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The Progress of Assisted Reproductive Technology——

—Elective Single Embryo Transfer NIE Ling,WU

Qiong?fang.Medical College of Nanchang University,Nanchang330006,China(NIE Ling);Reproductive

Medicine Center,Jiangxi Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Nanchang330006,China(WU Qiong?fang)Corresponding author:WU Qiong?fang,E?mail:wuqiongfang898@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f99246398.html,

【Abstract】Assisted reproductive technology which brings hope to infertility patients,but also brings

the risk for multiple pregnancy.To solve the low pregnancy rate and the problems of multiple births in IVF/

ICSI(In vitro fertilization/Intracyto?plasmic sperm injection)cycle,reproductive medicine specialists have been searching for the balance.Many reproductive center found that elective single embryo transfer,can reduce

multiple births and still keep high clinical pregnancy rate.Elective single embtyo transfer is the development

trend of assisted reproductive technology currently for the patients who have the high risk of multiple births.

【Key words】Fertilization,in vitro;Elective single embryo transfer;Embryo transfer;P regnancy,multiple;Pregnancy rate

(J Int Reprod Health∕Fam Plan,2011,30:108-110)





































多胎妊娠对妊娠结局的不良影响,有研究提出对多胎妊娠风险较高的患者实行选择性单囊胚移植(elective single embryo transfer,eSET)。即:选择卵巢储备功能较好、预后良好的患者[5]:①年龄35~38岁。②行IVF/ICSI周期治疗后至少有2个以上优质胚胎(受精第2天3-细胞期~5-细胞期或第3天6-细胞期~9-细胞期,碎片率<50%,无多核卵裂球)。③第1次IVF/ICSI周期选择单个着床潜能最佳的胚胎进行移植,提高SET的妊娠率。多个国家先后研究表明,eSET与DET比较不会降低每个取卵周期的累积妊娠率,但能避免双卵双胎的发生,能明显减少辅助生殖治疗的多胎妊娠率[4-7]。法国的Leniaud等[5]研究发现,新鲜胚胎移植eSET组及DET组的妊娠率分别为43.9%和57.5%(P=0.07);但每个取卵周期的累积妊娠率分别为63.6%和61.6%,两者差异无统计学意义;累积双胎妊娠率分别为2.9%和15.6%(P=0.02)。结果表明,联合良好的胚胎冷冻技术,eSET是减少多胎妊娠的有效手段之一。当然,如果不考虑胚胎的质量所有患者均行SET,则其妊娠率较低,并非减少双胎妊娠的有效策略[8]。

在大多数国家,IVF/ICSI治疗费用昂贵,且尚未纳入医保范畴,属自费治疗项目。为探讨eSET是否增加患者的医疗费用,加重患者经济负担而不被患者接受,Ledger等[9]分析在英国直接用于IVF治疗到胎儿出生后1年的医疗保健费用后发现,每个IVF周期中多胎及双胎妊娠的费用明显高于单胎妊娠。Gerris等[10]比较第3天胚胎的eSET与DET的总费用发现,DET组高于eSET组,主要是新生儿治疗费用(比利时法郎)明显增高(eSET:451±957vs DET:3453±8154,P<0.001),2组产妇治疗费用差异无统计学意义。因此,eSET与DET比较不仅能有效减少双胎妊娠率,而且能降低总的治疗费用,减轻患者的经济负担。另有报道,eSET与DET比较异位妊娠率明显减少,分别为1.2%和4.4%(P<0.05)[11]。



