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C4D BodyPaint 2 绘制一个木箱

C4D BodyPaint 2 绘制一个木箱
C4D BodyPaint 2 绘制一个木箱

This tutorial explains how to simply UV a basic box crate, and paint it up to look like old worn wood etc using the Paintbrush tool, a little Dodge and Burn and Layers...READ ON

1. Create a cube and make it editable,

2. Tick COLOR and untick SPECULAR,

3. Click here and


In the box that pops up 1. set it on NEW TEXTURE (default) 2. Set it to 1024x1024 (or whatever size you need) 3. Choose a beige/grey colour for the crates base colour, 4. Click OK

OK now change to BODYPAINT and 1. Click the WIZARD, 2. click NEXT, 3. click NEXT, 4. Set min/max to 1024x1024 for a square map and 5. Click OK

1. Click the TEXTURE TAB and choose SHOW UV MESH and you get the 6 sides of the cube,


1. Using the SELECT and MOVE TOOLS

2. Move all the sides on top of each other creating one UV rectangle, this basically means whatever you paint will go onto all 6 sides of the crate and to keep things simple thats how were doing it ;-)


2. Scale up the UV's to basically fill the UV space as shown.

1. Tick the material so Bodypaint knows what to paint on,

2. Choose the PAINTBRUSH TOOL,

3. Choose BITMAP and

4. Choose something like CHALK SHARP or SOFT and if you use a WACOM activate the PRESSURE blue dot for a little more control.

1. Choose the BRUSH TOOL and set the pressure LOW,

2. Click the COLORS TAB and

3. Choose

a dark brownish colour, 4. Paint on some vertical lines with a LARGE BRUSH, add a few more lines with a Light colour as well, basically a few variations to start getting that wooden look.

Still on the BRUSH TOOL 1. Set the SIZE to SMALL and the PRESSURE to LOW, 2. Using various light/dark colours whack in some fine lines to add to the detail in the wood...

1. Choose the RECTANGLE SELECTION TOOL and select a square inside to make the inset part,

2. Back to the BRUSH TOOL,

3. Use a nice BIG brush set on LOW PRESSURE with a dark colour and

4. start to shade in some shadows and general dirt etc


2. Set it on a SMALL size and

3. Put in some DARK lines to define the panels and

a few notches etc...

Deselect the SELECTION and using the DODGE and BURN TOOLS dirty it up some more, and add some highlights to the panels and notches...

A Quick check in the 3D view and we have a semi decent looking if boring crate so far ;-)

1. RIGHT CLICK the Material and Choose NEW LAYER, 3. EXPAND it so you see both layers by clicking the little triangle, 4. Click the NEW LAYER so your working on that layer, 5. Paint in a Nail hole or rivet type thingy...see next step...

1. Use the SLECTION TOOL and select the hole,

2. Choose the MOVE TOOL and

3. HOLD the ALT KEY and 4,5,6,7 COPY the hole around the crate several times as shown!!


2. Choose FLATTEN LAYERS to set it back to one layer.

1. Back to the BRUSH TOOL,

2. Click the COLORS TAB and

3. Choose a greenish colour. Using a nice big brush set on LOW PRESSURE and put in some green moss/rot around the bottom edges. You can add more details at this point, maybe some text or use the SMUDGE TOOL to tidy things up a little or add more lines/detail etc. Have Fun!!

Heres a quick render with a few copies placed on a floor, I hope you found this tutorial useful, Cya's


