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论文引文标注和参考文献格式(浙江大学2012 –2013学年春夏学期《当代中国社会建设》课程材料) 引文标注格式 论文中引用的文献的标注方法遵照GB/T 7714-2005,可采用顺序编码制,也可采用著者-出版年制。 1、顺序编码制: 1. 按正文中引用的文献出现的先后顺序用阿拉伯数字连续编码,并将序号置于方括号中,以上标形式放在文献作者或句子的末尾。 2. 同一处引用多篇文献时,将各篇文献的序号在方括号中全部列出,各序号间用逗号,如遇连续序号,可标注起讫号“-”,例如: 王社会[1]指出……,李社会[2-4]认为……,提出了多种理论模型[2, 5, 10-12] 3. 同一文献在论著中被引用多次,只编1个序号,文献表中不再重复著录。例如: 张社会等[5]……。 ……… 张社会等[5]指出……。 2、著者-出版年制: 1. 正文引用的文献采用著者-出版年制时,各篇文献的标注内容由著者姓氏与出版年构成,并置于“()”内,放在正文中引用了该文献的句子末尾。倘若只标注著者姓氏无法识别该人名时,可标注著者姓名。集体著者著述的文献可标注机关团体名称。倘若正文语句中已提及著者姓名,则在其后的“()”内只须著录出版年。例如:……(张社会, 2006),……张社会(2006)认为……。 2. 引用多著者文献时,对欧美著者只需标注第一个著者的姓,其后附“et al”;对中国著者应标注第一著者的姓名,其后附“等”字,姓名与“等”字之间留1个空

格。例如:……(张社会等, 2005)……。 在参考文献表中著录同一著者在同一年出版的多篇文献时,出版年后应用小写字母a, b, c…区别。例如: Kennedy W J, Garrison R E. 1975a. Morphology and genesis of nodular chalks and hardgrounds in the Upper Cretaceous of southern England. Sedimentology, 22:311-386. Kennedy W J, Garrison R E. 1975b. Morphology and genesis of nodular phosphates in the Cenomaman of South-east England. Lathaia, 8:339-360. 3. 正文中多次引用同一著者的同一文献时,在正文中标注著者与出版年, 并在“()”外以上标形式标注引文页码。例如: ……(张社会等, 2005)。 ……… ……张社会等(2005)认为……。 参考文献格式 1、基本要求 参考文献表是文中引用的有具体文字来源的文献集合,其著录项目和著录格式遵照GB/T 7714-2005的规定执行。 参考文献表应置于正文后,并另起页。所有被引用文献均要列入参考文献表中,严禁论文抄袭现象的发生。引文采用顺序编码标注时,参考文献表按编码顺 序排列,引文采用著作-出版年制标注时,参考文献表应按著者字顺和出版年排序。建议根据《中国高校自然科学学报编排规范》的要求书写参考文献,并按顺序编码制,即按中文引用的顺序将参考文献附于文末。 2. 文献类型、电子文献载体类型及其标志代码说明 电子文献类型和载体类型标志是必备的著录项目。非电子文献类型可以省略。 学位论文类型的文献必须明确标注。中文硕士学位论文标注[硕士学位论文],中文博士学位论文标注[博士学位论文],外文学位论文标注[D]。


