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【精品】外研版高中英语必修五:module 4 教案(单元全套)

外研版英语精品资料 Module 4 Carnival Period One Teaching aims: 1. To revise Chinese and western festivals. 2. To develop the students reading ability. 3. To understand what is about Carnival. Important and difficult points: 1 Get the students to understand the history of carnival. 2 Get the students to describe the festivals in groups. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Revision. Read the new words of this passage. Step 2. Introduction 1. We have learned many festivals both Chinese and the Western. What festivals do you know? Divide the class into 2 groups. One group is for Chinese Festivals, the other group is for Western festivals. Make a list of them on the blackboard.. 2. Turn to Page 31—Match the festivals with the description. Step 3. Lead-in Today we will learn another festival ---- Carnival. It originates from Europe, and during these days, people often love wearing special clothes and masks for it. Step 4. Fast-reading Match the main idea with every paragraph. Paragraph 1 A meaning of carnival and how it was celebrated Paragraph 2 B the law about wearing masks Paragraph 3 C general impression of carnival Paragraph 4 D how it is celebrate today in Venice and the feature of it Paragraph 5 E carnival in Venice and the problem it caused Paragraph 6 F the revival of the tradition of celebrating it. (Answers: 1—6 CAEBFD) Step 5. Further-reading Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. Where does Carnival come from? What does it mean?

人教版高一英语必修三 unit 2 _教案

教学过程 一、课堂导入 学习下列谚语: You are what you eat. 人如其食。 First wealth is health. -----Emerson 健康是人生的第一财富。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一个苹果,医生不来找。 二、复习预习 教师引导学生复习上节课所学知识点,(以提问、回顾的形式进行),针对上节课的作业进行讲评、订正、答疑,并通过对情态动词具体用法的分析和扩展导入本节课所要学习的课本知识的学习。 三、知识讲解 考点/易错点1 重点单词与短语学习 balance n. 天平,平衡;余额,余数v. 平衡;权衡balanced adj. 均衡的 (回归课本P10)

What will happen to you if you don’t eat a balanced diet? Eg: 1). Try to achieve a better balance between work and play. 争取把工作和娱乐更好地结合起来。 2). I must check my bank balance (= find out how much money I have in my account). 我要核对一下我在银行的余额(看我的帐户上有多少钱)。 3). Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less protein. 多吃些水果,少摄入些蛋白质,使饮食均衡合理。 [归纳拓展] a balanced diet 均衡的饮食 keep the balance of nature保持生态平衡 keep one’s balance保持平衡 lose one’s balance (= be out of balance) 失去平衡 think of想,考虑 (回归课本P10) He thought of his mutton,beef and bacon cooked in the hottest,finest oil. (1)想起;记起Sorry,I didn`t think of your name just now. (2)考虑We should think of the matter carefully. (3)为…着想Chen is always thinking of the poor people in the poor areas. (4)想;打算I am thinking of giving up smoking. [归纳拓展] think about想;考虑think much of 对…评价很高think highly / well of 高度评价 think out 想出 think badly / little of认为不好think over 仔细考虑 tired of 厌倦 (回归课本P10) Tired of all that fat? 厌倦肥腻了吧? be tired of 对……厌倦 eg. I’m tired of your conversation.你的讲话我听腻了. I grow tired of asking this,so it’ll be the last time. 我已厌烦了问这个问题,所以这是最后一次.

