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Fast hierarchical codebook search for fractal coding of still images

Fast hierarchical codebook search for fractal coding of still images
Fast hierarchical codebook search for fractal coding of still images

Fast hierarchical codebook search for fractal coding of still images

Bernd H¨urtgen and Christoph Stiller

Institute for Communication Engineering

Aachen University of Technology

Melatener Str.23,52056Aachen,Germany




This paper presents a method for fast encoding of still images based on iterated function systems (IFSs).The major disadvantage of this coding approach,usually referred to as fractal coding,is the high computational effort of the encoding process compared to e.g.the JPEG algorithm[1].This is mainly due to the costly“full search”of the transform parameters within a fractal codebook.

We therefore propose an hierarchical encoding scheme which is based upon a two level codebook search and a structural classi?cation of its entries.By this way only a small subset of the codebook has to be considered,which increases encoding speed signi?cantly.Re?ning the initial codebook and applying a second search even increases the reconstruction quality compared to the full search but with

a fraction of its computational effort.


Due to the increasing number of digital image processing applications the need for ef?cient coding of pictorial data becomes evident.Image coding using a fractal approach has attracted some degree of interest in the last years.Most common block oriented coding techniques usually revolve around transform coding,e.g.[2]and vector quantization,e.g.[3].The fractal coding concept,originally proposed by Barnsley[4]and at?rst implemented by Jacquin[5,6,7],is based on a blockwise approximation of the original image by contraction mappings of itself using af?ne transformations.

For a given image the encoding process consists of?nding among a class of a priori de?ned contractive transformations one which leaves this image approximately invariant.According to Banach’s ?xed point theorem the sequence of reconstructed images converges for any arbitrary initial image to the ?xed point of the transformation which is the original https://www.doczj.com/doc/f12234471.html,pression is achieved if the transform parameters can be described more compactly than the original image.

The paper is organized as follows:The second section describes the mathematical foundations concerning encoding and decoding of still images using the fractal approach.Following this,the generation of the fractal codebook is described and some of its statistical properties are derived.In section4a two step search algorithm and a structural classi?cation of the codebook entries are introduced. Recent results presented in section5demonstrate the ef?ciency of the proposed coding scheme.



Let(X;d)be a complete metric space with metric d,and W:X!X be a transformation which maps the space X onto itself.W is called contractive or a contraction mapping if there exists a real constant 2[0;1)such that

d(W(x);W(y)) d(x;y)8x;y2X(1) holds.According to[4] is called the contractivity factor of W.Banach’s?xed point theorem ensures, that in this case there exists a unique attractor

A=W(A)(2) which is invariant with respect to W.Furthermore,the attractor A is the limit of various approximating sequences of sets which can be constructed from W.This means that A is?xed point of the sequence of iterates f A n g(A n2X8n2f0;1;2;111g)with

A n+1=W(A n)=W (n+1)0




for any arbitrary initial element A0.

Let us now think of B as an image which we want to encode.Our goal is then to?nd a contractive transformation W such that the given image B is invariant with respect to the transformation W1. Equations(2)and(3)give us an idea how B can be reconstructed from the fractal code W: Let A0be any arbitrary initial image.Due to the contractivity of the mapping W,the sequence of images f A n g,which can be constructed according to equation(3),tends towards a?nal image,which is the attractor of the mapping and can be written as


n!1A n=lim


W n




Due to the presupposition of invariance formulated in equation(2),the attractor of the transformation A1and the given image B we want to encode,must be identical:



d(A n;B)=0(5)

This means that the given image B can solely be reconstructed from the knowledge of the appropriate transformation W:Therefore W often is referred to as fractal code since it can be interpreted as representation of the given image in the fractal domain.

1Since former methods directed to computer animation generate naturally looking images from a set of given contractive transformations, this procedure is known as the inverse problem.



Grey tone images of size N B2N B can be modeled as points in the linear vector space X=R NB2NB,

which is the set of all real N B2N B—matrices.For natural images,which are considered here,no

practical algorithms are known in order to?nd a transformation which maps the entire image onto itself. Therefore the image is segmented into N2rectangular non overlapping blocks of size B2B pixels

and the transformation W=[N k=1w k is de?ned block wise.

According to the theory of recurrent iterated function systems(RIFS)[8,9],which are the mathe-matical basis for fractal image coding,it is important to note that the w k do not operate on the entire

image but are restricted only to parts of it denoted by D k.This means that w k(D k)=R k maps the area of block D k on the area of block R k which is illustrated in?gure1.Following Jacquin’s proposal,

e.g.[7],the blocks R k,which are to be encoded,are termed range blocks and the blocks denoted by D k are the so called domain blocks.The displacement between the block R k and D k,which is part of the transformation w k,is denoted by~b(k)For our application we imply that the R k’s are disjoint and [N k=1R k covers the entire area of the image.

R k


k 2 B


Figure1:Image tiling

Since we are interested in encoding of images,it is evident that the fractal code should be as compact as possible.This means that it can be stored more ef?ciently(requiring less amount of data)than the original image.The local mappings w k are therefore restricted to af?ne transformations.

In order to keep the computational effort low,the values for the parameter of the local transformations w k cannot be chosen arbitrarily but have to be calculated from a a priori given set of allowed values. Therefore the domain blocks are always twice the size in each direction as the range blocks.Additionally not all af?ne transformations are allowed but only the eight possible isometrics which map a square onto another one.The components of the offset vector(b x;b y)T are restricted to be a multiple of the block


size of R k and it must be ensured that both,the range-and the domain blocks lie within the considered image area.All these limitations cause the number M of possible transformations w k to be ?nite.This enables us to construct a fractal codebook of which each entry de?nes one possible combination of transform parameters describing a mapping from one block within the considered image onto another.Since the transformations are applied to image blocks,the codebook entries L k =w k (D k )are image blocks too and may be considered as fractal basis functions .Encoding now consists of ?nding for every range block R k this basis function L l which ?ts best in the sense of the used distortion measure d .

d (R k ;L l )!min 8l 2f 1;2;...;M g :(6)

Due to the restrictions we made to the possible mappings,it is not very likely to ?nd a transformation W which is a)contractive and b)maps the given image or parts of it exactly onto itself.The goal is therefore to construct a mapping f W

in a way that its ?xed point e A is close —in the sense of a proper chosen distance measure d —to the given image A which has to be encoded.If this is possible,the collage theorem [10]ensures,that if we can ?nd an approximation f W to W ,the attractor e A

=f W ~A A (7)will be an approximation to A .

One common distance measure is the Euclidean distance which can be written as d E (R;L )=1B 2v u u t B 01X i =0B 01X j =0(R (x R +i;y R +j )0L (x L +i;y L +j ))2


with R and L denoting two image blocks of size B 2B pixels with their upper left corner at position (x R ;y R )and (x L ;y L )respectively.Since we want to represent grey scale values,two additional parameter s (k )and o (k )are introduced,which allow adjusting contrast and brightness of the considered image partition.They have to be taken into account when calculating the distortion measure,which is done by minimizing for each range block R k the distance

d E R k ;s (k )L l +o (k ) !min (9)

with respect to the scaling parameter s (k ),the offset parameter o (k ),and the optimal fractal basis function L l .By using the Euclidean metric the least mean square algorithm offers the optimal solution for s (k )and o (k )if the range block R k and the corresponding library block L l are given.


The idea of fractal block coding suffers from its great computational effort due to the numerous distance calculations.As is shown in the following,a hierarchical search algorithm combined with a structural block analysis is capable of reducing the computational effort to a fraction but still yields almost the same reconstruction quality.As mentioned above,the great but ?nite number of possible transformations


enables us to perform a “full search”in order to ?nd the best library block for each range block.For typical applications the number of range-and domain blocks is about 4096each.With eight possible isometric mappings the huge number of 40962409628 1342106distance calculations have to be performed.This simple example illustrates that it is necessary to improve encoding speed in order to make the fractal coding scheme feasible.We therefore propose to reduce the computational burden in the following way:


Not all library blocks are tested for an appropriate match and ?the calculation of the distance d E according to equation (8)is partially replaced by a simpler one

in the sense of the computational costs.

