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研究生综合英语选课须知 课程简介:研究生综合英语为研究生自主学习课程。自主学习的地点为东区图书馆二楼英语语言实践中心(EPC)自主学习区。学生可根据自己的学习时间和进度通过预约自学网络课件和视频课件,完成所规定的学时。英语语言实践中心同时开设研究生综合英语答疑课堂,为研究生英语自主学习答疑解惑。 自主学习及答疑课堂预约:选课同学请登录EPC主页(https://www.doczj.com/doc/f714636328.html,/ )预约服务平台(Service Platform)里的自主学习(Self-access Learning)及答疑课堂(Comprehensive English)。登录的用户名和密码就是研究生信息平台选课时用的学号和密码,无须注册。 自主学习区预约上限为3次,一次预约记录为2课时。具体时段为7:50-9:20; 9:45-11:15; 14:00-15:30; 15:55-17:25; 19:00-20:30。预约后,本人须按时到课,课前及课后必须在EPC 前台刷一卡通记录学时。每节课课前25分钟内刷卡有效,迟到10分钟后刷卡无效,系统无法录入学时。预约后若不能按时上课,请提前24小时取消预约以免浪费教学资源。未能成功预约课程的同学可以不定期登录网站查看是否有课时空缺出来。 旷课一次系统将发出邮件提醒(邮件地址是大家在研究生院注册时所留地址,如所留地址有误,邮件则无法送达,责任自负);旷课累计两次系统将会取消所有已预约课程,并从取消预约课程之日起,两周内禁止再次预约;旷课累计三次取消所有课时并禁止再次预约。 教材信息:《研究生英语精读》(龚立主编,科学出版社),《研究生英语听说教程》(龚立主编,中国科学技术大学出版社)。教材可在校教材科或东区读者服务部购买。 答疑课堂:答疑课堂每周四次,对自主学习课件、视频课件内容进行答疑解惑。选修综合英语的同学可自愿每周任选一次,完成后记为2学时。具体时间、上课教室及内容请登录EPC 网站查询。 考核方式:研究生综合英语的考核方式为自助机考。凡一学期内自主学习时间累积达40学时的学生方可注册报名参加研究生综合英语自助机考。研究生学习阶段,可参加自助考试三次。具体考试时间以中心网站公布的时间为准。考试成绩录入为“通过”或“不通过”。 研究生院培养办 研究生英语教研室 二〇一三年六月


1 . back 2. like 3 ?wings 4?to 5?as 6 ?use 7 . complinwntaiy 8 ? another 9 ? because 10 ? as 11 ?more 12 . why 13 ?well14 ?uhal 15 . understood 16. Dotft 17 . mentioned 18 ? with19. wearire 20 ? latest

