当前位置:文档之家› 小学二年级英语听力练习材料




一、1. r 2. m 3. t 4. l 5. p

6. W

7. DVD

8. HK

9. AM 10. UV

二、1. art room 2. student 3. hear

4. train

5. shelf

6. what

7. policeman

8. Miss

9. hall 10. pink

三、1. My doll has a purple coat.

2. Mr Li is a shop assistant.

3. Is she a doctor?

4. What colour are the walls?

5. What can you smell?

四、1. Are you a student?

2. What colour are the curtains?

3. What do you do in the playground?

4. Do you like this skirt?

5. Is Mrs Fu a shop assistant?

五、1. I like the scarf. Its pretty.

2. Hmm. I can smell hot dogs.

3. Theres a big playground. We can run and jump.



二年级英语听力材料 听力部分(60分) I. I. Listen and number (听音,给下列图片排序,并按顺序标 上1-4)每个读两遍。(8分) 1.Look, this is my father. He is tall and handsome. 2.What does your mother look like? She is thin and pretty. 3.This is my grandfather.I love him very much. 4.Oh, look at this kind woman.who is she? Yes, she is my grandmother. II.听录音,选择正确的图片。每个读两遍。(20分) 1.-Who is he? He is my father. 2.-She is a woman.She is my mother. 3.-This is my mum and dad.Nice to meet you. 4.-What’s her name? Her name is Lily.She is my friend. 5.-What’s his name?His name is Bill.He is my friend. 6.-Is he a man? Is he a tiger? Oh,he’s my friend.His name is Tiny.He is an elephant. X k B 1 . c o m 7.-He is big and he is tall.He is handsome,too.He is a great boy. 8.-She is short and she is thin.She is pretty,too.She is a nice girl. 9.-I have a friend.Her name is Yaoyao.


小学六年级英语毕业试卷及答案听力部分(共30分) ( )1. A.wash B.washed C.washing D.washed ( )2. A. happy B.excited C. tired D.angry ( )3. A.tall B.taller C.short D.shorter ( )4. A.go B.went C.want D.goes ( )5. A.big B.biger C.bigger D.strong 二、听问句选答语:5分 ( ) 1. A.I’m fine. B.I’m nine. C.I’m 50kg. ( ) 2. A.The elephant. B. The cat. ( ) 3. A.I’m angry B.I have a headache. C. I feel sick. ( ) 4. A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I did. C.No,I did. ( ) 5. A.It’s black. B.It’s a clock. C.It’s four o’clock. 三、听短文判断正误:10分 ( ) 1. Jenny’s family was very busy last weekend. ( ) 2. Jenny cleaned the floor yesterday. ( ) 3. Bob washed his clothes. ( ) 4. Father cooked supper. ( ) 5. Mother read a newspaper. 四.听短文补全对话:10分 Today was a fun day. I______my_________, then I _____to Amy’s home in the morning. we ______a story book, then we ______to a park by______. We __________some elephants and _______a_______, we took some________. We were__________. 笔试部分 一、按要求写词语:10分 one (序数词) longer (反义词) thin (比较级)


三年级英语上听力材料及参考答案 听力材料 Unit 1 Myself 1. Listen and match 听单词,将图片与 ap 或者 at 连线 (1)bat (2)nap (3)hat (4)hat 2.Listen and write 听句子,将表中的信息补充完整 (1)I’m Ben ,B-e-n ,Ben. I’m seven years old.I’m in class one. (2) My name’s Kim,K-i-m.I’m five years old.I’m in class three. Unit 2 My body 1.Listen and draw a monster(怪物).听下面的描述画出怪物的样子。 Hi! I’m a monster. I have a head. I have three eyes and a mouth. I have an arm. I have a hand. I have two feet. 2.Listen and choose. 听下面的对话,选出正确的句子。 (1)What’s the matter? My eye hurts. (2)What’s the matter? My hand hurts. Unit 3 Food 1.Listen and fill in the gap 听录音,根据单词的发音填字母。 hit sit fit 2.Listen and match.妈妈要给小朋友们做打卤面,听对话,将小朋友们和他们想要放到面里的食物连起来。 Mum:What do you want in your noodles,Tom? Tom:I want some chicken an vegetables. Mum:How about you Anna? Anna:I want tomatoes an eggs. Mum:Do you want tomatoes an eggs,Kitty? Kitty:Mum...I like tomatoes,but I don’t like eggs in my noodles. Mum:How about tomatoes an meat? Kitty:That’s great! Mum:your noodles are going to be ready in a minute.


