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例如:在“a-, an- / without, lacking, not /asymmetric, apolitical, anemia”例条中,

a- 和an- 为前缀,其中an- 为a- 的变体;/ without, lacking, not / 为该前缀的含

义;而asymmetric, apolitical和anemia为例词。


a-, an- / without, lacking, not /asymmetric, apolitical, asexual, anemia, anarchy

ab-, a-, abs-/ from, away from / abduct, abjure, abdication, avert, abstain

ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-/ to, forward /admit, adjure, accord, affliction,

aggregation, annexation, apparition, arraignment, assumption, attendance ambi-/ both / ambidextrous, ambivalent

amphi-/ round, about /amphitheater, amphigens

an-, ana-/ up; up through, back /anatomy, analysis, anachronism

ante-, anti-/ before /antecedent, antebellum, anticipate

anti- / counter, against /antibiotic, antibody, antisocial, antifascist

apo- / away, from /apostasy, apostle

ar-, arch- /chief, principal / archangel, archenemy, architect

be- / to make, to take from /belittle, befriend, betake, bespeak

belli-/ war /belligerent, rebellious, bellicose

ben-, bon-/ good, well /benefit, benediction, benign, bonus

bi-/ two /bicycle, bilateral, bisect, bipolar, bivalence

biblio-/ book /bibliography, bibliophile, Bible

by- / aside or apart from the common, secondary / by-product, bypass, byname

cat-/ downwards, under, against /catacomb, catechise, catastrophe

circu-, circum-/ around /circumnavigation, circumlocution, circumspection, circuit

com-, con-, col-, cor-, co-/ together, with /combine, compassion, contract, concentric,

collaborate, correspond, cooperation contra- / against / contradiction, contraband, contrast

de- / down from, away /decapitate, dehydrate, dehumanize, degrade

demi-/ a half or a part of /demi-god, demilune, demiwolf

di-, dia-/ through, across /diode, diameter, dialog, dialectics

dif-, dis-/ not, the opposite, apart /different, diffuse, disagree, divert, dispel

dys- / badly, with difficulty, hard /dyscrasia, dyslexia, dyspepsia

e-/ out /emigrant, egress, emit, elope, ejaculate, eject

ec-, ef-, ex-/ an outcome of /effect, effulgence, ecstasy, eccentric, expire

em-, en-/ to make /employ, embrace, enable, enrich

em-, en-/ in, on, into /encage, enclose, embalm, emphasis, energy

epi-/ on, outer, over /epidermis, epicenter, epitaph

equi-/ equal /equilateral, equilibrium, equivalent

ex-, exo-, extra-/ from, out of, without /export, exodus, exotic, ex-officio, extraordinary

eu-/ beautiful, good /eulogize, eugenics, euphemism

for- / not, against, away /forget, forbid, forgo, forfend

fore-/ before, in front of /forehead, foretell, forefather

hemi-/ a half /hemisphere, hemistich, hemicrania

hetero-/ denoting dissimilarity /heterogeneous, heterodox, heterarchy

homo-/ denoting similarity /homogeneous, homonym, homosexual

hydro-/ water /hydraulics, hydrometer, hydropathy

hyper- / over, beyond, excessive /hypertension, hypercritical, hypersensitive

hypo-/ under, beneath, down /hypothesis, hypothermia, hypocrisy

im-, in-, il-, ir-/ in, into, on /imbibe, import, income, input, illustration, irrigation

im-, in-, il-, ir-/ not /impossible, immature, inconsiderate, ineffectual, illegal, irresponsible infra-/ under, beneath /infrared, infra-structure, infra-costal

inter-/ between /international, interpersonal, interaction, Internet

intra-, intro-/ within /intramural, intravenous, Intranet, introduction, introspection

iso-/ equality or similarity /isocheimal, isochomatic

kilo- /a thousand/kilogram, kilowatt, kilometer

magna-/big, great/magnanimous, magnitude, magnum

macro- / big / macrocomputer, macrocontrol, macroeconomy

mal- / bad, wrong /malnutrition, maltreatment, malapropism

mega-/ of great size /megaphone, megaton, megalopolis, megavolt

meta-/ beyond, transcending /metaphor, metaphysics, meta-memory

micro- /small /microcomputer, microcontrol, microeconomy

milli- /a thousand/millennium, millimeter, millisecond

mis- / bad, wrong /mistake, misspelling, mispronounce, mislead

mono-/ one, alone /monotony, monogamy, monochrome

multi-/ many /multiple choice, multilateral, multimedia

neo- / new /neo-Confucianism, neolithic, neology, neodoxy

neu- / non-partial / neutral, neutron

neuro-/ nerve /neurology, neurotic, neurasthemia

non- / not, reversing the sense /nonalignment, nonsmoker, nonsense

ob-, oc-, of-, o-, op-/ in the way of, against /object, obsolete, occasion, offend, omit, oppose omni-/ all / omnivorous, omnibus, omniscient