发育潜能的胚胎,选择生存能力强、质量好的胚胎,这种自然选择过程中,那些具有更大发育潜能的胚胎存活下来。体外培养发现,4-细胞期~8-细胞期的胚胎发育存在阻滞现象,当胚胎没有发育潜能或携带有异常的染色体和基因时,在培养至囊胚期的过程中可因自身发育异常被自然筛选掉,只有质量最好的胚胎才能发育至囊胚期[13]。体外培养时,胚胎逾越8-细胞期的发育阻滞而成为具有生命力的胚胎。同时由于囊胚培养使胚胎与女性生殖道的发育更同步,更符合生殖生理的自然环境,移植这些胚胎可以得到较高的种植率。Fanchin等[14]观察43例不孕妇女的43个卵巢刺激周期发现,在注射人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)日患者的平均子宫收缩频率(uterine contraction,UC)为(4.4±0.2)次/min,hCG日后第5天的UC减少为(3.5±0.2)次/min(P<0.003),hCG日后第8天的UC显著降为(1.5±0.2)次/min(P<0.001),表明囊胚移植时子宫近乎静止的状态可避免胚胎在宫腔内移位,从而更有利于胚胎种植。





另外,IVF 、体外培养和冷冻保存可能使透明带硬化,影响囊胚孵出,特别是透明带厚度超过15μm 以上的胚胎,很难发育成孵出囊胚。辅助孵化技术有利于囊胚从透明带中孵出,对胚胎质量较好而多次妊娠失败的患者进行辅助孵化可明显改善其妊娠结局[12]。


在澳大利亚及欧洲许多生殖中心,SET 已提倡并实施多年,近年来美国和日本也在积极探讨并鼓励实施SET 。中国大多数生殖中心也已经认识到IVF/ICSI 治疗周期中多胎妊娠的不利影响。eSET 不仅不会降低整体妊娠率,而且可以大大减少多胎妊娠率、流产率及异位妊娠发生率。值得在IVF/ICSI 治疗中常规采纳和推广。

但IVF/ICSI 治疗费用昂贵,实施SET 政策有些患者尚难以接受。另外,即便是在发达国家许多不孕夫妇都将双胎妊娠作为理想的治疗结局,尤其是无生育史并对双胎妊娠风险认识不足的患者[19]。因此,加强对患者的宣教及劝导并制定相关的法律条例来限制胚胎移植数,才能进一步促进SET 实行。Hope 等[20]认为接受DVD 视频宣教的患者较手册宣教的患者可能更容易接受eSET 。2003年7月1日比利时政府为了减少多胎妊娠率制定法律控制移植数:①对42岁以下的不孕女性全额补偿,为其提供6个IVF 周期的治疗。②36岁以下首次IVF 时不论什么情况均行SET ;第2次IVF 时,原则上行SET,如果未得到良好囊胚,允许DET ;第3次IVF 及以后允许DET 。③36~39岁首次和第2次IVF 时无限制条件,允许DET ;第3次IVF 及以后最多允许移植3个胚胎。④40岁以上不限制移植胚胎数。

综上所述,在IVF/ICSI 治疗中,多胎妊娠不仅增加了患者的经济负担,更增加了妊娠妇女和胎儿的风险。对多胎妊娠率风险高的患者实行eSET 是避免双卵双胎的唯一办法。为增加SET 的种植率及活产率,配合适当的辅助孵化技术,对预后良好的患者选择种植潜能较高的囊胚进行移植是实施这一技术的前提。但在中国,辅助生殖治疗费用昂贵,未纳入医保范畴,且患者大多对双胎妊娠的风险认识不足,要普遍推广SET ,尚需加强对患者的宣教和劝导,必要时制定相应的法律条例加以限制。



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作者:聂玲, NIE Ling







1.Baruffi RL;Maufi AL;Petersen CG Single-embryo transfer reduces clinical pregnancy rates and live births in fresh IVF and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) cycles:a meta-analysis[外文期刊] 2009

2.Walker MC;Murphy KE;Pan S Adverse maternal outcomes in multifetal pregnancies[外文期刊] 2004(11)

3.Scber AI;Petterson B;Blair E The risk of mortality or cerebral plasy in twins:a collaborative population-based study [外文期刊] 2002(05)

