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上海牛津英语高一上 翻译练习2 答案版

上海牛津英语高一上 翻译练习2 答案版
上海牛津英语高一上 翻译练习2 答案版

翻译练习 2 答案

1.事实上,我更喜欢和有礼貌的人交谈。( prefer)

As a matter of fact, I prefer to talk with the polite people.

2.孩子对父母说话的方式应该表现出尊重 (the way).

The way children talk to their parents should show respect.


In Spain, Italy and Greece, where people stand close together talking to each other, eye contact is more frequent and lasts longer.

4.他走进房间时,她朝他看了一眼,又深深地叹了口气。(as; sigh)

As he entered the room, she glanced at him and then sighed deeply.

5.给别人留下好印象的关键就是注意你交流的方式 (key, impression)

The key to leaving others a good impression is to pay attention to the way you communicate.


In western cultures, maintaining eye contact in conversations is necessary.


Our teacher often reminds us to go to her for assistance without hesitation and she always makes us (feel) welcome.

8.如果你不知道解决这些问题的关键是什么,请直接问我。(key, hesitate)

If you don’t know the key to these problems, don’t hesitate to ask me.

9.缺乏眼神交流可能表示紧张。(lack of; signal)

Lack of eye may signal nervousness.


The problem of hair/hair problem is often a result of an unhealthy diet.

11.在护理头发时,请不要用过多的护发素。(be sure to, care for)

Don’t overuse conditioner when caring for your hair.

12.有时说话方式是成功交际的关键。(the key to)

sometimes the way you speak is the key to the successful communication.


Time secretly robbed her of courage in addition to good looks.


The only bridge on/over the river was damaged in the earthquake.


To ensure the child’s health and growth, parents should pay attention to how much sleep the child gets every night


You look nice in green.It seems that green suits you very much


Miss Yang is considered a good shop assistant because she greets every customer cheerfully.


The rich lady was robbed of all her possessions.


Floods and droughts damage the crops greatly in that area recently.


The manager asked his secretary to remind him to attend an important meeting next week.


Be sure to choose the hair products that suit your type of hair.


To communicate better with his colleagues, Mr Wang has decided to improve the way he talks.


At the news that his son has broken the world record, she was/felt on top of the world.


If the shampoo gets into your eyes, rinse it away with clean water.

25.由于缺乏有效的教学经验,他没能得到那份工作。(for lack of)

He didn’t get that job for lack of effective teaching experience.

26.多喝水能防止头发变得干燥。(keep ….from)

Drinking more water will keep your hair from becoming dry.


There is no guarantee that the medicine will take effect immediately.


All the electronic products in the shop are guaranteed for three years.

29.为保持健康,你必须要有均衡膳食。此外,经常锻炼身体也是很重要的。(in addition)

To keep fit, you must eat a balanced diet. In addition, it is also very important to get plenty of exercise.


After trying many kinds of medicine, she finally found the remedy for her stomachache.



上海历届春高考英语句子翻译汇编(2000年-----2016年) 2000上海春考 1. 进入大学以后, 他对计算机很感兴趣。(become interested in) 2. 集邮几乎占据了他所有业余时间。(occupy) 3. 只要专心学习, 你一定能顺利通过考试。(concentrate) 4. 越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。(be aware) 5. 尽管有很多困难, 我们仍将努力执行我们的计划。(in spite of) 6. 诺贝尔奖金授予那些在某一个领域作出巨大贡献的科学家。(be awarded) 2000上海高考 1. 这张照片是我想起了我们在夏令营度过的日子。(remind) 2. 假如你想从事这项工作,你必须先接受三个月的训练。(take up) 3. 你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(once) 4. 同其他同学相比,那个女孩有更强的英语听,说能力。(compare) 5. 众所周知,成功来自于勤奋,不努力则一事无成。(without)

1.早睡早起有益于健康。(do good to) 2.乘车时你有主动给老人让座的习惯吗?(offer) 3.就我所知,在那座小城市里购物很方便。(as far as) 4.他很后悔失去了获得奖学金的机会。(regret) 5.到目前为止,我们学过的英语单词总计大约有三千五百个。(add up to)6.学生们逐渐认识到友谊胜过金钱,患难朋友才是真朋友。(realize) 2001上海高考 1. 我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样那个强大。(Never) 2. 我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再作出最终的结论。(before) 3. 据说在那个湖底发现了一个古城遗址。(discover) 4. 这个地区的经济发展得很快,可使某些市民的素质还不尽如人意。(quality) 5. 他们应该从这件事中得出教训,玩火者必自焚。(burn)

