当前位置:文档之家› 物流专业英语单词1-8单元




2物流策略联盟:Logistics alliance

3物流审计:Logistics audit

4物流生涯:Logistics career

5物流工程:Logistics engineering

6物流费用:Logistics fees

7物流弹性:Logistics flexibility


Logistics information and telecommunications system(LITS) 9委托物流:Logistics outsourcing

10物流需求规划:Logistics requirement planning

11物流服务业:Logistics service industry

12国内物流:Domestic logistics

13全球物流:Global logistics

14物流反映时间:Logistics response time

15环保物流:Green Logistics



3商业物流:Business logistics

4专业物流师:Certified Professional Logistician(CPL)

5物流主管:Chief logistics officer

6差别物流:Differentiated distribution

7一般货物运送业:General commodities carrier

8理货成本:Handing casts

9跨州运送者:Interstate carrier

10国际标准书号:International Standard Book Number(ISNB)11国际物流:International logistics

12仓库管理系统:Warehouse managing system

三1会计账本、记账成本:Accounting cost

2作业基础成本法:Activity based costing

3代理成本:Agency cost

4平均成本法:Average cost method

5损益平衡点:Break-even point

6资本预算评估:Capital budgeting

7存货持有成本:Carrying costs

8可控制成本:Controllable costs

9物流成本递减:Decreasing logistics costs

10外部成本:External cost

11固定成本:Fixed cost

12联合成本:Joint cost

13销售丧失成本:Lost sales cost

14下订单的成本:Ordering cost

15歇业成本:Shut-down cost

16利润最大化:Skimming price

17标准成本:Standard cost

18开办成本:Start-up costs

四1运费优待:Aggregate tender rate

2联合包装:Banded pack

3顺序托运单:Bill of Lading,order

4账单上的货重:Billed weight


6倾斜式输送机:Declining conveyor

7悬吊式运输:Goods on hanger(GOH)


