当前位置:文档之家› 翻译二级口译实务模拟25



[模拟] 翻译二级口译实务模拟25

Part Ⅰ Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting. Now let's begin.


Passage 1

It is a great honor for me to speak at one of China's great academic institutions—one that is helping to revive and maintain your country's historic tradition of leading the world in science and technology, and one whose alumni are to be found in positions of leadership throughout the country. Here, as in so many other places

in China, no visitor can help feeling the excitement of a great country developing at breakneck speed, and every day opening up new vistas of knowledge and opportunity to its citizens. You can be

really proud of your country and what it has achieved in the last 25 years.

As I look out over the young faces in this audience I cannot help envying the international students—more than a thousand, I am told, from over 50 countries—who have the privilege of sharing your learning experience here. It reminds me for a moment of my own student days, when my country, Ghana, was newly independent. We felt we were suddenly reaching out to the world, and making new

discoveries every day. But then I also remember that times of rapid change can bring pain and confusion, even destruction, as well as progress and excitement.

The more rapid and exciting it is, the more change calls for careful management, and wise, humane leadership. Order and stability

have to be preserved, but without choking off the freedom to enquire, and experiment, and express oneself, since—as you young researchers know better than anyone—knowledge and science have a vital role in national development. And technical expertise needs to be harnessed

to the development and security of society as a whole, so that it not only creates greater wealth for the few, but enables all citizens to feel safer and more prosperous.

The development of such a great country as China cannot happen in isolation. It affects the whole world, and it draws you into new relationships with other parts of the world. Increasingly, your economy depends on exchanges with other countries—both imports and exports, of both goods and capital. Foreign investment plays an essential role in your growth, while your holdings of foreign currencies—and your management of your own currency—are coming to play a vital part in the international monetary system. This means that you have a stake in the development and prosperity of the wider world. And your security, too, depends on international peace and stability.

Your Government shows that it understands this, by the role that it plays in the United Nations, and elsewhere. And, increasingly, Chinese citizens are called on to take risks, and make sacrifices, in the interests of global security. It was impressive to see, in our newspapers the other day, pictures of Chinese policemen in blue helmets preparing to join the United Nations mission in Haiti—an island buffeted by both human and meteorological storms, which is literally on the far side of the world from here. So I am here, in part, to express the world's gratitude. Clearly, you in China have understood, as your saying goes, that we all "share the same breath". Human misery knows no frontiers, and nor should human solidarity.







Passage 2

I am very pleased to welcome so many of you to this Global Compact Summit. This is the largest and highest-level gathering of leaders from business, labor and civil society ever held at. the United Nations. Indeed, far more of you were determined to attend than we anticipated in our wildest estimations. Our apologies go to those we could accommodate only in an overflow room, and to others whom, I regret, the limitations of space made it impossible for us to accommodate at all.

Dear friends, we are travelers on a common, historic journey. We

meet as stakeholders of the Global Compact, which has become by far the world's largest initiative promoting global corporate citizenship. Of all such efforts, the Global Compact alone is based on universal principles that have been accepted by all the world's leaders. And more than any other, it engages the developing countries, which are home to haft its participating fro, as, two thirds of its national networks—and four fifths of humanity.

We come together in a spirit of cooperation and dialogue. We want to share experiences in implementing the Compact, building on lessons learned, and generate new ideas for its future directions. What is our ultimate destination? A world held together by strong bonds of community, where today there are only tenuous market transactions. A world in which the gaps between the rich and poor countries grow narrower, not wider, and where globalization provides opportunities for all people, not only the few. A world in which economic

activities coexist in harmony with, and reinforce, human rights, decent working conditions, environmental sustainability and good governance.

There is much good news to report about the journey so far. Four years ago, fewer than fifty companies met here at the United Nations to launch the Global Compact. Today, nearly 1,500 firms participate, from 70 countries. So, too, do the major international labor federations, representing more than 150 million workers worldwide. Fifty leaders of transnational non-governmental organizations, North and South, are also with us today, as are senior officials from some 20 countries. The number of core United Nations agencies involved in the Compact has also grown from three to five, and their executive heads are here as well. ________________





Part Ⅱ Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting. Now let's begin.


Passage 1













受灾国家救灾工作艰难浩大,灾后重建更是任重道远,需要国际社会的大力支持和帮助。东盟倡议召开此次特别峰会十分必要和及时,对推动受灾国、本地区国家和国际社会加强协调,形成合力,做好救灾和重建工作将产生重要影响。中国愿为这场救灾和重建工作做出积极贡献。 ________________


