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Recently,Google's AlphaGo won the person who has obtained the World Go Champion,which aroused a argument about artificial intelligence in people around the world.Some people hold the view firmly that it's a excellent progress to benefit mankind in more fields.However,other people think more negatively that mankind will lose the control of AI that can destory everything the human has created.

As is known to us,AI will leave a deep mark on human history book definitely like movie.But it’s hard to say whether we are taking our lives for risks,because we hasn't obtained the consequence.In other ways,no one knows what will happen in the future which may impact all the world.What we can choose is acquire adequent knowledge to create more magical things.


《我的梦想英语作文》 我的梦想英语作文(一): I have a wonderful dream in my heart。 It's to speak English very well。 Since English is everything for me。 English is my best friend。English is my soul。 English is my power。 Without English, I'm nothing at all。 Nothing。 Now, I can think in English, speak in English, and write in English。 Some people think I'm an Indian。 Some people regard I'm a Pakistan。 And some people even consider that I'm an Egyptian。But if I could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant。 So I work very hard。 在我心中有一个美丽的梦想。那就是说一口流利的英语。因为对我来说英语就是我的一切。英语是我最好的朋友。英语是我的灵魂。英语给予我力量。没有英语,我什么都没有。什么都没有。此刻,我能够用英语的方式思考,用英语说话,用英语书写。有些人以为我是印第安人。有些人以为我是巴基斯坦人。有些人甚至认为我是埃及人。但如果我能说英语能像美国人说的那么好,我的未来会很完美。所以我很努力学习。 我的梦想英语作文(二): 我的梦想 My Dream Different people have different dreams。 Some people dream of making a lot of money。 Some people dream of living a happy life。 Some people dream of being famous。 Some people dream of going abroad, and so on。But my dream is different。 Maybe you will get a surprise after you know my dream。 不一样的人有不一样的梦想。有些人梦想赚很多的钱。有些人梦想过上幸福的生活。有些人梦想能够出名。有些人梦想能够出国等等。但我的梦想是和他们不一样的。明白我的梦想后也许你会很惊讶。 我的梦想英语作文(三): 我梦想的职业 My Dreaming Career In the past two years, my parents took me to travel to many places,including big cities, small towns, famous mountians and so on。 Therefore,I like traveling and I hope I can visit to many more places。 Since then,I hope I can be a tour guide in the future, so I can travel to many tourist attractions。 Besides, I can meet various people and I think municating with different people is interesting, wchich can broaden my field of


交通事故初二英语作文 Yesterday morning, I was surprised to hear that my friend Allee had been hit by a car and was in hospital now. The other day he was going to cross a street. He was very careful and didn't go until he saw traffic light turn green. But hardly had he got to the middle of the street when he saw a car suddenly appear on his right-hand side and come directly towards him. It was too late for Allee to dodge. He was hit by the car and thrown a few meters away. He was sent to hospital immediately and had an operation. When I went to see him last night, he was out of danger but still looked pale. 昨天早上,我很惊讶地听说我的朋友阿利被车撞了,现在住院了。那天他正要穿过大街。他非常小心,直到他看到交通灯转绿才走过去。可他刚要走到马路中间的时候,他看到一辆车突然出现在他的右边直接向他开过来。他要躲闪时已经太晚了。他被车撞出了几米远。他立即被送进医院,并动了一个手术。当我昨晚去看他,他已经脱离了危险,但仍脸色苍白。


