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He does look tired.

He did come but soon went back.

She did write to say thank you.

2. 用某些形容词来强调


mere 仅仅的 very 极端的

thorough 十足的 plain 完全的 complete 彻底的

pure 完全的 perfect 全然的

Jim looked a perfect fool.

We gave the room a thorough cleaning.



You may put the meeting off only when it is absolutely necessary.



This the students can understand.



The place where Mary keeps pigs is the garden shed.

6. 用what从句来强调


What he says is not important.

What you do is (to) mix the eggs with flour.


“it is (was)+被强调成分+that (who)+其他”结构。

It was not until I met you that I knew real happiness.


英语强调句 一、强调句的基本结构及用法 强调句常用来突出说话人要强调的语言信息,给对方以强烈的印象和感受。译成汉语时,常加上“正是…”等字眼。 其基本结构是:It+ be的适当形式+被强调成分+that (who)+其他成分He bought the book in this shop yesterday. →It was he that bought the book in this shop yesterday. (强调主语he) →It was the book that he boug ht in this shop yesterday. (强调宾语the book) →It was in this shop that he bought the book yesterday. (强调地点状语in this shop) 【注意】 1.在该强调结构中,It 无任何意义但不可以换成this或者that等。 It is (was)…that (who)…为结构词,假如去掉,剩下部分在语法结构和句子含义上均完整,这一点正是它和定语从句等的本质区别。 2. 关于that与who: 当被强调部分指人时,可以用who(被强调部分的人作主语或宾语时)或者whom(被强调部分的人作宾语时)代替that; 当被强调部分指物时通常用that;当被强调部分既包括人又包括物,用that不用who It was the things and people that they remembered that they were talking about. 当被强调部分是代词时,用who不用that。 当强调时间或地点或原因状语时,不能用when / where /why代that(尤其是当这些状语为介词短语时)。


英语中的强调句型 王珂 1. It is +被强调部分+ that ... 该句型是强调句型。将被强调的部分放在前面,其它部分置于that之后。 被强调部分可以是主语,宾语,表语或状语。强调的主语如果是人,that可以由who换用。如果把这种句型结构划掉后,应该是一个完整无缺的句子。这也是判断强调句型与其它从句的方法。 It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. It was they that (who ) clea ned the classroom yesterday. It was in the street that I met her father. 2. It is n ot un til + 被强调部分+ that ... 该句型也是强调句型。主要用于强凋时间状语,译成汉语"直 到...才.可以说是not ... until ...的强调形式。 It was not un til she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star. =Not un til she took off her dark glasses did I realize she was a famous film star. =I didn ' t realize she was a famous film star until she took off hrergteses. 3. It is clear ( obvious, true, possible, certa in....) that ..... 该句型中it是形式主语,真正的主语是that弓I导的主语从句,常译为"清 楚(显然,真的,肯定...)"是主语从句最常见的一种结构。 It is very clear that he 's round and tall like a tree. =That he ' s round and tall like a tree is very clear. 4. It is importa nt ( n ecessary, right, stra nge, n atural...) that ...


英语中英语强调句的几种强调方式 我们在说话或写文章时,为了要突出句子中的某一部分,我们通常会使用某种方法或手段使它突出,以便能引起他人的注意,这就是强调,与此相关的句子就是强调句。英语表示强调的方法很多,比如在口语中可以用重读来强调,在书面语中则可通过使用表示强调意义的词语来强调,也可以通过将被强调成分置于句首这样的“显要”位置来强调,还可以使用专门的强调句式来强调。 一、用助动词do来强调 当句子中没有其他的助动词时,我们可以在动词前使用助动词do 表示对该动词的强调。如: Do be careful with that vase! 务必小心那个花瓶!

