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BBC News with Nick Kelly.


The United States has warned that the jihadist group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS poses a threat to the entire region after its fighters seized control of another key city in northern Iraq, Mosul. Jim Muir reports.


“For the Shiite dominated government in Baghdad, the loss of mainly Sunni Mosul to the radicals was nothing short of a disaster.


Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki headed an emergency government meeting.


‘The cabinet has taken decisions to set in motion the work of the security bodies and to restructure and reorganize them,


and to redraw the plan needed to return and claim the city of Mosul from the evil of the criminal terrorists’.


Although he spoke of a swift and urgent response, restructuring the security forces clearly is not going to happen overnight.


ISIS's fighters are digging in Mosul and every day that passes, there will be more entrenched.”


European football officials have challenged the FIFA President Sepp Blatter over his leadership of world football's governing body.


Mr. Blatter is expected to announce he wants to stand for a 5th term next year. David Bond reports.


“Today in a meeting with European Football Associations, the 78-year-old Swiss confirmed his change of heart,


sparking a tense rebellion from those who believe it's time for him to go.


As ever, it was the English who led the way with the FA Chairman, Greg Dyke,


publicly criticizing Mr. Blatter for he has claimed the latest corruption allegations aimed at Qatar were motivated by a racist British media.


Other powerful European FAs joined in, though with Germany and Holland expressing anger at the way Mr. Blatter has run FIFA.”


An international conference in London aimed at ending sexual violence in war has been hearing the stories of women survivors.


15-year-old Genniy is from The Democratic Republic of Congo. She wants the men who raped her brought to justice.


“I was here in the living room. The soldiers came and took all the women in the house.


One soldier took me to the manual fields that were right by the house. He tied my hands and feet.


After he raped me, he hit me. I want simply that justice condemns these men.”


Opening the four-day event, the actress and UN Envoy Angelina Jolie who is hosting the event with the British Foreign Secretary William Hague,


said the summit had to send a strong global message.


“We must send a message around the world that there is no disgrace in being a survivor of sexual violence that the shame is on the aggressor.


We must work together in new and unprecedented ways across borders and religions bringing governments and people together and tackling the problem from every possible angle.”


You are listening to the world news from the BBC.


The Chilean government has rejected what would’ve been the biggest energy project in the country's history.


The hydroelectric project was due to include building five huge dams on two rivers in a scenic part of Partgonia in the far south of the country.


Chile's Energy Minister said the project have many aspects that were poorly thought out.


Environmentalists celebrated the decision, saying the project would have had a devastating impact on the region's eco-system.


The Colombian government says it's starting peace negotiations with the country's second largest rebel group, the National Liberation Army.


In a joints statement, the two sides said they have been holding exploratory discussions since January,


and now have agreed on two points of the agenda to discuss in formal negotiations.


Customs officers at Manchester Airport in Brittan have seized a large amount of heroin which have been woven into hand-knotted carpets from Pakistan.


Two men have been arrested in London. As Danny Savage reports.

两名男?在伦敦被捕。Danny Savage报道。

“Border force officers say they were suspicious of the 46 hand-made carpets when they arrived at Manchester airport from Peshawar in Pakistan.


And their concerns were backed up when a sniffer dog alerted its handler to one of the carpets.


But the hidden heroin wasn't obvious. It has been woven into the fabric what officers describe as a highly sophisticated concealment method.


When strands were loosened, the white powder fell out. About 50 kilos have been found so far.”


And more than 1000 acrobats, clowns and other circus employees have taken to the streets of Mexico City to protest against a ban on using animals in circuses.


The new law means that lions, tigers, even dogs will not be allowed to perform.


The protesters say the legislation which follows similar moves in other Mexican cities will leave humans and animals unemployed.


Supporters say constant training and transportation in enclosed vehicles harm the animals.BBC News


[安吉丽娜. 朱莉][英语_字幕][1080p高清@125.42GB][收藏版]

安洁莉娜·裘莉(Angelina Jolie,1975年6月4日-),本名安洁莉娜·裘莉·沃特(Angelina Jolie Voight),美國著名女演员,慈善家,社会活动家。毕业於美国纽约大学电影学系。

