当前位置:文档之家› 大一考试试题及答案



1. RedHat LINUX 安装时自动创建了根用户(对)。

2. 在安装RedHat Linux 时要以图形化模式安装,直接按Enter(对)。

3. LINUX 中的超级用户为root,登陆时不需要口令(错)。

4. Linux 不可以与MS-DOS、OS/2、Windows 等其他操作系统共存于同一台机器上(错)。

5. Linux 的特点之一是它是一种开放、免费的操作系统(对)。

6. redhat 系统中,默认情况下根口令没有字符长短的的限制,但是必须把口令输入两次;如果两次输入的口令不一样,安装程序将会提示用户重新输入口令(错)。

7. 确定当前目录使用的命令为:pwd(对)。

8. RedHat 默认的Linux 文件系统是ext3(对)。

9. RedHat Linux 使用ls -all 命令将列出当前目录中的文件和子目录名(对)。

10. 在RedHat 中cd ~ 这个命令会把你送回到你的家目录(对)。

1、查看/etc/boot路径下的所有内容。命令:ls /etc/boot

2、查看文件/etc/hosts的内容。命令:ls /etc/hosts

3、增加一个组账号group1,并指定组账号ID分别为10100。groupadd -g 10100 group1

4、设置主机名称etc/sysconfig/network HOSTNAME=主机名


1、netstat命令。显示协议统计信息和当前TCP/IP 网络连接

2、route命令。route命令是在本地IP 路由表中显示和修改条目网络命令。

3、ifconfig命令。配置或显示TCP/IP 网络的网络接口参数



1. GUN 的含义是:_GNU’S NOT UNIX__。

2. Linux 一般有3 个主要部分:_内核_、_命令解释层、__实用工具___。

3. 安装Linux 最少需要两个分区,分别是__swap交换分区和(根)分区___。

4. Linux 默认的系统管理员账号是_root_____。

5. 文件传输的全称___超文本传输协议______。


7. samba使用___SMB_______ 协议。




(31)选择阶段,即DHCP客户端选择IP地址的阶段。如果有多台DHCP服务器向该客户端发送DHCPOFFER 包,客户端从中随机挑选,然后以广播形式向各DHCP服务器回应DHCPREQUEST包,宣告使用它挑中的DHCP 服务器提供的地址,并正式请求该DHCP服务器分配地址。其它所有发送DHCPOFFER包的DHCP服务器接收到该数据包后,将释放已经OFFER(预分配)给客户端的IP地址。如果发送给DHCP客户端的DHCPOFFER 包中包含无效的配置参数,客户端会向服务器发送DHCPCLINE包拒绝接受已经分配的配置信息。

(4)确认阶段,即DHCP服务器确认所提供IP地址的阶段。当DHCP服务器收到DHCP客户端回答的DHCPREQUEST包后,便向客户端发送包含它所提供的IP地址及其他配置信息的DHCPACK确认包。然后,DHCP 客户端将接收并使用IP地址及其他TCP/IP配置参数。













大一英语期末考试试题精选 又到一个学期的期末了,大家复习好大学英语了吗?为大家精心挑选了一份大学英语第一学期期末试卷,供大家复习使用,希望能够帮助到大家! 大学一年级英语试卷 Part II Reading Comprehension (30 %) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheetwith a single line through the center. Passage One Science is not a set of unquestionable results but a way of understanding the world around us. Its real work is slow. The scientific method , as many of us learned in school, is a gradual process that begins with a purpose or problem or question to be answered. It includes a list of materials, a procedure to follow, a set of observations to make and, finally, conclusions to reach. In medicine, when a new drug is proposed that might cure or control a disease, it is first tested on a large random group of people, and their reactions are then compared with those of another random group not given the drug. All reactions in both groups are carefully recorded and compared, and the drug is evaluated. All of this takes time and patience. It’s the result of course, that makes the best news—not the years of quiet work that characterize the bulk of scientific inquiry. After an experiment is concluded or an observation is made, the result continues to be examined critically. When it is submitted for publication, it goes to a group of the scientist’s colleagues, w ho review the work. Einstein was right when he said: “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right, a single experiment can at any time prove me wrong.”


