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2 ?评分原则










1 .parents should be respected by us.

Should: ought to be supposed to be obliged to

Us:the public private individuals teenagers and youngsters Experts

and professor all children and adults All men and women

2.superstars should not be pursued blindly by us .

Not: never seldom by no means fail to

3.Confidence is taught very important by all children.

Children : kids offspring

daily life


2 there be 句型


1 .there is strong evidence to show that

2.there is a growing worldwide awareness around the world that

3.there is absolutely no reason for us to believe that a bright future for the world is an impossibility

4.there is little doubt that

5.there are those who claim that


There are many reason to explain the phenomenon.

Be: look smell taste feel sound became get seem prove appear exist keep remain

Many : a sea of a host of a multitude of a army of Immerse amounts of numerous abundant plentiful

Causes: factors elements

Phenomenon: problem issue cuiTent situation

Explain : account for lead to give rise to contribute to be

responsible for




句型:As +adj/adv +as+比较对象


1.1keep as beautiful as a red rose ,which can take breath of a sea of people ?

2.English is an essential as air and water ,which play a key role in our daily life.

3.Pollution keeps as serious as the cancer .which can threaten parents health or even take their live away.


2.The more…,the more.…句型

句型:the+adj/adv (比较)+ 句子,the +adj/adv (比较)+ 句子. 例句:

1.The higher one climbs,the farther he will look.

2.The harder all children and adults keep,the more fortunate they will became.

3.The more confident we are,the easily they will achieve success.

4.The more frequently culture is communicates,the faster economy will develop. 本句型推荐写在第二段分析原因。


1and/but 句型

And: likewise similarly equally at the meanwhile at the same time

But : conversely by contrast on the contrary contrarily unexpectedly unfortunately nevertheless


l.in the former picture ,the flower in the room is growing healthily.on the contraryjn the latter one ,it is dying.

2.in the picture ,the eldest son is kicking out his father .meanwhile,other there kids are refusing the senior citizen.

Picture: cartoon drawing painting caricature photograph


2Not only ...but also …句型


1.keeping pats not only can reduce loneliness but also can bring happiness for senior citizen.

2.Respecting parents not only keeps the Chinese conventional virtue but also prove duty of their offspring .

3.The pollution not only makes children and adults lost the blue sky but also makes them lost fresh air

Make/have/get somebody do something. Enable somebody to do something. 本句型推荐写在第二段分析原因使用。







句型:it is... that...

It is common knowledge that /it is my belief that/It is self-evident that /it has been found that /it is beyond dispute that /it is universally acknowledged that/it has been widely accepted that /it is generally agreed that

更好的主语从句的变体:what+is +that (主(主语从句)系表);

万能表语:that you never fail to fascinate me is obvious.


What is worse is that i forget my book.






A.my boyfriend ,a rich businessman ,really has no much time to accompany me ,a university student.

B.environmental pollutions problem threaten human's existence,has became increasingly serious.

C.a man ,a crazy fan ,is writing the name ,the symbol of some one ,of B.A superstar in Britain,on his face,some part of the body.

_本句型推荐写在在文中出现名词,或图加名词作为同谓语,同谓语前后用“,- 隔开。



1.The evidence that she has a pair of big eyes manifests that she looks like a beauty.

2.The evidence that sea of girls wear dress manifests that summer is coming.

3.The evidence that abusing phones affects communication of families manifest that the current situation became increasingly serious.

Serious: severe grave fearful be of great severity



1 ?形容词修饰名词;2.介词短语修饰名词;3?名词修饰名词;4.非谓语修饰名词;5.从句句子修饰名词。







l.An American girl cute as well as graceful is wearing Chinese of the minority which seem exceeding popular in north of china.

2.Immerse amounts of graduates who fail to have goals/standing on the road are facing four choices including hunting for jobs and going aboard.

3.The hot pot / something not only delicious also nutrition is full of a host of cultures from china and western nations ?



cute/lovely/little/graceful/elegant/confident/energetic/enthusiastic/passionate/who looks distinctly impressive to the reader


Fat/cruel/ugly/negative/dispassionate/terrible/disgusting/who looks less impressive to the readers



例句:He proves a lady killer which seems beyond dispute.

