当前位置:文档之家› 常用英语词汇





1. Recoverable amount

3.Financial instrument:金融工具

4.Give rise to:引发,导致

5.Equity instrument:权益工具

6.Financial asset:金融资产

7.Financial liability:金融负债

8.Held for trading交易性金融资产


10.Loans and receivables贷款和应收账款

11.Available-for-sale financial assets可供出售金融资产

12.underlying assumptions(会计基本假设)

13. separate-entity assumption会计主体假设

14. continuity assumption或Going-concern assumption持续经营假设

15. accounting period会计分期

16. unit-of-measure assumption货币计量

17. Nominal dollar capital maintenance assumption币值稳定

18. qualitative criteria会计信息质量要求

19. reliability可靠性

20. relevance相关性

21. understandability可理解性

22. comparability可比性

23. substance over form实质重于形式

24. materiality重要性

25. conservatism谨慎性

26. timeliness及时性

27. accounting elements会计要素

28.会计要素的计量属性basis of measurement

29.历史成本historical cost

30.重置成本replacement cost

31.可实现净值net-realizable value

32.现值present value

33.公允价值fair value

34.财务报告financial statement

35.资产负债表Balance Sheet

36.利润表Income Statement

37.现金流量表Cash Flow Statement

38.所有者权益变动表Statement of Changes in Equity

39.附注notes 或Disclosure notes

40.货币资金monetary assets


42.银行账户bank account

43.现金等价物cash equivalent

44.金融资产financial instruments

45.以公允价值计量且变动计入当期损益的金融资产Measure at fair value through profit o r loss


Carrying value账面价值

46.交易性金融资产held for trading

47.指定为以公允价值计量且变动计入当期损益的金融资产Identified as at fair value throu gh profit or loss

48.持有至到期投资Held-to–maturity investment

49.贷款和应收账款Loans and receivables

50.可供出售金融资产available-for-sale financial assets


52.减值损失impairment loss


54.存货的种类:Classification of inventory

55.原材料raw materials inventory

56.在产品work-in-progress inventory

57.半成品component parts

58.产成品finished goods inventory

59.商品merchandise inventory

60.周转材料supplies inventory

61.发出存货的计量cost flow assumption

62.先进先出法first-in-first-out (FIFO)

63.后进先出法last-in-first-out (LIFO)

64.移动加权平均法moving-average unit cost

65.全月一次加权平均法weighted-average system

66.个别计价法(具体辨认法)specific identification

67.期末存货的计量ending balance of inventory

68.成本与可变现净值孰低lower-of –cost-or-market value

Net-realizable value

69.存货跌价准备Allowance to reduce inventory to LCM

70.资产减值损失—存货减值损失loss of impairment on assets ---- loss of impairment on inventory

71.长期股权投资long-term investment –share 或Investment in subsidiary ***

72.成本法cost method

73.权益法equity method

74.投资收益investment income


76.固定资产capital assets

77.在建工程wok-in-progress construction



80.工作量法unit-of- production

81.双倍余额递减法declining-balance method

82.年数总和法sum-of-the-years-digits method

83.后续支出subsequent expenditure

84.资本化capitalized cost

85.费用化expensed cost

86.处置retirement and disposal

87.持有待售的固定资产capital assets held for sale

88.固定资产清理disposal of capital assets

89.固定资产减值准备allowance of impairments on capital assets

90.无形资产intangible assets


92.非专利技术industrial design registration

93.商标权trademarks and trade name


95.特许权franchise rights

96.土地使用权rights of using land

97.投资性房地产investment property / profitable estate

98.非货币性资产交换non-monetary assets exchange

99.商业实质commercial substance

100.资产减值assets impairment


102.资产组assets group cash generate unit



105.流动负债current liabilities

106.非流动负债non-current liabilities

107.初始计量initial measurement

108.辞退福利fire fringe



111.可转换公司债券convertible bond


113.实收资本issued capital

114.资本公积capital reserve

115.股本溢价share premium

116.留存收益retained earnings

117.未分配利润distributed profit

118.完工百分比法percentage of completion method

119.建造合同construction contract

120.直接法direct method

121.间接法indirect method

122.分部报告segment report

123.关联方related party




127.或有资产contingent assets

128.或有负债contingent liabilities

129.亏损合同onerous contract

130.重组reorganization /resutruction

131.借款费用borrowing costs borrowing expenditure



134.资本化capitalize costs

135.所得税income tax

136.计税基础tax base

137.永久性差别permanent difference

138.暂时性差别temporary difference

139.应纳税暂时性差异taxable temporary differences

140.可抵扣暂时性差异deductible temporary difference

141.递延所得税资产deferred tax assets

142.递延所得税负债deferred tax liabilities

143.外币折算translation of foreign currency

144.外币交易foreign currency transactions

145.外币财务报表折算translation of foreign currency financial statement

146.即期汇率current exchange rate

147.远期汇率future exchange rate




151.经营租赁operating lease

152.融资租赁finance lease / capital lease

153.售后租回sale and leaseback

154.会计政策、会计估计变更和差错更正Changes in accounting policies, changes in accou nting estimates and corrections of errors

155.会计估计Accounting estimates

156.资产负债表日后事项Events after the balance sheet date

157.调整事项Adjusting event

158.非调整事项Unadjusting event

159.利润分配profit allocation

160.以前年度损益调整retained earnings--prior year adjustment

Undistributed profit—prior year adjustment

161.企业合并corporate combination

162.合并财务报表consolidated financial statement

Consolidated Balance Sheet

Consolidated Income Statement

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity



1.Absorption costing全部成本法(吸收成本法)