(听力题材料) 一、公园里 走进公园,我们感到春天真的来了。花都开了,有淡黄的迎春花,粉红的桃花,白色的玉兰花,还 有紫色的丁香花。 二、画画 我们各自选好要画的景物,就开始画起来。有的画高大的树,有的画五颜六色的花,有的画美丽的亭子和假山。我们用各种颜色,把春天的景物画成一幅幅图画。 三、植树 我们植下树,以后会有小鸟来做窝,来唱歌,也会有小白兔来采蘑菇,有小猴子来摘果子,有小松 鼠来捉迷藏。 四、鸟儿 这时候,我们听到许多鸟儿在树上唱歌, 鸟;有戴着花冠、穿着花裙子的布谷鸟; 有一天,小白兔挎(ku gū)去了。 她来到果园里, 小白兔走到一片蘑菇地里,那儿的蘑菇鲜嫩(nè wēi)险(xiǎn)。她高兴地采起了蘑菇。这时 钻出脑袋东瞧西瞧;春天 风筝上天越飘越高。 小雨点,沙沙沙,落在鱼池里,鱼儿乐 落在田野里,苗儿乐得向上拔。 一封写 。咦,树上的枫叶都到哪儿了? 哈,全被秋姑娘写了信! 九荒地 屋子后面有块地,大家商量种东西。公鸡说:“种高粱。”鸭子说:“种玉米。”兔子说:“种萝卜。”猴子说:“种桃子。”年年月月,争来争去,直到现在,还是荒地。 十雨点 雨点落进池塘里,在池塘里睡觉。 雨点落进小溪里,在小溪里散步。 雨点落进江河里,在江河里奔跑。 雨点落进海洋里,在海洋里跳跃。 十一春天的手

春天的手,温暖轻柔。 春天的手抚摸着大地,大地一片新绿。春天的手掠过小河,小河唱起了快乐的歌。春天的手拂过树梢,枝头传来小鸟的欢叫。春天的手拍着我们的肩膀,小朋友个个活泼又健壮。拉住春天的手,春 天就在你心头。 十二太阳 大海上,太阳是从水里跳出来的。 草原上,太阳是从草里冒出来的。 山村里,太阳是雄鸡叫出来的。 森林里,太阳是鸟儿唱出来的。 哦,美丽的世界,是太阳照出来的。 十三冰花 小童清晨醒来,看见玻璃窗上结了一朵朵晶亮的冰花。他惊奇地喊着: 花了! 洁白。 小童问妈妈:“这花是从哪儿来的?”妈妈笑了笑说: 轻巧优美。它无论停在枝头,还是落在屋顶, 毛 这种黏液还含有一种 竟然发 25 30厘米。 每逢沙漠里刮起卷着沙子的旋风,它的鼻孔就紧 也不会烫伤。骆驼的脚 它就用自己的积蓄来维持生命。 十七黄河 黄河是我国第二长河,世界第五长河,全长有5464千米。黄河发源于青藏高原上的巴颜喀拉山,流经青海、四川、甘肃、河南、山东等9个省区,最后在山东省利津县附近流入渤海。 黄河中游河段流经黄土高原地区,因水土流失,支流带入大量泥沙,使黄河成为世界上含沙量最多的河流。1933年最大年输沙量达39.1亿吨,1977年最高含沙量920千克每立方米。三门峡站多年平均输沙量约16亿吨,平均含沙量35千克每立方米。黄河是中国世界纪录协会世界上含沙量最多的河流。黄河中的泥沙含量高是造成黄河水黄的主要原因。 十八蝉和狐狸 一天傍晚,蝉在大树枝上唱歌,狐狸从树下走过。“唱的多好啊!”狐狸一边说一边向树枝间窥视。“你有这样一幅好嗓子,一定长得非常漂亮。下来吧,那我就不仅能倾听你悦耳的声音,还能欣赏


