当前位置:文档之家› 河南省2017-2018学年上学期九年级期中考试卷试题附答案






()21.-What do you think of playing ______ chess?

-It`s very interesting and liked by_______ large number of people.

()22.-Lily, ______ you_____ your ticket? -Not yet!

A. did; find

B. have ;found

C. have; found

D. do; find

()23.She finished the work________ as soon as possible. She`s very happy now.

A. succeed

B. successfully

C. success

D. successful

()24.You`d better speak aloud_____ we can hear you.

A. so that

B. though

C. as if

D. since

()25.-Have you ever ______Beijing to see the Beihai Park?

-Yes, I have .

A. went to

B. gone to

C. been in

D. been to

()26.-How about going hiking this weekend

-Sorry, I prefer____ rather than _________

A. to stay at home; go out

B. to go out; stay at home

C. staying at home; go out

D. going out ; stay at home

()27.When we went into the park, we saw someone_______ Chinese Kungfu .

A. plays

B. played

C. to play

D. playing

()28.Don`t give up_________ you will never succeed

A. and

B. but

C. while

D. or

()29.-Our country _______ progress in science and culture in recent years.

A. made such

B. has made such

C. made so

D. has made so

()30.-We really shouldn`t use plastic bags any more when we shopping -____ It`s important to protect our environment.

A. So do I

B. With

C. That `s OK

D. So it is

()31.-How do you usually pay when shopping, by cash(现金) or by credit card?

-Neither . ______ WeChat Pay is more convenient.

A. Use

B. To use

C. Using

D. Used

()32-Can`t you stop making much noise? I really can`t______ it - I `m terribly sorry for giving you so much trouble.

A. keep

B. stand

C. hear

D. make

()33.Trees can stop the sand ______towards the rich farmland in the south.

A. moving

B. to move

C. from moving

D. protects

()34.What can we students do ____ the environment ?

A. to protect

B. protected

C. protecting

D. protects

()35.There are five people in the room, but I know____.

A.both of them

B. none of them

C. all of them

D. neither of



I will always remember my mother's last few days in this world.

On February 14th, 2000, my class went on a field trip to the beach. I had so much fun. When we 36____ to school, my teacher told me to go to the headmaster's office. When I got into the office, I saw a police office. Suddenly I realized something was 37_______. The police office told me what had happened and we went to pick my sister up. After that, we went to the 38_____ and waited. Time went 39____.Finally,

we got to see our mother. It was terrible.

On the next day, the headmaster came and told my two teachers what had happened. I was taking a rest

that day. I knew it had something to do with my mother. I kept thinking that she 40_____ died or had gotten

better. 41____ I wished that she had gotten better. When my teacher took me outside, my sister ran up to me.She started crying ,"She's gone. Teresa, mommy's gone. She's dead." I couldn't believe it. We 42____ into the car and drove straight to the hospital. Most of my family were there. The silence was terrible.

I knew I had to say 43______.

Today when I look back, I still miss my mother very much, but I know that I will live. My mother was