英语写作课的教学设计 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-

高中英语写作课的教学设计 一、背景知识介绍 书面表达是写的一种途径,是英语交际的重要组成部分。高中阶段对于英语写作的要求,实际上是“有指导的写作”(Guided Writing)。它通过提供情景(文字、图画、表格),让学生用学过的英语语言来描述事物或事件并表达一定的思想,以此达成和检验对所学英语语言知识的实践应用能力。客观地说,书面表达一直是我们英语教学的一个难点,也是学生应试的一个难点。 究其原因,一是学生写作练习的时间少,二是教师平时缺乏对学生进行系统的写作知识的指导。(比如,如何用词、句、组段、谋篇等)。这些原因造成了学生从最初不会写盲目写到不愿写。惧怕写,直至最后拒绝写的恶性循环。针对这一现象,我在教学过程进行了一次如何提高学生写作能力的课堂实践。教师旨在通过与学生谈论他们熟悉的话题“making friends”, 搜索学生头脑中有关朋友的消息,通过阅读两则e-pal广告,获取e-pals的一些信息,指导如何写e-mail ,从而达到给e-pals 写信的目的。 二、教学过程 1.Warm-up活动:通过听一首英语歌:“The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.”目的是活跃气氛,为引出今天的话题做准备。 2.Revision ①使用大脑风暴法(brainstorm)让学生想出一些和friends 有关的单词短语和句子,目的是激活学生头脑中和写作话题make friends 相关的东西,如想法、概念、形象等酝酿写作的思路,供拟稿阶段(drafting stage)选择有写的价值和意义的东西时参考。] ②根据下列所给提示介绍你的朋友(四人一小组活


My hometown——Dongtou,which is located off Oujiang coast,is a beautiful island as a string of gleaming pearl. Although it is not as beautiful as the Fragrant Hill with red leaves like fire, it has desirable bird islands.; Although it doesn’t have the river which is crystal clear and level as a mirror like Guilin landscape, it has a vast sea; Although it doesn’t have various fruits as Xin jiang, it has rich seafood.; Although it doesn’t have world-famous architectures, it has ancient fishing villages which are impressing oceanic culture characteristics. In a word, it is a charming arcadia. In the early morning before the sunrise,sea level is fully covered with the misty fog. When you reach the sea and take a deep breath of fresh air, like the general in wonderland, you’ll suddenly feel refreshed and extremely happy. At noon, the sunshine with greater lights reflect on the ocean,and the ocean become glittering as a cornucopia of gems. It is so attracted that people want to take it home to Slowly appreciate. At dusk, when the sun goes down, the fishing boats return with a haul. People remove the baskets of fish and lobster alive and kicking. Suddenly, the dock become busy and people come from everywhere to buy or take these fish. Laughter resounds through the dock. The waves also want in on the action, chasing to beat against the reef, making beautiful voices so as to celebrate for the fisherman. Its late at night, every boats are arranged in the harbor, just as every soldier stick to their own posts to wait for command. On the shore, there are some lights brighting in the buildings and falling on the lake, as a result,The sea has become increasingly


中英文对照外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 交通事故分析的可能性和局限性 关键字:后果;目的;描述;限制;关注;事故分析;可能性 摘要:交通事故的统计数字,尤其国家一级的数据对监控和预测事故的发展,积极或消极检测事故的发展,以及对定义安全目标和评估工业安全特别有益。事故分析是应用非常有限的分析,是前瞻性分析和回顾性分析,能够对新开发的交通安全系统和特殊过程的安全措施进行评价。目前迫切需要一个将实时事故分析与研究相结合的行为。将自动检测和视频录制相结合的研究交通事故的科研论文会比较容易接受。这种类型的研究最终会对交通理念有个完善的认识。 1.简介 本文主要是基于个人的经验,研究有关交通安全、安全分析以及事故分析等在研究中的作用。由这些经验推导出的哲学思考就像通过研究和统计得出的实践观点。而这些调查数字已经在其他地方发表了。 在缺少直接观察的事故中,许多方法论问题的产生,导致不能直接测试对结果持续讨论。通过看事故视频来讨论是富有成效的。事实证明,用来解释事故的大部分有关信息就是事故中缺少的记录。深入研究还无法回忆起所有的必要的用

