当前位置:文档之家› 不定式做宾补和后置定语的区别



不定式、动名词、过去分词 作定语的用法

不定式作定语的用法 不定式及其短语作定语,与其他短语作定语一样,一般都放在被修饰的词之后,通常表示一个将来的动作,有时也可以表示某一过去的特定动作。 一些名词后常用不定式作定语,如:chance(机会),way(方法),time(时间)等;另外,the first,the second,the last,the only等作名词或者它们作形容词用来修饰代词,它们或它们所修饰的代词后,也常用不定式作定语。 不定式作定语时,不定式与被修饰词之间存在的关系复杂,有的是主谓关系;有的是动宾关系;有的是动状关系,还有的不存在主谓、动宾、动状关系。 1、主谓关系的 (1)We must find a person to do the work. (2) There is no one to take care of her. (3) In my family, my mother is always the first one to get up. (4) He is always the first to come and the last to leave. (5) We need someone to go and get a doctor. 2、动宾关系的 如果不定式与被修饰的词在逻辑上存在动宾关系,不定式里的动词必须是及物动词。注意:是及物动词的,后面不要再加宾语,因为前面的被修饰词是它的宾语;是不及物动词的,要加上适当的介词或副词让它变成及物动词,只有这样,它才能带上前面的宾语。 (1) He has a lot of books to read. (2) I would like a magazine to look at. (3) Here is some advice for you to follow. (4) Do you have anything else to say? (5) There is no one to take care of. (6) She has nothing to worry about.


后置定语与定语从句 英语中的后置定语往往可以分为以下几类,形容词做后置定语,现在分词做后置定语,过去分词做后置定语,不定式作后置定语。而后置定语往往可以由定语从句演变而来,这种定语从句的关系词往往是关系代词在从句中充当主语。下面我们来逐一讨论: 1.现在分词作后置定语 ⑴Who is the girl dancing with your brother?(现在分词作后置定语, 表正在)可改写成定语从句Who is the girl that is dancing with your brother? The high building being built (=which is being built)there is meant for the old without children. It is expected to be finished in a year.(正在被建) ⑵Anyone touching the wire will get a shock.可以改成定语从句Anyone who touches the wire will get a shock. 2.过去分词做后置定语 The jewelry (which is) worn by the Indians was made of bones. The spaceship (which was) called Shenzhou Ⅴ, was carrying China’s first astronaut, Yang Liwei. The Indians wearing (=who wore)jewelry (which was) made of bones greeted them warmly. 3.不定时作后置定语 表示未发生或即将发生的情况如 The project (which is)to be completed next month needs more people to help.(即将完成的) There are more pains (which are)to come.(要来的) Children who lived closest to the Fukushima-1 Nuclear Power Station were among the first to be tested.(the first,the last之后常用不定式作定语)


二、非谓语动词作定语 非谓语动词做定语有以下几种形式; doing 1、作动名词讲时做定语表示用途。比如、living room, swimming pool. 2、作现在分词讲时,所修饰名词或代词与其是一种主谓(主动)关系,有时还表进行。如; falling leaves, the rising sun, boiling water, a developing country, the boy standing on the ground, the man introducing modern technology into China. done(过去分词)表示被动(与所修饰的词是动宾关系)或完成。如;fallen leaves, the risen sun, boiled water, a developed country, the players selected from the whole country. being done 现在分词的被动结构,表是正在被……只做后置定语,即放在所修饰名词之后。如;the bridge being built, the meeting being held. to do (to be done)动词不定式做定语常表示将来,有主动与被动两种形式。 1、所修饰的词与不定式动作是一种被动关系(也可以说动词不定式与所修饰的词 是一种动宾关系,即所修饰的词是不定式动作的对象,)这时注意选择是用to do ,还是to be done. 1、I have a lot of readings to complete before the end of this term. 2、His first book to be published next month is based on a true story. 2、所修饰的词与不定式是是一种主谓(主动)关系,这些词前面常常有 the first ,the second, the last, the next, the only等修饰。 1、the next train to arrive is from Washington. 2、The last one to arrive pays the meal. 3、与所修饰的词一种同位关系,这些词通常是ability, way, chance, right, reason, need, wish等。 1、The ability to express an idea is as important as the idea itself. 2、That’s the way to do it. 注意:1、非谓语动词做定语的时,有时可以与定语从句进行转换。