9高速行进中侧重:High speed weight-in-motion(HSWIN)10工业包装:Industrial packaging

11轻卡车:Light trucks

12长途短途差别取价:Long-haul-short-haul discrimination 13零担运输:LTL shipment

14运送方式:Method of shipment

15汽车运输业合理运费:Motor carrier reasonable rate


17包裹运送业:Package hauler

18套装软件:Package software


五1售后服务:After-sales service

2延迟订单:Back order

3客户态度:Customer attitude

4客户导向:Customer driven

5自领:Customer pickup

6客户关系管理:Customer relation management

7客户往来保持:Customer retention

8客户满意:Customer satisfaction

9定做软件:Customer software

10客户周转率:Customer turnover rate

11客户价值:Customer value


2自动仓储系统:Automated storage and retrieval system

3可用存货:Available inventory


5月台缓冲垫:Dock bumpers


7高背集装箱:High cube container

8高密度负荷:High-density load

9存货余额:Inventory balances

10存货模式:Inventory modeling

11装载率:Load factor

12负荷比:Load ratio

13装卸费:Loading and unloading fees

14托盘式货架:Pallet rack

15拣货时间:Picker time


七1买方拍卖:Buyers auction

2集中采购:Centralized procurement

3采购经理认证:Certified Purchasing Manager

4联合采购:Cooperative buying

5经济订购区:Economic order interval

6经济订购量:Economic order quantity

7购买4个O:Four Os of purchasing

8全球采购:Global sourcing

9订单履行:Order filling

10采购订单:Purchase order

11采购前置时间:Purchasing lead time

12购货退回或折让:Purchase returns and allowance


《物流专业英语》 课程信息 1.课程定位 (1)本课程在专业课程体系中的地位作用 本课程是物流管理专业的一门专业能力拓展课程,它是在学生掌握英语听、说、读、写技能的基础上,增加了物流业务各场景下物流专业英语的运用,为学生学习其它国际物流专业课程打好英语基础。 (2)本课程与职业岗位工作的关系 本课程更大程度上体现了学习与职业的挂钩,传统英语已经远不能满足现代职业岗位对于多功能人才的需求,尤其是在国际物流业务日益频繁的情况下,因此,物流专业英语也就应运而生,将语言与专业岗位有机融合,更好的适应了社会的需求。 (3)本课程对职业素质养成与职业能力培养的作用 本课程是英语语言能力与供应链管理、仓储服务、配送服务等专业课程的有机融合,使学生的职业素质和能力进一步加强,让学生在日后的工作中具有更强的职业竞争优势,更加适应现代社会对复合型专业人才的需求。 2.课程设计理念 (1)面向全体学生,注重素质教育 物流业务英语交流课程要面向全体学生,注重素质教育。特别强调要关注每个学生的

情感,创造平等、宽松的交流与互动氛围,建立起新型的师生关系,即在学业上的指导关系,在人格上的平等关系和情感上的朋友关系,激发他们学习专业英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,提高人文素养,培养学生的逻辑思辨能力、创新精神和实践能力。 (2)整体设计目标,体现灵活开放 物流业务英语交流课程的目标是以学生的物流基本理论知识与技能、英语基本理论知识与技能、情感态度、学习策略和物流行业文化意识的发展为基础,加强学生运用英语进行常用物流业务交流的意识,培养学生的物流专业英语交际能力。同时,课程目标设计不能脱离实践,必须紧跟专业岗位需要,贴近学生的学习、生活,符合其身心特点和英语基础,教学内容以理论知识为基础,强调专业技能与语言技能的互相渗透;测试命题不拘泥于教材,提倡形式多样、答案开放的试题,鼓励学生发表独创性的见解。 (3)突出学生主体,尊重个体差异 学生专业英语能力的发展是物流业务英语交流课程的出发点和归宿。课程在目标设定、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方面都突出以学生为主体的思想。课程实施应成为学生在教师指导下活跃思维、展现个性、发展心智和拓展视野的过程,注重将互动教学、角色扮演、案例教学、多媒体听力、课件、视频等教学方法与手段相结合,提高学生的学习兴趣,提高其用英语分析和理解专业知识的能力和进行专业领域的交际能力,并结合具体课程内容指导学生进行延伸性思考,以增强学生的创新能力,促进不同学生多元智能的发展。 (4)拓展实践项目教学,倡导体验参与 本课程倡导项目化课程设计方案和任务型的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,积极创造实践教学环境,体验接近真实工作场景的物流业务英语交流活动,实现任务目标。在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 3.课程目标 3.1知识目标


物流方面的英语专业术语、组织名称中英对照 第一节基本概念术语 1 article 物品 2 logistics 物流 3 logistics activity 物流活动 4 logistics operation 物流作业 5 logistics modulus 物流模数 6 logistics technology 物流技术 7 logistics cost 物流成本 8 logistics management 物流管理 9 logistics center 物流中心10 logistics network 物流网络11 logistics information 物流信息12 logistics enterprise 物流企业13 logistics documents 物流单证14 logistics alliance 物流联盟15 supply logistics 供应物流16 production logistics 生产物流17 distribution logistics 销售物流 18 returned logistics 回收物流 19 waste material logistics 废弃物物流 20 environmental logistics 绿色物流 21 internal logistics 企业物流22 external logistics 社会物流23 military logistics 军事物流24 international logistics 国际物流 25 Third Part Logistics (TPL) 第三方物流 26 customized logistics 定制物流27 virtual logistics 虚拟物流 28 value-added logistics service 增值物流服务 29 supply chain 供应链30 bar code 条码 31 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换 32 tangible loss 有形损耗33 intangible loss 无形损耗 二、物流作业术语 34 transportation 运输35 combined transport 联合运输36 throuth transport 直达运输37 transfer transport 中转运输 38 drop and pull transport 甩挂运输 39 containerized transport 集装运输 40 container transport 集装箱运输41 door-to-door 门到门42 door to cy 门到场43 door to cfs 门到站 44 Full Container Load (FCL) 整箱货 45 Less-than Container Load (LCL) 拼箱货46 storing 储存47 storage 保管48 article reserves 物品储存49 inventory 库存50 cycle stock 经常库存51 safety stock 安全库存52 inventory cycle time 库存周期