来测试有关事故发生的假设数据,。尤其是车-车相撞发生的车祸,这是在荷兰城市道路交叉口录制的视频,一辆从岔路驶来的汽车与主干路的汽车相撞,下列问题可以问:为什么汽车来自次干路上,突然加速后又几乎停止,撞上了在左侧主路的一辆汽车呢?为什么没有注意到正在驶来的车?是不是因为两车从右边驶来,司机因为前面的交叉为他们提供了可能性而斤斤计较?难道他向左看过,但他认为停在拐角处的绿色货车能让他停下来?当然,交通状况并不复杂。目前这个事故中没有骑自行车或行人在拥挤路口分散他的注意。如果停着的绿色车能够在五分钟内消失,这两辆车可能就不会相撞。在事故发生的相关条件下,几乎不可能观察下一个交通行为,因为交通事故是不可预见的。由于新的视频设备和自动检测事故设备的不断发展,如在收集数据方面不需要很高的成本就能变得越来越逼真。必要的增加数据类型也能更好的解释交通中存在的危险因素。关于事故分析的可能性和限制性的问题是不容易回答的,我们不能确切的分析交通事故。因为事故分析涵盖了每一个活动中的不同背景,并根据不同的信息来源范围来补充资料,特别是收集事故的数据,背景资料等,我们首先要看看在交通安全领域的活动周期然后再回答事故分析的可能性与限制。这些行为主要是与交通系统的安全管理有关,有些则是相关的研究活动。 应该用下面的步骤来加以区分: ——检测交通安全问题; ——描述问题和它的主要特征; ——分析其原因分析和改进建议; ——选择和执行安全措施; ——评价所采取的措施。 虽然这个周期可以由同一人或一群人做出来,而问题在每个阶段(政治/管理或科学)都有不同的背景。我们用事故分析来描述这一阶段。做这个决定是重要的。很多关于分析结果的方法的讨论由于忽视之间的区别而成为徒劳的。政治家或道路管理人员对道路的个别事故不是很留意。他们对事故的看法往往都是一视同仁,因为总的结果比整个事故中的每个人的因素重要。因此,每次事故看做一个个体,之间相互协调就会达成安全的结果。 研究人员研究事故发生时一连串事件中每个人的兴趣。希望从中得到关于每次事故的详细信息并能发现其发生的原因和有关的条件。政治家们希望只是因为细节决定行动。在最高一级事故总数减少。信息的主要来源是国家数据库及其统计学处理系统。对他来说,统计意外数字及其统计的波动来进行事故分析。这适用于事故分析中的交通安全领域。因此,我们将首先描述了事故的这些方面。2.事故的性质和它们的统计特性


积极向上的英文句子 积极向上是一种态度,积极向上的英文句子 1、 from my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理. 2、No mater it is for the daily life or the daily work,they are active and enterprising. 无论是在生活,还是工作上,他们都拥有积极奋发,进取乐观的心态。 3、They believe "Be brave,and I will win". 他们相信:“勇敢些,我会赢。” 4、They may ignore discipline,but they would not tolerate disregarding civilization. 他们可能会无视纪律,但他们绝对不能无视文明。 5、life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.只有向后看才能理解生活;但要生活得好,则必须向前看。 6、don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 7、life is a flower, and love is the honey of the flower. 1 / 2

人生是花,而爱便是花的蜜。 8、every day without you is like a book without pages.没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。 9、neverexpecttheperfectman,it’snotbecausethatucannotfind,but justbecozthereisnoperfectman.不要期待完美的男人,不是因为你期待不到,而是根本没有完美的男人。 10、sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening amongthe silent trees.忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。 11、英文:a man is not old as long as he is seeking something. a man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 12、英文:standing firm is to challenge difficult courageously and to leave the smile after sccess to oneself. 13、letmesee.让我想想。 14、to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某人,你是他的整个世界。 15、science to the human mind is what air or water is to the body. 科学之于人类思想正如水或空气之于身体。 2 / 2


我的英语作文范文 my hobby is reading my hobby is reading,for i think reading can make a person know more about the world and make a person to be a better one to live and learn and work .since i was five years old, my father bought me the first picture book , i am interested in reading . then i read a lot books, including fary tales , world famous novels, history books, biographies, and so on . i like reading so much ,for it mkes my life colorful ,wonderful ,and beautiful ! it makes me a better person and gives me a better life .thanks to reading ! 我的爱好是读书,因为我认为阅读能使人更了解世界,使人成为一个更好的生活、学习和工作。自从我五岁的时候,我父亲给我买的第一本图画书,我的阅读兴趣。然后我读了很多书,包括世界著名的童话故事,小说,历史,传记,等等。我很喜欢读书,因为它属于我的生活丰富多彩,美妙的,美丽的!它使我成为一个更好的人,给我一个更好的生活。感谢阅读!