第一章 1关于信息社会,下列说法不正确的是( ) A.在信息社会,信息、知识成为重要的生产力要素。 B.信息社会中所有的工业生产都是自动化的。 C.在信息社会,信息技术催生大批新兴产业,同时,传统产业也普遍实行技术改造。 D.计算机的发明是第三次科技革命的重要标志,是人类文明史上继蒸汽技术革命和电力技术革命之后科技领域的又一次重大飞跃。 2二进制是由下列哪位科学家首先提出来的() A.布尔 B.巴贝奇 C.莱布尼兹 D.图灵 3在人体器官中,下列说法不正确的是() A.大脑的思维是对外部事物的直接反应。 B.人体器官可分为直接感觉器官和间接感觉器官。 C.大脑是人体的思维器官。 D.大脑是一种间接感觉器官。 4对于计算思维,下列说法错误的是() A.计算思维是计算机科学家独有的思维方式。 B.计算思维的产生与信息社会发展的时代背景有关,工具影响我们的思维方式。 C.计算思维是一种借助于计算能力进行问题求解的思维和意识。 D.计算思维的本质是抽象和自动化。 5关于信息技术(Information Technology,IT)下列说法正确的是 A.在信息社会,所有的信息处理中都用到了信息技术。 B.在信息处理的每一个环节,都必须使用信息技术。 C.信息技术无法对工业社会形成的传统设备进行技术改造,成为智能设备。 现代信息技术是指以微电子技术、计算机技术和通信技术为特征的技术。D. 6多选(2分) 关于思维,下列说法正确的是() A.思维是人类凭借知识、经验对客观事物进行的间接的应。 B.思维是在表象、概念的基础上进行分析、综合、判断、推理等认识活动的过程。 C.思维是人类的大脑对外部客观世界概括的和间接的反应。 D.思维是大脑活动,与工具无关。 7多选 下列内容属于信息素养(Information Literacy)的是() A.信息意识 B.信息能力 C.信息道德 D.信息知识 8多选(2分)关于推理,下列说法正确的是() A.推理是由已知判断,根据一定的思维规则导出一个或一组新的判断的过程。 B.归纳推理比演绎推理更具有说服力。 C.三段论是一种演绎推理形式。


1. Make a self-introduction .Good afternoon ,next I will make a introduction of myself. My name is . I am a nineteen -year -old boy. I come from a beautiful country located at the bank of Chang Jiang River. In this beautiful country, I spent my childhood with my friends. I was born in a sunny day on October twenty-fifth. I am quiet and I don’t like to show myself before others. I am honest and hard-working. I have a strong will. To keep my enthusiasm, I keep exercise everyday. Only with strong will can you conquer yourself and realize your goals. If you don’t keep you dreams alive, you won’t have your dreams any longer. I don’t have many friends, however I have several best friends. They are very good people. We play, learn, and live together. If anyone of us gets into troubles, all of us will give him a hand and get him through these troubles. During my high school life, these memories with my friends are great fortune in my life. My favorite subject is physical. There are some reasons. On the one hand, I think physical reflects the law of the nature. Without physical, we can’t build up human culture and step into modern life. On the other hand, physical is beautiful and practical. Scientists use physical to design machines. We can also use physical to solve problems and seek the truth of the sceneries. To be honest, it’s a little difficult for me to learn physical. However, I really enjoy the beauty of the physical while solving these


大学生英语口语考试自我介绍 大学生英语口语考试自我介绍范文 大学生英语口语考试如何做自我介绍,下面是小编收集整理的大学生英语口语考试自我介绍范文,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 大学生英语口语考试自我介绍 1、Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today.