童年生活 安潔莉娜·裘莉出生於美國加州的洛杉磯。父親為斯洛伐克裔美國演員、奧斯卡獎得獎者強·沃特(Jon Voight),母親瑪絲琳·貝唐(Marcheline Bertrand)是法國裔加拿大人和易洛魁聯盟印第安人的後代。安潔莉娜·裘莉很小的時候父母就離異。11歲時開始崇拜麥可·傑克森,並穿上釘滿釘的皮夾克。安潔莉娜與父親關係長期不和,後她與父親斷絕父女關係,並從名字中去掉了「Voight」。直到2009年,安潔莉娜·裘莉開始與父親接觸,父女關係得到緩和[1]。 演藝事業 《無畏之心》的首映 1993年,安潔莉娜·裘莉進入電影圈,她在《電子人2》中做了一個跑龍套的小角色,接著1995年又在《駭客》中扮演了一名網路駭客。裘莉進入好萊塢後,在演了一些反映平淡的影片後,終於在1997年因為在電視電影《喬治·沃萊斯》中出演喬治·沃萊斯的妻子而一鳴驚人,獲得金球獎。緊接著她拍攝的一部HBO 的《霓裳情挑》又為她獲得艾美獎提名,並獲得1999年金球獎電視電影最佳女演員獎。年輕的安潔莉娜從此名聲鵲起,成為好萊塢後起之秀中的佼佼者。2000年安潔莉娜·裘莉因《女生向前走》獲得第72屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳女配角獎及同年金球獎最佳女配角獎。安潔莉娜·裘莉世界聞名是因為2001年主演了《古墓奇兵》,2003年主演了其續集,這是一部根據影響非常大的同名電子遊戲改編而成的電影。安潔莉娜·裘莉在影片中扮演了女英雄羅拉。2009年,憑電影《陌生的孩子》獲提名奧斯卡金像獎及金球獎最佳女主角。 私生活 2007年,彼特及裘莉 安潔莉娜·裘莉1996年嫁給英國男星約翰尼·李·密勒,後離婚。這次人生衝擊中,對裘莉來說是一大警醒。2000年與導演比利·鮑伯·桑頓閃電結婚,兩年後領養柬埔寨男孩,馬杜斯(Maddox),2003年5月離婚。2004年,安潔莉娜跟男星,布萊德·彼特因拍攝影片《史密斯任務》傳出戀情,其後彼特於05年3月跟妻子,珍妮佛·安妮斯頓宣佈離婚。05年4月,傳媒拍得彼特和安潔莉娜於肯亞一起,他們的戀情正式曝光,傳媒稱他倆為「布裘(Brangelina)」。2006年1月11日,安潔莉娜宣佈懷孕,同年5月27日安潔莉娜於納米比亞產下女兒,希洛·努韋爾·裘莉-彼特(Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt),希洛的照片以410萬美元賣給雜誌《People》作慈善用途。2007年,裘莉出席第61屆坎城影展時,向傳媒透露懷她有雙生女,預產期原定2008年8月中,但裘莉卻突然於7月12日,在法國尼斯剖腹產下龍鳳胎-兒子,諾克斯·萊昂(Knox Leon),女兒,維維恩.瑪絲琳(Vivienne Marcheline),龍鳳胎的照片更以1億港元賣給雜誌《People》作慈善用途,這照片成為史上最貴明星骨肉照。 裘莉始終堅稱未做布萊德與珍妮佛兩人婚姻的第三者,直至2008年,她終於在雜誌專訪時坦承於《史密斯任務》電影拍攝期間已開始與彼特相戀,引發社會震憾。 兒女 安潔莉娜?裘莉領養了三個兒童 馬杜斯·芝萬·裘莉-彼特Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt,2002年領養的柬埔寨男孩; 扎哈拉·馬雷·裘莉-彼特Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt,2005年領養的衣索比亞女孩;


安吉丽娜朱莉演过的电影 其他回答共4条 功夫熊猫2 (Kung Fu Panda2)(2011) 游客(The Tourist)(2010)又名《致命伴旅》 特工绍特(Salt)(2010) 通缉令(Wanted) 又名杀神特工、刺客联盟(2008) 换子疑云(Changeling) (2008) 安吉丽娜出席活动(19张)功夫熊猫(Kung Fu Panda) (2008) 贝奥武夫(Beowulf) (2007) 坚强的心(A Mighty Heart) (2007) 特务风云(The Good Shepherd) (2006) 史密斯夫妇(Mr. and Mrs. Smith) (2005) 亚历山大大帝(Alexander) (2004) 空军上校和未来世界(Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow) (2004) 鲨鱼故事(Shark Tale) (2004) 机动杀人(Taking Lives) (2004) 超越边界(Beyond Borders) (2003) 古墓丽影2 (Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life) (2003) 天算不如人算(Life or Something Like It) (2002) 无影终结者(Cyborg 2) (2002) 原罪(Original Sin) (2001) 古墓丽影(Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) (2001) 证据拼图(Without Evidence) (Gathering Evidence) (2000) 极速60秒(致命60秒)(Gone in Sixty Seconds) (2000) 女生向前走(移魂女郎)(Girl Interrupted) (1999) 神秘拼图(人骨拼图/拾骨者)(The Bone Collector) (1999) 空中塞车(Pushing Tin) (1999) 地狱兄弟(Hell's Kitchen) (1998) 霓裳情挑(吉娅)(Gia) (1998) 随心所欲(Playing by Heart) (1998) 洛城疑云(Playing God) (1997) 风云传奇(George Wallace) (1997) 安吉丽娜朱莉电影海报(20张) 真正的女人(True Women) (1997) 摩哈维的月亮(Mojave Moon) (1996) 爱总如此(Love Is All There Is) (1996) 恶女帮( Foxfire) (1996) 无证可寻(Without Evidence)(1995) 黑客(Hackers) (1995) 风月俏佳人(beauty woman)(1994)