1.Absorption costing


11.A single product单一产品

12.Budgeted profit预算利润

13.Profit statement利润表


15.As follows如下

16.Opening stock存货的期初余额

17.Closing stock存货的期末余额

18.Selling cost销售成本


20.Fixed overhead固定制造费用





25.Standard cost标准成本

26.Level of activity生产水平


28.Short-run = short-term短期





33.Full capacity满负荷生产能力

34.Remain unchanged保持不变

35.Contribution to sales ratio销售贡献率

36.New customer新客户






42.One unit for every six units每六个对应一个

43.Opportunity cost机会成本

44.Reference to参照




48.Creditor债权人(trade payable)

49.Raw material原材料

50.Work in process(WIP)在产品

51.Finished goods产成品

52.Debtor债务人(trade receivable)









61.Stock out库存中断;脱销

62.EOQ (economic order quantity)经济订货量

63.Order cost订货成本

64.Hold cost持有成本

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f28287517.html,rge order discount大宗订货折扣





70.Transaction cost交易成本

71.Upper limit上限

72.Return point回归线

73.Lower limit下限

74.Face value/par value面值

75.Yield rate收益率

76.Interest rate利率

77.Nominal/stated interest rate票面利率


79.Expiry date到期日

80.Constant dividend growth model固定股利增长模型


82.Required rate of return要求的报酬率

83.DOL:经营杠杆系数degree of operating leverage

84.DFL:财务杠杆系数degree of financing leverage

85.DTL:总杠杆系数degree of TOTAL leverage

86.CAPM: capital asset pricing model资本资产定价模型

87.Risk free rate of return:无风险报酬率

88.Risk premium:风险溢价


90.Cost of debt:债券资本成本

91.Cost of equity:权益资本成本

92.Ordinary share:普通股

93.Convertible debt可转换债券

94.Equity beta: β equity权益贝塔系数



97.At par面值


99.15 shares per $100 bond每100美圆债券换100股

Discuss whether the dividend growth model or the capital asset pricing model offers the better estimate of the cost of equity of a company. (7 marks)

100.Dividend growth model股利增长模型

101.Section E Dividend policy股利政策

102.Make dividends grow at the long-term growth rate in earnings股利按长期增长率增长103.Payout ratio股利支付率

104.Residual dividend policy with all distribution in the form of dividend所有剩余均以股利形式发放的剩余股利政策

105.Regular-dividend-plus-extras policy正常股利加额股利外支付政策

2.Marginal costing变动成本法(边际成本法)

3.Cost-volume-profit (CVP)本量利分析

4.Direct material直接材料

5.Direct labor直接人工

6.Marginal contribution边际贡献

7.Margin of safety安全边际

8.Variable cost变动成本

9.Fixed cost股东成本



1.Letter of Engagement审计业务约定书

2.Assurance engagement and external audit鉴证业务和外部审计

3.Audit approach审计方法



6.Group Audit集团审计



9.Professional skepticism职业怀疑

10.Going concern永续经营

11.Tolerable Error可容忍错误

12.True and fair presentation真实公允披露

13.Reasonable assurance合理保证

14.Appointment, removal and resignation of auditors注册会计师(审计人员)的聘用、解聘和辞职

15.Types of opinion: unqualified opinion, qualified opinion, adverse opinion, disclaimer of opinion


16.Due care合理关注



19.Audit risk = inherent risk x control risk x detection risk


20.Assessing the risks of material misstatement and fraud估计(评估)重大错报或舞弊的风险

21.Analytical procedure分析程序

22.Audit documentation: working paper审计记录:工作底稿

23.Rely on the work of experts依靠专家工作

24.Internal audit内部审计

25.Evaluation of internal control内部控制评估

26.Test of control控制测试test of design, test of operation

27.Substantive procedure (time, nature, extent)实质性程序(时间、性质和程度)

28.Transaction cycle交易循环

29.Audit evidence审计证据














43.Positive/negative confirmation积极/消极函证



46.Subsequent events随后事项(期后事项)

47.Quality control质量控制

48.Management representation管理层声明

49.‘Emphasis of matter’ paragraph强调事项段

50.Corporate governance公司治理机制


52.Internal Control System内部控制制度

53.Test of control控制测试

54.Accounting System会计制度




58.Substantive procedures实质性程序






64.Materiality level:重要性水平


66.Economic decision:经济决策




70.Rather than:除了、而不是

71.Risk exposure:风险敞口

72.Point of view:观点









81.Due to由于

82.Audit procedure审计程序

83.ISA,International Standard on Audit国际审计准则



86.In accordance with和……一致,遵照







93.Reporting framework报告框架


95.Business risk商业风险


97.Occurrence: 发生

98. Accuracy: 准确性

99.Cut-off: 截止

100.Classification: 分类

101.Existence: 存在

102.Rights and obligations: 权利和义务

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f28287517.html,pleteness: 完整性

104.Valuation and allocation: 计价和分摊

105.Occurrence and rights and obligations: 发生及权利和义务

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f28287517.html,pleteness: 完整性