I do hope you'll stay for lunch. 我真的希望你留下吃午饭。 用于表示强调的do可以有时态的变化,但其后的动词要用原形。如: He does look tired. 他确实显得很疲倦。 He did come but soon went back. 他的确来过,但很快就回去了。 She did write to say thank you. 她的确写信向你道谢了。 注意,这样用的do只用于现在时或过去式(即只有do, does, did 这样的形式),不能用于进行时、完成时等形式(如不用于is doing, has done等)。

二、用某些形容词来强调 英语中用于强调的形容词比较多,比如那些表示“极端”和“完全”概念的形容词通常就可以用于表示强调,这类形容词主要的有: mere 仅仅的very 极端的 outright 完全的thorough 十足的 plain 完全的complete 彻底的 pure 完全的perfect 全然的 Jim looked a perfect fool. 吉姆看起来像一个十足的傻瓜。


高中英语基本句型天天练 (一)主谓结构 1.她昨天回家很晚。 2.会议将持续两个小时。 3.在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。 4.这种事情全世界各地每天都在发生 5.1919年,在北京爆发了“五.四”运动。 6.这个盒子重五公斤。 7.秋天有些鸟飞到南方去。 8.我的爷爷早晨起得很早。 9.每天下午有许多学生到图书馆来借书。 (二)系表结构 1.冬季白天短,夜晚长。 2.布朗夫人看起来很健康。 3.十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家了。 4.她的工作是在幼儿园里照看儿童。 5.他失业了。 6.树叶已经变黄了。 7.这个报告听起来很有意思。 (三)主谓宾结构 1.昨晚我写了一封信。

3.你们必须在两周内看完这些书。 4.Jim还不会自己穿衣服。 5.我们大家都相信Jack是一个诚实男孩。 6.他不知道说什么好。 7.我开窗户你在意吗? 短语动词 1.他指出了我的作文中的错误。 2.圣诞节我们将去看望外籍教师。 3.五分钟内我们是不可能解出这道题来的。 4.他们高度赞扬了英雄的业迹。 5.这位护士会好好照顾你父亲的。 6.你在工作中可依靠他。 7.写完作文后,我们必须把它从头到尾看一遍。 8.脱掉你的外套,走前再穿。 9.我们必须派人去请医生。 (四)复合宾语结构 1.他的父母给他取名为John. 2.我们大家都认为他是诚实的。 3.他们把门推开了。 4.我们要使学校变得更美丽。

6.明天我要找人来修理机器。 7.每天早晨我们都听到他大声朗读英语。 8.痛苦使得他叫喊起来。 9.我们不会让她在晚上外出的。 10.他每个月理一次发。 11.我要请人把我的录音机修理一下。 12.那可怕的声音把孩子们吓坏了。 13.她正在听人家讲故事。 14.我从来没看见这个字这样用过。 15.他感到很难跟你交谈。 16.我认为有可能用另一种方法解题。 17.学校定了一条规则,开始上课时学生要起立。 18.我认为与那个人谈话是无益的。 (五)Therebe句型 1.今晚没有会。 2.这个村子过去只有一口井。 3.这个学校有一名音乐老师和两名美术老师。 4.客人当中有两名美国人和两名法国人。 5.天气预报说下午有大风。 6.灯亮着,办公室里肯定有人。