Unit 1 Playtime Lesson 1 第一课 A Look, listen and chant. 看,听和唱。 play football 踢足球 fly a kite 放风筝 ride a bike 骑自行车 make a model plane 做飞机模型 swim 游泳 make a snowman 堆雪人 Bill can play football. 比尔会踢足球。 Me too, me too. 我也会,我也会。 Yaoyao can fly a kite. 瑶瑶会放风筝。 Me too, me too. 我也会,我也会。 Joy can ride a bike. 乔伊会骑自行车。 Me too, me too. 我也会,我也会。 Andy can make a model plane. 安迪会做飞机模型。Me too, me too. 我也会,我也会。 Lily can make a snowman. 丽丽会堆雪人。 Me too, me too. 我也会,我也会。

B Listen and do. 听,做。 Fly a kite. C Listen and chant again. 听,再唱一遍。 Bill can play football. 比尔会踢足球。 Me too, me too. 我也会,我也会。 Yaoyao can fly a kite. 瑶瑶会放风筝。 Me too, me too. 我也会,我也会。 Joy can ride a bike. 乔伊会骑自行车。 Me too, me too. 我也会,我也会。 Andy can make a model plane. 安迪会做飞机模型。Me too, me too. 我也会,我也会。 Lily can make a snowman. 丽丽会堆雪人。 Me too, me too. 我也会,我也会。 Lesson 2 第二课 A Look, listen and repeat. 看,听和重复。 Can you play football? 你会踢足球吗? No, I can't. 不,我不会。 Can you ride a bike? 你会骑自行车吗? Yes, I can. 是的,我会。 B Let's survey. 做个调查。


小学英语毕业试题及答案 时间50分钟满分100分 一、根据读音规则,判断下列各组单词中,哪一个单词划线部分的读音与其它三个划线部分的读音不同,请选出。(共10分,每小题2分) ()1. A. hand B. gave C. map D. plan ()2. A. went B. bed C. me D. get ()3. A. heavy B. sleep C. weekend D. meet ()4. A. car B. father C. warm D. hard ()5. A. start B. car C. father D. swam 二、翻译下列短语:(每空1分,共10分) 1.全世界_________ _________ the world 2.制定计划__________ a ___________ 3.去游泳_________ ___________ 4.长城the __________ _________ 5.起床_________ _________ 三、单项选择:(每小题2分,共20分) ( ) 1. Your pen is newer than _____________. A. mine B. me C. her ( ) 2. Zhuhai is ________ than Guangzhou, I think. A. most beautiful B. beautiful C. more beautiful ( ) 3. I learned __________ pictures on the computer. A. to draw B. draw C. drew ( ) 4.How _______ she go to school in the morning ? A. is B. does C. do ( ) 5.That is _______ American national flag. There ______ fifty stars on it.


三年级听力材料 一、听一听,下面的句子里缺少了哪个单词或字母,把它找出来,把编号写在括号里。 1. Hi, I'm Amy. I am a girl. 2. --- Who's that man? --- He's my father. 3. --- How many kites can you see? --- I can see twenty. 4. I like peaches. 5. I have a jeep. 6. The rabbit has long ears. 7. Show me JPG. 8. My car number is X 519. 9. --- Where is my pencil? --- It's under the desk. 10. I can say from A to G. 二、看图,听一听,这几个小朋友都在干什么呢?。用数字给他们标上序号吧。 1. P Q R S T, pour the tea. 2. Long, long, long, make your arms long. 3. K K K, kick, kick, kick. 4. E E E, drink some tea. 5. G H I, fly a kite. 三、看图,听录音,圈出正确的图片。 1. Hi, I'm Amy. I'm from America. 2. Draw a boy. 3. --- How many books do you have? --- I have 15. 4. Look, I have a car. 5. --- Do you like pears? --- No, I like peaches. 6. You see, the fox is in the box. 7. Look at my ruler, it's short. 8. Wow, the elephant is so big. 9. This is a bag. 10. Can I have some juice? 四、看图,听录音,判断录音内容与图是否相同,相同的打“√”,不相同打“×”。