a strong mother, who had the biggest heart. My mother was an angel walking


第一部分走进化学世界 变化和性质 一、物理变化和化学变化 1. 物理变化:没有新物质生成的变化。 (1)宏观上没有新物质生成,微观上没有新分子生成。 (2)常指物质状态的变化、形状的改变、位置的移动等。 例如:水的三态变化、汽油挥发、干冰的升华、木材做成桌椅、玻璃碎了等等。 2. 化学变化:有新物质生成的变化,也叫化学反应。 (1)宏观上有新物质生成,微观上有新分子生成。 (2)化学变化常常伴随一些反应现象,例如:发光、发热、产生气体、改变颜色、生成沉淀等。有时可通过反应现象来判断是否发生了化学变化或者产物是什么物质。 化学变化中一定伴随着物理变化。 二、物理性质和化学性质 1. 物理性质:物质不需要发生化学变化就能表现出来的性质。 (1)物理性质也并不是只有物质发生物理变化时才表现出来的性质;例如:木材具有密度的性质,并不要求其改变形状时才表现出来。 (2)由感官感知的物理性质主要有:颜色、状态、气味等。 (3)需要借助仪器测定的物理性质有:熔点、沸点、密度、硬度、溶解性、导电性等。2. 化学性质:物质只有在化学变化中才能表现出来的性质。 例如:物质的可燃性、毒性、氧化性、还原性、酸碱性、热稳定性等。 仪器使用和操作 一、药品的取用原则 1. 使用药品要做到“三不”:不能用手直接接触药品,不能把鼻孔凑到容器口去闻药品的气味,不得尝任何药品的味道。 2. 取用药品注意节约:取用药品应严格按实验室规定的用量。如果没有说明用量,一般取最少量,即液体取1-2mL,固体只要盖满试管底部。 3. 用剩的药品要做到“三不”:即不能放回原瓶,不要随意丢弃,不能拿出实验室,要放到指定的容器里。 4. 实验时若眼睛里溅进了药液,要立即用水冲洗。 二、固体药品的取用 1. 块状或密度较大的固体颗粒一般用镊子夹取。 2. 粉末状或小颗粒状的药品用药匙(或纸槽)。 3. 使用过的镊子或钥匙应立即用干净的纸擦干净。 三、液体药品(存放在细口瓶)的取用 1. 少量液体药品的取用——用胶头滴管滴加药品应悬空垂直在仪器的正上方,将液体药品滴入接收药液的仪器中,不要让吸有药液的滴管接触仪器壁;不要将滴管平放在实验台或其他地方,以免沾污滴管;不能用未清洗的滴管再吸别的试剂(滴瓶上的滴管不能交叉使用,也不需冲洗) 2. 从细口瓶里取用试液时,应把瓶塞拿下,倒放在桌上;倾倒液体时,应使标签向着手心,瓶口紧靠试管口或仪器口,防止残留在瓶口的药液流下来腐蚀标签。 3. 量筒的使用 (1)取用一定体积的液体药品可用量筒量取。读数时量筒必须放平稳,视线与量筒内液体


第1页 共10页 九年级英语 期 中 测 试 卷 (全卷四个部分,时间:120分钟,总分:120分) 题 号 一 二 三 四 总 分 第一节 第二节 第三节 第四节 第一节 第二节 第三节 A B C 第一、二节 第三节 得分 第一部分 听力 (共四节,满分30分) 第一节 听句子,选择与句子内容相关的图片。每个句子听两遍。(每小题1分, 共5分) ( )1、A B C ( )2、A B C 春节 端午节 中秋节 ( )3、A B C ( )4、A B C ( )5、A B C 得 分 评卷人 学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号: —— ○ —— 密 ○ 封 ○ 线 ○ 内 ○ 不 ○ 得 ○ 答 ○ 题 —— ○ ——

第二节听句子,选出你所听句子内容相符的正确答案。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) ( ) 6. A. Good morning, Miss Black. B. Nice to meet you , too. C. Fine thanks, And you ? ( ) 7. A. Three years ago. B. For three years. C. Since three years. ( ) 8. A. Thanks for asking me B. Certainly.Here you are. C. Yes,I’m all right. ( ) 9. A. I’m sue. B. The same to you. C. You’re welcome. ( ) 10. A. It’s still early B. It’s not very easy C. It’s cloudy. 第三节听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。 每段对话听两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 听第一段对话,回答11—12小题。 ()11、Where does this conversation take place? A、In the classroom. B、In the library. C、At home. ()12、When will the boy take a test? A、This week . B、Next week. C、Next day. 听第二段对话,回答第13—14小题。 ()13、Why does Peter have to get up at 6:30pm? A、Because of the test. B、Because of the school trip. C、Because of his part-time job. ()14、What does Peter want to buy? A、A football. B、A computer. C、A new jacket. 听第三段对话,回答第15—17小题。 ()15、What does Maria want to do today? A、go shopping. B、To go to see a movie. C、To buy a CD called the Lion King. ()16、What time does the movie start? A、At 2:45. B、At 3:15. C、At 4:05. ()17、what’s the girl’s mother doing now? A、She’s watching TV. B、She’s walking in the park. C、She’s having a meeting. 听第四段对话,回答18—20小题。 ()18、Who is the man? A、He’s a P.E teacher. B、He’s an Englesh teacher . C、He’s a student. ()19、What are the girls going to do this Sunday? A、To see Mr.Smith. B、To have an English test. C、To have a football match. ()20、What is important to win the game according to (根据)Mr.Smith? A、Confidence. B、Strength. C、Teamwork(团队合作). 第2页共10页