第一节什么是物流管理 1.物流管理的定义 完成商业交易后物流将以最有效的成本方式以最有效的成本方式实行从供应商(卖方)到客户(买方)货物转运。这就是物流的定义。在转运过程中,像物流设施和设备(物流运输工具)之类的硬件是必要的,也需要信息控制和标准化管理。另外,来自政府和物流协会的支持应该到位。 物流的三个主要功能 (1)创造时间价值:同样的货物在不同的时间有不同的价值。货物常常在转运过程中处于滞留状态,用专业术语来说这被叫做物流储存。它创造货物的时间价值。 (2)创造场所价值:同样的货物在不同的场所可以被不同地定值。转运过程中增加的价值就是物流的场所价值。 (3)流通加工价值:有时物流创造流通加工价值,流通加工改变货物的长度、厚度和包装。正像流行说法,“分割成更小块”是最常见的流通加工形式。物流的大部分过程创造货物的附加值。 物流是一项新的商业领域,从传统阶段到现代阶段发展而来。这两个阶段间的主要不同点包括: (1) 现代物流采用集装箱运输技术。货物运输过程从包装开始,接着是运输、储存及配送。整个过程在物流标准下进行.基于物流600×400的基础模数,形成1,200×1,000的物流模数,并放大到2,591×2,438的尺寸—即集装箱高乘宽的尺寸。它也能被调整到适于铁运、汽运和船运的集装箱标准尺.寸。 电子数据交换全球定位 (2)信息技术对现代物流来说极其重要。条码,销售点,电子数据交换和全球 定位系统极大地提高了五六活动的效率和精确性。互联网更进一步促进了物流行业的市场开发、市场操作和管理。 2.物流管理的活动 (1)客户服务。客户服务被定义为:以客户至上为宗旨,以最可能低的成本整合、管理所有客户管理的交界面以取得最佳效果.客户服务将所有的物流活动连接在一起.客户是否能在适当的情景收到合适的产品将影响到其他操作活动。 (2)订单处理。订单处理可以比作人的躯体的中枢神经系统,激发配送过程并指导各种活动得以进行,以满意订货要求。订单处理活动可以被分解成三个种类。第一,操作部分,诸如订单录入与校定,生产计划运输方式的准备工作以及货物托运清单。第二,沟通部分,诸如订单修订,订货状况查询,跟踪,催促,错误修正以及产品信息寻求等。最后,信贷与托收部分,包括信贷核查和有效账户的处理和托收。 客户服务在订单处理的速度与精确性方面扮演一个重要角色。先进的系统能够减少订单下达与发货之间的时间。订单常常通过计算即系统来完成。先进的计算机系统虽然起初对公司来说很昂贵,但它能大大地提高业务的准确性和效率。通常,别的物流开支(库存,运输和仓储)的节约,或来自客户服务提升了的销售的增长,将证明这一系统提升了的成本是非常值得的。 (3)物流沟通要取得当今商务环境的成功,就需要复杂沟通体系的管理。有效的沟通应该存在于下面各项之间: (a)公司及其客户和供应商; (b)公司的主要运作,比如:市场,生产,物流,财务/会计; (c)与物流相关的活动,比如:客户服务,交通运输,仓储与保管,订单处理和库存控制。


物流专业英语词汇大全-物流英语-物流专业英语-物 流英语词汇表 一、物流英语的145个专业词汇

二、常用物流英语50句 1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world. 现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。 2.Logistics is part of a supply chain. 物流是供应链的整体组成部分。 3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby. 物流不是新鲜事。 4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”. 物流是独特的全球通道。 5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information. 物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。 6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc.

