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Fire Protection Impairment Program消防系统中断管理程序

Fire Protection Impairment Program消防系统中断管理程序
Fire Protection Impairment Program消防系统中断管理程序




To follow the procedure when a fire protection system is out of service so as to ensure the risks are minimized and the duration of the impairment is limited as well as the damage of the personnel and facility.



This policy applies to all factory employees, contractors and their representatives to provide service whenthe fire system is impairedpartially or totally.



Fire Protection System: Sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, fire hose system, underground fire service mains, fire pumps, water storage tanks, foam-water system, special extinguishing system, fire service control valves, fire alarms, and emergency lights.



Fire watch: A person designated to physically patrol the area where the fire protection system is impaired.


Fire system impairment: A shut down, in whole or part of a fire protection system. According to the situation, the impairment can be divided into the following:


●Emergency impairment: when a fire protection system is out of service due to an

unexpected incident such as a ruptured pipe or unexpected power-off.



●Planned impairment: When a fire system is out of service in whole or part due to a plan

in advance such as revisions to the water supply or sprinkler piping system.



●Level 1 impairment: when a limited number of a component of a fire protection system

are found detective or removed from performance. Level 1 impairment means a minimal impact to the overall life safety of the occupants.



●Level 2 impairment: A shutdown of the entire fire protection system or major portion,

significantly affecting occupant life safety.



Impairment Coordinato r: The person designatedby SE manages the impairment while system service is being performed. The director of the Healthy and Safety or the manager of the Departmentof the Environment will be the Impairment Coordinator.



4.Responsibility 责任

SE employees:

All the employees who impair a fire protection system, in whole or part, must first notify the Impairment Coordinator at the Department of the EnvironmentalHealth and Safety. If the impairment permit is required, the employees will attach the Fire & Life Safety System Permit or Impairment Tag (schedule A) to fire department connection for the sprinklers system impairment or the control panel for the fire alarm systems, and then issue the Permit to Work License of Fire Control Facility based on the “Management Procedure of Safety Work Permit”.

SE 雇员:


Contractor or Outside Company Representatives:

Any contractor or the Outside Company Representativeswho impair a fire protection system, in whole or part, must first notify the Impairment Coordinator at the Department of the Environmental Health and Safety. If the impairment permit is required,any contractor or the Outside Company Representatives will attach the Fire & Life Safety System Permit or Impairment Tag (schedule A), which would be a precondition to apply for work permit before starting the operation, to fire department connection for the sprinklers system impairment or the control panel for the fire alarm systems.


分中断一个系统的消防功能时,必须第一时间报告环保健康安全部门的中断协调员,如果确实需要消防系统中断,需要从中断协调员那里申请一个防火逃生许可/中断标牌(见计划A),并且将是否开具此标牌作为能否申请作业许可的前置条件,在开始作业施工前, 并将此防火逃生许可/中断标牌挂在需要中断区域的喷淋系统阀组或者是火灾报警盘上。

Impairment Coordinator(IC):

1. IC will determine the level of the impairment due to a shutdown, in whole or part, of a fire

protection system;

2. The IC will be responsible for the completion of the Impairment Worksheet (Schedule B)

when authorizing Level 2 impairment.

3. The IC will be responsible for issuing and verifying removal of fire &life safety system

permit /impairment tags when authorizing Level 2 impairment.

4. The IC will be responsible for coordination of the fire watch, if it has been determined that

a fire watch is necessary. The IC will document the fire watch activities’ preparation or

completionon Schedule C, the Fire watch Log Sheet.

5. The IC will be responsible for providing training to SE employees








5. Impairment Coordination Procedure-Level 1

●All Level 1 impairment, both planned and emergency, must be report to the impairment


●SE Dep. of the Public Safety will be notified of the preplanned impairment of a fire alarm


●SE Security Dep. and the FFCC will be notified of the preplanned impairment of a fire

alarm system.

●The impairment Coordinator will be ensure Level 1 impairments are satisfactorily








6. Impairment Coordination Procedure-Level 2

Preplanned Impairments:

●The SE Dept. of the Public Safety will be notified of a preplanned impairment of a fire

alarm system.

●SE Security Dep. and the FFCC will be notified of the preplanned impairment of a fire

alarm system.

●The maintenance Supervisor for affected building will be notified of the preplanned

impairment of a fire alarm system.

●Theimpairment Coordinator will complete the Impairment Worksheet (Schedule B).

●The impairment Coordinator will complete the fire&life safety system permit

/impairment tag (Schedule A).