Various liuiovaiions have been nitioduced as ways to break out of tl)e rigid system which forces studetits through a series of identical classrooms in which teachet s do most of die talking and students bas e lidle opportunity to respond. Among these innovations are (earn teaching and teachet aides, notbgraded elemental and secondaiy schools, indq)endent study, cunicula focused ou helping students discover things for iliemseh es ratlier than on tn ing to tell them c\ ersTlmig and schools designed lor maximum flexibility so tlmt students can wotk alone, or in siiiail groups, or take pat in large-gioup insti-uction v ia divase media. The ann of all these innovatioos is to adapt uistruction n.oie precisely to the needs of each individual student. Many people who have a strong dislike to omiiizing instruction scientifically and to bringing new teclmolog>, into die schools and colleges fail to realize that the present system is in many respects mechanical and rigid. The vast ditlerences in the ways students learn are disregarded when diey are taught【he same thing, in the same way, at【he same time. There is nc escaping the evidence that many students iheniselves feel linle enthusiasm and even outright liostility tor the present way schools and colleges are organized and instruction is handled Many of ihem resem technology , bui what【hey object to is usually technology used as a means for handling a large mmiber of srudents Or it is progranmiing which merely reproduces convenrional classroom leaching. Wliat insmiciion requires is an arrangemeni of resources whereby the student rcspoixis and lcams. reaching new plateaus from which to climb to higher levels of iindcrstandina. Technological media can store information unti' it is needed or wanted They can distribute it over distances to reach the stwdcnt where he happens to be. They can present the infbmiation to the smdent through various senses. They can give the student the opportunity to react to the material in manyays. In short, the students opporuinitics for learning can be increased and enhanced by using a wide range of instnictional technology. All the available resources for instruction, including the teacher, can work together to create conditions for maximum effective learning. 1 . The author is inainlv concerned with ________? A? providing the possibility for students to take the courses they want B. making technology an active tool in the school C? relieving the teacher from routine duties D. meeting (he needs of each student 2 ? It can be micircd from the article that a Rood educational system must _______ . A. not depend on teacliers B. make use of varying methods of teaching C. place a renewed emphasis on science D? not organize their instnicticn 3 ? The author suggests that rhe basic rok of rhe teacher in rhe educational s\r srem should be A. as a lecturer B. that of a (echnoloeist C. as the source of knowledge D much more than that of classroom teaching 4 ?The n^ative reactions of students to technology are the result of ______ . A. unknown factors B. a general hostility toward education C. its misuse D. its newness in the schools 5 ?All of the following arc mentioned as a capability of technological media EXCEPT their ability to A. make it easiei for students to obtain needed infbmiation B provide tnany was of leaching ibe same thing C. make learning easy and fun D? replace traditional reports H (Click for the answers.) Reference key.


Unit 1 crooned = hummed gaffe = indiscretion recession = depression irrational = absurd vault = soar bet on = count on encompasses = scrambling contended = asserted 1.The fierce floods have prodded the whole nation into showing a belated concern for ecosystem protection. 2.It was not until the third morning of the bitter battle that the besieged infantry regiment was augmented with fresh troops. 3.One ant hole may erode a long and solid dike and cause the collapse. 4.Planetary scientists believe ridges and valleys formed when sections of the crust broke into plates of sheet ice and bumped into each other. 5.He is inexorable on the point that the inefficiency of the language teaching in China has, in part at least, resulted from the mechanical and indiscriminate application of foreign the theories and methods. 6.They will have to leave the college because they have flunked on this year. 7.I am now trying to put across some essentials of the aesthetics of the Chinese calligraphy. 8.At first many people scoffed at the modern painter’s works, but later they have turned out to be highly regarded and valuable. 9.When the official got a chance to talk, he would produce, often as not, an endless stream of hackneyed and stereotyped expressions. 10.Their every effort at creative teaching was balked by the so-called official syllabus which was dogmatic and specious. As we were visiting in our home with a Chinese friend back like wings to as use complimentary another because as more why well what understood Don’t mentioned with wearing latest Howlong, a well-to-do Chinese from Bensonville the(a) suburb of Chicago And(But) there is a Greek restaurant nearby Mr.Howlong (was) used to patronize the place regularly his English p ronunciation leaves anything(something) to be desired got mad some(one) day and told Mr.Howlong off My customers become nauseous and stay away off(from) my place and(or) don’t come back and for three months he did not come anywhere nearby(near) the Greek restaurant he couldn’t hold out any long(longer) he walked straightly(straight) to the Greek restaurant