上午好/下午好/晚上好!我的名字叫……。今天有机会进行自我介绍深感荣幸。我乐意回答你们所提出来的任何问题。我希望我今天能表现的非常出色。 2、I am -years old, born in province/Beijing, northeast/southeast/southw est…… of china, and I am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生) student at Capital Institute of Physical Education. 我今年……岁,出生在……省/北京,它位于中国的东北/东南/西南……等部。我目前是首都体育学院大一/大二/大三/大四的学生。 3、My major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/


2010级大学英语第一学期期末考试(A卷) Jan., 2011 Part II Reading Comprehension (30 %) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Science is not a set of unquestionable results but a way of understanding the world around us. Its real work is slow. The scientific method , as many of us learned in school, is a gradual process that begins with a purpose or problem or question to be answered. It includes a list of materials, a procedure to follow, a set of observations to make and, finally, conclusions to reach. In medicine, when a new drug is proposed that might cure or control a disease, it is first tested on a large random group of people, and their reactions are then compared with those of another random group not given the drug. All reactions in both groups are carefully recorded and compared, and the drug is evaluated. All of this takes time and patience. It’s the result of course, that makes the best news—not the years of quiet work that characterize the bulk of scientific inquiry. After an experiment is concluded or an observation is made, the result continues to be examined critically. When it is submitted for publication, it goes to a group of the scientist’s colleagues, who review the work. Einstein was right when he said: “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right, a single experiment can at any time prove me wrong.” In August 1996, NASA announced the discovery in Antarctica of a meteorite(流星) from Mars that might contain evidence of ancient life on another world. As President Clinton said that day, the possibility that life existed on Mars billions of years ago was potentially one of the great discoveries of our time. After the excitement wore down and initial papers were published, other researchers began looking at samples from the same meteorite. Some concluded that the “evidence of life”was mostly contamination from Antarctic ice or that there was nothing organic at all in the rock. Was this a failure of science, as some news reports trumpeted? No! It was a good example of the scientific method working the way it is supposed to. Scientists spend years on research, announce their findings, and these findings


精心整理计算机能力考试测评.................................................................. 单项选择 计算机系统中存储容量最大的部件是(). A.主存储器 B.高速缓存器 C.硬盘 D.软盘 【评分报告得分:1.0之1.0】 【参考答案】正确 C C A.CPU B.CPU C.CPU D.CPU D B 十进制数 A.10E B.10D C.10C D.10B B A 在Word A.边框 B. C.分页符 D.换行符 C 【学生答案】 C 冯·诺依曼(VonNeumann)在总结ENIAC的研制过程和制订EDVAC计算机方案时,提出两点改进意见,它们是______。 A.机器语言和十六进制 B.采用ASCII编码集和指令系统 C.引入CPU和内存储器的概念 D.采用二进制和存储程序控制的概念 【评分报告得分:0.0之1.0】 【参考答案】错误 D 【学生答案】 B 微机硬件系统中地址总线的宽度<位数>对()影响最大.

A.存储器的字长 B.存储器的稳定性 C.CPU可直接访问的存储器空间大小 D.存储器的访问速度 【评分报告得分:1.0之1.0】 【参考答案】正确 C 【学生答案】 C 1KB表示(). A.1024字节 B.1000字节 C.1000位 D.1024位 A A A. B.CPU C. D.硬盘 B B A.格式 B.编辑 C.工具 D.插入 B B B.RAM C.硬盘 D.ROM 【评分报告得分:0.0之1.0】 【参考答案】错误 B 【学生答案】 C 计算机按处理数据的方式可分为(). A.电子模拟和电子数字计算机 B.科学计算、数据处理和人工智能计算机 C.便携、台式和微型计算机 D.巨型、大型、中型、小型和微型计算机【评分报告得分:0.0之1.0】 【参考答案】错误 A 【学生答案】