强调句型 根据表达的不同需求,有时需要对句子中的某个成分进行强调,这样的句子就叫强调句。强调句有时态的变化,除了强调人时可以用who/that,极个别为了避免重复用which外,其余一律用that引导。这种语言现象在英语中也比较常见。下面简单作一小结,供大家学习时参考。 一、强调主语: It was you who always gave Old Orlick a bad name to her. 你总是让老奥里克给她带来不好的名声。 It was my teacher who helped me out when I was in trouble. 在我困难的时候,是我的老师帮我走出了困境。 Who was it that called him “comrade”?是谁把他叫做“同志”的? It was the old man who found the boy in the woods.是那位老人在树林里找到了男孩。 It wasn’t what he says that makes us laugh.并不是他说的话让我们发笑。 It’s my aunt that worries me.让我担心的是我姑妈。 It was Johnson, who studied very hard, that often offered us help. 经常帮我们的是约翰逊,他学习非常努力。 And this time it was he who would answer her questions.这次要由他来回答她的问题。 It wasn’t the slashed throat that really bothered him. It was the two minutes. 令他烦恼的不是割伤的咽喉,而是那两分钟。 Really, it was love of children more than anything else that made him want a pack of his own. 真的,是由于爱孩子而不是别的什么,才使得他想要一群自己的孩子。 Was it the sun shining into his window or his grandmother’s voice that woke him the next morning? 是不是从他窗口射进的阳光或者祖母的声音第二天把他惊醒的? It’s other things I have to watch for…footsteps, Mary, that come in the night and go again , and a hand that would strike me down. 玛丽,是我不得不注意的其它事情,比如说脚步声在夜里来了又去,还有一只手可能将我击倒。 ---Is it to get rid of the bad habit that is difficult? ---Of course. ――去掉坏习惯很难吗?――当然啦! It was bronchitis that finished her, helped by a week of November fog and Cressley’s industrial dirt and smoke.谁知老伴得了支气管炎,再加上那一周十一月的雾气浓重,克列瑟莱城的工业烟尘弥漫,不到十天,她就去世了。 It is sleeping late in the morning that leads to being late for work. 是因为早


强调句 一、强调句的基本结构及用法 强调句常用来突出说话人要强调的语言信息,给对方以强烈的印象和感受。译成汉语 时,常加上“正是”等字眼。其基本结构是:It + be的适当形式+ 被强调成分+ that (who) + 其他成分He bought the book in this shop yesterday. →It was he that bought the book in this shop yesterday. (强调主语he) →It was the book that he bought in this shop yesterday. (强调宾语the book) →It was in this shop that he bought the book yesterday. (强调地点状语in this shop) 【注意】 1.在该强调结构中,It无任何意义但不可以换成this或者that等。 It is (was)…that (who)…为结构词,假如去掉,剩下部分在语法结构和句子含义上均完整,这一点正是它和定语从句等的本质区别。 2.关于that与who 当被强调部分指人时,可以用who(被强调部分的人作主语或宾语时)或者whom(被强调部分的人作宾语时)代替that; 当被强调部分指物时通常用that;当被强调部分既包括人又包括物,用that不用who. It was the things and people that they remembered that they were talking abo ut. 当被强调部分是代词时,用who不用that。 当强调时间或地点或原因状语时,不能用when / where /why代替that(尤其是当这些状语为介词短语时)。1)It was only when I reread his poems recently I began to appreciate their beauty. A. until B. that C. when D. so 2)It was in Qingdao I saw the sea for the first time. A. what B. that C. when D. which 3)It was because of bad weather the football match had to be put off. A. so B. so that C. why D. that 如果被强调的成分有同位语,同位语也应提前。 It was from him, his chemistry teacher, that Paul learned to watch carefully in class. 3.关于be的适当形式: 在强调结构中,无论被强调的是人还是物,单数还是复数,be动词一律用单数is/was形式。 ①如果原句的谓语动词时态是现在范畴(一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时、现在完成进行时、一 般将来时、将来进行时、将来完成时等),就用is。 It is the ability to do the job matters not where you come from or what you are. A. one B. that C. what D. it ②如果原句的谓语动词时态是过去范畴(一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时等),就用was。例如: It was between 1989 and 1999 great changes took place in our hometown. A. when B. that C. which D. because ③也可以根据需要用It may/might/must be that/who; It must have been that/who 如: It might be Sally that you are thinking of. It might be in the morning that he broke into the house. It might be his father that you are looking for. It must be John that/who will take part in the contest on behalf our class. It must have been her twin sister that you saw.