out- / beyond, exceeding /outbid, outbreak

over-/ beyond, excessive /overwork, overawe, overcoat

paleo-/ old, anscient /paleoanthropology, paleobiology, paleolithic

pan-, panta-/ all, everything /pan-America, pantomime, pandemonium

para-/ alike, comparison, unlike /paraphrase, paradox, parody

peri-/ around / peripheral, periscope, perimeter

poly-/ many /polytechnic, polymer, polyglot

post- / after /postgraduate, posthumous, postwar

pre-/ before /prewar, prepare, preposition, preschool

pro-, por-, pur-/ forward, forth /progress, proceed, portend, pursue

pseud-/ false or spurious / pseudo-science, pseudo-membrane, pseudonym

re-, retro-/ back, again /regression, review, retrospect, retrogressive

se-/ aside, separating /secede, seduce, sedition, separate

semi- (hemi-)/ half, partly /semiconductor, semifinal, semicircle, hemisphere

sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sus-, / under /submit, submarine, succeed, suffix, suggest, support

sustain, subsonic

super-/ above, greater, better /supersonic, supermarket, superpower, superiority

syn-, sym-/ with, together / sympathy, symmetry, synchronic, synonym

trans-/ across / transport, transplant, translation, transcontinental

tri-/ three /tricycle, triple, triangle

ultra-/ beyond, excessive, extreme /ultrasonic, ultraviolet

un- / not /undecided, unimportant

under-/ beneath, lower in rank or degree /underdog, underfeed, undercoat

uni- / one /unite, unification, uniform

up-/ upwards /uproot, upcast, upstart

with-/ opposition, privation /withdraw, withstand


-able, -ible/ adj. capable of, fit for /eatable, workable, considerable, sizable

-ac/adj. like, pertaining to /cardiac, maniac

-age, -ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency/n. signifying the state of being /coinage, acceptance,

existence, constancy, consistency

-ate/ v. to make /activate, motivate, originate

-cle, -cule/ adj. or n. small, little /particle, sickle, animalcule, miniscule

-dom/ n. signifying dominion, office / kingdom, officialdom

-er, -or, -eer/ n. one who /worker, writer, professor, engineer

-fy/ v. to make /beautify, purify, simplify

-ic, -ical/ adj. relating to, having the nature of / historic, economic, biblical, mechanical -ics/n. study /economics, physics, linguistics

-il, -ile/adj. having the property of /civil, juvenile, puerile, ductile

-ism / n. action or practice, theory or doctrine /mechanism, imperialism, dogmatism -ist / n. one who / physicist, communist, cyclist

-ity / n. condition, quality /activity, flexibility, identity, probability, feasibility

-ize/ v. to make /modernize, revolutionize, popularize, realize

-logy / n. study, work /geology, psychology, metallurgy

-ment, -mony/ n. the state of being /experiment, movement, harmony, hegemony

-ness/ n. condition, quality, state of being /carelessness, sadness, illness

-oid / n. like, resembling /asteroid, mongoloid, anthropoid

-ous, -ious, -ose/adj. having the quality of /industrious, dangerous, bellicose

-ship/ n. the state or quality of /sportsmanship, partnership, friendship

-tion, -ation, -sion/n. condition, the act of /information, reflection, extroversion

-tude, -ty/ n. signifying the property /attitude, altitude, radioactivity, tenacity

-ward(s)/ signifying direction / eastward, homeward, upward


-us cactus, alumnus, impetus (original plural form: “i”, alumni)

-a alumna, vita, formula (original plural form: “i”, alumni, or “ae”, formulae)

-um datum, curriculum (original plural form: “a”, data, curricula)

-ia, -sis, -tis(medical terms)anoxia, anemia, dyslexia, tuberculosis, hepatitis, meningitis 词根:

-acr- / sharp /acrimonious, acerbity, acidulate

-act-, -ag-/ to do / action, reaction, agent,

-aev-/ age, era /primeval, coeval, medieval

-agog-/ leader / demagogue, pedagogue

-agri-, -agrari-/ field /agriculture, agrarian, peregrination

-ali-/ another /alias, aliens, inalienable

-ann-, -en- / year /annual, anniversary, centennial, biennial

-anim-/ spirit /unanimous, magnanimous, animation

-anthrop-/ human / anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropist

-aqua-/ water / aquatic sports, aquarium, aquanaut

-arch-/ government, chief, leader /monarchy, anarchy, archbishop

-aster-, -astro-, -stellar-/ star /asteroid, astronomy, constellation

-audi-/ hear / auditor, auditorium, audio-visual lab

-auto-/ self /autobiography, automation, automobile, autism

-belli-/ fight, war /bellicose, belligerent, rebellion

-bio-/ life / biology, biography, biochemical, antibiotics

-bon-, -ben-/ good /bonus, debonair, benefit, benign, benediction

-brev-/ short /brief, abbreviate, brevity

-cad-, -cas-/ to fall /cadence, decadent, accident

-cap-, -capt-, -cep-/ to take /capture, precept, participate

-cap-, -capit-/ head, chief /capital, captain, decapitation, per capita income

-carn-/ flesh, body /carnivore, incarnation

-ced-, -cess-/ go, move, yield /precede, recede, succeed, antecedent, secede, process -cent-/ one hundred /century, centennial, percentage, centigrade, centipede

-centr-/ center /central, concentric, centrifugal, concentrate

-chrom-/ color / monochrome, trichromatic chromosome

-chron-/ time /chronology, anachronism, synchronic, chronicle

-cid-, cis-/ cut /incision, homicide, precision

-cit-/ call / excite, incite, recite

-civi- / citizen /civil, civilian, civilization

-clam-/ to cry out /clamorous, acclamation, exclaim

-claud-, -claus-, -clos-, -clud-/ to close /claustrophobia, enclose, conclude

-cogno-/ knowledge, knowing /cognition, recognition, incognito, acognostic

-comp-/ to fill /complete, complement, comply

-cord-/ heart /accord, cordial, discord

-corp-/ body / corpse, corps, incorporation, corporeal

-cred-/ to believe /credence, incredulous, incredible

-cur-/ to care /curator, sinecure, to cure

-curr-, -curs-/ course, to run / excursion, current, precursor, curriculum

-cycle-/ cycle /bicycle, tricycle, recycle

-dat- / to give / data, mandate, date

-demo-/ people /demography, democracy, demagogue, epidemic

-deb-/ to owe /debt, indebtedness, debenture

-derm-/ skin /epidermis, pachyderm, dermatology

-di-, -diurn-/ daytime /diary, diurnal, journal

-dic-/ say, speak / dictation, dictionary, dictator, contradiction

-doc-/ to teach /docile, doctrine, document, doctor

-domin-/ to rule /dominate, domain, indomitable

-duc-/ lead /aqueduct, conductor, education, viaduct

-dynam-/ power, strength /dynamite, dynamo, dynamics

-ego-/ self / egocentric, egotism

-erg- / to work / energy, ergatocracy, metallurgy

-err-/ to wander, to deviate /error, erratic, errand

-fact-, -fect-/ make, do /factory, manufacture, effect, affect

-fall-, -fals-/ to deceive /fallacy, infallible, falsification

-fer-/ to bring, to bear /ferry, transfer, coniferous, refer

-flect-/ bend /inflexible, reflect

-gam-/ marriage /monogamy, bigamy, polygamy

-gen- / produce, birth / gene, generator, eugenic, generation

-geo-/ earth / geology, geothermal, geometric

-graph-, -gram-/ writing /geography, biography, telegram, diagram

-greg- / group, together /gregarious, aggregate, egregious

-helio-/ the sun /heliotrope, heliograph, helium

-homo-/ of human /homicide, homunculus,

-hydr-/ water, of hydrogen /hydraulic, dehydrate, hydrotherapy, hydrocarbon, hydroxide -it-, -itiner-/ journey, road /exit, itinerary, reiterate