中文名:安吉丽娜·朱莉外文名:A ngelina Jolie 别名:安吉丽娜·朱莉·沃伊特 国籍:美国 民族:德国,捷克,法国和印第安血统 出生地:美国洛杉矶 出生日期:1975年6月4日 职业:演员 代表作品: 《史密斯夫妇》《古墓丽影》 《换子疑云》 血型:: A 身高:: 1.73m 眼睛颜 色:: 绿色 发色::深棕色

[1]2012全球最有权势15对夫妻眷侣,安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)与布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)上榜。 相伴七年、共育六名子女之后,这对好莱坞最炙手可热的情侣档终于宣布将于2012年成婚。这将是个强有力的搭档:两人过去一年里共赚得4,500万美元。儿女 【1】儿子:马多克斯·朱莉-皮特(Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt),原名 rath vibol,2001年8月5日出生于柬埔寨的kandal,2002年被安吉丽娜收养。 【2】儿子:帕克斯·天·朱莉-皮特(Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt),原名Pham Quang Sang,2003年11月29日出生于越南胡志明,2007年被安吉丽娜收养。 【3】女儿:扎哈拉·玛丽·朱莉-皮特(Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt),原名Tena Adam,2005年1月8日出生于埃塞俄比亚的Awassa,2005年被安吉丽娜收养。 【4】女儿:希洛·努韦尔·朱莉-皮特(Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt),是安吉丽娜和布拉德的亲生女儿,2006年5月27日出生于非洲的纳米比亚。 【5】儿子:诺克斯·里昂·朱莉-皮特(Knox Leon Jolie-Pitt),安吉丽娜和布拉德的亲生儿子,和维维安是龙凤胎,2008年7月12日出生于法国尼斯。 【6】女儿:维维安·玛琪琳·朱莉-皮特(Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt),安吉丽娜和布拉德的亲生女儿,和诺克斯是龙凤胎,2008年7月12日出生于法国尼斯。 朱莉带儿女出演新片《玛琳菲森》 由安吉丽娜·朱莉主演的改编自童话故事《睡美人》的新片《玛琳菲森》正在拍摄中,早前朱莉的亲生女儿、4岁的薇薇安加盟该片扮演幼年睡美人,昨日,国外媒体称朱莉和皮特的养女札哈拉和养子帕克斯也会加盟该片。有网友笑称,朱莉这位明星看来是迫不及待要让孩子进军好莱坞,自己培养“摇钱树”当星妈了。 据悉,该片剧本由《狮子王》女编剧琳达·沃尔夫顿创作,主要以《睡美人》中邪恶女巫玛琳菲森为主人公。朱莉饰演的玛琳菲森头上长角,皮肤绿色,能变身成黑紫色的巨龙。孩子们将会在片场见识到朱莉妈妈“邪恶”的一面。 人物轶事


安吉丽娜?朱莉---难民危机 Thank You.I’m very very honor to be here. 谢谢,我非常非常荣幸来到这里。 Over 60 million people are displaced today. More than at any time in the last 70 years. That is one in every 122 people. This tell us something deeply worrying about the peace and security of our world. It said that for all other advances this type of human insecurity is growing faster than our ability to prevent or reverse it. 现在有超过六千万的人们被迫离开家乡,比过去70年的任何时候都要多,每122个人中就有一个。这让我们对世界的和平与安全表示担忧,人们的不安全形势发展的太快,我们已经没有能力去阻止或扭转这种形势。 The international humanitarian system is supposed to work on the basis that refugees will be protected largely in camps where they can be given basic food, shelter, education as a temporary measure until they are able to return to their homes. During this time, the exceptional cases of the most vulnerable people can be identified for asylum in a third country and then moved. That is how the system has worked and how it should work. Today we are seeing it break down. Not because the model is flawed or because refugees are behaving differently, but because the number of conflicts and scale of displacement have grown so large.In the past 6 years, 15 conflicts have erupted or reignited. 国际人道主义制度运行的基础是难民们在难民营中受到充分保护,在那里难民们有最基