2019年6月25日不定式作后置定语 高考频度:★★★☆☆ 难易程度:★★★☆☆ China, which boasts epochal (划时代的) inventions in ancient times, has once again proved its ability ______ (change) the world with its “new four great inventions ”: high-speed railways, electronic payments, shared bicycles and online shopping. 【参考答案】to change 【试题解析】考查动词不定式。the ability to do sth.做某事的能力。此处用动词不定式作后置定语,故答案为to change 。 【拓展延伸】 不定式作定语 当中心词是序数词或被序数词修饰时,常用不定式作后置定语。不定式作定语与被修饰词之间存在 关系如下: 1. 主谓关系。 2. 动宾关系。如果不定式里的动词是不及物动词,则要加上适当的介词或副词,才能直接修饰前面的宾 语。 3. 动状关系。被修饰词如果是不定式里动词的状语,多用介词短语。由于被修饰词前没有介词,所以只 能在不定式里的动词后加介词。 4. 不存在主谓、动宾、动状关系。被修饰词与不定式里的动词不存在主谓、动宾、动状关系的,被修饰 词多是些抽象名词。 不定式作定语的常考情形: 1. 当中心词是序数词或被序数词、形容词最高级,the next, the only, the last 等修饰时,常用不定式作 后置定语。 2. 被用来修饰的词是抽象名词,常见的有:ability, belief, chance, idea, promise, attempt, way 等。 【易错点津】 如果不定式是一个不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等时,不


最新英语非谓语动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.Students surf the internet _______ more information about the university they are dreamt of. A.found B.finding C.having found D.to find 【答案】D 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:学生们上网是为了找到他们理想大学的更多的信息。此处表示目的用不定式,指上网的目的。故选D。 2.Look over there! There is a long, winding path ________ up to the house. A.lead B.leading C.led D.to lead 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:看那边!有一条长长的蜿蜒小路通向那所房子。分析句式可知,这是个there be 句型,因此,此处用非谓语动词,path与lead是主动关系,因此用现在分词,故选B。 3.______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may influence genes in human bodies. A.Having exposed B.Being exposed C.To expose D.Exposed 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查动名词。句意:暴露于核辐射中甚至很短时间都会影响人体的基因。分析句子成分发现even for a short time是插入语,may influence是谓语,前面的部分应该是主语,be exposed to“暴露于”,要用动名词Being exposed to。故B选项正确。 4.The lecture, _______at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. A.starting B.being started C.to start D.to be started 【答案】A 【解析】 选A start与逻辑主语the lecture之间为主动关系,故排除B、D两项。不定式作定语时,常表示动作尚未发生,故排除C项,此处用现在分词作后置定语,表示主动。 第四步:根据与谓语动词的先后关系确定时态 非谓语动词表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前用过去分词或v.-ing形式/不定式的


高考英语之非谓语动词作定语 ——定语定义:修饰、限定名词或代词特征和品质的词,词组和句子。分为前置定语和后置定语。 例如: 常见定语形式: ——前置定语 a good girl 一个好女孩,(形容词作定语) women teachers 女教师,(名词作定语) a waiting room 候车室(动名词作定语) the interesting book, 那本有趣的书,(现在分词作定语) fallen leaves 落叶(过去分词作定语) ——后置定语 the boy with short hair, 留短发的那个男孩,(介词短语作定语) weekends available, 空闲的周末(形容词作定语) the man mending a car,修汽车的那个男人,(现在分词作定语) the bike fixed by workers, 工人修好的那辆自行车(过去分词作定语) the train to arrive soon.即将到达的火车(to do 作定语) a bottle full of water 装满水的瓶子(形容词短语作定语) something new 新的东西(形容词作定语) (一)非谓语动词作名词或代词前置定语: 1.doing 作前置定语: (1)当doing 为动名词时,相当于名词使用。表所修饰词的用途。 例如:a swimming pool 游泳池 a walking player 随身听 a waiting room 候车室 (2)当doing为现在分词时,相当于形容词使用。与所修饰词之间为主动关系,也可表进行。