The properties of the fractal codebook which are described in section 4.1lead us to a spiral-shaped search addressed in section 4.2and to a hierarchical search scheme presented in section 4.3.Replacing d E by a simpler distance measure is based upon the fact that a good match presupposes range and library block to be of similar grey level distribution.For this purpose in section 4.4a structural distance measure d S is proposed which can be derived much easier in terms of computational complexity than the Euclidean distance d E .

4.1.Codebook properties

Due to the restrictions we made to the transformations w k they do not operate on the entire image but only on the corresponding image area D k .This means that self similarity is not exploited in a global but in a local sense only.Figure (2)depicts the probability density of the offset vector b (k )x ;b (k )y

T .It can be noted,that the spatial distance between a domain block from which the library block is taken and the block to be encoded (range block)is typically small,i.e.near library blocks more likely provide

a good match than far ones.It can be seen that the most likely offset vector is ~

b =(0;0)T .This effect is exploited by restricting the allowed range for the offset vector ~b or by applying a hierarchical scheme,both described in the following sections.

Figure 2:Probability density for offset vector ~b =b (k)x ;b (k)y

T —401—

4.2.Restricted search area

From ?gure 2it can be seen,that library blocks which are spatially far away from the considered range block are very unlikely to provide a good match.Therefore the search order is adapted to the probability density function of the codebook offset vector b (k )x ;b (k )y T ,so that those codebook candidates which are most likely are tested ?rst.This is performed by a spiral-shaped search order emerging from the codebook entry (0;0)T of smallest offset vectors to larger ones.The search ends after a prede?ned number of tests.The library block providing the best match up to this point is taken.As can


Percentage of tested blocks Figure 3:Dependency of Signal to noise ratio (SNR)from number of tested blocks.Full Search corresponds to 100%.seen in ?gure 3the reconstruction quality only slightly decreases,but encoding speed which is roughly proportional to the number of library tests drastically increases.Another way to break off the search is to provide a minimum distortion level "dependent on the desired reconstruction quality which has to be ful?lled for each library block.So the library block L l is taken as approximation for the considered range block R k for which

d E R k ;s (k )L l +o (k ) "(10)

holds ?rst.

4.3.Hierarchical Search

The second way to decrease the number of necessary block comparisons is to generate a mask which determines those codebook entries,which are considered in the search for an optimal library block.In contrast to the restricted search described above,also some codebook entries which are “far”away from the range block are taken into account.According to the distribution of the offset vectors in the neighborhood of the considered range block a full search starting at codebook entry (0;0)T is performed.


Since far codebook entries are less likely to provide a good match,not each of them but only a small subset is tested.The set of allowed offset vectors is referred to as search mask exemplarily depicted in ?gure4.One can see that the structure of this mask is adapted to the probability density function of the offset vector~b,since in the neighborhood of the codebook entry(0;0)T many blocks,but for large offset vectors only a few are tested.

Figure4:Search mask with11%occupancy

Because not all codebook entries are considered,the optimal match may not be found.To improve this scheme,a second step is performed by applying a full search in the neighborhood of the codebook entry which was found to be best in the?rst step.Results as depicted in table1show,that the number of necessary block comparisons is signi?cantly reduced but the reconstruction quality is only slightly affected when compared with the full search.

image:512x512lena percentage of block



full search100%32.2dB

hierarchical search12%31.9dB

restricted search12%29.7dB

Table1Comparison between hierarchical,restricted,and full search

4.4.Structural classi?cation

Despite of the hierarchical search described in section4.3,many calculations of the Euclidean distance d E according to equation(8)have still to be performed in order to?nd a satisfactory match for every range block.For typical block sizes,e.g.828pixels,the calculation of each d E needs about64 subtractions and multiplications.Encoding speed therefore can be increased not only by reducing the number of distance calculation as with the hierarchical scheme,but also by reducing the computational complexity of the used distortion measure d.

It can be shown that only library blocks of similar spatial grey level distribution as the considered range blocks are likely to provide a good match.In order to exploit this property,a structural classi?cation


of all range and library blocks based upon the local mean is proposed.From these a structural distance measure d S is derived which can be used to determine those blocks for which it is worth to calculate the Euclidean distance d E .This means,that the Euclidean distance calculation is only performed for those block pairs which have a similar spatial grey level distribution.

Let B 2B be the number of pixels within a square sized image partition R with its upper left corner at position (x R ;y R ).The mean grey level m R is then de?ned as

m R =1B 01X i =0B 01X j =0

R (x R +i;y R +j ):(11)

Let R 0;R 1;R 2;R 3be the non overlapping square subblocks of the image block R with R =[3v =0R v and m R v 8v 2f 0;1;2;3g be the mean of each subblock.When using the block mean m R and the four corresponding local mean values m R v ,a feature vector X R =( 0; 1; 2; 3)can be determined in the following way:

v =

1;m R v >m R 0;m R v m R (12)

The simplest way to derive a distance measure between two blocks R and L based on the spatial grey level distribution is to compare the single components of the associated feature vectors X R and X L .So the distance measure

d S (R;L )=

0;X R =X L 1;X R =X L (13)

simply results in a decision whether the feature vectors are the same or not.

The encoding process is now modi?ed in the following way:In a ?rst step a feature vector X for each range and library block is calculated according to equation (12).Then,in order to ?nd the best match for each range block,the hierarchical codebook search is applied as described in section 4.3.The difference is,that the costly calculation of the Euclidean distance d E (R;L )between a range block R and a library block L is only performed for those block pairs,for which the structural distance d S (R;L )=0holds.Since the calculation of the feature vectors for each range and library block only has to be done once at the beginning of the encoding process,it does not increase the computational cost signi?cantly.On the other hand a great number of calculations of d E (R;L )can be avoided.Encoding speed can be increased by a factor of about ?ve to ten,because the calculation of the structural distance d S (R;L )requires much less computational effort.

Figure (5)shows the distribution of the feature vectors obtained from a wide variety of test images.The square patterns at the bottom depict the possible spatial grey level distribution of the considered block


and are represented by the number u.The black area denotes that the mean value of the corresponding subblock is lower compared to the mean value of the entire block.

Figure5:Distribution of feature vectors

Because the Euclidean distance only has to be calculated in the case of zero structural distance d S between two blocks,the number of remaining necessary calculations of d E can be estimated in the following way:


P u(X)=P rob 2

23 3+22 2+21 1+20 0=u



be the probability that the feature vector X is of type u.The feature vectors of range and library blocks were found to have the same distribution depicted in?gure5.Hence the probability that two blocks R and L have the same feature vector X=X R=X L can be determined by.

P rob[X R=X L]=




i X


P i P j(15)

Coding results obtained from several standard test images are depicted in table2.The left and middle column show the resulting reconstruction quality in terms of signal to noise ratio(SNR)without and with a structured classi?cation,respectively.The right column depicts the relative number of remaining necessary Euclidean distance calculations when the classi?cation scheme as described above is applied.


It can be seen,that by performing this classi?cation the number of costly distance calculations can be reduced to about 12%without any signi?cant loss in reconstruction quality.512x512

test image

SNR no struct.classi?cation SNR with struct.classi?cation P rob [X R =X L ]lena

32.2dB 32.0dB 11.9%baltimore 25.2dB 25.5dB 12.5%

Table 2Reduction of necessary Euclidean distance calculations

4.5.Codebook re?nement

The hierarchical search addressed in section 4.3and the structural block classi?cation described in section 4.4are both techniques to speed up the computational costly codebook search.Apart from this another point of interest is to increase the reconstruction quality.Obviously a full search in the codebook results in the best quality for the given set of a priori de?ned transformations.