107.Classification and understandability: 分类和可理解性

108.Accuracy and valuation: 准确性和计价

109. Assertion: 认定

110. Assertions about presentation and disclosure: 与列报相关的认定

111. Substantive testing(实质性程序)

112. Sales and trade receivables(销售和收款)

113. Purchase and trade payables(采购和付款)

114. Inventory and store(存货和仓储)

115. Financing and investment(筹资和投资)

116. Bank and cash(银行资金和现金)

117. Analytical review分析性复核

118. Analytical procedure分析程序

119. Provision for doubtful debts坏账准备

110. Letter of Confirmation(函证)

111. Positive/negative confirmation(积极/消极函证)

112. Observe and record观察和记录

113. Follow up后续跟进


115.Inquiry(询问)(seeking information from knowledgeable persons)

116.Confirmation(函证)(a specific type of enquiry, the process of obtaining a representation from a third party)

117. Recalculation(重新计算)(checking the mathematical accuracy of documents or records)118.Re performance(重新执行)(the auditor’s independence execution of procedures previously performed by entity staff)



1.Macro-environment: 宏观经济环境

2.Porter’s diamond: 波特的钻石模型(研究国家竞争力)

3.Porter’s five forces: 波特的五力模型

4.Industry: 行业

5.Sector: 部门,领域

An industry is a group of firms selling the same principal product or products which are close substitutes. A sector extends the idea of industry into the public services.



8.Opportunity: 机会

9.Threat: 威胁

10.Strength: 优势

11.Weakness: 劣势

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f28287517.html,petitor: 竞争者

13.Product life cycle: 产品生命周期

14.Strategic group: 战略组群

15.Segmentation: 细分

16.Demand condition (also called diamond condition)需求条件,又称钻石条件

17.Factor conditions 有利因素状况

18.Related and supporting industries 相关和支持性行业的存在

19.Firm strategy, structure and rivalry 企业战略、结构和同业竞争

20.Threat of new entrants 新进入者的威胁

21.Barrier to entry 进入壁垒

22.Power of supplier 供应商力量

23.Customer 客户

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f28287517.html,petitive rivalry between existing firms 现存企业间的竞争对手

25.Substitute product 替代产品

26.Value chain 价值链

27.Support or secondary value activities 辅助活动

28.Primary value activities 基本活动

29.Firm infrastructure 企业基础设施建设

30.Human resource management 人力资源管理

31.Technology development 技术开发

32.Procurement 采购

33.Inbound logistics 进货后勤

34.Operations 生产经营

35.Outbound logistics 发货后勤

36.Marketing and sales 市场营销

37.Service 服务

38.Margin 利润

39.Improved performance and added value 提升业绩和增加价值

40.Improved understanding of environmental pressure 更加深刻理解周边环境压力

41.Improved competitive position 提升竞争李

42.A creative process of change 创造性的变化过程

43.A target to motivate and improve operations 促进和改进营运的目标

44.Increased rate of organizational learning 提升组织学习程度

45.Functional structure 职能结构

46.Divisional structure (product division,geographical division)事业部结构(产品事业部、地区事业部)

47.SBU (strategic business unit)战略业务单元

48.Matrix organization 矩阵组织

49.Co-ordinated decisions and better management control, therefore less sub-optimizing (协调决策和管理控制,减少次优决策)

50.Conformity with overall objectives –goal congruence is more likely to be achieved(有助于整体目标的一致性)

51.Standardization (标准化)

52.Balance between functions, divisions, etc (在职能、事业部之间取得平衡)

53.Economy of scale (规模经济)

54.Top managers become better decision makers (高级管理层成为更好的决策者)

55.Speedier central decisions may be made in a crisis –delegation can be time-consuming.(遭遇危机可以较快决策应对)

56.Those of lower rank experience reduce job satisfaction. (底层员工缺乏工作满意度)

57.Senior management do not possess sufficient knowledge of all organizational activities. (高级管理层不大可能掌握组织内方方面面活动的足够知识)

58.Centralization places stress and responsibility onto senior management.(集权制使高层领导承担较大压力和责任)

59.Subordinates experience restricted opportunity for career development toward senior man agement positions. (下属员工向上发展的职业机会有限)

60.Decisions often take considerable time. (决策往往花费较多之间)

61.Strategic apex 战略顶点

62.Techno structure 技术结构

63.Operating core 作业核心

64.Middle line 中间层

65.Support staff 支持性人员

66.Ideology 思想体系、意识形态

67.Risk acceptance 风险接受

68.Risk avoidance 风险规避

69.Risk mitigation 风险缓释

110.Risk transfer 风险转移

111. Operational risk 操作风险

112.Political risk 政治风险

113.Country risk 国家风险

114.Project risk 项目风险

115.Legal/compliance risk 法律/合规风险

116. Commodity risk 产品风险

117.Market risk (foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk)市场风险(汇率风险、利率风险)