上海牛津英语高一上 翻译练习2 学生版

翻译练习2 20130928 1.事实上,我更喜欢和有礼貌的人交谈。( prefer) ________________________________________________________ 2.孩子对父母说话的方式应该表现出尊重 (the way). _________________________________________________________ 3.在西班牙,意大利和希腊,那些人们站得很近互相交谈的地方,眼神交流更频繁和持续更久(where). ___________________________________________________________________ 4.他走进房间时,她朝他看了一眼,又深深地叹了口气。(as; sigh) ___________________________________________________________________ 5.给别人留下好印象的关键就是注意你交流的方式 (key, impression) ____________________________________________________________________ 6.在西方文化中,交谈时保持眼神交流是必要的。(maintain) ________________________________________________________________________ 7.老师常常提醒我们要毫不犹豫地向她寻求帮助,并且她总是使我们感到受欢迎。(remind) _________________________________________________________________________ 8.如果你不知道解决这些问题的关键是什么,请直接问我。(key, hesitate) ________________________________________________________________________ 9.缺乏眼神交流可能表示紧张。(lack of; signal) ___________________________________________________________________ 10.头发问题通常是饮食不健康的结果(result). ____________________________________________________________________


上海高考英语翻译精华100题中文 1. 冬天来了,春天还会远吗,(arrive) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 2. 说实在的,我对物理期终考试的结果有点担心。(worry) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 3. 我一生中从未尝试过这么美味可口的食物。(Never) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 4. 他设法找到三种解这道数学题的方法。(manage) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 5. 她似乎已了解那件事的一切。(learn) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 6. 说起中国,大多数外国人想到的是万里长城。(talk) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 7. 无论多忙,我每天晚上要看电视晚间新闻。(watch) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 8. 他希望从此以后没人再提那件事了。(mention) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 9. 这取决于你的决心有多大。(depend) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 10. 你从这吃饭的错误中得到什么教训,(learn) 1 11. 三天后是我父亲的生日,我打算去预定一只大蛋糕。(place v.)

牛津上海英语高一上翻译-Unit Two

练习册P12 1.多喝水能防止头发变得干燥。(keep…from…) Drinking more water will keep your hair from becoming dry. 2.河上仅有的一座桥在地震中被毁了。(damage) The only bridge on the river was damaged in the earthquake. 3.一定要选择适合你发质的护发用品。(sure) Be sure to choose the hair products that suit your hair. 4.过度使用电吹风对头发的伤害非常大。(overuse) Overusing the hairdryer can do harm to your hair. 5.这家商场里所有的电子产品均保质三年(guarantee)。 All the electronic products in the shop are guaranteed for three years. 6.你穿绿色的很漂亮,看来绿色很适合你啊(suit)。 You look nice in green. It seems that green suits you very much. 7.在干燥的冬季,不要忘了在洗脸后涂乳霜。(apply) In the dry winter, do not forget to apply cream to your face after washing it. 8.城市里有空气污染,因此常洗头是明智的。(shampoo; it is wise for…to…) City air is polluted, so it is wise for you to shampoo your hair often. 9.用了许多种药之后,她终于找到了治疗胃痛的良药。(remedy) After trying many kinds of medicine, she finally found the remedy for her stomachache.

上海牛津英语高一上 翻译检测1 答案版

Sentence 1--6 and Unit 1&2 Name ________ Class ________ Score ________ I. Phrases 1.不知道 be ignorant of/about sth 2.据报道 It's reported that 3.在...的帮助下 with the help of 4.对...开放 be open to 5.情不自禁地做...can't help doing sth. 6.把笔记本留在学校 leave the notebook at school 7.在历史上 in history 8.发现钱包被偷 find the wallet stolen 9.毫不犹豫 without hesitation 10.采取...的新方法 take a new approach to II. Sentences 1.记住任何孩子都需要爱和关注。(bear) Bear in mind that every child needs love and attention. 2.这是如此重大的一个项目,我们不得不十分小心。(such…that…) It is such an important project that we will have to be very careful. 3.我们别无选择只能接受多数人的决定。(choice) We have no choice but to accept the majority decision./decision made by most people. 4.我似乎从前读过这篇文章。(seem to) I seem to have read this article before. 5.别管那个男孩,他会自己作出决定的。(leave) Leave the boy alone, and he can make up his own mind. 6.由于缺乏睡眠,我有黑眼圈了。(lack of) I’ve got dark rings under my eyes for lack of sleep. 7.在公众场合,用手机大声打电话被认为是粗鲁的,并且要避免。(consider) In public places, talking loudly on the mobile phone is considered rude and should