One possibility to improve encoding quality is to reduce the size of range and domain blocks.By using smaller blocks it is more likely to obtain a good match because the distance between the original image and its fractal approximation usually becomes smaller and therefore reconstruction quality increases.Since in some cases,e.g.?at image areas,the approximation with large blocks is suf?cient,it does not seem to be meaningful to decrease the block size for the entire image but only for those areas where no good match could be achieved.A very well suited procedure seems to be a quadtree segmentation as described in [11].It has been shown that reconstruction quality in terms of signal to noise ration (SNR)could be improved by 1–3dB without any increase in data rate.

Another way to enhance quality is to enlarge the set of allowed transformations,which we refer to as codebook re?nement in the following.Due to the contractivity constraint,the scaling parameter s (k )(see equation (9))has to be in the range s (k )2(01:0;111;1:0).The offset parameter o (k )has to be determined in a way that the resulting values representing the grey level are in the range z (x;y )=[0;111;255]if 8bpp images are considered.So the only parameter which can be tuned is the range of the allowed offset vector b (k )x ;b (k )y

T .As mentioned in section 3,the single b x;y are only allowed to be multiple of the used block size.We therefore propose to enlarge the used codebook by allowing a ?ner quantization for the offset vectors in order to increase reconstruction quality.This can be done in the following way:

In a ?rst step the optimal set of transformations W is determined by performing a full search or applying a more sophisticated scheme as described in the previous sections.In a second step the previously determined optimal offset vector is slightly varied.If there exists any vector ~b +~ b for which the appropriate distance measure becomes signi?cantly smaller,then the vector ~b +~

b is taken as new offset vector.By this way the set of a priori de?ned transformations is enlarged since the offset vector is no longer constrained to multiples of the used range block size.

The results we obtained show,that reconstruction quality can be increased by 2–3dB with an additional computational expense of about 5–10%.Also it should be mentioned that due to the vector ~ k about 4–6extra bits are needed for representation of one block transformation w k .



Coding simulations were carried out on the original512x5128bits per pixel“lena”image shown in ?gure7.The properties of the transformations,especially the distribution of the offset vector which has been derived from a large set of test images are depicted in?gure2.Emerging from these results it has been shown in?gure3that the reconstruction quality only slightly decreases if the codebook search is restricted to the neighborhood of the considered range block.Some improvements are achieved by introducing an hierarchical search which is based upon a search mask as depicted in?gure4. Simulation results presented in table1show that the hierarchical search scheme nearly reaches full search performance with a fraction of its computational effort.Further modi?cations lead us to a structural classi?cation of the codebook.Since only library blocks having the same spatial grey level distribution are likely to provide a good match a structural classi?cation is introduced and its results are depicted in table2for some different test images.

Figure6:Coding results for some search schemes

1:full search

2:hierarchical search

3:full search with structural classi?cation

4:hierarchical search with codebook re?nement

5a:as4but with additional structural classi?cation

5b:as5a but with reduced search mask Figure7:Original512x5128bpp“lena”image

A brief summary of our coding results is shown in?gure6.It can be seen that in all cases the computational effort,which is mainly caused by the block tests in order to obtain a satisfactory match, is drastically reduced but the reconstruction quality nearly remains the same.By applying a codebook re?nement the reconstruction quality even is beyond the full search boundary but with a fraction of its costs.


Based on thorough studies of the fractal codebook a fast hierarchical search algorithm is described which signi?cantly increases encoding speed while retaining full search performance.In contrast to the latter only a subset of all possible library blocks is tested for a satisfactory match.The selection of this subset


containing about?ve to ten percent of all library blocks is based upon the following properties of the fractal codebook:

?The spatial distance between a library block and the block to be encoded(target block)is typically small,i.e.near library blocks more likely provide a good match than far ones.Therefore the search order is adapted to the probability density function of the codebook entries using a weighted search mask.

?A good match presupposes target and library blocks to be of similar structure which has been exploited by a codebook classi?cation.On the basis of a local mean analysis a structural distance measure has been developed which partially replaces the costly calculation of the used Euclidean distance.

Emerging from the optimal match the initial codebook has been locally re?ned and a second search is applied.By this means the reconstruction quality compared to the full search could even be increased with a fraction of its computational effort.

Further investigations are directed to apply the proposed fast hierarchical search algorithm to the ?eld of video coding.Especially in this case it is necessary to perform a fast encoding procedure due to the high encoding rate required.


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“本地连接”——“属性”(如下 图) 如下图点击TCP/IP后点击“属性”

如下图所示,将IP地址设置为“自动获取IP地址” 2.2测试令检查您的计算机和路由器之间是否连通。点击“开始”——“运行”——“输入CMD”点击确定。在打开的CMD窗口中输入ping 其结果显示如下。说明已近与路由器连通了。 三、设置路由器 打开IE浏览器输入路由器的地址: ,您将会看到下图所示登录界面。您需要以系统管理员的身份登录,即在该登录界面输入用户名和密码(用户名和密码的出厂设置均为admin),然后单击确定按钮。


▲登录路由器后的主画面可以手动点击设置向导进行设置 单击下一步,进入上网方式选择画面。这里我们演示一般家庭用户所采用的PPPOE拨号上网的方式。具体根据您的实际情况。 在如下图的界面中输入ISP提供的宽带上网的用户名和密码。


迅捷无线路由器设置教程(图解) 文章类型:网络技术原创:天诺时空 随着计算机网络应用的不断发展壮大,现有的网络规模早已不能满足其网络规模的扩大化需求,因此扩展互联网应用的能力是一个网络在设计和建设过程中必须要考虑的。如今一台电脑已不再满足需求,如何让更多的终端设备实现共享上网呢?相信有很多的朋友都在关心这个问题,下面开始介绍Fast无线路由器的设置方法。 迅捷无线路由器设置(详细设置) 一、设备的物理连接 有线连接的电脑连接路由器的LAN口,外网过来的网线连接路由器的WAN口,无线连接的通过路由器设置后通过无线功能连接到路由器。(如下图) 二、建立正确的网络设置 2.1设置电脑的IP地址。右键点击“网上邻居”——“属性”(如下图)

“本地连接”——“属性”(如下图) 如下图点击TCP/IP后点击“属性”


2.2测试令检查您的计算机和路由器之间是否连通。点击“开始”——“运行”——“输入CMD”点击确定。在打开的CMD窗口中输入ping 其结果显示如下。说明已近与路由器连通了。 三、设置路由器 打开IE浏览器输入路由器的地址: ,您将会看到下图所示登录界面。您需要以系统管理员的身份登录,即在该登录界面输入用户名和密码(用户名和密码的出厂设置均为admin),然后单击确定按钮。



fast路由器设置网址是什么 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 篇一:FAST路由器登陆地址192.168.1.1设置FAST路由器登陆地址192.168.1.1设置想必每个人都知道,我们想要使用宽带路由器共享上网时,必须要对共享上网的电脑和宽带路由器进行设置,本篇以迅捷路由器给大家介绍如何设置共享上网。一、在硬件连接完成以后,需要有一台已经与宽带路由器的LAN 口... 想必每个人都知道,我们想要使用宽带路由器共享上网时,必须要对共享上网的电脑和宽带路由器进行设置,本篇以迅捷路由器给大家介绍如何设置共享上网。一、在硬件连接完成以后,需要有一台已经与宽带路由器的LAN 口相连接的电脑来进行具体的设置,这台电脑必须安装TCP/IP网络协议,这里