高中英语基本句型 *It (so) happened(chanced) that +clause. = sb. happened /chanced to do sth. = sb.did sth. by chance.: 当我到那儿时,碰巧他不在 *It seems that sb. do/ be doing/ have done/ had done= Sb. seems to do/ be doing/ have done/to be done/to have been done(还有动词appear等可这样使用)如: 他好象以前去过北京。 *It is / was+被强调的部分+that(who)+剩余的部分.如: 只有学会了给予我们才能体会索取的价值。(一定要注意被强调句型中的谓语动词否定的转移)。 It was because he was ill that he didn't come to school today.(只能用because 而不能用for, as 或since) It is I who ___(be)a student. 我确实是个学生。 *It is high time (time/ about time)+ (that) 主语+should do / did+其它。(从句中的谓语动词用的是虚拟语气。) It is high time that we____(go) home.我们该回家了。 *It is / was said ( reported…)+that+从句. 如: It was said that he had read this novel.=He was said to have read this novel. 每个人都知道阅读对我们有好处 *It is impossible / necessary/ strange…that clause.(从句中的谓语用should +do / should have done,其形式是虚拟语气。) It is strange that he should have failed in this exam.真奇怪,他这次考试没有及格。 *It is + a pity/ a shame…that clause.(注意从句中的谓语动词用should do 或should have done的形式) He didn't come back until the film ended. It was a pity that he should have missed this film. *It is suggested / ordered/ commanded /…that +clause.(从句的谓语动词用


强调句型 1. 用It is/was…that/who…句型表示强调。 被强调的部分(通常是句子的主语、状语、宾语或宾语补足语)放在is/was的后面,如被强调的是人,则后面可用who,whom等代替。 He met an old friend in the park yesterday. 强调主语: 强调宾语: 强调时间状语: 强调地点状语: (二)not … until …句型的强调句 1、句型为:It is/ was not until + 被强调部分+ that + 其它部分 e.g. 普通句:He didn’t go to bed until/ till his wife came back. 强调句:It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed. 2、注意:此句型只用until,不用till。但如果不是强调句型,till, until可通用;因为句型中It is/ was not …已经是否定句了,that后面的从句要用肯定句,切勿再用否定句了。 (三)谓语动词的强调 1、It is/ was … that …结构不能强调谓语,如果需要强调谓语时,用助动词do/ does或did。 e.g. He did write to you last week. 上周他确实给你写了信。 2、注意:此种强调只用do/ does和did ,没有别的形式;过去时用did ,后面的谓语动词用原形。 (四)疑问句的强调结构: 一般疑问句:Is / Was + it + that +句子的其他部分(陈述语序)。简单的答语为:“Yes,it is/was.”或“No,it isn’t/wasn’t.” (1)----Was____that I saw last night at the concert?(Shanghai'97)---- No, it wasn’t. A. it you B. not you C. you D. that yourself


英语中表示强调的8种句式 为了强调英语句子中的某一成份,强调方式是多种多样的,以下是整理的英语中表示强调的8种句式,供大家学习和参阅。 1.用形容词“very”,“single”等表示强调 e.g.Red Army fought a battle on this very spot. 红军就在此地打过一仗。 Not a single person has been in the office this afternoon. 今天下午竟然没有一个人来过办公室。 2.用反身代词表示强调 e.g.I myself will see her off at the station. 我将亲自到车站为她送行。 You can do it well yourself. 你自己能做好这件事情。 3.用助词“do”表示强调 e.g.The baby is generally healthy,but every now and then she does catch a cold. 那孩子的健康状况尚好,但就是偶尔患感冒。 Do be quiet.I told you I had a headache. 务必安静,我告诉过你,我头疼。 4.用副词“very”,“only”,“even”,“too”等表示强调

e.g.He drank it to the very last drop. 他把它喝得一干二净。 Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops. 只有用这样的方法我们才能消灭敌军。 He didn't answer even my letter. 他甚至连我的信都未回。 I will too go!我要去的! 5.用“...and that”,“...and those”,“not...too much”,“否定加否定”等结构表示强调 e.g.They fulfilled the task,and that in a few days. 他们在几天内完成的就是那项任务。 I gave her some presents,and those the day before yesterday. 前天我送给她的就是那些礼物。 I can't thank you too much.我无论怎样感谢你都不过份。 I am not unfaithful to you.我对你无比忠诚。 6.用短语“in every way”,“in no way”,“by all means”,“by no means”,“only too”,“all too”,“but too”,“in heaven”,“in the world”,“in hell”,“on earth”,“under the sun”等表示强调 e.g.His behaviour was in every way perfect.


