当前位置:文档之家› C语言和PASCAL语言的对比学习




新编简明英语语言学知识点汇总1 Introduction 1.1 What is linguistics? Scientific study of language.

Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Characteristics: ①language is system,elements of language are combined according to the rules;

②language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistic symbol and what it stands for, A rose by any other name would smell as well; ③language is vocal because the primary medium for all language is sound; Language is a system which consists of two structures. At the lower level there is a structure of sounds,which are meaningless by themselves.But the sounds can grouped or regrouped together into a larger numbers of units of meaning such as morpheme or words,which are found at the higher level of system(carp & park).Then the higher level can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite numbers of sentences;


Development Of Language And Translation ABSTRACTION:With the development of our society, and the meeting up to different kind of languages, the words which we used in our daily life are developing.Trough the changes of words, we can also find the movement of our life. Thus language is a way for us to handle the trajectory of our life. In this essay, we analyze the different kinds of reasons of these development and changes of translation because of the development of language. KEY WORDS: Language; Development; Translation; English; New words. INTRODUCTION: In civilization, people use words to give others ideas.We can express our feelings through language. Indeed, linguistics is a kind of science. As our social system's change, it changes; As our our ages change, it changes. The most basic thing in linguistics is words,with the rapid development of this world, many old words become useless, we can see them in less and less passages even in our oral talking, on the other hand, more and more words are invented.So these words enriched our language treasure house.And from here, we can get the rule: The only way that languages exist is being developing,the only way it can get developed is to be changeable. In today's world,English

新版简明英语语言学 Chapter 6 pragmatics 语用学

Chapter 6 pragmatics 语用学 知识点: 1.*Definition: pragmatics; context 2.*sentence meaning vs utterance meaning 3.*Austin’s model of speech act theory 4.Searle’s classification of speech acts 5.*Grice’s Cooperative Principle 考核目标: 识记:*Definition: pragmatics; context 领会:Searle’s classification of speech acts 综合应用:sentence meaning vs utterance meaning;Austin’s model of speech act theory;Grice’s Cooperative Principle 一、定义 1. Pragmatics语用学: Pragmatics: the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. Pragmatic can also be regarded as a kind of meaning study.语用学研究的是语言使用者是如何使用句子成功进行交际的。语用学也可以看作是一中意义研究。(它不是孤立地去研究语义,而是把语义置于使用语境中去研究的一门学科。) 2. Context 语境:The notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language, it’s generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. 语境这个概念对语言的语用研究来说是必不可少的。一般认为他是由言者和听者的共享知识所构成的。 二、知识点 6.1.2 pragmatics vs. semantics语用学与语义学 二十世纪初,Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics 一书的出版标志着现代语言学研究的开始,同时也为现代语言学奠定了基础调,即语言应该作为一个独立的,内在的系统来加以研究。 语用学和语义学既有相关性又有相异性。两者都是对意义的研究。传统语义学把语义看成是抽象的,内在的,是语言本身的特性,不受语境的影响。因此传统语义学只研究语义的内在特征,不把语义研究置于语境中来考察。语用学研究的是交际过程中语言意义的表达和理解。语用学家认为不把意义放在语境中来考虑就不可能对语义进行充分的描述,因此在研究语义时是否考虑语境便成了传统语义学和语用学的根本区别所在。 Semantics 和Pragmatics的区分 Pragmatics studies how meaning is conveyed in the process of communication. The basic difference between them is that pragmatics considers meaning in context, traditional semantics studies meaning in isolation from the context of use.