物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。 7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information. 物流由仓储、运输、装卸、搬运、包装、加工、配送和物流信息所组成。 8.Logistics may be divided into supply logistics, production logistics, distribution logistics, returned logistics and waste material logistics. 物流可以分成供应物流、生产物流、销售物流、回收物流和废弃物物流。 9.Logistics is now the last frontier for increasing benefits in industrial production.. 物流是当今工业生产增加利润的最后领域。 10.Logistics is unique, and it never stops! 物流是独特的,它从不停止。 11.Logistics performance is happening around the globe, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and fifty-two weeks a year. 物流运作一天24小时、一周7天、一年52星期在全球发生。 12.Logistics is concerned with getting products and services where they are needed and when they are desired. 物流所涉及的是在需要的时候和在需要的地方去的产品和服务的活动。 13.Logistics is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.


物流专业英语期中测试(一) I. Translate the following items into Chinese or English. (20points) 1. 原材料11. logistics channel 2. 产成品12. electronic data interchange 3. 战略管理13. direct procurement 4. 售后服务14. transport facilities 5. 条形码15. information flow 6. 利润率16. value-added services 7. 物资运送17. supply chain management 8. 通用产品代码18. warehousing 9. 电子商务19. multinational companie 10. 数据处理20. just-in-time delivery II. Tell whether the following stetements are Ttrue or Ffalse, marking an “A”for true statements and a “B”. for false ones. (10 points) ( ) 21. Logistics information management is defined as the information processing of collecting, reconciling, communicating, storage and utilizing of all the information generated from logistics operations. ( ) 22. A third-party logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pick-ups and deliveries, whereas in-house transportation can have the same function. ( ) 23. According to a narrow definition, logistics information means the information related to the logistics activities, such as transportation, storage, package, distribution processing

物流专业英语 试卷、答案

物流专业英语试卷 一、Translation(30分) 1.Container transport 2.International freight forwarding agent 3.Order cycle time 4.Inventory turnover 5.Environmental logistics 6.Carrying cost 7.Material handling 8.Demand forecasting 9.Reverse logistics 10.Agile logistics 11.Third-party logistics 12.Initial investment 13.Warehouse facility 14.Material procurement 15.Point of consumption 16.多式联运 17.分销渠道 18.条码 19.订单处理 20.保税仓库 21.前置期 22.叉车 23.门到门 24.准时制物流 25.拣选 26.提货单 27.发货区 28.进口税 29.规模经济 30.供应链整合 二、Translate the sentences into Chinese(40分) 1、Customer service involves getting the right product to the right customer at the right place, in the right condition and at the right time, at the lowest total cost possible.


常用物流英语专业英语词汇 一、常用物流英语50句 1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world. 现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。 2.Logistics is part of a supply chain. 物流是供应链的整体组成部分。 3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby. 物流不是新鲜事。 4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”. 物流是独特的全球通道。 5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information. 物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。 6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc. 物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。 7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information.


物流管理logistics management 客户服务customer service 物资搬运material handling 零配件和服务支持parts and service support 工厂及仓库选址factory and warehouse site selection 存货管理inventory management 订单处理order processing 需求预测demand forecasting 退货处理return goods handling 逆向物流reverse logistics 产出点point of origin 消费点point of consumption 物流成本logistics cost 销售损失lost sales 退货处理成本cost of return goods handling 潜在的销售potential sales 运输成本transportation cost 进货渠道inbound channel 出货渠道outbound channel 订单处理成本order processing cost 需求预测deman forecast 销售沟通distribution communications 电子数据交换系统electronic data interchange (EDI) 卫星数据传输satellite data transmission 条码bar coding 内部成本internal cost 外部成本external cost 订单传输order transmittal 订单输入order entry 批量成本lot quantity cost 缺货stock-out 库存成本inventory carrying/ holding cost 资金成本capital cost 仓储空间成本storage space cost 风险成本risk cost 供应链supply chain 供应链管理supply chain management 核心能力core competency 人力资源human resources 供应链整合supply chain integration 物资采购material procurement 最终用户end customer 货物流product flow 信息流information flow