Lathes Lathes are machine tools designed primarily to do turning, facing and boring, Very little turning is done on other types of machine tools, and none can do it with equal facility. Because lathes also can do drilling and reaming, their versatility permits several operations to be done with a single setup of the work piece. Consequently, more lathes of various types are used in manufacturing than any other machine tool. The essential components of a lathe are the bed, headstock assembly, tailstock assembly, and the leads crew and feed rod. The bed is the backbone of a lathe. It usually is made of well normalized or aged gray or nodular cast iron and provides s heavy, rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted. Two sets of parallel, longitudinal ways, inner and outer, are contained on the bed, usually on the upper side. Some makers use an inverted V-shape for all four ways, whereas others utilize one inverted V and one flat way in one or both sets, They are precision-machined to assure accuracy of alignment. On most modern lathes the way are surface-hardened to resist wear and abrasion, but precaution should be taken in operating a lathe to assure that the ways are not damaged. Any inaccuracy in them usually means that the accuracy of the entire lathe is destroyed. The headstock is mounted in a foxed position on the inner ways, usually at the left end of the bed. It provides a powered means of rotating the word at various speeds . Essentially, it consists of a hollow spindle, mounted in accurate bearings, and a set of transmission gears-similar to a truck transmission—through which the spindle can be rotated at a number of speeds. Most lathes provide from 8 to 18 speeds, usually in a geometric ratio, and on modern lathes all the speeds can be obtained merely by moving from two to four levers. An increasing trend is to provide a continuously variable speed range through electrical or mechanical drives. Because the accuracy of a lathe is greatly dependent on the spindle, it is of heavy construction and mounted in heavy bearings, usually preloaded tapered roller or ball types. The spindle has a hole extending through its length, through which long bar stock can be fed. The size of maximum size of bar stock that can be machined when the material must be fed through spindle. The tailsticd assembly consists, essentially, of three parts. A lower casting fits on the inner ways of the bed and can slide longitudinally thereon, with a means for clamping the entire assembly in any desired location, An upper casting fits on the lower one and can be moved transversely upon it, on some type of keyed ways, to permit aligning the assembly is the tailstock quill. This is a hollow steel cylinder, usually about 51 to 76mm(2to 3 inches) in diameter, that can be moved several inches longitudinally in and out of the upper casting by means of a hand wheel and screw. The size of a lathe is designated by two dimensions. The first is known as the swing. This is the maximum diameter of work that can be rotated on a lathe. It is approximately twice the distance between the line connecting the lathe centers and the nearest point on the ways, The second size dimension is the maximum distance between centers. The swing thus indicates the maximum work piece diameter that can be turned in the lathe, while the distance between centers indicates the maximum length of work piece that can be mounted between centers. Engine lathes are the type most frequently used in manufacturing. They are heavy-duty machine tools with all the components described previously and have power drive for all tool movements except on the compound rest. They commonly range in size from 305 to 610 mm(12 to 24 inches)swing and from 610 to 1219 mm(24 to 48 inches) center distances, but swings up to 1270 mm(50 inches) and center distances up


电子商务论文参考文献精选3篇 电子商务论文参考文献精选1篇 [1]赵晓津。计算机安全技术在电子商务中的应用探讨[J]。硅谷,2014(4):140-141。 [2]雷殷睿。网络安全技术在电子商务中的融合[J]。计算机光盘软件与应用,2014(4):162-163。电子商务论文参考文献精选3篇电子商务论文参考文献精选3篇。 [3]余佩颖。微信电子商务模式探讨[J]。软件,2013(10):124-125。 [4]邵泽云。数字签名技术在电子商务中的应用研究[J]。农业网络信息,2014(3):83-85。 [5]齐赫。电子商务论文参考文献精选3篇lolosophy and Social Science Edition)] 翟凤荣 我国电子商业上的事务付出的近况及瞻望 The Actuality and Expectation of Electronic Business Payment in Chellona [重庆广播电视机大学学报 Journal of Chongqing RTV University] 刘波 我国电子商业上的事务成长远景瞻望 [互助经济与科学技术 CO-Oerativeconomy & Science] 张元慧 , 李少伟 , 许丽红 电子商业上的事务瞻望现代贸易摩登 Business 2001年,第11期 浅析我国电子商业上的事务的近况与趋向 Present Situation and Development of Electronic Commerce 蔺建霞 Lin Jianxia 电子商业上的事务的成长近况与瞻望 The Current Development and Prospects for E-Bussiness 很多顶 Xu Duoding 我国电子商业上的事务成长远景瞻望 张元慧李少伟许丽红 我国电子商业上的事务情况下CA的成长瞻望 Development Prospect of Electronic Commerce CA in Chellona 江艳霞左明


