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Ⅲ 1. pursuit 2. conceive 3. dedicated 4. addict 5. cater

6. Perplexing

7. contemplating

8. diversions

9. foreseen 10. arbitrary 11. Petty 12. perpetual



1. The whole of life, so to speak, is involved in the pursuit of the good life. 可以说,生命的整体意义在于追求美好的生活。

2. It is hard to conceive of living without electricity and other modern conveniences. 很难想像没有电和其他现代便利设施的日子怎么过。

3. He dedicated his life to trying to find an appropriate architecture for his country which was realistic and integral to that society.他毕生致力于为他的祖国寻找合适的建筑风格。这种风格既具有现实意义,又能融入社会。

4. He also highlighted the well-known dangers of people becoming addicted to computers.他还着重强调了人们玩电脑成瘾所造成的众所周知的危险。

5. But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would have both to cater for and take control of.但是,在这场种族暴乱之后,种族关系成为国家既要迎合又要管制的对象。

6. But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would have both to cater for and take control of.看到窗内的形象,他不知所措,甚至大为震惊。

7. For a moment or two Peter contemplated his newly elevated status. 对于自己新近的提职,彼得沉思了一会儿。

8. One of the advantages of big cities over the countryside is that big cities have lots of cinemas and many other diversions.与乡村相比,大城市的一个优势在于拥有众多的影院和其他娱乐活动。

9. In my wildest imagination, I could not have foreseen such a wonderful life lay before me.任凭想象力驰骋,我也无法预知原来有如此美好的生活等待着我。

10. In terms of academic achievement, I was never a failure, and will definitely make it in the future.就学术成就而言,我从来没有失败过,将来一定会取得成功。


Ⅲ1.Shoving 2. Emigrated 3. Gleaming 4. rapping

5. facet

6. Concise

7.be distracted

8. smuggling

9. eloquent 10. Bully 11. Void 12. Sipping


1. When we finished reading the article, the teacher assigned us the task of writing a short/concise essay.读完这篇文章,老师又给我们布置了短文写作的任务。

2. After raining for a whole day, a few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.下了一天的雨,几束隐约的阳光使阴暗的下午明亮起来。

3. I wrote this article to pay tribute to my most respectable teacher, who set me on the path of writing.我写此文是为了向我最崇敬的老师表达我的敬意,是她使我走上了写作的道路。

4. The teacher said loudly that it was a gripping narrative about the war, and that all of us should enjoy reading it.老师大声说,这是一篇扣人心弦的战争报道,我们大家都应该喜欢读它。

5. When we put forward the suggestion he was enthusiastic for its immediate application.当我们提出这个建议时,他热切地希望马上将建议付诸实施。

6. He said that he was fascinated by the changing colors of the setting sun, so he always spent some time watching it.他说日落时变化多端的色彩使他看得入迷,所以他总是花些时间看日落。

7. Government power influences every facet of our lives, "from the cradle to the grave".政府权力影响我们生活的每个方面,从摇篮到坟墓。

8. Illegal immigrants are usually smuggled into a country by ship.非法移民一般都是通过船只偷渡入境的。

9. Advertisements on the side of the road sometimes distract drivers' attention, causing traffic accidents.路边的广告有时会分散驾驶员的注意力,导致交通事故的发生。

10. I managed to finance four years of university tuition with scholarships and part-time jobs.我设法靠奖学金和兼职筹措了大学四年的学费。


Ⅲ 1. watertight 2. manuscript 3. instrumental 4. overthrow 5. Verbal 6. empirical 7. descent 8. expired 9. dispersing 10. busted

11. rots 12. transcend

亚马孙河流域拥有地球上最大的河系,能为极其复杂的生态系统提供庇护。文艺复兴时期来自欧洲的早期旅行家们一见到它就被慑服了。 1531年,弗朗西斯科·皮萨罗推翻了印加帝国,把国王从宝座上赶下了台,为西班牙夺取了印

加帝国的财宝。 10年后,他的弟弟从安第斯山脉高原冒险向东挺进, 探寻被认为隐藏在丛林之中的几个著名的盛产黄金和香料的城市。探险队沿着河流行进,不久就耗尽了给养, 于是他们派一小队人向前突进,去寻找食物。 8个月后,



1. The move was characterized as a major breakthrough for energy and industrial cooperation between the two countries.这一行动被描述为两国之间能源和工业合作的重大突破。

2. His career went into a rapid descent after the scandal.自从那次丑闻之后,他的职业生涯开始急剧地走下坡路。

3. Though the lawyer tried to defend her, the evidence

pointed to her guilt. 虽然律师极力为她辩护,但是证据表明她是有罪的。

4. This "Imperial City" remained virtually intact until the great remodeling which began in the 1950s.这座皇城在20世纪50


5. The statement was at odds with the one made last week.这个声明和上星期发表的声明不一致。

6. The trade agreement between the two countries expires

next year.两国之间的贸易协定明年到期。

7. According to the archaeologists, the building dates to 250


8. The two countries finally started negotiating in earnest about issues of common concern.最终两国开始就共同关心的有关问题认真进行谈判。

9. The ambassador is an outspoken supporter of military assistance to the groups working to overthrow the current government.这位大使是位坦率直言的支持者,主张军事援助那些试图推翻现政府的团体。

10. They got on to the airfield that night and started to place their bombs. But, as the aircraft were widely dispersed, it took them a lot of time.那天夜晚他们乘车到达机场并开始放置炸弹,但由于飞机停放分散,放置炸弹用了他们不少时间。


Ⅲ 1. stump 2. sniff 3. thrill 4. scent 5. timid 6. crisp 7. menaced

8. feast 9. glaring 10. sturdy 11. cute 12. darted


1. When the boy noticed a stranger appear on the road to the village, he immediately turned back and darted into the village.