安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie,1975年6月4日-),美国好莱坞著名演员,社会活动家。毕业于美国纽约大学电影学系。安吉丽娜·朱莉2005年当选世界著名男性杂志《男人帮》一 年一度的百大性感女星排行榜第1位。、 ◆父亲:乔恩·沃伊特(Jon Voight),1938年出生于美国纽约,好莱坞著名演员,他曾获得1978年第31届戛纳电影节和1979年第36届金球奖、第51届奥斯卡三项最佳男主角的桂冠。他和安吉丽娜的妈妈1976年离婚。 ◆母亲:玛琪琳·伯特兰德(Marcia Lynne "Marcheline" Bertrand),法裔加拿大人,1950年出生在魁北克省,演员,2007年罹癌去世。 ◆哥哥:詹姆斯·海文·沃伊特(James Haven Voight),出生于1973年。导演,他曾 导演过由安吉出演的5部学生期间的电影。 现任伴侣:布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt )(2005年到现在),好莱坞著名影星,曾获得2次奥斯卡提名。 安吉丽娜·朱莉代言广告(20张) 第二任丈夫:比利·鲍勃·桑顿(Billy Bob Thornton)(2000年5月结婚,2003年5月离婚),好莱坞鬼才演员和编剧,曾获得奥斯卡最佳男配角提名和奥斯卡最佳剧本奖。 Full Name : Angelina Jolie Voight Date Of Birth : 4 June 1975 Place Of Birth : Los Angeles, California Sign : Gemini Height : 5'7 Hair : Brown Eyes : Blue Children : Maddox Chivan (adopted from Cambodia, 2002), Zahara Marley (adopted from Ethiopia, 2005) , Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt (fathered by Brad Pitt) Father : Jon Voight Mother : Marcheline Bertrand Brother : James Haven Voight Significant Other : Brad Pitt


娱乐类题库 499、被誉为“中国戏剧的奥斯卡奖”的中国戏剧表演艺术最高奖是什么?答案是梅花奖。 500、近期逐渐走红,由王俊凯、王源和易烊千玺三个未成年人组成的演唱组合叫什么名字?答案是Ifboys。 501、王家卫执导的电影《一代宗师》中,张震饰演的“一线天”是哪种拳法的宗师?八极拳 502、因饰演96年琼瑶剧《一帘幽梦》中“汪紫菱”而出名的女演员是?陈德容 503、哪个电影奖项与百花奖、金鸡奖并称中国电影三大奖?中国电影华表奖 504、好莱坞青春冒险电影《饥饿游戏》的第二部叫什么名字?星火燎原/燃烧的女孩 505、美国电视界最高奖项是什么奖?艾美奖 506、上海大亨杜月笙的配偶之一,人称“冬皇”的是哪位著名京剧女老生?孟小冬 507、窦唯的堂弟,电影《致我们终将逝去的青春》主题曲《致青春》的编曲是哪位著名音乐人?窦鹏 508、有“香港市歌”之誉的是罗文演唱的哪首歌?《狮子山下》509、网剧《万万没想到》中,饰演“王大锤”的演员白客的原名是什么?答案是罗宏明。 510、电影《甜蜜蜜》《中国合伙人》的导演是?陈可辛

511、网络表情兔斯基的原创作者是谁?王卯卯 512、代表作《三娘教子》,与梅兰芳、程砚秋、荀慧生并称京剧“四大名旦”的是谁?尚小云 513、郭兰英演唱的《我的祖国》是那部老电影的插曲?上甘岭514、意大利导演莱昂内拍摄的“美国三部曲”分别是《美国往事》,《西部往事》和什么?《革命往事》 515、奥斯卡奖电影《雨果》致敬了哪位法国科幻电影始祖乔治.梅里埃 516、《空房间》,《圣殇》都是韩国哪位导演的作品金基德 517、《穿普拉达的女王》的作者曾在哪家全球顶级时尚杂志任职?VOGUE 518、《复仇者联盟》中的超级英雄是有哪个组织召集起来的神盾局519、主演《逃出克隆岛》《黑鹰坠落》的英国著名男演员是谁伊万麦格雷戈 520、倚天屠龙记中殷离用蜘蛛毒来修炼的武功是千蛛万毒手 521、于2011年上任的谷歌CEO是谁拉里.佩奇 522、改编自叶兆言小说《风影》,由陈凯歌导演执导,张国荣巩俐主演的香港电影是什么?《风月》 523、神雕侠侣的蒙古第一国师并怀有绝技龙象波若功的是金轮法王524、国际四大通讯社,美联社,法新社,路透社,和什么?合众社 525、由文学作品改编的电影《蝴蝶梦》是由谁执导的希区柯克