例如: ——falling leaves 落叶 解析:表leaves 与falling之间为主动关系,fall这个动作正在进行中。 ——she is an interesting girl. 她是一个有趣的女孩。 解析:interesting修饰girl, 表girl 的特征和品质。指这个女孩令别人觉得有趣。——The dying man has many encouraging books. 那个奄奄一息的人有很多鼓励人的书。 解析:dying 修饰man, 表主动、进行。encouraging 修饰books,表其特征和品质。 2. done 作前置定语:done 为过去分词,相当于形容词使用。与所修饰词之间为被动关系,也可表完成。 例如: ——fallen leaves 落叶解析:表leaves 处于fallen 状态,即表完成。——There are many finished houses last year in the city. 在这个城市里,有很多去年竣工的房子。 解析:houses 与finished 之间为被动关系,也表完成。 ——The girl is sitting there with surprised facial expressions. 那个女孩在坐在那,带着惊讶的表情。 解析:surprised 修饰facial expressions, 表the girl 具有惊讶的感受,不表示她的表情令别人惊讶。 (二)非谓语动词作名词或代词后置定语。 1. doing 作后置定语:表主动,进行。 ——The girl standing under the tree is called Lucy. 正站在树下的那个女孩叫Lucy. 解析:girl 与standing之间为主动关系,表在发生或持续动作。 ——There are some reasons referring to environment pollution. 有几个涉及到环境污染的原因。 解析:referring 作reasons 后置定语,表主动。 ——People can’t forget the person hurting them badly.


在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫作定语从句。定语是用来限定、修饰名词或代词的,是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的词、短语(动词不定式短语、动名词短语和分词短语)或句子,汉语中常用“……的”表示。主要由形容词担任,此外,名词,代词,数词,分词,副词,不定式以及介词短语也可以担任,也可以由一个句子来担任。单词作定语时通常放在它所修饰的词之前,作前置定语。短语和从句作定语时则放在所修饰的词之后,作后置定语。在初中阶段我们常见的几种后置定语如下: 一、形容词作复合不定代词的后置定语 当被修饰词为复合不定代词something,anything,nothing,everything; somebody,anybody,nobody,everybody; someone, anyone, everyone, no one时,修饰语常位于被修饰的不定代词之后。 (1) Do you have anything else to say about it? 关于这件事,你还有什么要说的吗? (2) I have something important to tell you. 我有些重要的事情要告诉你。 (3) Someone important will give the students a lecture on how to learn English well. 今天下午,一位重要的人物将给学生们做一场有关如何学好英语的报告。 二、形容词作疑问词的后置定语 修饰疑问词what, which, who, whose, whom, when, where, why, how时,修饰语要后置。 (1) What important would you like to talk about? 你想谈论什么重要的事情? (2) What else would you like to eat?你还想吃什么? (3) Where new have they decided to visit? 他们决定到哪些没有去过的地方参观? 三、 enough作后置定语 enough(a.)修饰名词时既可以在名词前,也可以在名词后。 (1) We have not enough time (time enough) to do the job. 我们没有足够的时间做该工作。 (2) They have enough people(people enough)to do the experiment. 他们有足够多的人手做这个实验。 但enough(adv.)修饰形容词或副词时,须位于被修饰的形容词或副词之后。例如:good enough (足够好的),big enough(够大的),fast enough(够快),carefully enough(足够仔细)。 四、介词短语作后置定语 the map on the wall 墙上的地图 the bird in the tree 树上的那只小鸟 the development of China 中国的发展 the way to the school 去学校的路