not …until…/ Not until…/ It was not until…that 1.直到会议快要结束时他才露面。(show up) 2.直到二十世纪初人们才学会怎样防止这种疾病的蔓延。(prevent) 3.直到那时他才意识到他的老师是非常善解人意的。(considerate) 4.可惜他们直到事故发生之后才采取措施防止它。 5.直到上周末收到你的来信时我们才如释负重。(relieve) The more…the more.. 1.你的词汇量越大,你就感到用英语写作越容易。(feel it + adj. to do ) 2.人们普遍认为,用脑越多,思维就越活跃。( it is generally believed that ) 3.问题发现得越早,解决起来越容易。 4.问题越难,我越有可能能够解决他们。(likely) 5.我们学习得越多,将来就越能为我们国家工作的越好。 6.你练习讲英语越多,就越对你有好处。(do sb good) 7.我们经常讨论的一个问题是:是否钱越多越幸福。 8.相对而言,孩子与父母交流越多,越不可能感到忧郁。(suffer from) No matter how / however + adj. / adv. + S + V 1. 不管这个新体系有多复杂,我们还是要用它。(complicated) 2.无论社会发展得多快,这个传统应该代代相传。(pass on) 3.无论他如何努力,他似乎永远学不好物理。 4.不管我们有多忙,下星期我们一定会举行一次欢送会向那些退休工人们表示敬意。(in honor of) 5.不管天有多晚,他从不把今天必须做的事拖到明天。(put off) 6. 如果我们以一种强烈的意志工作,我们能够克服任何的困难,无论这个困难有多大。Adj. / adv. / n. / v. + as / though + S + V 1.虽然他很聪明,但他不愿把全部时间用在学习上。(devote…to) 2.他很累,但他还是工作到深夜。(work late into…) 3.虽然他是个孩子,但对于这个世界他了解很多。 4.虽然我敬佩他作为一个作家,但我不喜欢他作为一个人。(admire) Hardly / scarcely / barely…when no sooner …than 1.我刚到家,电话铃就响了。 2.他一到实验室,就开始做实验。(set out) 3.这男孩刚打开电脑,他父亲就回家了,叫他做功课。 4.他一到家就迫不及待地把好消息告诉他父母。(can't wait…) 1.Not until the meeting was almost over did he show up. th century did people learn how to prevent the disease from Not until the beginning of the 202. spreading. 3.Not until then did he realize that his teacher was very considerate / thoughtful / 1 understanding.


上海牛津高一英语专项练习(词汇语法) Vocabulary (50%) 1. Mr. Smith ______ that he had made a mistake and that he had corrected it. A. accepted B. admitted C. talked D. promised 2. If your parents couldn't ____ to send you to college, you may ask our national Hope Project for help. A. afford B. offer C. give D. be able 3. He _____ the lion, fired but missed it. A. shot B. aimed C. aimed at D. killed 4. In our city, smoking is not _____ in such public places as the cinema, the theater, the library and the museum. A. let B. permitted C. promised D. agreed 5. Don’t worry! I'll _____ his safety. A. answer B. answer for C. reply to D. see 6. ____ ! There is a train coming. A. Look out B. Look around C. Look forward D. Look on 7. Don't worry! He ____ no attempt to leave. He will stay here to help you. A. made B. got C. had D. tried 8. She always ____ her opinion ____ facts. A. depends, on B. bases, on C. put, into D. bases, by 9. Everyone should remember it is very important to _____ the balance of nature toady. A. get B. make C. keep D. remain 10. --- Please tell me how to work out this maths problem. --- Use your ______ , then your find a way. A. heart B. brains C. hand D. mind 11. Because of the year 2008 Olympic Games, the American corporation board of trustees(董事会) decided to set up a Chinese _____ in Beijing. A. room B. group C. counterpart D. branch 12. The little boy has learned many Tang dynasty poems _____ though he is very


