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[VOA科学报道] Science in the News - Many Animal

Populations Facing Threats

By Jerilyn Watson, Caty Weaver and Brianna Blake



This is SCIENCE IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. I'm Bob Doughty.


And I'm Barbara Klein. This week, we will tell about mammal populations in danger of disappearing. We will also tell about one kind of animal that disappeared long ago. And, we will examine some traditional beliefs about the viruses that cause influenza and the common cold.



A worldwide study has found that almost twenty-five percent of wild mammals are in danger of permanently disappearing. Scientific researchers considered all known mammal populations. The researchers say permanent disappearance threatens at least one thousand one hundred forty-one species or groups of animals. Mammals are the closest relatives to human beings.

The researchers are blaming loss of habitat, or living space, and hunting for threatened land mammals. They say water mammals suffer more from pollution, being hit by ships and caught in fishing nets.


One thousand seven hundred experts worked on the study. They are from one hundred thirty countries. Their findings were reported at the World Conservation Conference of the International Union for Conservation of Nature in Barcelona, Spain.

The report was presented in connection with the Red List of Threatened Species. The World Conservation Conference announces the Red List each year. The list contains almost forty five thousand animals and plants. Of those, almost seventeen thousand, or about thirty eight percent, are threatened with extinction.

Some scientists say the report provides evidence that Earth's wildlife is going through widespread extinction. The last such period may have taken place millions of years ago, when dinosaurs became extinct.


Jan Schipper led the writing of the report. He directs the I.U.C.N.'s program that observes animal populations worldwide.

Mister Schipper says up to thirty six percent of mammals could be facing extinction. He says this is true because not much information exists about some species. At least seventy-six mammals have permanently disappeared since fifteen hundred.

The director general of the I.U.C.N., Julia Marton-Lefevre, says human activity could cause loss of hundreds of species. She says that is a frightening sign of what is happening to habitats. Still, the report said human efforts also could help save some species. Miz Marton-Lefevre is calling for action to make that happen.


For study purposes, the I.U.C.N. divides animals into groups. The scientists call animals that have disappeared, or almost disappeared, extinct or nearly extinct. A frog-like creature called Holdridge's toad was declared extinct. It lived only in Costa Rica.

Other divisions depend on the amount of threat the animals face. The animals in most danger are considered critically endangered.

For example, the Iberian lynx is called critically endangered. As few as eighty-four adult members of the large, cat-like animals remain alive.

The Red List identifies the second most threatened animals as endangered. The scientists named a Southeast Asian animal, the fishing cat, as among the endangered. Part of the fishing cat's wetland habitat no longer exists.



A new study suggests the last woolly mammoths in Siberia were native to North America. Scientists had believed these mammoths came from Europe or Asia.

The study involved genetic evidence from the remains of the ancient animal. Woolly Mammoths share an ancestor with modern-day elephants. The mammoth is recognizable for its long hair and large tusks.


Woolly mammoths disappeared thousands of years ago, after Earth's most recent ice age. But mammoths were able to survive for thousands of years. During this period, they slowly changed to live in extremely cold climates.

Scientists believe the ancestors of woolly mammoths came from Africa. As the African mammoths moved north to Eurasia, scientists believe, they grew long hair to protect them from the extreme cold of Siberia.


To better understand these animals, an international research team examined genetic material from more than one hundred woolly mammoth remains. The remains were found in North America, Europe and Asia. These fossils came from woolly mammoths that lived between forty-four thousand and eleven thousand years ago.

Hendrik Poinar is a molecular evolutionary geneticist at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. He and his team examined genetic material from fossilized teeth and pieces of bones from woolly mammoths. They also examined results of earlier woolly mammoth studies.


Until recently, many scientists believed that mammoths came from Europe and Asia because that is where the oldest fossils were found. Earlier studies of the mammoths involved only one continent at a time. The researchers discovered that mammals traveled back and forth several times between Eurasia and Alaska over thousands of years. The animals were able to travel on a land bridge that connected Siberia and Alaska during low sea levels.


The researchers discovered that the mammoths were divided in three major groups. One group lived mainly in Asia. Another group lived mainly in the Americas. And, a third group lived in both places. They believe the American mammoths traveled back across the Bering Strait and in time replaced the other populations of mammoths.

The researchers believe the animals moved the great distances in search of food. A report with their findings was published in Current Biology. Other researchers disputed the findings. They say the study is based on only limited information.



Autumn and winter are cold and flu season -- when people are most likely to catch the viruses that cause influenza and the common cold.

Is the old advice true that wearing warm clothing will help prevent a cold? Or if you do get sick, should you follow the old saying, Feed a cold and starve a fever? And what about that fever? Should you take medication to reduce your temperature, or is it better to let the body treat the infection itself?

Everyone seems to have an answer. But how much value is there in popular wisdom?


Doctor Alvin Nelson El Amin knows a lot about cold and flu season. He is medical director of the immunization program for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health in California.

Doctor Nelson El Amin says studies may be just starting to provide evidence for long-held beliefs. For example, scientists for years dismissed the idea that getting cold and wet might cause colds or flu.

But recent studies have shown that cold temperatures cause stress on the body. That stress can create conditions more inviting to viruses. So maybe it does make sense to wrap up warmly before leaving home.