假设电脑为XP操作系统,其他操作系统平台类推。1、配置设置电脑的TCP/IP 选项,右键单击桌面的网上邻居图标,点击属性,在弹出的窗口中选择本地连接,右键单击选择属性,在弹出的对话框中双击Internet协议(TCP/IP)选项,在对话框中选择使用下面的IP地址,这时就可以设置这台电脑的IP地址了,迅捷路由器的出厂IP地址一般都为192.168.1.1,所以我们在配置的时候需要将配置的电脑设置和宽带路由器在同一个网段当中,这里,将这台电脑的IP地址设置为192.168.1.2,子网掩码255.255.255.0,默认网关为192.168.1.1。 2、双击桌面的IE浏览器,在地址栏内输入192.168.1.1的IP地址,回车后,可以看到由器的配置界面了,输入默认的用户名和密码,单击安装向导,进入路由器的配置向导界面,这一页会显示一个配置向导的欢迎界面,直接单击下一步继续进行配置,这时会有一个Internet 接入的选项界面,在这个界面里我们可


中国十大名牌化妆品榜中榜(化妆品品牌,名牌化妆品) 欧莱雅L'OREAL(于1907年法国,世界化妆品行业的领先者,中国驰名商标,欧莱雅集团) 雅芳A VON(于1886年美国纽约,世界十大品牌品牌,世界上最大的美容化妆品公司之一) 妮维雅NIVEA(于1911年德国汉堡,欧洲全球护肤专家,BDF(拜尔斯道夫)公司旗下品牌) 玫琳凯Marykay(于1963年美国,世界上最大的护肤品和彩妆品直销企业之一,玫琳凯公司) 玉兰油OLAY(于1950年代,世界上最大最著名的护肤品牌之一,宝洁公司旗下品牌) DHC蝶翠诗(1972年日本,跨化妆品/医药保健/翻译出版/美容院/水疗领域的综合性企业) 露得清(分别创立于1954年和1992年美国,著名化妆品品牌,强生公司旗下品牌) 薇姿Vichy(于1931年法国,将药房专销护肤品的概念带入中国,欧莱雅集团旗下品牌) 旁氏POND'S(于1846年美国,1987年由联合利华收购,联合利华的成功典范之一,护肤佳品) ZA姬芮(真皙)(资生堂(1872年东京)和卓多姿(1932年纽约)合作创建,美颜产品的前沿) 八大高端化妆品品牌榜中榜 迪奥Dior(Christian dior始于1946年法国,代表高贵典雅生活风格精华的品牌) 香奈儿(尔)***el(于1913年法国巴黎,旗下产品繁多,法国著名奢侈品牌,巴黎***el集团) 雅诗兰黛Estee Lauder(于1946年美国纽约,全球领先的化妆品品牌,美国雅诗兰黛公司) 兰蔻Lancome(于1935年创于法国,全球知名的高端化妆品品牌,法国国宝级化妆品牌) 资生堂/欧珀莱AUPRES(于1872年日本,中国名牌,欧珀莱属于资生堂Shiseido集团旗下品牌) 倩碧Clinique(于1968年美国,世界顶级化妆品品牌,一线牌子,美国雅诗兰黛集团旗下品牌) 碧欧泉Biotherm(于1950年法国,欧洲三大时尚护肤品牌之一,属L'Oreal化妆品集团) 安娜苏Anna Sui(有彩妆,护肤品和香水,其中化妆品1998年在日本诞生,时尚设计的领先品牌) 十大大众化妆品品牌榜中榜/名牌化妆品 小护士(于1992年,国内著名化装品牌,欧莱雅集团在中国收购的第一个本土品牌) 隆力奇(中国名牌,中国驰名商标,民族品牌,技术力量先进的日化企业,江苏隆力奇集团) 大宝Dabao(中国名牌,中国驰名商标,北京市著名商标,强生旗下品牌,北京大宝公司) 丁家宜TJOY(中国药科大学丁家宜教授始于1987年,民族品牌,苏州珈侬生化有限公司) 李医生(始于1991年澳洲,受消费者喜爱的日化品牌,西婷美容保健有限公司) 美体小铺(The face shop,于1976年英国,天然/活性健康化妆品,国际化妆品品牌) 佰草集Herborist(国内最著名的化妆品企业,民族品牌,上海家化旗下中草药中高档护理品) 相宜本草(于1999年上海,民族品牌,上海名牌,高新技术企业,中华本草美容护肤品品牌) 自然堂CHCEDO(于2001年中国,中国著名品牌,民族品牌,上海市名牌产品,伽蓝集团) 采诗Caisy(大型日化公司,大众化妆品品牌,民族品牌,广州市采诗化妆品有限公司) 2010年国际化妆品排行榜 1 香奈儿(尔)***el (于1913年法国巴黎,旗下产品繁多,法国著名奢侈品牌,***el集团) 2 雅诗兰黛Estee Lauder (于1946年美国纽约,全球领先的化妆品品牌,美国雅诗兰黛公司) 3 兰蔻Lancome (于1935年创于法国,全球知名的高端化妆品品牌,法国国宝级化妆品牌) 4 迪奥Dior (于1913年法国巴黎,华丽与高雅的代名词,著名时尚奢侈消费品品牌) 5 娇兰Guerlain (于1828年法国,以香水起家的巴黎皇室贵族保养品品牌,法国娇兰集团)


Fast FR48路由器设置说明同时也是SOHO路由器IP QoS功能设置IP QoS功能,是基于IP地址、IP地址段的保障最小带宽和限制最大带宽功能; 可以很方便地限制BT、迅雷等P2P软件下载,限制其占用大量的带宽,抢占其它用户资源,造成其它用户无法正常上网;还可以按照实际需求对不同的用户科学地分配不同的带宽,尽最大限度利用宽带,不浪费带宽。通过设置IP QoS后,结束了一“资”独占的历史,保证内网随您所欲按需运行!下面我们就来简单介绍一下QoS功能的配置使用: 一、登录路由器管理界面后(网页地址栏192.168.1.1 用户名admin 密码 admin),可以在左边菜单栏看到IP带宽控制,点击打开该页面,在这里您可以对不同的IP地址设置不同的QoS模式和带宽大小; 二、首先是勾选上面的开启IP带宽控制,QoS功能才可以具体进行设置。 在选择宽带线路类型及填写带宽大小时,请根据实际情况进行选择和填写,如不清楚,请咨询您的带宽提供商(如电信、网通等)如:您申请的是PPPoE拨号方式2M带宽的话就选ADSL线路,带宽大小填入2000即可(带宽的换算关系为:1Mbps = 1000Kbps)。注意:您申请的带宽大小,如果填写的值与实际不符,QoS效果会受到很大影响。 三、IP QoS设置: 保障最小带宽:受该条规则限制的IP地址(或IP地址段)的带宽总和至少可以达到此值,最大不受限制。此模式可以充分利用您申请的带宽值,不浪费一点带宽;且路由器内置预留的带宽功能可以保障在您BT下载达到峰值的时候,其它电脑的上网操作不受影响,使网络资源得到合理分配,内网正常运行。您可以设置您内网电脑IP地址为保障最小带宽,出于公平原则,保障最小带宽=总带宽/内网机子总数,如:您拉的2M带宽,内网4台机子的话保障最小带宽应为2000/4=500Kbps。如下图所示:


迅捷网络路由器设置通用登录密码 一般的路由器的用户名和密码是:1、admin和admin;2、guest和guest。 碰到忘记了密码或者是输入的密码不正确这种情况,所以,解决方法只有重置路由器,恢复出厂设置。 恢复出厂的办法是从路由器背面的小孔用牙签顶住或RESET键长按直至指示灯全亮后 灭掉再进入路由器设置。恢复后的路由登陆帐号和密码是路由器背面标注的默认的帐号和 密码。 这里要注意的是:迅捷无线家用路由器,一般要按10多秒所有的灯才全亮。灯全亮 了说明路由器重置成功了。管理员的用户名和密码会恢复默认的,在路由器后面可以查看 得到。 1、登录FWR310设备界面:运行电脑上的浏览器,在浏览器的地址栏中输入: 192.1683.1.1并按下回车Enter——>在对话框中输入默认登录用户名:admin,默认登录 密码:admin——>点击“确定”。 2、运行设置向导:如果在第一步输入的用户名和密码正确,登录后系统会自动弹出 设置向导界面,如果未弹出,用户可以点击左侧菜单中的“设置向导”选项来启动。 3、选择上网方式:这里选择“PPPOEADSL虚拟拨号”——>点击“下一步”。 4、配置宽带帐号:根据宽带运营商提供的宽带帐号和密码,填写“上网帐号”和 “上网口令”——>点击“下一步”。 5、无线网络设置:“无线状态”选择:开启——>设置“SSID”,SSID就是无线网络名称,建议使用字母和数字的组合,不要使用中文——>选择“WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK”——> 设置“PSK密码”——>点击“下一步”。注意:其它选项保存默认即可。 6、如果更改了无线网络的配置,会提示重启。 如果为更改无线相关配置,直接点击“完成”。 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