118.Liquidity risk 流动性风险

119.Credit risk 信用风险

110.Strategic risk 战略风险

111.Reputation risk 声誉风险

112.Risk appetite 风险偏好

113.Risk attitude 风险态度

114.Risk tolerance 风险容限

115.Financial instrument 金融工具

116.Derivatives 衍生品

117.Hedging 对冲/套期

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f28287517.html,ting 净额

119.Forward contract 远期合约120.Swap 掉期/互换

121.Options 期权

122.Call options 看涨期权123.Put options 看跌期权124.Futures 期货

125.Exercise price 行权价格126.Elapse 失效、逾期

127.Expire 到期

128.Maturity 到期日

129.Spot rate 即期汇率

130.Forward rate 远期汇率131.Premium/discount 升水/贴水132.Interest rate 利率

133.Exchange rate 汇率

134.Floating rate 浮动利率135.Fixed rate 固定利率


材料专业英语常见词汇(一) Structure ['str?kt??]组织 Ceramic [si'r?mik]陶瓷 Ductility [d?k'til?ti] 塑性 Stiffness ['stifnis]刚度 Grain [ɡrein]晶粒 Phase [feiz]相 Unit cell 单胞 Bravais lattice 布拉菲['l?tis]布拉菲点阵 Stack [st?k]堆垛 Crystal ['krist?l] 晶体 Metallic crystal structure [mi't?lik, me-]金属性晶体点阵Non-directional [,n?ndi'rek??n?l, -dai-]无方向性 Face-centered cubic ['kju:bik]面心立方 Body-centered cubic 体心立方Hexagonal close-packed [hek's?ɡ?n?l]['kl?us'p?kt]密排六方Copper ['k?p?] 铜 Aluminum [?'lju:min?m]铝 Chromium ['kr?umj?m]铬 Tungsten ['t??st?n]钨 Crystallographic Plane [,krist?l?u'ɡr?fik][plein]晶面Crystallographic direction 晶向 Property ['pr?p?ti] 性质 Miller indices ['indisi:z]米勒指数 Lattice parameters ['l?tis][p?'r?mit?]点阵参数 Tetragonal [te'tr?ɡ?n?l]四方的 Hexagonal [hek's?ɡ?n?l]六方的 Orthorhombic [,?:θ?'r?mbik]正交的Rhombohedra [,r?mb?u'hi:dr?] 菱方的 Monoclinic [,m?n?u'klinik]单斜的 Prism ['prizm]棱镜 Cadmium ['k?dmi?m]镉 Coordinate system [k?u'?:dinit, k?u'?:dineit]坐标系Point defect ['di:fekt, di'f-, di'fekt]点缺陷Lattice ['l?tis]点阵 Vacancy ['veik?nsi]空位 Solidification [,s?lidifi'kei??n]结晶 Interstitial [,int?'sti??l]间隙 Substitution [,s?bsti'tju:??n]置换 Solid solution strengthening [s?'lju:??n]['stre?θ?n, 'stre?kθ?n] 固溶强化


外贸常用英语词汇 1.商品品质数量包装价格 品质条件 品质quality 规格specifications 等级grade 标准standard 样品sample 色彩样品colour sample 款式样品pattern sample 原样original sample 复样duplicate sample 对等样品countersample 参考样品reference sample 封样sealed sample 代表性样品representative sample 商品目录catalogue 宣传小册pamphlet 说明书description 公差tolerance 货号article No. 花色(搭配)assortment 增减5% plus or minus 大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality 数量条件 个数pcs 长度length 面积area 体积volume 容积capacity 净重net weight 毛重gross weight 皮重tare 毛作净gross for net 溢短装条款more or less clause 重量weight 装运重量shipping weight 卸货重量landed weight 理论重量theoretical weight 公吨metric ton 长吨long ton 短吨short ton 公斤kilogram, kilo, kg 磅pound, lb 盎司ounce, oz 件piece 双pair 打dozen 令ream 套set l 立方米cubic meter 升litre 加仑gallon 蒲式耳bushel 公制metric system 英制british system 美制 包装方法 起泡包装blister packing 中性包装neutral packing 吸塑包装skin packing 挂式包装hanging packing 引某人注目catch sb's eye 唛头mark 无牌的包装unlabelled packing 散装in bulk 散装in loose packing 裸装nude packing 整批包装bulk pack 零售包装consumer pack 大包装large packing 小包装inner packing, external packing, end packing ,压缩包装shrunk packaging 喷泡沫包装foam-spary packaging 礼品包装gift-wrap 袋bag, sack 麻袋jute bag 塑料袋polythelene bag, plastic bag 尼龙绳网袋polythelene net 拉链袋zippered bag 箱case, chest 盒box 木箱wooden case 纸箱carton 集装箱container 板条箱rate 纤维板箱fibre board case 小包packet 包bale 捆bundle 罐头tin , can 篮,篓,筐basket 竹篓bamboo basket 瓶bottle 小木桶wooden keg 大桶hogshead 铁桶iron drum 铁桶cylinder


、 计算机常用英语词汇大全 CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元 mainboard主板 RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存) ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器 Floppy Disk软盘 Hard Disk硬盘 CD-ROM光盘驱动器(光驱) , monitor监视器 keyboard键盘 mouse鼠标 chip芯片 CD-R光盘刻录机 HUB集线器 Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator,调制解调器 P-P(Plug and Play)即插即用 , UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply)不间断电源 BIOS(Basic-input-Output System)基本输入输出系统 CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)互补金属氧化物半导体

setup安装 uninstall卸载 wizzard向导 OS(Operation Systrem)操作系统OA(Office AutoMation)办公自动化、 exit退出 edit编辑 copy复制 cut剪切 paste粘贴 delete删除 select选择 find查找 · select all全选 replace替换 undo撤消 redo重做 program程序 license许可(证) back前一步 next下一步

] finish结束 folder文件夹 Destination Folder目的文件夹 user用户 click点击 double click双击 right click右击 settings设置 … update更新 release发布 data数据 data base数据库 DBMS(Data Base Manege System)数据库管理系统view视图 insert插入 object对象 ; configuration配置 command命令 document文档 POST(power-on-self-test)电源自检程序 cursor光标