Which 可以修饰引导前面:which leaves us a deep impress/which provokes public's widespread concerns /which brings us the unnecessary trouble/which gives rise to dreadful consequence.



副词;时间;地点;原因;条件(if);方式(by,through,as,as if ,as through); 让步(although,while);伴随(to);目的(in order to);结果(so that)。




例句:I love you for my whole life .

描述图画的万能状语:in the center of vivid picture.


as everyone can see it /with the rapid advance of science and technology/in our contemporary society/in the general routine of everyday living/throughout the whole world./although quite a few of adults fail to focus on i匸

仞J句:Pets,although quite a few of adults fail to focus on it,will pollute the environment of our homes?

Focus on :pour attention into ;attach great importance to



彳列句:pursuing stars will waste the time of their fans although they keep exceedingly /kind/although their singing sounds enormously touching.


2.So ...that...句型

该句型就是替换“ver厂的一个句型,只要在文中出现形容词或副词就能用so that,写成倒装句更佳。

彳列句:Something is so significant /fearful that it is time to pay much attention to the issue.




模板:somebody(定语,同位语),doing something (次要)+定语/状语,is doing something (主要)+気语/状语。

例句:I,hating you ,will kill you .





万能插入语: needless to say(不用说),in one's judgment,to one's knowledge,strictly,to tell me truth,to put it in another way,i am sure, as i see it ,as we all know



万能用法:never fail to/nothing but /cannot have failed to do something/it is not beyond dispute that /it is not impossible to do/there is hardly a man or a woman in China who does not desire to have a happy life ./there never fail to prove many reason to explain



比喻:something to 人as precious sunshine is creatures throughout the world something seems to 人as senior earthquakes are to helpless natives.


1.as the clear sky is to flying larks .

2.as solid fundamental is to skyscrapers.

比:we were in the midst of shock一but we acted .we acted quickly ,boldly ‘decisively. (Franklin D. Roosevelt)



句型:it is...that...


1.1met my old flame in the street yesterday ?

2.It was yesterday that I met my old flame in the street.




l.if you are a tear in my eyes ,i will never shed it.

2.if you were a tear in my eyes ,i would never shed it.

3.If you travel to a remote place ,i will close all my windows.

4.1f you traveled to a remote place ,i wound close all my windows.

5.If every person is busy pursuing stars ,he will be confronted with a dim and gloomy future.

6.If every person were busy pursuing stars ,he wound be confronted with a dim and gloomy future.





1.1am never a woman tough and outgoing.Never am i a woman tough and outgoing.

2.Not only does keeps respecting parents keep a Chinese.

2.So that彳到装


例句:So significant is something that it is time to pay much attention to the issue ? 三段落



在写作过程中如果可以用中文表述,可用以下句型:The more...,the more…;not only….but also…;the evidence that… ;although... ;if…。




模板:something (中心词)is something (解释(下))which means that+ 三个并列的简单句+when引导的时间状语从句。

角军释:a Chinese conventional virtue /a severe global issue /a pervasive social trend /an active /negative mentality /a hot social topic


1.a beauty is a woman who has long hair ,who has a pair of big eyes and who has

a sexy figure.

2.Respecting parents is a Chinese conventional virtue which means that we often accompany them ,we cook meal for them and we wash clothes for them when they became olde匸

3.A pursuing stars is a hot social topic which means that them at the airport when we fall in love with them.


Once,there seemed a writer who has gained great reputation in Japan,who named __________ ‘starting that:as as句型/so that句型,可用倒装/比喻/虚拟语气



1.1l ove men such as +人名

2.1enjoy reading famous books such as...







例句:although as abundant cases can supporting my simple view ,the following one is most favorable .the other one,i was ill but nobody took care of me .at the moment ,a cook /teacher came into give me bread .then i recover /became well.the story ,as a consequence ,tells us a truth that if...