2019人教版高中英语必修3电子课本 word版

普通高中课程标准实验教科书《英语》电子课本 Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world B3U1P1-3 FESTIV ALS AND CELEBRATIONS Ancient Festivals Festivals and celebrations of all kinds are held everywhere. The most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of the cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Other celebrations were held when hunters could catch animals. They would starve if food was difficult to find, so they celebrated when they had food. They lit fires and made music because they thought these festivals would bring a year of plenty. Festivals of the Dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead, or satisfy and please the ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm. In Japan the festival is called Obon, when people should go to clean the graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico they have the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important feast day, people might eat food in shape of skulls, and cakes with “bones” on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The festival of Halloween had its origin as an event in memory of the dead. It is now a children’s festival, when they can go to their neighbours’ homes and ask for sweets. They dress up and try to frighten people. If they are not given anything, the children might play a trick. Festivals to Honour People Festivals can be held as an honour to famous people or to the gods. One of these is the Dragon Boat Festival in China, which honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. Another is Columbus Day in the USA, in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in America. In India there is a national festival on October 2 to honour Mahatma Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain. Harvest Festivals Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter ,and because a season of agricultural work is over. In European countries it is the custom to decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and people get together to have meals. Some people might win awards for their animals, flowers, fruits and vegetables, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. In China and Japan there are mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and give gift of mooncakes. Spring Festivals The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat, and may give children lucky money in the red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the lunar New Year together. In some Western countries there are very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. They might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colourful clothing of all kinds. Easter is an important religious and social festival in Christian countries. It celebrates the return of Jesus for Christians and it also celebrates the coming of spring. In Japan, the Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later. The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each others. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our daily life for a little while.


人教版高中语文必修三教案 导学 一、学习这首诗,要在反复吟诵的基础上,体会诗人热情奔放的感情和豪放飘逸的艺术风格。 二、学习中的难点是背诵。要重视理解记忆,又不偏废机械记忆。前者指的是理清诗脉,包括大致分清诗的层次、领悟诗的主旨和主要的表达方式等。后者指的是口熟,熟到可以不加思索地连贯背诵全诗。 教学过程 一、导入 唐代是我国诗歌发展的最高峰,唐诗是中华艺术园地的瑰宝,历经朝朝代代,至今仍以她丰富而又深刻的内涵,绚丽多彩的艺术风格闪耀着不灭的光芒。 二、关于李白 李白:李白(701~762),字太白,号青莲居士,是我国文学史上最伟大的浪漫主义诗人之一。 祖籍陇西成纪,先世隋时因罪徙西域。他生于安西都护府之碎叶城,约五岁时随其父迁居绵州彰明县之青莲乡。李白自青年时,即漫游全国各地。天宝初,因道士吴均及贺知章推荐,曾至长安,供奉翰林,但不久即遭谗去职。安史之

乱发生,因参加永王李璘幕府,被牵累,长流夜郎,途中遇赦。晚年漂泊东南一带,最后病殁当涂。李白性格豪迈,向往于建立功业,对唐玄宗后期权贵当国,政治腐化,深为不满。其诗多强烈抨击当时的黑暗政治,深切关怀时局安危,热爱祖国山川,同情下层人民,鄙夷世俗,蔑视权贵;但也往往流露出一些饮酒求仙、放纵享乐的消极思想。他善于从民间文学吸取营养,想象丰富奇特,风格雄健奔放,色调瑰玮绚丽,语言清新自然,为继屈原之后,出现在我国诗坛的伟大的浪漫主义诗人。他和杜甫齐名,人称“李杜”。杜甫曾说他“笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神”。他的诗歌,现存900多首,著作有《李太白集》。 三、关于《蜀道难》 关于《蜀道难》的写作时间和主题思想,自唐宋以来便有许多不同说法。天宝初年,李白第一次到长安,受权贵谗毁,乃愤然弃职离京。大约是此时为送友人入蜀之作。 他袭用乐府古题,展开丰富的想象,着力描绘了秦蜀道路上奇丽惊险的山川,备言蜀道之险恶难行,以寄寓求仕无成、世路坎坷的感慨,并从中透露了对社会的某些忧虑和关切。 四、整体把握、理清思路 明确:这首诗以“蜀道难”的“难”为核心按照由古及今,自秦入蜀的线索,抓住各处山水特点来描写,以展示蜀道之