摘要:随着国民经济的快速发展,我国已告别短缺经济,人民的需求档次逐步提升,价格影响减弱,没有特色的中小企业在低层次的竞争中很难继续生存。这就要求中小企业必须根据自身特点重新认识自己的比较优势,以此制定合适的营销战略。本文通过分析当前山西省中小企业生存发展面临的新形势,从而制定出更好战略选择方案。 关键词:中小企业市场营销营销战略 引言:乳品业在中国是一个新兴的产业,除牧区少数兄弟民族有养奶畜、喝其奶、食其肉的习惯,有一定基础的自给性奶业外,作为商品性的奶业不过百余年历史、基础薄弱,起步点很低。新中国成立40年来,随着国民经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,畜牧业科技的引进和推广,奶业获得了很快的发展。无论在奶畜饲养、畜种改良或乳品加工销售方面,都具有相当的基础和规模,对于满足市场供应,向人们提供营养丰富的保健食品,并促进农牧业的良性循环,显出越来越重要的作用。纵观我国奶业的发展,可划分为四个阶段:制约发展期(1949—1978年)、快速增长期(1979—1992)、结构调整期(1993—1997)、产业整合期(1998—2002)。目前,我国正处在第四个阶段,经过几年的调整,由于消费增长的拉动,我国奶业逐步进入加速发展的轨道。但在营销战略上我国乳品业还在起步阶段,现在就山西省的中小乳品企业的营销战略作一下简要的分析。 一.山西中小乳品企业过去的发展 小店奶牛场、太原农牧场和金胜奶牛场,从上世纪60年代初到80年代末,它们三分太原乳品市场。而如今,这些老字号有的只能依靠进小区及摊点零售的渠道销售,有的则在大浪淘沙的市场竞争中,彻底地销声匿迹了。平遥聚鑫乳业遭遇的业务员携款出逃事件,折射出山西乳业的一个现状———在面对外来知名品牌的冲击时,本土一些中小企业在艰难地寻找市场空间的同时,不一定输在产品的质量上,却往往因为营销、经营管理等原因,自己砸了招牌,由此而败下阵来。山西的许多小企业都是这样,急于改变现状,却缺乏长远的目光和科学的市场营销管理。 4月8日,绵绵阴雨。介休市街头,人们裹紧了衣服,匆匆而过。此时,介休市政府附近的小广场上,却挤满了人。他们手里都抱着一个小奶箱。一个大红横幅在雨中格外抢眼———“介休市工商局维权退款大会”。“退款事件”的主角是平遥聚鑫乳业。长期以来,介休一直是除了平遥外,聚鑫乳业的第二大消费市场。然而,从正月初二起,聚鑫乳业的订奶户们突然收不到奶了。在等待数日未见动静后,订奶户们纷纷向工商部门投诉。工商介入调查后,事情的原因很快水落石出。聚鑫乳业设在介休的办事处,两个业务员携奶款和奶票存根外逃,至今未归。两个业务员都是十八九岁的孩子,奶款总共不到5000块钱。但是对于小本经营的聚鑫乳业来说,这笔钱并不是个小数目。老板薛某虽然并不愿意出这笔在他看来的“冤枉钱”,但考虑到“厂子日后在介休市的发展”,他还是决定在找到两个业务员之前,先为用户退款。经营管理不善,这是工商部门调查时最深切的感受,薛某也承认这点。钱退赔到每个用户手中,多则60多元,最少的才两元钱。然而带给聚鑫乳业的影响却大大超过了这些。用户退款时,都带来了奶箱,虽然聚鑫乳业一再声明,牛奶质量没有问题,只是管理出现了问题。虽然老订户也承认,聚鑫的牛奶的确不错,但摆在面前的事实是,没有人再愿意订聚鑫乳业的牛奶了。这对聚鑫乳业无疑是很大的打击。这个结果也是订户们不愿意看到的。在拿到退款后,强女士有些无奈:“以后买牛奶就不方便了。” 原来在介休市,大


毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系部: 专业: 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:English For Electromechanical (用外文写) Engineering 附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 此翻译文章简单介绍了各机床的加工原理,并详细介绍了各机床的构造,并对方各机床的加工方法法进行了详细的描述, 翻译用词比较准确,文笔也较为通顺,为在以后工作中接触英 文资料打下了基础。 签名: 年月日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 机床 机床是用于切削金属的机器。工业上使用的机床要数车床、钻床和铣床最为重要。其它类型的金属切削机床在金属切削加工方面不及这三种机床应用广泛。 车床通常被称为所有类型机床的始祖。为了进行车削,当工件旋转经过刀具时,车床用一把单刃刀具切除金属。用车削可以加工各种圆柱型的工件,如:轴、齿轮坯、皮带轮和丝杠轴。镗削加工可以用来扩大和精加工定位精度很高的孔。 钻削是由旋转的钻头完成的。大多数金属的钻削由麻花钻来完成。用来进行钻削加工的机床称为钻床。铰孔和攻螺纹也归类为钻削过程。铰孔是从已经钻好的孔上再切除少量的金属。 攻螺纹是在内孔上加工出螺纹,以使螺钉或螺栓旋进孔内。 铣削由旋转的、多切削刃的铣刀来完成。铣刀有多种类型和尺寸。有些铣刀只有两个切削刃,而有些则有多达三十或更多的切削刃。铣刀根据使用的刀具不同能加工平面、斜面、沟槽、齿轮轮齿和其它外形轮廓。 牛头刨床和龙门刨床用单刃刀具来加工平面。用牛头刨床进行加工时,刀具在机床上往复运动,而工件朝向刀具自动进给。在用龙门刨床进行加工时,工件安装在工作台上,工作台往复经过刀具而切除金属。工作台每完成一个行程刀具自动向工件进给一个小的进给量。 磨削利用磨粒来完成切削工作。根据加工要求,磨削可分为精密磨削和非精密磨削。精密磨削用于公差小和非常光洁的表面,非精密磨削用于在精度要求不高的地方切除多余的金属。 车床 车床是用来从圆形工件表面切除金属的机床,工件安装在车床的两个顶尖之间,并绕顶尖轴线旋转。车削工件时,车刀沿着工件的旋转轴线平行移动或与工件的旋转轴线成一斜角移动,将工件表面的金属切除。车刀的这种位移称为进给。车


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中文4285字 附录1 LATHES & MILLING A shop that is equipped with a milling machine and an engine lathe can machine almost any type of product of suitable size. The basic machines that are designed primarily to do turning,facing and boring are called lathes. Very little turning is done on other types of machine tools,and none can do it with equal facility. Because lathe can do boring,facing,drilling,and reaming in addition to turning,their versatility permits several operations to be performed with a single setup of the workpiece. This accounts for the fact that lathes of various types are more widely used in manufacturing than any other machine tool. Lathes in various forms have existed for more than two thousand years. Modern lathes date from about 1797,when Henry Maudsley developed one with a leads crew. It provided controlled,mechanical feed of the tool. This ingenious Englishman also developed a change gear system that could connect the motions of the spindle and leadscrew and thus enable threads to be cut. Lathe Construction.The essential components of a lathe are depicted in the block diagram of picture. These are the bed,headstock assembly,tailstock assembly,carriage assembly,quick-change gearbox,and the leadscrew and feed rod. The bed is the back bone of a lathe. It usually is made of well-normalized or aged gray or nodular cast iron and provides a heavy,rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted. Two sets of parallel,longitudinal ways,inner and outer,are contained on the bed,usually on the upper side. Some makers use an inverted V-shape for all four ways,whereas others utilize one inverted V and one flat way in one or both sets. Because several other components are mounted and/or move on the ways they must be made with precision to assure accuracy of alignment. Similarly,proper precaution should betaken in operating a lathe to assure that the ways are not damaged. Any inaccuracy in them usually means that the accuracy of the entire lathe is destroyed. The ways on most modern lathes are surface hardened to


