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Blue is the world's favorite color. It is also the color most often 1 with intellect and authority.

Most uniforms are blue. In Greek and Roman mythology, blue is the color of sky gods. In the Old Testament, God is 2 by deep blue. Blue and turquoise (青绿色)are represented by the Islamic religion. It is the3 color in the mosques of the world.

Blue symbolizes truth, peace and cooperation. It is the color of the flag of the United Nations and of Europe. As the coolest color of the spectrum, it is the hue most likely to have a receding effect. As in the skies and water that 4 us, blue is seen as a peaceful and5 color. Blue light has seen to 6 blood pressure by calming the nervous system hence relaxing the body and mind. Blue creates large airy spaces. It makes rooms bigger.

The wrong shade of blue can be uncomfortable. It can also be cold and sterile(枯燥的)unless7 with warmer colors.

Light and soft blue makes us feel quiet and protected from the bustle(喧闹)and 8 of the day. Blue bedrooms are restful. Blue bath rooms are appropriately watery. Blue9 depth with greens and reds. Dark blue represents the night making us calm. Its apparently calming effect makes it the perfect tone for the quieter 10 of your living space.

[A] represented [I] activity

[B] engage [J] zones

[C] refreshing [K] foolish

[D] surround [L] line

[E] curved [M] acquires

[F] dominant [N] associated

[G]lower [O] rash

[H] balanced





Culture is one of the most challenging elements of the international marketplace. This system of learned behavior patterns characteristic of the members of a given society is constantly shaped by a set of dynamic variables: language, religion, values and attitudes, manners and customs, aesthetics, technology, education, and social institutions. To cope with this system, an international

manager needs both factual and interpretive knowledge of culture. To some extent, the factual knowledge can be learned; its interpretation comes only through experience.

The most complicated problems in dealing with the cultural environment stem from the fact that one cannot learn culture—one has to live it. Two schools of thought exist in the business world on how to deal with cultural diversity. One is that business is business the world around, following the model of Pepsi and McDonald’s. In some cases, globalization is a fact of life; however, cultural differences are still far from converging.

The other school proposes that companies must tailor business approaches to individual cultures. Setting up policies and procedures in each country has been compared to an organ transplant; the critical question centers around acceptance or rejection. The major challenge to the international manager is to make sure that rejection is not a result of cultural myopia or even blindness.

Fortune examined the international performance of a dozen large companies that earn 20 percent or more of their revenue overseas. The internationally successful companies all share an important quality: patience. They have not rushed into situations but rather built their operations carefully by following the most basic business principles. These principles are to know your adversary, know your audience, and know your customer.

1.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

[A]All international managers can learn culture.

[B]Business diversity is not necessary.

[C]Views differ on how to treat culture in business world.

[D]Most people do not know foreign culture well.

2.According to the author, the model of Pepsi .

[A]is in line with the theories that the business is business the world around

[B]is different from the model of McDonald’s

[C]shows the reverse of globalization

[D]has converged cultural differences

3.The two schools of thought .

[A]both propose that companies should tailor business approaches to individual cultures

[B]both advocate that different policies be set up in different countries

[C]admit the existence of cultural diversity in business world

[D]both A and B

4.This article is supposed to be most useful for those .

[A]who are interested in researching the topic of cultural diversity

[B]who have connections to more than one type of culture

[C]who want to travel abroad

[D]who want to run business on International Scale

5.According to Fortune, successful international

companies .

[A]earn 20 percent or more of their revenue overseas

[B]all have the quality of patience

[C]will follow the overseas local cultures

[D]adopt the policy of internationalization








Most shoplifters (商店扒手)agree that the January sales offer wonderful opportunities for the hard-working thief. With the shops so crowded and the staff so busy, it does not require any extraordinary talent to help you to take one or two little things and escape unnoticed. It is known, in the business, as "hoisting".

But the hoisting game is not what it used to be. Even at the height of the sales, shoplifters today never know if they are being watched by one of those evil little balls that hang from the ceilings of so many department stores above the most desirable goods.