以下为爱麟霖/(Curlylin)倾情奉献,需要的朋友可以参考一下 7. Friendship (Listening and Speaking Course, Unit 3; Integrated Course, Unit 2) 1) Do you have many friends? What kind of people do you want to make friends with? Why? Yes. I’d like to make friends with loyal people. In my opinion,a friend is a person who can share his/hers happiness with you, who can lend you a shoulder when you cry,who can give you a hand when you are in trouble without asking for anything in return. In a word,a friend in need is a friend indeed, I think a loyal people can do the things which were mentioned above for his/hers true friend. So I prefer to make friends with loyal people, and I also believe I am a loyal people who you can make friends with. 2) How do you make friends? Please comment on “a friend you buy isn’t worth the price”. First,I’d like to talk to him to find out whether we have the same interest with each other. If the answer is YES,then we have the foundation to develop a friendship. The next days, all we need to do is to treat each other by heart and soul. 3) How valuable is friendship in a person’s life? How can we keep friendship alive? As for me, I regard friendship as a very important part in my life.Just imagine a life,there’s no one to be your friend. What life could be if you had no friend to talk to , no friend to comfore you and cheer you up when you were having a hard time,no friend to lend you a hand when you needed help …… Life without friends is unthinkable ... We have to do hard work to build up and sustain our friendship. First, let your friends know that you really care about them.It’s important to give some cues to your friends. Be sure your friend knows that she is cared about.Second,try to be with your friends when they are in trouble when they need you. Keeping friendship alive is not only to say some sweet words,but need some real action. 4) What does friendship mean to you? What kind of friends do you think are true friends? It's a fantastic experience in whole of my life. Friendship to me is what water to fish.I can't live without a real friend. 2问见(1) 5) How can we get along well with other people? To begin with, we need to be honest with others and always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough. If we are proud in public, we can hardly win other's respect, not to mention "friendship" . Finally, we must not be selfish. We should learn how to show concern for others. As long as we abide[?'ba?d] by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.


Topics for Oral test 1. 2. Which great leader do you admire most? What qualities did/does he/she have? bill gates 3. Which do you cherish more, your friendship with a good friend or your romantic relationship? obviously, friend is easy to make, but lover is kind of hard to seek for. Since relationship between friends might be not that close compared to romantic relationship, I will probably take it serious and cherish this sweet relationship. Also, I believe that my friends will support me and ou r relationship won’t be tense and freezing because of this. As the Chinese saying goes, once you got a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you may leave your friends out of your mind. I partly agree this, and when I fall in love, especially at the very beginning, I think I will cherish it more than friendship. 4. 5. What factors would you consider first if you were to find a job (even a part-time job)? I will first consider whether this company and the offered position is high potential. I think high potential is a quality that is vital for the company’s future development and its personnel’s self improvement. Every one need a room to promote and realize one’s self-value. Another factor I concern is—its location. I’d like to work an d live in big cities because big cities offer so many opportunities and a higher salary while small cities can’t.


大学英语预备阶段练习(一) (Unit 1~4) ⅠWord Building Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in the brackets. 1.Thank you very much for your ____ advice. I followed it and succeeded at last. (value) 2.His business has ____ rapidly since his brother came to help. (development) 3.After a two-day discussion, we finally found a ____ to the difficult problem. (solve) 4.Prices ____ high for quite a while .People began to complain about it. (remaining) 5.I don’t think it ____ to finish all the work today. We can go on with it tomorrow.(necessity) 6.It is obviously not ____ to leave a 3-year-old boy alone at home. (properly) 7.The tourists saw a beautiful ____ when they climbed onto the top of the mountain.(scene) 8.Traveling in the desert is a challenging ____ to most people. ( inexperience) 9.____, I don’t think it possible to finish the task in two days. (person) 10.The government must make sure that the economy is developed in the right ____.(direct) ⅡVocabulary and Structure Directions: Choose the best one from the four choices to complete the sentence. 11.The temperature ____ throughout the day in that part of the country. A. very B. remains C. differs D. varies 12.The game is full of violence and will certainly have a bad ____ on young players. A. meaning B. pain C. loss D. influence 13.The warm-hearted elderly lady downstairs is always ____ to help others. A. real B. ready C. practical D. polite 14.The question is ____ difficult in the exam today. Don’t you think so? A. therefore B. since C. rather D. otherwise 15.She used to live in a lovely ____ building near the sea. A. 3-story B. 3-stories C. 3-classed D. 3-classes 16.There are different ____ of transport in big cities for you to choose when you go out. A. means B. mean C. meanings D. meaning 17.They did not take a rest until the job was ____ finished. A. straightly B. specially C. completely D. fairly 18.The bookstore owner ____ the old magazines with a new ones to attract more readers. A. required B. reviewed C. repeated D. replaced 19.Would you like to buy the book? It is ____ reading. A. worthy B. firm C. further D. worth 20.She wears sunglasses to ____ her eyes from the sunshine in summer. A. prepare B. produce C. protect D. provide 21.We all like her very much for her pleasant ____: kind, gentle and warm-hearted. A. character B. chance C. chairman D. skills 22.All the students enjoyed the wonderful ____ by the professor that afternoon. A. discussion B. lecture C. advice D. solution 23.If you have confidence in yourself first, you will not be _______ by others easily. A.won B. doubled C. defeated. D. delayed 24.The little girl developed a strong _______ on her new friends.