I have come to this meeting with a heavy heart. Within just a few hours' time, the powerful earthquake in the Indian Ocean and the ensuing tsunami killed more than 100,000 people and left behind a trail of carnage and destruction. It is not just a catastrophe to the afflicted countries. It is a catastrophe to the entire mankind. Every single Chinese citizen is deeply concerned. Now, on behalf of the Chinese Government and 1.3 billion Chinese people, I wish to express once again our deepest sympathy for the countries and people stricken by the disaster. China is a country that is frequently stricken by natural disasters. We know how mach pain they can bring and what genuine friendship means in times of tribulations. After the disaster struck, the Chinese Government has launched its largest foreign relief operations to date. Apart from the initial contribution of 21.63 million yuan, the Chinese Government has pledged an additional 500 million yuan for the stricken countries. Chinese medical and relief teams ale already on the ground, up and running. Several batches of Chinese supplies have arrived in the hardest hit countries. The assistance we have provided to the best of our capacity is selfless. It shows an outpouring of care and friendship on the part of the Chinese people and the sincerity of the Chinese Government to take an active part in disaster relief and reconstruction. We will follow closely the situation on the ground. We have sent working groups on disaster study and assessment to the stricken countries and will provide additional aid of various kinds in keeping with their actual needs. The Chinese always mean what they say. Whatever promise we make will be honored. It was true, is true and will always remain true. Disaster relief in these countries is enormous and hard, and the post-disaster reconstruction will be an even tougher job to undertake. All this calls for vigorous support and assistance from the international community. This Special Leaders' Meeting initiated by ASEAN is both necessary and timely, as it can make a major impact on the relief and reconstruction work by improving coordination and combining the resources of the afflicted countries, other countries in the region and the international community at large. China is ready to contribute its share to this effort.



Passage 2





On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to reaffirm that our Government stands firmly behind Beijing in its bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. The Chinese Government respects and appreciates the conclusion reached by the International Olympics Committee Evaluation Commission. We have worked out a plan accordingly to ensure an excellent Games in Beijing. The Chinese Government will honor each and every commitment it has made in Beijing's Candidature File and will do whatever it call

to assist Beijing to fulfill its promises. China embraces the Olympic spirit and has always been a staunch supporter behind the IOC initiatives. Over the past five decades, thanks to, among other things, the nation-wide "fitness-for-all" sports campaign, our people's health has been greatly improved, and the average life expectancy has increased from 35 years to 70. Our athletes have been doing quite well in the sports events organized by the IOC. To further promote the Olympic spirit, China has also helped other developing countries with their sports facilities. For instance, we have helped them build 36 stadiums. And we will continue to do so in the future. Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to take this opportunity to pledge to you that if there is a surplus in the Games revenue. we will use it to set

up an Olympic Friendship and Co-operation Fund for financing sports undertakings in developing countries. If there is a deficit, the difference will be covered by the Chinese Government. China has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world over the past 20 years since its reform and opening-up. We will continue to ensure political stability, social progress and economic prosperity.



翻译服务机构的合作协议 范本 篇一:翻译服务合同范本 翻译服务合同 委托方(甲方): 住所地: 项目联系人: 联系电话:传真: 受托方(乙方): 住所地: 法定代表人: 通讯地址: 电话:传真: 甲方委托乙方就项目进行翻译(笔译、口译)服务工作,并支付相应的翻译服务报酬。双方经过平等协商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿的基础上,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,达成如下协议,并由双方共同恪守。 第一条甲方委托乙方进行翻译服务的内容如下: 1.

2. 甲方的笔译项目价款以“笔译服务订单”(本合同附件一)的形式由双方共同确认。翻译费用标准为:第二条翻译服务要求: 1. 乙方在收到甲方提交的订单后,应及时开展工作,并按约定的时间要求完成翻译工作。 2. 乙方按甲方给定的模板或原文档格式进行译文稿件排版编辑,包括图文、表格等的编辑,排版,最终完成稿件总体上应达到格式清晰、整齐,页面美观,整个文档风格统一; 3. 乙方执行翻译行业通用流程规范以确保文件翻译质量,乙方所提供的翻译服务应满足《中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19682-2005》(翻译服务译文质量要求)相关规定; 4. 为确保乙方翻译服务能够达到甲方要求,在本合同签订时,乙方可应甲方书面要求进行试译,供双方核定并确认质量标准。如果甲方在收到试译稿后3日内未向乙方提出书面意见或建议,则该试译稿的质量标准将作为乙方今后的质量标准。 5. 译文中不应出现技术性错误,不能与原文意思相悖,专业词语表述应准确一致;文字表述 符合相关专业的表达习惯与要求,目标语言与源语言在行文风格上一致;符号、量和单位、 公式和等式需按照译文的通常惯例或国家有关规定进


活动服务合同范本 活动服务是很多地方都会有的,那么活动服务合同怎么写呢?以下是在学习啦小编为大家整理的活动服务合同范文,感谢您的阅读。 活动服务合同范文篇一委托方(甲方): 受托方(乙方): 依据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《中华人民共和国广告法》的规定,经双方充分协商,甲方决定委托乙方为甲方提供的活动代理服务,达成如下协议: 一、委托服务内容: 甲方委托乙方负责执行活动。 活动时间: 活动地点: 二、甲方的权利与义务: 1、甲方负责提供本次活动宣传的资料,配合宣传的制作;甲方需要撤销活动订单,可在活动举行日之前通知乙方。在活动举行日之前,撤销广告发布订单甲方不承担任何责任,但乙方因此支出的合理费用,甲方应予以适当补偿。 、甲方有权在签订本合同前对乙方进行相关的资格审查。乙方隐瞒或伪造相关资质的构成违约。甲方有权对乙方提供的服务进行适时的监督和审查,所有的服务项目均需甲方书面确认后方可执行;