人教版九年级上册数学期中试卷及答案 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

新人教版2014年秋季九年级数学上期中测试题 一、选择题(3分×10=30分) 1.下列方程,是一元二次方程的是( ) ①3x 2+x=20,②2x 2-3xy+4=0,③x 2-1x =4,④x 2=0,⑤x 2-3x +3=0 A .①② B .①②④⑤ C .①③④ D .①④⑤ 2.在抛物线1322+-=x x y 上的点是( ) A.(0,-1) B.?? ? ??0,21 C.(-1,5) D.(3,4) 3.直线225-=x y 与抛物线x x y 2 12-=的交点个数是( ) A.0个 B.1个 C.2个 D.互相重合的两个 4.关于抛物线c bx ax y ++=2(a ≠0),下面几点结论中,正确的有( ) ① 当a?0时,对称轴左边y 随x 的增大而减小,对称轴右边y 随x 的增大而增大,当a?0时,情况相反. ② 抛物线的最高点或最低点都是指抛物线的顶点. ③ 只要解析式的二次项系数的绝对值相同,两条抛物线的形状就相同. ④ 一元二次方程02=++c bx ax (a ≠0)的根,就是抛物线c bx ax y ++=2与x 轴 交点的横坐标. A.①②③④ B.①②③ C. ①② D.① 5.方程(x-3)2=(x-3)的根为( ) A .3 B .4 C .4或3 D .-4或3 6.如果代数式x 2+4x+4的值是16,则x 的值一定是( ) A .-2 B ., C .2,-6 D .30,-34 7.若c (c ≠0)为关于x 的一元二次方程x 2+bx+c=0的根,则c+b 的值为( ) A .1 B .-1 C .2 D .-2 8.从正方形铁片上截去2cm 宽的一个长方形,剩余矩形的面积为80cm 2,?则原来正方形的面积为( ) A .100cm 2 B .121cm 2 C .144cm 2 D .169cm 2 9.方程x 2+3x-6=0与x 2-6x+3=0所有根的乘积等于( ) A .-18 B .18 C .-3 D .3 10.三角形两边长分别是8和6,第三边长是一元二次方程x 2-16x+60=0一个实数根,则该三角形的面积是( ) A .24 B .48 C .24或 D . 二、填空题(3分×10=30分)


九年级英语期中测试卷 (时间100分钟满分100分) 一、单项填空(每小题1分,共15分) 1.—Is Total Soccer weekly round-up of soccer? —Yes.It provides us with latest news on soccer. A.a;a B.a;the C.the;the D.the; 2.My mother is strict with me.She doesn't allow me to go outside to play football my homework is done.I have to do some reading at home instead. A.unless B.until C.before D.though 3.—Your grandfather looks very healthy. —he plays sports every day,he is very healthy. A.Because;so B.Since;though C.Because;/ D.Though;/ 4.—It's raining again.What bad weather! —Yeah.And it is reported that the terrible weather will for another week. https://www.doczj.com/doc/f89197177.html,st B.change C.take D.become 5.Jim has made this term that his parents will award him a new computer. A.such a great progress B.so great progress C.such great progress D.so a great progress 6.The old man had to sell his house even though it was his own wishes. A.above B.against C.with D.for 7.—No one would like to talk with Jack.Why? —Because he always excuses to cheat us. A.makes up B.dresses up C.puts up D.looks up 8.—I can't decide which film to watch. —you read the film review? A.Why not B.How about C.Why don't D.What about 9.—What did you say just now? —I said I would like some eggs and bread for breakfast. A.what B.if C.that D.whether 10.—Can I watch TV,Mum? —No,unless your homework. A.will be finished B.is finished C.will finish D.has finished 11.—I think necessary to work with friends and share different ideas.Do you agree? —Of course. A.it B.this C.that D.its 12.—There are so many policemen here.What happened? —It is said that a man a shop and took away many things. A.24-year-old;broke into B.24-years-old;broke into C.24-year-old;broke out D.24-years-old;broke out 13.—My brother has never been abroad.