六. Abbreviation

168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 R/D R/I RCCP REV RMA RMA ROP RPN RTV S/N S/O SAI SCM SFC SIP SIS SMD SMT SOP SOR SPC SPEC SQM SWOT TE TOC TPI TPM TQA TQC TQM VQA VQM W/H W/O WHS WIP Research and Development Run-In Rough Cut Capacity Planning Revision Returned Merchandise Access Return Merchandise Approval(or Authorization Re-Order Point Risk Priority Number Return To Vendor Serial Number Sales Order Social Accountability International Supply Chain Management Shop Floor Control Standard Inspection Procedule Strategic Information System Surface Mounting Device Surface Mounting Technology Standard Operation Procedure Special Order Request Statistical Process Control Specification Supplier Quality Management Strengths、Weaknesses、Opportunities、 Threates test engineering Theory of Constraints Total Productive Innovation Total Production Management Total Quality Assurance Total Quality Control Total Quality Management Vender Quality Approval Vendor Quality Management Warehouse Work Order warehouse Work In Process 研發部常溫熱機(老


A above-the-line advertising 线上广告,广告代理商能从媒介获得佣金(代理费)的广告,如报 刊广告、广播广告、电视广告、影院广告、户外广告等. account executive (AE) :客户经理,广告公司的业务人员职称.客户经理往往须负责下列工作:1,与客户及内部其他部门共同计划广告(planning),向各部门传达客户的诉求;2,内部协调(coordination);3,将广告设计稿提供给客户;4,监督执行政府的有关广告规章和法规(regulatory matters);5,利润管理(agency profit management).客户经理通过计划和协调公司的服务部门,为客户提供更好的服务. account service 客户服务 客户服务是广告代理商的中心工作,肩负着使客户满意从而建立起长期的合作关系,及推动 广告代理商内部工作有效运转的任务.它是广告代理商直接同客户进行沟通、交流的一种功能. advertising agency 广告代理商 习惯上称为“广告公司”,即《中华人民共和国广告法》中所称的广告经营者,一般设有许 多职能和业务部门. advertising campaign 广告活动 有时称为“运动”或“战役”.广告活动包括以下四个重点:制作适当的销售信息、及时传达给受众、选择适当的时机,用合理的成本.广告主制定一项能测定的目标后,为达到这一目 标制定广告战略,然后在市场上执行,包括:广告计划、广告制作、销售及营销等. advertising department 广告部 分为企业的广告部和媒介的广告部.企业的广告经理负责拟定、审核及实施企业的广告计划.一般也是负责有关广告的具体工作.媒介的广告部经理负责出售报刊等的版面,广播、电视 的时间等. airport advertising 机场广告 利用机场的候机室及在机场内其他各种场地和设备上制作刊出的广告,也包括在指示牌上 制作的广告. Appeal 诉求 广告通过媒介向目标受众诉说,以求达到所期望的反应.诉求是制定某种道德、动机、认同, 或是说服受众应该去做某件事的理由.诉求分三类:理性的、感性的和道义的.诉求所用语 句应具有强烈的感染力. area sampling 区域抽样 群体抽样的一种形式.样本空间按区域进行划分,选定某抽样区域,如一个县、一个行政区、 一个街区,从中确定调查对象. Audience 受众 接受广告的公众,也就是广告的对象.通过任何广告媒介接触的观众或听众,都有数量、特征 方面的不同需要考虑到.这些不同可使广告做到有的放矢. audience composition 受众构成 广告媒介受众的人数、性别、年龄、职业、经济情况等的构成. audience share 受众份额 根据任何日期或时段中,看到广告主广告的受众占总受众的百分比,即为受众份额.也可以是 某一电视频道总受众的某一百分比. audio-visual advertising 视听广告


计算机常用英语词汇表 高频700单词 一、硬件类(Hardware) ('hɑ:dwε?) CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元('sent?'pr?uses?'ju:nit)Main board主板(mein b?:d) RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存)('r?nd?m '?kses 'mem?ri) ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器(ri:d '?unli 'mem?ri) Floppy Disk 软盘('fl?pi disk) Hard Disk 硬盘(hɑ:d disk) CD-ROM 光盘驱动器(光驱) monitor 监视器('m?nit?) keyboard 键盘('ki:b?:d) mouse 鼠标(maus) chip 芯片(t?ip) CD-R 光盘刻录机 HUB 集线器 Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator, 调制解调器('m?udem'm?djuleit?di:'m?djuleit?) P-P(Plug and Play) 即插即用(pl?ɡplei) UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply) 不间断电源(?nint?'r?pt?b?l

pau?s?'plai) BIOS(Basic-input-Output System) 基本输入输出系统('beisik 'input 'autput 'sist?m) CMOS(Complementary- Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) (k?mpli'ment?ri 'met?l '?ksaid semik?n'd?kt?)互补金属氧化物半导体 setup安装(set?p) uninstall卸载(?nin'st?:l) wizzard向导('wiz?d) OS(Operation System)操作系统(?p?'rei??n 'sist?m) OA(Office AutoMation)办公自动化('?fis ?:t?'mei??n) edit编辑('edit) copy复制('k?pi) cut剪切(k?t) paste粘贴(peist) delete删除 (di'li:t) select选择 (si'lekt) find查找 (faind) select all全选 (si'lekt ?:l) replace替换 (ri'pleis) undo撤消 (?n'du:) redo重做 ([ ri:'du:) program程序('pr?uɡr?m)


