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1. 极限()220ln 1lim

x x x →+=( B ) A.1

2 B. 1 C. 2 D. e

2. 若2)(2+=x e x f ,则=)0('f ( C )

A. 1

B. e

C. 2

D. 2e

3. 设函数)3)(2)(1()(---=x x x x x f ,则)0('f 等于( B )

A .0

B .6-

C .1

D .3

4.设,则等于( C )

A. B.

C. D. 5.设,2sin

x e y =则=dy ( B ) A .x d e x 2sin B .x d e x 2sin sin 2 C .x xd e x sin 2sin 2sin D .x d e x sin 2sin

6.若事件A 发生必然导致事件B 发生,则事件A 和B 的关系一定是( A ) A. B. C. 对立事件 D.互不相容事件

7. 极限x

x x x x cos cos lim +-∞→( A ) A .等于1 B .等于0 C .为无穷大 D .不存在

8.设',)(',)()(y x f e e f y x f x 则存在且==( C )

A .)()()()('x f x x f x e e f e e f +

B .)(')(')(x f e e f x f x ?

C .)(')()(')()(x f e e f e e f x f x x f x x ?++

D .)()('x f x e e f




||1x f x x ≤?=??>则f [f(1)]= . 10.已知33lim 1nk

n e n -→∞??+= ??

?,则k= . 11.曲线y=3x 5-5x 4+4x-1的拐点是 .

12.函数()arctan f x x x =-在闭区间[-1,1]上的最大值是 .

13.设函数,则 . 14. .

15.若则 .

16.已知,则 .

9.1 10.-9 11. (1,1) 12.

13. ; 14. ;

15. 16.1.


17.计算1ln e

x xdx ?. 18.设的一个原函数为,求.


20.设函数z=xy+f(u),u=y 2-x 2,其中f 是可微函数. 证明:22z z y

x x y x y ??+=+??. 21.求nx

mx x sin sin lim π→,其中n m ,为自然数. 22.甲、乙两袋装有大小相同的红球和白球,甲袋装有2个红球,2个白球;乙袋装有2个红球,n 个白球.由甲,乙两袋中各任取2个球.



23.求由曲线及围成的平面图形的面积S 以及此平面图形绕x 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积.


17. 解:2111ln ln 2e e

x xdx xdx =??211

ln 122e


x x xdx =-?




e x =-



e =+ 18.





20. 解:证明:z

()(2)y f u x x ?'=+-?,

()(2)z x f u y y ?'=+? 2222=2()2()=z

z y x y xyf u x xyf u x

y x y ??''+=-++??=+左边右边

21. 解:令,π-=x t n m n nt m mt nx


n m t x -→→-=++=)1()sin()sin(lim sin sin lim 0πππ

22. 解:(I )记“取到的4个球全是红球”为事件A . 222


245111().61060C C P A C C =?=?=

(II )记“取到的4个球至多有1个红球”为事件B ,“取到的4个球只有1个红球”为事件1B ,“取到的4个球全是白球”为事件2B . 由题意,得3

1()1.44P B =-= 2111122222122224242()n n n n C C C C C C P B C C C C ++??=?+?2

2;3(2)(1)n n n =++


242()n n C C P B C C +=?(1);6(2)(1)n n n n -=++

所以, 12()()()P B P B P B =+22(1)


n n n n n n -=+++++14=,

化简,得271160,n n --=解得2n

=,或37n =-(舍去),

故 2n =. 23.求由曲线及围成的平面图形的面积S 以及此平面图形绕x 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积. 解:由已知曲线画出平面图形如图所示的阴影区域.



Ⅰ. Phonetics

Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.

Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. l. A .background B .although C .blouse D .amount B

2. A .civil B .curriculum C .crystal D .country A

3. A. ground B. country C. thousand D. found B

4. A. pour B. hour C. course D. four B

Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are 10incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

5. Human beings should find a new _______ of energy . B

A. orient

B. source

C. origin

D. souse

6. The couch is comfortable to _______. D

A. sit

B. be sat

C. sitted

D. sit on

7. So loudly _______ that all the people in the room got a fright. C

A. he shouted

B. shout he

C. did he shout

D. he did shout

8. The mountain is 1,000 feet _______ the sea level. C

A. over

B. higher

C. above

D. high 9. It was a ________ room, with beautiful wall paper, 1 (1,1) -1 1 2 O


waxed floor and nice furniture. B

A. pleased

B. pleasant

C. pleasing

D. preasant

10. He regretted _______the decision too hastily. C

A. make

B. to make

C. making

D. have maked

11. The professor insisted that we _______ our homework before next month. C

A. handed in

B. will hand in

C. hand in

D. must hand in

12. When I was a child I used____ swimming in the lake. C

A. to going

B. going

C. to go

D. go

13. Saul’s brother left the matter entirely up to____ and____. D

A. I, he

B. him, I

C. me, he

D. him, me

14. The 19th winter Games, held in Salt Lake City, ____ an Olympic tradition which goes back almost 3 , 000 years . D

A. is the part of

B. are the part of

C. is part of

D. are part of

Ⅲ. Cloze

Directions: For each blank in the following passage , there are four choices marked A , B , C and D . Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet .

The most extraordinary dream I ever had was one in which I fancied that, as I was going into a theater, the cloak-room attendant__15__Me in the lobby and insisted on my __16__my legs behind. I was not surprised; but I was considerably annoyed. I said I had __17__heard of such a rule at any respectable theater __18__, and that I considered it a most absurd regulation. The man replied that he was very__19__, but that those were his instructions. People complained that they could not get to and from their __20__ comfortably, because other people’s legs were always in the__21__; and it had, therefore, been decided that __22__should leave their leg outside. It seemed to me that the management, in making this order, had gone__23__their legal right; and, under ordinary circumstances, I should have disputed it. However, I didn’t want to__24__a disturbance; and __25__I sat down and meekly prepared to comply with the demand. I had never before__26__that the human leg could be unscrewed. I had always __27__ it was more securely fixed. But the man showed me bow to undo them, and I found that they came off__28__easily.The discovery did not surprise__29__any more than the original request that I should take them off. Nothing does surprise one in a dream.