二年级第二学年小学英语期中试卷听力部分 一、听录音,标序号 1.This is my mother. 2.That is my grandfather. 3.Look at the big apple. 4.Would you like some tea? 5.Is that your bed? 6.This is a desk. 7.Do you like juice? 8.Show me your sister’s photo. 9.Look ! I have a new chair. 二、听录音,对的打√,错的打×: 1.I have two pencils. 2.This is my new bag. 3.Show me your ruler. 4.Is that your marker? Yes, it is. 5.Look! Some markers. 6.This is my Chinese book. 7.Lisa has eight pencils. 8.How many storybook? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven storybooks. 9.I have five sharpeners.

三、听录音,圈一圈。 1. bird 2. this 3. brother 4.son 5. five 6. pencil-box 7. grey 8. marker 9. open 10.seven 11. animal 12 Mike 四、听一听,连一连,涂一涂 1. Hello! My name’s Tom. I have a red pencil. 2. Hi!I’m Sam. I have a blue bed. 3.My name is Mary. Look at my new purple sharpener. 4.I’m Kate. I like yellow bananas. 5.Hi! I’m Lisa. I have a brown bear. I like it! 五,听一听,画一画。 1.What time is it ? –It’s three o’ clock. 2.Show me your marker. 3.What’s on the chair? A ruler. 4.Look! I have five apples. 5.This is my father’s photo. 六、听一听,写出下列单词所缺的。 1.This is my marker. 2.Would you like a banana?? 3.Is that your bird? 4.You have nine nice crayons. 5.Mary is Tom’s mother..


小学英语毕业试卷(一) 姓名班级分数 一、指出每组单词中与其他三个不同一类的单词,并把它的编号写在相应的括号内:(5分) ( ) 1.A. river B. eat C. worry D. stay ( ) 2.A. pear B. apple C. flower D. banana ( ) 3.A. bread B. milk C. table D. egg ( ) 4.A. one B. two C. first D. four ( ) 5.A. tell B. say C. cook D. father 二、英汉互译:(10分) 1.cold and snowy___________ 2. ride a bicycle ____________ 3.Nice to meet you.____________ 4. Spring Festival__________________ 5. What’s wrong with you, Danny? ____________ 6.圣诞树________________ 7.步行去上学_____________ 8.吃晚饭________________ 9.现在几点了? ____________________ 10. 明天见!____________________ 三、词形转换。(10分) 1.is(同义词)_________ https://www.doczj.com/doc/f93948387.html,e(反义词)___________ 3. yes(反义词)___________ 4.it(复数) __________ 5.two(同音词)___________ 6. books(单数)___________ 7.think(过去式) _________8. foot(复数)________ 9. sister(对应词)___________ 10. September (缩写)____________ 四、开心做选择,快乐你我他:(20分) 1.It is a surprise _____ Li Ming.