情态动词 一、概述 情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,认为“可能、应当、必要”等等,但本身意义不完全,不能单独作谓语,必须和其他动词一起构成谓语。除ought, used, have后跟不定式外,其他情态动词一律跟动词原形。情态动词主要有:can/could, may/might, must, ought to, used to, need, dare, shall/should, will/would, have to等。 二、基本用法 (一)can和could的用法 1.表示能力,可译为“能,会”。 I can swim. 我会游泳。 Emily can dance well and her mother could dance well when she was young. The cinema can seat 1,000 people. I could not read such an easy book when I was 7 years old. 2.表示允许、许可,常用在口语中。could比can语气上要客气。 --- Could I use your dictionary? 我可以用一下你的字典吗? ---Yes, go ahead. 可以,用吧。(或Yes, you can. 但不能说Yes, you could.) Could/ Can you tell me how to get to the zoo? 劳驾,你能告诉我怎么去动物园吗? He asked me whether he could take the book out of the reading room. 3. 表示可能(理论上或是逻辑判断上)。 The temperature can fall to–60℃,that is60℃below freezing.气温可降至—60℃,也就是零下60℃。 You mustn′t smoke while you′re walking around in the wood.You could start a fire. 在林子里走时勿吸烟,那样可能会引起火灾。 3.表示推测,可用于肯定句(can罕见)、否定句和疑问句,但更常见于疑问句或否定句。在此种用法中can和could没有时态的区别,只是表示可能性的大小,can表示推测的可能性比could大。 Can he be ill at home? 他会是生病在家吗? Can the story be true? 这个故事会是真的吗?


2015上海高三英语翻译训练4(E组) 1. 每次当他遇见我的时候,他都假装没有看见我。(Each time) Each time he meets me, he pretends not to see me. 2. 要克服一个坏习惯并不是一件容易的事。(easy job) It is no easy job to overcome a bad habit. 3. 这是一场教育公众吸烟有害的运动。(educate) It is a campaign to educate the public about the dangers of smoking. 4. 医生们虽然尽了努力,但手术以后病人仍没有存活下来。(effort) In spite of the doctor's great efforts, the patient failed to survive the operation. 5. 我必须强调这一事实,即他们只不过是孩子。(emphasize) I must emphasize the fact that they are only children. 6. 这项阅读技巧使我们能学会在上下文中猜测词义。(enable) This reading skill enables us to guess the meaning of a word in the context. 7. 他本想在这家书店里消磨时间,但结果却被几本时尚杂志迷住了。(end up) He had meant to pass the time in this bookstore, but he ended up fascinated by several fashion magazines. 8. 据报道,近年来,生态旅游每年在全世界有大约5%的增长。(enjoy) According to a report, in recent years eco-tourism has enjoyed an annual growth of about 5% worldwide. 9. 很多化妆品都在动物身上试验过,以此确保它们对人不会造成任何危害。(ensure) Many cosmetic products have been tested on animals to ensure that they cause no harm to human beings. 10. 凭此券你可免费吃一顿午餐。(entitle) This ticket entitles you to a free lunch. 11. 有多条海上航线可以让你在中国沿海的城市之间旅游。(exist) There exist a number of sea routes that can take you from one seaport to another along the coastline of China. 12. 报道没有提及由炸弹爆炸引起的损害程度。(extent) The report didn't mention the extent of the damage caused by the explosion of the bomb. 13. 我们都祝贺他在上回选举中被选为主席。(elect) We all congratulate him on his being elected chairman in the last election. 14. 这是常识,充足的睡眠能保证我们快些恢复体力。(ensure) It is common knowledge that a good sleep will ensure us quicker refreshment. 15. 我对他一无所知,只知道他是我班新来的名叫李海的学生。(except) I know nothing about him except (for the fact) that he is a new comer by the name of Li Hai in our class. 16. 我将随信附上一张十英镑的支票。(enclose) I’ll enclose a check for ten pounds (with my letter). 17. 政府提高个税的计划遭到了强烈的反对。(encounter) The government has encountered strong opposition to its plan to raise income tax. 18. 我们不能走那条路,因为牌子上写着“禁止入内”。(entry) We can’t go along that road because the sign says “No Entry”. 19. 作为家庭度假圣地,这个海边首屈一指。(equal n.) As a family resort, the seaside has no equal. 20. 这个部落几乎没有受到外来的影响。(external) The tribe was hardly affected by external influences. 21. 目前还没有证据表明其它星球上有生命。(evidence) At present we have no evidence of life on other planets.