And what about the advice to feed a cold and starve a fever? Doctor Nelson El Amin says you should eat if you have a cold and are hungry. But a higher than normal body temperature suggests a more serious problem. He says people are usually not hungry anyway when they have a high fever. Eating might even cause a person to vomit. But drinking plenty of liquids is important. A fever can easily dehydrate the body.

Finally, when should you treat a fever? Doctor Nelson El Amin says a fever should be treated if it stays at forty degrees centigrade or above for a day or more. A temperature that high can damage brain cells. The doctor also believes in treating a fever if it prevents a person from sleeping.


Aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen can all be used to reduce pain and fever. But aspirin should not be given to children because it can cause a rare condition.

One belief that Doctor Nelson El Amin wanted to make clear is wrong is that influenza vaccine can cause the flu. It cannot. Sometimes people get the flu from another person soon after they get vaccinated, so they blame the vaccine, he says.

But, flu vaccines do not protect everyone who gets them. Still, even if a person does get sick, the vaccine can limit the effects of the virus.



This SCIENCE IN THE NEWS was written by Jerilyn Watson, Caty Weaver and Brianna Blake, who also was our producer. I'm Barbara Klein.

[VOA教育报道] Education Report - Foreign Student Series:

What SEVIS Means to You

By Nancy Steinbach


This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

We are now ten weeks into our Foreign Student Series on higher education in the United States. So far we have talked about planning for school and about subjects like online education and diploma mills.

Last week the subject was getting a travel visa. Today we discuss something else that every foreign student needs to know about: SEVIS. SEVIS is the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System.

More than nine thousand American colleges, universities and exchange visitor programs are required to use this electronic system. It links them with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, in the Department of Homeland Security.

The terrorist attacks in two thousand one led to the creation of the department. But SEVIS was being developed even before the attacks as a way to improve record keeping on foreign students in the United States. Some of the September eleventh hijackers entered the country on student visas.

With SEVIS, a school enters information about a student. The system lets the school know when the student has arrived. The school must then provide reports on whether or not the student is attending classes. Students who violate the terms of their visa can be expelled from the country and may be denied future entry.

Two examples of violations are failing to begin classes by the required date and working at a job without permission. Other violations are not attending classes full time and not leaving the country after completion of studies.

SEVIS currently lists more than one million active, nonimmigrant students and exchange visitors and their dependents.

Students and exchange visitors are charged fees to help pay for the system. The fee for students increased to two hundred dollars in September. This is the visa application charge we talked about last week.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement says the fee must be paid before going to an embassy or consulate for the visa interview.

All the information you need to know about SEVIS can be found on the Internet at https://www.doczj.com/doc/f818776163.html,. That's i-c-e dot g-o-v.

And that's the VOA Special English Education Report.


100 blast; lighten up to have a blast, 意思是"玩得很痛快"。 lighten up。这是指"放松,别太认真"。 99 sleep in; slacker sleep in, 意思是"睡懒觉"。 slacker, 是指"喜欢偷懒的人"。 98 what's her face; thingamajig what's her face, 也可以说what's his face。意思是"那个叫什么什么的人"。thingamajig, 就相当于中文里所说的"那个玩意儿"。 97 rock; letdown rock, 说something rocks,就相当于中文里的"棒极了"。 letdown, 意思是"让人失望的事"。 96:pick-me-up; lay off pick-me-up, 意思是"给人提神、让人心情一下子好起来的东西"; lay off, lay off som ething意思是"停止做某件事", lay off someone意思是"别烦某个人"。 95:jack; kaput jack, 在英语口语里I don't know jack的意思是"我什么也不知道"。kaput, 就相当于中文里所说的"坏了""出了问题"。 94:on the fritz; to hog on the fritz, 意思是"出了故障"。 to hog something, 意思是"把某样东西据为己有,不给别人"。 93:to horse around; jump the gun horse around, 意思是"闹着玩儿、开玩笑"。 jump the gun, 就相当于中文里所说的"操之过急 92:dude; chick dude, 是口语里男孩之间的称呼,就相当于中文里所说的"家伙"。 chick, 在口语里指年轻女孩儿。 91:without a hitch; chow down


一.Scientists: Rising Sea Levels to Continue Scientists say sea levels are rising and will continue to do so into the future. Coastal communities around the world are already experiencing the impact of rising seas. Many cities and towns are taking steps to deal with this new reality. Photographers have taken pictures to document those efforts. Their photos are part of an exhibit called "Sink or Swim: Designing for a Sea Change." It can be seen at the Aquarium of the Pacific, in Long Beach, California. There, experts explain the causes of the rising seas and how people are trying to adapt to the changes. Disastrous storms and floods could be a new reality around the world. That is the opinion of oceanographer Jerry Schubel. He is president of the Aquarium of the Pacific. 二.Robots Ready to Work in Restaurants For many years, machines have been doing work that people once did, including some difficult jobs. Search and rescue operations in dangerous environments are often seen as the first areas that will employ high technology robots. But there is another area that may soon take jobs traditionally held by human beings: the restaurant industry. Teams from around the world competed in early June at the DARPA Robotic Challenge Finals in California. A team from South Korea and its robot, called DRC-Hubo, won first place in the competition. The second and third place finishers were from the United States. The robots were required to drive a vehicle, climb up steps and do mechanical work. Such activities are easy for humans to perform, but more difficult for machines. Not all of the competitors were successful. The failures showed how difficult it is to design effective walking machines.