吴哥窟光与影的微笑,那一片废墟中的辉煌 我在巴黎的时候,未曾参详居美东方美术馆,敬拜曾被法国殖民者掳走的珍贵藏品,却也终有一天身临其境,亲自去见证曾经的历史与辉煌,亲手去抚慰历史的沧桑,窥探最原始的景象。只是历史的厚重无法用一两篇游记进行淋漓尽致的表达,一处景点便可由你挥毫泼墨、浓墨重彩的加以记述,更何况这错综复杂、繁冗至极和承载着如此沉甸甸记忆的高棉帝国。 如佛拈花笑看天下,永恒的是帝国的强盛,是定格的雕像,和盘绕隐匿于热带雨林里的过往…… 也许是与?^耶跋摩七世改信佛教有关,在通往巴肯山的护城河畔,莲花绽放,却星罗密布,在傍晚的余晖下没有丝毫美感,反而有一种地狱血莲的感觉,令人想起《少年派的奇幻漂流》里那片隐藏于森林盛开莲花中藏匿的牙齿。 一座67米海拔的小山,人涌如织。看不见修行者匍匐蹒跚拜过的山路,却在夹缝之间捕捉到了一道最美的光与影的落霞余晖。 蒋勋在《吴哥之美》中说:“不知道907年在巴肯山上祀奉宗庙的耶伦跋摩一世,看到落日苍茫,是否能够预知两百年以后,他的后代子孙要在那一片丛林间修建起世界上最

大的寺庙建筑。不知道他是否能够预知,整整三百年后,那一片华丽的建筑又要被战争病疫包围,人民四散逃亡,热带迅速蔓延的雨林将一点一点吞食淹没掉所有的寺庙宫殿。” “他是否又能看到一千年后,这片土地沦为外族的殖民地,法国殖民此地90年。刚刚独立不久,此地又起内战,沦为人间最残酷的屠场。人与人彼此以最酷虐的方式对待,尸横遍野,血流成河。” 而吴哥窟,只是静静地,不与之争,在饱经内乱与人民贫苦的今天,依然以她不动声色的微笑,凝视着来到这里的每一片人群,将每一个人脸上流露出的神态各异的表情,看在心底。 夫唯不争,故天下莫能与之争。 东方文化的深远之蕴意,或许就在此。 日没之后,夜色初升,月光明朗,漫天的星幕翠钻点缀,忽明忽暗中让你忘记了身在异国。五百年前的天空,是否会像如今这样璀璨,是否也有同样的星光? 一夜无眠。巴扬寺巴扬寺 早晨七点半,大吴哥的光影映射在那一片废墟的石柱上,斑驳陆离,好似海底的亚特兰蒂斯,阳光透过海平面直射幽暗的海底深处,各种光线、影晕,千丝万缕,透过穿插的枝杈,铺洒到地面上,各种金色光泽如琉璃般变幻,卷起的尘埃在光线下舞动,对于摄影可以捕捉的最好时机,哪怕


我的母亲与癌症斗争了近十年,在56岁时去世。她与命运对抗着,直到见到了自己第一个外孙,享受了天伦之乐。不过,我的其他几个孩子却没有机会了解她,感受她的和蔼可亲。 MY MOTHER fought cancer for almost a decade and died at 56. She held out long enough to meet the first of her grandchildren and to hold them in her arms. But my other children will never have the chance to know her and experience how loving and gracious she was. 我们经常聊起“妈咪的妈咪”,而我发现自己总是在努力地向他们解释将她从我们身边夺走的疾病。孩子们曾问道,这种情况是不是也会发生在我身上。我一直都告诉他们,不要担心,而真相是,我身体里有一个“缺陷”基因,BRCA1。这个基因会极大地增加我患上乳腺癌和子宫癌的风险。 We often speak of “Mommy’s mommy,” an d I find myself trying to explain the illness that took her away from us. They have asked if the same could happen to me. I have always told them not to worry, but the truth is I carry a “faulty” gene, BRCA1, which sharply increases my risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. 我的医生估计我有87%的几率会患上乳腺癌,50%的几率会患上子宫癌,当然这种几率因人而异。 My doctors estimated that I had an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer, although the risk is different in the case of each woman. 只有一小部分的乳腺癌是由遗传性基因突变造成的。基因BRCA1有缺陷的人平均患上乳腺癌的几率是65%。 Only a fraction of breast cancers result from an inherited gene mutation. Those with a defect in BRCA1 have a 65 percent risk of getting it, on average. 当我知道这种情况降临到我身上时,我决定主动出击,尽可能地减少风险。我决定进行一个预防性的双乳腺切除手术。我从乳房开始,因为我患乳腺癌的风险高于子宫癌,且手术更为复杂。 Once I knew that this was my reality, I decided to be proactive and to minimize the risk as much I could. I made a decision to have a preventive double mastectomy. I started with the breasts, as my risk of breast cancer is higher than my risk of ovarian cancer, and the surgery is more complex. 4月27日,我结束了针对乳腺切除手术的三个月疗程。在此期间,我没有对外透露,同时也没有影响工作。 On April 27, I finished the three months of medical procedures that the mastectomies involved. During that time I have been able to keep this private and to carry on with my work. 不过,我现在要公布于世,原因是我希望女士们能从我的经历中有所收益。癌症现在仍然是一个让人感到恐惧的词,让人感到深深的无力。不过,如今有可能通过验血来发现你是否属于乳腺癌和子宫癌的患病高危人群,并采取应对措施。But I am writing about it now because I hope that other women can benefit from my experience. Cancer is still a word that strikes fear into people’s hearts, producing a deep sense of powerlessness. But today it is possible