上海牛津英语高一上 Unit 6 翻译练习(答案版)

Unit 6 翻译练习 1.火车由于事故延迟了一个小时。(hold up) The train was held up for one hour by the accident. 2.在考试中你必须利用好时间。(make use of) You must make good use of your time in exams. 3.他拿着一只装有柠檬水的瓶子。(which) He’s holding a bottle which contains lemonade. 4.这个物品,尽管小,却证明很好用。(prove) This article, though small, has proved most useful. 5.听到获得一等奖,她的脸上就露出了微笑。(appear) When she heard that she had won the first prize, a smile appeared on her face. 6. 他们的第一次见面最后成了他们合作的开始。(prove) Their first meeting proved to be the beginning of their cooperation. 7. 爸爸决定充分利用五一假期带全家去青岛。(use) Dad decided to make the best use of the May Day holiday to take the family to Qingdao. 8. 白色农业是指一种在水中种植植物的新的耕作。(farming) White agriculture means a new kind of farming that grows plants in water. 9. 黄小姐家门前花园里的红玫瑰看起来长得很好。(appear; nourish) The red roses which are in the garden in front of Miss Huang’s house appear to be well nourished. 10. 意识到健康重要性的人们正在越来越关注他们的饮食。(aware) People who are aware of the importance of health are paying closer attention to their diets. 11.农业是我国非常重要的一个产业。(agriculture) Agriculture is an important industry in our country. 12.他被告知这个工作需要出公差。(involve) He was told that the job would involve business trips. 13.由于身体差,他退休了。(account) He retired on account of ill health.


上海牛津高一英语专项练习(阅读) Reading Comprehension Passage One Many people hurt their backs when they try to lift heavy things from the floor. It is easy to hurt your back muscles when you pick up a heavy object. However, there is a correct way to lift things from the floor if you pick up or lift heavy objects correctly, you probably will not hurt your back. To lift something from the floor correctly, first bend your knees and squat down. Keep your back straight. Do not bend over from your waist; keep your back and hips and waist in a line. If you bend over, the muscles in your lower back can become wounded very easily. If you keep your back and hips stronger, they have much more support. The other muscles can then help the lower back muscles. As you squat down, try to get as close to the object as possible. For example, if you are going to pick up a heavy box, squat down directly in front of it. Maybe you will have to spread your knees and legs. Put one knee on each side of the box. Remember at all times to keep your back straight. Put your hands under the objects that is in front of you, between your knees. To lift objects, you should stand up slowly. Use your leg muscles in order to stand up. In other words, lift with your legs, not with your back. 1. If you try to lift heavy things from the floor, ______. A. you will hurt your back B. you may hurt your back C. you must hurt your back D. you never hurt your back 2. According to the passage, how can you avoid hurting yourself while lifting things from the floor? A. To get yourself insured. B. Never to lift heavy things. C. To use the correct way to lift things. D. To do body exercises to have more strength. 3 To lift a heavy object mainly depends on your _______. A. legs B. back C. knees D. hands 4. To lift a heavy box, the most important thing you should do is ______. A. to put your hands under the box B. to bend your knees and squat down C. to put one knee on each side of it D. to keep your back straight at all times

上海牛津英语高一上U1-2 语言点-学生版

上海牛津英语高一(上)语言点 S1A U1-U2 S1A U1 Body Language I.Reading 1.well-dressed adj. 穿着讲究的 构词知识:副词+过去分词=形容词 _____________________________众所周知的事实 _____________________________高薪的工作 _____________________________新生的宝宝 2.glance v. & n. 匆匆一看 glance at = cast a glance at He ______________ his watch to see if he had enough time to catch the flight. I had no time so I just __________________________________________ the headlines of the newspaper. 3.senior adj. 级别高的;年长的 级别高的军官 _____________________________ 老年公民 _____________________________ 4.prefer v. 宁可;更喜欢 prefer sth.to sth. 比起喝咖啡我更喜欢喝茶。 __________________________________________________________ prefer doing to doing 我更喜欢走路而不是骑车。 __________________________________________________________ prefer to do 我们宁可在外吃饭。 __________________________________________________________