二年级语文听力训练 听力训练一: 1.文中长颈鹿和()、()一起比脖子。 2.长颈鹿和乌龟听了水牛的话为什么不好意思?(在正确答案后画∨) (1)因为他们的脖子太细了,没有水牛的结实。() (2)因为水牛的脖子能给自己带来方便,而他们的脖子却不能。() (3)因为水牛是想让自己的脖子为人类干活,而他们只为自己着想。() 3.你想对水牛说些什么?———————————————————————————————————————————————。听力训练二: 1、这篇短文的题目是()。 2、菊花的颜色很多,在你听到的颜色上打√。 红的()蓝的()白的() 绿的()黄的()紫的( 3、短文中提到一些ABB的词语,如()和()。你能再写出三个吗:__________________________________________ 听力训练三: 1、小白兔用小红伞做了什么事情?判断下面的说法,正确的在括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。 (1)用小红伞挡风。 (2)用小红伞遮zhē雨。 (3)用小红伞帮小刺猬钩果子。 (4)用小红伞遮zhē阳光。 (5)用小红伞保护自己,躲过了大灰狼。 2、你认为这是一只怎样的小白兔?______________________________________________________。 听力训练四: 请认真听短文,回答下列问题: 1.武汉市正在创建_____________________。 2.志愿服务精神包括奉献、()、()进步。 3.每年的()月()日是国际志愿者日。 4.你觉得你能为创建文明城市做些什么呢? _____________________________________________________。 听力训练五: 1、牛顿是()人,是()上著名的()。 2、判断下面的说法,正确的在括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。 (1)一天傍晚,牛顿坐在梨树下乘凉。() (2)牛顿是著名的生物学家。() (3)苹果掉下来是因为地球有吸引力。()


2013~2014学年度第二学期二年级英语期末质量检测题听力原文及答案 I、Listen and tick 1.Sam, What are you doing? I’m tidying my room. 2. Are they doing a dragon dance? Yes, they are. 3.What is Lingling doing? She is singing a song. 4.—Is it hot today? —Yes, it is. 5.What do you like doing in summer? I like swimming in summer. 二、Listen and number 1.We’re going up.. 2.My mother usually goes shopping on Sundays. 3.This park is next to a supermarket. 4.The train is going past a hospital. 5.Turn around! 6.This is Daming. He isn’t playing basketball. He is doing his homework. 三、Listen and draw 1.–Where is the train going? —The train is going up a hill. 2.The bike is going down a hill. 3.Turn right! 4.Turn left. 5.Go straight on! 四、Listen and match 1.—Sam,Are you writing a letter? —No, I am not. I am doing my homework. 2.Is Amy drawing a picture? Yes, she is. 3.What is Lingling doing? Lingling is skipping. 4.Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek, Daming is hiding. 听力部分答案 I、1.左图 2.右图 3.左图 4.右图 5.右图 II、241 563 III、上山、下山、向右转、向左转、直行 IV、 笔试大比拼答案 V、读一读,圈一圈。 1.raining 2.in front of 3.reading 4.saying 5.skiing VI、读一读,连一连。


20XX年小学毕业生学业测试 英语试卷 (全卷共十三大题,满分100分,完卷时间:60分钟) 听力部分(50分) 一.听音,圈出你所听到的字母或数字。听二遍。(每小题1分,共 10分。) 1. A B C 2. CM KG DG 3. fe je ie 4. ea ou oa 5. PK UN US 6. 3 4 5 7. 26 36 46 8. 567 765 657 9. 3824 3927 3618 10. 9342 8621 7784 二. 听音,选出你所听到的单词,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题1分,共10分。) ( )1.A.bread B. bed C. black ( )2.A. door B. floor C. ball ( )3.A. good B. look C. book ( )4.A.red B. fat C.yes ( )5.A.father B.farm C. from

( )6.A.fish B.fresh C.wash ( )7.A.date B.cake C.make ( )8.A.but B.fun C.sun ( )9.A.know B.now C.snow ( )10.A.matter B.mother C.math 三.听音,选出你所听到的句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题2分,共10分。) ( )1.A.This is my book. B.That is your desk. ( )2.A.How do you go to Beijing? B.How do you go to school? ( )3.A.What’s your favourite fruit? B.What’s your favourite food? ( )4.A. When do you get up? B. When do you go to school? ( )5.A.How heavy are you? B.How old are you? 四、听音,根据你所听到的单词,选择符合单词意思的图片,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内. 听二遍。(每小题1分,共5分。)( ) 1 A B ( ) 2 A B