例句:in the easy and simple cartoon ,sb.(定语或同位语),doing sth.(次要动作),is doing sth.(主要动作)(定语或状语)。


例句:in the easy and simple cartoon ,sb.(定语或同位语)is doing sth.,and (but) sb2 (定语或同位语)is doing sth2.(定语或状语)。


例句:in the former cartoon ,sb.(定语或同位语、插入语)is doing sth.(定语或状语); in the latter one ,sb2.(定语或同位语、插入语)is doing sth2.(定语或状语)。


例句:l.the story that...indicate that...

2.the picture reflect a thought ??? Provoking social phenomenon...

3.The message conveyed in the picture seems to be that..?第四句话:寓


We should (never)to do Sth. is very important (serious/severe)

推荐句型:1 ?被动句;2.as... as句型;3.so that句型;4.比喻句。





推荐句型:1.there be 句;2.句型:on the surface of it ,this may seem to be

ridiculous(attractive /funny/just a popular phenomenon),but if thinking again ,we would point out some reasons.; 3.加工:插入语、双重否定、强调句。


^*7^(first and foremost/the main element for the picture is that );其次(in addition/what is more );最后(as a consequence /last but not least)。




第一措施:cannot have failed to do sth.

第二措施:虚拟语气(it is quite necessary/urgent/essential that we ,as university student currently,should to do sth.)

推荐句型:1排比句;2.as... as句型;3.so that句型;4上匕喻句。



推荐句型:1 .there be ;2..罗斯福。



文中已给出:dear +主

文中未给出:dear sir or madam /dear Mr president





例句:1.1 am staff in a university .

2.1am senior from the department of...art/physical /dancing in a university ?


To be frank ,i am writing the letter in order to








考研英语小作文万能模板 辞职信 模板1: Dear , I am writing to inform you about the decision to resign from my current position. There are a few factors involved. First and foremost, . Secondly, . Last but not last, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the rewarding experience that I have enjoyed during my employment. I sincerely wish you could approve of my resignation, and I apologize in advance for any inconvenience thus caused. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 模板2 Dear , I am sure it will come as no surprise that I wish to resign my position as . Though I have enjoyed working with you and other colleagues in the company / organization, there are a few reasons that force me to give up my current work. For one thing, . For another, . Moreover / Besides / In addition, I appreciate the plenty of help and encouragement from you constantly, and I am very sorry for any inconvenience thus caused. I promise that I will stay through the next month to help you find a replacement for my position. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 请求信 模板1: Dear , I am . I ' dlik e to ask if you have / can provide me with the information of . The reasons for my urgent need of are as follows: 1); 2); 3) Therefore, I will be much obliged if you can help me . Please feel free to call me at for further questions. Thank you for your time and patience, and I look forward to your prompt reply. Yours, Li Ming 模板2: Dear , My name is , and I am . I have made up my mind to write to you in the hope that you can furnish me with the information regarding At the present I am preparing / doing , and am in lack of that is crucial for the work / project / program. Therefore, it would be of great help if I can have your help for . Please get back to me at your earliest convenience as I have to soon. I am praying for your reply with full appreciation. Yours sincerely,Li Ming 建议信 模板1: Dear , I am very glad to hear that you want to seek some suggestions about in order to . From my point of view, . Also, to you, I highly recommend that . On the one hand, . On the other hand, . Besides, it is unnecessary for you to . Consequently, I believe that I hope that my opinions are of help to you, and please feel free to contact me for more questions. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 模板 2 :Dear , I am writing to express my views concerning . In the first place, I would like to say thank you for the help and everything else you have been offering to us. Meanwhile, I also want to make some advice to better Firstly, we have found that . Secondly, we want to . Finally, we hope that . I am looking forward to your consideration about my proposals. Thanks in advance for that. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 求职信 模板 1 : To Whom It May Concern, I have learnt from yesterday ' s newspaper that you are employ.i ng I wish to be considered as an applicant for the position, and beg to state my qualifications as follows: I am years old, a major student of University / College. During my academic years, I"have shown excellent performance and have been awarded first-class scholarship each year. In addition to my educational background, I have the rich work experience in the fields of . Therefore, I believe I can be of value to your company. Enclosed is my resume for your reference, and I shall be glad to call at your office if you desire an interview. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 模板 2 : Dear , I learned from my university BBS that there is a vacancy for , a position which I am very interested in . I am a senior student from University, majoring in . Under the influence of the courses I have taken, I develop a special interest in . Moreover, I have attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field due to my internship at . It seems to me that all these have prepared me ideally for the role of in such a company as yours. For further information please refer to my attached resume. I should be please to attend for an interview at your convenience. Yours sincerely,