15. A. called B. helped C. stopped D. met C

16. A. leave B. leaves C. leaving D. left C

17. A. ever B. never C. once D. always B

18. A. before B. after C. during D. behind A

19. A. angry B. sorry C. friendly D. helpful B

20. A. homes B. jobs C. arms D. seats D

21. A. road B. lobby C. theater D. way D

22. A. somebody B. everybody C. anybody D. nobody B

23. A. beyond B. from C. to D. around A

24. A. understand B. make C. have D. learn B

25 . A. as B. because C. while D. so D

26. A. know B. known C. knowing D. knows B

27. A. believe B. considered C. thought D. distrusted C

28. A. quite B. much C. do D. greatly A

29. A. him B. them C. me D. us C

IV . Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Are you aware that you actually possess six senses? The sixth is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles intelligently to the exact extent necessary for each action you perform.

For example, when you reach for an object, the sensory nerves linking the muscles to the brain stop your hand at the correct spot. This automat is perception of the position of your muscles in relation to the object is your muscular sense in action.

Muscles are strongly bundles of fibers varying from one five-thousandth of an inch to about three inches. They have three unique characteristics, they can become shorter and thicker; they can stretch; and they can retract to their original positions. Under a high-powered microscope, muscle tissue is seen as long, slender cells with a grainy texture like wood.

More than half of a person’s body is composed of muscle fibers, most of which are involuntary—in other words, work without conscious direction. The voluntary muscles, those that we move consciously to perform particular actions, number more than five hundred. Women have only 60 to 70 percent as much muscle as men for their body mass. That is why an average woman can’t lift as much, throw as far, or hit as hard as an average man.

30. According to the selection, the muscular sense is responsible for ______.C

A. the efficiency of our muscles

B. the normal breathing function

C. directing our muscles intelligently

D. the work of only our involuntary muscles

31. Intelligent use of the muscles means that ________.C

A. one always knows what his muscles are doing

B. one performs simple actions without working

C. one’s muscles are used only to the extent necessary for each action they perform

D. one improves muscular action consciously

32. Muscles are unique fibers because, they can ________.D

A. contract

B. stretch

C. retract

D. do all of the above

33. Under a microscope, muscle cells appear to be _______.A

A. textured like wood

B. colored like wood

C. smooth and red

D. short and thick

Passage T wo

“Fingers were made before forks” when a person gives up good manners, puts aside knife and fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying.

The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Constantinople brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe.

By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widespread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians wer e averse to eating food touched with fingers, “Seeing all men’s fingers are not alike clean.” English travelers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.

Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred years. Men who used forks were thought to be sissies, and women who used them were called show-offs and overnice. Not until the late 1600’s did using a fork become a common custom.

34. The custom of eating with a fork w as _______.C

A. brought to Europe from America

B. begun when forks were invented

C. brought to Europe from Asia

D. invented by Italians

35. By the fifteenth century forks were used _______.A

A. all over Italy

B. only in Constantinople

C. widely in Europe

D. In England

36. To English travelers in Italy, the use of forks seemed _______.D

A. clever

B. necessary

C. good manner

D. ridiculous

37. The English thought that Italians used forks in order to ________.B

A. imitate the people of the East

B. keep their food clean

C. impress visitors with their good manners

D. amuse the English

Passage Three

What’s the best way to protect a tender, green seedling from the hungry stomach of deer? Give the seedling bad breath!

The same chemical that gives people bad breath after they have eaten garlic can save small trees from being eaten by animals.

A kind of chemical selenium(硒), which is also found in garlic, is planted in the soil near a young tree. The tree’s roots absorb the selenium which is then c arried to the leaves.

From there the selenium is used to form a chemical called dimethyl selenide (乙烷硒化物)—the same chemical made in the human mouth after eating garlic. As deer wander around looking for food, they smell the seedlings’ leaves and leave the plants alone.

The selenium is important. Why? Because each year deer eat millions of dollars’ worth of trees farm seedlings.

So far, selenium has been tested only on Douglas fir (枞树) seedlings, but researchers think they could protect fruit trees and garden plants, too.

38. When people eat garlic, ________.A

A. they send out a horrible smell

B. they are out of breath

C. they will feel sick

D. it is hard for them to breathe

39 According to this passage the bad smell given off from those leaves is that of ______.B

A. the young trees absorb garlic

B. the roots of the young trees smell like garlic

C. the young trees aren’t fit for the deer to eat

D. the leaves of the young trees smell like garlic

40. Up till the time the news was announced, this kind of chemical was used _______.D

A. all over the world

B. all over the United States

C. on fruit trees and garden trees

D. on Douglas fir young trees

41. The best title of this passage is ________.C

A. Hungry Deer and Y oung Trees

B. Why Don’t Deer Eat Y oung Fruit Trees

C. Plants Saved by “Bad Breath”

D. How to Protect Y oung Trees

Passage Four

I was only eight years old when the Second World War ended, but I can still remember something about the victory celebrations in the small town where I lived on the day when the war in Europe ended. We had not suffered much from the war there. But both at home and at school I had become accustomed to the phrases "before the war" and "when the war’s over". " Before the war " , apparently , things had been better , though I was too young to understand why , except that there had been no bombs then , and people had eaten things like ice-cream and bananas, which I had only heard of . When the war was over we would go back to London, but this meant little to me. I did not remember what London was like.

What I remember now about VE (Victory in Europe) Day was the May evening. After dinner I said I wanted to see the bonfire(大火堆), so when it got dark my father took me to the end of the street. The bonfire was very high, and somehow people had collected some old clothes to dress the unmistakable figure with the moustache(胡子)they had to put on top of it. Just as we arrived, they set light to it. The flames rose and soon swallowed the "guy". Everyone was cheering and shouting, and an old woman came out of her house with two chairs and threw them on the fire to keep it going.

I stood beside my father until the fire started to go down, not knowing what to say. He said

nothing, either. He had fought in the First World War and may have been remembering the end of that. At last he said, " Well, that’s it, son. Let’s hope that this time it really will be

the last one."