英语四级复习计划 英语四级复习计划 很多同学可能心中对新学期有了很多期待,除了扎实巩固专业课,英语四级考试可能也是新的目标。那么,如何合理利用复习时间,准备12月份的英语四级考试呢?首先我们要了解英语四级考试的题型,然后对症下药,各个击破! 作文跟词汇和语法都有很大关系,词汇决定了你作文内容的丰富程度,而语法决定了你作文的正确程度。平常可以有计划地每天背一些单词,日积月累词汇量就会增大很多。而语法除了有意识地看看语法书外,更重要的在于去运用,在阅读中分析句子的语法结构,并有意识地模仿。 当然,作文光说不练是不够的,可以从词汇、句型、段落、篇章布局四个角度,依据不同的文章体裁,分别准备。借鉴和模板可以,但不能依靠这些,否则作文就容易落入俗套,引起阅卷老师反感。多尝试自己去写,比如给自己规定每周一篇作文,把这一周学到的单词、句型结合起来,真正做到学以致用,到时候考试的时候这些内容就可以信手拈来。 听力的提高的是靠平时的练习,所以,在考前两三个月就要每天坚持听力练习,磨练自己的耳朵(去淘淘听力材料)。其实听力和口语也有很大关系,如果自己发音不准,口语不好,就不太容易听懂听力里面的说话形式,很可能听错、听不懂。所以平时

也可以多练习口语,熟悉不同的发音。建议平时精听和泛听相结合,分三阶段进行练习。 阶段一:9月-10月利用bbc、慢速美音和标准美音素材进行反复听写练习,熟悉各类语音、语调、语速,基础较为薄弱的同学可以从慢速voa开始。刚开始听的时候很容易被各类人名、地名或新闻事件专有名词所阻挠,这个时候一定要坚持下去,要相信努力就会有收获。 阶段二:11月继续进行bbc、voa听力练习的同时可以听一些流行美语、走遍美国、地道英语之类的听力节目,因为这些材料中对话部分是对生活情景的最佳分类,是积累听力考试对话场景词汇的最佳素材,而一些短小文章性的素材则有助于篇章对话与听写的提高。 阶段三:11月-12月这一个月是考前冲刺的关键时期,所以真题的演练必不可少。这一阶段可收集历年真题,按照由远到近的顺序,每周做两套真题听力。每次听力分三轮,第一轮:将没有听清楚和明白的地方标注出来。第二轮:第一轮中标注的地方仔细听,直到听懂,修改第一轮的答案。然后对照标准答案,错误地方的认真分析,标注。第三轮:边听边写下内容,可以先尝试短对话,再写写长对话,写完后对照原文,查漏补缺。另外,真题也是十分丰富的复习资料,可以重点背诵真体力常出现的核心词汇和常见场景。


听VOA学英语经验谈 如何能够有效的提高英语听力一直以来都是英语学习者当中普遍的问题。笔者根据我的一些学习经验来谈谈我对于如何提高英语听力这个问题的理解。 我认为英语听力的提高可以通过泛听与精听两种方式来练习。泛听可以通过给自己营造英语环境的方式加强对语言的敏感度,但精听却是提高听力非常有效的方法。其中收听VOA就是最好的一种方法。 通过一段时间的尝试,笔者总结出以下一套行之有效的方法: 1. 听三遍,并试着做笔记(note-taking)。 2. 根据笔记复述新闻(retelling)。 3. 订正(correction)。 4. 大声朗读三遍。(reading) 5. 再次复述(retelling)。 6. 背诵(reciting)。 7. 听新闻3—5遍。(listening) 下面是注意事项及具体的操作方法: 首先,要清楚自己是处于英语学习的哪一阶段。这一点是非常重要的。因为,只用选择听力难度适中的听力素材(即听一遍之后能理解大概70%)才会收到做大的效果。一般而言,英语基础差的学生适合听VOA慢速英语(SPECIAL ENGLISH),有大学英文基础的学生适合听VOA常速英语(STANDARD ENGLISH)。 其次,选择有对应文字材料的新闻来听。大家可以很容易在市面上买到,或者上网下载。做好准备工作,就可以开始了: 在第一步骤中,特别要求纪录的是专有名词,即人名、地名、书名、电影名等,以及时间、日期。在做笔记时,应多使用首字母大写。如New York →NY, Beijing →BJ等。 第二步是很有效的练习口语的方法。现在很多人都会把口语与听力分开练习,其实在任何一种语言学习中,“听说是不分家的”。如果能够把两者结合起来练习,会取得事半功倍的效果。这也是美国英语的教学理念之一。 第三步必不可少。一般的情况下,依据个人的口语水平,应该能复述60—80%的内容。这时订正是非常重要的。最好用红笔在文字资料上标出没有听出来的和听错了的。然后一定找出错误的原因。原因无外乎三点:1.对熟悉的单词不能及时反应;2.原文速度太快;3.出现陌生的词汇。如果是第一点,说明平时学得并不扎实,而且很少张嘴。解决办法:平常注意多张嘴,多读,多说。如果是第二点,可以通过提高口语速度来解决。第三点是最容易解决的,只要注意每次注意积累生词并背熟即可。此步骤可帮助了解自己听力的薄弱之处,做到有的放矢。 在经过细致的订正工作后,可大声朗读三遍。之后,不要借助任何资料,再次复述新闻。(强力推荐复述时闭上眼睛。)如学有余力的同学,可进行背诵。最后再来听3—5遍新闻。这时应该能听懂95%以上。