考研英语写作词汇整理 目前距离21考研还有170多天了,单词记得咋样了?考研单词分为阅读词汇跟写作词汇,阅读词汇在文章中看到能知道意思就好,写作词汇就要求我们要记住拼写,会运用,所以写作词汇除了记住之外,还需要自己默写,还会造句~这就需要我们平时在做阅读的时候收集好词好句,为后期写作文做准备,可能有的同学说我背模板,背模版是没错,如果在背模版的基础上加上自己的同学,改成适合自己的东西,那么你的作文肯定更能拿高分。 好了,说了这么多,就是希望你在复习的时候多积累一点写作词汇~ 下面是雷哥考研整理的一部分写作词汇。看看你认识多少个~ 1. previous [?pri?vi?s] adj. 先前的; 以往的; (时间上)稍前的 【写作例句】 There are no previous statistics for comparison. 没有先前的统计数据可供比较。 2. appreciate [??pri??ie?t] v. 欣赏; 赏识; 重视; 感激; 感谢; 欢迎; 理解; 意识到; 领会 【写作例句】 Your earliest reply will be highly appreciated. 如能早日回复,我们将不胜感激。 3. confidence [?kɑ?nf?d?ns] n. 信心; 信任; 信赖; 自信心; 秘密 【写作例句】 I have total confidence that things will change. 事情会有所改变的,我对此信心十足。 4. participate [pɑ?r?t?s?pe?t] v. 参加; 参与 【写作例句】 I would like to convey my gratitude to you for your kindness to receive me when I participated in the exchange program in USA. 我想感谢您在我参加美国交流项目时对我的热情接待。 5. region [?ri?d??n] n. (通常界限不明的)地区, 区域, 地方; 行政区; (一国除首都以外的)全部地区, 所有区域【写作例句】 This region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically. 这个地区的战略地位和经济地位变得越来越重要了。 6. facility [f?'s?l?ti] n. 设施; 设备; (机器等的)特别装置; (服务等的)特色; (供特定用途的)场所 【写作例句】 The hotel has special facilities for welcoming disabled people. 酒店有专门的设施来接待残疾人。


英语大作文一共分为三种。积极类,比如文化融合,合作,点一盏心灯等等,都可以用积极类的模板。另一种是消极类的,比如11的环境污染,温室花朵,过量捕鱼这是一类。还有一类就是中性类,自信啊,网络利与弊啊,这类的。 但是这三种模板的三段谋篇布局是一样一样的。描述图片+解释图片+我们该怎么办。有时候他会让你举一个人物的例子,这就更简单了,都是提前准备好的。别着急,后面都会说到,先说说这第一段。 第一段的话,80%的作文书,第一句准是as vividly+你看到图中的东西,都用烂了的,咱们不用,咱们的宗旨就是与众不同。第一句怎么写,咱们先不说,先说第二句。第二句一般会写,这个东西对我们的生活产生深远的影响。 例子,1、正如图片中生动形象的描画了一个文化火锅,里边有莎士比亚、佛bulabula~~(后半句用非限定性定语从句,这个待会讲)。2、文化对人们的生活产生了深远的影响。所以金翅给出的第一段第2句(一、2用此表示,下同)的表达方法。 Multi-culture does exert such a profound effect on our life that it revolutionizes the way of people’s living and thinking.多元文化的确对我们的生活产生了深刻的影响,这种影响使我们生活和思考的方式发生了变革。大家想一想,是不是把多元文化替换成,网络、环境问题、合作、自信都很通顺呢,而且用does强调动词 exert,让人眼前一亮。这样咱们的一、2就完事了。现在说一、1,先上模板。As is subtly revealed in the portrayal,there is a hot-pot,which involves Shakespeare and Buddha.这句话的亮点在于非限定性定语从句,把两句话合二为一。有同学说了,这不还是as系列的么?这就需要变通啊,句子是死的人是活的呀。咱们的策略是把第一句和第二句调换一下位置,别让老师一看就是as,吐都吐死了。 综上所述第一段前两句是: 一、1:Multi-culture does exert such a profound effect on our life that it revolutionizes the way of people’s living and thinking.一、2 As is subtly revealed in the portrayal,there is a hot-pot,which involves Shakespeare and Buddha. 多元文化对我们的生活产生了深刻的影响,这种影响使我们生活和思考的方式发生了变革。正如这幅图片所描绘的,这里有一个火锅,它包括莎士比亚和佛。是不是感觉“正如”用的有承上启下的作用呢?是不是很传神呢?11年的环境作文中,金翅用的此法,从最后结果来看,分数还是灰常让我满意的。 第一段第三句就很简单了,一般一张pp下边会有一句话或者一个注


