where is the meeting room? -- Just a second. I’ll have someone_____you there A.takes B.taking C.take D.to take 13.I’ll neverforget the day_____I became a doctor. A. that B.when C. where D.which 14.Your article is well written, but I think you should_____it again. A.go over B.go by C.go off D.go against 15.There’s plenty of time, so you______worry about it.



2014年成人高考专升本高等数学一考试真题及参考答案一、选择题:每小题4分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求。 第1题 参考答案:D 第2题 参考答案:A 第3题 参考答案:B 第4题设函数f(x)在[a,b]连续,在(a,b)可导,f’(x)>0.若f(a)·f(b)<0,则y=f(x)在(a,b)( )

A.不存在零点 B.存在唯一零点 C.存在极大值点 D.存在极小值点参考答案:B 第5题 参考答案:C 第6题 参考答案:D 第7题

参考答案:C 第8题 参考答案:A 第9题 参考答案:A 第10题设球面方程为(x一1)2+(y+2)2+(z一3)2=4,则该球的球心坐标与半径分别为( ) A.(一1,2,一3);2

B.(一1,2,-3);4 C.(1,一2,3);2 D.(1,一2,3);4 参考答案:C 二、填空题:本大题共10小题。每小题4分,共40分,将答案填在题中横线上。第11题 参考答案:2/3 第12题 第13题 第14题 参考答案:3

第15题曲线y=x+cosx在点(0,1)处的切线的斜率k=_______. 参考答案:1 第16题 参考答案:1/2 第17题 参考答案:1 第18题设二元函数z=x2+2xy,则dz=_________. 参考答案:2(x+y)dx-2xdy 第19题过原点(0,0,0)且垂直于向量(1,1,1)的平面方程为________.参考答案:z+y+z=0 第20题微分方程y’-2xy=0的通解为y=________. 三、解答题:本大翘共8个小题,共70分。解答应写出推理,演算步骤。第21题


2016 年 12 月大学英语四级考试真题(第一套) Part I Writing (30 minutes)( 请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听 力考试 ) Directions:For this part,you are allowed30 minutes to write an essay.Suppose you have two options upon graduation:one is to take a job in a company and the other to go to a graduate school.You are to make a choice between the two.Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Much controversy has been aroused about whether the students should find a job or start their own business after graduation.Taking a look around,we can find that some graduates bustle around job markets,while others choose to run a shop on TMall. However, I prefer the former choice. From my perspective, there are good reasons to find a job in the first several years after their graduation.First and foremost, if a graduate intends to accumulate working experience and learn from the seniors, it is advisable for him to find a job. It is an undeniable fact that the theoretical knowledge will provide the graduates with the ability to consider things comprehensively,however,only under the integration with practice can the rigid knowledge be useful for their future development. Inevitably, doing something small is the premise of undertaking something great. Take Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba and taobao, for example. He also finds some jobs before establishing his own career,laying a solid foundation for his later success. Consequently,it is of great necessity to find a job after graduation.I firmly believe that it will continue to bring about more returns to our life and future. Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A


2016年成人高考专升本政治考试真题及参考答案 一、选择题:1~40小题。每小题2分,共80分。在每小题给出的四个选项中。选出一项最符合题目要求的。 1.世界观是( ) A.人们对人生的总体看法和根本观点 B.人们对自然界的总体看法和根本观点 C.人们对整个世界的总体看法和根本观点 D.人们对社会的总体看法和根本观点 答案:C 2.哲学基本问题的第二方面内容是( ) A.自然和社会有无同一性的问题 B.时间和空间有无同一性的问题 C.物质和运动有无同一性的问题 D.思维和存在有无同一性的问题 答案:D 3.列宁的物质定义表明,物质的唯一特性是( ) A.客观实在性 B.空间广延性 C.无限多样性 D.客观规律性 答案:A 4.“不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。”这句话体现的哲学道理是( ) A.矛盾是事物发展的动力 B.量变是质变的必要准备 C.现象是事物本质的表现 D.实践是检验真理的标准 答案:B