As if that was not trouble enough for them, they can now be filmed at work and obliged to attend a showing of their performance in court.

Selfridges was the first big London store to install closed-circuit videotape equipment to watch its sales floors. In October last year the store won its first court case for shoplifting using a evidence a videotape clearly showing a couple stealing dresses. It was an important test case which encouraged other stores to install similar equipment.

When the balls, called sputniks, first make an appearance in shops, it was widely believed that their only function was to frighten shoplifters. Their somewhat ridiculous appearances, the curious holes and red lights going on and off, certainly make the theory believable.

It did not take long, however, for serious shoplifters to start showing suitable respect. Soon after the equipment was in operation at Selfridges, store detective Brian Chadwick was sitting in the control room watching a woman secretly putting bottles of perfume into her bag.

"As she turned to go," Chadwick recalled, "she suddenly looked up at the 'sputnik' and stopped. She could not possibly have seen that the camera was trained on her because it is completely hidden, but she must have had a feeling that I was looking at her."

"For a moment she paused, but then she returned to counter and started putting everything back. When she had finished, she opened her bag towards the camera to show it was empty and hurried out of the store."

1. January is a good month for shoplifters because ________.

[A] they don't need to wait for staff to serve them

[B] they don't need any previous experience as thieves

[C] there are so many people in the store

[D] January sales offer wonderful opportunities for them

2. The sputniks hanging from the ceiling are intended ________.

[A] to watch the most desirable goods [C] to frighten shoplifters by their appearance

[B] to make films that can be used as evidence [D] to be used as evidence against shoplifters

3. The case last October was important because ________ .

[A] the store got the dresses back

[B] the equipment was able to frighten shoplifters

[C] other shops found out about the equipment

[D] the kind of evidence supplied was accepted by court

4. The woman stealing perfume ________.

[A] guessed what the sputniks were for [C] could see the camera filming her

[B] was frightened by its shape [D] knew that the detective had seen her

5. The woman's action before leaving the store shows that she ________.

[A] was sorry for what she had done

[B] was afraid she would be arrested

[C]decided she didn't want what she had picked up

[D] wanted to prove she had not intended to steal anything









Who won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play?1 an event takes place, newspapers are on the streets2 the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, reports are on the spot to 3 the news. Newspapers have one basic 4 , to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to 5 it. Radio, telegraph, television,and 6 inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication 7 , this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the 8 and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are 9 and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out to many other fields. Besides keeping readers 10 of the latest news, today’s newspapers11 and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers’ economic choices 12 advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very 13 .News-papers are sold at a price that 14 even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main 15 of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The 16 in selling advertisin g depends on a newspaper’s value to advertisers. This17 in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends18 on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment 19 in a newspaper’s pages. But for t he most part, circulation depends on a newspaper’s value to readers as a source of information 20 the community, city, country, state, nation, and world—and even outer space.