电气工程常用专业英语词汇表 电气工程常用专业英语词汇表 电路基础 ideal voltage (current) source 理想电压(流)源volt-ampere characteristic 伏安特性potential difference 电位差 reference potential 参考电位resistance 电阻capacitance 电容 inductance 电感 reactance 电抗 inductive(capacitive) reactance 感(容)抗impedance 阻抗 equivalent circuit 等效电路 Ohm’s law 欧姆定律Kirchhoff’s law 基尔霍夫定律Kirchhoff’s voltage law(KVL)基尔霍夫电压定律Kirchhoff’s current law(KCL)基尔霍夫电流定律Thevenin’s theorem 戴维宁定理Norton’s theorem 诺顿定理 branch 支路 node 结点 loop 回路 mesh 网孔 open circuit 开路(断路) short circuit 短路 branch current analysis 支路电流法mesh current analysis 网孔电流法 ode voltage analysis 结点电位法n superposition theorem 叠加原理passive(active) two-terminal network 无(有)源二端网络root mean square (RMS) 均方根值 effective value 有效值instantaneous value 瞬时值 ampere 安培 volt 伏特 Hertz 赫兹 reactive power` 无功功率 active power 有功功率 transfer function 传递函数 apparent power 视在功率 power-factor compensation 功率因数补偿series (parallel) resonance 串(并)联谐振 amplitude(phase)-frequency response characteristic 幅(相)频特性 figure of merit 品质因素 pass-band 通频带bandwidth (BW) 带宽 first(second)-order filter 一(二)阶滤波器low(high)-pass filter 低(高)通滤波器band-pass(stop) filter 带通(阻)滤波器transfer function 转移函数 Bode diagram 波特图 Fourier series 傅立叶级数 three-phase circuit 三相电路 cutoff frequency 截止频率 FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) 快速傅立叶变换 state variable 状态变量 电机 generation 发电 transmission 输电 distribution 配电 coil 线圈 core 铁心 winding 绕组 electrical machine 电机 generator 发电机 motor 电动机 stator (rotor) 定子(转子) armature 电枢 brush 电刷 commutator 换向器 salient-pole 凸极 slip ring 滑环 induction motor 感应电动机 magnetic flux 磁通 asynchronous machine 异步电机 synchronous generator 同步发电机 eddy current 涡流 EMF(electromotive force)电动势 counter EMF 反电势 torque 转矩 excitation 励磁 prime mover 原动机 rectifier 整流器 leakage flux 漏磁通 demagnetization 退磁,去磁 short-circuit ratio 短路比 converter (inverter) 换流器(逆变器) synchronous condenser 同步调相机 magnetization curve 磁化曲线 separately exciting 他励 compounded excited 复励 self-exciting 自励 series(shunt)-wound 串(并)励


外贸常用英语词汇大全 1.商品品质数量包装价格 品质条件 品质quality 规格specifications 等级grade 标准standard 样品sample 色彩样品colour sample 款式样品pattern sample 原样original sample 复样duplicate sample 对等样品countersample 参考样品reference sample 封样sealed sample 代表性样品representative sample 商品目录catalogue 宣传小册pamphlet 说明书description 公差tolerance 货号article No. 花色(搭配)assortment 增减5% plus or minus 大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality 数量条件 个数number 长度length 面积area 体积volume 容积capacity 净重net weight 毛重gross weight 皮重tare 毛作净gross for net 溢短装条款more or less clause 重量weight 装运重量shipping weight 卸货重量landed weight 理论重量theoretical weight 公吨metric ton 长吨long ton 短吨short ton 公斤kilogram, kilo, kg 磅pound, lb 盎司ounce, oz 件piece 双pair 打dozen 令ream 套set l 立方米cubic meter 升litre 加仑gallon 蒲式耳bushel 公制metric system 英制british system 美制U.S.System 包装方法 起泡包装blister packing 中性包装neutral packing 吸塑包装skin packing 挂式包装hanging packing 引某人注目catch sb's eye 唛头mark 无牌的包装unlabelled packing 散装in bulk 散装in loose packing 裸装nude packing 整批包装bulk pack 零售包装consumer pack 大包装large packing 小包装inner packing, external packing, end packing ,压缩包装shrunk packaging 喷泡沫包装foam-spary packaging 礼品包装gift-wrap 袋bag, sack 麻袋jute bag 塑料袋polythelene bag, plastic bag 尼龙绳网袋polythelene net 拉链袋zippered bag 箱case, chest 盒box 木箱wooden case 纸箱carton 集装箱container 板条箱rate 纤维板箱fibre board case 小包packet 包bale 捆bundle 罐头tin , can 篮,篓,筐basket 竹篓bamboo basket 瓶bottle 小木桶wooden keg 大桶hogshead 铁桶iron drum 铁桶cylinder