积极向上英文演讲稿; each of us should be a simple life of the individual criteria. because in life, the only criteria adhered to a simple will it be possible to avoid straying into the road prevented us from maturing into the wrong track. point of view on the current trend, whether it is interpersonal relationships, social structure or family ties, are also complicated by the trend. however, it also happened to use a simplified formula to deal with these relationships. therefore, the use of simple approach to deal with affairs, not only can be effective, but will also bring to life a paced rhythm of. in fact, to make things more complicated is easy, but if you want to simplify things into an orderly situation in the brain should be! complex issues to look at very simple, simple questions to see very complex, both of who is stupid? a friend of mine almost did not take on the answer that the two people powerful, simple question because it should look simple and complex issues should be too complicated. don quixote there is a fragment: sancho asked that the world’s first cousin who somersaults? his cousin replied that to answer this question i was not, and i will look back to the book study, research about it, the next meeting, and then tell


课堂教学的英语作文 Should Online Education Replace Classroom Education Nothing has affected our life as swiftly and significantly as the Internet, especially in the field of education. And many of buzzwords such as "Distance Education", " Cyber Classroom" and "Online Study" are more and more frequently heard of. With the increasing popularity of online education, some individuals claim that online education will take the place of traditional way of classroom edcuation soon. However, given more rational consideration and careful observation, it has to be admitted that the possibility of the dominance of online education in all aspects is quite slim. Firstly, in the process of online education, the degree of interactivity between teachers and students is bound to decline. On the one hand, students will tend to be impassive receivers, as they can not raise questions whenever they want to, and they are not able to share their opinions with other classmates, since they barely meet each other. Moreover, most students may fail to control the minds if the lecture in the computer is abstract and abstruse. On


交通事故引发的英语词句 An accident has happened. 发生了一起交通事故 It’s on route 91 在91号线路 Could you call the R company 你能打电话给R 公司吗? Could you take me to a hospital? 能带我去医院吗? Please hurry 请快点 I was hit by a car 我被车撞拉 I don’t remember what happened 我不记得发生什么拉 Please give me first aid. 请给我急救 My blood type is A 我是A型血 I have a pain here 我这疼 I feel dizzy 我晕 I fell sick 我恶心 I sprained my ankle 我扭了脚踝 What is wrong with me? 我怎么拉 How long does it take to get well? 多长时间能好 I feel much better. 我感觉好多拉 I don’t feel better 我感觉不好 Can I continue my trip? 我能继续我的旅行吗? I have a stomachache. May I have some medicine? 我胃痛,我想吃些药 Please call a doctor 请叫医生 Is there a hospital near here? 这附近有医院吗?

Could you take me to a hospital, please? 能带我去医院吗? Is there a doctor who speaks Chinese? 有会说中文的医生吗? Can I make an appointment? 我能做预约吗 I have a fever 我发烧 I feel chilly 我很冷 I feel languid 我全身无力 I have a poor appetite 我没有胃口 I have a diarrhea. 我痢疾 I caught a cold 我感冒了 I have a sore throat. 我嗓子疼 I have difficulty breathing 我呼吸困难 I feel nauseous. 我恶心 I’ve been vomitin g. 我不停的吐 I go to the toilet every 10 minutes. 我每十分钟去遍厕所 I can’t sleep well 我睡眠不好 My friend is seriously injured 我朋友伤的很重 He is bleeding heavily 他大量流血 He is unconscious. 他神志不清 I have allergies. 我得了敏感症 How long do I have to stay in bed? 我得呆在床上多久? How long does it take to get well? 多长时间才能好转 Do I have to stay in the hospital? 我还得呆在医院吗?


励志向上的英文句子 Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the presen. 幸福不是未来的延期,而是你为现在所设计的。 If you hate me, I don't really care. I don't live to please you. 如果你讨厌我,我一点也不介意。我活着不是为了取悦你。 All "endings" are also "beginnings". 所有的结局都是一个新的开始。 The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 In life, we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love. 人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。 1 / 6