英语四级复习计划范文 很多同学可能心中对新学期有了很多期待,除了扎实巩固专业课,英语四级考试可能也是新的目标。那么,如何合理利用复习时间,准备12月份的英语四级考试呢?首先我们要了解英语四级考试的题型,然后对症下药,各个击破! 作文跟词汇和语法都有很大关系,词汇决定了你作文内容的丰富程度,而语法决定了你作文的正确程度。平常可以有计划地每天背一些单词,日积月累词汇量就会增大很多。而语法除了有意识地看看语法书外,更重要的在于去运用,在阅读中分析句子的语法结构,并有意识地模仿。 当然,作文光说不练是不够的,可以从词汇、句型、段落、篇章布局四个角度,依据不同的文章体裁,分别准备。借鉴范文和模板可以,但不能依靠这些,否则作文就容易落入俗套,引起阅卷老师反感。多尝试自己去写,比如给自己规定每周一篇作文,把这一周学到的单词、句型结合起来,真正做到学以致用,到时候考试的时候这些内容就可以信手拈来。 听力的提高的是靠平时的练习,所以,在考前两三个月就要每天坚持听力练习,磨练自己的耳朵(去淘淘听力材料)。其实听力和口语也有很大关系,如果自己发音不准,口语不好,就不太容易听懂听力里面的说话形式,很可能听错、听不懂。所以平时

也可以多练习口语,熟悉不同的发音。建议平时精听和泛听相结合,分三阶段进行练习。 阶段一:9月-10月利用bbc、慢速美音和标准美音素材进行反复听写练习,熟悉各类语音、语调、语速,基础较为薄弱的同学可以从慢速voa开始。刚开始听的时候很容易被各类人名、地名或新闻事件专有名词所阻挠,这个时候一定要坚持下去,要相信努力就会有收获。 阶段二:11月继续进行bbc、voa听力练习的同时可以听一些流行美语、走遍美国、地道英语之类的听力节目,因为这些材料中对话部分是对生活情景的最佳分类,是积累听力考试对话场景词汇的最佳素材,而一些短小文章性的素材则有助于篇章对话与听写的提高。 阶段三:11月-12月这一个月是考前冲刺的关键时期,所以真题的演练必不可少。这一阶段可收集历年真题,按照由远到近的顺序,每周做两套真题听力。每次听力分三轮,第一轮:将没有听清楚和明白的地方标注出来。第二轮:第一轮中标注的地方仔细听,直到听懂,修改第一轮的答案。然后对照标准答案,错误地方的认真分析,标注。第三轮:边听边写下内容,可以先尝试短对话,再写写长对话,写完后对照原文,查漏补缺。另外,真题也是十分丰富的复习资料,可以重点背诵真体力常出现的核心词汇和常见场景。 关于快速阅读,大纲规定本部分有两种考查题型,即判断正


VOA等英语广播的听力技巧有哪些 VOA等英语广播的听力技巧有哪些 例如: OilministersoftheOrganizationofPetroleumExportingCountri eswillboldanemergencymeetingFridaytodiscuss What:Anemergencymeetingvailbeheld When:Friday Who:OilMinistersOftheOrganizationofPetroleumEx—poringCountries (2)扩大词汇量,熟记新闻报道中的常用词汇 ①普通词汇。尽管新闻报道所使用的词汇量很大,但是语言的基本词汇是稳定的。如VOA广播中的specialEnglish(特别节目)的新 闻报告中常用词汇约1500个,这的重复率在报道中是很高的,如cease-fire,presidentialeleation等政治性词汇,financebankinggroup等经济词汇以aceshuttle,robot等科技词汇。而新闻英语中的特有用语就更具稳定性。若能掌握这些词汇, 再加上一些听力技巧,基本听懂新闻报道就不是件难事了。 ②专有词汇。新闻报道是有关世界范围的最新消息,因在报道中常涉及许多人名、地名、国名。除此之外,新闻报道中还常常出现 一些河流、山脉及名胜古迹等专有名词熟悉这些专有名词可使听者 更快更准确地了解所听的新 (3)掌握一定数量的缩略语(acronym) 由于新闻报道时间的限制,不少机构的名称常采用其缩略形式,即由该名称中数个词的首字母的大写形式组成,如:PLO是thePalestineLiberationOrganization的缩写形式。需要注意的是,