单元测试卷.三年级下册.听力材料 英语Unit1 听力材料: 一.听一听,选出与所听内容相符的图片(只圈序号)。 1. I’m Mike. I’m from Canada. 2. He is a teacher. 3. I’m from China. 4. I’m Sarah. I’m a girl. 5. He’s a student. He’s a boy. 二.听一听,选择你所听到的单词。 1. I’m Sarah. I’m from the USA. 2. She’s a student. 3. Wu Yifan is a boy. 4. Zhang Peng is from China. 5. I’m from the UK. 三.听一听,选择正确的答语。 1.Where are you from? 2. This is Amy. 3. Hi, I’m Zhang Peng. I’m from Shandong. 4. This is Mike. 5. How are you? 四.听一听,给下面的图片标上正确的序号。 1. This is Miss White. She’s a teacher. 2. --We have two new students today.—Welcome. 3. I’m from China. I like the Great Wall. 4. I’m Zhang Peng. I’m a boy. 5. --This is Amy. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 五.听一听,填出所缺的字母。 1. /?/ bag 2. /h/ hand 3. /?/ ant 4./k/ cat 5. /p/ panda 英语Unit2 听力材料: 一.听一听,圈出与所听内容相符的图片(只圈序号)。 1. This is Amy, my new classmate. 2. Who’s this woman? She’s a new teacher. 3. Who’ s this man? He’ s my father. 4. Where’re you from?I’m from China. 5. Is this your sister? No, this is my brother. 二.听一听,选择你所听到的单词。 1 dad 2 man 3 sister 4 grandmother 5 brother 三.听一听,选择正确的答语。 1. Nice to meet you. 2 Where are you from? 3. Who’s this woman?


二年级语文下听力测试 题 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

(听力题材料) 一、公园里 走进公园,我们感到春天真的来了。花都开了,有淡黄的迎春花,粉红的桃花,白色的玉兰花,还有紫色的丁香花。 二、画画 我们各自选好要画的景物,就开始画起来。有的画高大的树,有的画五颜六色的花,有的画美丽的亭子和假山。我们用各种颜色,把春天的景物画成一幅幅图画。 三、植树 我们植下树,以后会有小鸟来做窝,来唱歌,也会有小白兔来采蘑菇,有小猴子来摘果子,有小松鼠来捉迷藏。 四、鸟儿 这时候,我们听到许多鸟儿在树上唱歌,看到许多鸟儿在枝间跳舞。有羽毛鲜艳、体形很小的太阳鸟;有戴着花冠、穿着花裙子的布谷鸟;还有周身黑得发亮、嘴角淡黄的八哥……它们叽叽喳喳地叫着,热闹极了! 五、小红伞 有一天,小白兔挎(kuà)着一只篮子,带着一把小红伞出门采蘑(mó)菇(gū)去了。 她来到果园里,看见小刺猬怎么也摘不到树上的果子,小白兔就用自己的小红伞帮小刺猬把果子钩下来,小刺猬连声道谢(xiè)。

小白兔走到一片蘑菇地里,那儿的蘑菇鲜嫩(nèn)诱(yòu)人,她刚想采,忽然看见一只大灰狼正朝这边走来。逃(táo)跑是来不及了,怎么办呢小白兔连忙撑(chēng)开小红伞,成了一个可爱的小蘑菇。大灰狼没看见小白兔,就走过去了。 小白兔舒了一口气,心想,总算躲(duǒ)过了危(wēi)险(xiǎn)。她高兴地采起了蘑菇。这时天下起了小雨,小白兔打开小红伞,高高兴兴回家了。 六春天来了 春天来了冰雪知道,变成流水蹦蹦跳跳;春天来了小草知道,钻出脑袋东瞧西瞧;春天来了风儿知道,吹绿田野吹来小鸟,春天来了孩子知道,风筝上天越飘越高。 七小雨沙沙 小雨点,沙沙沙,落在花园里,花儿乐得张嘴巴。小雨点,沙沙沙,落在鱼池里,鱼儿乐得摇尾巴。小雨点,沙沙沙,落在田野里,苗儿乐得向上拔。 八秋姑娘的信 秋姑娘摘下片片枫叶,给她的好朋友们写信。一封写给南去的大雁,让它们路上多加小心。一封写给要冬眠的青蛙, 盖好被子别着凉生病。一封写给贪玩的松鼠,快准备好充足的食品。再写一封给山村孩子,别忘了给小树裹上“冬衣”。咦,树上的枫叶都到哪儿了 哈,全被秋姑娘写了信! 九荒地 屋子后面有块地,大家商量种东西。公鸡说:“种高粱。”鸭子说:“种玉米。” 兔子说:“种萝卜。”猴子说:“种桃子。” 年年月月,争来争去,直到现在,还是荒地。