人教版英语英语强调句的用法大全含解析 一、初中英语强调句 1.—Taian is a really comfortable city to live in. —________, and it's world-famous for Mount Tai. A. So it is B. So is it C. So it does D. So does it 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——泰安是一个生活非常舒适的城市。——的确如此,它以泰山而闻名于世。A、的确如此,B、它也是,C、的确如此,D、它也一样,根据句意,可知是固定句型so+主语+be动词/助动词/情态动词,意为“的确如此”;再根据上文 Taian is a really comfortable city to live in,可知强调的是表语,所以用so it is,故答案为A。 【点评】考查固定句型,注意识记so引导的强调句。 2.—Wow. It is rather cold today. —Yes. ____ yesterday. A. So it is B. So it was C. So was it 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——哇!今天天气相当冷。——是啊,昨天也如此。So+助动词+主语:也是如此,前后主语不一致。So+主语+助动词:的确如此,前后主语一致。根据句意,今天冷,昨天也冷,前后主语不一致,用so was it。故选C。 【点评】考查倒装句,注意So+助动词+主语和So+主语+助动词的用法。 3.It was with great joy _______ he received the news ____ his lost son would soon return home. A. because; that B. that; that C. because; which D. that; \ 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】根据句子结构可知his lost son would soon return home是news的同位语从句,故用that;主句是it is/was. . . that的强调句型,故也用that。故选B 4.It was with his iron-fist approach crimes in the southern state _______the 70-year-old man built a political name. A. to fighting, where B. of fighting, that C. of fighting, where D. to fighting, that 【答案】D


英语中常见的强调句型 英语中有时为了需要,经常要强调句子中的某一成分,要用到一些强调句型。英语中常见的用来表示强调的句型有以下几种。 1. It is / was + 被强调部分 + that + 其他成分(其中被强调部分主语?宾语?状语,但不能是定语或谓语) 如: I met him in the park this morning. It was I who / that met him in the park this morning.(强调主语) 今天早上正是我在公园里遇见了他。 It was him that I met in the park this morning.(强调宾语) 今天早上我在公园里遇见的正是他。 It was in the park that I met him this morning.(强调地点状语) 今天早上我正是在公园里遇见了他。 It was this morning that I met him in the park.(强调时间状语) 正是在今天早上我在公园里遇见了他。 再如:He didn’t go to school today because he was ill. It was because he was ill that he didn’t go to school today.(强调原因状语) 今天他没去上学是因为他生病了。 注意 (1)如果原句中谓语动词使用的是现在范畴的时态(一般现在时?现在进行时?现在完成 / 现在完成进行时?一般将来时?将来进行时?将来完成时等)用It is...that...。如果原句中谓语动词为过去范畴的时态(一般过去时?过去进行时?过去完成时?过去将来时等)则用It was...that...。如: It was Peter who / that got the first place in the final exam. 正是彼特在期末考试中得了第一名。 It is not everyone who / that can pass the college entrance exam. 高考并不是每个人都能上线。 (2)强调句型的一般疑问句只需把is / was提前,它的特殊疑问句只需在一般疑问句前加上疑问词。如: Was it Smith who / that broke the window? 是史密斯打碎窗子的吗? Who was it that broke the window? 是谁打碎了窗子? (3)not...until...的强调句式:当被强调的是not...until...句型时,应将not置于until之前,主句由否定句改为肯定句。如: We didn’t recognize her until she took off her glasses. 她把眼镜拿了,我们才认出她。 It was not until she took off her glasses that we recognized her.