Pro/EngineerWildFire5.0(M060)安装破解完美教程 一、软件简介 Pro/Engineer操作软件是美国参数技术公司(PTC)旗下的CAD/CAM/CAE一体化的三维软件。Pro/Engineer软件以参数化著称,是参数化技术的最早应用者,在目前的三维造型软件领域中占有着重要地位,Pro/Engineer作为当今世界机械CAD/CAE/CAM领域的新标准而得到业界的认可和推广。是现今主流的 CAD/CAM/CAE软件之一,特别是在国内产品设计领域占据重要位置。 二、下载链接 可使用迅雷下载: Pro/EngineerWildFire5.0(M060) win32位下载链接: ed2k://|file|[CADCAMCAE%E9%9B%86%E6%88%90%E8%BD%AF%E4%BB%B6].TLF-SOFT-PTC.PRO.ENGINEER.WILDFIRE.V5.M060.WIN32-MAGNiTUDE.iso|3430361088 |85957062297C0B73B024941E33CA86C1|/ Pro/EngineerWildFire5.0(M060) win64位下载链接: ed2k://|file|[CADCAMCAE%E9%9B%86%E6%88%90%E8%BD%AF%E4%BB%B6].PTC. PRO.ENGINEER.WILDFIRE.V5.M060.WIN64-MAGNiTUDE.iso|3547502592|9143726E B500198D3034A2664D57A3DF|/ 三、打开方法 下载完毕后,会得到如下文件,该文件是ISO镜像文件,需要用虚拟光驱打开,推荐使用Daemon Tools虚拟光驱,可在360软件管家中下载。 四、安装步骤 使用虚拟光驱打开后,会出现如下文件夹: 下面就可以开始安装了, 以下方法以win7为准,Win32位与win64位安装方法相同。 1.将杀毒软件关闭,防止误杀 因为该软件为破解版,破解文件类似于病毒文件,可能会造成杀毒软件误杀。 2.修改环境变量


Saber2012安装与破解步骤 本人刚开始安装与破解该软件的时候,也看了网上的很多教程,但是发现网上有些教程还是没有说的很详细,所以导致在安装的过程中遇到了很多问题,我相信很多人会跟我一样,因为将详细的安装与破解步骤分享出来,希望对大家有帮助,这样可以节省更多的时间。此教程是基于saber2012,但是其实saber2009之后的版本破解步骤其实都一样。 首先断开网络连接,关闭Windows防火墙以及相关杀毒软件 1.运行Windows目录下的install安装程序(注意右击以管理员的身份运行)。 2.之后就是漫长而痛苦的安装过程…… .(如果在安装的过程中提示安装VC++2008失败的话,最后肯定是安装不成功的,这个时候的解决办法是先卸载计算机中的该组件,然后再进行安装saber,它会重新安装该组件,同时saber也会安装成功) . . Saber2012破解过程 1.破解文件在license文件夹中,破解之前先把无线网卡禁用(这个地方禁用 无线网卡的目的是为了防止后面的步骤中那个hostID中出现多个ID号,禁用无线网卡的步骤时在计算的设备管理器中找到无线网卡的驱动然后禁用即可)。 2.把整个破解文件夹(也即license文件夹)复制到D:盘目录下(这个盘其实

可以随便选,但是最好是放到你要安装的目录盘下最好) 3.运行破解文件夹下的\Synopsys SSS Feature Keygen目录(这个地方的文件 夹不一定是该目录,但是只要你找到后面那个KeyGen.exe就可以了)内KeyGen.exe

得到HOSTID将这串数字复制…(该hostID是跟你的计算机设备相关的,每个电脑所得到的不同) 4.运行EFA LicGen 0.4b目录内LicGen.exe


3DMax2014中文版安装破解激活完整教程 2013-04-08 07:34:57 作者:admin来源:浏览次数:13213 网友评论 0 条 一.产品介绍 这次的3DMAX更新功能很强大,其中有五项新增和多项增强,下面简单列举几项: 1,贴图支持矢量贴图,再放大也不会有锯齿了。 2,集群动画在之前的版本就在,但在2014却变得异常方便和强大。在场景中简单的画几笔,就可以产生动画交互的人群。。。太无耻了! 3,增加角色动画,骨骼绑定,变形等 4,增强粒子流系统-PF mPartical 5,增强动力学算MassFX,以及带动力学的粒子流,用来创建水,火,喷雪效果 6,增强能产生连动效果的毛发功能 7,支持DirectX 11的着色器视窗实时渲染,景深等,优化加速视图操作 8,增强渲染流程功能,直接渲染分层输出PSD文件 9,透视合成功能,2014采用了SU的相机匹配功能,在相机匹配完成后,直接使用平移,缩放可以连同背景一起操作 10,多用户布局方式,如果你的电脑可能会有几个人使用,现在可以为每个用户保留不同的快捷键设置和菜单等 11,增强2D,3D和AE的工作数据交互,MAYA,SOFEIMAGE,MUDBOX等数据转换整合 12,3ds max SDK扩展和自定义 二、安装教程 1、如果没有软件请自行下载 2、双击安装程序,选择一个自解压目录(任意目录均可,以后自行删除),此时还没有正式安装,只是将安装程序解压。 3、自解压完成后会自启动安装程序如下图,点击最右边安装。或者根据需要自行处理。



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