英语语言实践中心研究生综合英语选课须知 课程简介:研究生综合英语为研究生自主学习课堂。自主学习的地点为英语语言实践中心(EPC)自主学习区(E-11)。学生可根据自己的学习时间和进度通过预约自学网络课件和视频课件,完成所规定的学时。英语语言实践中心同时开设研究生综合英语答疑课堂,为研究生英语自主学习答疑解惑。 自主学习及答疑课堂预约:选课同学请登录EPC主页(https://www.doczj.com/doc/f714636328.html,/)预约自主学习(Self-access Learning)中的综合英语(Comprehensive English)及答疑课堂(Q & A Session)。登录的用户名和密码就是研究生信息平台选课时用的学号和密码,无须注册。 自主学习区每次预约上限为6课时。具体时段为7:50-9:20; 9:45-11:15; 14:00-15:30; 15:55-17:25; 19:00-20:30。预约后,本人须按时到课,课前及课后必须在EPC前台刷一卡通记录学时。每节课迟到10分钟后刷卡无效,系统无法录入学时。预约后若不能按时上课,请提前24小时取消预约以免浪费教学资源。未能成功预约课程的同学可以不定期登录网站查看是否有课时空缺出来。 旷课一次系统将发出邮件提醒(邮件地址是大家在研究生院注册时所留地址,如所留地址有误,邮件则无法送达,责任自负);旷课累计两次系统将会取消所有已预约课程,并从取消预约课程之日起,两周内禁止再次预约;旷课累计三次取消所有课时并禁止再次预约。 教材信息:《研究生英语精读》(龚立主编,科学出版社),《研究生英语听说教程》(龚立主编,中国科学技术大学出版社)。教材可在校教材科或东区读者服务部购买。听说教程的录音文件请登陆研究生院主页的文档下载区,下载录音文件压缩包。 答疑课堂:答疑课堂每周四次,对自主学习课件、视频课件内容进行答疑解惑。选修综合英语的同学可自愿每周任选一次,完成后记为2学时。具体时间、上课教室及内容请登录EPC 网站查询。 考核方式:研究生综合英语的考核方式为自助机考。凡一学期内自主学习时间累积达40学时的学生方可注册报名参加研究生综合英语自助机考。研究生学习阶段,可参加自助考试三次。具体考试时间以中心网站公布的时间为准。考试成绩录入为“通过”或“不通过”。 研究生院培养办 研究生英语教研室

中科大EPC机考Unit 4

Unit4 attenuated = weakened intact = undamaged rescind = repeal friction = clash at stake = at risk presumptuous = over-confident bully = intimidate inadvertently =unintentionally documented = proved epitomized = exemplified 1. A person’s religious beliefs and forms of worship are matter of strictly private conscience, into which no government act or official may intrude. 2.Essential to all automatic-control mechanisms is the feedback principle, which enables a designer to endow a machine with the capacity for self-correction. 3.Having to ask for assistance was humiliating for many man who had thought of themselves as self-sufficient and breadwinners for their families. 4.NATO troops were sent into Bosnia to oversee the implementation of agreement, Which calls for the partition of the republic into Muslim-Croat and Serb area. 5.Slum structures are characterized by flimsy materials, lack of underground sewerage, unsanitary conditions, and tenements of one-room apartments. 6. A highly adapted hibernator, such as a ground squirrel, will retreat underground at the appropriate season, reduce its body temperature drastically within a few hours, and become dormant. 7.When people are said to have bad grammar, the inference is that they leave out the rules of accepted usage associated with the language they speak. 8.America’s secondary school adjusted itself more and more to preparing the young for everyday living, and it went to great lengths to accommodate the generality of young America with courses in driving, cookery, carpentry, and the like. 9.In view of the potential of new technology and the accompanying advances in science, it is possible to foresee a world in which a relatively stable human population can live at a high level of material affluence. 10.The Balkan Pact, a mutual-defense agreement between Greece, Turkey, Romania, and Yugoslavia, was intended to guarantee the signatories’territorial integrity and political independence against attack by another Balkan state Personal space is a system that is quite consistent and simple when you are free to choose how and where you encounter others. 1.to 2. These 3. in 4. space 5. minimum 6. riders 7. Avoiding 8. violations 9. as 10. and 11. because12. starting 13. of 14. against 15. for 16. if 17. Nevertheless18. averted 19. Unless20. distance Love songs testify in the importence of the “eyes” in communication 1. “Your lips tell me ‘No No,’ but there is ‘Yes Yes’ in your eyes” is a simple but accurate way of explaining the way why(in which) eye contact and expression can give the lie to the verbal expression. 2. The degree of eye contact maintained in interpersonal communication has(has been) linked to personality traits and affective needs