物流英文文献翻译英语论文 物流英文文献翻译及物流论文参考文献[1] 崔介何.物流学概论[M].北京〆北京大学出版社,2004年〆1-2. [2] 叶怀珍.现代物流学[M].北京〆高等教育出版社,2003〆49-56. [3] 许建帄.对培育广州物流市场的再思考[EB/OL]. [4] 深圳新闻网.“入仓即予退税”新政策助推物流发展[EB/OL]. [5] 吴德群.“入仓退税”适应国际采购商全球配送[N].深圳特区报,2006-01-23. [6] 广东禾田物流有限公司网.广东禾田物流有限公司简介[EB/OL]. [7] 快递公司网.广州物流市场[8] 来源.十一月回顾〆物流篇(三)[EB/OL]. [9] 徐晓阳,饶欠林. 深圳盐田港出口监管仓的现状与发[DB/OL].,2002. [10] 中华人民共和国国务院公报,中华人民共和国海关总署令——中华人民共和国海关对出口监管仓库及所存货物的管理办法[DB/OL]. [11] 公共商务信息导报,海关对出口监管仓库及所存货物的管理办法[DB/OL]. 2005-12-06. [12] Wei Liu,Wenshun Li,Wendy Huang.Analysis of the dynamic relation between logistics development and GDP growth in China[DB/OL]. http:// 毕业论文[13] Deng Mingran,Wang Hua. A government guarantee system of logistics development in China[DB/OL].,2006. [14] Goh,M,Ling,C. Logistics development in China[DB/OL]. ,2003. [15] Chen Siyun, The developing trend and countermeasures of Yantian port logistics[DB/OL]. 研究物流业及中国物流技术摘要为了进一步推进同中国发展物流业,作者基于中国物流业的现状,肯定其在中国工业发展过程中所取得的成就。通过学习物流产业的各方面,包括了解物流产业,标准术语,物流技术和管理知识,剖析主要的问题存在于中国当前的物流业,并提出合理化建议。关键词〆物流,发展,问题,方法1 前言现代物流工业是现代最受欢迎的行业。自从20世纪80年代早期物流概念从海外引入,物流业得到了迅猛的发展。目前,我国已有相当多的物流园区及中心, 发展了一系列现代物流技术和取得了一大批自主知识产权的创新成果。研制开发了具有自主知识产权的集成化物流管理系统(LOG++/SMCS),成功实现了与著名ERP系统(SAP R/3)的实时连接。改变了我国传统物流系统性能单一、集成度低的现状,标志着我国物流软件系统与国际现代物流管理系统的接轨。研究开发了新型结构快速堆垛机。其运行速度0~150m/min,起升速度0~40m/min,货叉速度0~20/40m/min々水帄方向采用激光测距技术,测距误差±1mm(500m以内),定位精度达到±3mm々垂直方向采用旋转编码器加齿形带技术,定位精度达到±3mm。进行了结构研究和动态性能分析,增加了设备的稳定性和可靠性々成功地将激光认址和旋转编码器、齿形带测距等新型检测技术整合到一起,运用于认址,从根本上改变了传统的认址方式,并采用冗余控制技术和故障自诊断技术等大大提高系统的效率与可靠性々新型货叉结构、带尺寸检测与条形码检测的新型载货台等10多项新技术,促进了物流关键设备的技术进步,大大缩短我国物流关键设备与国际先进水帄的差距。在2003年,国内外首创开发了具有国际先进水帄的推挽式激光导引AGV小车(专利产品)々攻克了路径规划、反射板布置、精确定位等难题,使小车能在卷接包机组内安全、灵活地行走和定位,实现完全自动化运送。2003年设计应用具有国际先进水帄的视觉识别移动式机器人自动辅料搭配系统。红河卷烟厂自动化物流系统和联想电脑公司集成化物流系统的成功开发与应用,填补了多项国内空白,创新出一批具有国际先进水帄的系统和设备,大大缩小我国物流系统关键设备及主要技术指标与先进国家的差距,在行业中产生了广泛影响。经过多年研究和探索,太原钢运储存公司通过与科研机构的合作,成功地发展出由电脑计划设计的自动化的仓储打包系统,同样也是处于世界领先水帄。由于受到政府的大力指出与重视,中国的现代物流业正以前所未有的速度发展。但是,还是值得指出的是,中国的物流业整体还是处在初级阶段。中国在2000 年的国内生产总值是8.94×1000亿元,其中流通领域总占比重仅仅百分之8.1 这比发达国家如英美日要低许多。2000年,沃尔玛,世界零售巨头的销售总额达193.3亿美元,占中国年零售业总额的46%。从上面可以看出,沃尔玛的销售额以每年20—30亿美元的速度增长。在国内的零售业领先的上海联合利华仅仅XX 人民


计算机类毕业论文参考文献 WTT为大家整理的计算机类毕业论文参考文献,希望能够帮助到大家。 [1]王琨. Linux操作系统下的网络多媒体技术应用[D].西安电子科技大学,2001. [2]陆海波. 智能型掌上电脑(PDA)的研究与开发[D].电子 科技大学,2001. [3]高玉金. WINDOWS环境下并行容错局域网的研究及实现[D].燕山大学,2000. [4]陈军. 分布式存储环境下并行计算可扩展性的研究与应用 [D].中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学,2000. [5]王霜. 瓦楞纸箱CAD系统开发[D].四川大学,2000. [6]王茂均. 织带机智能监测管理系统研究[D].大连理工大学,2000. [7]郭朝华. 多处理器并行的星上计算机系统设计[D].中国科学院上海冶金研究所,2000. [8]刘胜. 拖拉机作业机组仿真试验台自动变速控制系统的研究[D].中国农业大学,2000. [9]陈新昌. 冷藏、保温汽车静态降温调温性能测试系统的研究[D].河南农业大学,2000.