42. Where did the author live before the Second World War? A

A. In London.

B. In a small town.

C. In Europe.

D. In the countryside.

43. The unmistakable figure with the moustache most probably represents____. D

A. those who died in the war

B. those who had won

C. an imaginary figure

D. the most hated person in the war-Hitler

44. Which of the following statements is true? B

A. The author's father built a bonfire on VE Day.

B. The author's father had fought in the First World War.

C. The author's father had fought in the Second World War.

D. The author's father threw two chairs on the fire to keep it going.

45. By saying" Let’s hope that this time it really will be the last one", the father meant that____ C

A. he wished people had not built the bonfire

B. he hoped people would not build any more bonfires

C. he hoped there would be no more wars in the world

D. he wished the Second World War had not happened

V. Daily Conversation Directions : Pick out five appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet ·

A. Maybe I should call a taxi

B. can you help me

C. it’s the second left

D. not really

E. at the traffic lights

F. Not at all

G. Museum Drive H. Thanks again

Tourist: Excuse me, __46_ B _? I’m lost! Person: Certainly, where would you like to go? Tourist: I’d like to go to the museum, but I can’t find it. Is it far? Person: No, __47_D_. It’s about a 5 minute walk. Now, go along this street to the traffic lights.

Do you see them? Tourist: Y es, I can see them. Person: Right, __48_E_, turn left into Queen Mary A venue. Tourist: Queen Mary A venue. Person: Right. Go straight on. Take the second left and enter Museum Drive. Tourist: OK .Queen Mary A venue, straight on and then the second left,__49_G_. Person: Right. Just follow Museum Drive and the museum is at the end of the road.

Tourist: Great. Thanks for your help. Person: __50_F_.


《小学综合素质》模拟试卷及答案(二) 一、单项选择题(共25小题,每小题2分) 1.素质教育与应试教育的区别具体表现在()。 ①对教育目的的认识不同②面向的教育对象不同③选学的教育内容不同④教育评价的标准不同⑤运用的教学方法不同 A.①②④ B.①③⑤ C.②③④ D.①②③④⑤ 2.胡锦涛总书记在对全国广大教师的几点希望中指出:“教师是知识的重要传播者和()者。” A.学习 B.点拨 C.引导 D.创造 3.当一位新手型教师把大量时间都花在如何与学生搞好个人关系时,那么在教师成长过 程中他属于()。 A.关注情境阶段 B.关注生存阶段 C.关注学生阶段 D.关注教学阶段 4.良好的师生关系是教育教学活动顺利进行的()。 A.前提条件 B.基本保证 C.必然要求 D.必然结果 5.男同学小陈平时自由散漫,学习不认真,一天在课堂上用手机给班上的女同学发短信“曾某,我爱你”,被上课的王老师发现。王老师收缴了小陈的手机,并将短信内容向全班 同学宣读,同时指责其“思想堕落,道德败坏”。下课后小陈要求王老师归还手机,王老师说,这是罪证不能归还,要交给学校德育处。校长指出王老师:①未经学生同意翻看短信侵犯了学生的隐私权;②批评的话语侵犯了学生的人格权;③收缴手机侵犯了学生的财产权;④作为老师不能以违法的方式对待学生的违纪行为。你认为校长的说法正确的是()。 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①②③④

6.教学原则反映了()。 A.教育现象 B.教学规律 C.教学现象 D.师生关系 7.孔夫子所说的“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从”,从教师的角度来说可以理解为()。 A.走路身体一定要端正 B.对学生下命令一定要正确 C.自己做好了,不要教育学生,学生自然会学好 D.教师应该以身作则,其一言一行都会对学生产生巨大的影响 8.对违法犯罪的未成年人,实行()的方针。 A.教育、感化、挽救 B.批评、教育、惩罚 C.说理、劝服、感化 D.教育、劝服、挽救 9.加强师德建设是具有社会意义的重要工程,是贯彻()的现实需要。 A.依法治国 B.以德治国 C.以人为本 D.均衡发展 10.随着时代的进步,新型的、民主的家庭气氛和父母子女关系还在形成,但随着孩子的自我意识逐渐增强,很多孩子对父母的教诲听不进去或当作“耳边风”,家长感到家庭教育力不从心。教师应该()。 A.放弃对家长配合自己工作的期望 B.督促家长,让家长成为自己的“助教” C.尊重家长,树立家长的威信,从而一起做好教育工作 D.在孩子面前嘲笑这些家长 11.按照《中华人民共和国教育法》的规定,对在校园内结伙斗殴,寻衅滋事,扰乱学校及其他教育机构教育教学秩序或者破坏校舍、场地及其他财产的,由()来处罚。A.学校 B.教育主管部门 C.家长 D.公安机关 12.下列关于诸子百家的代表人物,阐述错误的是()。 A.儒家的代表人物是孔子、孟子、荀子 B.道家的代表人物是老子、庄子 C.法家的代表人物是墨子、商鞅


专业:网络科目:网络综合布线 一、单项选择题 1.设备间里的最高温度不能超过摄氏()度。 A.30 B.20 C.40 D.35 答案:A 2.根据设计等级估算,对于基本型设计方案每()平方米设置一个信息插座A.40 B.30 C.20 D.10 答案:B 3.六类双绞线电缆最高频率带宽为() A.250MHz B.200MHz C.600MHz D.100MHz 答案:D 4.综合布线的拓扑结构为() A.树型 B.环型 C.星型 D.总线型 答案:C 5.“3A”智能建筑3A指的是()

A.BA CA OA B.FA BA DA C.BA CA FA D.MA OA TA 答案:A 6.有线通信是利用()来充当传输导体的 A.红外线 B.铜缆或光缆 C.卫星 D.电磁波 答案:B 7.有线通信是利用()来充当传输导体的。 A.电磁波 B.卫星 C.红外线 D.铜缆或光缆 答案:D 8.六类双绞线电缆最高频率带宽为() A.100MHz B.200MHz C.600MHz D.250MHz 答案:A 9.综合布线系统中用于连接楼层配线间和设备间的子系统是()A.干线子系统 B.水平子系统 C.管理子系统