门户 (1) 国外 (1) 听力 (1) 口语 (2) 阅读 (3) 写作 (3) 翻译 (4) 词汇 (4) 语法 (5) 下载 (5) 论坛 (6) 门户 在线英语听力室英语点津√ 沪江英语 普特英语听力可可英语 新东方 爱思英语 恒星英语 英语学习频道21英语网√腾讯英语 太傻网 原版英语√ 外语教育网 大耳朵英语 CRI 英语学习 旺旺英语 网易外语 其它优秀英语学习门户网站集锦 国外 BBC英语教学(BBC Learning English)√英语学习(英国文化协会)√Antimoon BBC英伦网√ 英语俱乐部 Using English English Daily 学英语网(LEO Network)大卫英语学习咖啡屋(Dave's ESL Cafe)The English Blog Learn English with Teacher Joe ESL (About) English Baby√ Game Goo(游戏学英语) 其它国外英语学习门户网站集锦√ 听力 在线英语听力室√普特英语听力√沪江听力√ 可可听力 51VOA√ 人人听力网

听力(新东方论坛) 英语听力(大家论坛) 爱思听写 新概念英语豪华终极版(可下载)√ 华尔街英语 走遍美国 动感英语(视频版) 许国璋英语 赖世雄英语系列教程 背诵为王 李阳疯狂英语系列教程 空中美语 有声英语美文珍藏版(可下载)√ 英语900句 美语咖啡屋(VOA双语教学节目)√ 英语故事典藏版√ 流行美语(VOA双语教学节目) 英文有声名著 澳大利亚广播英语(附课本)听力文摘(普特) 环球视野(爱思英语视频)音乐类英语节目精选 旅游类英语节目精选 影视类英语节目精选 地道英语(BBC教学节目) 每日播报类英语新闻节目精 选 财经类英语节目精选 科学类英语节目精选 娱乐类英语节目集锦 体育类英语节目精选 BBC新闻听力豪华版(可下 载)√ BBC纪录片精听 国外英语听力类网站集锦 托福听力(尚友) BBC 英语教学频道节目精选 (可下载)√ 托福听力(小马过河) 托福听力(大家论坛) 四六级听力(沪江) 雅思听力(太傻超级论坛) 雅思听力(大家论坛) VOA慢速英语精华区(可下 载)√ VOA常速英语精华区(可下 载) 文化休闲类英语节目精选 沪江原创VOA学习节目 托福听力(考试吧) ESL Podcast√ 可可CNN新闻听力 四六级听力(听力室) 雅思听力(尚友) CNN 学生新闻 汽车类英语节目精选 雅思听力(中国雅思网) AC360°(CNN视频节目可下 载) BBC 广播节目集锦(可下载) CNN直播地址 四六级听力(可可) 四六级听力(四六级考试网) VOA 直播地址 其它优秀托福听力版块集锦 其它优秀雅思听力版块集锦 VOA视频节目集锦 BBC英伦网官方节目精选(可 下载)√ 四六级听力(育路外语站) 口语 新东方口语 沪江口语 雅思口语频道(无忧雅思网)音标学习超级豪华版√ 英语900句 口语陪练网 英语口语(无忧考网) 王强口语学习法(视频版)√可可口语 从零开始学口语(视频版)从ABC到流利口语 普特英语口语 动感英语(视频版) 恒星口语 英语口语(英语点津) 小笨霖英语笔记√ 口语训练营(21英语网) 英语口语(大家论坛) 新东方口语词汇一招鲜 口语8000句豆瓣口语学习小组 口语吧(百度贴吧) 出国实用会话 英语句型学口语 英语口语(外语教育网) Speaking (English Club) 口语学习类微博精选 地道英语(BBC教学节目) 美国习惯用语(VOA双语教学节目)口语对练(太傻网) 情景口语豪华版√ 名人演讲(英语点津)√ 21世纪杯 流行美语系列超级版√ 英语QQ群(听力室) 英语角(21英语论坛) 美国经典英文演讲100篇 TED演讲(双语视频版)√ 奥巴马每周电台演讲(双语视频版)老外在中国论坛√


2016年6月大学英语四级听力VOA慢速英语练习题(第二十二套) 2016年6月大学英语四级听力VOA慢速英语练习题(第二十二套) Apps to Help Students Do Their Best Work Evernote Application software for computers or mobile devices can do a lot of things for students of all ages. Apps?can help students get better organized, study for tests and prepare research papers. In other words, they can help the user do his or her very best work. Apps can help any users, even those who are not students, get more organized and improve their work. Whether or not you are a student, here are some apps worth considering. Quizlet Quizlet is a study aid app. It is filled with?flash cards?on many subjects to study. Use the cards that come with the app or create your own. Quizlet has links to subjects like: Arts & Literature Languages & Vocabulary Math & Science History & Geography Standardized Tests Professional & Careers The app has a mix of text, images and audio recordings, includingpronunciation?of words in different languages. Quizlet has games to play and tests to take. Cards are available on the app even when you are not connected to the Internet. Quizlet is available as a free app from Apple’s iTunes store. Quizlet for iPhone and iPad Quizlet for Android devices You can learn more at the Quizlet website. EasyBib Sometimes the most difficult part of writing a research paper is creating thebibliography. A bibliography lists all of the publications and other sources used in your research. Getting just the right?citations?to appear in the correct?format?can be difficult and take a lot of time. The EasyBib app can make creating a bibliography easier. The app can help organize the information and find citations for books, websites and more. EasyBib users can simply?scan?the barcode on a book with a mobile phone camera to get the information they need. You can also search for documentation in the app if the book is unavailable at the time. The app offers over 7,000 different citation formats, including the commonly used Modern Language Association, or MLA, style. Users can change the way in which the information is organized and stored within the app. Users can email information from EasyBib to others or to send it to a home