Unite 5 First Aid Teaching Goals: 1. Enable the Ss to get some first aid knowledge 2. Enable the Ss to learn how to use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly. 3. Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each para./ part & each passage . Key Teaching Points How to improve the Ss’ reading ability. Difficult points 1. How to grasp the main idea of each paragraph / part & each passage. 2. How to help the Ss use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly. Teaching methods 1). Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text. 1.Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned in class. 2.Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities. https://www.doczj.com/doc/f35683830.html,petition and role-play method to arouse the Ss’ interest Teaching procedures Step1. Lead-in Lead-in by telling the Ss a story, meanwhile, teach them some new words: bandage, first-aid-kit, ambulance and then ask them to think of words about accidents and first aid Step2. Pre-reading Show the Ss the picture of Pre-reading on P33 and ask them the following questions: What has happened? What sort of injuries the child will have? What kind of first aid would you perform? Step3. Fast reading Let the Ss read the passage fast and then find out the answers to the questions 1. What will the passage be about? 2. What do they tell you about the passage? 3. In which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to 5. ____ the three types of burns ____ what to do if someone gets burned ____ the purpose of skin ____ the symptoms of burns ____ how we get burns Step4. Detailed reading 1). Tell if the following statements are true or false: 1.Our skin has three layers. 2.We will never get burned by the sun. 3.Burns are divided into three degrees according to the degree of pain. 4.Third degree burns are the most serious and painful. 5.Put cool water on any burns to cool them. 6.Don’t rub the burns 7.It’s better that you put so me butter or oil on burns. 2). Answer the questions 1.Why should you put cold water on a burn?


高一英语第十一次课----- 必修三module3 一、考点、热点回顾 (一)key words and phrases 1.experience vt.经历n(可数)经历n(不可数)经验 2.cause vt.引起,导致cause sb. to do sth.导致某人去做某事cause sb. trouble/problems 给某人带来麻烦/问题 cause n.起因,理由,事业-------指造成某事的直接原因,后常接of或to do reason n.原因,理由------指从逻辑推理上得出的原因,后常接for或定语从句。 3.bury vt.埋葬 bury oneself in =be buried in 专心于,埋头于bury one’s face in one’s hands 双手捂脸4.occur vi.发生-------指发生时,有计划无计划均可。脑海中出现某种想法。 happen vi.发生------指事先无计划偶然发生。碰巧作某事happen to do sth. take place 发生-------指事先安排,计划的事情。举行。 以上三词均无被动形式。 sth. Occurs sb. 某人想起=strike/hit eg: A good idea occurred to me . It occurs to sb. to do sth.某人想起It occurred to me to visit my teacher. It occurs to sb. that…某人想起It occurred to me that I should visit my teacher. 5.take off 去掉,脱掉,起飞,成功,休假,减去,移动 6.strike vt&n.(雷电,暴风雨等)袭击=hit,击打,碰撞,罢工,想起=occur to,打动 (1)The miners went on strike for higher pay. (2)Does this clock strike twelve? (3)A good idea struck me while I was walking along the river. (4)He hit me ,so I struck him back. (5)A huge forest fire broke out after the lighting struck. (6)I am still struck by the native beauty of the lake. 7.ruin vt.毁坏,破坏,使堕落n.毁灭,崩溃,废墟in ruins 变成一片废墟 8.warn vt.警告,告诫,提醒注意warn sb. of/about sth.提醒某人注意某事 warn sb. not to do sth.= warn sb.against doing sth. 提醒某人不要做某事 give a warning 发出警告without warning 毫无预警 9.in all 总共,总计 above all 最重要的是after all 毕竟at all 确实,根本first of all首all of a sudden突然all in all从各方面考虑all along一直,始终 10.possibility n.可能性,可能发生的事 There is a/no possibility that… 有(不)可能There is a/no possibility of doing sth.有(没有)的可能 possible adj.可能的It is possible (for sb.)to do sth. It is possible that……. 11.set fire to =set….on fire 放火(焚烧)……. on fire着火(状态)catch fire 着火(动作)put out a fire扑灭火 12.put out 扑灭(火),伸出,出版 put off推迟put up张贴,建造put away放好,收好put on 穿上,上演put forward 提出 1.拿起;拾起;搭载;学会;收听2.平均 3.有史以来4.到……时为止 5.结束;告终6.扑灭 7.放火烧…… 8.总共 9.带来损害10.使某人无家可归 pick up on average of all time by the time end up put out set fire to in all do/cause damage make sb. homeless


Unit 1 Festivals around the world FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Today’s festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Festivals of the dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico, people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbours’ homes to ask for sweets. If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them. Festivals to Honour People Festivals can also be held to honour famous people. The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Y uan. In the USA, Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World. India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain. Harvest Festivals Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. In European countries, people will usually decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and will get together to have meals. Some people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals when people admire the moon and in China enjoy moon-cakes. Spring Festivals The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children lucky money in red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together. Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. These carnivals might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colourful clothing of al kinds. Easter is an important religious and social festival for Christians around the world. It celebrates the return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and new life. Japan’s Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later. The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.