Pascal语言编程基础程序 (常州市) 十进制转二进制 var i,n,j:longint; a:array[1..100] of longint; begin readln(n); i:=1; while n<>0 do begin a[i]:=n mod 2; i:=i+1; n:=n div 2; end; write('Bin:'); for j:= i-1 downto 1 do write(a[j]) end. 数组元素删除 var a:array[1..10]of longint; i,t,x:longint; begin read(x); for i:=1 to 10 do a[i]:=2*i-1; t:=a[x]; for i:=x+1 to 10 do a[i-1]:=a[i]; for i:=1 to 9 do write(a[i]:4); end. 数组元素删除2 var a:array[1..11]of longint; i:longint; begin for i:=1 to 10 do a[i]:=i; a[11]:=a[1]; for i:= 1 to 10 do a[i]:=a[i+1]; for i:= 1 to 10 do write(a[i]:4); end. 数组元素的移动 var a:array[1..10] of longint; s,n,i,x,t:longint; begin readln(n); for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]); readln(x); s:=a[x]; for i:=x+1 to n do a[i-1]:=a[i]; for i:=1 to n-1 do write(a[i],' '); write(s); end. 排除所有异形基因 var a:array[1..100] of longint; n,g,j,i,wz:longint; begin readln(n); for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]); g:=0; for i:=1 to n do if sqr(a[i]) mod 7=1 then begin wz:=i; for j:=wz+1 to n do a[j-1]:=a[j]; g:=g+1 end; write(a[1]); for i:=2 to n-g do write(' ',a[i]); writeln; end. 排除第一个异形基因 var a:array[1..100] of longint; n,i,wz:longint; begin readln(n); for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]); for i:=1 to n do if sqr(a[i]) mod 7=1


语言学概论知识点 名词解释: 语言:语言是以语音为物质外壳、以词汇为建筑材料、以语法为结构规律而构成的体系。言语:是对语言的具体运用,包括说话的行为和结果。 语言的任意性:构成符号的声音和意义之间没有内在的、必然的联系。 语言的离散性:语言可以进行切分,被切分成的每个单位有独立的存在,彼此不相互混淆,但又可以灵活组装。 符号:是人们有意识用来指代某种特定事物的、可为人们感官感知的标记。 狭义符号:符号的“能指”(物质外壳)和“所指”(意义) 语言符号:语言是以语音为能指,以语义为所指的符号系统。具有:任意性、线条性、系统性、层次性的特点。聚合关系和组合关系是语言中最基本的两种关系。 组合关系:组合关系就是两个以上连续的语言符号有条件、按规则组合起来的关系。简单地说,就是符号与符号相互组合起来的关系 聚合关系:聚合关系就是语言结构某一位置上能互相替换、具有相同性质和作用的语言符号之间的类聚关系。简单说就是符号与符号之间的替换关系。 语音:语音是人类发音器官发出的有一定意义的声音,是语言的物质外壳(表现形式)。它使语言成分物质化,是语言的载体。 音素:音素是人类语言在一次发音中按照音色的不同划分出来的最小语音单位。 元音:元音也叫“母音”,发音时气流自由呼出,不受任何阻碍,发音器官各部分肌肉紧张均衡,声带振动、可以自成音节。 辅音:辅音又叫“子音”。发音时气流在发音器官某一部分受到阻碍,通过某种方式冲破阻碍而发出音来,发音器官各部分呈紧张状态,声带有时颤动(浊辅音)有时不颤动(清辅音)。音标:广义的音标指一切标记语音的符号,如国际音标、音位音标、音节音标、语音结构音标,狭义的音标指标记音素的音标→最通行的是“国际音标”【专门用来记录语音的符号】国际音标:被各国语言工作者采用的,不带民族特色的记录语音的语音符号。 音位:音位是具体语言或方言在多次发音中划分出来的具有辨义功能的最小语音单位 超音质音位:根据音高、音强、音长的特征归纳出来的功能差别单位。超音质音位主要指调位、时位、量位。超音质音位不局限于一个音的音位,常附在音段音位的序列上面,所以又叫做超音段音位。 音位变体:是同一个音位的不同变异形式,属于同一音位但却没有变异的作用,是音位在特定语音环境中的具体体现或代表。 (条件变体自由变体):【1】条件变体是只能出现在某种特定语音环境中的音位变体,它是一个音位在不同环境中受不同条件影响而产生的。 【2】自由变体指自由变体指能自由地出现在某种相同的语音环境中的音位变体。它不受条件地限制,可以随意地、自由地替换,不区别意义。 语流音变:特定语流中的音由于受邻音的影响,或者由于说话时快慢、高低、强弱的不同,或者由于所处的位置特殊,都会发生不同程度的变化,这就是语流音变,也叫连读音变。大多数情况下,语流音变都发生在音位范围内条件变体的替换。 语调:是一种普遍的语言现象。声调是属于音节的,但是句子也可以有高低抑扬轻重的变化,这就是语调。狭义的语调又叫句调,指全句高低升降的变化,他表达说话人的情绪要求等