(完整word版)中科大EPC机考Unit 3

Unit 3 compassion = sympathy marginal = secondary shirk = evade lust = craving swaggering = pretentious bully = tough chattering = gossiping brawling = fighting sneering = scoffing whimpered = sobbed 1.He has a hobby of collection colorful inscriptions found in old graveyards. 2.Many ancient religious rituals and customs have been carried over into modern times and incorporated into both secular and religious observations. 3. A brave or gallant fighter carries out a dangerous mission, not without fear, but without letting fear preventing him from doing his duty. 4.The researchers argued that only a(n) negligible rise in atmospheric radioactivity resulted from the test. 5.The detective was first puzzled then thoroughly mystified as to why she had never mentioned her husband on the hundreds of diaries entries she had made. 6.Many Chinese painters preferred less grandiose subjects than did the western painters 7.Jefferson had no constitutional authority to buy the territory from France, but Congress eventually appropriated funds and approved the land deal. 8.Many cultures do not value openness and directness because, to them, Openness and directness seem rude and destructively infantile 9.If we glimpse the unutterable, it is unwise to try to utter it nor should we seek to invest with significance what we cannot grasp. 10.During the 1980s the increase in reports of violent use of guns underscored a major problem in the United Sates. Evidence from many ancient societies which game into permitted use but organized with started beginning when while By and resisted that growing in right attracting What many young people fail to realize is the fact that you don’t have to be much better than (the) most others on order to do well Only a slightly(slight) superiority may be enough to make a vast difference Most of the people we call successful are not twice as smart (as) Indeed, if they are only ten percent (more) proficient, the best batting or passing records are not a greater(great) deal higher than the average a fraction of an inch or a fraction of a second may distinguish the winner into(from)the also-rans… If you can average five to ten percent better--even(no) more--than others in your field You only have to be a little bit better than most in which(what) you do Just a little steady(steadier) They would not have any cause to feel so conceit(conceited)

中科大EPC机考Unit 6

Unit 6 The meaning of life course Encumbers = hinders poignant = distressing autonomy = independence intrigued = fascinated intrinsic = inherent conversely = oppositely contours = outlines exacerbates = worsens = aggravates vacuous = meaningless mores = customs 1.Its isolated geographic position limited contact with the outside world until the nineteenth century 2.These Protestants stressed ethical and moral behavior, rather than adherence to formal creeds, as essential to Christian life. 3.His formal education being private and scanty, Symons considered himself self-educated and as a writer, self-made. https://www.doczj.com/doc/f714636328.html,itary communications or signaling comprise all means of transmitting messages, orders, and reports, both in the field and at sea and between headquarters and distant installations or ships. 5.Adulthood was viewed as a time of continuity, a period when what had been developed earlier was utilized. 6.Although china has so many people and its economic output per person is small, it has one of the world’s largest economies in terms of its total economic production. 7.The arteries expand and then constrict with each beat of the heart, a rhythmic movement that may be felt as the pulse. 8.Abusive parents and caretakers may try to justify their methods of punishment as a way of punishing children for being “bad” or of scaring them into being “good”. 9.The contributions of Greece and Rome in philosophy and religion, poetry and drama, and in the realm of specific speculation stand in spectacular contrast with their relatively limited contributions in technology. 10.In the third century BC, Chu and two other states, Chi in the east and Qin in the west, finally absorbed all of the other little states and began a desperate struggle for supreme control of China For the most young people 1. as 2. that 3. good 4. whether 5. ideas 6. themselves 7. concerned 8. but 9. goals 10. without 11. duty 12. even 13. hard 14. up 15. because 16. when 17. unhappy 18. therefore 19. while 20. grow But in a technological society such as ours – and we boast that the United States is the most technologically advanced society in the world 1. who are all pictured as Hollywood starlets and whose pleasure lies in endless (endlessly) humiliating the nerds 2. I have heard some explain it by saying that America arose as a pioneer society which (where) strong arms and sturdy frames were needed to tame a wilderness 3. And (But) we are no longer a pioneer society and we are no longer taming a wilderness 4. I have also heard it say (said)that our dismissal of scholarship and learning is purely a

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