考研英语作文正反万能模板(万能) 在最后三个月的复习时间里,对于考研英语,提升空间最大的题型非写作莫属。在此给大家分享图画作文的正反实用模板,希望对大家有所帮助。 通常参加过考研的同学,都会有这样一个感受,考研属英语难,英语属写作最难。对于任何语言的习得,我们会强调两个重要的方面,即输入和输出。 其中,输入是要求我们通过阅读大量文章,报刊杂志,对知识点有一个涉猎积累的过程;而输出是需要将积累的点运用到实际生活中。后者是以前者为基础的,如果没有高频写作词汇和重要功效句的背诵和积累,想搞定考研大小作文的可能性几乎为零。 下面是给大家分享的图画作文的正反实用模板,大家要认真体会两个模板的不同之处,这样才能熟练掌握。 一、正面话题模板: As is shown above, in the middle of the cartoon stands + 主题词,which symbolizes + 主题词的另一种表达,+ 同位语即主题词第三种表达+ 表示主题词动作的非谓语动词。 例如:in the middle of the cartoon stands a hot pot,which symbolizes culture,the one containing many Chinese culture symbol. The drawer's intention seems to be highly self-evident and the meaning causes us to be thought-provoking. It is therefore safe to draw the conclusion that + 主题词+ is momentous and fundamental to the mind what food is vital and significant to the body. Not only I, but also the best philosophers and poets also praise that this concept should be a permanent universal values. Obviously, I can think of no better reasons for the phenomenon other than the following two. Initially, the millennia-long run of + 主题词+ left us with a lot of traditions that are extremely profoundly rooted. 加拓展句:主题词is a kind of emotional strength, which can support us no matter how dark around us becomes. 比如:爱心/自信/亲情/团结/坚持/诚信/友谊/乐观的态度/是一种情感的力量,无论我们周围有多么的黑暗,它都能支持我们。 Additionally, our government's effective measures and policies are playing a significant role in the realization of such a situation(加拓展句:without 主题句,the heart would break.上面的主题词都可以套进去,比如:没有爱心,心灵将会枯竭。) Just as an old Arab proverb has it, there is a growing tendency for the public in the west to think the significance of + 主题词.


考研英语提高语感的方法 考研英语提高语感的方法一、阅读理解--找出中心思想阅读理解的文章无外乎是关于科技,商业,心理那么几大类,在阅读时考生应该注重研究首段,因为全文的中心议题通常在首段给出,英语文章尤其如此。在英语中通常段落句首会给出一个概括性语句,所以你只要掌握了句首就可以事半功倍了;其次要在阅读中发现问题,如果时间充足,通读完文章之后带着问题再次通读,这个时候,语感出来了,问题也就迎刃而解了,不过这个时期需要注意,如果有一些专有名词你实在不会,千万不要过分纠结,pass掉,根据语境判断,切勿因小失大。 二、翻译--熟能生巧 恰如我们最初学英语一样,用汉字标上单词的发音,例如bus(爸死)amarica(饿买瑞可)这种记忆单词的方法在英语中叫谐音法,有时候最简单的往往是最有效的,英译汉无疑是提高翻译最好的方法之一。在这个问题上,很多人往往感觉英文可以读懂,但一写出来就错误百出,其实最根本的原因是平时翻译的太少,建议大家平时拿阅读真题练习翻译,一定要让自己翻出来的句子做到通顺。译完之后,再对照译文,翻译错的地方即为弱点,一般出现在两个方面:一词多义,即词汇弱点,句子结构,即语法弱点。逐一解决之后,翻译实力自然提高,高分手到擒来。 三、作文--背诵提升语感