D.工作区子系统 答案:A 10.常见的125μm多模光纤中的μm指的是()A.纤芯外径 B.包层后外径 C.包层厚度 D.涂覆层厚度 答案:A 11.双绞线电缆型式代码表示法中最后一位表示的是()A.绝缘代号 B.护套代号 C.派生代号(频率/阻抗) D.导体代号 答案:C 12.双绞线电缆根据是否有屏蔽层分为() A.FTP UTP B.STP-a FTP C.FTP ScTP D.STP UTP 答案:D 13.10Base2中,10代表() A.10MHZ B.10Mbps C.10小时 D.10Mp 答案:B 14.常见的125μm多模光纤中的μm指的是()


考研英语阅读理解模拟试题及答案(三) Passage 11 Dream is a story that a personwatchesor even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer's life. They seem real while they are taking place. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams. Dreams involve little logical thought. In most dreams, the dreamer cannot control what happens to him. The story may be confusing, and things happen that would not happen in real life. People see in most dreams, but they may also hear, smell, touch, and taste in their dreams. Most dreams occur in color. but persons who have been blind since birth do not see at all in dreams. Dreams are a product of the sleeper's mind. They


1.强调素质教育面向全体国民和全体适龄儿童,反映了素质教育的( )。 A.主体性 B.全体性 C.发展性 D.全面性 【答案】B 【解析】素质教育是一种以全面提高全体学生的基本素质为根本目的的教育。强调素质教育面向全体国民和全体适龄儿童,反映了素质教育的全体性。 2.让每一个学生在学校都能得到自己的发展,这是检验教育者是否坚持( )的一块试金石。 A.育人为本 B.以德兴教 C.面向全体 D.精英教育 【答案】A 【解析】让每一个学生在学校都能得到自己的发展,这是检验教育者是否坚持“育人为本”的一块试金石。

3.下列哪种说法是错误的?( ) A.素质教育以促进知识深刻内化为目标 B.素质教育以全面传授更有价值的知识为基础 C.素质教育以激活每一位受教育者的个性潜能发展为核心 D.素质教育以提高学生综合素质为目的 【答案】A 【解析】素质教育是指以全面传授更有价值的知识为基础;以促进知识深刻内化为关键;以激活每一位受教育者的个性潜能发展为核心;以促进所有学生共有和特有的精神品质和谐形成与不断提高为目标的教育活动。 4.构建素质教育目标,必须遵循青少年儿童身心素质发展的( ),才能保证目标的科学性、可行性。 A.顺序 B.客观规律 C.特征 D.重点 【答案】B

【解析】构建素质教育目标,必须遵循青少年儿童身心素质发展的客观规律,才能保证目标的科学性、可行性。 5.一个民族是否具有竞争能力,是否能够立于不败之地的关键是( )。 A.创新能力 B.学习能力 C.拼搏精神 D.团结精神 【答案】A 【解析】创新能力已经成为一个民族是否具有竞争能力,是否能够立于不败之地的关键。 6.素质教育的主渠道和教育改革的原点是( )。 A.家庭教育 B.教师培训 C.课外活动 D.课堂教学 【答案】D 【解析】课堂教学是学校工作的中心,是基础教育改革的主战场,是实施素质教育的主渠道。


2020年考研英语阅读模拟试题及答案(2) The fossil remains of the first flying vertebrates, the pterosaurs, have intrigued paleontologists for more than two centuries. How such large creatures, which weighed in some cases as much as a piloted hang-glider and had wingspans from 8 to 12 meters, solved the problems of powered flight, and exactly what these creatures were — reptiles or birds — are among the questions scientists have puzzled over. Perhaps the least controversial assertion about the pterosaurs is that they were reptiles. Their skulls, pelvises, and hind feet are reptilian. The anatomy of their wings suggests that they did not evolve into the class of birds. In pterosaurs a greatly elongated fourth finger of each forelimb supported a winglike membrane. The other fingers were short and reptilian, with sharpclaws. In birds the second finger is the principal strut of the wing, which consists primarily of feathers. If the pterosaurs walked on all fours, the three short fingers may have been employed for grasping. When a pterosaur walked or remained stationary, the fourth finger, and with it the wing, could only turn upward in an extended inverted V shape along each side of the animal’s body. The pterosaurs resembled both birds and bats in their overall structure and proportions. This is not surprising because the design of any flying vertebrate is subject to aerodynamic constraints. Both the pterosaurs and the birds have hollow bones, a feature that represents a savings in weight. In the birds, however, these bones are reinforced more massively by internal struts.


全国教师资格考试《综合素质(小学)》模拟试卷一 一、单项选择题(共29题,每题2分,共58分) 1.王小林在期末考试时作弊被教导主任马老师发现,马主任严肃地对王小林说:“平时不努力,考试时作弊,真丢脸!你等着受处分吧!”王小林脸色煞白,哀求道:“我下次再也不敢了,请不要处分我。”马主任怒道:“没门!”,马老师的做法( )。 A.正确,对于学生的不良行为进行了有效的制止 B.正确,体现了作为教育工作者的权威 C.错误,违背了一切为了学生的发展的理念 D.错误,不应当在公开场合处理王小林同学 2.某学校组织活动方案设计比赛,老师给予小红同学的评语是:你的设计方案很棒,并且在如此激烈的比赛中,你能够保持实力,在活动实施方面设计的很新颖,值得表扬,但在结束环节有些紧,字迹潦草,望你更加耐心细致,取得更好的成绩。关于老师的评语,下列选项中不正确的是( )。 A.老师关注学生的比赛成绩 B.老师关注学生的情感体验 C.老师关注学生的心理素质 D.老师关注学生的实践能力 3.霍姆林斯基说:“宽恕触及儿童自尊心的最敏感的角落,使儿童心灵中产生要改正错误的意志力。”这说明我们在儿童德育中应注意( )。 A.热爱、尊重和严格要求相结合的原则 B.坚持正面教育的原则 C.集体教育和个别教育相结合的原则 D.教育的一致性和一贯性原则 4.语文课上,老师要求学生用“活泼”一词造句,学生甲站起来说:“华同学在体育课上表现很活泼。”老师点评道:“很好。”学生乙站起来说:“河里的水很活泼。”老师沉吟了一会,点评说:“说水活泼不合适,这个句子不贴切。”学生乙狐疑的坐下了。针对该老师的做法,说法不正确的一项是( )。 A.限制了学生的观察力和想象力 B.没有敏锐地捕捉教育细节 C.一定程度上束缚了学生的创新意识 D.确立了学生的规意识 5.董老师上游戏课时,小明总爱举手,但答题经常出错,小强不爱举手,但老师点名提问却总能答对。老师下列做法中,最合适的是( )。 A.批评小明总出错,表扬小强爱思考 B.激励小明勤思考,鼓励小强多举手 C.表扬小明爱举手,批评小强不发言 D.批评小明总出错,批评小强不发言 6.下列对素质教育的理解,存在片面性的是( )。