1.[A]Just when [B]While [C]Soon after [D]Before

2.[A]to give [B]giving [C]given [D]being given

3.[A]gather [B]spread [C]carry [D]bring

4.[A]reason [B]cause [C]problem [D]purpose

5.[A]make [B]publish [C]know [D]write

6.[A]another [B]other [C]one another [D]the other

7.[A]However [B]And [C]Therefore [D]So

8.[A]value [B]ratio [C]rate [D]speed

9.[A]spread [B]passed [C]printed [D]completed

10.[A]inform [B]be informed [C]to informed [D]informed

11.[A]entertain [B]encourage [C]educate [D]edit

12.[A]on [B]through [C]with [D]of

13.[A]forms [B]existence [C]contents [D]purpose

14.[A]tries to cover [B]manages to cover[C]fails to cover [D]succeeds in

15.[A]source [B]origin [C]course [D]finance

16.[A]way [B]means [C]chance [D]success

17.[A]measures [B]measured [C]is measured [D]was measured

18.[A]somewhat [B]little [C]much [D]something

19.[A]offering [B]offered [C]which offered [D]to be offered

20.[A]by [B]with [C]at [D]about
























Even if the wetlands were restored and new levees were built, the combination of geologic subsidence and rising sea levels will likely sink New Orleans another meter by 2100. The problem might be solved by another ambitious plan, says Roel Boumans, a coastal scientist at the University of Vermont in Burlington who did his ph.D. at LSU: shoring up the lowest land with a slurry of sediment piped in from the river. The majority of the buildings in the flooded areas will have to be razed anyway, he says, "so why not take this opportunity to fix the root of the problem?" The river could deposit enough sediment to raise the bottom of the New Orleans bowl to sea level "in 50 to 60 years," he estimates. In the meantime, people could live in these areas Venice-style, with buildings built on stilts. Boumans even takes it a step further: "You would have to raise everything about 30 centimeters once every 30 years, so why not make the job easier by making houses that can float."

Whether that is technically or politically feasible—Day, for one, calls it "not likely" —remains to be seen, especially because until now, the poorest residents lived in the lowest parts of the city. Any decision on how best to protect the city in the future will be tied to how many people will live there, and where. "there may be a large contingent of residents and businesses who choose not to return," says Bill Good, an environmental scientist at LSU and manager of the Louisiana Geological Survey's Coastal Processes section. It is also not yet clear how decisions about the reconstruction will be made, says Good, "Since there is no precedent of comparable magnitude." Every level of government is sure to be involved, and "the process is likely to be ad hoc."

Even with the inevitable mingling of science and politics, we still have "a unique chance to back out of some bad decisions," says Good, who grew up in New Orleans. "I hope that we don't let this once-in-history opportunity slip through our fingers in the rush to rebuild the city:"

1. The passage gives a general description of the suggestions to reconstruct New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

2. Two examples to deal with water are Netherlands and Venice.

3. The canals have nothing to do with the flooding.

4. The levees will be shored up further with clear long-term fate.

5. The basic problem for New Orleans is the subsidence of Mississippi River delta.

6. The key component of Coast 2050 is wetland restoration.

7. The plan of Coast 2050 will get billions of federal funding.

8. New Orleans will likely sink ________________ by 2100.

9. Another ambitious plan is to shoring up the lowest land with a slurry of sediment ________________.

10. How decisions about the reconstruction will be made is also ________________.




There’s a man at the reception desk who see, ms very angry and I think he means (想找麻烦).


to make trouble


Why didn’t you tell me you could lend me the money? I (本来不必从银行借钱的).


needn’t have borrowed it from the bank


(正是由于她太没有经验) that she does not know how to deal with the situation.


It is because she is so inexperienced


I (将做实验) from three to five this afternoon


will be doing/conducting the experiment


If this can’t be settled reasonably, it may be necessary to (诉诸武力).


resort to force



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Choosing an Occupation. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 选择职业是一个人要面对的众多难题之一。

2. 需要花时间去选择职业。

3. 选择职业时可以向多人寻求建议和帮助。



Choosing an Occupation

One of the most important problems a young person faces is deciding what to do. There are some people, of course, who from the time are six years old “know” that they want to be doctors or pilots or fire fighters, but the majority of us do not get around to making a decision about an occupation or career until somebody or something forces us to face the problem.

Choosing an occupation takes time, and there are a lot of things you have to think about as you try to decide what you would like to do. You may find that you will have to take special courses to qualify for a particular kind of work, or you may find out that you will need to get actual work experience to gain enough knowledge to qualify for a particular job.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your decision. At most schools, there are teachers who are professionally qualified to give you detailed information about job qualifications. And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friends who are always ready to listen and to offer suggestions.


2017年6月大学英语四级真题及答案详解 (第一套) Part I Writing (25 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an advertisement on your campus website to sell a computer you used at college. Your advertisement may include its brand, specifications/features, condition and price, and your contact information.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part IIListening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear questions, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 2 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A) The man in the car was absent-minded. B) The test driver made a wrong judgement. C) The self-driving system was faulty. D) The car was moving at a fast speed. 2. A) They have done better than conventional cars. B) They have caused several severe crashes. C) They have posed a threat to other drivers. D) They have generally done quite well. Questions 3 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 3. A) He works at a national park. B) He is a queen been specialist. C) He removed the beyond from the boot. D) He drove the bees away from his car.