Sometimes it sucks being strong. Because when people know that you are strong, they think that it is okay to hurt you, over and over again. 有时候坚强并不是什么好事情,因为有些人会认为你坚强,所以伤害你问题不大 A conundrum of a city. Same scenes, same routes, and same destinies. 迷宫般的城市,让人习惯看相同的景物,走相同的路线,到相同的目的地. One's real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself. 一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。 Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 Many people refuse to love anything because they are afraid to lose what they could love. 很多人拒绝去爱,是因为他们害怕失去可能爱上的一切。 To some, an obstacle is an excuse to quit. To others it is an opportunity to grow stronger. 2 / 6



课后反思 随着英语新课程的实践,新课程的理念也在不断深入人心,学生的听、说、读、写等各种能力在一定程度上得到了提高,学生的输出(output)能力受到普遍的关注。作为考查学生输出能力的写作能力的培养已经显得越来越重要。英语写作能力是衡量学生英语综合水平和应用能力的一个重要方面。英语写作是初中英语教学的一大重点,也是一大难点。尤其是普通班的孩子,更是如此。很多同学面对英语作文往往要么望而生畏,一脸茫然。要么不知如何下笔,要么写出来的作文出现的错误太多如:语法运用不对,词组搭配不当,句型用法不对,中国式语序,以及文章不连贯、顺畅等不规范的地方。 以往我们英语教师走进教室。“同学们,我们今天上一节写作课。”一听说要写作文,肯定就会有同学耷拉下脑袋,情绪低落下来。这些同学考试时最怕的就是作文,经常空在那里不写。不是一点不会写而是因害怕而逃避。不愿意动脑筋思考,见难就躲,这种消极的情绪严重地影响了他们学英语的积极性,这也是他们英语成绩不理想的原因之一。本节课,我改变了新的教学方法。 我今天的这节课是中考英语作文的写作训练课。首先,我给孩子们朗读了一首所谓的“藏头诗”进行话题导入。孩子们听完这首“藏头诗”之后无不捧腹大笑。通过这样的导入方法大大缓解了孩子们课前的恐惧和拘谨。然后的开题和研讨就都在这种和谐的氛围下自然而然地徐徐展开。 在实际的点评研讨过程中,我引出如何把两个简单句用连接词

连在一起,使句子变得更加漂亮。讲练过程中自然地复习了以前学过的许多语法知识和许多连接词的用法,对定语从句,分词短语,介词短语等有了更加清晰的认识。通过把两个句子合并成一句,到把几个句子变成一段文章,循序渐进,层层深入。通过对同一个文章的几种不同写法的展示,让学生很自然地了解了英语作文中什么样的句子才能拿高分,学会了怎样把句子加工,润色,使之更加完美。课堂还做了大量的练习,让学生能够举一反三,记忆深刻。最后还教会了学生每段文章都要有主题句,如何寻找主题句,每个主题句都要由句子做支撑,这样不仅对学生的写作有好处,对阅读理解题也有很大帮助。 孩子们都能积极地构建自己写作的思维导图。成绩好的同学可多写,甚至可做发挥,超出我们准备的范围,基础差的同学篇幅可短一些,不会的表达法可以问老师和同学。他们在写的时候,我观察了一下。所有同学都动笔写了。没有人再像以前那样茫然不知所措。十分钟后,大部分同学都写完了。我共抽取了四位同学进行展示,大家听得认真,点评得起劲,纠错严格。整个课堂欢声笑语,气氛热烈。然后,我让其他同学把写好的作文交给自己所写的好朋友批改。大家互相纠错,最后交到我这里来批阅。大家感到今天的作文课特别轻松。 当天的家庭作业似乎没人觉得有困难。好像觉得写英语作文不是个难事。从前觉得写英语作文就害怕,今天在这节课上得一点感觉都没有,而且觉得时间过得特别快。今天的英语写作课每个同学都动笔了,这是一个很好的现象。同学们的自信心增强了很多。有了自信心他们就不怕困难,会积极进取,追求成功,从而提高他们的英语写作


I Hi! Everyone, my name is Liu Xinqing. I am a girl. My smile is so sweet. Then let me tell you something about me. I am a middle school student. I am of medium build and a little bit heavy. I have long straight black hair and a small mouth. I am so active but I hope I can be quiet. Over the weekend in the morning, I usually get up at nine o’clock. Then I sometimes do my homework very carefully. After that, I do what I want to do. My favorite thing is writing compositions. Sometimes I write my pen pal. I think it is relaxing. At twelve I usually eat lots of meat and eggs. But I don’t like vegetables, so I am a little fat. In the afternoon I like to watch football games on TV. Because I am a football fan. At school my favorite subject is Chinese because I am a Chinese. My favorite teacher is our math teacher, Ms.Tan. She is very good. She helps me a lot. I like playing chess with classmates after class. So I join the chess club it’s so funny Oh! Let me introduce my family to you. They are my grandparents, my uncle, aunt, my parents, my cousins and I. Feifei is in my family, too. Feifei is my best friend I sometimes I talk to her This is me and my life .I want to make friends with you. What about you?