国际顶级化妆品公司排行 1.法国欧莱雅集团(L'Oreal Groug) 顶级品牌 HR(赫莲娜) 二线产品 Lancome(兰蔻)、Biotherm(碧欧泉) 三线或三线以下产品 LOreal Pairs(欧莱雅)、kiehls(契尔氏) Garnier(卡尼尔)、羽西、小护士 彩妆品牌 shu unemura(植村秀)、Maybelline(美宝莲) 香水品牌 Giorgio Armani(阿玛尼)、Parfums(纪梵希) Ralph Lauren(拉尔夫·劳伦)、Polo(保罗)、cacharel(卡夏尔) 2.宝洁公司(The Procter & Gamble) 顶级品牌 SK-II(Maxfactor)蜜丝佛陀 二线产品 Olay(玉兰油)、lllume(伊奈美) 男士品牌 Boss Skin 彩妆品牌

Cover girl(封面女郎) 亚洲第一彩妆品牌 ANNA SUI(安娜苏) 香水品牌 ANNA SUI(安娜苏)、Escada(艾斯卡达)、Dunhill(登喜路) Lanvin(朗万)、Paul Smith(保罗史密斯) 3.美国雅诗兰黛(Estee Lauder Cos Inc) 顶级品牌 La Mer(海蓝之谜) 一线品牌 雅诗兰黛 二线品牌 Clinique(倩碧) 彩妆品牌 Bobbi Brown(芭比波朗)、M.A.C(魅可) 香水品牌 Tommy Hilfiger(唐美希绯格)、DKNY(唐可娜儿)、Aramis(雅男儿) 4.日本资生堂(Shiseido Co Ltd) 顶级品牌 IPSA(茵芙莎) 中国专售

AUPRES(欧珀莱)、Za(姬芮) 香水品牌 三宅一生 5.法国LVMH集团 护肤品牌 Guerlain(娇兰)、Chiristian Dior(迪奥) 纪梵希(Givenchy)、CLARINS(娇韵诗) 彩妆品牌 Makeup forvever(浮生若梦)、BENEFIT、SEPHORA(丝芙兰) 香水品牌 KENZO(高田贤三)、fendi(芬迪) DOLCE&GABBANA(杜嘉班纳)、CalvinKlein(CK)、LOEWE 6.英国联合利华(Unilever) 护肤品牌 Elizabeth Arden(伊丽莎白.雅顿) 7.法国Chanel(香奈儿)集团

fast ap设置教程.doc

fast ap设置教程 ap可以为原来的有线网络提供无线接入,满足家庭和小型企业的多种上网需求。 Fast(迅捷)FW150RM无线路由器完成AP模式的设置,一共需要5个配置步骤:1、设置电脑IP;2、设备连接;3、设置FW150RM;4、再次设置电脑IP;5、修改FW150RM管理IP地址. 步骤一:设置电脑IP 迅捷FW150RM无线路由器在AP模式下并未启用DHCP 服务器,所以无法给电脑自动分配IP地址,因此需要用户自己给电脑的无线网卡配置固定IP地址。将电脑无线网络连接IP地址设置为192.168.1.X(1 X 252),子网掩码设置为:,如下图所示:设置方法可以参考:电脑固定IP地址设置方法 步骤二:设备连接 1、FW150RW连接到网络:用一根网线一段连接在有线网络中的路由器或者交换机上,另一端与Fast FW150RW进行连接。 2、电脑与FW150RW连接:这里电脑只能用无线的方式与FW150RW路由器进行连接,用电脑上的无线网卡搜索附近的无线网络,找到FW150RW的SSID后,点击连接即可。注意:FW150RM默认SSID是FAST_XXXXXX( XXXXXX 是FW150RM无线MAC地址后六位),且并未设置无线安全,所以这里可以直接进行连接。 步骤三:设置FW150RW路由器 1、登录管理界面:在浏览器中输入192.168.1.253 并按下回车键,输入登陆用户名及密码均为admin,打开FW150RM的管理界面。 2、运行设置向导:首次登录后会自动运行设置向导,如果

位运行可以点击左侧的设置向导下一步。 3、选择工作模式:选择AP 模式下一步。 4、配置无线网络:如果需要可以修改SSID 选择WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK 设置PSK密码(本例为abcdefgh) 下一步。 5、重启FW150RW:点击重启。 重启完成后,无线AP模式的配置就生效了,笔记本、手机等无线终端就可以连接迅捷FW150RW的无线网络上网了。 步骤四:再次设置电脑IP 这里需要把刚才电脑的无线网卡的IP地址重新配置为自动获得,这样电脑才能通过FW150RW的无线网络正常上网,其它需要上网的无线终端也建议把IP地址配置为自动获得,配置方法可以参考:电脑自动获取IP地址的设置方法。 步骤五:更改FW150RW管理IP地址 并不是一定要更改迅捷(Fast)FW150RW的管理IP地址,只有当原来的局域网中192.168.1.253这个IP地址已经被使用了,为了避免IP地址冲突,才需要修改的;如果192.168.1.253这个IP 地址未被使用,则无需更改FW150RW的管理地址了。 修改方法:登录管理界面网络参数LAN口设置,修改IP之后点击保存,路由器自动重启 FW300RM AP模式设置 1、运行设置向导:进入路由器的管理界面后,点击设置向导点击下一步。 FW300RM的设置向导 2、选择工作模式:这里需选择AP:接入点模式点击下一步。


fast无线桥接怎么设置 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 篇一:TP-LINK和FAST FW150R无线桥接设置操作要点: 1.有线连接路由器TL WR340G+ ,按说明书接入wlan,并开启DHCP服务和无线功能,设置340G+的“网络参数——LAN口地址”为192.168.1.1。2.设置340G+无线信道为固定值,如信道6 3.按需要设置无线接入加密模式及密码 4.获取340G+部分信号参数,包括SSID 、MAC地址(注:无线mac地址一般与有线LAN mac地址相同)、密码、加密方式。 5.有线连接路由器FW150R ,关闭DHCP服务,开启WDS模式,设置与340G+相同的信道,如信道6,设置FW150R的“网络参数——LAN口地址”为192.168.1.2 6.如果有“扫描”无线信号功能,则点击“扫描”

获取信号参数。如果没有则填入第4步获取的参数。7.等待连接成功。显示“WDS状态:成功”信息。配置步骤:首先要查看2个无线路由器的无线MAC 地址并记下来:TL-WR340G+ MAC地址FW150R MAC地址一、主路由器,340G+配置图示:1,在地址栏中输入“”,然后在弹出的窗口中,输入默认的用户名:admin 密码:admin 2,在WAN口设置中,设置当前的Internet 接入方式,在此例中是PPPoE拨号。3,设置无线的基本信息,将默认的SSID改为AP1 ,开启Bridge 功能,在下面的框框中输入FW150R 的无线MAC地址(AP2) 4,保持DHCP处于启用状态二、副路由器,FW150R配置图示:1,在地址栏中输入192.168.1.1,然后输入默认的帐号:admin,默认密码:admin篇二:迅捷FAST FW316R无线桥接(WDS)功能实现迅捷FAST FW316R无线桥接(WDS)功能实现一,组网方式:两台迅捷FW316R路由器分别为A和B,