-jac-, -jec-/ to throw /ejaculate, project, reject

-jur-/ to swear /jury, abjure, perjury, jurisdiction

-lab-, -labor-/ to work /laboratory, collaborate, laborious

-leg-/ law /legislature, legal, legitimate

-leg-, -lect-/ to choose /election, select, legible, eligible

-lib-/ book / library, libretto, libel

-locu-, -log-, -loq-/ to talk /elocution, monologue, soliloquy, eloquent

-luc-/ light /elucidate, lucid, translucent

-magn-/ big, great /magnum, magnanimous, magnify

-man-/ hand /manufacture, manuscript, manicure, emancipation

-mar-, -mer-/ sea, ocean / submarine, mermaid, marinology

-mit-, -miss-/ send /transmit, emit, transmission, emission, permit, permission

-mon-, -monit-/ to warn /admonish, premonition, monitor

-morph- / form, structure /morphology, morpheme, anthropomorphism

-mort-, -mori-/ death /mortal, mortuary, moribund

-nav-/ ship /navy, navigation, naval

-onym-, -nom-/ name / synonym, pseudonym, nomenclature, nomination, misnomer

-oper-/ to work /operation, cooperate, opera

-pac-/ peace /pacify, pacifist, Pacific Ocean

-pathy-/ feeling /sympathy, antipathy, telepathy, empathy

-pel-/ to drive /compel, dispel, repel, propel

-pet-, -petit- / to seek /petition, compete, appetite

-phil-/ love /Anglophile, hydrophilic, philosophy, philanthropist

-phob-/ hate, fear /claustrophobia, acrophobia, xenophobia

-phon- / sound /telephone, microphone, phonology

-pod-, -ped-/ foot /tripod, pedestrian, centripetal

-pon-, -pos-/ position /postpone, position, preposition, positive

-polis- / city /metropolis, Indianapolis

-port-/ carry /porter, portable, transport, exportation

-pseudo-/ false, sham /pseudonym, pseudo-science, pseudology, pseudomorph

-psych-/ mind /psychology, psychoanalysis, psywar

-put-, -putat-/ to trim, to calculate /amputate, compute, putative, reputation

-que-, -qui-/ to ask /question, query, request, inquisitive, prerequisite

-rid-, -ris-/ to laugh /ridiculous, risibility, derision

-rog-/ to ask /interrogate, prerogative, derogatory

-rupt-/ to break /rupture, interrupt, eruption, bankrupt

-sci-/ knowledge /science, omniscient, consciousness

-scrib-, -script-/ write / scribble, inscribe, description, prescription, manuscript, scripture -sed-, -sess-/ to sit /session, sedentary, president, residence

-sens-, -sent- / to think, to feel /sense, sensitive, sensation, resent, consent

-sequ-, -secut-/ follow /sequence, consequence, consecutive

-sol-, -solut-/ to loosen /solvent, solution, absolve, dissolute, absolute

-son-/ sound /subsonic, consonant, resonant, ultrasonic

-spect-/ look at /spectrum, inspection, circumspection, retrospection

-spir-/ breathe /spirit, aspiration, respiration

-soph-/ wise /philosophy, sophisticate, sophomore

-tang-, -tact-/ to touch /tangent, tangible, contact, contingent

-tele- / far / television, telephone, telediagnosis, telex

-temp-/ mood /temper, temperament, temptation, contemptuous

-tempor- / time /temporary, contemporary, extemporaneous, temporize

-ten-, -tent-/ to hold /tenable, tenacity, content, tenure

-terr- / land, earth /territory, subterranean, extraterrestrial, Mediterranean, inter

-theo-, -the-/ god /theology, atheism, theory, pantheism

-therm- / heat /thermos bottle, thermometer, geothermal energy

-urb-/ city /urban, suburban, urbane

-urn-/ day /diurnal, nocturnal, journal

-ven-, -vent- / come /intervene, prevention, convention

-ver-/ true /verify, verily, verisimilar, veracious

-via- / way /viaduct, deviation, trivial

-vid-, -vis-/ see /video, visualize, vision, vista

-vinc-, -van-/ conquer /victory, invincible, vanquish, vanity -voc-, -vok-/ call /vocation, revoke, invoke, provoke

-volv-, -volut-/ to roll, to turn / evolve, revolve, convolution


1. Loan-words (英语借词举例):

A) Latin: altar, candle, creed, cup, font, mass, shrine, ad hoc, a priori, vice versa

B) Greek: analysis, angel, cosmetic, epidemic, monopolist, psychology, zoology

C) French: art, arrest, court, government, literature, memoir, people, pork, reservoir, tax

D) German: blitzkrieg, kindergarten, mesmerize, noodle, plunder, standpoint, waltz, zinc

E) Spanish: alligator, armada, bizarre, cargo, cork, domino, filibuster, parade, risk

F) Italian: artisan, balcony, canto, caprice, falsetto, model, profile, sonata, stanza, tempo