英语 语言学 知识点整理

★Haliday—child language. Macrofunctions: ideational, interpersonal, textual. ★what are major branches of linguistics? what does each study? Phonetics----the study of the phonic medium of language, it’s concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages. Phonology---the study of sounds systems—the inventory of distinctive sounds that occur in a language and the patterns into which they fall. Morphology---It’s a branch of a grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. Syntax-------it's a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of a language. Semantics---It’s simply defined as the study of meaning in abstraction. Pragmatics---the study of meaning in context of words. The study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. Sociolinguistics—the study of language with reference to society. Psycholinguistics---the study of language with reference to the working of the mind. Applied linguistics---the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning. Chapter2 Phonology ★three branches of phonetics:①Articulatory —describes the way our speech organs work to produce the speech sounds and how they differ. ②Auditory-–studies the physical properties of speech sounds, reaches the important conclusion that phonetic identity is only a theoretical ideal. ③Acoustic-–studies the physical properties of speech sounds ,the way sound travel from the speaker to the hearer. ★Organs of Speech : Pharyngeal cavity–咽腔Oral cavity–口腔greatest source of modification of air stream found here Nasal cavity–鼻腔 ★Broad transcription: The transcription of speech sounds with letter symbols only. (leaf /l/) ★Narrow transcription: The transcription of speech sound with letters symbols and the diacritics.(dark /l/~) ★Phonetics and Phonology区别: are concerned with the same aspect of language- the speech sounds. ①Phonetics: it is interested in all the speech sounds used in all human languages; phonetic features they possess; how they can be classified, etc. ②Phonology: it aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. ★rules in Phonology:①Sequential rules: Rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language. ②Assimilation rules: The assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by’ copying ’a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar. ③Deletion rule: It’s a phonological rule which tells us when a sound is to be deleted although its orthographically represented. ★Suprasegmental超切分特征: The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segment are called suprasegmental features. the main suprasegmental features include stress ,intonation and tone.(intonation: when pitch, stress and sound lenth are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation. //tone: Tone are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords. Tone is a suprasegmental feature.) Chapter3 Morphology ★open class words: new words can be added to these classes regularly. Such as nouns, verbs,