1. 强调结构的陈述式 强调结构的陈述式为“It is (was)+ 被强调部分+ that (who)…”。该结构可用于强调主语、宾语、状语等,但不能强调谓语动词。该句式中用that或who的区别是:当被强调的指人时,用that或who均可;当被强调的不是指人时,则只能用that(注意不用which)。如:It was in the office that he was killed. 他是办公室被杀害的。(强调in the office) It is the children who broke the window. 是孩子们打破窗户的。(强调the children) It was to you and not anyone else that I lent the money. 我只借钱给你,不借给其他人。(强调to you and not anyone) It is only when you have your own children that you realize the troubles of parenthood. 当你有了自己的孩子,才能真切地了解到双亲的辛苦。(强调only when you have your own children) 2. 一般疑问句的强调结构 一般疑问句的强调结构就是将be提到句首,即使用“Is / Was it+ 被强调部分+ that / who…”。如:Is it Tommy who answered the telephone? 是汤米接的电话吗? Is it from advertising that a newspaper earns a lot of its profits? 报纸获利最多的部分是在于广告收入吗? 3. 特殊疑问句的强调结构 特殊疑问句的强调结构句型为“疑问词(Who / What / When / Where / Why / How)+is / was it that…”这样的形式。如:When was it that he got married? 他是什么时候结婚的? How long ago is it that you last saw her? 你上一次看见她是多久以前的事? Who was it that won the World Cup in 1982? 谁赢得了1982年的世界杯? Why is it that I always land up cleaning the bath? 为什么总是该我来洗刷浴缸? In which play of Shakespeare's is it that Viola appears? 维欧拉是在莎士比亚那个剧里出现的吗? 强调句的结构是“It is / was +强调部分+ that / who-从句”,it在句中作先行词,被强调 的部分通常是主语、宾语和状语。这是it的主要用法和考点之一。 It is the ability to do the job ____ matters not where you come from or what you are. A. one B. that C. what D. it 答案是B,其中that。又如: It was December26, 1893 ____ Mao Zedong was born in the common village. A. when B. that C. which D. in which 答案分别是D和A。前一句是强调句,因为被强调的部分in 1969是that从句中一个完整的句子成分,改为非强调句后的句子是:The American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon in 1969。而后一句的December 26, 1893不能成为从句的一个完整成分,所以不是强调句,而是定语从句,December 26, 1893是先行词。在强调句中,it是先行词;在第二句中,it作主语,指时间。 六.被强调的不管是单数还是复数名词,主句的be动词都用单数,即is或was。例如: It ____ Madame Curie and his husband Pierre who discovered radium. A. is B. was C. are D. were 答案是B。由于所叙述的是过去的事,不能用is。 (1) Who was it _____ saved the drowning girl? A. since B. as C. that D. he 答案选C,被强调成分为who,该句实为类似It was Tom that saved the drowning girl. 这类强调句的特殊疑问句形式(即对其中的Tom 提问而得)。 (2) What is it _____ his daughter needs most? A. what B. which C. that D. if 答案选C,被强调成分为what,该句实为类似It is a bike that his daughter needs most. 这类强调句的特殊疑问句形式(即对其中的a bike 提问而得)。 5. It was what he meant rather than what he said ______ annoyed me.