《物流专业英语与 计算机基础》翻译

What is logistics Management?什么是物流管理 1.The Definition of logistics物流管理的定义 After completing a commercial transaction, logistics will execute the transfer of goods from the supplier(seller)to the customer(buyer) in the most cost-effective manner. This is the definitio n of logistics. During the transfer process, hardware such as logistics facilities and equipment (logis tics carriers) are needed, as well as information control and standardization. In addition, supports fr om the government and logistics association should be in place. 完成商业交易后物流将以最有效的成本方式以最有效的成本方式实行从供应商(卖方)到客户(买方)货物转运。这就是物流的定义。在转运过程中,像物流设施和设备(物流运输工具)之类的硬件是必要的,也需要信息控制和标准化管理。另外,来自政府和物流协会的支持应该到位。 Three major functions of logistics.物流的三个主要功能 (1) Creating time value: same goods can be valued different at different times. Goods often s top during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics. It creates th e time value for goods. 创造时间价值:同样的货物在不同的时间有不同的价值。货物常常在转运过程中处于滞留状态,用专业术语来说这被叫做物流储存。它创造货物的时间价值。 (2) Creating location value: same goods can be valued differently at different locations. The va lue added during the transfer process is the location value of logistics. 创造场所价值:同样的货物在不同的场所可被不同地定值。转运过程中被累加的价值就是物流的场所价值。 (3) Distribution processing Value: sometimes logistics create distribution processing value, which changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods. Like popular saying, “cutting into smaller parts”is the most commonly seen distribution processing form. Most processing within logistics crea te added value for goods. 经销过程价值:有时物流创造经销过程价值,这一经销过程改变货物的长度、厚度和包装。正像流行说法,“分割成更小块”是最常见的经销加工形式。物流的大部分过程创造货物的附加值。 Logistics is a new commercial area, developing from the traditional stage to a modern one. Th e main differences between these two stages include:物流是一项新的商业领域,从传统阶段到现代阶段发展而来。 这两个阶段间的主要不同点包括: (1) Modern logistics adopts containerization techniques. The goods transfer process starts with p ackaging, followed by transportation, storage and distribution. The whole process is operated under l ogistics standards. Based on the logistics base module of 600×400mm, form the logistics module of 1,200×1,000mm, and enlarge to the size of 2,591×2,438mm ---the size of high×wide of the container. It can be adjusted to the standard sizes of containers for trains, trucks and ships. 现代物流采用集装箱运输技术。货物运输过程从包装开始,接着是运输、储存及经销。整个过程在物流标准下进行.基于物流600×400MM的基础模数,形成1,200×1,000mm的物流模数,并放大到2,591×2,438mm的尺寸—即集装箱高乘宽的尺寸。它也能被调整到适于铁运、汽运和船运的集装箱标准尺寸。 Information technologies are most important for modern logistics. Bar Code, POS, EDI and GPS systems dramatically improve the efficiency and accuracy of the logistics activities. Internet further assists the market development, operations and management of the logistic industry. 信心息技术对现代物流来说极其重要。条码,销售点,电子数据交换和全球定位系统极大地提高了五六活动的效率和精确性。互联网更进一步促进了物流行业的市场开发、市场操作和管理。


物流专用术语物流基本概念术语 1.物品article 2.物流logistics 3.物流活动logistics activity 4.物流作业logistics operation 5.物流模数logistics modulus 6.物流技术logistics technology 7.物流成本logistics cost 8.物流管理logistics management 9.物流中心logistics center 10.物流网络logistics network 11.物流信息logistics information 12.物流企业logistics enterprise 13.物流单证logistics documents 14.物流联盟logistics alliance 15.供应物流supply logistics 16.生产物流production logistics 17.销售物流distribution logistics 18.回收物流returned logistics 19.废弃物物流waste material logistics 20.绿色物流environmental logistics 21.企业物流internal logistics 22.社会物流external logistics 23.军事物流military logistics 24.国际物流international logistics 25.第三方物流third-part logistics (TPL) 26.定制物流customized logistics 27.虚拟物流virtual logistics 28.增值物流服务value-added logistics service 29.供应链supply chain 30.条码bar code 31.电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI) 32.有形消耗tangible loss 33.无形消耗intangible loss 物流作业术语 1.运输transportation 2.联合运输combined transport 3.直达运输through transport 4.中转运输transfer transport