背诵是提高英语作文分数最好的方法,小作文很简单,基本上你把题目中的要求表达清楚到位就够了。剩下的就是注意格式。一般在这个题目上大家拉不开分数差距。大作文每种类型都可以积累一定的模板和固定句型。然后就是反复的利用这些模板和句型去仿写真题,在练习的过程中去提升写作的感觉。 考研英语的复习方法我是去年考研的,看到好多学弟学妹还在痛苦考研英语怎么复习才能提高成绩,我就不禁一些自己复习经验,希望能帮助那些正在复习的同学,使他们少走一些弯路。我想大家都应该很关心词汇和阅读的复习吧,比较词汇是基础,使我们考试的工具。阅读的话站的分值很大,也是我们不的小视的,有时间的话最好专项训练下。其中包括翻译和完型的复习,这往往会被很多考生忽略。最后就是烤鸭英语作文的复习,作文这一部分也不可随便应对,要好好准备,下面我就以上说的这些方面来和大家分享下我们的复习经验。 一、词汇 词汇的复习流程其实都比较熟悉了,就是反复记忆。考研要求掌握5500的词汇量,这是一个比较大的工程,市场上流行很多一周词汇记忆法之类的书,一看就不靠谱。词汇的记忆要尽量贯穿考研复习的始末,前期是重点,中期是辅助,后期是巩固。我建议考研词汇复习的参考书至少要有两本,一本是比较流行的按乱序编排的书,另一本是按考试出现频率编排的书,也就是所谓的分级词汇或分频词汇,星火的那本考研真题后面附带的几页有关词汇的整理,个人觉得还蛮不错的,很精练,适合后期重点巩固使用,工作量也不是很大。为什么要使用分级词汇书呢,因为


考研英语作文必备19 个经典话题素材 好的考研英语作文表达,重在平时的点滴积累,下面为大家整理了一些考研英语作 文的经典话题素材,助力你的考研英语作文备考,赶快get 起来~ ▲正直诚实 好处: 1、enable honest person to succeed in work and life. (获得成功) 2、to work honestly to attain one 's life goal. (实现人生目标) 3、to enhance reputation of a country. ▲坚持:(成功) 1、No accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success needs efforts. 2、Success is founded on the basis of patient pursuit + 定语从句 Olympic game 好处: 1、it can be a tremendous momentum pushing the country 's development 2、Whenequipped with willingness, spurring people to overcome any difficulty and conquer any challenge. ▲献爱心 好处、意义: 1、Contributing money and other necessities to people in need is a goal way to express human love. It reflects the sense of social responsibility. 2、It also expresses a feeling from deep with one 's heart. ▲人生价值 该类别主要包括:创新、勇气、奋斗、勤俭、高瞻远瞩、奉献、浪费、社会公德、幸福观、勇敢、得与失、正直诚实、持之以恒、拼搏的奥运精神、读书。