2、冯·诺依曼式计算机硬件系统的组成部分包括(B)。 A)运算器、外部存储器、控制器和输入输出设备 B)运算器、控制器、存储器和输入输出设备 C)电源、控制器、存储器和输入输出设备 D)运算器、放大器、存储器和输入输出设备 4、(C)设备既是输入设备又是输出设备。 A)键盘B)打印机C)硬盘D)显示器 5、微机中1MB表示的二进制位数是(A)。 A)1024×1024×8B)1024×8 C)1024×1024D)1024 9、在Windows中,剪贴板是程序和文件间用来传递信息的临时存储区,此存储器是(C)。 A)回收站的一部分B)硬盘的一部分C)内存的一部分D)软盘的一部分11、关于WORD保存文档的描述不正确的是(D)。 A)“常用”工具栏中的“保存”按钮与文件菜单中的“保存”命令选项同等功能 B)保存一个新文档,“常用”工具栏中的“保存”按钮与文件菜单中的“另存为”命令选项同等功能 C)保存一个新文档,文件菜单中的“保存”命令选项与文件菜单中的“另存为”命令选项同等功能

D)文件菜单中的“保存”命令选项与文件菜单中的“另存为”命令选项同等功能 13、在WORD中,(D)不能够通过“插入”→“图片”命令插入,以及通过控点调整大小。 A)剪贴画B)艺术字C)组织结构图D)视频 17、在EXCEL单元格中输入正文时以下说法不正确的是(D)。 A)在一个单元格中可以输入多达255个非数字项的字符。 B)在一个单元格中输入字符过长时,可以强制换行。 C)若输入数字过长,EXCEL会将其转换为科学记数形式。 D)输入过长或极小的数时,EXCEL无法表示。 18、下列序列中,不能直接利用自动填充快速输入的是(B) A)星期一、星期二、星期三、…… B)第一类、第二类、第三类、…… C)甲、乙、丙、…… D)Mon、Tue、Wed、…… 19、在PowerPoint中,(B)设置能够应用幻灯片模版改变幻灯片的背景、标题字体格式。 A)幻灯片版式B)幻灯片设计C)幻灯片切换D)幻灯片放映 20在PowerPoint中,通过(A)设置后,点击观看放映后能够自动放映。A)排练计时 B)动画设置 C)自定义动画 D)幻灯片设计


2014六年级口语交际练习题 1、小龙妈妈给小龙买了一双溜冰鞋,回家试穿后发现小了一个尺码。妈妈告诉小龙,鞋是在文蜂商场买的,女营业员四十岁左右,让小龙拿着发票自己去换,如果你是小龙,到了柜台,你准备怎样和女营业员说? 小龙说:“阿姨,您好,这是我妈妈来这里找一位四十岁左右的阿姨买的鞋子,这双鞋比我的脚小了一个尺码,麻烦您给我换一双大一码的,好吗?