、乙方完全无瑕疵履行完本合同的义务并按甲方要求提供完所有结算手续后,甲方按本合同的约定支付款项。 三、乙方的权利和义务: 1、乙方必须严格按约定执行甲方委托的各项内容; 、乙方应及时将服务项目的进行情况以及在项目进行中遇到的问题如实向甲方报告; 、乙方代理执行的所有项目及相关内容均需甲方书面确认通过; 、乙方负责活动方案起草、活动参与人员及演出的组织安排、管理相关演职人员;这些费用已经全部计入本合同相关费用中。 、乙方负责活动参与人员、演出人员的安全,并自行承担以上人员的所有可能发生的法律责任。 四、费用及其支付方法: 1、费用总额:活动所产生的费用均须经甲方书面审核确认,所有相关费用不得超过人民币元整(¥元)。 、支付方式:甲方在合同签订之日7个工作日内向乙方支付合同金额的50%,即人民币元整(¥元);乙方顺利完成活动后,并经过甲方书面确认的7个工作日内,甲方付一次性支付剩余的50%,即人民币元整(¥元);以上付款甲方可用转帐方式向乙方支付,乙方最迟应在本合同约定的甲方付款期限届满前五个工作日内向甲方提供该期款项的等额有效发


产品介绍 1.我们的电热水壶是最新的快速煮沸开水及饮料的家用电器产品,适用于家庭及办公室。 Our electric kettle is the most up-to-date household appliance to boil water and make hot drinks fast at home or in the office. 2.该产品具有热效率高、耗电量少、性能可靠等优点,是您的最佳选择。 The product is your best choice with its high thermal efficiency, low power consumption, as well as reliable performance. 3.这跑车很酷,因此深受年轻人的喜爱,而且比其他式样的要轻便很多。 The sports car is so cool that it is popular with young people, and it is much lighter/convenient than other styles. Meet with a great favor in young people, Enjoy wide/great popularity among Is appreciated by young users 4.脱胎漆器无论是形状、样式、颜色、光泽,都那么高雅大方,此外,还轻便耐久。 Bodiles s lacquerwork is elegant in its 5.这很容易操作。你要做的就是轻轻按下这个按钮。看,开动了。 It is easy handling. / to handle. What you need to do is push/press the bottom lightly. Look, it gets started./ it is starting. 6.我们的绣花衬衫质量上乘,款式新颖,在欧洲和美国都很受欢迎,相信在你们国家也会有市场 的。 Our embroidered shirts are fine/superior in quality, fashionable in design, and have met with grater favor in European countries and America. I’m sure they will also enjoy a wide popularity in your country. (Warmly welcomed by) 定货-询价-报价-还价 7.由于订单太多,我们最多只能供应100台。我建议你把订单的数量削减一半,怎么样? As we are heavily committed, we can only supply 100 set at most. May I suggest that you cut the quantity of your order by half? As we have too many orders on hand, 100 set is the best we can offer you. I’d sugget that you reduce your order by half, what do you think? 8.我们能按不同市场的流行款式或客户来样,制作不同款式的箱包。 We can produce suitcase modeled after the fashions of different markets or according to buyers' samples. We can produce different styles of suitcase according to the fashions of the markets or the customers’samples. 9.我们的“虎”牌商标已经被大多数海外顾客所接受,并且在世界市场站稳了脚跟。 Our “Tiger” Trade Mark is well received by most of the overseas customers and has been well established in the world market. 10.坦白地说吧,已经有其他的客户已更高的价格向我们的订货呢。如果不是考虑到我们长期的业 务关系,我们也不会以这个价钱向你方报实盘。 To be frank with you, other clients have ordered at a higher price. We would not be willing to make you a firm offer at that price if it were not for the longstanding relations between us. 11.作为我们的老客户,您应该很清楚我们产品的质量上乘,而且,我们的报价是与世界市场的现 行价格相一致的 You is our old client, so you know very well that know fully well that our product is of superior quality, and Our quotation always comes in line with the world market/Our price is in line with the


BUSINESS SERVICE CONTRACT 香港商务服务合同 Contract No. 合同号: ___ THIS SERVICE CONTRACT (“Contract”) is made on the __th day of ____. 本服务合同(以下简称“合同”)由下述双方____年___月___日签署: BETWEEN Party A (Client)甲方(客户) And Party B ( Supplier of Service) 乙方(服务方) services; 鉴于甲方根据自己的需要,委托乙方在中国香港和中国大陆区域提供商务服务且乙方具备提供相关服务的能力与资源; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing of mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows. 因此,双方兹以上述契约与条件为约因,约定如下: Article 1: Services第一条:服务内容 1. Administration Support - hotel reservation, transportation arrangement, air ticket booking, schedule arrangement, counsel etc.