九年级上学期期中考试数学试题 (时间:120分钟 满分:120分) 友情提示:亲爱的同学,你好!今天是展示你才能的时候了,只要你仔细审题、认真答题,把平常的水平发挥出来,你就会有出色的表现,放松一点,相信自己的实力! 第一节 选择题。(每题3分,共30分) 1、一个小组有若干人,新年互送贺年卡一张,已知全组共送贺年卡72张,则这个小组有( ) A 、12人 B 、18人 C 、9人 D 、10人 2、顺次连接某个四边形各边中点得到一个正方形,则原四边形一定是( ) C 、菱形 D 、对角线互相垂直且相等的四边形 3、一元二次方程01322 =++x x 用配方法解方程,配方结果是( ) A 、081)4 3(22 =- -x B 、08 1 )43(22=-+x C 、081)43(2=--x D 、08 1 )43(2=-+x 4、下列方程中,无论a 取何值时,总是关于x 的一元二次方程的是( ) A 、22)3)(12(2 2 -=+-x x a B 、0922 =--x ax C 、12 2-=+x x ax D 、0)1(2 2=++x x a 5、改革的春风吹遍了神州大地,人们的生活水平显著的提高,国内生产总值迅速提高,2000年国内生产总值(GDP )约为8.75万亿元,计划到2020年国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,设以十年为单位计算,设我国每十年国内生产总值的增长率为x ,则可列方程( ) A 、75.84%)1(75.82 ?=+x B 、75.82x 175 .82 ?=+)( C 、75.84)x 1(75.8)x 1(75.82?=+++;D 、75.84)x 1(75.82 ?=+ 6、如图1、E 、F 分别是正方形ABCD 的边CD 、AD 上的点, 且CE=DF ,AE 、BF 相交于点O ,下列结论:①AE=BF 、 ②AE ⊥BF 、③AO=OE 、④S DEOF AOB S 四边形△=中,错误的有( ) A 、1个 B 、2个 C 、3个 D 、4个 7、如图2,在矩形ABCD 中,AB=3,AD=4, P 是AD 上的动点,PE ⊥AC 于E ,PF ⊥BD 于F , 则PE+FF 的值是( ) A 、 512 B 、2 C 、25 D 、5 13 8、具有下列条件的两个等腰三角形,不能判断它们全等的是( ) A 、顶角、一腰对应相等 B 、底边、一腰对应相等 C 、两腰对应相等 D 、一底角、底边对应相等 9、到三角形三条边的距离都相等的点是这个三角形的( ) A .三条中线的交点; B .三条高线的交点; C .三条角平分线的交点 D .三条边的中垂线的交点。 10、如图,在等腰梯形ABCD 中,AB ∥CD ,AD=BC=acm ,∠A=60°,BD 平分∠ABC ,则这个梯形的周长是( ) A.4a cm B.5a cm C.6a cm D.7a cm 二、填空题。(每题3分,共30分) 1、方程x x =2 的解是________________。 2、如图3,在Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB=90°,CD ⊥AB 于D ,在不添加辅助线的情况下,请写出图中一对相等的锐角:______________(只需写出一对即可) 3、用反证法证明:在一个三角形中,至少有一个内角小于或等于60°。应先假设______ _________________________________________________。 4、如图4,E 在正方形ABCD 的边BC 延长线上,若CE=AC ,AE 交CD 于点F ,则∠E=____若AB=2cm, D A E F O F O P E D C B A 图2 A B C D 图3 A B F E D 图4 E C B D A 图 5 B