【篇一】如何避免交通事故英语作文 How to prevent accidents?The most important is that,the drivers should think high of their job regulations!They must know what are permitted ,what are not ,so that they can get on well with others in the heavy traffic roads!Additons are mentioned that,they must be good drivers ,they are limmited to good skill!The coaches and the censors should not let the bad ones pass the exams,they can not get the certificates only when they did very well!Punishments and rewards come together! 【篇二】如何避免交通事故英语作文 The best way to reduce the number of traffic accidents is to make all young drivers complete a safe driving education course before being licensed to drive. Traffic accident is one of human beings’ fatal enemies. The major cause for traffic accidents is lack of safety awareness. Therefore to complete a safety driving education course is a very important way to reduce the number of traffic accidents. However, the key point for this issue is people’s awareness towards safety. It is a long-term goal rather than a single course for safety driving. Actually, the safe driving education course has already been undertaken in China. To get the driving licenses, people should attend a one-month training for traffic rules and pass the examination on regulation before they take further on-road examination. During the traffic rules training, the lecturers re-stress several times the critical role of safety in driving. During the on-road exercises, the coaches emphasize repeatedly the importance of safety in daily driving. Further, during the examination, most of the students get high marks, which indicate that they are really well equipped with all safety knowledge. However, safety related traffic accidents still occur and the peace-breakers are not only young people, but also the middle-aged and experienced. Safe driving education is a long-term commitment and should

英语写作 课程标准

《英语写作》课程标准 一、课程概述 《英语写作》是我校外语系英语专业一门重要的技能课程,是学生学习英语写作理论与方法,进行写作训练,培养英语写作技能的一门高等学校专业课程。它直接服务于培养最能反映学生英语水平高低的书面写作能力,可以说写作课程的教学质量决定了学生书面进行跨文化交际的能力、应用文写作能力以及科研写作能力。作为学习者语言输出的主要手段,写作水平的高低是评定学生掌握语言水平情况的重要尺度。英语写作最能综合地反映学习者的认知水平、思想状态和文字运用能力。因而该课程在同类课程中占据重要地位,倍受学校和师生的关注。 通过对本课程的学习,使学生能系统了解英语写作中遣词造句、段落发展、谋篇布局、文稿格式等英语写作的一些基本方法,以及摘要写作、读书报告、学术论文写作等基本知识;使学生能理解英语写作的基本规律及英语成文的规律,进一步强化并使学生能熟练运用英语结构写作的单项技能训练;使学生能够熟练掌握各种文体的写作技巧,并能运用所学的语言知识,根据不同的写作要求,完成不同文体作文的写作任务:基础阶段达到在30分钟内完成150词左右的说明文和议论文的写作且内容充实,具有一定的深度和广度;高级阶段达到60分钟内完成300词左右的说明文和议论文的写作且内容充实,具有一定的深度和广度。同时能使学生具有文章摘要、读书报告、论文写作、报道评论的创作性写作能力,为学生未来的科研工作打下良好的基础。 写作能力是在写作实践中获得的。经常动笔是英语写作能力质的飞跃的前提。本课程注重实践与练习,关注写作环节,强度大,任务重。我们将不断探索“英语写作”传统教学与网络教学的最佳结合点, 充分发挥学习者的主动性,让学生能在多种不同的情境下去应用他们所学的写作知识,最终把学习内容转化为自己的知识, 使“英语写作”课程取得更好的教学效果,发挥本课程在提高学生英语写作能力和使用能力方面的作用。 二、课程目标 本课程的总体目标是培养学生初步的英语写作能力,包括提纲、文章摘要、

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