[法国护肤品适合中国人吗]适合在法国买 的护肤品有哪些(2) (最新版) -Word文档,下载后可任意编辑和处理- 法国购买护肤品的地方推荐 Choice1:【百货公司】 百货公司是大而全的代名词。一般的百货公司都可以囊括大部分的名牌化妆品和护肤品。所以目标是名牌的消费者大可认定一家百货公司,即可搜罗到几乎所有你想要的宝贝。在百货公司中售卖的美妆品牌都有一个独立的专柜,专柜小姐对本品牌的产品特点非常的熟悉,可以根据您的需求做出个性化的推荐。在减价销售期间,百货公司中的各个美妆品牌常常会推出优惠大礼包,超值的组合绝对不能错过。另外在百货公司购物还有一个好处就是,可以享受百货公司提供的优惠和服务,比如礼品包装、参加购物抽奖活动等。 到巴黎必逛的百货公司当属闻名遐迩老佛爷和春天百货,这两家店比邻而居,都位于加尼叶歌剧院附近,一家没逛过瘾可以迅速杀进另一家,一定能满足你购物的欲望。此外,巴黎市政府旁边的BHV也是一座大型的综合性百货公司,路过的话不妨进去看看。

如何到达: 去老佛爷和春天百货,可以乘坐地铁7号、9号线到Chaussee d' Antin La Fayette站。 到BHV,可乘坐地铁1号或11号线,到Hotel de ville站下,从地铁的BHV百货出口即有通道通向商场地下一层。 Choice2:【品牌专卖店】 百货公司的货物虽全,但若只逛百货公司,难免会错过一些遗珠。比如法国的几家以纯天然原料著称的化妆品品牌,它们大多不会在百货公司里设置专柜,而是开设自己的独立连锁专卖店,例如YVES ROCHER和L'OCCITANE等。 在品牌专卖店购买化妆品最好办理相关品牌的会员积分卡,可以享受更多优惠,如YVES ROCHER就采用会员积分制度,只要在YVES ROCHER购买产品时办理一张会员积分卡,就可以将本次的消费积分登记上去。当积分达到一定的额度,即可获赠礼品并享有其他优惠。 在新年和大减价期间,各个品牌专卖店也会推出很多活动。其中YVES ROCHER的大减价就非常实在,是少数对旗下所有化妆品都进行打折的品牌,折扣力度可达五折,在此期间购买是最划算不过的了。L'OCCITANE的各专卖店则会推出一些限定特惠产品和套装礼品盒。特惠产品虽然种类有限,但价格都相当诱人。值得一提的是它的礼品盒,包装精致大方,是馈赠亲友的佳品。 如何到达: 各品牌专卖店分布很广,您可以提前在官网上查找地址,也可以


FAST迅捷路由器设置教程 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 篇一:迅捷无线路由器设置教程(图解)迅捷无线路由器设置教程(图解) 文章类型:网络技术原创:天诺时空随着计算机网络应用的不断发展壮大,现有的网络规模早已不能满足其网络规模的扩大化需求,因此扩展互联网应用的能力是一个网络在设计和建设过程中必须要考虑的。如今一台电脑已不再满足需求,如何让更多的终端设备实现共享上网呢?相信有很多的朋友都在关心这个问题,下面开始介绍Fast无线路由器的设置方法。迅捷无线路由器设置(详细设置)一、设备的物理连接有线连接的电脑连接路由器的LAN口,外网过来的网线连接路由器的WAN口,无线连接的通过路由器设置后通过无线功能连

接到路由器。(如下图) 二、建立正确的网络设置 2.1设置电脑的IP地址。右键点击“网上邻居”——“属性”(如下图) “本地连接”——“属性”(如下图) 如下图点击TCP/IP后点击“属性”如下图所示,将IP地址设置为“自动获取IP地址” 2.2测试令检查您的计算机和路由器之间是否连通。点击“开始”——“运行”——“输入CMD”点击确定。在打开的CMD窗口中输入ping 其结果显示如下。说明已近与路由器连通了。三、设置路由器打开IE浏览器输入路由器的地址: ,您将会看到下图所示登录界面。您需要以系统管理员的身份登录,即在该登录界面输入用户名和密码(用户名和密码的出厂设置均为admin),然后单击确定按钮。如果用户名和密码正确,浏览器将显示管理员模式的画面,并会弹出一个如下图的设置向导页面(如果没有自动弹出的话,可以单击管理员模式画面左边设置向导菜单将它激活)。篇二:


迅捷(FAST)无线路由器设置图解 下面介绍下Fast FW300R无线路由器宽带共享上网的设置图解。随着网络的发展无线路由器已近逐步的普及到家庭用户中了。本网站主要介绍各类路由器设置的图解教程,下面开始介绍Fast无线路由器的设置方法 一、设备的物理连接 有线连接的电脑连接路由器的LAN口,外网过来的网线连接路由器的WAN口,无线连接的通过路由器设置后通过无线功能连接到路由器。(如下图) 二、建立正确的网络设置 2.1设置电脑的IP地址。右键点击“网上邻居”——“属性”(如下图)

“本地连接”——“属性”(如下图) 如下图点击TCP/IP后点击“属性”


2.2测试令检查您的计算机和路由器之间是否连通。点击“开始”——“运行”——“输入CMD”点击确定。在打开的CMD窗口中输入ping 其结果显示如下。说明已近与路由器连通了。 三、设置路由器 打开IE浏览器输入路由器的地址: ,您将会看到下图所示登录界面。您需要以系统管理员的身份登录,即在该登录界面输入用户名和密码(用户名和密码的出厂设置均为admin),然后单击确定按钮。


▲登录路由器后的主画面可以手动点击设置向导进行设置 单击下一步,进入上网方式选择画面。这里我们演示一般家庭用户所采用的PPPOE拨号上网的方式。具体根据您的实际情况。 在如下图的界面中输入ISP提供的宽带上网的用户名和密码。


化妆品国际五大品牌 国际化妆品五大品牌 兰蔻 诞生于法国的兰蔻,在护肤、彩妆、香水等多个领域都有涉及,主要是针对年龄在25-40岁的成熟女性,是全球知名的高端化妆品品牌。 倩碧 倩碧是美国雅诗兰黛集团推出的护肤品品牌,其产品系列有香水、彩妆、护肤、美体。倩碧护肤产品都通过了过敏性测试,产品除香氛外更是百分百不含香料,独有的皮肤分析器更会帮助消费者选择正确的适合自己的护肤产品。 香奈儿 香奈儿品牌涉及了服装、珠宝、化妆品、香水、护肤等,简单舒适、时尚简约永远是香奈儿品牌的目标,香奈护肤产品更是由尖端科技打造的高端护肤品牌。 雅姿 雅姿是安利公司的五大类产品之一,是世界著名的美容化妆品牌。雅姿诞生以来就是为美丽而生的,经过50多年的不懈努力,雅姿品牌发展到现在,产品遍及全球多个国家和地区。雅姿品牌的系列包括基本护理、男士护肤、美白、全新滋养、特别护理等多个系列,其产品配方和成份更是美国专利认可的,为消费者带