附录 1 单词表
单词 abnormal abridge absorb abstract abstraction accelerator access accessible accessory accident accommodate accompany accomplish accurate acquire actual adapter address addressing adherent adjacent adjust adjustability adjustable administrator adopt adopter advantage advantageous advent aerospace affix affordable agency agent agile agreed akin adj.反常的 v.删节, 削减, 精简 vt.吸收 adj.抽象的,深奥的,理论的 n.提取,抽象 n.加速者,加速器 vt.存取,访问 adj.易接近的,可到达的,易受影响的,可理解的 n.附件,零件 n.意外事件,事故 vt.供应,供给;使适应,调节 vi.适应 vt.伴随 vt.完成,达到,实现 adj.正确的,精确的 vt.获得 adj.实际的,真实的 n.适配器 n.地址 n.寻址 n.信徒,追随者,拥护者 adj.邻近的,接近的 vt.调整,调节,校准,使适合 n.适应性 adj.可调整的 n.管理员 vt.采用 n.采纳者; 接受器 n.优势, 有利条件, 利益 adj.有利的 n.出现,到来 n.航空与航天工业 vt.使附于,粘贴 adj.付得起的,不太昂贵的;便宜的;价格合理的 n.代理处,行销处,代理,中介 n.代理 adj.敏捷的,轻快的,灵活的 adj.已经过协议的,同意的 adj.类似的 中文意义


主题词表 English Chinese 01. 大气 atmospheric science 大气科学 meteorology 气象学 atmosphere 大气 atmospheric impurity 大气杂质 atmospheric suspended matter 大气悬浮物 atmospheric composition 大气成分 atmospheric mass 大气质量 atmospheric density 大气密度 atmospheric subdivision 大气分层 homosphere 均质层 heterosphere 非均质层 standard [pressure] level 标准层 isothermal layer 等温层 lower atmosphere 低层大气 middle atmosphere 中层大气 upper atmosphere 高层大气 troposphere 对流层 tropopause 对流层顶 stratosphere 平流层 stratopause 平流层顶 mesosphere 中间层 mesopause 中间层顶 thermosphere 热层 exosphere 外[逸]层 ionosphere 电离层 magnetosphere 磁层 ozonosphere 臭氧层 free atmosphere 自由大气 planetary atmosphere 行星大气 standard atmosphere(reference atmosphere) 标准大气(参考大气) homogeneous atmosphere 均质大气 isothermal atmosphere 等温大气 polytropic atmosphere 多元大气 scale height 大气标高 meteorological element 气象要素 air temperature 气温 wet-bulb temperature 湿球温度 dry-bulb temperature 干球温度 atmospheric pressure 气压 standard atmosphere pressure 标准大气压 station pressure 本站气压 sea-level pressure 海平面气压 pressure gradient 气压梯度 barometric height formula 压高公式pressure gradient force 气压梯度力Coriolis force 科里奥利力 water vapor 水[蒸]汽 water vapor pressure 水汽压 humidity 湿度 relative humidity 相对湿度 absolute humidity 绝对湿度 specific humidity 比湿 mixing ratio 混合比 dew point [temperature] 露点(温度) depression of the dew point (温度)露点差super-saturated air 过饱和空气 saturation specific humidity 饱和比湿saturation vapor pressure 饱和水汽压saturation deficit 饱和差 cloud 云 low cloud 低云 middle cloud 中云 high cloud 高云 cloud amount 云量 cloud height 云高 cloud genera 云属 cloud etage 云族 cloud species 云种 cloud variety 云类 cloud form 云状 cirrus, Ci 卷云 cirrostratus, Cs 卷层云 cirrocumulus, Cc 卷积云 altocumulus, Ac 高积云 altostratus, As 高层云 cumulus, Cu 积云 cumulus humilis, Cu hum 淡积云 cumulus congestus, Cu con 浓积云cumulonimbus, Cb 积雨云 cumulus fractus, Cu fra 碎积云stratocumulus, Sc 层积云 stratus, St 层云 nimbostratus, Ns 雨层云 stratiform cloud 层状云 cumuliform cloud 积状云 cold cloud 冷云 warm cloud 暖云 ice cloud 冰云 wind 风 wind direction 风向 wind speed, wind velocity 风速 maximum wind speed 最大风速


广告公司常用英语词汇 A above-the-line advertising 线上广告,广告代理商能从媒介获得佣金(代理费)的广告,如报刊广告、广播广告、电视广告、影院广告、户外广告等。 account executive (AE) :客户经理,广告公司的业务人员职称。客户经理往往须负责下列工作:1,与客户及内部其他部门共同计划广告(planning),向各部门传达 客户的诉求;2,内部协调(coordination);3,将广告设计稿提供给客户;4,监督执行政府的有关广告规章和法规(regulatory matters);5,利润管理(agency profit management)。客户经理通过计划和协调公司的服务部门,为客户提供更好的 服务。 account service 客户服务 客户服务是广告代理商的中心工作,肩负着使客户满意从而建立起长期的合作 关系,及推动广告代理商内部工作有效运转的任务。它是广告代理商直接同客户进行沟通、交流的一种功能。 advertising agency 广告代理商 习惯上称为“广告公司”,即《中华人民共和国广告法》中所称的广告经营 者,一般设有许多职能和业务部门。 advertising campaign 广告活动 有时称为“运动”或“战役”。广告活动包括以下四个重点:制作适当的销售 信息、及时传达给受众、选择适当的时机,用合理的成本。广告主制定一项能测定的目标后,为达到这一目标制定广告战略,然后在市场上执行,包括:广告计划、 广告制作、销售及营销等。 advertising department 广告部