行政支持:酒店预订、车辆安排、机票预订、行程安排、咨询服务等 2. Verbal translation service during business trip in Hong Kong or Mainland China (Chinese - English, Chinese – Hungarian). 口译:根据需要在商务考察(中国香港或大陆地区)行程中提供中英、中匈翻译。 3. Written translation service, incl. commercial documents and related product information (Chinese – English, English - Chinese) 笔译:商务信函、文件及产品相关信息的中英、英中翻译 4. Local market research and report市场调查与报告 5. Sourcing support, incl. sample collection and delivery 寻找供货商/货源并按照甲方要求收集、交付样品 6. Purchasing Support (if Party B receives the formal order from Party A) - production status track & update, quality inspection & acceptance, storage and shipping arrangement (incl. document preparation, custom clearance and other necessary support for both sea and air shipment.) A sales contract shall be entered between the Parties for such purchasing support and the sales contract shall prevail in case of any discrepancy. 采购支持(如乙方收到甲方的正式订单)跟踪并更新生产状况、验货、仓储以及发货 安排 (包括海运或空运的相关档准备、清关服务及其它支持)。针对采购支持服务,双方 需另行 签订销售合同,且如有差异,以销售合同为准。 Article 2: Service Rates & Adjustment 第二条:费率及调整 Party B shall charge for its services stipulated as above and the rates listed in Party B’s formal


YOUR LOGO 房地产项目全程顾问咨询服务合 同范本正式版 After The Contract Is Signed, There Will Be Legal Reliance And Binding On All Parties. And During The Period Of Cooperation, There Are Laws To Follow And Evidence To Find 专业合同范本系列,下载即可用

房地产项目全程顾问咨询服务合同 范本正式版 使用说明:当事人在信任或者不信任的状态下,使用合同文本签订完毕,就有了法律依靠,对当事人多方皆有约束力。且在履行合作期间,有法可依,有据可寻,材料内容可根据实际情况作相应修改,请在使用时认真阅读。 委托方(甲方):xxx物业投资有限公司 服务方(乙方):xxxx地产投资咨询有限公司 签订日期:______年___月___日 房地产项目顾问咨询服务合同 委托方(甲方):xxx物业投资有限公司 服务方(乙方):xxx地产投资咨询有限公司 甲方委托乙方承担“xxx地块项目”(暂定名称)规划设计顾问咨询服务工作,经协商一致,签订该项目规划设计和项目、企业品牌建立发展战略的顾问咨询服务合同(以下简称“本合同”)。甲、乙双方同意进行密切配合,并按照合同规定,履行各自的责任。 一、______项目规模: 本项目总占地面积:约___亩; 二、______服务边界: 在合同有效期内,乙方应对甲方本项目的规划设计给予专业顾问咨询的支持,具体工作内容如下: 1、对本项目项目用地概念性规划暨总图设计全程顾问咨


尊称的译法: 在寒暄、介绍、礼仪祝词中,对对方或他人的尊敬称谓十分常见,中文和英语中的尊称说法有很多,较为常见的是英译中时可将you,your company,your university译成“您”、“贵公司”.“贵校”,而中译英的情况则较为复杂。如果是泛称,比如“尊敬的来宾”,一般可译成distinguished guests,honorable guests或respected guests等。但对不同身份、不同地位的个人则常常需要使用不同的尊称方式,主要有以下几种: 1. 陛下:Majesty,是对King(国王),Queen(王后或女王)的尊称。 直接称谓:Your Majesty 间接称谓:His/Her Majesty Majesty后面还可以加上人名:H. M. (Her Majesty) Queen Elizabeth 2. 殿下:Highness,是Prince (王子),Princess (公主),Royal Duke (王族公爵)和Royal Duchess (王族公爵夫人)的尊称, 直接称谓:Your Highness 间接称谓:His/Her Highness Highness后面还可以加上头衔及人名:Your Royal Highness Princess Diana 3. 阁下:Excellency,是对Prime Minister (总理),Secretary (大臣),Minister(部长),Governor(总督/省长),Bishop(主教),Ambassador(大使)等高官及教士的尊称。 直接称谓:Your Excellency 间接称谓:His/Her Excellency 后面还可以加上职衔及人名:Your Excellency Prime Minister Brown 4. 大人:Grace,主要用于对Duke (公爵),Duchess (公爵夫人),Arch-bishop (大主教)表示敬意。 直接称谓:Your Grace 间接称谓:His/Her Grace 5. 先生:Honor,是对法官或某些高官的尊称。 直接称谓:Your Honor 间接称谓:His/Her Honor