综合布线 一:填空题 1.光纤主要用于高质量信息传输及主干连接,按信号传送方式可分为多模光纤和单模光纤两种,在水平连接上主要使用多模光纤,在垂直主干上主要使用单模光纤。 2.UTP中文称为非屏蔽双绞线。 3.STP/ScTP中文称为屏蔽双绞线。 4.T568B的线序排列1白橙2 橙3白绿4 蓝5白蓝6绿7白棕8 棕。 5.光纤分为多模光纤和单模光纤。 6.随着网络传输速率的不断提高,布线系统出现了五类100MHz产品,网络接口也逐渐向RJ45统一,用于端接传输数据线缆的配线架采用19英寸英寸RJ45口110配线架,此种配线架背面进线采用110端接方式,正面全部为RJ45口用于跳接配线,它主要分为24口,36口,48口,96口几种,全部为19英寸机架/机柜式安装 7.目前,结构化布线设计一般采用国际标准的结构化布线系统,将语音、数据的配线统一在一套布线系统中。系统设计一般按六个子系统进行设计: 1.工作区子系统: 2. 水平配线子系统: 3. 垂直干线子系统: 4. 设备间子系统5. 管理子系统: 6. 建筑群子系统 8.为便于今后的升级、电缆更换以及与表面压力和周围环境相隔离,铺设管道是一个较好的方法。9.路由总长度(不仅仅指楼间)——大楼间采用室外级的局域网双绞线电缆,其总长度要限制在90米之内。如果铺设的距离在100米到300米之间,则应该选择光缆。 10.线槽内布放电缆应平直,无缠绕,无长短不一。如果线槽开口朝侧面,电缆要每隔1米绑扎固定一次. 11.两台HUB或者交换机互联时应使用交叉网线. 12.综合布线的设计等级有基本型综合布线和增强型综合布线。 13.TIA/EIAT568A 标准的排列线序:白绿、绿、白橙、蓝、白蓝、橙、白棕、棕。 14.UTP链路标准定义两种链路的性能指标,永久链路(Permanent Link)和通道(Channel) 二:名词解释 1.EMC 是指:欧洲电磁兼容性标准 2.FTP 双绞线是指:铝箔屏蔽双绞线 3.STP 双绞线是指:轻型薄膜屏蔽双绞线 4.NEXT 是指:近端串音 5.TIA/EIA 568A是指什么标准:北美综合布线标准 三:选择题 1.双绞线的有效传输范围是: A.500米 B.300米 C.100米 D.50米 2.具有很强异种网互联能力的广域网络设备是。 A、路由器 B、网关 C、网桥 D、桥路器 3.使用网络时,通信网络之间传输的介质,不可用_________。 A、双绞线 B、无线电波 C、光缆 D、化纤 4.一座办公大楼内各个办公室中的微机进行联网,这个网络属于_______。 A、WAN B、LAN


考研英语模拟试题:阅读理解 Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child-or even an animal, such as a pigeon-can learn to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted. We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone’s personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others. Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someone’s personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. if you were asked to describe what anice facelooked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe anice person,you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate, friendly, warm,and so forth. There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Gordon all ports, an American psychologist, found nearly 18 000 English words characterizing differences in people’s behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing, his personality. Bookworms, conservatives, military types-people are described with such terms. People have always tried totypeeach other. Actors in early Greek


202X年教师资格证《小学综合素质》模拟试题(三) 为您整理了《202X年教师资格证《小学综合素质》模拟试题(三)》,希望对您有所帮助!在这里祝考生们都能取得好成绩! 202X年教师资格证《小学综合素质》模拟试题(三) 1.一天,小红、小明做完数学题后发现答案不一样。小红说:“如果我的不对,那你的就对了。” 小明说:“我看你的不对,我的也不对。”旁边的小刚看了看他们俩人的答案后说:“小明的答案错了。”这时数学老师刚好走过来。听到了他们的谈话,并查看了他们的运算结果后说:“刚才你们三个人所说的话中只有一句是真的。” 请问下述说法中哪一个是正确的?( A) A.小红说的是真话,小明的答案对了 B.小刚说的是真话,小明的答案错了 C.小明说对了,小红和小林的答案都不对 D.小明说错了,小红的答案是对的 2.被称为“近代中国开眼看世界的第一人”的是(A )。 A.林则徐 B.魏源 C.严复 D.孙中山 3.下列哪个不是古代帝王用于自称的称谓?( B ) A.孤 B.敝 C.寡

D.朕 4.下列兄弟行辈中长幼排行的次序中表示老四的是?( A ) A.季 B.孟 C.叔 D.仲 5.下面哪个不是“花中四君子”?( C ) A.兰 B.竹 C.桂 D.菊 6.教师专业发展的基石是( A)。 A.终身学习 B.教研结合 C.协调合作 D.反思经验 7.按照《中华人民共和国教育法》的规定,对在校园内结伙斗殴,寻衅滋事,扰乱学校及其他教育机构教育教学秩序或者破坏校舍、场地及其他财产的,由( D)来处罚。 A.学校 B.教育主管部门 C.家长 D.由公安机关给予治安管理处罚