2019~2020学年第一学期期中考试 初三英语 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷选择题(55分)和第Ⅱ卷非选择题(45分)两部分,共6大题,满分100分,用时80分钟。注意:请同学们将答案填写在答题纸上。 第I 卷(选择题,共55分) 一、选择填空(共25小题:每小题1分,满分25分) A)单项填空。从A, B. C.D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. I never doubt ______ his advice is ______ to me. A. that; valuable B. if; value C. whether; valuable D. that; value 2. Yesterday I was reminded by my mother______ late for the exam A. not be B. not to C. not to be D. don't to 3. The book will _____ you when you need help. A. help to B. be some helpful with C. be of some help to D. be of some help with 4. Would you please_________ these grammar rules______ us? A. repeat; for B. repeat; to C. repeating; to D. repeating; for 5. ﹣When shall we travel to Australia, this year or next year? ﹣______ is OK. You decide. A. Neither B: Every C. Either D. Each 6. Some scientists ______all their lives _______their homeland. A. devoted; into building B. devoted; to build C. devoted; to building D. devoted; for building 7. Could you keep these old clothes_______ good order? A. with B. for C: at D. in 8. His father looks young, but ______ fact he is________. A. in ; in the forties B. in ; in his forties C. in the ; in his fortieth D. in the ; in the forties 9. -Let's go to the community if it _______ tomorrow. -But nobody knows if it_______ tomorrow. A. won't rain; rains B. doesn't rain; rains C. doesn't rain; will rain D. won't rain; will rain 10. We must be strict _____ ourselves and strict ______ our work. A. in , with B. with, in C. in , in D. with . with 考场号______________ 座位号____________ 班级__________ 姓名____________ 成绩____________ ————————————————————————装订线————————————————————————————


人教版九年级上册数学期中考试试卷 温馨提示:本卷共八大题,计23小题,满分 150分,考试时间120分钟。 一.选择题:每小题给出的四个选项中,其中只有一个是正确 的。请把正确选项的代号写在下面的答题表内,(本大题共10 小题,每题4分,共40分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. 下列标志图中,既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称图形的是(). A. B. C. D. 2.方程(x+1)2=4的解是(). A.x1=2,x2=-2 B.x1=3,x2=-3 C.x1=1,x2=-3 D.x1=1,x2=-2 3.抛物线y=x2-2x-3与y轴的交点的纵坐标为(). A.-3 B.-1 C.1 D.3 4. 如图所示,将Rt△ABC绕点A按顺时针旋转一定角度得 到Rt△ADE,点B的对应点D恰好落在BC边上.若AB=1, ∠B=60°,则CD的长为() A.0.5 B.1.5 C2D.1 5.已知关于x的一元二次方程mx2+2x-1=0有两个不相等的实数根,则m的取值范围是(). A.m>-1且m≠0 B.m<1且m≠0 C.m<-1 D.m>1 6.将函数y=x2的图象向左、右平移后,得到的新图象的解析式不可能 ...是(). A.y=(x+1)2B.y=x2+4x+4 C.y=x2+4x+3 D.y=x2-4x+4 7.下列说法中正确的个数有(). ①垂直平分弦的直线经过圆心;②平分弦的直径一定垂直于弦;③一条直线平分弦, 那么这条直线垂直这条弦;④平分弦的直线,必定过圆心;⑤平分弦的直径,平分这条弦所对的弧. A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个8.两年前生产1吨甲种药品的成本是5000元.随着生产技术的进步,成本逐年下降,得分评卷人 60° B A 第4题图


2018——2019学年度第一学期期中教学质量检测 九年级英语试卷(人教版) I.单项选择 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,计15分。) ( )1.— How do you study ______ a test? — I study ______ working with a group. A: for by B: by in C: for from D in for ( )2.—______ weather it is! Shall we go for a picnic? —I can’t agree more. A. What a fine B. What fine C. How fine the D. How fine ( )3.It's ________ for my son to go to school from here.It only takes five minutes on foot. A .interesting B .dangerous C .convenient D .Difficult ( )4.—Jeff, could you tell me how to take a taxi through “Didi”? —________. A .You're welcome B .Sure, I'd love to C .Take it easy D .It doesn't matter ( )5.Never ________ , and your dream will come true. A .give away B .give up C .give out D .give back ( )6.She ________ live alone.But she ________ living alone because she feels lonely. A .used to ; doesn't used to B .is used to ;was used to C .used to ;is not used to D .was used to ;doesn't used to ( )7.These kites are made paper. And paper is made wood. A. of ; of B. of ; from C. from ; from D. from ; of ( )8.I to the class meeting every week because they want to listen to my advice. A. invite B. will be invited C. was invited D. am invited ( )9. Most young people find ________ exciting to watch football games.