我国有一些常见的荣誉称号(honorary title) 在许多英语国家没有对应的表达语,现列举部分英译供参考: 标兵pacemaker 学习标兵student pacemaker; model student 劳动模范model worker 模范教师model teacher 优秀教师excellent teacher 优秀员工outstanding employee; employee of the month / year 青年标兵model youth / youth pacemaker 青年突击手youth shock worker 三好学生"triple-A" outstanding student; outstanding student 三八妇女红旗手"March 8th Red Banner" outstanding woman pacemaker 校长(大学)President of Beijing University 校长(中小学)Principal /Headmaster of Donghai Middle School 院长(大学下属)Dean of the Graduate School 系主任(大学学院下属)Chair/Chairman of the English Department 会长/主席(学/协会)President of the Student Union, Shanghai University 厂长(企业)Director of the Machine Tools Manufacturing Plant 院长(医院)President of Huadong Hospital 主任(中心)Director of the Business Center 主任(行政)Director of Foreign Affairs Office 董事长(企业)President/Chairman of the Board of Directors 董事长(学校)President/Chairman of the Board of Trustees 首席长官的汉语称谓常以“总……”表示,而表示首席长官的英语称谓语则常带有chief general, head , managing 这类词,因此当翻译冠以“总”字的头衔时,需遵循英语头衔的表达习惯: 总书记general secretary 总工程师chief engineer 总会计师chief accountant 总建筑师chief architect 总编辑chief editor; editor-in-chief; managing editor 总出纳chief cashier; general cashier 总裁判chief referee 总经理general manager; managing director; executive head 总代理general agent 总教练head coach 总导演head director 总干事secretary-general; commissioner 总指挥commander-in-chief; generalissimo 总领事consul-general 总监chief inspector; inspector-general;chief impresario 总厨head cook; chef


香港商务服务合同翻译模板(中英文) BUSINESS SERVICE CONTRACT 香港商务服务合同 Contract No. 合同号: ___ THIS SERVICE CONTRACT (“Contract”) is made on the __th day of ____. 本服务合同(以下简称“合同”)由下述双方____年___月___日签署: BETWEEN Party A (Client) 甲方(客户) And Party B ( Supplier of Service) 乙方(服务方) WHEREAS, Party A may from time to time demand business service from Party B in Hong Kong and Mainland China; and Party B has the resources and capability to provide such services; 鉴于甲方根据自己的需要,委托乙方在中国香港和中国大陆区域提供商务服务且乙方具备提供相关服务的能力与资源; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing of mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows. 因此,双方兹以上述契约与条件为约因,约定如下:

Article 1: Services第一条:服务内容 1. Administration Support - hotel reservation, transportation arrangement, air ticket booking, schedule arrangement, counsel etc. 行政支持:酒店预订、车辆安排、机票预订、行程安排、咨询服务等 2. Verbal translation service during business trip in Hong Kong or Mainland China (Chinese - English, Chinese –Hungarian). 口译:根据需要在商务考察(中国香港或大陆地区)行程中提供中英、中匈翻译。 3. Written translation service, incl. commercial documents and related product information (Chinese –English, English - Chinese) 笔译:商务信函、文件及产品相关信息的中英、英中翻译 4. Local market research and report市场调查与报告 5. Sourcing support, incl. sample collection and delivery 寻找供货商/货源并按照甲方要求收集、交付样品 6. Purchasing Support (if Party B receives the formal order from Party A) - production status track & update, quality inspection & acceptance, storage and shipping arrangement (incl. document preparation, custom clearance and other necessary support for both sea and air shipment.) A sales contract shall be entered between the Parties for such purchasing support and the sales contract shall prevail in case of any discrepancy.


软件租赁服务合同范本 合同编号: 甲方:乙方: 地址:地址: 授权代表:授权代表: 电话:电话: 传真:传真: e-mail:e-mail: 开户行:开户行: 甲乙双方,经友好协商一致,就甲方租用乙方企业应用系统软件服务签订以下协议。双方申明,双方都已理解并认可了本合同的所有内容,同意承担各自应承担的权利和义务,忠实地履行本合同。为明确双方的权利义务关系,经双方协商一致,签定本协议。 第一条企业应用系统软件租用范围 甲方根据自身的业务和管理需要,向乙方租用基于乙方平台的企业应用系统管理软件。 1. 甲方租用模块为,具体内容为。 2. 甲方租用期限为年日至年年。 3. 甲方租用费用为元/月。共计 第二条付款方式 甲方租用乙方在线管理软件,采用先付款后服务的方式。

支付时间为本合同签订后的一个礼拜内。付费方式为首期支付,以后每月的号支付软件租用和服务费用。 乙方银行账号: 公司全称: 账号: 开户行: 第三条甲方的权利和义务 1. 在软件租用过程中,甲方有责任与乙方相互配合,保证有专人负责甲、乙双方的沟通工作。甲方指派的联系人为,联系方式为,电子邮箱为。 2. 在软件使用初期,甲方有权利要求乙方指派专人负责系统的初始化工作。 3. 在软件租用过程中,甲方有权利要求乙方指派专人负责软件使用的培训和技术指导工作。 4. 禁止出售、转售或复制、开发试用权限,禁止基于商业目的模仿##软件的产品和服务;禁止复制和模仿##软件的设计理念、界面、功能和图表。甲方只能处于公司商业范围内使用服务,禁止发送兜售信息和违反法律的信息,禁止发送和储存带有病毒的、蠕虫的、木马的和其他有害的计算机代码、文件、脚本和程序。 5. 甲方应对其账号下所发生的任何行为负责并遵守地方、国家所有与适用本服务有关的适用法律、法规;有责任