8.某寄宿小学派车接送学生,途中有学生提出要上厕所,司机在路边停车5分钟,5分钟过后,司机没有清点人数就将车开走。小学生王某从厕所出来发现车已经开走,急忙追赶。在追赶过程中摔倒在地,将门牙跌落三颗。王某的伤害由( B )承担责任。 A.司机负责 B.某寄宿学校负责 C.司机和某寄宿学校共同负责 D.司机和王某共同负责 9.根据有关规定,实施义务教育的普通学校应当接收具有接受普通教育能力的残疾适龄儿童、少年( B)。 A.单独设班 B.随班就读 C.混合编班 D.均分到班 教师资格证题库 教师考试备考辅导 教育学资料 教育心理学资料 综合素质资料 教育知识与能力


小学《综合素质》写作模拟题及范文三 1.阅读下面材料,根据要求写作文。 苏霍姆林斯基说:“一个好老师意味着什么?首先意味着他是这样一个人,他热爱孩子,感到和孩子在一起交往是一种乐趣,相信每个孩子都能成为好人,善于跟他们交朋友,关心孩子们的快乐和悲伤,了解孩子的心灵。”马克思说:“只能用爱来交换爱,只能用信任来交换信任。”高尔基说:“谁爱孩子,孩子就爱谁,只有爱孩子的人才会教育孩子。” 根据上述材料给你的启示,联系实际,请以“师爱”为话题,写一篇文章。 要求:用规范的现代汉语写作,不要脱离材料内容或含义。题目自拟,立意自定,观点明确,分析具体,条理清晰,语言流畅。文体不限,不少于1000字。 【参考范文】 师爱无限 高尔基曾经说过:“只有爱孩子的人,他才可以教育孩子。”师爱,是教育的前提和开始,是通往教育成功的桥梁,也是最基本的教育原则。“随风潜入夜,润物细无声。” 教育心理学家认为,师爱是教师的理智感、美感和道德感凝聚而成的一种高尚的教育情操。作为一名教师,最重要的就是要以发自心灵深处对学生的爱,去挖掘学生内在的积极因素,激发学生自我肯定的积极情感,并转化为学生自信、向上、进取的动力,从而达到教人、育人的目的。 师爱是心灵的沟通。教育家苏霍姆林斯基把教师热爱学生作为“教育的奥秘”,他的座右铭是“把整个心灵献给孩子们”。我国著名教育家陶行知先生也曾说过:“真的教育是心心相映的活动,惟独从心里发出来,才能达到人的深处。”作为教师,就要做一个有心人,时时处处去观察学生,关心学生,帮助学生,与他们建立深厚的友谊,达到心灵的沟通。这样,你会感到一种心灵的愉悦,这份愉悦来自学生带给你的感动,它如蒙蒙细雨般滋润,如


项目三综合布线实训题 第一部分技能部分 本赛项总分100分,总分乘以30%即为整个竞赛的单项累积分数,竞赛时间为1小时。设计竞赛需使用Microsoft VISIO或AUTOCAD软件,根据组委会提供的工程需求环境,结合国标GB50311-2007规范进行相关设计。竞赛试题内容由参赛队三位选手自行分工完成。所有图纸需要在右下角适当位置注明设计者(参赛队和选手编号组成)。 综合布线案例需求 项目名称:某大楼综合布线系统工程 项目需求信息: 某大楼分三层;楼长50m,楼宽25 m,楼层高4 m。现需对大楼综合布线系统进行设计,采用的布线系统性能等级为6类非屏蔽(UTP)系统。其中一层60个信息点,二层50个信息点,三层16个信息点。 1、工作区:全部采用6类信息模块,每个信息点采用双口信息面板设计,其中左边为网络点,右边为语音点。安装方式采用明装底盒固定。工作区网络跳线采用2米六类跳线,语音跳线采用2米2芯RJ11跳线。 2、配线子系统:水平电缆为4对六类UTP双绞线、安装方式为明装PVC线槽布线。 3、干线子系统:语音采用25对大对数电缆,数据采用6芯多模室内光缆。 4、设备间/配线间:水平配线架(语音、数据)全部选择六类24口配线架,语音 垂直干线配线架选用100对110型配线架,数据垂直干线配线架采用ST 24口光纤配线架。 5、布线产品品牌为“VCOM”。 6、设备间(BD)位于二楼离电缆井5米,一楼设置配线间(FD)离电缆井5米,三楼采用无主干设计。 7、垂直干线线缆的计算方法:每层垂直线缆长度(m)=(距BD的楼层数×层高+电缆井至BD距离+端接容限(光纤10 m,双绞线6 m))×每层需要根数,总垂直干线线缆长度等于各楼层垂直线缆长度之和。


2020年考研英语阅读模拟试题:理学类(5) The once radical notion that birds descended from dinosaurs——or may even be dinosaurs, the only living branch of the family that ruled the earth eons ago——has got stronger and stronger since paleontologists first started taking it seriously a couple of decades ago. Remarkable similarities in bone structure between dinos and birds were the first clue. Then came evidence, thanks to a series of astonishing discoveries in China's Liaoning province over the past five years, that some dinosaurs may have borne feathers. But a few scientists still argued that the link was weak; the bone similarities could be a coincidence, they said. And maybe those primitive structures visible in some fossils were feathers——but maybe not. You had to use your imagination to see them. Not anymore. A spectacularly preserved fossil of a juvenile dinosaur, announced by a team of paleontologists from the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences and New York City's American Museum of Natural History in the latest issue of Nature, is about as good a missing link as anyone could want. “It has things that are undeniably feathers,” exults Richard Prum, of the University of Kansas Natural History Museum,an expert on the evolution of feathers. “But it is clearly a small, vicious theropod similar to the velociraptors that chased the kids around the kitchen in Jurassic Park.” The find helps cement the dinosaur-bird connection, but it also casts new light on the mystery of why nature invented feathers in the first place. For the better part of a century,