安吉丽娜·朱莉电影合集 https://www.doczj.com/doc/f27991707.html,整理 安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie,1975年6月4日-),美国好莱坞著名演员,社会活动家。毕业于美国纽约大学电影学系。安吉丽娜·朱莉2005年当选世界著名男性杂志《男人帮》一年一度的百大性感女星排行榜第1位。 其所参演的电影 功夫熊猫2 (Kung Fu Panda2)(2011) 游客(The T ourist)(2010)又名《致命伴旅》 特工绍特(Salt)(2010) 通缉令(Wanted) 又名杀神特工、刺客联盟(2008) 换子疑云(Changeling) (2008)又名《调包婴儿》 功夫熊猫(Kung Fu Panda) (2008) 配音 贝奥武夫(Beowulf) (2007) 坚强的心(A Mighty Heart) (2007) 特务风云(The Good Shepherd) (2006) 史密斯夫妇(Mr. and Mrs. Smith) (2005) 亚历山大大帝(Alexander) (2004) 空军上校和未来世界(Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow) (2004) 鲨鱼故事(Shark T ale) (2004) 机动杀人(T aking Lives) (2004) 超越边界(Beyond Borders) (2003) 古墓丽影2 (Lara Croft T omb Raider: The Cradle of Life) (2003) 天算不如人算(Life or Something Like It) (2002) 原罪(Original Sin) (2001) 古墓丽影(Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) (2001) 证据拼图(Without Evidence) (Gathering Evidence) (2000) 极速60秒(致命60秒)(Gone in Sixty Seconds) (2000) 女生向前走(移魂女郎)(Girl Interrupted) (1999) 神秘拼图(人骨拼图/拾骨者)(The Bone Collector) (1999) 空中塞车(Pushing Tin) (1999) 地狱兄弟(Hells Kitchen) (1998) 霓裳情挑(吉娅)(Gia) (1998) 随心所欲(Playing by Heart) (1998) 洛城疑云(Playing God) (1997) 风云传奇(George Wallace) (1997) 真正的女人(True Women) (1997) 摩哈维的月亮(Mojave Moon) (1996) 爱总如此(Love Is All There Is) (1996) 恶女帮( Foxfire) (1996) 无证可寻(Without Evidence)(1995) 黑客(Hackers) (1995) 电子人2 (Cyborg)(1993) 安吉拉/爱丽丝&Viril (Angela / Alice ,Viril) (1993 )


关于安吉丽娜·朱莉关于切除乳腺的公开信 原文:My mother fought cancer for almost a decade and died at 56. She held out long enough to meet the first of her grandchildren and to hold them in her arms. But my other children will never have the chance to know her and experience how loving and gracious she was. We often speak of “Mommy’s mommy,” and I find myself trying to explain the illness that took her away from us. They have asked if the same could happen to me. I have always told them not to worry, but the truth is I carry a “faulty” gene, BRCA1, which sharply increases my risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.My doctors estimated that I had an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer, although the risk is different in the case of each woman.Only a fraction of breast cancers result from an inherited gene mutation. Those with a defect in BRCA1 have a 65 percent risk of getting it, on average.Once I knew that this was my reality, I decided to be proactive and to minimize the risk as much I could. I made a decision to have a preventive double mastectomy. I started with the breasts, as my risk of breast cancer is higher than my risk of ovarian cancer, and the surgery is more plex.On April 27, I finished the three months of medical procedures that the mastectomies involved. During that time I have been able to keep this private and to carry on with my work.But I am writing about it now because I hope that other women can benefit from my experience. Cancer is still a word that strikes fear into people’s hearts, producing a deep sense of powerlessness. But today it is possible to find out through a blood test whether you are highly susceptible to breast and ovarian cancer, and then take action.My own process began on Feb. 2 with a procedure known as a “nipple delay,” which rules out disease in the breast ducts behind the nipple and draws extra blood flow to the area. This causes some pain and a lot of bruising, but it increases the chance of saving the nipple.Two weeks later I had the major surgery, where the breast tissue is removed and temporary fillers are put in place. The operation can take eight hours. You wake up with drain tubes and expanders in your breasts. It does feel like a scene out of a science-fiction film. But days after surgery you can be back to a normal life.Nine weeks later, the final surgery is pleted with the reconstruction of the breasts with an implant. There have been many advances in this procedure in the last few years, and the results can be beautiful. I wanted to write this to tell other women that the decision to have a mastectomy was not easy. But it is one I am very happy that I made. My chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from 87 percent to under 5 percent. I can tell my children that they don’t need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer.It is reassuring that they see nothing that makes them unfortable. They can see my small scars and that’s it. Everything else is just Mommy, the same as she always was. And they know that I love them and will do anything to be with them as long as I can. On a personal note, I do not feel any less of a woman. I feel empowered that I made a strong choice that in no way diminishes my femininity.I am fortunate to have a partner, Brad Pitt, who is so loving and supportive. So to anyone who has a wife or girlfriend going through this, know that you are a very important part of the transition. Brad was at the Pink Lotus Breast Center, where I was treated, for every minute of the surgeries. We managed to find moments to laugh together. We knew this was the right thing to do for our family and that it would bring us closer. And it has. For any woman reading this, I hope it helps you to know you have options. I want to encourage every woman, especially if you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, to seek out the information and medical experts who can help you through this aspect of your life, and to make your own informed choices.I acknowledge that there are many wonderful holistic doctors