物流行业术语的英文翻译 Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) 注册(容积)总吨 Net Registered Tonnage (NRT) 注册(容积)净吨 Deadweight Tonnage (All Told) (DWT or D.W.A.T) 总载重吨位(量) Gross Dead Weight Tonnage 总载重吨位 Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT) 净载重吨 Light Displacement 轻排水量 Load (Loaded)Displacement 满载排水量 Actual Displacement 实际排水量 Over weight surcharge 超重附加费 Bunker Adjustment Factor (Surcharge) (BAS or BS) 燃油附加费Port Surcharge 港口附加费 Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费 Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) 货币贬值附加费 Deviation surcharge 绕航附加费 Direct Additional 直航附加费 Additional for Optional Destination 选卸港附加费 Additional for Alteration of Destination 变更卸货港附加费Fumigation Charge 熏蒸费 Bill of Lading 提单 On Board (Shipped) B/L 已装船提单 Received for shipment B/L 备运(收妥待运)提单 Named B/L 记名提单 Bearer B/L 不记名提单 Order B/L 指示提单 Blank Endorsement 空白备书 Clean B/L 清洁提单 In apparent good order and condition 外表状况良好 Unclean ( Foul, Dirty) B/L 不清洁提单


CHAPTER1 1. The 4 types of economic utility(四种经济效用形式) (1) possession utility(2) form utility(3) place utility(4) time utility 2. The increased importance of logistics(物流日益增长的重要性) (1)a reduction in economic regulation(经济规制的放松)(2)changes in consumer behavior(顾客行为的改变) (3)technological advanced(技术进步)(4)the growing power of retailers (零售商权力的不断增大) (5)globalization of trade(贸易全球化) 3. Business logistics(企业物流) (1)inbound logistics(内向物流)(2)materials management(物料管理) (3)physical distribution(实物配送) 4. Logistical relationships within firm(公司内部的物流关系) (1)finance(财务)(2)marketing(营销)(3)production(价格决策) 5.4ps of marketing(营销4P) (1)place(地点)(2)price(价格)(3)product(产品)(4)promotion(促销)6. Marketing channels(营销渠道) (1)ownership channel(所有权渠道)(2)negotiations channel(协商渠道) (3)financing channel(财务渠道) (4)promotions channel(促销渠道)(5)logistics channel(物流渠道) (6)facilitators or channel intermediaries(渠道促进者和渠道中介) 7. Sorting function 4 steps(分类功能有四个步骤) (1)sorting out(分类)(2)accumulating(积聚)(3)allocating(分配)(4)assorting(再次分类) 8. Activities in the logistical channel(物流渠道中的活动) (1)customer service(顾客服务)(2)demand forecasting(需求预测) (3)facility location decision(设施选址决策) (4)industrial packaging(工业包装)(5)inventory management(库存管理) (6)materials handling(物料搬运) (7)order management(订单管理)(8)parts and service support(零配件和服务支持)(9)production scheduling(生产作业计划) (10)procurement(采购)(11)returned products(退货)(12)salvage and scrap disposal(残料和废料处理) (13)transportation management(运输管理)(14)warehousing management(仓储管理) CHAPTER 2 1. SCOR process(供应链运作参考流程) (1)plan(计划)(2)source(采购)(3)make(制造)(4)deliver(交货)(5)return (退货) 2. GSCF process(全球供应链论坛流程) (1)customer relationship management(顾客关系管理)(2)customer service management(顾客服务管理) (3)demand management(需求管理)(4)order fulfillment(订单履行) (5)manufacturing flow management(制造流程管理)