一、语音、词汇。34% (一)在括号里用阿拉伯数字标出下列单词在词典中的先后顺序,并在划线上写出它们的中文意思。(5分) ()kangaroo ()young ()curtain ()skirt ()watch (二)根据所给单词的读音写出相应单词,并将中文意思写在括号里。(5分) [f?t] [spr??t] [h??t] [sm??l][n??s] ()()()()() (三)根据所给单词首字母填入单词,使句子合理、通顺。(10分) 1、I always p trees with my family in spring? 2、He always help people when they are in t______. 3、In summer, the w is usually very h . 4、Lisa and Lyla are t____. They look the s____, but they are very d______. 5、Our m_______ teacher is very y______. He’s very f______. (四)根据首字母提示填入文中所缺单词。(10分) Last weekend, I v_____ my aunt’s farm. There are many a________ in the f_____, such as cows, g_____, s_____, horses and etc. My aunt was very busy at first. She needed to _____ the hens, m____ the cows and shear a sheep. Later, she taught me how to r____ a horse. I really h____ a g____ time in my aunt’s farm. (五)根据上下文,写出下列句子划线部分的中文意思。(4分) 1、This is my weekend timetable. 2、Go straight along this road, and the school is on your left. 3.I can help my mother to wash the plates now. 4. Did you have a pleasant journey? 二、句型、情景表达。35 % (一)选择填空。将最佳选项的序号填在题前的括号里。(10%) ( ) 1、Kunming is known as“”. A.Flower City B.Spring City C. Beauty City ()2. Amy feels .Her mother has a headache A. tired B.sad C.bored ( ) 3. Does your pen pal live _________ Shanghai? A.on B.at C.in ( )4.My mum likes _________. A.swims B.swimming C.swim ( )5. How_____ some cake ? Sounds good. A.about B. much C.many ( )6. It’s cold now. Please___________ your coat. A put on B. take off C. look after ( )7. Jim and Ben are _____ about Ben’s birthday. A. saying B. speaking C. Talking ( )8.Rain _________ down into a lake. A.falls B.feels C.comes


外研社小学三年级英语听力 一、听录音选图片 1、2、3、4、5、 6、7、8、9、10、二、听录音,选答语。 ()11、 A、Good morning, Amy. B、I’mDaming. ( )12、 A、I’m fine , thank you. B、Goodbye, Xiaohong. ()13、A、I’m fine.B、I’m Xiao Wei ()14、A、Goog morning. B、Two. ()15、A、Hello, I’m Lingling B、Byebye Xiao Hua. 三、判断图片与录音是否相符,是的打√,否打×。 xx春期中检测听力 一、听录音,选图片。 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 9、 10、二、听录音,选答语。

()11、A、Green. B、Yes, Ido. ()12、A、Thank you.B、Hello, Mr Wang.()13、A、No, I am not.B、It’s a cat.()14、A、Yes, I do. B、No, Ido.()15、A、Yes, he does. B、Yes, he is. 二、听短文,选单词。 My father A、goes B、likes)to work on Mondays. My mum is (A、onB、at ) home on Saturdays.I go to school 、onB、at ) Mondays. I (A、likeB、line ) morning exercises. My (A、favouriteB、father ) colour is yellow. xx春期末检测听力 一、听录音,选图片。 1、 2、 3、 4、5、6、 7、 8、 9、10、二、听录音,选答语。 ()11、 A、I have classes.B、I like swimming. ()12、A、I playfootball. B、He plays football. ()13、 A、It’s in