VOA NEWS 听抄方法交流 VOA NEWS 听抄方法交流[ZT] 熊熊先来说说自己的一些体会:) 1. 听抄的整个过程 a. 先听全文2-3遍,了解大意,把握上下文的联系(这样有利于在听的过程中猜出听不出的地方) b. 用sitman 软件听抄,以句为单位。仍然是以整体把握为重点,第一次听一句话先写出听出的部分,没听清的地方先空一下,再仔细听一遍或两遍,然后补上。第一次先不在个别词上用太多时间,因为有的词是可以根据句意和句子结构猜出的。实在听不出的词先注出听到的大概音标。 c. 根据标注的音标用模糊查词法,查没有听出的单词。然后再听一次,对照一下。 d. 对照原文,检查错误(不过,原文并不是永远正确的,所以要仔细一些,而且有时候也要相信自己:) e. 总结(学到的单词,纠正一些词从前的错误读音,其他的错误),熊熊一直觉得总结在听抄的过程中是有举足轻重的地位的。只有通过总结才能学到从前不会的东西,也只有通过总结才能认识到自己的不足,避免下次再犯同样的错误。 f. 跟读,可以纠正语音,语调,加深印象。 2.其它一些熊熊认为比较重要的问题: a. 听力中经常出现的单词应该很好的掌握,尤其是一些读音比较特殊或不熟悉的单词。比如,debris 这个词,熊熊有两次都没有听出,而这个词本身并不是生词,如果出现在阅读中是没问题的,所以就特别注意了一下。 b. 复习,听过的材料过一段时间应该拿出来再听一听,同时看看自己当时的总结。 c. 为了提高听力,精听和泛听应该互相结合。精听是泛听的基础,泛听能够练习把握大意的能力和反应速度。 d. 最后就是坚持了:)只有不断的坚持,才能真正的提高听力,实现从量变到质变。


VOA流行美语讲座 篇一:VOA流行美语 1. bummed (out) 2. to ditch 3. big gun 4. broke 5. shot 6. drag 7. choke 8. hang out 9. all-nighter 10. drained 11. kick back 12. ticked off 13. keep cool 14. pig out 15. what’s up 16. to goof off 17. to bum 18. lucky break 19. neat 20. jerk 21. hit22. couch potato23. to bomb 24. to take a hike25. cop 26. to ace 27. bucks 28. to rip off 29. loser 30. to play hooky31. sketchy 32. fishy 33. wimp 34. nerd 35. wasted 36. to chip in 37. uptight 38. flipped out 39. veg out 40. to be into 41. psycho 42. take it easy 43. to rule 44. a big deal chill (out) to hit the spot to quarterback lame damage trip money hard headed cram wired one track mind close call screw up bigmouth no brainer to hit the sack turn-off mellow sharp street smart to roll nuts to mess up to blow off to freak out peanuts whatever straight answer to bug to snap sucker to luck out guts cheesy to get a kick out of something snail mail to get it off my


很多学英语的同学都喜欢收听VOA、BBC、CNN等英语新闻广播,想以此来提高听力和口语水平,于是每天早上都能看到一些同学拿着收音机在校园里边走边听,有的怕信号不好,还用手把收音机举起来,像个自由女神一样。其刻苦学习英语的态度令人敬佩,但很多同学都说基本上听不懂,也不知道该怎么听。这是个非常普遍的问题,也是个比较棘手的问题,有的同学甚至由此产生了对学英语的恐惧。但大可不必这样,其实这些新闻广播是有一些特点的,我们只要掌握这些特点和一些收听技巧,还是能够听懂这些新闻的。下面就来具体的谈谈这些特点和技巧。 一、采用主动的、积极的听力方法。 听力分两种方法。一种是消极的、被动的(passive)听力,这是很多同学都采用的方法,就是试图去听懂每一个单词,采用这种听法最后只有两种可能:要不就是每个单词都听懂了,但是不明白句子的意思,要不就是在一个生词上耽搁太长的时间,导致后面的几句都没有听清楚。这实际上是一种效果很差的听力方法。而我给大家推荐的是另一种听力方法,就是主动的、积极的(positive)听力。这种方法就是要注意把握句子的结构,听懂关键词。我们来看这样一个句子:Part of the pressure on lawmakers to put stronger protections in defined-contribution and savings plans comes from retiree-advocacy groups such as the American Association of Retired Persons. 这个句子没有什么生僻的单词,但是如果我们试图去听懂每一个单词,而不去把握句子的结构的话,就不能听懂这句话的意思的。而如果我们找到这个句子的主干:pressure comes from retiree-advocacy groups, 就很容易明白这句话的意思了,因为其他的部分都是修饰成分。关于积极的听力方法我会在以后专门著文来描述的,这里就不多展开了。 二、要特别注重新闻报道的第一句话 新闻报道的开头第一句话一般是对整个报道的一个概括,这个句子被称为新闻导语(the news lead)。它告诉听众最关心最重要的事实,如事件(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who),原因(why)和方式(how),即新闻导语包含了我们常说的五个WH和一个H构成的"新闻六大要素"。新闻导语是整条新闻的高度浓缩形式,听懂了导语,也就知道了新闻的主要内容。当然,由于新闻报道的侧重点不同,有时新闻导语也可能只包含其中几个要素。 例如: BENWEDEMAN: The gates of Guantanamo were open to the media today.这一新闻导语包含了以下几个要素: When:Today Who:Guantanamo What:Open to the media 短短的一句话,10个单词就把这篇新闻报道的时间、主角和事件告诉了听众。后面的报道都是围绕这这一事件展开的。 三、扩大词汇量 1、普通词汇。尽管新闻报道所使用的词汇量很大,但是语言的基本词汇是稳定的。如VOA广播中的special English(特别节目)的新闻报告中常用词汇约1 500个,这些词汇的重复率在报道中是很高的,如Foreign Aid, Terroris, Nuclear Energy, Nationa Election等政治性词汇,WTO, finance, share-list等经济类词汇,Space Station, robot, Mars, Clinical等科技词汇,Super Bowl, Olympics, World Cup等体育类词汇。而新闻英语中的特有用语就更具稳定性。若能掌握这些词汇,再加上一些听力技巧,基本听懂新闻报道就不是件难事了。 2、专有词汇。新闻报道是有关世界范围的最新消息,因在报道中常涉及许多人名、地