一.非谓语动词 ※不定式、现在分词和过去分词作定语的区别: 【知识点拨】 1.不定式作定语 ①不定式作定语常用于不定代词或被the first/next/only/last等修饰的名词和其他一些名词、代词之后。其中,不定式的一般式通常表示一个将来或经常性的动作,完成式则表示该动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。 例如:She is always the first (one) to come and the last to leave. ②如果作定语的不定式与被修饰的名词有动宾关系,在不及物动词后通常要加上适当的介词. 例如:Let's first find a room to live in / to put the things in. We have nothing to worry about.(=There is nothing for us to worry about.) ③不定式作定语修饰一个在逻辑上是其宾语名词时,若在句子中能找到该不定式的逻辑主语, 则该不定式多用主动表被动,否则,用被动式。 例如:I have a lot of things to do today. ( I ... do ... things) 2.-ing分词作定语 ①单个的-ing分词作定语一般前置,说明名词的性质、特征或用途等,-ing短语作定语一般后置;强调动作的单个-ing分词也常后置。 例如:a sleeping car ( = a car for sleeping ) a sleeping child ( = a child who is sleeping ) the boy standing there ( = the boy who is standing there ) The girl singing is my classmate. ②-ing分词作定语一般要求其动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生或是在说话时该动作正在进行,否则,要用从句作定语。 例如:Do you know the boy talking ( = who is talking ) to the teacher? Did you notice the boy sitting ( = who was sitting ) at this desk yesterday? 3.-ed分词作定语 -ed分词作定语一般表示一个被动或已完成动作,-ing分词表示一个主动或正在进行的动作, -ing分词的被动式则表示一个正在被进行的动作。 例如:a developed/developing country He is a student loved by all the teachers. The building being built will be the third Teaching Building of our school. 4.像定语从句一样,分词作定语也有非限制性的,其作用相当于一个非限制性定语从句。 例如:The students, wearing their school uniforms, marched into the playground. The substance, discovered almost by accident,has greatly changed the world. 【知识过关】 1. The computer center,______last year, is very popular among the students. in the school. A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened 2. Most of the artists _______ to the party were from South Africa. A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited 3. There was a terrible noise _______ the sudden burst of light. A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed 4. Do you know the boy_______ under the big tree? A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying 5. Are you going to attend the meeting _______ tomorrow? A. to be held B. being held C. will be held D. held ※、不定式作定语 不定式作定语一般有以下四种情形: ⑴用于个体名词后,被修饰的名词作不定式的逻辑宾语, 同时句子的主语也是不定式动作的执行者。这种情况下使用不定式的一般体:

Part Ⅱ Using language——动词不定式作定语和结果状语

Part ⅡUsing language——动词不定式作定语和结果状语【思维导图】 一、基本特征感悟 【感悟用法】 ①That football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the basis of its popularity. ②He studied hard only to fail. 【自我总结】 句①中的to play是不定式,作game的定语。句②中的to fail 是不定式,作结果状语。 二、主要用法精讲 1.动词不定式作定语 (1)动词不定式作定语常用来修饰名词或不定代词,放于所修饰的词后,为后置定语。 There is nothing to worry about.没什么可担心的。 The best way to raise money is to sell newspapers. 筹集资金最好的方式是卖报纸。 (2)如果不定式动词与被修饰词之间有逻辑上的动宾关系,并且该动词是不及物动词,则需要加上适当的介词或副词使动宾关系成立。 When you move somewhere new,the first thing for you is to find a place to live in.当你搬到一个新的地方时,首先要找一个住处。 2.动词不定式作结果状语 (1)动词不定式表示结果时,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语。结果状语常常只限于learn(得知),find(发现),see,hear,to be told(被告知),make(使得)等具有界限含义的动词。 He returned home to learn his daughter had just been engaged.