【考研英语辅导班】英语大作文万能模板,一篇抵百篇! 启道考研分享 得英语者得考研,想超越80分,关注启道英语考研辅导班。 全国硕士研究生入学考试的英语试卷分为英语(一)和英语(二)。 英语(一)即原研究生入学统考“英语”,所有学术型硕士研究生(十三大门类,110个一级学科)和部分专业型硕士(法律硕士、临床医学硕士、口腔医学硕士、建筑学硕士、护理硕士、汉语国际教育硕士、公共卫生硕士等)必考英语(一)。 英语(二)主要是为高等院校和科研院所招收不考英语(一)的专业学位硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的统考科目。 对于很多考生来说,考研英语是一门比较难的科目,很多同学为了取得更好的分数都会选择报考研英语辅导班!那么多的考研英语辅导班那,究竟哪个考研英语辅导班比较好呢?哪个才是适合自己的呢?启道考研小编来帮忙。 在启道考研英语辅导班,不需要每天不停的刷阅读,刷阅读,刷阅读。。。。。更不需要毫无目标的做真题,做真题,做真题。。。。。掌握有效的学习方法,完成事半功倍的学习效率。 众所周知,考研英语得阅读者得天下,然而阅读很难提前准备什么,只能靠不断的训练来提高阅读水平。作文则不然,它是有套路可寻的。启道考研广泛阅读考研英语大作文数百篇,总结规律,写成考研英语大作文通用模板一篇,希望对大家有帮助。 ?第一段:描述图片describe As we can see from the picture……(描述图片内容),Under the picture there is/are an/some eye-catching word/words reading:……(图下词语).I have seen lots of comments about ……(主旨词)on the weibo and wechat ,the most influential social network ,these days .There is no denying the fact that ……(主旨词)has stimulated a heated discussion. ?第二段:解释说明interpret Simple as the picture is ,the author intends to convey more complicated and profound meaning than what we may sense first glance . Therefore ,the cartoon dose demonstrate that……(主题句).For example ,the success of MaYun ,founder of China’


6级作文模板 1)先背3个句子 1 Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more….. are commonly and widely used in everyday life.(讲重要性) 2 The popularity of digital …will have great influence on our work, study and everyday life. On the one hand …, But on the other hand.(讲影响) 3To conclude,…..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.(结尾段) Ps:灵活运用第1句和第2句,根据不同模板自由组合。 2)模板(2个模板) 1 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲不好的地方。 中间段:措施 结尾段:先来个小转折再进入总结 开头段Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more….. are commonly and widely used in everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that…… 中间段 Firstly….Secondly…https://www.doczj.com/doc/f72122055.html,stly but in no means least…… 结尾段 To conclude,…..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them. 2 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲争论 中间段:转折(即列出两种不同人的观点) 结尾段:直接进入总结(即你的观点) 开头段:It is accepted that …. Plays a significant part for both …, and what’s more , a lot of attention is being drawn to the change of….. However, whether … deserves such an attention , people’s ideas vary. 中间段:On the one hand, some people hold the view that ….. On the other hand, a great many people insist that…. 结尾段:From my perspective, however…. (你的观点) . Therefore, it’s time that (措施之类的) 6级作文万能句子 (补充在”…..”里面的万能句子,自己琢磨每个句子放在哪里比较适合)


考研英语真题中的好词好句 来源:文都考研 考研英语的历年真题对于广大考生来说是最重要的复习资料,对于真题的研究要胜过做许多预测或者成套的阅读理解。所以大家一定要利用好真题,并且一定不要只拘泥于做题,同样的要仔细琢磨里面文章中的一些词句。文都出版的《何凯文2016考研英语历年真题全解析》里面对于真题的命题思路以及一些解题技巧都有着非常详尽的讲解,并且在真题中对高频的词汇短语以及经典的语句进行提炼。现在文都给大家从中节选一些经典词句。、 1. Long before children are able to speak orunderstand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and bymaking noises.儿童在能说或能听懂语言之前,很久就会通过面部表情和靠发出噪声来与人交流了。 2. Acids are chemical compounds that, in watersolution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability toturn certain blue vegetable dyes red. 酸是一种化合物,它在溶于水时具有强烈的气味和对金属的腐蚀性,并且能够使某些蓝色植物染料变红。 3. With modern offices becoming more mechanized,designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severeinteriors. 随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。 4. The difference between libel and slander isthat libel is printed while slander is spoken.诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。 5. In group to remain in existence, aprofit-making organization must, in