第四部分翻译 Part Ⅰ英译汉 练习: Unit 1 1.年轻时,他对学业漫不经心,加之他一直不愿考虑运动员以外的职业,到这时候,这一切终于给他带来了不幸。 2.护士们对不得不日复一日地参与欺骗病人的做法也许深恶痛绝,但要抵制却感到无能为力。 3.我不会在初版的《失乐园》上乱写乱画,就像我不会把一幅伦勃朗的原作连同一套蜡笔交给我的婴儿任意涂抹一样。 4.只有假设地球表面呈曲线状,这一现象才能得到解释。 5.鹿减少生存所需的能耗以增加越冬生存的机会,从生物学的角度看是合情合理的。 6.不论好坏,不论是何结果,美国人不仅会一概接受,还要去铲除那些反对者,尽管对于成千上万的人来说,这决定与自己的意愿背道而驰。 7.你可曾为了接电话在洗澡时从浴室冲出来,或是嚼着饭从饭桌旁站起来,或是昏昏沉沉的从床上爬起来,而结果却是有人打错了。 8.实际上,大把花钱的满足感大于商品本身带给他们的乐趣。 9.但是蓝色也可以表示伤感(我很伤感),白色常代表纯洁,尽管在中国,人们在婚礼上穿白的,在葬礼上穿黑的。 10. 晚上十点到十二点,美国处在权力真空状态——除了纽约广播公司总部和两家大的新闻机构之外,全国范围内就再没有别的信息中心。 Unit 2 1) 1800年英国与法国之间将爆发一场持续15后的大战。 2) 我相信,到1816年,英国将在滑铁卢村附近赢得一场伟大战役的胜利。 3) 然而,到1870年,对于英国来说,德国将成为一个比法国更具危险性的国家。 4) 在20世纪初,俄国、美国和日本将成为大国,而英国将不再是世界上最强大的国家了。 5) 反过来,农民的业绩大小取决于农业的组织形式,经济环境,市场结构这些与之息息相关的因素。 6) 他被接回来时,不停地跟人讲,一些可怕的怪物瞪着眼睛盯着他,把他带到了一个宇宙飞船上。 7) 烫伤大多数发生在老人和孩子身上,往往是由于浴室里水温太高而造成的。 8) 尽量多地了解可能发生的事情,这样你可以提前做好准备。 9) 市场的变化迫使很多网站关闭,而其它网站也仅是勉强维持。 10)因为在农民生产率低下的国家,需要劳动人口中大多数人种粮食,因此就没有多少人从事投资货物的生产或进行经济增长所必须的其它活动。 Unit 3 1. 在牛顿之前,亚里士多德已经发现物体的自然状态是静止的,除非有力作用于物体。所以运动着的物体会停下来。 2.人们在家中或是类似家的地方感觉最为亲密——和一个或几个亲近的人呆在一起——也就是在私人交谈的时候。 3.当一个人长时间在干道或高速公路上驾车行驶,就会存在两个问题:一是如何保持稳定的车速;二是如何确保他不撞上前面的车。 4.这个系统尤其适用于汽车拥挤的情况,因为电脑不仅能够控制车速,与前面车子的距离,还能够控制方向。


口译中翻译复杂中文句子的方法 我曾写过一个帖子,介绍如何将一个复杂的英文句子翻译成中文。昨天我收到网友“CQ美眉”的邮件,她请我再写一个帖子,介绍如何将一个复杂的中文句子翻译成英文,也就是再写一个相反的帖子。这位网友还特意给我提供了一个例句,请看下面: 每一个人,作为社会的一个成员,有权享受其人格和尊严的自由发展所必需的社会、经济、文化权利,这些权利是通过国家努力和国际合作来实现的,并且与所在国家的组织、资源、现状相一致。 对于这种比较复杂的中文句子,在正式翻译成英文句子之前,应当按照它的含义,将它划分成不同的部分,以便我们确定英文句子的结构。我首先将这个中文句子划分成6个部分,请特别注意,第4部分嵌套在第3部分中间。 ①每一个人,②作为社会的一个成员,③有权享受 [④其人格和尊严的自由发展所必需的] 社会、经济、文化权利,⑤这些权利是通过国家努力和国际合作来实现的,⑥并且与所在国家的组织、资源、现状相一致。 这样划分之后,我初步决定,将第4、5、6部分翻译成三个定语从句,用来修饰第3部分的最后一个单词rights,请看: ①Everyone ②as a member of society ③is entitled to the social, economic and cultural rights ④which are necessary to the unrestrained development of his/her personality and dignity ⑤which are realized through national effort and international cooperation ⑥which are concordant with the organization, resources and situation of each country. 不过,在英语中,通常是一个定语从句修饰一个名词,很少有三个定语从句修饰一个名词,因此我临时决定,将第4部分改写成一个短语,将第5、6部分合并成一个定语句子,请看:


董事长 Chairman 总经理 General Manager; C.E.O(Chief Executive Officer) 经理 Manager 销售部经理 Sales Manager 副总经理 Deputy General Manager 财务主管 Controller 会计Accountant 采购员 Purchaser 出纳员 Cashier 计算机工程师 Computer Engineer 高级工程师 Senior Engineer 设计师 Designer 机械师 Mechanic 顾问 Adviser Consultant Interpreter 口语翻译 Technical Translator 技术翻译 Translator 翻译员 质检员 Quality Inspector Office Controller 技师 Technician Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程师 Manufacturing Worker 生产员工 Technical Worker 技术工人 Planning Manager 企划部经理 deputy Planning manager企划部副经理 Engineering manager 工程部经理 Administrative Assistant 行政助理 采购主管 Procurement charge 网络维护 Network Maintenance 主管 Charge 验收员 Members of acceptance 保管员 Custodians 质检员 QA (Quality Assurance) 品牌执行经理 Brand Executive Manager 技术代表 Technical Representative 科技研发高级经理 technology research and development senior manager 技术部 Technology 市场销售经理 marketing manager 全国市场部 National Marketing


公司上市全程服务委托协议 甲方: 法定代表人: 办公地址: 乙方: 法定代表人: 办公地址: 鉴于: 甲方为了公司培育上市的需要,拟委托乙方担任公司上市全程服务总顾问。双方经认真协商,达成协议如下: 第一条委托事项 甲方委托乙方根据甲方的条件和战略目标,提供公司上市全程服务及相关资本运作顾问服务。 第二条甲方义务 1、甲方保证是依法成立并有效存续的公司,本协议一经签署即为对甲方构成具有约束力的法律文件; 2、甲方保证在本协议生效期间,未经双方协商同意,不与任何第三方签订属本协议内容范围的服务协议; 3、甲方承诺向乙方及时提供乙方履行本协议所需的文件、资料及相关信息,并保证所提供文件、资料、信息的真实性、准确性和完整性,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏; 4、甲方承诺为乙方了解、查阅、调取与本协议有关的甲方资料提供方便及为乙方开展本协议委托的服务工作提供必要的条件。 第三条乙方义务 1、乙方保证是依法成立并有效存续的企业法人,本协议一经签署即为对乙方构成具有约束力的法律文件; 2、乙方保证选派具有相应专业水准、责任心和协调能力的业务团队,担任上市全程及

相关资本运作服务工作。 4、乙方不得超越甲方的授权、委托范围做出有损甲方利益的行为; 5、乙方在向甲方提供咨询意见、建议或报告时,应尽可能对有关风险做出相应的提示。 第四条乙方根据甲方委托所提供的服务 根据甲方委托,乙方提供如下服务: (一)根据甲方的发展战略,帮助制订公司组织构架和资本运作整体方案,担任财务顾问工作; (二)以争取创造条件实现公司上市为目标,制定上市规划;对甲方从业务、法律和财务等方面进行指导,以落实上市规划;基于甲方利益,向甲方推荐会计师事务所、律师事务所、证券公司等合格中介,协调和监督上列中介的工作; (三)根据公司实际需要,提供定向增资解决方案及帮助引进战略投资; (四)根据甲方的委托,提供其它资本运作专业服务。 第五条保密 1、协议双方对签署和履行本协议的有关信息,凡经书面及口头约定要保密的,双方均负有严格的保密义务。但下列情况除外:(1)依法律、法规的要求;(2)依有管辖权的监管机构要求;(3)非因任何一方过错导致信息已经公开。 2、本条款的适用不因本协议的终止而失效,效力至本协议终止后五年。 第六条费用和支付 甲方按下列方式向乙方支付综合服务费用: (1)甲方支付给乙方的综合服务年费,按每年万元计算,可以按本协议有效期限一次性支付,也可以按年度支付。 (2)如乙方帮助甲方实施定向募集资金成功,甲方须按募集资金额的X %,在募集资金到位后的5日内支付给乙方。 (3)如乙方帮助甲方实现上市的,甲方保证乙方持有公司上市前甲方总股本X%的股份。 2、证券公司提供上市承销和保荐服务,注册会计师提供审计服务,律师提供法律服务所发生的费用及需支付的服务费用,由甲方与中介依约定另行支付。 第七条违约责任及免责 1、任何一方违反本协议条款均构成违约;


称谓翻译小技巧:口译中遇到令人发狂的称谓怎么办 作者: star_zhang 【口语听力技巧16】翻译小技巧:口译中遇到令人发狂的称谓怎么办 在外事接待活动中,译员首先面临的一道难题是称谓的口译。称谓代表了一个人的职位、职衔或学衔,体现了一个人的资历和地位。称谓的误译不仅是对有关人员的不尊重,而且也会产生种种不良的后果。称谓的准确翻译其关键在于译员对有关人员的身份及其称谓的表达是否有一个正确的理解,尤其是对称谓语的认识。一种称谓语很可能表示多种身份,例如,英语的头衔语president,译成汉语时可视具体情况分别译作共和国的总统、国家主席、大学的校长、学院的院长、学会或协会的会长或主席、公司的总裁或董事长等等。 一般说来,各类机构或组织的首长其汉语称谓译成英语时虽可套用通用词head,但从比较严格的意义上看,应使用特定的、规范的称谓语。例如: 校长(大学)President of Beijing University 校长(中小学)Principal /Headmaster of Donghai Middle School 院长(大学下属)Dean of the Graduate School 系主任(大学学院下属)Chair/Chairman of the English Department 会长/主席(学/协会)President of the Student Union, Shanghai University 厂长(企业)Director of the Machine Tools Manufacturing Plant 院长(医院)President of Huadong Hospital 主任(中心)Director of the Business Center 主任(行政)Director of Foreign Affairs Office 董事长(企业)President/Chairman of the Board of Directors 董事长(学校)President/Chairman of the Board of Trustees 首席长官的汉语称谓常以“总……”表示,而表示首席长官的英语称谓语则常带有chief gene ral, head , managing 这类词,因此当翻译冠以“总”字的头衔时,需遵循英语头衔的表达习惯: 总书记general secretary 总工程师chief engineer 总会计师chief accountant 总建筑师chief architect