常用BBC VOA新闻词汇

常用BBC,VOA英语新闻词汇1)名词+现在分词。如: cancer-causing drug 制癌药物 oil-producing country 产油国 peace-keeping force 维和部队 policy-making body 决策机构 2)形容词+现在分词。如: far-reaching significance 深远意义 high-ranking official 高级官员 long-standing issue 由来己久的问题 wide-spreading AIDS 到处蔓延的艾滋病 3)名词+过去分词。如: blood-cemented friendship 鲜血凝成的友谊 export-oriented economy 外向型经济 poverty-stricken area 贫困地区 wasp-waisted road 蜂腰路段 4)形容词+过去分词。如: deep-rooted social problems 根深蒂固的社会问题foreign-owned enterprise 外资企业 long-faced job loser 愁眉苦脸的失业者 quick-frozen food 速冻食品 5)副词+过去分词。如: dimly-lit room 光线昏暗的房间 highly-sophisticated technology 尖端技术 richly-paid job 薪水丰厚的工作 well-informed source 消息灵通人士 6)名词+形容词。如: inflation-proof deposit 保值储昔 interest-free loan 无息贷款 labour-intensive enterprise 劳动力密集型企业 vehicle-free promenade 步行街 7)名词+名词.如: arms-reduction talks 裁军谈判 labour-management conflict 劳资冲突 supply-demand imbalance 供求失调 year-endreport 年终报告 8)形容词+名词。如:


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 万圣节英语听力 篇一:提高英语听力必听的50篇材料 提高英语听力必听的50篇材料 你有没有这种时候: 听写了100篇材料,正确率却始终徘徊在那里,不增也不减。 听了一个系列的文章,总是那么几个单词听错,不离也不弃。 如果有,如果是,亲,你该换个思路做听写了! 童鞋们听到一定数量后再有飞跃性的提高变得很困难,这是普遍现象。 酷仔调查发现,原因一是听写材料难度不适合,原因二是只听一遍且不做总结。 打比方说你听写了初中级的和中级的材料,发现中级太难,那你就应该重点听写初中级的材料。 于是,酷仔给大家推荐50篇有代表性的、难度分级的英语材料,建议大家挑选合适自己当前水平的,并且在听完

后做总结。 这50篇的筛选标准: 1、难度。按照5个级别筛选材料,每个级别每篇的平均正确率集中在60%—80%之间。 2、参与人数。每篇材料的平均参与人数位居同类题材大约前5名。 3、题材热门度。同等条件,优先筛选热点材料。 4、口音清晰度。发音清晰、标准音居多,便于学习者练习辨音。 5、题材丰富性。尽量每个系列都选一篇,沪友在听了一篇之后感觉不错的话,进而可以来 听整个系列。 ◆英语听力水平提高必听的50篇材料 【短句听写】讨价还价 【LearnAword】三思而后行 新概念英语第一册excuseme(英音) 浸润耳朵故事100则(1) 【办公室英语】介绍新人 【慢速VoA】“万圣节”的历史与活动(1/2) 【慢速VoA】词语掌故:我很悲伤(1/2) 新概念英语二第5课:nowrongnumber(美音)新概念英语二第6课:percybuttons(英音)