动词不定式作宾补 动词不定式既有动词的性质,又有名词的性质。它没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能独立作谓语。动词不定式在句子中可以作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语、表语、同位语等:动词不定式在句子中可以用作宾语补足语,常用的“动词+宾语+不定式”的句子结构中。不定式作宾语补足语的有以下八种类型:(下列句子中划线部分作宾语补足语) 一、许多动词可跟一个“宾语+ to do…”构成句子,句中的不定式作宾语补足语;否定形式为“动词+宾语+not to do…”。例如: My boss told me to type out two letters. 分析:句中“My boss”做主语,“told”作谓语,“me”作宾语,划线部分作宾语补足语。请看下面的句子。 They forbade her to leave the country. Please remind me not to be late for the meeting. 高中范围内,适用于“动词+宾语+(not)to do…”的结构,不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:advise,allow,ask,beg,cause,direct,encourage,expect,forbid,force,invite,order,permit,persuade,remind,request,require,teach,tell,want,warn等。 二、有些动词可跟“宾语+to be…”构成句子,句中的不定式作宾语补足语。例如: I consider him to be the best candidate. 分析:句中“I”做主语,“consider”作谓语,“him”作宾语,划线部分作宾语补足语。请看下面的句子。 I know him to be a liar. I suppose him to be away from home. 高中范围内,适用于“动词+宾语+to be…”的结构,不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:consider,declare,discover,feel,find,suppose等。 三、有些动词(感官动词和使动词)后可跟不带to的不定式构成句子,句中的不定式作宾语补足语。例如: He saw her enter the room. 分析:句中“He”做主语,“saw”作谓语,“her”作宾语,划线部分作宾语补足语。请看下面的句子。 She won't let me do it. I heard her lock the door. We watched the children play games. 高中范围内,适用于“动词+宾语+do…”的结构,不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:feel,have,hear,let,make,notice,observe,see,watch等。还有两个词组:listen to,look at. 注意:这类句子变为被动结构时,不定式前加to。请看下列句子,句中划线部分作宾语补足语。例如: A child was seen to enter the building. She was often heard to sing this song. 四、help后的不定式可加to,也可不加to(美国人不加to时较多),但被动结构中要加to。例如: I'll help you(to) push the cart. 分析:句中“I”做主语,“will help”作谓语,“you”作宾语,划线部分作宾语补足语。


作后置定语的短语及非谓语动词的归类 一、作后置定语的短语源自于原定语从句。 A、形容词短语 A problem (which/that is) difficult to solve. Hard to work out. Easy to handle. An actor (who/that is) famous for his fine acting. As Master. To us all. A rich man (who/that is) content/satisfied/pleased with what he has. A king (who/that is ) proud of his success.=(taking pride in his success.) The student (who/that is ) anxious to keep up with others. A school (which/that is ) far away from here. The house (which/that is ) different from ours. The word (which/that is ) common to most languages. Something (that is) wrong with the watch.(=the matter / the trouble with the watch.) The teacher (who/that is ) responsible for the class.(=in charge of the class.) A basket (which/that is ) full of eggs.(=filled with eggs.) A boy (who/that is) eager to go.(=anxious to go.) A man (who/that is) ready to die for justice. A man (who/that is ) afraid of making enemies.(=afraid to make enemies.) Books (which/that are) easy to digest. A state (which/that is) similar to mine. An opinion (which/that is) contrary to ours. A man (who/that is) often forgetful his promise. Customs (which/that is) peculiar to Japanese.


Lesson 15 Danny grows grain! Learning aims: 1. Read the words: agriculture, grain, flour, in the sun 2. Language notes: ① I have a lot of to write about today. ② Now something new is growing at the top of the stem. ③ Later, the head will turn into wheat seeds. Learning important and difficult points: 1. 动词不定式作后置定语 I have nothing to say. 2. 不定代词作主语要用第三人称单数 3. turn…into /change into turn into/change into Learning method: Listen, say, read and write. Learn text. Read the diary. And find out the useful expression: 1. My teacher told me that it’s the wheat’s flower. 当询问过去时时,从句用过去范围内相应的时态,但陈述的是真理、事实时,用一般现在时。 2. Its seeds are called grain. be + done Learning steps: Step 1. Reading Read the diary. Step 2. Do exercises Step 3. Homework Recite the diary. Lesson 16 Unit Review