第一章、什么是计算机语言 计算机语言是计算机软件中非常独特的一部份,它属于系统软件,但又和应用软件息息相关。它的作用是:使人类能够用某些命令、指令去让计算机为人类进行数值、逻辑运算。计算机语言中,只有一种语言是计算机能自己识别的,就是最底层、最难的机器语言,这是一般人类所无法接受的语言,所以在此基础上,人们发展出了许多高级的语言,这些语言的共同特点是:人类无需去掌握高深的机器语言,只要掌握这些更容易理解、更贴近人类的高级语言,用高级语言编出程序后,再由语言解释、编译系统去把程序解释、编译成机器语言让计算机去执行。目前最常用的高级语言大致有以下几种: BASIC语言:是一般计算机入门者的首选语言,命令少,容易掌握,从BASIC,BASICA,GWBASIC,TRUE BASIC,TURBO BASIC,QUICK BASIC等一直发展到目前的WINDOWS环境下的VB。 PASCAL语言:最适合科学计算、数据处理的语言,运行、编译速度最快,从TURBO PASCAL 5 .5, 6.0, 7.0一直到现在的WINDOWS环境下的DELPHI以及LAZARUS等面向对象的PASCAL,以及目前信息学竞赛使用的FREE PASCAL各个版本。 C语言:主要适用于应用软件的开发,是计算机人员的必修课,但在算法实现、建模方面不如PASCAL方便。从C,C++,一直到现在的WIONDOWS环境下的VC、C++等。 实际上,我们日常所用的各种软件,包括Windows,WORD、EXCEL、各种游戏等等,全部都是使用程序设计语言编写出来的软件,我们只有掌握了程序设计语言,才能进行计算机软件的开发。 在我们的信息学竞赛中,所有的题目都是非常复杂的数值与逻辑运算,所以世界上广泛采用PASCAL语言作编程工具,我们采用的是FREE PASCAL2.0版本或者相近版本。 我们学习信息学竞赛除了要掌握程序设计语言,能够使用程序设计语言编写程序外,还有一部分要掌握的更加重要的内容就是——算法设计,它能够使我们的程序运行速度更快、效率、精度更高,使我们的程序取得快人一步的优势,算法设计在本书中我们将接触一部分。 第二章、PASCAL语言入门 第一节、PASCAL语言的特点 以法国数学家命名的PASCAL语言是世界上使用最广泛,最有效的语言之一。其主要特点是:严格的结构化形式;丰富完备的数据类型;运行能力、效率高;查错能力强等等。与BASIC、C等语言相比,PASCAL语言更适合科学计算,运行速度最快,编译能力最强,编译成的可执行文件也最小。 PASCAL语言是编译执行的语言(BASIC语言是解释执行),因此在速度与效率上都比BASIC语言提高了一个档次。所谓解释执行,是在程序环境下编写好程序后,执行它时是一句一句地由语言解释器翻译成机器语言,由计算机去执行,计算机能在程序编辑时就发现程序中错误,但程序运行速度慢;而编译执行是在程序环境中编写好程序后,执行时先由编译器把整个程序编译成机器语言,然后再由计算机执行,计算机必须在编译程序时才能发现程序中的错误,但程序运行速度快。 第二节、FREE PASCAL的集成环境



Chapter 4 4.1 syntactic (句法的) relations 4.1.1 positional relation(位置关系) For language to fulfill its communicative function, it must have a way to mark the grammatical roles of the various phrase that can occur in a clause. Positional relation or word order refers to the sequential (有序的) arrangement of words in a language. Positional relation are a manifestation(表现)of one aspect of syntagmatic relations Word order is among the three basic ways (word order genetic and classification) to classify language words. Six possible types of language SVO VSO SOV OVS VOS English is SVO. 4.1.2 relation of substitutability(可代替性) Firstly relation of substitutability refers to classes or sets of words substitutable of each other grammatically in sentence with the same structure. Secondly it refers to groups of more than one word which may be jointly substitutable grammatically for a single word of a particular set. This is what Saussure called associative(联想的) relations or in Hjemslev ’s paradigmatic(纵聚性的) relation. 4.1.3 relation of co-occurrence(共现) Means words of different sets of clauses may permit pr require the occurrence of a word of another set or class to from a sentence or a particular part of a sentence. Thus relations of co-occurrence partly belong to syntagmatic rations partly to paradigmatic relations. 4.2 grammatical construction and its constituents 4.2.1 Grammatical construction Any syntactic string of words ranging from sentences over phrases structures to certain complex lexemes(词位) 4.2.2 immediate constituents(直接成分) Constituent is a part of a larger linguistic unit. Several constituents together form a construction: S NP VP De t N V NP De t N The girl ate the apple