九年级上学期 数学期中考试试卷

九年级数学上学期期中考试试卷一、选择题(选项只有一个是正确的.每小题3分,共24分) 1.将一元二次方程2x2=1﹣3x化成一般形式后,一次项系数和常数项分别为()A.﹣3x;1 B.3x;﹣1 C.3;﹣1 D.2;﹣1 2.一元二次方程x2﹣81=0的解是() A.x1=x2=9 B.x1=x2=﹣9 C.x1=﹣9,x2=9 D.x1=﹣1,x2=2 3.已知函数y=的图象过点(1,﹣2),则该函数的图象必在() A.第二、三象限 B.第二、四象限 C.第一、三象限 D.第三、四象限 4.如图,已知DE是△ABC的中位线,则△ADE的面积:四边形DBCE的面积是() A.1:2 B.1:3 C.1:4 D.1:8 5.一元二次方程x2+x+2=0的根的情况是() A.两个相等的实数根 B.两个不相等的实数根 C.无实数根 D.无法确定 6.下列四组线段中,不构成比例线段的一组是() A.2cm,3cm,4cm,6cm B.1cm, cm,, cm C.1cm,2cm,3cm,6cm D.1cm,2cm,3cm,5cm 7.如图,DE∥BC,在下列比例式中,不能成立的是() A. = B. = C. = D. = 8.如图,小正方形的边长均为1,则图中三角形(阴影部分)与△ABC相似的是()A.B.C.D.二、填空题(每小题4分,共32分) 9.如果,那么= . 10.已知点Μ(7,b)在反比例y=的图象上,则b= .11.反比例函数的图象经过点(﹣ 2,3),则函数的解析式为. 12.x2﹣x配成完全平方式需加上. 13.若关于x的方程x2+2x+k=0的一个根是1,则方程的另一个根是. 14.在Rt△ABC,若CD是Rt△ABC斜边AB上的高,AD=3,CD=4,则BC= . 15.如图,在△ABC中,点D在AB上,请再添一个适当的条件,使△ADC∽△ACB,那么可添加的条件是. 16.如图,反比例函数y=的图象上有两点A(2,4)、B(4,b),则△AOB的面积为. 三、解答题(共64分) 17.用适当的方法解下列方程: (1)(x﹣2)(x﹣3)=12; (2)3x2﹣6x+4=0.


最新教学资料·人教版英语 同山中心学校期中试卷 九年级英语 满分:120分考试时间:100分钟 第一部分:听力部分(25分) 一、听力 第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。(每题1分)( )1. What is Tom allowed to do on weekends? A. B. C. ( )2. What did Mr. Black use to do? A. B. C. ( )3. How does the boy study English? A. B. C. ( )4. Who used to be afraid of the dark ? A. B. C. ( )5. What has Mary bought for Susan’s birthday? A. B. C. 第二节:听对话,回答问题(每题2分, 共10分)

听第一段对话,回答6-7两小题(对话读两遍) ( )6. What are they talking about? A. How to memorize new words. B. How to memorize the text. C. How to make flashcards. ( )7. What is the boy’s idea? To A.make flashcards is certainly useful B.make flashcards is not much useful. C.make flashcards is a waste of time. 听下面一段较长的对话, 回答8--10三小题。(对话读两遍) ( )8. What do you have to say first if you want Jane to tell what kind of person you are . A.The color you like best. B. The color you like least. C. The color you often wear. ( )9. What kind of person is Jeff’s sister? A.If she is kind to others ,she hopes others can be the same to her . B.She is a good listener. C. She does things according to her plans. ( )10. Who is a good listener that doesn’t like yellow. A. Jane B. Jeff’s sister C. Jeff 第三节:听短文,回答问题,(短文读两遍)(每题2分,共10分) 提示词:model (模特) ( )11. Where did the story happen? A. In a book shop. B. In a clothing shop. C. In a fruit shop. ( )12. What did the woman want to buy? A. A dress. B. A skirt. C. A sweater. ( )13. How many times did the woman ask the girl? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. ( )14. How did the girl treat the woman ? A. Coldly. B. Warmly. C. Friendly. ( )15. How did the girl feel when she heard the woman’s words? A. She felt happy. B. She felt surprised. C. She felt angry. 第二部分:笔试部分(95分) 二、选择填空(每题1分,共10分) ()16.I met with ocean of problems when I was in that country. A. a B.an C. the D. / ( )17.You won’t feel happy at school ________ you get on well with your classmates. A. though B. when C. unless D. because ( )18. Don’t __________ him. He is too young to finish the work by himself. A.care about B. be strict with C. worry about D. be afraid of ( )19.---- Why is the classroom so dirty ! ---- Sorry , sir ,it yesterday . We forgot to do it . A.doesn’t clean B.didn’t clean C.isn’t cleaned D.wasn’t cleaned ( )20. The whole country is fighting against the H7N9 , a disease has caused many deaths. A.who B.which C.whom D.what ( )21. ---How was your National Day?