分为企业的广告部和媒介的广告部。企业的广告经理负责拟定、审核及实施企业的广告计划。一般也是负责有关广告的具体工作。媒介的广告部经理负责出售报刊等的版面,广播、电视的时间等。 airport advertising 机场广告 利用机场的候机室及在机场内其他各种场地和设备上制作刊出的广告,也包括在指示牌上制作的广告。 Appeal 诉求 广告通过媒介向目标受众诉说,以求达到所期望的反应。诉求是制定某种道德、动机、认同,或是说服受众应该去做某件事的理由。诉求分三类:理性的、感性的和道义的。诉求所用语句应具有强烈的感染力。 area sampling 区域抽样 群体抽样的一种形式。样本空间按区域进行划分,选定某抽样区域,如一个县、一个行政区、一个街区,从中确定调查对象。 Audience 受众 接受广告的公众,也就是广告的对象。通过任何广告媒介接触的观众或听众,都有数量、特征方面的不同需要考虑到。这些不同可使广告做到有的放矢。audience composition 受众构成 广告媒介受众的人数、性别、年龄、职业、经济情况等的构成。 audience share 受众份额 根据任何日期或时段中,看到广告主广告的受众占总受众的百分比,即为受众份 额。也可以是某一电视频道总受众的某一百分比。 audio-visual advertising 视听广告


国际贸易英语词汇集锦 贸易价格术语 ?trade term / priceterm价格术语??world/ international market price国际市场价格? FOB(free onboard)离岸价 ?C&F(cost and freight)成本加运费价? CIF (cost, insurance and freight)到岸价 ?freight运费 ?wharfage 码头费? landing charges卸货费? customsduty 关税? portdues 港口税 import surcharge进口附加税 ?importvariableduties进口差价税??mission佣金? returnmission回佣,回扣 ?price including mission 含佣价 ?netprice 净价 wholesale price批发价? discount / allowance 折扣? retail price零售价 ?spot price现货价格 current price现行价格/时价 ?indicative price参考价格? customs valuation海关估价??pricelist 价目表??totalvalue 总值??贸易保险术语 All Risks一切险 ?F、P、A、(Free from ParticularAverage)平安险 ?W、A、/ W、P、A(With Averageor With Particular Average)水渍险? War Risk 战争险 F、W、R、D、(Fresh Water Rain Damage)淡水雨淋险??Risk ofIntermixture and Contamination混杂、玷污险 Risk ofLeakage 渗漏险??Riskof Odor 串味险 ?Riskof Rust 锈蚀险 ShortageRisk 短缺险? T、P、N、D、(Theft,Pilferage&Non—delivery) 偷窃提货不着险 ?Strikes Risk 罢工险 ?贸易机构词汇


组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇 Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 repair修理 operator作业员 QC quality品管 supervisor 课长 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试 V oltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 lathe车床 planer |'plein|刨床 miller铣床 grinder磨床 driller??床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 iudustrial alcohol工业酒精 Tiana天那水 packaging打包 missing part漏件 wrong part错件 excessive defects过多的缺陷 critical defect极严重缺陷 major defect主要缺陷 minor defect次要缺陷 not up to standard不合规格 dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏 大(小) cosmetic defect外观不良 slipped screwhead/slippery screw head 螺丝滑头 speckle斑点 rust生锈 deformation变形 burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边 poor staking铆合不良 excesssive gap间隙过大 grease/oil stains油污 inclusion杂质 painting peel off脏污 shrinking/shrinkage缩水 mixed color杂色 scratch划伤 poor processing 制程不良 poor incoming part事件不良 painting make-up补漆 discoloration羿色 water spots水渍 polishing/surface processing表面处理 exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露 lack of painting烤漆不到位 safety安全 quality品质 delivery deadline交货期 cost成本 engineering工程 die repair模修 enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划 qualified products, up-to-grade products良品 defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品 to return material/stock to退料 scraped |'skræpid|报废 (be)qualfied, up to grade合格 not up to grade, not qualified不合格


工廠常用英語詞彙一覽表;按字母查詢簡表1Rev:01;英文簡稱英文全名中文解釋;========================;5S5S整理,整頓,清掃,清潔,教養;66Sig ma六標準差;A/IAutoInsertion自動插件;AQLAcceptQualityLevel允收水;B /IBurn-In高溫熱機(老化)過程;BOMBillOfMaterial 6 6 Sigma 六標準差 A/I Auto Insertion 自動插件 AQL Accept Quality Level 允收水準 B/I Burn-In 高溫熱機(老化)過程 BOM Bill Of Material 材料明細表 BTO Build To Order 接單生產 CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing 電腦輔助設計/製造 CAL Calibration 儀器校驗 (儀校) CAR Corrective Action Response 改善對策報告 CCR Customer Complain Requirement 客戶抱怨/要求 Charge Charge 索取費用 CND Cannot Duplicate 無法複製,異常現象消失 CR Critical 嚴重(CR>MA>MI) CS Customer Service 客戶服務

CTO Configure To Order 接單組裝 Debit Note Debit Note (會計) 帳目通知 DELL's Survey Form DELL's Survey Form DELL公司稽核供應商的文件ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程變更通知 ECR Engineering Change Request 工程變更要求 EMI Electro Magnetic Interference 電磁干擾 ENG Engineering 工程(部) ESD Electrostatic Discharge 靜電放電 FAE Field Application Engineering 客訴前置處理單位 FAI First Article Inspection 首件檢查 FN Factory Notice 工廠通知 FRR Field Return Rate 市場退修率 FRU Field Replacement Unit 市場不良回修更換套件 Hi-Pot Hi-Pot 耐電壓測試 Hold Hold (shipping, production…) 停止 (出貨,生產…) ICT In-Circuit Test (PC板)電路測試 IE Industrial Engineering 工業工程

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