朱莉昔日吸毒照 好莱坞女星安吉丽娜·朱莉和未婚夫、著名男星布拉德·皮特“情比金坚”令人羡慕不已,不过树大招风,总有媒体对其咬住不放,先后曝光其吸毒、滥情、跟父母关系不好等不堪往事,近日又有媒体对其进行扒出,称其吸毒、玩SM的还有她大赞前夫性器大小的影片流出……下面我们来看看安吉丽娜·朱莉那些不堪回首的荒唐岁月。 1.童年因为长得像父亲被母亲嫌弃

朱莉的父亲和母亲都是演员,但是她的母亲玛奇琳·伯特兰德为了照顾她和哥哥,不得不退出了演艺圈,成为一名全职妈妈。不过没过多久,朱莉的父亲沃特就与另一位女演员斯塔西勾搭上了,这使得母亲相当愤怒,带着年幼的朱莉离开了沃特,这种仇恨甚至一直到去世都没有忘却,2007年在临终前还交代朱莉不要让沃特进到病房里来,因为朱莉长得很像父亲沃特,母亲伯特兰德就把气撒在了女儿身上,有差不多两年的时间,伯特兰德都把女儿甩给保姆管,几乎不闻不问。当时朱莉和保姆住在一幢贝弗利山庄公寓的五楼,而母亲则住在二楼,几乎没有交流。 2.14岁便与男友恋爱并同居

随着朱莉逐渐的长大,母亲又和她住在了一起,两人的关系回归正常,不过,由于有过一段被遗弃的过去,因此两人的关系更像姐妹而非母女,母亲的约束力不大,14岁的时候,朱莉有了人生中的第一位男朋友安顿,并和他一起同居,并且在母亲的建议下,14岁的朱莉和安顿在她的家中住在了一起。在这段时间里,朱莉的生活相当荒唐,也正是从那时开始她有了自残行为,一天晚上她喝醉酒之后拿刀砍安顿,而安顿也反过来砍她,他们俩浑身都是血,不过也正是这种自残行为让她自己获得了自由的感觉,打破了情绪的束缚。 3.与父亲决裂