2017年12月大学英语四级考试真题及答案(第一套)Part I Writing (25 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short easy on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A) Her friend Erika. C) Her grandfather. B) Her little brother. D) Her grandmother. 2. A) By taking pictures for passers-by. C) By selling lemonade and pictures. B) By working part time at a hospital. D) By asking for help on social media. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3. A) Finding cheaper ways of highway construction. B) Generating electric power for passing vehicles. C) Providing clean energy to five million people. D) Testing the efficiency of the new solar panel. 4. A) They can stand the wear and tear of natural elements. B) They can be laid right on top of existing highways. C) They are only about half an inch thick. D) They are made from cheap materials. Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. 5. A) Endless fighting in the region. C) Inadequate funding for research. B) The hazards from the desert. D) The lack of clues about the species. 6. A) To observe the wildlife in the two national parks. B) To identify the reasons for the lions’ disappearance. C) To study the habitat of lions in Sudan and Ethiopia.


2018年12月大学英语四级考试真题(第3套) Part I Writing (30minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of starting a career after graduation. You should write at least120 words but no more than 180 words. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) 说明:由于2018年12月四级考试全国共考了2套听力,本套真题听力与前2套内容完全一样,只是顺序不一样,因此在本套真题中不再重复出现。 Part ⅢReading Comprehension ( 40 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage. A few months ago, I was down with a terrible cold which ended in a persistent bad cough. No matter how many different 26 I tried, I still couldn’t get rid of the cough. Not only did it 27 my teaching but also my life as a whole. Then one day after class, a student came up to me and 28 traditional Chinese medicine. From her description, Chinese medicine sounded as if it had magic power that worked wonders. I was 29 because I knew so little about it and have never it before. Eventually, my cough got so much 30 that I couldn’t sleep at night, so I decided to give it a try. The Chinese doctor took my pulse and asked to see my tongue, both of which were new 31 to me because they are both non-existent in Western medicine. Then the doctor gave me a scraping(刮)treatment known as “Gua Sha”. I was a little 32 at first because he used a smooth edged tool to scrape the skin on my neck and shoulders. A few minutes later, the 33 strokes started to produce a relieving effect and my body and mind began to 34 deeper into relaxation. I didn’t feel any improvement in my condition in the first couple of days, but after a few more regular visits to the doctor, my cough started to 35 . Then, within a matter of weeks, it was completely gone! A) deepen I)remedies B) experiences J) scared C) hesitant D) inconvenience K) sensitive E) lessen L) sink F) licenses M) temporary G)pressured N) tremble H) recommended O) worse


2018年12月英语四级真题(第一套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of starting a career after graduation. You should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words. PartⅡ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) 关注公众号“春秋大道”,无偿得到全部英语四六级历年真题(更新至2018年12月)+听力原频 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and then questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.A) Land a space vehicle on the moon in 2019. B) Design a new generation of mobile phones. C) Set up a mobile phone network on the moon. D) Gather data from the noon with a tiny device. 2.A) It is stable. B) It is durable. C) It is inexpensive. D) It is sophisticated.