2、请写出不同场合中使用的敬词或谦语。(限用二字词) A邀请朋友到家中做客,你可以说:“我在家里恭候你的到来。” B请人阅读自己的作品,应谦虚地说:“请您多提宝贵意见”或“请您指教” C询问长者年龄,应尊敬地问:“您老人家高寿?” 3、在交往中,相同的意思,选折不同的说法,起到的效果也完全不同。下面工作人员的话就让人很不舒服,请你把话说得让人易于接受。

(办公室接听电话)工作人员:“他不在!” 改说:对不起,他有事出去了。请您留下姓名,等下他回来我转告他,好吗? 4、安徒生是丹麦著名童话作家,尽管受到孩子们的喜爱,但有些人就是不喜欢他。有一次,一个绅士见到安徒生,讥笑他:“安徒生,你脑袋上面的玩意儿,能算个帽子吗?”安徒生只把那绅士的原话的词语稍加移医易,,就巧妙地回敬了那位绅士,其回答语气一致,令人为这捧腹。 你觉得安徒生的回答应该是:“先生,你帽子下面的玩意儿能算个脑袋吗?”

6、桂畔小学准备在六年级举行一次“一年来我最满意的作文”交流展示活动,要求参与者将自己在六年级中写得最满意的一篇作文当众朗读展示。 A小军同学作文很好,但他性格内向,不好意思当众朗读,请你用简洁语言劝他参加这次活动。小军,再美的珍珠,埋在土里也显示不出它的价值。你有这么好的文章,不展示出来太可惜了。你说呢? B假如你是本次活动的主持人,请你设计一段开场白。


1.Shared Bikes in Foshan 佛山共享单车 My name is Zhong Jian. I’m from Big Data Class 2,Group 5.I like playing basketball and listening to music.Thank you. That’s my introduction.Now ,let’s welcome our next presenter. What do you think of going to the park by bike? As far as I am concerned, the development of Shared bikes in Foshan is very good. We can see Shared bikes everywhere on the street, we can use them easily, and the price is right. I think it is for this reason that Shared bikes have developed so quickly. Of course, the development and widespread use of Shared bikes has also facilitated our daily life. Do you think bike sharing is convenient? 2.Celebrating birthdays 庆祝生日 In my opinion, celebrating birthdays is a very common thing. This is because this day is the day we come to this beautiful world, so that we can have a mother's Day of course. When we celebrate our birthdays, we should also be grateful to our mothers for taking care of us. 就我看来,庆祝生日是一件很常见的事情。这是因为这一天是我们来到这个美丽世界的一天,让我们可以拥有眼前的一切。当然也是母亲的受难日,在我们庆祝自己生日的时候,我们也要感恩我们的母亲,感谢母亲对我们的照顾。 3.Business negotiation 商务谈判 For me, I think business negotiation is to exchange for their own interests. People on both sides want the other side to give in, not to give in. Business interests make everyone hope to get the result they want. However, the result is generally a compromise between the two sides. 对我来说,我认为商务谈判就是为了各自的利益而交流。两边的人都希望对方可以让步,而不希望自己让步。商业利益让大家都希望从中可以获得自己所想要的结局。可是,结果一般都是需要双方让步。 你认为商务谈判的主要意义是什么? What do you think is the main significance of business negotiation? 4.Globalization 全球化 In my opinion, globalization is an inevitable trend, and no one can reverse it. Every country or country is the beneficiary or victim of globalization. The key is how to deal with the trend of globalization. I believe that only by taking the initiative to meet globalization can we benefit from it. 就我看来,全球化是一个必然的趋势,任何人都没有办法去逆转全球化。每一个或者每一个国家都是全球化的受益者,当然也可能是受害者,其中的关键是我们需要处理好如何去面对全球化这一趋势。我相信,只有积极主动去迎接全球化,才能够从中获利。 全球化中谁获得的利益最大? Who gains the most in globalization? 5.Anti-smoking in Foshan 佛山禁烟 In my opinion, it is a good thing to ban smoking in Foshan. Of course, banning smoking is not only a good thing in Foshan, but also a good thing all over the world. Because smoking is harmful to health, second-hand smoke makes many innocent people die, which is the reality we have to face. If we see these facts, we will know that banning smoking is a good thing.

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