A.认识归根到底是从实践中获得的 B.每个人的认识都依赖于直接经验 C.书本知识并不是从实践中获得的 D.只要参加实践就能获得正确认识 答案:A 6.在认识论上,一切唯物主义都坚持( ) A.实践论 B.反映论 C.矛盾论 D.先验论 答案:B 7.真理的相对性是指真理的( ) A.客观性、无限性 B.客观性、一元性 C.有条件性、有用性 D.有条件性、有限性 答案:D 8.在社会物质生活条件中,对社会历史发展起决定作用的是( ) A.地理环境 B.人口数量 C.生产方式 D.人口素质 答案:C 9.社会形态是( ) A.经济基础和上层建筑的统一 B.生产力和生产关系的统一 C.自然界和人类社会的统一 D.社会存在和社会意识的统一


全真模拟5 二、辨析题:41-42小题,每小题10分,共20分。首先判断正确或错误,然后说明理由。 41.是否承认社会意识在社会存在发展中的重要作用,是划分历史唯物主义和历史唯心主义的标准。 答 错误。(2分) (1)如何回答社会存在和社会意思哪个是第一性的问题,是划分历史唯物主义和历史唯心主义的标准。认为社会存在是第一性的,主张社会存在决定社会意识的是历史唯物主义;认为社会意识是第一性的,主张社会意识绝对社会存在的是历史唯心主义。 (2)历史唯物主义和历史唯心主义都承认社会意识在社会发展中的重要作用,只不过历史唯心主义片面夸大了社会意识的作用,从而得出社会意识决定社会存在的错误观点。41.人民代表大会制度是我国人民民主专政最好的组织形式。 答 正确。(2分) (1)人民代表大会制度是我国根本的政治制度,是我国人民民主专政的最适当的组织形式,亦即政体,是中国共产党根据马克思主义的国家原理和无产阶级专政的历史经验,与我国人民革命斗争和革命地政权建设经验相结合的一个创造,它是人民民主专政最好的组织形式体现在:①它全面、直接反映了我国人民当家作主、国家的一切权利属于人民的本质,采用了民主集中制的政权组织形式,组织全体人民建设新社会,摒弃了独裁制度和西方议会制度与我国人民民主专政国体不相适应的弊病。②他决定了我国的其他制度和社会生活的各个方面。③它是实现社会主义民主的基本形式,是人民管理自己国家的最好的政权组织形式。

三、简答题:43-45小题,每小题10分,共30分。 43.简述人民群众的含义和人民群众在历史发展中的作用。 答: (1)人民群众是指推动社会历史发展的绝大多数社会成员的总和,劳动者是人民群众的主体。 (2)人民群众是历史的创造者,是推动社会发展的决定力量。 ①人民群众是社会物质财富的创造者。人民群众创造了社会得以存在和发展的物质资料,并不断推动生产力发展。 ②人民桥那种是社会精神财富的创造者。人民去那种为精神财富的创造提供了物质条件和源泉,还直接参与了精神财富的创造。 ③人民群众是社会变革的决定力量,生产关系的改变,社会制度的更替,只有通过人民群众的革命实践才能实现。 44.党的思想建设的根本任务是什么? (1)党的建设的根本任务是帮助党员不仅在组织上入党,而且更要在思想上入党,以保持党的无产阶级先锋队性质。这是毛泽东建党思想中的一项重要原则,是把党的思想建设放在首位的具体体现,为此,必须在党内进行思想上组织上的认真整顿,开展一个无产阶级对非无产阶级的思想斗争,以解决党员思想入党问题。 (2)党的思想建设的基本内容包括两个方面:一是加强对全党特别是党的领导干部的马克思在列宁主义的理念教育,进行党的理论建设;而是要对全体党员进行以党章为主要内容的党的基本知识教育,发挥党的思想政治工作的优势,提高党员素质。在理论学习过程中,要运用正确的学习方法,坚持理论联系实际的原则,注重把握马克思列宁主义中观察和解决问题的立场、观点和方法。