Exercises for Lecture 1 Introduction 2009年09月20日15:05 I. 1. By ‘scientific’ is meant linguistics is based on the s ystematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure. 2. In his study of a language a linguist usually tries to collect and observe language facts, make generalizations, formulate hypotheses, and fully prove the validity of these hypotheses. 3. General linguistics deals with the study of language as a whole. 4. General linguistics studies the basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study, in contrast to those branches of study which relate linguistics to the research of other areas. 5. The difference between general linguistics and a linguistic branch such as semantics lies in the fact that general linguistics studies language as a whole, whereas a linguistic branch such as semantics deals with the particular area. For instance, semantics studies the particular aspect of language, or meaning. 6. Linguistics includes phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and applied linguistics and so on. 7. There are different independent branches of linguistics because language is a complicated entity with multiple layers and facets, so it is hardly possible for the linguists to deal with it all at once. They have to concentrate on one aspect of it at a time. 8. Phonetics is the study of sounds used in linguistic communication. 9. Phonology deals with how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication. 10. Morphology is the study of the way in which linguistic symbols are arranged and combined to form words. 11. Syntax is the study of the rules of the combination of words to form grammatically permissible sentences in languages. 12. Semantics is the study of meaning. 13. Pragmatics is the study of meaning in context of language use. 14. Sociolinguistics is the study of the social aspects of language and its relation with society.


《语言学纲要》知识点整理 导言 1. 语言学的研究对象是(语言)。 2. 语言学的三大发源地是(中国)(印度)(希腊-罗马)。 古印度宗教典籍梵文 古希腊拉丁语语法学 中国文言文典籍小学 3. 什么是“小学”? 分析字形的文字学、研究字音的音韵学、解释字义的训诂学,被视为经学的附庸,统称“小学”。 4. 语言学是(19)世纪成为独立的学科的,其标志是(历史语言 学)。 第一章 语言的功能 1. 语言的功能是多方面,从宽泛的意义上讲,大致都可归入语言的 ()功能和()功能两个方面。 2. 语言的社会功能包括(信息传递功能)和(人际交往功能)。 第二章 语言是符号系统 1. 什么是符号?符号的特点是什么? 符号是一个社会全体成员共同约定用来表示某种意义的记号、标记。甲能代表乙或指称乙,甲就有条件成为乙的符号。 (1)符号的形式和意义是不可分离的,二者的结合才构成符号,没有无意义的符号形式。 (2)符号的形式和意义是一般性的。 (3)符号的形式和意义之间没有本质上的、自然属性上的必然联系。 2. 为什么说语言具有符号性? 1)语言包含形式和内容两方面。“音“是语言符号的物质表现形式,“义”是语言符号的内容。 2)音义的不可分离性。语言中的语素、词、短语、句子等均有意义,也均有发音。 3)形式指示意义的一般性。 4)形式和意义结合的任意性。

3. 如何理解语言符号的任意性?4方面 语言符号的任意性指的是,作为符号系统的成员,单个语言符号的语音形式和意义之间没有自然属性上的必然联系,只有社会约定的关系。 1)同一意义,在不同语言中的语音形式不同。举例略。 2)同一意义,在同一语言不同历史时期的语音形式不同。举例略。 语言符号在形成初始,音与义的结合是不可论证的,在社会交际过程中自然形成。但一旦形成,全体成员必须遵守,任何人都无权擅自改动。也即初始的任意性,使用的强制性。 4. 什么是语言符号的线条性? 语言符号在使用中以符号序列的形式出现,符号只能一个跟着一个依次出现,在时间的线条上绵延,不能在空间的面上铺开。 5. (组合关系)和(聚合关系)是语言系统中最基本、最根本的 结构关系。 6. 什么是组合关系?什么是聚合关系? 符号和符号组合起来,形成高一级结构。处于高一级结构中的各个符号,称为结构的成分。结构中各个成分的关系即为组合关系。 一些语言符号或更大的单位在组合结构的某一环节上能够互相替换并且替换后结构关系不会改变,那么这些符号在结构中就具有某种相同的作用,它们彼此间的关系叫做聚合关系。 7. 如何理解组合关系和聚合关系是相互依存的? 1)组合规则着眼于结构单位的横向联系,聚合规则着眼于结构单位的纵向替换。二者犹如纵、横两轴,语言符号单位都处在这两个轴向形成的坐标上,既属于聚合群的成员,也是某个组合轴线上的单位。 2)语言的组合关系说明了语言结构的规则,可套用有限的规则生成复杂的结构。语言的聚合关系说明了替换关系,使具有某种相同作用的符号自然聚集成群。 3)组合关系使得语言符号的结构呈现出有序性;聚合关系为句子的生成提供了更多的可能,简化了语言系统。 4)聚合关系潜在于系统,组合关系实现于话语。聚合关系是组合关系的基础,组合关系是聚合关系的现实体现。 第三章 语音 1. 音素:

语言学 重点概念

Chapter one Introduction 一、定义 1.语言学Linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 2.普通语言学General Linguistics The study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics. 3.语言language Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 语言是人类用来交际的任意性的有声符号体系。 4.识别特征Design Features It refers to the defining poperties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication. 语言识别特征是指人类语言区别与其他任何动物的交际体系的限定性特征。 Arbitrariness任意性 Productivity多产性 Duality双重性 Displacement移位性 Cultural transmission文化传递 ⑴arbitrariness There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. P.S the arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophistication and it makes it possible for language to have an unlimited source of expressions ⑵Productivity Animals are quite limited in the messages they are able to send. ⑶Duality Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures ,or two levels. ⑷Displacement Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. ⑸Cultural transmission Human capacity for language has a genetic basis, but we have to be taught and learned the details of any language system. this showed that language is culturally transmitted. not by instinct. animals are born with the capacity to produce the set of calls peculiar to their species. 5.语言能力Competence Competence is the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language. 6.语言运用performance Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. 语言运用是所掌握的规则在语言交际中的体现。 7.历时语言学Diachronic linguistics The study of language change through time. a diachronic study of language is a historical study, which studies the historical development of language over a period of time. 8.共时语言学Synchronical linguistics The study of a given language at a given time. 9.语言langue The abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community. 10.言语parole The realization of langue in actual use. 11.规定性Prescriptive It aims to lay down rules for ”correct” behavior, to tell people what they should say and what should not say.


2.1 Pascal程序基本组成 例1.1计算半径为R的圆面积S program Area; {程序首部} {已知半径求圆的面积} const pi=3.14159; {说明部分——数据描述} var s,r:real; begin{执行部分} readln(r); s:=pi*sqr(r); writeln('s=',s); end. 上述程序第一行称为程序首部。其中用花括号(注释可以用{ }或(* *)来表示)括起来的内容是注释,程序第二行就是一个注释,注释除了给人看,增加程序的可读性外,对程序编译和运行不起作用。一个程序可以包含多个出现在不同处注释,亦可无注释。程序第三行是常量说明,程序第四行是变量说明。程序从begin到end都是执行(语句)部分 (1)程序首部 例1.1的第一行称为程序首部。program是保留字,接着是程序名(由你依据“标示符”规则自行定义),最后以分号表示程序首部结束,下面是程序主体的开始。程序首部在一个Turbo Pascal(仅在Turbo Pascal中有效)程序中并非必须出现,它是可选的。写上它仅起了文档作用。因此,在时间有限的情况下,如果用Turbo Pascal编程完全可以省略程序首部。 (2)程序体 a.说明部分 说明部分用于定义和说明程序中用到的数据,由单元说明、标号说明、常量说明、类型说明、变量说明、函数或过程说明组成,并且这些数据的说明次序必须按照以上次序。但是一个简单的Turbo Pascal程序也可以不包含说明部分,也就是说说明部分是可选的。 b.执行部分

执行部分描述了程序要执行的操作。它必须以一个Turbo Pascal保留字begin开始,以保留字end后跟句点结束,其间是一些执行具体操作的语句,并且以分号作为语句之间的分隔符。begin 和end必须成对出现,这是一个Turbo Pascal程序所必须有的。紧跟end之后的句号表示执行部分的结束,也表示整个程序的结束。此后的任何语句都无效。Turbo Pascal规定紧随end之前出现的分号允许省略。 (3)一个完全的Pascal程序结构 program 程序名; uses 已知单元说明; label 标号说明; const 常量说明; type 类型说明; var 变量说明; function 函数说明; procedure 过程说明; begin 语句; 语句;

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