第二节 Recent Trends in Logistics 1.Third Part Logistics ( TPL) 第三方物流 Third Part Logistics provides all the logistics services. They act as a bridge or facilitator between the first part( supplier or producer) and the second part( buyer or customer). The primary objectives of third part logistics providers are to lower the total cost of logistics for the supplier and improve the service level to the customer. 第三方物流提供了所有的物流活动。他们在第一方(供应商或生产商)和第二方(买方或顾客)之间扮演着桥梁或设施供应商的角色。第三方物流提供商的基本目标是降低供应商的整体物流成本,提高顾客服务水平。 Third Part Logistics have been growing rapidly. Cost reduction and demands for batter and cheaper services are the main drives behind the growth. A third part logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pick–ups and deliveries, whereas in–house transportation cannot. Other reasons are as follows: 第三方物流增长十分迅速。成本降低和对更好更便宜的服务的需求是增长背后的动力。第三方物流提供商能够将来自几家企业的业务进行整合,并能提供频繁的提货和交货,而企业内部运输无法做到。(第三方物流发展的)其它原因如下:* The company does not specialize in logistics; * 企业并不专长于物流 * The company does not have sufficient resources; * 企业自身没有足够的物流资源 * Eager to implement better logistics operation or does not have time to develop the required capabilities in–house; * 对实施更好的物流运作的期盼,或没有时间开发内部物流所需要的能力 * The company is venturing into a new business with totally different logistics requirements; *企业正投资一项新领域,该领域有着不同的物流需求 * Merger or acquisition may make outsourcing logistics operations more attractive than to integrate logistics operations. * 外包物流运营可能比整合物流运营更加有吸引力 3.Global Logistics 全球物流 Developed countries often deal with globalization in two ways: to be more cost competitive with third world countries, and to look for new partners in other countries to manufacture components, subassemblies and even the final products. The second approach forces most developed countries to get into a new area called “ global logistics”. 发达国家常在两个方面实施全球化:在第三世界国家谋求更大的成本优势,以及 在其他国家寻找新的合作伙伴生产零配件、半成品甚至制成品。这第二个方面迫使发达国家不得不进入一个叫做“全球物流”的新领域。 Benefits of global operations include cheap raw materials and end products, lower labor cost, better quality, increased internal competition and better customer service. Some of the disadvantages are unreliable


物流专业英语词汇汇总 表 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

A abc classificiation abc分类法 Accomplish a Bill of Lading (to) 付单提货 Act of God 天灾 activity cost pool 作业成本集 activity-based costing 作业基准成本法 Ad valorem freight 从价运费 Address commission (Addcomm) 回扣佣金 advanced shipping notice (asn) 预先发货通知 A fixed day sailing 定日航班 A fortnight sailing 双周班 A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班 agile manufacturing 敏捷制造 Air Express 航空快递 Air Waybill 航空运单 Alliance 联盟 All in rate 总运费率 All purposes 全部装卸时间 节省的全部时间 allocation―――中转 AMT (Advanced Manufacturing Technology) 先进制造技术Annual survey 年度检验 anticipation inventory 预期储备 Arbitrator 仲裁员 Area differential 地区差价 AS/RS (automated storage/retrieval system) 自动化仓储系统Article reserves物品储备 ATP (available to promise) 可供销售量 automatic replenishment (ar) 自动补货系统 automatic warehouse 自动化仓库 Automatic guided vehicle (AGV)自动导引车automated high-rise warehouse 自动立体仓库 B Backfreight 回程运费 back-hauls―――回程空载 Back (return) load 回程货 backlog 拖欠定单 back order 脱期定单, 延期交货成本(back order costs)。bar code 条形吗 Bill of Lading 提单 bill of materials 物料清单 Blank Endorsement 空白备书

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