4.Fauque P;Jouannet P;Davy C Cumulative results including obstetrical and neonatal outcome of fresh and frozenthawed cycles in elective single versus double fresh embryo transfers 2010(03)

5.Leniaud L;Poncelet C;Poreher R Prospective evaluation of elective single-embryo transfer versus double-embryo

transfer following in vitro fertilization:a two-year French hospital experience[外文期刊] 2008(02)

6.Gelbaya TA;Tsoumpou I;Nardo LG The likelihood of live birth and multiple birth after single versus double embryo transfer at the cleavage stage:a systematic review and meta-analysis[外文期刊] 2010(03)

7.Bechoua S;Astruc K;Thouvenot S How to demonstrate that eSET does not compromise the likelihood of having a baby[外文期刊] 2009(12)

8.van Montfoort AP;Fiddelers AA;Land JA eSET irrespective of the availability of a good-quality embryo in the first cycle only is not effective in reducing overall twin pregnancy rates 2007(06)

9.Ledger WL;Anumba D;Marlow N The costs to the NHS of multiple births after IVF treatment in the UK[外文期刊] 2006(01)

10.Gerris J;De Sutter P;De Neubourg D A real-life prospective health economic study of elective single embryo transfer versus two-embryo transfer in first IVF/1CSI cycles[外文期刊] 2004(04)

11.Yanaihara A;Yorimitsu T;Motoyama H Clinical outcome of frozen blastoeyst transfer; single vs.double transfer[外文期刊] 2008(11/12)

12.Grace J;Bolton V;Braude P Assisted hatching is more effective when embryo quality was optimal in previous failed

IVF/ICSI cycles[外文期刊] 2007(01)

13.Gardner DK;Vella P;Lane M Culture and transfer of human blastocystes implantation rates and reduces the need for multiple embryo transfer[外文期刊] 1998(01)

14.Fanchin R;Ayoubi JM;Righini C Uterine contractility decreases at the time of blastoeyst transfers[外文期刊] 2001(06)

15.Papanikolaou EG;D'haeseleer E;Verheyen G Live birth rate is significantly higher after blastocyst transfer than

after cleavage-stage embryo transfer when at least four embryos are available on day 3 of embryo culture.A randomized prospective study[外文期刊] 2005(11)

16.Gardner DK;Surrey E;Minjarez D Single blastocyst transfer:a prospective randomized trial[外文期刊] 2004(03)

17.Della Ragione T;Verheyen G;Papanikolaou EG Developmental stage on day-5 and fragmentation rate on day-3can influence the implantation potential of top-quality blastocysts in IVF cycles with single embryo transfer[外文期刊] 2007

18.Gardner DK;Lane M;Stevens J Blastocyst score affects implantation and pregnancy outcome:towards a single blastocyst transfer[外文期刊] 2000(06)

19.Ryan GL;Zhang SH;Dokras A The desire of infertile patients for multiple births[外文期刊] 2004(03)

20.Hope N;Rombants L Can an educational DVD improve the acceptability of elective single embryo transfer? A randomized controlled study[外文期刊] 2010(02)


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7.方健叶.杨菁.尹太郎.程琰.赵庆红.邹宇洁.黄伟.Fang Jian-ye.Yang Jing.Yin Tai-lang.Cheng Yan.Zhao Qing-hong.Zou Yu-jie. Huang Wei囊胚玻璃化冻存前激光打孔对冻融后移植效果的影响[期刊论文]-中国组织工程研究与临床康复2011,15(31)


9.甄璟然.王雪.孙正怡.郁琦.邓成艳.周远征.何方方.ZHEN Jing-ran.WANG Xue.SUN Zheng-yi.YU Qi.DENG Cheng-yan.ZHOU Yuan-zheng.HE Fang-fang人类低质量卵裂期胚胎体外发育至囊胚能力的研究[期刊论文]-生殖医学杂志2011,20(4)



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