小学教师资格证考试综合素质模拟试题及答案解析(16) (1/29)单项选择题 第1题 刘老师为了最大限度地利用上课时间,在课上总是不停地进行讲解,并且强行要求学生记忆,课下布置大量的重复性作业。刘老师的做法( )。 A.正确,帮助学生快速学习知识 B.正确,提高了学生的学习效率 C.错误,没有做到以学习者为中心 D.错误,不利于良好师生关系的建立 下一题 (2/29)单项选择题 第2题 “雪化了变成什么?”一个学生回答:“变成了春天!”这个富有想象力,又富有艺术性的答案却被老师判为零分。老师的做法忽视的是( )。 A.学生的独立性 B.学生的创造性 C.学生的完整性 D.学生的发展性 上一题下一题 (3/29)单项选择题 第3题 某小学五(三)班第三节英语课上,吴老师让学生反复记忆本节课的8个单词后,开始提问学生,吴老师让学生小明上黑板默写这8个单词,小明写对了6个。吴老师对答错的单词进行反复提问,小明仍是不会,气的吴老师对小明说:“人家都是从哪跌倒从哪爬起来,你倒好,从哪跌倒,在哪跌死。”吴老师的做法( )。 A.违背了“以人为本”的学生观 B.违背了学生身心发展的一般规律 C.在一定程度上激发了学生的学习动机 D.及时指出了学生的缺点和不足之处 上一题下一题 (4/29)单项选择题 第4题 在新课程改革中,教师的教学行为发生变化,下列选项中正确的是( )。 A.在对待自我上,新课程强调反思 B.在对待师生关系上,新课程强调权威、批评 C.在对待教学关系上,新课程强调教导、答疑 D.在对待与其他教育者的关系上,新课程强调独立自主精神 上一题下一题 (5/29)单项选择题 第5题 牟老师只允许成绩好的学生参加考试,成绩差的学生不准其参加,这种做法( )。 A.合法,正确行使了教育管理权 B.合法,教师充分发挥着教育教学职责 C.不合法,侵犯了学生的受教育权


材料分析题 1.某中学学生邢军,在课堂上随意讲话,干扰了课堂秩序,任课教师吕某将其撵出课堂。下课后吕老师又罚邢军作“下蹲起立”动作l50次,由于邢军体力不支,栽倒地上,头部磕伤,后到医院花了500余元。邢军家长找到学校,要求校方处分吕某,并赔偿全部医疗费。 请依据教育法规对吕某的行为和家长的要求给予分析。 2.学生王林在学校因同学给他起外号,将同学的鼻子打出了血。班主任徐老师给王林的爸爸打电话,让他下午到学校来。放学时,王林的爸爸刚来到校门口,等在那里的徐老师当着众人的面,第一句话就是:“这么点儿大的孩子都管不好,还用我教你吗?” 问题:请从教师职业道德规范的角度,对徐老师的做法进行评价。 3.某中学班主任赵某乎时脾气暴躁,平时经常采取罚款、不许进教室,甚至罚站、罚跑步等方式来惩罚犯错的学生,学生家长对此意见很大,但小赵却不以为然。 试从教师职业道德的角度评价赵某的做法,并作分析。 4.某校班主任许老师在批改作业时,发现学生刘俊辉的作业本中夹了一封写有×××收的信件,许老师顺便拆封阅读了此信。这是刘俊辉写给一位女同学的求爱信,许老师看了十分生气,后来在班会上宣读了此信,同时对刘俊辉提出了批评。次日刘俊辉在家留了一张字条后离家出走。刘俊辉家长找到许老师理论并要求将刘俊辉找回。许老师解释说:“我作为教师,对学生进行教育和管理是我的职责,我批评刘俊辉是为了教育和爱护他。他是从家中出走的,与我的工作没有关系。” 请问:(1)许老师的哪些做法不正确?试述你的判断所依据的法规及条款。(2)许老师的解释是否正确?为什么? 5.阅读理解 孔乙己喝过半碗酒,涨红的脸色渐渐复了原,旁人便又问道,“孔乙己,你当真认识字么?”孔乙己看着问他的人,显出不屑置辩的神气。他们便接着说道,“你怎的连半个秀才也捞不到呢?”孔乙已立刻显出颓唐不安模样,脸上笼上了一层灰色,嘴里说些话;这回可全是之乎者也之类,一些不懂了。在这时候,众人也都哄笑起来:店内外充满了快活的空气。 1.“不屑置辩”写出了孔乙己__________的心里。“颓唐不安”写出了孔乙已_________的心理。 2.对“店内外充满了快活的空气”一句的含义和作用理解不正确的一项是()。 A.写出了酒店的欢乐气氛,反衬孔乙己的悲剧命运。 B.表明酒店内外的人都很快乐,奠定了文章欢快的基调。 C.揭示酒客们麻木不仁、穷极无聊的生活状况,深化了文章主题。 D.说明孔乙己只是酒客们取笑作乐的对象,暗示了孔乙己可怜的社会地位。 答案及解析 1.【答案要点】 (1)国家颁布的《教师法》、《未成年人保护法》、《义务教育法》中都规定了教师不得对未成年人实施变相体罚,关心爱护学生,引导学生未来的发展。 (2)该案例中吕老师不应该情绪化地对邢军实施体罚,从而导致了邢军的头部磕伤。根据《学生伤害事故处理办法》,该教师的这种行为属于过失造成的事故,应当承担大部分的医疗费用,给予批评教育。 (3)同时,学生的天职就是好好学习,邢军在课堂上捣乱不仅是自己不学习的表现,也影响了其他学生的正常学习,也是有一定的过错行为的,所以,自身也要承担一部分的医疗费用。 2.【答案要点】 徐老师的做法违反了教师职业道德规范的:关爱学生、为人师表的要求。 (1)关爱学生。关心爱护全体学生,尊重学生人格,平等公正对待学生。对学生严慈相济,做学生良师益友。保护学生安全,关心学生健康,维护学生权益。不讽刺、挖苦、歧视学生,不体罚或变相体罚学生。 (2)为人师表。坚守高尚情操,知荣明耻,严于律己,以身作则。衣着得体,语言规范,举止文明。关心集体,团结协作,尊重同事,尊重家长。作风正派,廉洁奉公。自觉抵制有

网络综合布线理论测试题-3 (答案)