2019年高三一模翻译汇编 1.上海市黄浦区2019年高三英语一模翻译 72. 很多人对他们的潜能一无所知。(ignorant) 73. 这些政策在一定程度上对该地区的经济衰退负有责任。(extent) 74. 自古以来老百姓就希望天下太平,同各国人民友好相处。(long for) ~ 75.青少年问题的发展趋势值得我们关注和研究,也值得整个社会群策群力,共商对策。(which) 72. Many people are totally ignorant of their potential (abilities/talents). 73. These policies are to some extent responsible for the region’s economic decline. 74. Since ancient times people have longed for a peaceful world to live together in friendship with people from/of all countries. /Since ancient times people have longed for a peaceful world, where people of all/different countries live together in friendship. - 75. The developing trend of youth/adolescent/teenager problems deserves our attention and research/ analysis, which also deserves the joint efforts of the whole society to find solutions. 2.上海市普陀区2019年高三英语一模翻译


Bleach·English ——Baby S1A U1 well-dressed穿着讲究的adj glance匆匆一看v sigh叹气;叹息v senior级别高的adj employee职员n prefer宁可;更喜欢v communicate交流v gesture手势n expression表情n appearance外貌n impression印象n downwards向下地adv assistance帮助n without hesitation毫不犹豫remark说v remind提醒v eye contact眼神交流signal表示v hostility敌意n boredom无聊n confusion困惑n maintain保持v consider认为v lack of缺少 last持续v avoid避免v respect尊敬n authority权力n in authority掌权的concentration专心n subtle微妙的adj stare凝视v rude粗鲁的adj U2 hairstyle发型n suit适合v guarantee保证v on top of the world高兴到极点expert专家n curl卷发n angle棱角n balanced均衡的adj in addition另外 shampoo洗发剂n;v effective有效的adj conditioner护发素n normal正常的adj apply使用v wet把...弄湿v squeeze挤v squeeze out挤出 comb梳子n damage损害v loosen使变松v dirt灰尘n hairdryer吹风机n overuse过度使用v bald秃顶的adj ensure保证v pay attention to注意protein蛋白质n adequate足够的adj dairy product乳制品n stress紧张n rob...of夺去 remedy治疗方法n


Part1. A开头的重点单词用法一 1.商店里的商品琳琅满目,让我们眼花缭乱。(accustomed)2.他利用她人好心软,三番五次向她借钱。(advantage)3.在西方国家绝对不要问有关工资这样的隐私问题。(ask)4.她已向这家公司申请担任秘书。(apply) 5.在旧社会,出身贫寒的人很少有受教育的机会。(access)6.这个获胜者因她的画而获得了一等奖。(award) 7.必须立即采取行动以减少台风带来的损失。(action)8.边开车边打手机是违反交通规则的。(against) 9.我向你保证我有能力解决这个问题。(ability) 10.你该就刚才的所作所为向在场的人道歉。(apologize)

Keys: 1.We are not accustomed to seeing so many kinds of goods in the shop. 2.He took advantage of her kindness to borrow money from her repeatedly. 3. In western countries, never ask (a person) about any private affairs like salary. 4.She has applied to the company for a position as a secretary. 5.In the old society, people from poor families had little access to education. 6.The winner was awarded the first prize for her picture. 7.Immediate action must be taken to reduce the losses caused by the typhoon. 8.Driving while using cell phone is against the traffic rules. 9.I assure you that I have the ability to solve the problem. 10. You should apologize to the people present for what you have just done. Part2. A开头的重点单词用法二 1.显而易见,这个国家的人每时每刻都可以喝到新鲜牛奶。(available) 2.我很高兴被聘请担任北京奥运会的口译员。(act) 3.丰富的网络资讯吸引老老少少上网冲浪。(attract)


牛津高一英语(上)单词练习 新教材高一英语(上)单词练习 01、She prefers popular music to c________________(古典的)works. 02、She learned to survive in a d________________ (荒芜的) island. 03、The headmaster gave a feelingful s________________ (演说)about good manners to the whole school. 04、Life has many joys and s________________ (悲伤). 05、She is a brave girl. She is never s________________ (害怕的)of anything. 06、He is leading an i________________(独立的)life. He lives on his own. 07、This is his n________________(本国的)town. He was born here. 08、The doctor asked me to show my t________________(舌头). 09、C________________ (相比较)with the service industry, foreign trade is more important . 10、people c________________ (交流)with each other by means of words. 11、Only a narrow strait(海峡) s________________(分隔)North America from Asia. 12、Her temperature has returned to n________________(正常). 13、Have you ever had any a________________ (冒险的)experience? 14、The two countries c________________ (联合起来)against their common enemy in the past. 15、You should do with the matter r_________________(有责任地). 16、All these difficulties were caused by natural d________________ (灾难). 17、We ________________(吞咽了)all our food and drink.

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