?强调句的概念: 强调句(The Emphatic Pattern) 是一种修辞,是人们为了表达自己的意愿或情感而使用的一种形式。通过各种方式对句子中的某个部分进行强调,从而起到修辞的作用。英语常用的强调结构有:It is (was)+被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语)+that/who...;what…be…句型; ?强调句的使用: ?一、强调句句型: 1、用It is/was...that/who...句型表示强调。 (1)陈述句的强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+that/who(当强调主语且主语指人)+其它部分。 e.g. It was yesterday that he met Li Ping. (2)一般疑问句的强调句型:同上,只是把is/was提到it前面。 e.g. Was it yesterday that he met Li Ping? (3)特殊疑问句的强调句型:被强调部分(通常是疑问代词或疑问副词)+is/was+it+that/who+其它部分? e.g. When and where was it that you were born? 注:被强调的部分(通常是句子的主语、状语、宾语或宾语补足语)放在is/was的后面,如被强调的是人,则后面可用who,whom 等代替。 如:原句:He met an old friend in the park yesterday. 强调主语:It was he who/that met an old friend in the park yesterday. 强调宾语:It was an old friend that/who he met in the park yesterday. 强调地点状语:It was in the park that he met an old friend yesterday. 强调时间状语:It was yesterday that he met an old friend in the park. ?使用强调句型有以下几点请注意: ①强调句的谓语is或was永远用单数。 如:It was yesterday that I met your father in the street. ②不管被强调部分是哪种状语,只能用that连接,不得使用where、when等连词。 如:It was in the street that I met your father yesterday. ③被强调部分为人时,可用who(主格或宾格)和whom(宾格)代替that,用that也行。 如:It was your father that/whom/who I met in the street yesterday. It was I that/who met your father in the street yesterday. ④强调句中也要注意主谓一致、人称一致和否定转移的问题。 如:It is they who are our friends. It was not until ten o'clock that we got home last night. ⑤注意不要混淆强调句和其他从句。It is/was...that...为强调句标志,去掉后仍可组成一个完整的句子,只是没被强调,而其他从句一般不具备这一 特征。 比较:1)It was ten o'clock when we got home last night. 我们昨晚到家时已十点了。 2)It was at ten o'clock that we got home last night. 我们昨晚是在十点到家的。 第一句不是强调句,when不可改为that,因为去掉it was和that后,只能组成“We got home ten o'clock last night.”这样一个不完整的句子;第二句是强调句,that不可改为when。 ?强调句型用法拓展: 1、句首词用“It”,不能用“This”,“That”等。 2、be动词的形式是is或was,不能用复数形式are或were。若原句的谓语动词用了现在时或将来时,则用is; 若原句的谓语动词用了过去时或过去完成时,则用was。


人教版中考英语专项训练常见强调句型最全总结 一、初中英语强调句 1.It was when we were returning home _____ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble. A. that B. which C. how D. where 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:就在我回家的时候,我才意识到帮助处于困境中的人是一种多么美好的感觉。强调句型的基本结构是:It is/was+被强调成分+that/who+其他成分;本句强调的是时间状语从句when we were returning home,所以选A。 【点评】考查强调句型,掌握其结构It is/was+被强调成分+that/who+其他成分。 2.It's a long time ago ______ I saw you last time. A. when B. since C. for D. that 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:我上次见你是很久以前了。强调结构It is…that…,本句中it没有实际含义,和is,that构成框架,强调谓语以外的部分,去掉它们句子仍然成立。故选D。【点评】本题考查的是强调句型结构。强调句型是对句子的主语,宾语,状语等进行强调,(谓语除外),其基本结构是It is +被强调的部分+that/who+句子的其他成分(强调主语若是人引导词可以用who/that,若是其他一律用that )。去掉这个框架结构句子仍然成立。 3.She found her lost car._______ she had! A. What a good luck B. What good luck C. How good luck D. How good the luck 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意“她发现了她丢失的小汽车,她多么幸运啊。”此处为强调句典型句型,这种句型中what+名词,how+形容词\副词,luck此处表示名词单数“一次好运”,what a good luck=how lucky。故填A。 【点评】考察强调句型。 4.It is very interesting ___________ snowmen in winter. A. making B. building C. to make D. to build 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:冬天堆雪人很有趣。It's+形容词+to do sth,做某事怎样,固定句型结构,故选C。 【点评】考查固定句型结构。注意it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。 5.It was only with the help of the local guide _______. A. was the mountain climber rescued B. that the mountain climber was rescued C. when the mountain climber was rescued D. then the mountain climber was rescued

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