考研英语作文:推荐背诵的10篇美文 考研大作文只用写一句话就可以得18分 文章来源:https://www.doczj.com/doc/f72122055.html,/new/shengtsinghua整理:省省清华 第一篇 Book Knowledge vs. Experience Knowledge can be acquired from many sources. These include books, teachers and practical experience, and each has its own advantages. The knowledge we gain from books and formal education enables us to learn about things that we have no opportunity to experience in daily life. We can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading about them in books. We can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways. Furthermore, we can learn from the past by reading books. In this way, we won't repeat the mistakes of others and can build on their achievements. Practical experience, on the other hand, can give us more useful knowledge. It is said that one learns best by doing, and I believe that this is true, whether one is successful or not. In fact, I think making mistakes is the best way to learn. Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is necessary to act. Innovations do not come about through reading but through experimentation. Finally, one can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience, making an already meaningful experience more meaningful. However, unless it is applied to real experiences, book knowledge remains theoretical and, in the end, is useless. That is why I believe that knowledge gained from practical experience is more important than that acquired from books. 参考译文: 书本知识与实际经验 获得知识的来源有很多,其中包括书本、老师,以及实际经验,而每一种都有其优点。从书本上及正规教育中所获得的知识使我们知道在日常生活中没有机会亲身去体验的事。通过读书,我们可以研究世界各地的资料,还可以向不曾谋面的人学习。我们也可以培养分析的技巧,并学习如何以不同的方式去观察并理解周围的世界。此外,我们可以通过读书,从历史中获取教训。如此一来,就不会再重复别人的错误,并且能够以他人的成就作为我们行动的基础。 [键入文字] https://www.doczj.com/doc/f72122055.html,/new/shengtsinghua 考研大作文只用写一句话就可以得18分省省清华QQ: 867209142 关于一句话万能模板的几个问题: 1.万能,整片模板200多单词,只要写1句话填写3个关键词就可以适合任何一年考研话题作文。 2.高分,里面的遣词造句都是精心之作,句式多变、用词高级、语言地道,正常考生考场上几乎不可能写出如此高水平的作文,得高分在情理之中。 3.节省考场时间,考场上默写一篇背熟的作文要比自己写一篇作文至少节省20分钟,为自己节省宝贵的考研时间用来做其他题目。


2019考研英语二小作文话题预测及范文指导【六篇】 一、信函写作:称呼、正文、落款 1、审题—-判断是个人书信&事务公函 决定: 语域使用:正式:使用礼貌表达,不用缩略语(对公) 半正式:能够使用缩略和口语表达(对私) 非正式:(一般不考)——It depends 呼语:特定的写信对象:Dear XX 不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern 2、正文 三段(8句):写作目的段、细化段、感谢或者期待。 3、各种信函内容安排 A.基本结构 Dear…, 发出邀请; 为何邀请细节; 期望参加。 Yours sincerely, Li Ming B.常用句型

We are having a farewell party/a gather together/meeting/senar in (place) on (date) at (time). Would you like to come? (不太正式) It is my honor to inform you that there is an academic meeting in (place) on (date) at (time). We would be too glad to invite you as… (正式) I very much hope that you will accept the invitation. And I am looking forward to hearing back from you. C.下面以一封邀请看电影的短信为例: Dear Jane, We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema, The Longest Day, Friday, the ninth. Will you join us? We’ll be looking for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so don’t disappoint us! Warmest regards. Alice 【必备表达】 1、邀请目的 On behalf of…, I have the honor to invite you to… It is with the great pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to… It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to… We should be very grateful if you could… 2、活动安排


考研英语作文万能模板范文万能句子篇一:考研英语大作文及范文 51. Directions: Write a letter to a friend of yours to 1) recommend one of your favorite movies and 2) give reasons for your recommendation. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use”Li Ming ”instead. Do not write the address.(10points) Dear Wang Wei, Long time no see. I guess you are busily preparing for the National Entrance Tests for Masters ' programs. But remember, my dear friend, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Why don 't you stop and relax yourself a little, like seeing a movie? I saw a

movie “If you are the one ” recently, casting Ge You, Shu Qi and directed by Feng Xiao- gang. It 's fantastic and certainly worth your time. Famous director, shining stars, humorous language and beautiful sceneries will surely make you forget all those tedious and exhausting preparations for the exams. Besides, the ideas and morals as conveyed by the movie are exceptional and thought-provoking. I strongly recommend the movie to you. Well, let me know how you are getting on with your preparation and don 't hesitate to ask me if I can be of any help to you. Best wishes. Your s, Li

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