2011年12月大学英语四级真题 【试题完整版及答案完整版详解(包括听力原文详解)】 PartⅠ Writing (30 minutes) Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will PartⅡ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Why Integrity Matters What Is Integrity? The key to integrity is consistency- not only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, responsibility, respect for others, fairness) but also living up to those standards each and every day. One who has integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical (道德上的) standards even when making life's hard choices, choices which may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation. What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical standards? We feel disappointed in ourselves and ashamed. But a lapse (缺失) of integrity also affects our relationships with others. Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair? Thus integrity must be one of our most important goals. Risky Business We are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision, making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understanding why we acted as we did and then exploring ways to avoid similar problems in the future. Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to recognize risks, because if we can't see the risks we're taking, we can't make responsible choices. To identify risks, we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts. For example, one who doesn't know the rules a about plagiarism (剽窃) may accidentally use words or ideas without giving proper credit or one who fails to keep careful research notes may unintentionally fail to quote and cite sources as required. But the fact that such a violation is "unintentional" does not excuse the misconduct, Ignorance is not a defense. "But Everybody Does It" Most people who get in trouble do know the rules and facts but manage to fool themselves about the risks they're taking by using excuses: "Everyone else does it." "I'm not hurting anyone", or "I really need this grade." Excuses can get very elaborate: "I know I'm look at another's exam, even though I'm supposed to keep my eyes on my own paper, but that's not cheating because I’m just checking my answers, not copying." We must be honest about our actions and avoid excuses, if we fool ourselves into believing we're not doing anything wrong, we can't see the real choice we're making - and that leads to bad decisions. To avoid fooling yourself, watch out for excuses and try this test: Ask how you would feel if your actions were public and anyone could be watching over your shoulder. If you'd rather hide your actions, that's an indication that you're taking a risk and rationalizing it to yourself. Evaluating Risks To decide whether a risk is worth taking, you must examine the consequences, in the future as well as right now, negative as well as positive, and to others as well as to yourself. Those who take risks they later regret usually focus on immolate benefits and simply haven't considered what might go wrong. The consequences of


2014年6月大学英语四级考试真题及答案(完整版) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: You should write atleast 120 words but no more than 180 words. Supposea foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown, what is the mostinteresting place you would like to take him/her to see and why? Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Questions 36 to 45 are based onthe following passage. Global warming is a trend towardwarmer conditions around the world. Part of the warming is natural; we haveexperienced a 20,000 -year -long warming as the last ice age ended and the ice 36 away.However, we have already reached temperatures that are in 37 withother minimum-ice periods, so continued warming is likely not natural. We are 38 toa predicted worldwide increase in temperatures 39 between 1℃and 6℃over the next 100 years. The warming will be more 40 in some areas, less in others, and some placesmay even cool


Part I Writing(30 minutes) The Challenges of Living in a Big City 【1】With the development of economy and urbanization, the number of cities is constantly increasing in China.【2】While big cities are attracting more and more people, they also bring many challenges,such as traffic jam and pollution,just to name a few.【3】The first problem that really bothers me is the traffic congestion in the rush hour. I hate waiting for buses and being late.Therefore, I have to get up very early if I have an appointment in the morning.【4】Next is that the large population in a big city makes it【5】so crowded that you can't find a peaceful place unless staying at home. The supermarkets are always crowded, so are the cinemas and parks. parks.【6】Another consequence for such a large population is that it intensifies the inadequacy of quality medical and educational resources, thus decreasing residents' sense of happiness. 【7】As a result, although I am frequently asked whether I like to live in a big city or not, my answer is always no, definitely not, How about you? 话题词汇: unsatisfactory不满意的leisure娱乐opportunity机会 fast pace快节奏 pressure压力 lifestyle生活方式 environment环境 urban城市的 health健康 Part III Reading Comprehension Section A 【词性分析】: 名词: A) ability能力;才能; E) control控制;管制;F) damage伤害;损害; M) sources来源;根源;O) vehicles交通工具,车辆 动词:B) associated与…相关;联系;E) control管理;控制;克制;F) damage损害;对……有不良影响G) described描绘,描述; H equals相当于;比得上;) innovated创新,革新;L) relates相联系;把…系起来;M) sources来自……;找出…的来源;N) undermine逐渐削弱 形容词:D) constant持续不断的;始终如一的 副词:C) consciously有意识地,自觉地; 1) exclusively仅仅,唯独;K) regularly经常;定期地 Millions die early from air pollution each year. Air pollution costs the global economy more than $5 trillion annually in welfare costs, with the most serious 26-damage occurring in the developing world. The figures include a number of costs 27-associated with air pollution. Lost income alone amounts to $225 billion a year. 1.die v. 死亡,熄灭; 凋零n.骰子 2.trillion[?tr?lj?n]n. 万亿; 兆adj.万亿的 3.welfare [?welfe?(r)] n. 福利; 幸福; 繁荣; 安宁 4.alone [??l??n] adj. 单独的; 独一无二的; 独自的adv. 单独地; 独自地; 孤独地; 只,只有; The report includes both indoor and outdoor air pollution. Indoor pollution, which includes 28-sources like home heating and cooking, has remaine d 29-constant over the past several decades despite advances in the area. Levels of outdoor pollution have grown rapidly along with rapid growth in industry and transportation. 5.source [s?rs] n. 根源,本源; 源头,水源; 原因v. 来源; 起源; 寻求来源 6.remain [r??men]n.剩余物,残骸; 残余; 遗迹; 遗体v.留下; 保持;依然; 搁置; 剩余,剩下; 逗留 7.constant [?k?nst?nt] adj. 不断的,持续的; 永恒的,始终如一的; 坚定; 忠实的n.常量; 不变的事物