G) Russian: argosy, commissar, gulag, mammoth, mazurka, slave, steppe, vampire,

H) Chinese: lacquer, litchi, nankeen, sampan, tea, typhoon, Taoism, Confucianism

I) Japanese: bushido, go, judo, kamikaze, kimono, tatami

J) Arabian: admiral, bazaar, caravan, check, chess, coffee, hazard, lemon, lilac, orange

K) American Indian: caucus, moose, opossum, raccoon, skunk, squaw, totem, wigwam

(There are other language sources, such as Portuguese (albatross, apricot), Sanskrit (crimson, jungle), Dutch (hoist, hold, sniff), Egyptian (sack, oasis, paper), Mexican (cocoa, tomato, chili) and so on. Limited by space, the samples are not presented here.)

2. Compounding (复合法):

A) Compound Nouns:

n. + n. workshop, classmate, bookshelf, lifesaver, obesity-doctor, color-film, gold-smith

prep. + n. she-wolf, he-bear, she-tiger, he-man

n. + v. + ing air-conditioning, shoe-making, rope-walking, apple-polishing

a. + n. blacksmith, software, highway, supermarket, greenhouse, hotpot

v. + n. scarecrow, telltale, breakfast, turncoat, walkman

v. + ing + n. freezing-point, building-material, looking-glass, running-nose (dog)

adv. + v. offspring, downpour, outbreak, input, income

n. + a. snow-blind, colorblind, seasick, lovelorn, computer-illiterate

v. + adv. breakthrough, feedback, diehard, takeoff, standstill, pullover

prep. + n. inland, counterattack, afternoon, overcoat, by-product

B) Compound Adjectives:

a. +n. + ed. smooth-tongued, cold-blooded, narrow-minded, high-nosed

num. + n. + ed. one-sided, five-storied, six-cornered, double-faced

n. + n. + ed. chicken-hearted, half-hearted, honey-mouthed, iron-willed, gold-coated

n.+v.+pp. water-powered, self-educated, heartbroken, weather-beaten, homemade, heartfelt

n. + v. + ing. peace-keeping, law-abiding, time-saving, truth-telling, fact-finding

n. + a. blood-thirsty, ice-cold, snow-white, skin-deep, knee-deep, homesick, test-wise

a. + n. high-grade, first-class, long-range, new-type, second-hand

adv. + v. + ing everlasting, far-reaching, hardworking, ill-fitting

adv. + pp. so-called, well-informed, widespread, well-known

a. + a. darkblue, bloody-red, bittersweet, deadalive, white-hot

prep. (or conj.) out-of-door, life-and-death, word-for-word, wait-and-see

C) Compound Verbs:

adv. + v. overtake, uplift, uproot, underline, hard-land, mass-produce

n. + v. airdrop, earmark, spacewalk, typewrite, babysit, nosedive, brainwash

a. + v. safeguard, white-wash, cold-shoulder, double-check, blue-print dumbfound

3. Phrase-hyphen (连字符法):

They face a damned-if-they-do, damned-if-they-don’t choice; forget-me-not;

a not-so-strong team; no-war, no-peace stalemate; cards-on-the-table approach;

the-end-justifies-the-means philosophy; a matter-of-fact tone;

Women have passed the jump-on-the-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era.

4) Conversions (词性转换法):

n. -> v. to knife, to house, to water, to helicopter, to man, to wine and dine

v. -> n. give somebody a push, this year’s pick, a cheat, a good kick, a crack shot

a combine, a rethink

a. -> n. the old, the rich, the accused, the deaf-and-mute, for good, be a moderate,

through thick and thin, the illegal, a gay

5) Blending (混成法):

head + ending: smog, motel, heliport, infortainment, inforbahn, chunnel, brunch

word + ending: workaholic, workfare, lunarnaut,

head + word: medicare, psywar, telediagnosis

head + head: comsat, Amerind, memcom (memorandum conversation), telex,

6) Clipping (剪裁法):

A: tail-clipping: ad, lab, heli(copter), math, gym, biz (business) bike, comfy (comfortable) B: head-clipping: bus, (para)shute, phone, (heli)copter, plane, (earth)quake

C: head and tail clipping: (re)fridge(rator), (in)flu(enza), (de)tec(tive)

7) Acronym (首字母合成法):

radar : radio detecting and ranging

laser: light-wave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation


8) Proper Noun Conversion (专有名词转用法):

watt, hertz, volt, ampere, china, pasteurize, champagne, waterloo, xerox

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