一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1. 功能性分流可见于 A. 肺动脉炎 B. 肺血管收缩 C. 弥散性血管内凝血 D. 慢性支气管炎 E. 肺动脉栓塞 满分:1 分 2. 下列哪一种中毒不引起血液性缺氧 A. 亚硝酸盐中毒 B. 煤气中毒 C. 磺胺中毒 D. 三氧化二砷中毒 E. 过氯酸钾中毒 满分:1 分 3. 贫血患者的血氧指标变化是 A. 动脉血氧分压降低 B. 动脉血氧含量正常 C. 动脉血氧饱和度降低 D. 血氧容量降低 E. 动-静脉血氧含量差增大 满分:1 分 4. 左心衰竭通常不会引起下列哪项表现 A. 劳力性呼吸困难 B. 下肢水肿 C. 肺水肿 D. 端坐呼吸 E. 夜间阵发性呼吸困难 满分:1 分 5. 下列哪项是肺循环淤血的表现 A. 肝颈静脉回流征阳性 B. 夜间阵发性呼吸困难 C. 下肢水肿 D. 肝脏肿大 E. 颈静脉怒张 满分:1 分 6. 下列哪种情况可增加左心室的后负荷 A. 高血压 B. 主动脉瓣关闭不全 C. 心肌梗死 D. 心肌炎 E. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 满分:1 分 7. 低血容量性休克,哪个器官与维持血容量有关

A. 胃肠道 B. 脑 C. 肾 D. 肺 E. 肝 满分:1 分 8. DIC最主要的病理特征是 A. 大量微血栓形成 B. 凝血功能失常 C. 纤溶过程亢进 D. 凝血物质大量消耗 E. 溶血性贫血 满分:1 分 9. 失血性休克时交感-肾上腺髓质系统处于 A. 一直强烈兴奋 B. 先兴奋,后抑制,最后衰竭 C. 一直抑制 D. 先抑制,后兴奋 E. 先兴奋,后抑制,再兴奋 满分:1 分 10. 低血容量性休克的典型表现不包括 A. 中心静脉压降低 B. 心输出量降低 C. 动脉血压降低 D. 肺动脉楔压增高 E. 外周阻力增高 满分:1 分 11. 在DIC的原发病中,下列哪种疾病最常见 A. 胎盘早期剥离 B. 羊水栓塞 C. 肿瘤性疾病 D. 严重创伤 E. 感染性疾病 满分:1 分 12. 全身适应综合征警觉期起主要作用的是 A. 儿茶酚胺 B. 糖皮质激素 C. 醛固酮 D. β-内啡肽 E. 胰岛素 满分:1 分 13. 病因学主要研究 A. 疾病发生的一般规律 B. 疾病发生的原因与条件


2016年12月大学英语四级考试真题答案(共三套)听力答案 Section A 1. [A] It was dangerous to live in. 2. [B] A storm 3. [B] They were trapped in an underground elevator. 4. [C] They sent supplies to keep the miners warm. 5. [D] Close some of its post office. 6. [C] Stopping mail delivery on Saturdays. 7. [A] Many post office staff will lose their jobs. Section B 8.[D] He will lose part of his pay. 9.[B] He is a trustworthy guy. 10.[D] She is better at handling such matters. 11.[C] He is always trying to stir up trouble. 12.[D] Reserved 13.[A] They stay quiet 14.[C] She was never invited to a colleague’s home. 15.[B] Houses provide more privacy Section C 16. [D] They will automatically be given hiring priority. 17. [C] Visit the school careers service. 18. [B] Supervising study spaces to ensure a quiet atmosphere. 19. [C] It may be sold at a higher price. 20. [A] It is healthier than green tee. 21. [D] It does not have a stable market. 22. [B] They prefer unique objects of high quality. 23. [B] They could only try to create at night. 24. [A] Make wise choices. 25. [A] To boost the local economy. 阅读答案 Section A 26. [E] challenges 27. [J] searched 28. [D] categorizing 29. [K] similarities