《一站到底》20120628期题目及答案 第一轮刘昱PK李静 1、都德的文章《最后一课》中说哪国语言是“世界上最美的语言”?法语 2、“李雷和韩梅梅”是出自哪个科目的教科书?英语 3、“自古华山一条路”中,华山在我国哪个省?陕西 4、中国道教发源地之一的青城山在哪个省?四川 5、《喜羊羊与灰太狼》中,灰太狼与红太郎的儿子叫什么?小灰灰 6、动画片《美少女战士》中水冰月最经典的一句台词是?我要代表月亮消灭你们 7、与郎朗齐名,第一位获得肖邦国际钢琴大赛冠军的中国钢琴家是谁?李云迪 8、为周杰伦的《青花瓷》《东风破》作词,被誉为杰伦御用作词人的是谁?方文山 9、古诗“对酒当歌”的下一句是?人生几何 10、我们常说大户人家的小姐“大门不出”,下一句是什么?二门不迈 11、南派三叔的代表作是哪部畅销百万册的悬疑推理小说?盗墓笔记 12、郭敬明在2006年创办的流行青春题材的杂志叫什么?最小说 第二轮刘昱PK陈维嘉 1、范仲淹名篇《岳阳楼记》中的岳阳楼在我国哪个省?湖南 2、唐代文学家王勃笔下的滕王阁在我国哪个省?江西 3、戊戌变法又被称作“康梁变法”,那么其中的“康”指的是谁?康有为 4、由李鸿章创立,中国第一支近代化海军舰队叫什么?北洋水师 5、近期上映的由威尔.史密斯和汤米.李.琼斯主演的电影叫什么?黑衣人3 6、周星驰电影《功夫》中,元秋饰演的“猪笼城寨”的强势女房东叫什么?包租婆 7、圆周率通常以哪个符号表示?π 8、重力加速度精确到小数点后1位的情况下值是每秒几点几米?9、8 9、小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》中,鲁滨逊救下的野人叫什么?星期五 10、金庸小说《射雕英雄传》中,杨康的生父叫什么名字?杨铁心 第三轮刘昱PK王慧 1、哪个欧洲国家的大部分国土在“亚平宁半岛”上?意大利 2、双子塔.云顶山.热浪岛是哪个亚洲国家的旅游胜地?马来西亚 3、建于晚清的三江师范学堂是南京大学.东南大学.南京师范大学等高等学府的前身,这些学校今年迎来多少周年校庆?110 第四轮刘昱PK穆尔 1、河姆渡原始居民生活在我国什么江河流域?长江 2、长江入海口在我国哪个城市?上海 3、哪种美容产品上会印有SPF\PA+等字样?防晒霜 4、哪种发源于德国科隆的香水,因为含香精量比较少味道清淡而深受全球男士喜爱?古龙水 5、出自论语“知之为知之”的下一句是?不知为不知 6、俗话说“江山易改”的下一句是什么?本性难移 7、网球四大满贯中,哪个赛事比赛场地是红土场地?法网 8、著名运动员夫妇申雪赵宏博,是哪个项目的冬奥会冠军?花样滑冰 9、世界上最大的淡水湖是?苏必利尔湖 10、世界上最深的湖泊是?贝加尔湖


第72届最佳女配角 安吉丽娜·茱莉(AngelinaJolie)《女生向前走》(Girl,Interrupted) 安吉丽娜·朱莉(AngelinaJolie,1975年6月4日-),美国好莱坞著名演员,社会活动家。毕业于美国纽约大学电影学系。安吉丽娜·朱莉2005年当选世界著名男性杂志《男人帮》一年一度的百大性感女星排行榜第1位。 父母亲属 ◆父亲:乔恩·沃伊特(JonVoight),1938年出生于美国纽约,好莱坞著名演员,他曾获得1978年第31届戛纳电影节和1979年第36届金球奖、第51届奥斯卡三项最佳男主角的桂冠。他和安吉丽娜的妈妈1976年离婚。 ◆母亲:玛琪琳·伯特兰德(MarciaLynne"Marcheline"Bertrand),法裔加拿大人,1950年出生在魁北克省,演员,2007年罹癌去世。 ◆哥哥:詹姆斯·海文·沃伊特(JamesHavenVoight),出生于1973年。导演,他曾导演过由安吉出演的5部学生期间的电影。 历任伴侣 安吉丽娜·朱莉代言广告(20张) 现任伴侣:布拉德·皮特(BradPitt)(2005年到现在),好莱坞著名影星,曾获得2次奥斯卡提名。 安吉丽娜·朱莉代言广告(20张) 第一任丈夫:约翰尼·李·米勒(jonnyleemiller)(1996年结婚,1999年1月离婚),英国演员,主演过《猜火车》《黑客》《神奇律师》等。 第二任丈夫:比利·鲍勃·桑顿(BillyBobThornton)(2000年5月结婚,2003年5月离婚),好莱坞鬼才演员和编剧,曾获得奥斯卡最佳男配角提名和奥斯卡最佳剧本奖。 儿女 【1】儿子:马多克斯·茱莉-皮特(MaddoxChivanJolie-Pitt),原名rathvibol,2001年8月5日出生于柬埔寨的kandal,2002年被安吉丽娜收养。 【2】儿子:帕克斯·天·朱莉-皮特(PaxThienJolie-Pitt),原名PhamQuangSang,2003年11月29日出生于越南胡志明,2007年被安吉丽娜收养。 【3】女儿:扎哈拉·玛丽·朱莉-皮特(ZaharaMarleyJolie-Pitt),原名TenaAdam,2005年1月8日出生于埃塞俄比亚的Awassa,2005年被安吉丽娜收养。 【4】女儿:希洛·努韦尔·朱莉-皮特(ShilohNouvelJolie-Pitt),是安吉丽娜和布拉德的亲生女儿, angrlinajolie生活照(13张) 2006年5月27日出生于非洲的纳米比亚。 angrlinajolie生活照(13张) 【5】儿子:诺克斯·里昂·朱莉-皮特(KnoxLeonJolie-Pitt),安吉丽娜和布拉德的亲生儿子,和维维安是龙凤胎,2008年7月12日出生于法国尼斯。

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