高中地理-必修三教案 新人教版高中地理必修三教案全册-第四章区域经济 发展 第一节区域农业发展 以我国东北地区为例 课时安排:2课时 教学目的: 1.初步了解,实现区域农业的可持续发展应该综合考虑哪些因素。 2.通过阅读地形和气温、降水分布图,了解东北地区农业发展的利弊因素。 3.通过对比和分析,了解东北地区农业布局特点,并深入探讨东北地区大规模专业化生产和商品粮基地建设的特色。4.结合具体发展模式,分析东北不同区域农业发展的方向。教学重点: 1.东北地区农业发展的利弊因素 2.东北地区农业布局特点,深入探讨东北地区大规模专业化生产和商品粮基地建设的特色。 3.分析东北不同区域农业发展的方向。 教学难点: 1.实现区域农业的可持续发展应该综合考虑哪些因素。2.东北地区农业发展的利弊因素

教具准备:有关挂图等、自制图表等 教学方法:比较法、案例分析法、图示法等 教学过程: 第一课时 一、发展区域农业的一般步骤 1.综合考虑自然、社会经济、区位、市场等各种因素确定区域农业的大方向 不同的区域有不同的自然条件,适合发展不同的农业。同一区域的自然条件往往适合发展多种农业,所以还要根据区位条件、社会经济条件,以及市场需求,发展本区域有生产优势的农业。 2.根据区域内部差异,合理布局小区域农业。 一个区域在确定农业发展方向的前提下,再根据区域内部的地理分异特点,因地制宜调整农业结构,合理安排农业生产布局,使区域的农业发展与区域内特定的自然条件、社会经济条件有机地结合起来,形成具有特色的生态与经济良性循环系统,实现区域内经济、社会和生态效益的统一。 如:我国重要的商品农业生产基地东北地区 该区自然地域完整,农业生态类型多样,生产部门齐全二、地理条件 1.范围:黑龙江、吉林、辽宁三省和内蒙古自治区东部。2.地位:我国重要的商品粮基地、林业生产基地和畜牧业


Module 1 British and American English I. 模块教学目标 技能目标Skill Goals ▲Talk about varieties of English ▲Practise giving reasons ▲Review of verb forms: present simple, present continuous, present perfect and future reference; for and since with present perfect ▲Identify a variety of English ▲Write about the Chinese language II. 目标语言 功能句式Practise giving reasons I like Leeds because there’s more going on here than back home in the States. Since English is spoken all over the world, there are lots of varieties. As I was the only British person in the school, they made a fuss of me. I’m getting on just fine, now that I understand the local accent. Everyday English How are you getting on? I don’t get it. ... get used to ... That’s a good point. ... make a fuss of ...