网络综合布线技术理论测试题ZHT-3 组别姓名成绩 一、单项选择题 1. 在垂直干线布线中,一般不使用线缆类型是( )。(C) A. 超5类4对双绞线 B. 光纤 C. 同轴电缆 D. 6类双绞线 2. 多模光纤传输1Gbit/s网络的最长传输距离是( )。(B) A. 500m B. 550m C. 2000m D. 5000m 3. 综合布线系统的六类线,在满足各项指标的情况下,传输带宽可达到( )。(C) A. 100MHz B. 200MHz C. 250MHz D. 300MHz 4. 无线局域网的标准802. 11 中制定了无线安全登记协议,简称( )。(C) A. MAC B. HomeRF C. WEP D. TDMA 5. 1000BASE~LX表示( )。(B) A. 1000兆多模光纤 B. 1000兆单模长波光纤 C. 1000兆单模短波光纤 D. 1000兆铜线 6. 水晶头,专业术语为连接器。(C) A. RJ11 B. RJ23 C. RJ45 D. RJ49 7. 综合布线系统设计中,大对数主干电缆的对数应在总需求线对的基础上至少预留( )备用线对。(B) A. 5% B. 10% C. 20% D. 50% 8.有线传输介质是指在两个通信设备之间实现的( )连接部分。(A) A.物理 B. 数据 C. 光纤 D. 理论 9. 根据TIA/EIA568A 规定,信息插座引针1、2 脚应接到( )。(C) A. 线对1 B. 线对2 C. 线对3 D. 线对4 10. 根据TIA/EIA568B 规定,信息插座引针1、2 脚应接到( )。(B) A. 线对1 B. 线对2 C. 线对3 D. 线对4 11. 光纤规格62. 5/l25 中的62. 5 表示( )。(A) A. 光纤芯的直径 B. 光纤包层直径 C. 光纤中允许通过的光波波长 D. 允许通过的最高频率 12. “62. 5/125μm多模光纤”的62. 5/125μm指的是( )。(A) A. 光纤内外径 B. 光纤可传输的光波波长 C. . 光缆内外径 D. 光缆可传输的光波波长 13. 影响光纤熔接损耗的因素较多,影响最大的是( )。(A) A. 光纤模场直径不一致 B. 两根光纤芯径失配 C. 纤芯截面不圆 D. 纤芯与包层同心度不佳


考研英语阅读理解模拟试题及解析(一) The majority of successful senior managers do not closely follow the classical rational model of first clarifying goals, assessing the problem, formulating options, estimating likelihoods of success, making a decision, and only then taking action to implement the decision. Rather, in their day-by-day tactical maneuvers, these senior executives rely on what is vaguely termed intuition to manage a network of interrelated problems that require them to deal with ambiguity, inconsistency, novelty, and surprise;and to integrate action into the process of thinking. Generations of writers on management have recognized that some practicing managers rely heavily on intuition. In general, however, such writers display a poor grasp of what intuition is. Some see it as the opposite of rationality;others view it as an excuse for capriciousness. Isenberg's recent research on the cognitive processes of senior managers reveals that managers' intuition is neither of these. Rather, senior managers use intuition in at least five distinct ways. First, they intuitively sense when a problem exists. Second, managers rely on intuition to perform well-learned


如果您喜欢这份文档,欢迎下载!祝您成绩进步,学习愉快! 2018下半年小学《综合素质》模拟试题及参考答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共29小题,每小题2分,共58分) 1.小红的语文成绩很好,李老师常常鼓励她多阅读,勤写作,力争将来成为一名优秀的作家。小明学习基础较差,但是羽毛球打得很好,李老师鼓励他将来做一名职业运动员,对庄老师的做法,下列评价中不正确的是( ) A.善于因材施教 B.注重学生的全面性 C.善于激发学生自信 D.注重学生的差异性 2. 下列不属于布鲁巴奇在1994年提出的教学反思的方法的是( )。 A.反思日记 B.详细描述 C.交流讨论 D.关注问题 3.终身教育思想的主要代表人物是( )。 A.保罗?朗格朗 B.罗杰斯 C.索尔蒂斯 D.布鲁纳 4.收留夜不归宿的未成年人的,应当在( )小时内及时通知其父母或者其他监护人、所在学校或者及时向公安机关报告。 A.12 B.24 C.48 D.72 5. 县级以上人民政府及其教育行政部门不得以任何名义( )公办学校的性质。 A.变更 B.调整 C.改变或者变相改变 D.改变 6. 教师、学生合法权益集中体现为( )。 A.学校合法权益 B.教育行政部门合法权益 C.学校领导的合法权益 D.社区的合法权益 7. 教师不能因各种理由随意对学生进行搜查,不得关学生禁闭,因为学生具有(

)。 A.身心健康权 B.人身自由权 C.人格尊严权 D.隐私权 8. 下列哪些不是1993年通过的《中华人民共和国教师法》规定的教师的义务?( ) A.按时获得薪水和报酬 B.遵守宪法、法律和职业道德,为人师表 C.贯彻国家的教育方针,遵守规章制度,执行学校的教学计划,履行教师聘约,完成教育教学工作任务 D.不断提高思想政治觉悟和教育教学业务水平 9. 关于“师爱”,下列说法正确的是( )。 A.出于私情之爱 B.对少数优秀学生的关爱 C.严慈相济,既有母爱的纯真、慈祥,又有父爱的严格、庄重 D.师爱不具有育人的作用 10.贝多芬的《合唱交响曲》又名( ),表达了资产阶级反抗封建统治、追求自由解放的斗争意志,以及对斗争最后一定会取得胜利,欢乐必将降临的信心。 A.《第六交响曲》 B.《第七交响曲》 C.《第八交响曲》 D.《第九交响曲》 11.在古代,男子成年后对年龄都有专门的代称,其中五十岁叫做( )。 A.弱冠 B.不惑 C.花甲 D.知天命 12.“写鬼写妖高人一等,刺贪刺虐入骨三分”,这副对联所指的作家是( )。 A.蒲松龄 B.李贺 C.干宝 D.吴承恩 13.陆机是西晋时期杰出的书法家,他的《平复帖》是我国古代存世最早的名人书法真迹。在诗文方面,陆机也颇有建树,他与弟弟陆云俱为著名文学家,合称“二陆”。下列作品中,不属于陆机作品的一项是( )。 A.《文赋》 B.《赴洛道中作》 C.《吊魏武帝文》

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