来与众不同的美容新享受。 雅诗兰黛 雅诗兰黛夫人创立的雅诗兰黛品牌,在经过半个多世纪的时间,以其卓越的功效和领先的科技在全球受到广泛的认可。现在,雅诗兰黛的产品包括护肤、彩妆及香水,产品遍及全球130多个国家。 韩国化妆品牌排名 1.hera/赫拉 赫拉是韩国爱茉莉集团旗下的顶级品牌,hera适合30+,或是25+有经济实力的mm. 推荐单品hera 气垫bb霜 赫拉uv多功能防晒保湿气垫粉饼bb霜是韩国最高人气粉饼,化妆巨头的高端定位~ 赫拉、iope和兰芝是同属于太平洋爱茉莉集团 (所属这个集团的著名品牌还有雪花秀、韩律、悦诗风吟、爱丽小屋、梦妆等等)。最近持续走火的iope定位要比兰芝高一个档次,iope各方面技术基础都完胜兰芝这是毋庸置疑滴~不过,"赫拉"最近货比较紧缺,各大免税店更是限量销售(每个护照一个月只可以买6个),集隔离、保湿、防晒、美白、舒缓五大功效于一身的赫拉/hera,一直都被爱茉莉集团冠以高端定位,档次要比iope还要来的高喔~(这也是赫拉的价格比iope来的高一点的原因哈)对于赫拉的技术基础mm们大可放心哈~spf50+/pa+++的超强防晒指数,用过iope的mm肯定都知道,赫拉的防晒指数也是不输给iope。 2.爱丽/etude


fast无线路由器设置图解教程 在进行fast无线路由器设置之前,请确认各接口已经正确接线,如还没核对过,请参考fast路由器设置第二步的帖子:无线路由器插线方法 图1:下面我们打开ie浏览器,输入:之后回车,如果无法显示请尝试192.168.0.1,弹出登录帐号密码,默认帐号为:admin,或参考fast路由器背面,或者是fast说明书。 如无法登录192.168.1.1,请参考本站帖子:无法进入192.168.1.1的文章 如果fast是二手货或者是帐号密码不正确,那么就参考无线路由器插线方法中恢复下fast无线路由器出厂设置!然后返回这里参考设置! 设置向导。 没有弹出设置向导,点击左侧向导。

一般拨号宽带用户选择PPPOE模式上网 填写宽带帐号和密码 把我们的fast无线路由器开启无线设置,安全模式:建议选择 wpa-psk/wpa2-psk还是比较安全一点,如果你不怀疑有用户入侵占用你的网速,你可以选择关闭无线安全。

设置完毕fast无线路由器wifi重启路由器,就可以了。 如果没有更改无线模式,选择完成即可。 至此,恭喜您已经自己手动对fast无线路由器怎么设置了如指掌了吧! 很多新手第一次接触fast无线路由器设置,一般看一遍就感觉有些晕了 欢迎分享收藏本文,请复制黏贴着给阿凯路由器设置教程站留个连接.... ps:作者阿凯奔着回馈社会感恩的心在帮助大家解决关于fast无线路由器设置方面的问题,如有不到之处还请谅解! 本文来自:https://www.doczj.com/doc/f12234471.html,/17.html


化妆品品牌(中英文对照) ?法国品牌 兰蔻Lancome 香奈儿Chanel 迪奥Christian Dior 薇姿/ vichy 碧欧泉/ BIOTHERM 欧莱雅/ L`oreal 雅漾/ Avene 依云/ Evian 奥洛菲/ OLEVA 圣罗兰/ YSL 欧树/ NUXE 迪梵Darphin 娇韵诗CLARINS 法国四大药妆: 薇姿(vichy) 依泉(uriage)、 雅漾(avene) 理肤泉(lrp) ?美国品牌 雅芳/ AVON 水芝澳/ H2O 玫琳凯MARYKAY 倩碧/ CLINIQUE 强生/ Johnson&Johnson 露华浓/ REVLON 潘婷/ PENTEN 海飞丝/ Head & Shoulders 美宝莲/ Maybelline 玉兰油/ OLAY 雅诗兰黛/ ESTEE LAUDER 欧派/ OPI CK 佳洁士/ CREAS 曼秀雷敦/ Mentholatum 可伶可俐/ CLEAN&CLEAR 飘柔/ REJOICE 贝玲妃/ benefit 旁氏/ POND’S ?日本品牌

资生堂Shiseido 东洋之花TAYOI 蝶翠诗DHC 兰皙欧RECIPE 植村秀shu uemura RMK(轻女孩子欢迎的彩妆系列和系列) 艾文莉AVENIR 安尚秀Asixo 施丽宝(药妆品牌)cilebo 泊美Pure Mild SK-II 肌言堂 水之印AquaLABEL 三宅一生Issey Miyake 高丝KOSE 花王prettia 姬芮Za (是Zotos Accent的简称) 雪肌精SEKKISEI ?韩国品牌 薇欧薇VOV 梦妆Mamonde 兰芝LΛNEGE 菲诗小铺THE FACE SHOP 谜尚MISSHA 蝶妆DEBON 可迪CETTUA 悦诗风吟Innisfree 思亲肤SKIN FOOD 伊诺姿ISA KNOX ?英国品牌 巴宝莉/柏帛丽Burberry 联合利华/ Unilever 美体小铺/ The Body Shop 诗恩碧/ C&B 瑰珀翠/ Crabtree&Evelyn 博姿/ Boots 清妍/ Simple Neal's Yard Remedies/ NYR (主营精油产品)卡露诗/ LcarlusModels Own ?其他国家品牌 (澳洲)李医生DoctoLi


种世界知名化妆品品牌简介 、兰蔻 欧莱雅的基础和应用研究意味着无数的开拓和智慧的结晶,构成了兰蔻革新产品的坚实的后盾。 兰蔻分别在法国、美国和日本建立起了三个主要的研究基地。 有多研究人员从事着新产品的开发和研究。 在诸如生物学、化学、生物技术、皮肤学、神经生理学、心理学、生物化学、生物物理、植物制剂及感知分析等多个领域有大量独到的技术手段。 仿生模拟 兰蔻目前正在进行皮肤过程的仿生学模拟,以便能够对皮肤变化的原始机理进行再现。 兰蔻通过的原始设计对皮肤内存在的细胞间脂肪层进行了模拟,在皮肤的脂肪层中引入了有活性的向量组份。这种技术结构保证了对皮肤结构的最优化的模拟。 不论是或是,这些向量都不大于纳米,或是等于角质层中细胞间的距离。这种极端微观化的效 果使得物质在皮肤中得以扩散的能力大大增强。 纳米时代 为改善活性物质的穿透效应,应该保护好活性物质并将其带到最接近于所期望的细胞位置,以增加护肤产品的功效。这些都是向量化的目的所在,是一个包含了非常复杂的技术的领域。兰蔻作 为这个领域的世界领先者已经有了年多的历史。 令人惊叹的活性模型 再造皮肤是一种真实的技术能力,是一种在特定条件下能够取代活性皮肤的优良的研究工具。构造工程使得我们能够对皮肤中发生的最深奥的机理有更好的理解,从而完成在人体上无法进行的重要研究。这种复杂的技术也使得专家们能够对真实的皮肤对于新产品具有何种反应做出预测。 日积月累的实验室经验使得兰蔻的专家们能够对未来的美容业的发展趋向做出推断。 临床研究 兰蔻得到了皮肤学专家的有力支持并和他们建立起了密切的合作关系,以便对产品的功效及皮肤 的承受度进行评估和确认。 、欧珀莱 欧珀莱,国内化妆品的开在高枝上的奇葩。