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2604130359 CNC Cutting Technology Review Numerical control high speed cutting technology (High Speed Machining, HSM, or High Speed Cutting, HSC), is one of the advanced manufacturing technology to improve the machining efficiency and quality, the study of related technology has become an important research direction of advanced manufacturing technology at home and abroad. China is a big manufacturing country, in the world of industry transfer to accept the front instead of back-end of the transfer, to master the core technology of advanced manufacturing, or in a new round of international industrial structure adjustment, our country manufacturing industry will further behind. Imminent research on the theory and application of advanced technology. 1, high-speed CNC machining meaning High speed cutting theory put forward by the German physicist Carl.J.Salomon in the last century and early thirty's. He concluded by a lot of experiments: in the normal range of cutting speed, cutting speed if the increase, will cause the cutting temperature rise, exacerbating the wear of cutting tool; however, when the cutting speed is increased to a certain value, as long as more than the inflection point, with the increase of the cutting speed, cutting temperature can not rise, but will decline, so as long as the cutting speed is high enough, it can be solved very well in high cutting temperature caused by tool wear is not conducive to the cutting problem, obtained good processing efficiency. With the development of manufacturing industry, this theory is gradually paid more attention to, and attracted a lot of attention, on the basis of this theory has gradually formed the field of high-speed cutting technology of NC, relatively early research on NC High-speed Machining Technology in developed countries, through the theoretical basis of the research, basic research and applied research and development application, at present applications have entered the substantive stage in some areas. The high-speed cutting processing category, generally have the following several kinds of classification methods, one is to see that cutting speed, cutting speed over conventional cutting speed is 5-10 times of high speed cutting. Also has the scholar to spindle speed as the definition of high-speed processing standards, that the spindle speed is higher than that of 8000r\/min for high speed machining. And from the machine tool spindle design point of view, with the product of DN diameter of spindle and spindle speed, if the value of DN to (5~2000) * 105mm.r\/min, is considered to be of high speed machining. In practice, different processing methods, different materials, high speed cutting speed corresponding to different. Is generally believed that the turning speed of (700~7000) m\/min, milling speed reaches m\/min (300~6000), that is in the high-speed cutting. In addition, from the practical considerations, high-speed machining concept not only contains the high speed cutting process, integration and optimization also contains the process of cutting, is a


物流管理专业毕业论文参考文献范例 的引用应当实事求是、科学合理,不可以为了凑数随便引用,下面是搜集整理的物流管理参考文献,供大家阅读查看。 参考文献一: [1]陈兵兵.SCM供应链管理策略、技术与实务[M].电子工业出版社.2004:21-22 [2]邹文涛.经营性营运资金管理效率与公司绩效的相关性分析[D].江西财经大学硕士学位论文.2012(6) [3]刘文静.业务流程管理影响营运资金管理的机制研究[D].中国海洋大学硕士学位论文.2010(5) [4]刘作仪.我国供应链管理研究进展与分析-基于自然科学基金项目[J].中国管理科学.2009(4):185-192 [5]宋玉,杨长春.中国汽车物流与供应链管理研究[D].对外经济贸易大学硕士学位论文.2002 [6]李方峻.基于供应链管理的连锁零售物流模式研究[D].武汉职业技术学院学报.2013 [7]苗亚娟.基于供应链的营运资金管理研究[D].燕山大学硕士学位论文.2011(12) [8]王凡.基于渠道理论的营运资金管理模式研究[D].中国海洋大学硕士学位论 文.2007(6) [9]王兴河.渠道管理影响营运资金管理绩效的实证分析[D].中国海洋大学硕士学位论文.2010(5) [10]刘涛,李帮义,公彦德.商务信用下的供应链协调策略及其测度[J].系统工程理论与实践2010(8):1345-1353 [11]杨桢,罗兵.一种价格折扣和延期支付条件下最优支付时间确定[J].中国管理 学.2008(10):473-476 [12]王颐中.制造企业的物流信息化概况[J].物流技术与应用(京),2008,9:55-59 [13]王国文.2006-2007美国物流与供应链管理八大趋势[J].现代物流报(石家庄),2007,7:31.B

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