●The impairment Coordinator will approve the applications tag of fire&life safety system

permit /impairment whether the applicants complete or not.

●The IC will authorize the preplanned impairment and verify that the following

procedures havebeen implemented.

1. The extent and expected scope of the impairment have been determined;

2. The areas or building involved have been considered and increased risks determined;

3. When a required automatic sprinkler system is out of service for an extended duration, the impairment coordinator will arrange for one of the following:

a. Evacuation of the people in the building or portion of the building affected by the system out of service

b. A fire watch for all portions of the building left unprotected by the shutdown until the fire alarm or the sprinkler system has been returned back to service. Fire watch personnel used for the automatic sprinkler system shutdown must be specially trained in the fire prevention and the fire watch is responsible to take notes of the impairment effect.

4. When a required fire alarm system is out of service for an extended duration, the impairment coordinator will arrange for one as the following:

a. Evacuation of the people in the building or portion of the building affected by the system out of service

b. Implementation of mitigating measures for the period that the system is impaired. This considers the building occupancy type, nature and duration of impairment, building occupancy level during the impairment period, active work being conducted on the fire alarm system during the impairment, condition of the other fire protection systems and features, and hazards and assets at risk.

5. Sprinkler system: the impairment coordinator will complete or authorize a Fire& Life Safety System Permit/ Impairment Tag (Schedule A), making sure it is located at the fire departmentconnection, indicating which system, or part thereof, have been removed from service.

6. Fire alarm system: the impairment coordinator will complete or authorize a Fire& Life Safety System Permit/ Impairment Tag (Schedule A), making sure it is located at fire alarm annunciator or the fire alarm control panel.





























7. Emergency Impairment Procedure

When an emergency impairment occurs, emergency action will be taken to minimize the potential injury and damage.

●The IC will implement items 1 to 6 of section of Preplanned Impairmentwith

thefollowing exception:

Any damage to the fire protection system caused by the contractor will be repaired by a licensed fire protection company at the contractor’s expense. Any required fire watch activities due to the damage of the fire protection equipment will be supplied by the contractor. Contractor must supply their own fire watch activities to ensure compliance with this policy and other SE policy.








8. Restoring System to Service:

When all impaired equipment is restored to normal working order, the impairment coordinator will verify that the following procedures have been implemented:

●Any necessary inspections and tests have been conducted to verify that affected

systems are operational.

●Maintenance Supervisor for the affected building hasbeen advised that the protection is


●If a fire alarm system is involved, the SE Dept. of Public Safety and monitoringcompany

(if any) have beenadvised that the protection is resorted.

●The Fire&LifeSafety System Permit /Impairment Tag have been shut down and all the

facilities have been advised that the protection is resorted.








9.Reference Procedure参考程序

MIL-OHS-901-P-Safety,“Management Procedure of Safety Work Permit”.

MIL-OHS-901-P-Safety 《安全工作许可证管理程序》

Schedule A


Schedule B


Impairment Worksheet消防中断表格Core information主要信息:

Today’s date今天日期:Bldg建筑物:

Type of system impaired中断类型:

Extent of impairment中断区间:

Reason of impairment中断原因:

Date impairment to begin中断开始日期:

Estimated completion date预计完成日期:

Person(s) conducting work工作参与人:

Person responsible for mounting impairmenttag负责挂防火逃生安全系统中断许可标签的人:Fire watch required?是否需要看火员:

If yes, number of persons如需要,需要人数:


Area inspected and risksdetermined?区域是否已经巡视并且风险已经确定:

Prohibition involved?是否需要发出禁止公告:

Building evacuated?建筑物内人员是否已经疏散:

Impairment tag issued?中断标签是否已经签发:


Has the Security Dept. been notified of the impairment?是否已经向安保部门发出通知:

Has the maintenance Supervisor for affected building been notified or the impairment?是否已经向受影响区域的维修负责人发出通知:


Has the affected system been inspected and tested operational?受影响区域是否已经巡视过且测试满足正常使用要求:

Has the Fire&Life Safety Impairment Tag has been removed?防火逃生安全系统中断许可标签是否已经移除:

Has the fire alarm monitoring company been notified of theRestoration?火灾报警系统是否已经恢复正常使用状态:

Has the Security Dept. have been confirmed of the Restoration? 安保部门是否已经确认系统恢复正常使用状态:

Has the maintenance Supervisor for affected building been notified of the Restoration?受影响区域的维修负责人是否已经确认系统恢复正常使用状态:

Schedule c计划C

Fire watch Log worksheet看火员值班记录


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