十大名牌化妆品/名牌化妆品 1 欧莱雅L'OREAL(中国驰名商标,国家免检产品,世界十大化妆品) 2 雅芳AVOU(世界十大化妆品,国家免检产品) 3 玫琳凯Marykay(1963年美国,世界品牌,国家免检产品) 4 资生堂/欧珀莱AUPRES(1872年日本,中国名牌,国家免检产品) 5 玉兰油OLAY(宝洁旗下品牌,国家免检产品) 6 小护士(中国畅销品牌,国家免检产品) 7 可伶可俐/露得清(强生出品,国家免检产品) 8 大宝(中国名牌,中国驰名商标,国家免检产品) 9 丁家宜(中国畅销品牌,国家免检产品) 10 隆力奇(中国名牌,中国驰名商标,国家免检产品) 更多知名化妆品品牌 在中国销售的知名化妆品品牌: 妮维雅,玫琳凯,自然堂,安利,Sk-ll,兰寇Lancome,雅诗兰黛,VICHY薇姿,LAROCHE-POSAY理肤泉,欧珀莱,DHC,兰芝,羽西,雅姿,露得清,美宝莲Maybelline,露华浓,雅漾,佰草集,卡尼尔,清妃,倩碧,李医生 十大眼霜品牌榜中榜/名牌眼霜 1 大宝Dabao眼霜(中国名牌,中国驰名商标,国家免检产品) 2 玉兰油OLAY眼霜(宝洁旗下品牌,国家免检产品) 3 资生堂Sheseido眼霜(1872年日本,世界十大化妆品企业之一) 4 欧莱雅L'OREAL眼霜(中国驰名商标,国家免检产品) 5 雅芳AVOU眼霜(中国畅销品牌,国家免检产品)) 6 雅诗兰黛EsteeLauder(1946年美国) 7 兰寇Lancome眼霜(1935年法国) 8 薇姿Vichy眼霜(1931年法国,欧莱雅集团旗下品牌) 9 碧欧泉Biotherm眼霜(1950年法国) 10 倩碧Clinique眼霜(1968年创立,世界顶级化妆品品牌) 在中国销售的更多知名眼霜品牌: 玫琳凯眼霜,丸美眼霜,兰芝眼霜,安利眼霜,ZA姬芮眼霜,羽西眼霜 十大睫毛膏榜中榜/品牌睫毛膏 1 娥佩兰Opera(日本东京的国际品牌) 2 欧莱雅L'OREAL(中国驰名商标,国家免检产品) 3 美宝莲睫毛膏(美国品牌,法国欧莱雅集团旗下品牌) 4 兰寇Lancome(1935年法国) 5 查名一猫睫毛膏(知名品牌,上海创馨化妆品有限公司出品) 6 火烈鸟睫毛膏(知名品牌,上海创馨化妆品有限公司出品) 7 VOV睫毛膏(韩国品牌,四十年历史,亚洲最受欢迎的彩妆品牌之一) 8 ZA姬芮睫毛膏(上海卓多姿中信化妆品出品,于1998年,资生堂控股) 9 DHC(著名日本品牌) 10 卡姿兰Carslan(著名法国彩妆品)


fast路由器连不上网的解决方法一:重新 fast路由器连不上网的解决方法一:重新配置(1)、登录设置界面 a、旧版本迅捷路由器:在浏览器的地址栏中输入:并按下回车——>输入默认登录用户名:admin,默认登录密码:admin——>点击“确定”。 b、新版本迅捷路由器:在浏览器中输入:然后按下回车——>在“设置密码”框后面设置一个登录密码——>在“确认密码”框里再次输入设置的登录密码——>点击“确认”。 注意问题:这里设置的“管理员密码”就是登录密码,以后需要登录到迅捷路由器的设置界面时,就需要先输入现在设置的密码,然后才能登录。如果忘记了设置的密码,将无法登录,只能通过路由器上的reset按键,把路由器恢复出厂设置。 (2)、运行设置向导:设置好密码登录后,会弹出一个“设置向导”界面,如果没有自动弹出界面的话,可以点击左边菜单中的“设置向导”选项来运行。 (3)、选择上网方式:这里可以看到一共有4个选项,分别是:“让路由器自动选择上网方式(推荐)”、“pppoe(adsl虚拟拨号)”、 “静态ip(以“动态ip(以太网宽带,自动从服务商获取ip地址)”、 太网宽带,网络服务商提供固定ip地址)”。 “让路由器自动选择上网方式(推荐)”这个选项不建议大家

选择,因为有的时候路由器识别不准确,会造成无法上网的;所以,最好是手动选择上网方式的。 注意问题:很多用户在这里选错上网方式,导致不能够上网;上网方式的选择,是根据用户办理的宽带业务类型为依据进行选择的。下面进行详细介绍 pppoe(adsl虚拟拨号)介绍 目前,90%以上的用户办理的宽带都是“pppoe(adsl虚拟拨号)”上网,办理“pppoe(adsl虚拟拨号)”宽带业务后,宽带运营商会提供一个宽带用户名、宽带密码给用户;在未使用路由器时,需要通过电脑上的“宽带连接”来拨号上网。 adsl拨号上网设置 选择“pppoe(adsl虚拟拨号)”——>点击“下一步” 输入宽带运营商提供的宽带帐号和密码——>点击“下一步”。 动态ip上网介绍 也就是动态ip(dhcp获取ip),办理了“动态ip”上网宽带业务的用户,宽带运营商会提供一根网线到用户家里;在未使用路由器时,只需要把这根网线插在电脑上,并把电脑的ip地址设置为自动获得,电脑就可以上网了。 动态ip设置 选择“动态ip(以太网宽带,自动从服务商获取ip地址)”——>点击“下一步” 静态ip上网介绍 办理了“静态ip”上网宽带业务的用户,宽带运营商会提供一根网线到用户家里,同时还会提供一个ip地址、子网掩码、网


迅捷无线路由器fw313r设置的方法 迅捷无线路由器fw313r设置的方法1、登录设置界面:在浏览器的地址栏中输入:,然后按下回车键。 迅捷路由器192.168.1.1打不开2、在弹出的界面中设置登录密码,设置完成后点击确认。(fw313r路由器没有初始的默认密码的,需要用户进行设置的) 如果之前已经设置了登录密码,则会出现如下图所示的界面,只需要输入登录密码,就可以登录到设置界面了。 温馨提示:请牢记刚才设置的登录密码,如果忘记了,则不能登录到设置界面;唯一的解决办法是把你的迅捷路由器恢复到出厂设置。 3、运行设置向导:登录到fw313r路由器的设置界面后,会自动弹出设置向导界面,如果没有弹出,可以点击左侧菜单中的“设置向导”来运行。 4、选择上网方式:这里可以看到一共有4个选项,分别是:“让路由器自动选择上网方式(推荐)”、“pppoe(adsl虚拟拨号)”、 “静态ip(以“动态ip(以太网宽带,自动从服务商获取ip地址)”、 太网宽带,网络服务商提供固定ip地址)”。 “让路由器自动选择上网方式(推荐)”这个选项不建议大家选择,因为有的时候路由器识别不准确,会造成无法上网的;所以,最好是手动选择上网方式的。

(1)、pppoe(adsl虚拟拨号):目前,90%以上的用户办理的宽带都是“pppoe(adsl虚拟拨号)”上网,办理“pppoe(adsl虚拟拨号)”宽带业务后,宽带运营商会提供一个宽带用户名、宽带密码给用户;在未使用路由器时,需要通过电脑上的“宽带连接”来拨号上网。 adsl拨号上网设置:选择“pppoe(adsl虚拟拨号)”——>点击“下一步” 输入宽带运营商提供的宽带帐号和密码——>点击“下一步”。 (2)、动态ip:也就是动态ip(dhcp获取ip),办理了“动态ip”上网宽带业务的用户,宽带运营商会提供一根网线到用户家里;在未使用路由器时,只需要把这根网线插在电脑上,并把电脑的ip地址设置为自动获得,电脑就可以上网了。 动态ip设置:选择“动态ip(以太网宽带,自动从服务商获取ip地址)”——>点击“下一步” (3)、静态ip:办理了“静态ip”上网宽带业务的用户,宽带运营商会提供一根网线到用户家里,同时还会提供一个ip地址、子网掩码、网关、2个dns服务器地址给用户;在未使用路由器时,只需要把这根网线插在电脑上,并根据提供的ip地址信息来设置电脑上的ip地址。 静态ip上网设置:选择“静态ip(以太网宽带,网络服务商提供固定ip地址)”——>点击“下一步”。 填写运营商分配的ip地址、子网掩码、网关以及dns服务器地址——>点击“下一步”。 6、设置fw313r的无线网络:“无线功能”选择:启用——>

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