2014年成人高考专升本教育理论真题及答案 一、选择题:1~12小题。每小题2分.共24分。在每小题给出的四个选项中。只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.担任过20年农村中学校长,代表性著作有《给教师的建议》《把整个心灵献给儿童》的教育家是( )。 A.赞科夫 B.巴班斯基 C.苏霍姆林斯基 D.阿莫纳什维利 【答案】C 【考情点拨】本题考查当代教育学理论的代表人物。 【应试指导】苏霍姆林斯基结合自己多年担任农村中学校长的实践,悉心研究教育理论,不倦地写作,发表了《给教师的建议》《把整个心灵献给儿童》等40余部教育专著。 2.在教育学发展过程中,美国鲍尔斯、金蒂斯代表的学派是( )。 A.实验教育学 B.实用主义教育学 C.文化教育学 D.批判教育学 【答案】D 【考情点拨】本题考查教育学发展过程中形成的理论派别。 【应试指导】在教育学发展过程中,逐渐形成的理论派别主要有实验教育学、文化教育学、实用主义教育学和批判教育学等。其中,批判教育学的代表人物有鲍尔斯、金蒂斯、布厄迪尔等。 3.决定教育性质的主要社会因素是( )。 A.生产力 B.政治经济制度 C.科学技术 D.民族和文化传统 【答案】B 【考情点拨】本题考查教育与社会发展相互制约的规律。 【应试指导】社会政治经济制度对教育具有制约作用,它决定教育的性质。一个国家的政治经济制度属于什么性质,其教育也就属于什么性质。 4.“莲出于污泥而不染”这个比喻说明了人具有( )。

B.社会适应性 C.自然性 D.主观能动性 【答案】D 【考情点拨】本题考查教育与人的发展相互制约的规律。 【应试指导】遗传、环境和教育对人的身心发展的作用,只是为人的发展提供了可能性或条件性的因素,个体的主观能动性才是其身心发展的内在动力,“莲出于污泥而不染”正是说明了人的主观能动性的重要作用。 5.把培养合格公民作为教育根本目的的理论是( )。 A.个人本位论 B.社会本位论 C.宗教本位论 D.民族本位论 【答案】B 【考情点拨】本题考查有关教育目的确立的理论。 【应试指导】社会本位论把培养合格公民作为教育根本目的,主张确定教育目的不应该从人的本性需要出发,应该从社会需要出发,社会需要是确定教育目的的唯一依据。 6.世界各国基础教育学校在入学年龄、中小学分段等方面的规定中具有较高的一致性。这说明影响学制建立的主要因素是( )。 A.生产力水平 B.政治经济制度 C.青少年身心发展规律 D.民族文化传统 【答案】C 【考情点拨】本题考查建立学制的依据。 【应试指导】学制的建立,必须依据青少年儿童的身心发展规律。在建立学制时,确定入学年龄、修业年限、各级各类学校的分段,都要考虑青少年儿童的身心发展规律。因此,影响学制建立的主要因素是青少年身心发展规律。 7.“皮格马利翁效应”亦称“教师期望效应”,指教师对学生的殷切期望能戏剧性地收到预期效果的现象。它说明的是下列哪种师生关系的作用?( )。 A.工作关系 B.组织关系


2016年12月大学英语四级试题(第1套) Part I Writing (30minutes)(请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay .Suppose you are two options upon graduation:one is to find a job somewhere and the other to start a business of your own. You are to make a choice between the two. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet1with a single line through the centre. Questions 1and 2 are based on the news report you have just the heard. 1. A)It was dangerous to live in.C)He could no longer pay the rent. B)It was going to be renovated. D)He had sold it to the royal family. 2. A)A strike. B)A storm. C)A forest fire. D)A Terrorist attack. Questions 3and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3. A)They lost contact with the emergency department. B)They were trapped in an underground elevator. C)They were injured by suddenly falling rocks. D)They sent calls for help via a portable radio. 4. A)They tried hard to repair the accident. B)They released the details of the accident. C)They sent supplies to keep the miners warm. D)They provided the miner with food and water. Question5 to7 are based on the news report you have just heard. 5. A)Raise postage rates. C)Redesign delivery routes. B)Improve its services. D)Close some of its post offices. 6. A)Shortening business hours. C)Stopping mail delivery on Saturdays. B)Closing offices on holidays. D)Computerizing mail sorting processes. 7. A)Many post office staff will lose their jobs B)Many people will begin to complain C)Taxpayers will be very pleased D)A lot of controversy will arise Section B Directions:In this section,you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from four

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