2012~ 2013 学年上学期九年级期中考试 数学试题 一二三 题号9~总分 1~8 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 分数 一、选择题(每小题 3 分,共 24 分) 1. 已知 x=2 是一元二次方程 x2-mx+2=0 的一个解,则 m的值是() A. -3 B . 3 C. 0 D . 6 2. 如图,晚上小亮在路灯下散步,在小亮由 A 处走到 B 处这一过程中,他在地上的影子() A.逐渐变短 B.逐渐变长 C.先变短后变长 D.先变长后变短 3.如图,在△ ABC中,∠ ABC和∠ ACB的平分线交于点 E,过点 E 作 MN∥BC交 AB于 M, 交 AC于 N,若 BM+CN=9,则线段 MN的长为() A .6B.7C.8D.9 4. 已知实数 x, y 满足,则以x,y的值为两边长的等腰三角形的周长是() A. 20 或 16 B . 20 C.16D.以上答案均不对

5. 用配方法解关于x 的一元二次方程x2﹣ 2x﹣ 3=0,配方后的方程可以是() A.(x﹣ 1)2=4 B .( x+1 )2=4 C.(x﹣ 1)2=16 D .(x+1 )2=16 6. 在反比例函数的图象上有两点( - 1,y1) ,,则y1-y2的值是() A.负数B.非正数C.正数 D .不能确定 7. 已知等腰△ ABC中, AD⊥BC于点 D,且 AD= BC,则△ ABC底角的度数 为() A.45°B.75°C.60°D.45°或 75° 8. 如图,在菱形ABCD中,∠ A=60°, E,F 分别是 AB,AD的中点,DE,BF 相交于点G,连接BD, CG,有下列结论:①∠ BGD=120°;② BG+DG=CG;③△ BDF≌△ CGB;④S△ABD 3 AB 2.其中正确的结论有() 4 A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个 二、填空题(每小题 3 分,共 21 分) 9. 方程 x2-9=0 的根是. 10. 若一元二次方程x 2 2 x m 0 有实数解,则m的取值范围是. 11.平行四边形ABCD中,∠ A+∠C=100°,则∠ B=度.


九年级英语期中测试题08年10月 第Ⅰ卷(共75分) 一.听力测试(30分) 二.单项选择(15分) 1.Couldyoutellme_____________? A.whatdidhesayatthemeeting B.whathesaysatthemeeting C.whathesaidatthemeeting 2.Somepeopledestroy(毁坏)theenvironment______. A.whereanimalslive B.whichanimalslive C.whereanimalslivein 3.---Haveyouheardof ---Yeah,S.H.Eis_____femalessingerswhohavebeautifulvoices. A.madeof B.madefrom C.madeupof 4.Theremustbesomethinggoodforme,__________? A.mustn’tit B.needn’tthere C.isn’tthere 5.Theoldman______alotofdifficultiesinthepast.Hissad______madeusthinkalot. A.experienced,experienced B.experiences,experienced C.experienced,experiences 6.–Whatdidyou_____thebadboy?--Sorry.Idon’tknowhowto____him. A.dealwith,dowith B.dowith,dealwith C.dealwith,dealwith 7.Theworld’spopulationisgettinglargerandlarger,soofficialswillhaveto______n ewwaystosolvetheseriousproblem. A.catchupwith B.keepupwih https://www.doczj.com/doc/f89197177.html,eupwith 8._____hardworkitis!Idon’tthinkyoucanfinishitbyyourself. A.Whata B.How C.What 9.Doyourememberthedays______weusedtospendtogetheronthefarm? A.who B.which C.when 10.Weare______ofhelp.Theywilldecide___asuitablewaytohelpus. A.intheneed,for B.inneed,for C.inneed,on