不定式作定语,一般都是作后置定语,修饰前面的名词或代词。 一、不定式与所修饰词之间的关系 1.主谓关系 被修饰的名词或代词实际上是不定式的逻辑主语。如: We need someone to help with the work.(someone will help with the work)我们需要有人来帮忙干这工作。 2.动宾关系 被修饰的名词或代词是动词不定式的逻辑宾语。如: I have many letters to write.(to write many letters)我有许多信要写。 3.同位关系 不定式与所修饰的名词指的是一回事。如: We have made a plan to learn from Lei Feng.我们制定了一个向雷锋学习的计划。 4.状语关系 被修饰的名词实际上表示动词不定式动作的方式、时间等。这些名词多是抽象名词。如: That's the way to do it. 那样做才对。 I have no time to go there. 我没有时间去那儿。 二、不定式与其所修饰的词构成逻辑上的动宾关系,而该不定式为不及物动词时,其后须加 上适当的介词,构成及物动词短语。如: I am looking for a room to live in. 我正在找一间屋子住。 I need a piece of paper to write on. 我需要一张写字用的纸。 There is nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。 不定式作定语且所修饰的名词是time , place 或 way 时,不定式后的介词一般要省去。如: He had no money and no place to live. 他没有钱也没有地方住。 三、当不定式修饰的名词或代词为不定式动作的承受者时,不定式主动形式与被动形式的含 义有所不同。试对比:


2019 年8 月27 日 考点非谓语动词作定语 高考频度:★★★★★难易程度:★★★★☆ 1.(2019·新课标II 卷·语法填空)Picking up her “Lifetime Achievement” award,proud Irene declared (declare) she had no plans 65 (retire) from her 36-year-old business. 【参考答案】to retire 【答案解析】考查不定式作定语。此处用to do sth 做后置定语,用来修饰前面的名词plan,表示“……的计划”,故填to retire。 2.(2019·新课标II 卷·语法填空)When we got a call 68 (say)she was short-listed,we thought it was a joke. 【参考答案】saying 【答案解析】考查非谓语动词。根据其后所接的宾语从句可知,此处用现在分词形式saying 作后置定语,解释名词call 的内容,call 与say 是主动关系,故填saying。 3.【2019·北京卷·语法填空】Earth Day, 4 (mark)on 22 April,is an annual event aiming to raise public awareness about environmental protection. 【参考答案】marked 【答案解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:地球日于4 月22 日举行,是一项旨在提高公众环保意识的年度活动。分析句式可知,设空处是要做名词Earth Day 的后置定语,且与其之间是被动关系,要用过去分词。故填marked。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/f613044367.html,st night, there were millions of people the opening ceremony live on TV. A. watch B. to watch C. watched D. watching 【参考答案】D 【答案解析】考查非谓语动词,考查方式为非谓语动词形式的选择。本题说明"昨晚有成百万的人看电视上直播的开幕式",watching 引导的现在分词短语做定语,说明人们在做什么。与前面的people 构成主谓