中文姓氏英文翻译 A: 艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B: 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li C: 蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai 曹/晁/巢--Chao/Chiao/Tsao 岑--Cheng 崔--Tsui 查--Cha 常--Chiong 车--Che 陈--Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程--Cheng 池--Chi 褚/楚--Chu 淳于--Chwen-yu D: 戴/代--Day/Tai 邓--Teng/Tang/Tung 狄--Ti 刁--Tiao 丁--Ting/T 董/东--Tung/Tong 窦--Tou 杜--To/Du/Too

段--Tuan 端木--Duan-mu 东郭--Tung-kuo 东方--Tung-fang E: F: 范/樊--Fan/Van 房/方--Fang 费--Fei 冯/凤/封--Fung/Fong 符/傅--Fu/Foo G: 盖--Kai 甘--Kan 高/郜--Gao/Kao 葛--Keh 耿--Keng 弓/宫/龚/恭--Kung 勾--Kou 古/谷/顾--Ku/Koo 桂--Kwei 管/关--Kuan/Kwan 郭/国--Kwok/Kuo 公孙--Kung-sun 公羊--Kung-yang 公冶--Kung-yeh 谷梁--Ku-liang H: 海--Hay 韩--Hon/Han 杭--Hang 郝--Hoa/Howe 何/贺--Ho 桓--Won 侯--Hou 洪--Hung 胡/扈--Hu/Hoo 花/华--Hua 宦--Huan 黄--Wong/Hwang


商务英语口译中的数字翻译 21世纪的中国在政治、经济、文化、贸易等方面的对外交往更加频繁,口译作为国际政治、经济及文化交流的桥梁和纽带作用愈显重要。随着中国市场经济发展的不断成熟,国际技术贸易和项目拓展愈来愈需要更多的国际商务英语人才及商务英语口译人才。加之目前国内在培养口译人才时常常把语言培养和技能培养分而治之,商务英语口译人员在工作时会面临更大的挑战。其中,数字翻译亦是一项难题。从事商业或者相关工作,在询盘、报盘、订单、支付、谈判、仲裁等商务活动过程中,必然会用到很多数字。如果译员译错,甚至是不准确,都会为客户带来重大经济损失。 一、明确汉英数字表达体系差异 由于中西方文化的差异,思维方式的差异形成了数字表达的差异,这使译者在口译中感到束手无策。而衡量翻译的两条基本标准就是:“准确、流利”(梅德明,2006)。口译更要重视“准确与流利的有机统一”(陈苏东,2006)。在商务活动中,数字翻译一定要做到准确。所以,数字翻译是口译教学的重点,也是难点。汉英数字互译时涉及数字单位的换算问题,译员的反应和换算速度会决定翻译的准确性和流利度。 英文数字是三位数为一个单位,而中文是四位数为一个单位。 Tr:trillion; M:million; Th:thousand; H:hundred 中文四位一进和英文三位一进的差异决定了数字翻译不仅仅是语言翻译问题,还有单位换算问题。因此,在时间紧迫的环境下,口译员要准确无误地翻译出大数字就需要熟练掌握汉英表达体系,快速换算出目的语表达体系。 例如: (1)six hundred eighty-five million,nine hundred fifty-five thousand,one hundred and twenty-nine tons 六亿八千五百九十五万伍仟一百二十九吨 首先在听英语时,按照英语三位数字体系记录下阿拉伯数字:685,955,129,从右往左分别是“千”、“百万”、“亿”。在用中文表达时,译员需要把该数据重新划分:6,8595,5129,从右往左分别是“万”、“亿”。 (2)十三亿八千六百二十四万五百七十二人 one billion,three hundred and eighty-six million,two hundred and twenty-four thousand,five hundred and seventy two people 要把这个长长的数字翻译成英语,处理起来时比较复杂的。首先,译员要按照汉语四位数字体系记录下阿拉伯数字:13,8624,0572。在译成英文时,用斜杠或其他符号重新用三位数字体系划分1/386/240/572。这样,数字中的“0”还不会被忽略。 除此之外,译员在学习或练习过程中还要注意英美两国的数字表达体系也有差异。美国英语中数字的基本单位是:十、百(hundred)、千(thousand)、百万(million)、十亿(billion)、万亿(trillion);英国英语中数字的基本单位原则是:十、百(hundred)、千(thousand)、百万(million)、万亿(billion)。 在英国英语数字表达体系中是没有“十亿”单位的,所以,译员在工作中要十分警惕这种现象。

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