最新九年级语文上学期期中考试卷 (含答案)

一、积累与运用(35分) 1、古诗文名句默写。(10分) (1)浮光跃金,______________。(范仲淹《岳阳楼记》) (2)___________,并怡然自乐。(陶渊明《桃花源记》) (3)忽如一夜春风来,____________________。(岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》) (4)__________________,志在千里。(曹操《龟虽寿》) (5)无可奈何花落去,_________________。(晏殊《浣溪沙》)(6)____________,在河之洲。(《诗经·周南》) (7)操千曲而知音,_________________。(刘勰《文心雕龙·知音》)(8)____________________,秋水共长天一色。(王勃《滕王阁序》)(9)吟秋,古人喜以霜入诗,“蒹葭苍苍,____________”,表达出执著追求中可望难即的凄凉哀婉;“_________________,人不寐,将军白发征夫泪”,表达出壮志难酬、有家难归的凄清悲凉。 2、阅读下面一段话,按要求答题。(5分) ①法桐的欢乐,一直要延长一个夏天。②我总想,那鼓满着憧憬的叶子,一定要长大如蒲扇的。③但到了秋,叶子并不再长,反要一片一片落去,④瘦削起来,变得赤裸裸的,唯有些嶙嶙的骨,不再柔软婀nuó。 (1)给加点字注音或根据拼音写汉字。(3分) 憧憬______________ 瘦削______________ 婀nuó______________ (2)四句中有一处语病,请找出来,写出修改后的句子。(2分)________________________________________________________


九年级期中考试英语试卷 二、单项选择. 20.He used to like playing________ piano,but now he likes playing _________ basketball.A./:the B.the;the C.a:/D.the;/21.一______ do you learn new English words? 一I learn new words by joining an English club. A.What B.How C.Why D.Which 22.When they heard the ___________ news,they got very ___________. A.frustrating, frustrated B.frustrated, frustrated C.frustrated, frustrating D.frustrating, frustrating 23.My grandpa is _________ weak ______ look after himself.He needs help.A.so, that B.very, to C.so, to D.too, to 24.--Excuse me does Mr.Green's son live here. --He ________ be here, but he has moved. A.used to B.used for C.was used to D.got used to 25.______ his surprise, his brother succeeded in climbing up the mountain. A.At B.On C.To D.In 26.Tom is a ________ boy.He is too young to drive a ear. A.fifteen-years-old B.fifteen-year-old C.fifteen years old D.fifteen year old 27.Tony didn't run ________.He was behind all the other runners. A.slowly enough B.fast enough C.enough slowly D.enough fast 28.-- We will go to Beijing for three days during the vocation of October. --______________ A.So does he B.So he does C.So will he D.So he will 29.I________ a big house for my family if I _____ a lot of money. A.would buy, have B.would buy, had C.will buy; had D.will buy, will have 30.There are about ______ people in this town. A.five millions B.million of C.five million D.five millions of 31.The notebook ___________ be John's .There is his name on it. A.must B.might C.could D.can't 32."The volleyball must belong to Mary" means_________ A.The volleyball must be Mary B.Mary has a volleyball C.The volleyball must be Mary's D.That can't be Mary's volleyball 33.--We need a music CD that we can dance_______ --I have one.I'II take it ______the party. A.in, in B.in, to C .to, to D.to ,in 34._____you go, ____you do in your school, You must obey the rules. A.Wherever; whatever B.Where; what C.Whatever; wherever D.What; where 三、完形填空. In learning English, one should first pay attention to listening and speaking.It is the

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