不定式作定语的用法 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

不定式作定语的用法 不定式及其短语作定语,与其他短语作定语一样,一般都放在被修饰的词之后,通常表示一个将来的动作,有时也可以表示某一过去的特定动作。 一些名词后常用不定式作定语,如:chance(机会),way(方法),time(时间)等;另外,thefirst,thesecond,thelast,theonly等作名词或者它们作形容词用来修饰代词,它们或它们所修饰的代词后,也常用不定式作定语。 不定式作定语时,不定式与被修饰词之间存在的关系复杂,有的是主谓关系;有的是动宾关系;有的是动状关系,还有的不存在主谓、动宾、动状关系。 1、主谓关系的(1)Wemustfindapersontodothework. (2)Thereisnoonetotakecareofher. (3)Inmyfamily,mymotherisalwaysthefirstonetogetup. (4)Heisalwaysthefirsttocomeandthelasttoleave. (5)Weneedsomeonetogoandgetadoctor. 2、动宾关系的如果不定式与被修饰的词在逻辑上存在动宾关系,不定式里的动词必须是及物动词。注意:是及物动词的,后面不要再加宾语,因为前面的被修饰词是它的宾语;是不及物动词的,要加上适当的介词或副词让它变成及物动词,只有这样,它才能带上前面的宾语。(1)Hehasalotofbookstoread.(2)Iwouldlikeamagazinetolookat. (3)Hereissomeadviceforyoutofollow.(4)Doyouhaveanythingelsetosay? (5)Thereisnoonetotakecareof.(6)Shehasnothingtoworryabout. 3、动状关系的被修饰词如果是不定式里动词的状语,应多用介词短语。由于被修饰词前没有介词,所以只能在不定式里的动词后加介词。(1)Pleasegivemesomepapertowriteon. (2)Let"sfindaroomtoputthesethingsin(3)Ihavenohousetolivein. (4)Hehasnopentowritewith.(5)Therearefivepairstochoosefrom. 4、不存在主谓、动宾、动状关系的被修饰词与不定式里的动词不存在主谓、动宾、动状关系的,被修饰词多是些抽象名词。(1)Ihavenotimetogotothemovie. (2)There"snoneedtosendforadoctor.(3)Where"sthebestplacetomeet? (4)Isthatthewaytodoit(5)I"mnotsureabouthisabilitytocompletethetaskalone. 现在分词作定语状语的用法 现在分词在句中起形容词和副词的作用。现在分词用定语时相当于一个定语从句;作状语表示时间、原因、条件等时相当于一个状语从句。然而,我们在使用现在分词时应注意两方面的问题。 一、作定语 现在分词短语作定语通常置于所修饰的名词或代词之后,现在分词短语作后置定语时,应注意下列三点: 1.现在分词表示的动作和谓语动词表示的动作是一先一后发生而不是同时发生时,不能用现在分词作定语,应使用定语从句表示。如:

非谓语动词作 定语讲解及练习

非谓语动词作定语 一.不定式作定语 1.不定式作定语常用于不定代词或被the first/next/only/last等修饰的名词和其他一些名词、 代词之后。其中,不定式的一般式通常表示的动作,完成式则表示该动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作。 例如:She is always the first (one) to come and the last to leave. 2.如果作定语的不定式与被修饰的名词有动宾关系,在不及物动词后通常要加上适当的介 词。 例如:Let's first find a room to live in / to put the things in. We have nothing to worry about. (=There is nothing for us to worry about.) 3.不定式作定语修饰一个在逻辑上是其宾语名词时,若在句子中能找到该不定式的逻辑主 语, 则该不定式多用主动表被动,否则,用被动式。(本结构是高考常考点) 例如:I have a lot of things to do today. ( I ... do ... things) Have you got anything to say at the meeting? ( you... say ... anything) Here is a letter to be taken to Mr. Li. 在there be句型中,有时用主动式或被动式意思不同。 比较:There is nothing to do at present.(=We have nothing to do at present.) There is nothing to be done at present.(= We can do nothing at present.) 二.-ing分词作定语 1.单个的-ing分词作定语一般,说明名词的性质、特征或用途等;-ing短语作定语一 般;强调动作的单个-ing分词也常后置。 例如:a sleeping car ( = a car for sleeping ) a sleeping child ( = a child who is sleeping ) the boy standing there ( = the boy who is standing there ) The girl singing is my classmate. 2.-ing分词作定语一般要求其动作与谓语动词所表示的动作或是在说话时该动 作,否则,要用从句作定语。 例如:Do you know the boy talking ( = who is talking ) to the teacher? Did you notice the boy sitting (= who was sitting) at this desk yesterday? The man shaking (= who is now shaking) hands with Mr. Li visited our class yesterday. 比较:误:He is the man visiting our class yesterday. 正:He is the man who visited our class yesterday. 三.-ed分词作定语 1.-ed分词作定语一般表示一个动作,-in分词表示一个动作, -ing分词的被动式 则表示一个的动作。 例如:a developed/developing country He is a student loved by all the teachers. The building being built will be the third Teaching Building of our school.

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