2011年12月英语四级真题 Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes) 注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the humorous saying, "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I've done it hundreds of times." You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) Why Integrity Matters What is Integrity? The key to integrity is consistency--not only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, responsibility, respect for others, fairness) but also living up to those standards each day. One who has integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical standards even when making life's hard choices, choices which may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation. What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical standards? We feel disappointed in ourselves and ashamed. But a lapse of integrity also affects our relationships with others. Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair? Thus, integrity must be one of our most important goals. Risky Business We are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understanding why we acted as we did, and then exploring ways to avoid similar problems in the future. Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to recognize risks, because if we can't see the risks we're taking, we can't make responsible choices. To identify risks, we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts. For example, one who doesn't know the rules about plagiarism may accidentally use words or ideas without giving proper credit, or one who fails to keep careful research notes may unintentionally fail to quote and cite sources as required. But the fact that such a violation is "unintentional" does not excuse the misconduct. Ignorance is not a defense. "But Everybody Does It" Most people who get in trouble do know the rules and facts, but manage to fool themselves about the risks they're taking by using excuses: "Everyone else does it," "I'm not hurting anyone," or "I really need this grade." Excuses can get very elaborate: "I know I'm looking at another's exam, even though I'm supposed to keep my eyes on my own paper, but that's not cheating because I'm just checking my answers, not copying." We must be honest about our actions, and avoid excuses. If we fool ourselves into believing we're not doing anything wrong, we can't see the real choice we're making--and that leads to bad decisions. To avoid fooling yourself, watch out for excuses and try this test: Ask how you would feel if your actions were public, and anyone could be watching over your shoulder. Would you feel proud or ashamed of your actions? If you'd rather hide your actions, that's a good indication that you're taking a risk and rationalizing it to yourself.


2016年6月大学英语四级真题及参考答案 Part ⅡListening Comprehension (听力部分共有两套) 四级第一套 Section A 1. C) Rising unemployment worldwide. 2. A) Many countries have not taken measures to create enough jobs. 3. B) Put calorie information on the menu. 4. A) They will be fined.C) They will get a warning. 5. D) Failure to integrate innovation into their business. 6. B) It is the creation of something new. 7. C) Its innovation culture. Section B 8. D) He does not talk long on the phone. 9. B) Talk at length. 10. A) He thought it was cool. 11. C) It is childish and unprofessional. 12. B) He is unhappy with his department manager. 13. A) His workload was much too heavy. 14. C) His boss has a lot of trust in him. 15. D) Talk to his boss in person first. Section C 16. A) The importance of sleep to a healthy life. 17. C) They get less and less sleep. 18. D) Their blood pressure will rise. 19. B) What course you are going to choose. 20. D) The personal statement. 21. C) Indicate they have reflected and thought about the subject. 22. B) It was built in the late 19th century. 23. D) They often broke down. 24. A) They were produced on the assembly line. 25. C) It marked a new era in motor travel. 四级第二套

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