二年级英语下册 期中测试题及听力材料(无答案)人教新起点

二年级英语下册期中测试题及听力材料(无答案)人教新起点 姓名:__________ 班别__________ 分数____________ 一、听录音,圈出所听到图片的序号。(15%) 1. 2. A B A B 3. 4. A B A B 5. A B 二、听录音,用阿拉伯数字1、2、3、4给下面图片排列顺序。(22%) 1. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,对的画“√”,错的画“×”。(18%) 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听录音,选择你所听到的图片,并把其字母编号写在括号里。(15%) 1. ( ) A B 2. ( ) A B 3. ( ) A B 4. ( )

A B 5. ( ) A B 五、听录音,画画。(15%) 1 2、 3、 4、 5、 六、听录音,涂上正确的颜色。(15%) 1、 2 3、 4、 5、 二年级英语期中测试题 一、听录音,圈出所听到图片的序号。(15%) 1. hand in hand 2.papaya 3. family 4. river 5. wide 二、听录音,用阿拉伯数字1、2、3、4给下面图片排列顺序。(22%) 1. grandpa mother father grandma 2. river farm park highway 3. strawberry mango grapes peach 4. beef egg potato rice pork 5. bump slide down pick climb wash your hands


小学毕业考试英语试卷 2019-2020年小学毕业考试英语试卷 (时限80分钟) 三、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,将其序号写在题前括号内(6分) ( ) 1. A. stamp B. plan C. black D. date ( ) 2. A. these B. leg C. left D. friend ( ) 3. A. fine B. milk C. write D. mine ( ) 4. A. ago B. close C. clock D. home ( ) 5. A. study B. jump C. must D. duty ( ) 6. A. mean B. sweater C. heavy D. weather 四、词汇(18分) A 、译出下列词组(中译英每空0.5分,英译中每空1分,共12分) 那些大西瓜 big 她的英语老师 teacher 黑眼睛的男孩the boy eyes 洗衣服 在冰箱附近 the 在周一下午 afternoon 沿这条街走go this 春节 a middle school the weather in New York the first day of the new term read better than all of us B 、根据句子意思,用括号内所给词的正确形式填空(每空一词)(6分) 1. Jim ’s birthday is on the of May. (one) 2. My mother likes . She many delicious food yesterday.(cook) 3. Nancy is a girl, she can dance . (beautiful) 4. We to the park last Sunday. (go) 5. -Whose ruler is it? –It ’s .( I ) 6. –What are you doing, Tom? –I ’m magazines. (read) 7. The new skirt is .(Mrs Green) 8. How many do you have every day?(class) 9. May swims as as his brother.(slow) 10. What ’s the weather like in Wuxi? It often .(rain) 五、在A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项(12分) ( ) 1. I in Class 5. Ben in Class 5, too. We classmates. A. is, am, are B. am, is, are C. are, is, am ( ) 2. My shoes under the bed just now. But they there now. A. are, weren’t B. were, weren’t C. were, aren’t ( ) 3. There’s apple tree in my garden. In tree, there’s small house for the birds. A. an, the, a B. an, a, the C. a, the, a ( ) 4. -- that woman, Helen? –She ’s Miss Li. -- is that dress? Is it hers? A. Who, Whose B. Whose, Who’s C. Who’s, Whose ( ) 5. I usually go to school seven the morning. A. at, on B. at, in C. about, on ( ) 6. This is our classroom. is next to . A. Your, our B. Your, ours C. Yours, ours ( ) 7. Mr White is from . He’s . He speaks . A. America, American, English A. American, America, English C. America, American, American ( ) 8. I a big garden behind my house. many flowers in it. A. have, There are B. there are, Have C. has, There is ( ) 9. There isn’t milk in the cup. Would you like juice? A. some, any B. any, some C. any, any ( ) 10. - Yang Ling see a film last Sunday? - No, she . A. Do, don’t B. Does, doesn’t C. Did, didn’t ( ) 11. –What does “No parking” mean? - It means . A. We can park our bikes here. 区 学校 编号 姓名 …………………………………密………………………………………………………………封………………………………………………… ——英语试卷 共6页 第3页——

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