1.1算法与程序框图(共3课时) 1.1.1算法的概念(第1课时) 一、序言 算法不仅是数学及其应用的重要组成部分,也是计算机科学的重要基础.在现代社会里,计算机已经成为人们日常生活和工作不可缺少的工具.听音乐、看电影、玩游戏、打字、画卡通画、处理数据,计算机几乎渗透到了人们生活的所有领域.那么,计算机是怎样工作的呢?要想弄清楚这个问题,算法的学习是一个开始.同时,算法有利于发展有条理的思考与表达的能力,提高逻辑思维能力. 在以前的学习中,虽然没有出现算法这个名词,但实际上在数学教学中已经渗透了大量的算法思想,如四则运算的过程、求解方程的步骤等等,完成这些工作都需要一系列程序化的步骤,这就是算法的思想. 二、实例分析 例1:写出你在家里烧开水过程的一个算法. 解:第一步:把水注入电锅; 第二步:打开电源把水烧开; 第三步:把烧开的水注入热水瓶. (以上算法是解决某一问题的程序或步骤) 例2:给出求1+2+3+4+5的一个算法. 解:算法1按照逐一相加的程序进行 第一步:计算1+2,得到3; 第二步:将第一步中的运算结果3与3相加,得到6; 第三步:将第二步中的运算结果6与4相加,得到10; 第四步:将第三步中的运算结果10与5相加,得到15. 算法2可以运用公式1+2+3+…+n=2)1 (+n n 直接计算第一步:取n=5; 第二步:计算 2)1 (+n n ; 第三步:输出运算结果. (说明算法不唯一) 例3:(课本第2页,解二元一次方程组的步骤) (可推广到解一般的二元一次方程组,说明算法的普遍性)例4:用“待定系数法”求圆的方程的大致步骤是: 慕尧书城出品,正品保障。



英语必修五unit5教案 【篇一:高中英语必修五教案unit 5】 新课标人教版英语必修5教案 unit 5 firsr aid 程洪维 1. first aid is a temporary form help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. give \ offer aid援助come to one’s aid 帮助某人 cut off aid 终止援助a hearing aid 助听器 teaching aids教具medical aid医疗救护 with the aid of借助于in aid of为了帮助 he fell ill and had to enter the hospital.他生病了必须住院治疗。fall asleep睡着了fallsilent静下来 the computer got damaged when we were moving.我的电脑在搬家时弄坏了。 my bike is getting repaired now.我的自行车正在修理。 my glass got broken while i was playing basketball。我的眼镜在打篮球的时候给弄坏了。 peter and mary got married last year.皮特和玛丽去年接了婚。 2. you have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.你有三层皮肤作为障来保护你免受疾病,毒药和有害光线的侵害。


普通高中课程标准实验教科书(人教版) 英语必修Ⅲ Unit1 Festivals around the world (Reading) Festivals and Celebrations 学生姓名:赵倩倩

Unit 1Festivals around the world Ⅰ.Analysis of teaching material At the beginning of the class, the teacher can lead in the topic of the unit by having a free talk with students about their winter holidays and the Spring Festival. The Warming Up is intended to have students start thinking about the variety of events and festivals that are celebrated in China, and connect them with seasons of the year and reasons for the celebrations. The teacher can use this part to introduce information that Chinese students should have about their country’s cultural events. The Pre-reading is a continuation of the Warming Up and it moves the discussion to a more personal level. It is intended to help students enter imaginatively into a discussion of festivals and their importance to the society. It also directs their attention to the variety of events and activities those festivals include. The teacher should let students discuss the questions and predict what kind of information will be introduced in the Reading. The reading passage titled FESTIV ALS AND CELEBRATIONS briefly describes the earliest kinds of festivals with the reasons for them, and then four different kinds of festivals that occur in most parts of the world. Encourage students to look at the pictures and the heading of each section to guess what the text might be about. Then let them skim for the general idea for each section, and scan for further understanding. Because this passage introduces a lot of useful new words and expressions which are only used for festivals, in order not to let students feel much difficult, the teacher should deal with any language problems while they are reading. After reading, students are required to do the four exercises in the Comprehending to see how much they have understood the reading passage. The teacher can first let them work in pairs or in groups to find the answers cooperatively, and then check their answers with the whole class. To consolidate the contents of the reading passage, students should be required to talk about festivals in their own words at the end of the class. In order to arouse students’ interest, the teacher can hold a competition between groups. Ⅱ.Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims 1). Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part: beauty, harvest, starve, origin, religious, ancestor, Mexico, feast, bone, belief, poet, arrival, gain, independence, gather, agriculture, award, rooster, admire, energetic, Easter, clothing, Christian, custom, take place, in memory of, dress up, play a trick on, look forward to, day and night, as though, have fun with 2). Let students learn about history and basic knowledge of festivals both in and out of China. 2.Ability aims 1). Develop students’ reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.

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