VOA慢速英语练听力需坚持 扫除词汇障碍 领会文章大意 这里需要提醒的是,在听的过程中,我们切忌将注意力全部集中在单词上,一个一个单词地去听,这样听的结果很可能是你把每个单词都听明白了,但是整篇文章到底讲了什么却是一头雾水。所以,在听的时候,我们应该以句子为单位,在大脑中将每个句子的关键信息迅速整合,这样才能了解每一句讲了什么、每一段又讲了什么,从而准确领会文章的大意。 反复精听训练 在进行系统的听力训练时,学习者仅仅理解了听力内容的大概是远远不够的,对于文章的诸多细节,比如一些重要的数据、年代和各种史实等,也要尽量准确无误地听出,这就需要通过反复精听来实现。所以科学系统的精听训练对学习者来说非常重要,通过精听训练,对于文章中的每一个语言点,甚至一些语音、语调、语汇的细微差别,学习者都可以努力捕捉和分辨。 因此,反复聆听,掌握每一个句子,是提升英语听力水平的必由之路!2遍、4遍、6遍……要有不听明白誓不罢休的精神。当然学习过程中还会出现这样的问题:单句可以听懂,但是段落、文章又听不懂了!怎么回事?原来反应太慢!这要求学习者根据自己的反应敏锐度来确定句子与句子的间距。 精听学习中需要提醒的是:在听的过程中,我们切忌对照英文原文来听或者是随意地翻看听力书的英文原文。很多同学都有这样的体会,在看英文原文之前,自己无论如何也听不懂,可是一看原文就什么都明白了,其实这样下来不是你“听”懂了,而是“看”懂了。 记住:阅读永远不可能代替听力,我们练习听力的目的就是要锻炼你对声音的瞬间反应、记忆、理解和思维的能力,而不是锻炼阅读能力。所

以这种取巧的方法万万要不得,你要想真正提高自己的听力水平,就一定要克制住自己翻看原文的欲望。 那么什么时候才是我们翻看听力原文的最佳时机呢?一般来说,我们只有在反复听了五遍、十遍还是听不出来的地方,才是英文原文发挥作用的良机。而这些你始终听不明白的地方,多数可能是因为音的连读、爆破、变音、弱读,或者是你反应不出来的词汇等等。在屡听而不懂的情况下翻看,你会在恍然大悟中将他们牢牢记住。并将他们仔细的琢磨,这样下次再遇上,你就会顺利过关。反之,这些难点将会成为你听力中永远的痛,在某个不经意的时刻将你重重阻碍。 VOA英语学习方法三步走 这次讨论的目的在于发现常见的错误的学习方法,总结出一套行之有效的最佳 VOA Special English 学习方法,欢迎大家积极参与讨论! 最佳实践一:用 VOA Special English 练听力 网站上提供的 VOA Special English 节目文本是配有MP3声音的,声音文件由美国本土资深专业播音员录制,如果想有效提高自己的英语听力,VOA Special English 节目资料将是非常好的听力练习素材。而最快最有效的提高英语听力的方法就是做听写,怎么听呢?下面分几个层次介绍听写的方法。 (一)初级英语水平学生(相当于高中英语水平)做听写的方法 1、下载一个 5 分钟的 report 到电脑里(包括下载report的MP3录音和文本),准备好一本英汉词典或电子词典 2、认真阅读report文本一至两遍,遇到不懂的单词请立即查词典。 3、将文本放在一边,开始听report的MP3录音,并将听到的写下来,就是做听写练习。一直循环播放,尽可能的将自己能听写出来的,全部写出来。 4、将自己的听写稿和原稿对照,找出没有听写出来的词句,并标上记号,这些没有听出来的词句可能很简单,但事实是你没有听写出来,这些就是你听力的盲点,所以要特别留意。 5、再反复地听report的MP3录音,这次不用纸笔听写,而是在脑袋里做听写,就是指当你听到一句的时候,脑袋里把这一句给拼出来,确保听清每一个词句,并留意你在听写时没有写出来的词句的发音。 6、第二天再听上面的report的MP3录音,并采用上面第5点所用的听法。第四天再听上面的report的MP3录音,等到第七天再听几篇,仍采用上面第 5点所用的听法。为什么要反复地听?因为我们之所以听不懂,是因为听的太少了。反复听的目的在于强化,让你形成一种听力条件反射,就是让你拥有一听到某些词句就能立即条件反射式地在脑袋里写出来你所听到的词句。 练习听力有点像练习电脑打字里的盲打,花时间多做练习自然就会盲

VOA News 英语阅读之 新闻阅读

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f818776163.html, 1 November 1, 2011 110111.01 At 75, Seminal US Composer Still Inspires Gail Wein | New York In the early 1960s, when Reich was at the beginning of his career , the contemporary classical music scene was dominated by atonal music. "It fell to my generation to basically say, 'Basta. Enough.' to music which you could not tap your foot to," Reich says, "to music to which you could not possibly walk out humming anything, and music which had no harmonic center ." Reich was studying composition at Mills College in California, a hotbed of avant-garde creativity. Experimenting with lengths of audio tape, he spliced them together to form a loop and put them on a tape player so they would continuously run over and over again. Reich went to San Francisco's Union Square and recorded a charismatic street preacher , whose sermon hovered between speech and song. "As he said, 'It's gonna rain,' a pigeon took off," Reich says. "So you had a pigeon drummer and this incredible voice and sort of low traffic in the background. Well, I thought, 'Oh, wouldn't it be great if it were two loops, and they were going, ‘it's gonna, it's gonna, it's gonna rain rain rain rain,' and the pigeon would just be drumming away." According to Tim Page, professor of journalism and music at the US composer Steve Reich, who turns 75 this year, continues to inspire a new generation of musicians.

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