2. When a tree is being attacked by an insect, it will release a chemical into the air to warn the other trees around it.当一棵树收到病虫的攻击时,他会向空气中释放出一种化学品以警告周围的树木。

3. The hunter spotted paw marks of a rarely seen animal in the snow.猎人在雪地里发现了一种罕见的动物爪印。

4. A breeze came down from the slope with the fresh scents of the green grass and wildflowers.一阵微风吹过,带来了山坡上青草和野花的清香气息。

5. People living in the mountainous areas always fashion a rough wooden hut for the night.生活在山区的人们常常搭一个简陋的小木屋过夜。

6. We must in no case do anything that goes against the interest of the people.我们决不能做出任何违背人们利益的事来。

7. After hearing about the hero's moving deeds, the audience broke into bursts of warm applause.听完这位英雄的动人事迹后,听众们爆发出一阵阵热烈的掌声。

8. Hegemonism and power politics menace the world peace.霸权主义和强权政治威胁着世界的和平。

9. The dog sniffed at the dead body and trotted off, following the scent.狗嗅了嗅尸体,然后沿着臭迹追踪而去。

10. Suddenly a hand touched her shoulder, and she let out a scream of terror.突然一只手碰了她的肩膀,她吓得尖叫起来。


Ⅲ 1.diagnose 2.immersed https://www.doczj.com/doc/fd1935144.html,pile 4.suscceptible 5.interim




9.correlate 10.preclude

11.pirate 12.prescription

目前已经有说法,反对"我们的一切皆由基因控制"的观念。科学期刊《自然》的编辑警告说,基因组工程的最大弊端也许就是他所说的随发现的激增而产生的"傲慢的乐观" ,给人的印象是科学家懂得很多,虽然事实并非如此。例如,声称已找到高智商基因的研究已受到许多科学家的驳斥。然而,许多人仍然肯定地接受基因决定复杂生理现象这一假设。

1. The desired goal of this laboratory is to dissever the hidden virus causing disease and develop some medicines to cure SARS.该实验室的预期目标是发现隐藏在这种疾病中的病毒,开发出治疗非典的药物。

2. It seems to the scientists that the significance of the clear water-like liquid lies not in its information about the human body,but in its potential capability of producing drugs.但在科学家看来,这种水一样的透明液体的重要意义不在于它有关于人体的各种信息,二在于它具有制造药物的潜在能力。

3. Using their observations made over a long period,the research workers founf it hard to correlate the two sets of figures.通过一段长时间的观察,研究人员发现很难使者两组数字相互关联。

4. For the convenience of English teaching,the teachers have used their to compile an English-Chinese dictionary for high

school students.为了便于英语教学工作,老师们利用业余时间编写了一本中学生英汉词典。

5. The genetic blueprint worked out by the Chinese researchers and their counterparts all over the world is nothing less than a biological and medical revolution.中国科研人员和全世界的同行绘制的人类基因图的意义决不亚于一场生物医学革命。

6. Despire all the great efforts made by scientific throughout the world,we are still far away from designing a perfect human baby in a scientific sense.尽管全世界的科学家已经做了大量工作,但是从科学意义上讲,我们还远远不能设计出十全十美的婴儿。

7. In many cases our knowledge of flaws in DNA may lead to treatments that delay the onset of the disease or soften its effects on our health.在很多情况下,如果我们知道自己的DNA的缺陷,将会有助于治疗,以延缓疾病的发作或减轻疾病对健康的影响。

8. It has been suggested that this disease occurs when individuals susceptible to climate do not get enough natural light during the winter months.有人认为,一些容易受气候影响的人在冬天几个月要是得不到充足的自然光,这种疾病就会发生。

9. The claim to have found genes for high IQ has been refuted down to the last point by many scientists,particularly by many geneticists.声称已找到高智商基因的说法已被许多科学家,尤其是遗传学家驳得体无完肤。

10. According to some geneticists,certain genes are more likely to lead people to commit crimes.一些遗传学家认为,某种基因更容易导致人们犯罪。


Ⅲ 1.abundance 2.subtle 3.signified/s 4.obscured 5.unfolding




9.boycott 10.siege

11.overturn 12.embedded


1. She had an abundance of tales from the old colonial days,when she had been a cook for a white family.她知道很多旧殖民地时代的故事,那时她给一家白人当厨师。

2. Mothers and fathers are role models,exerting a strong ,yet subtle influence over their children.父母本身是子女的活样板,给孩子以强烈而微妙的影响。

3. It began as fashion,signified by the growth of long hair for men,and ended up as something political.这种情况始于一种时尚,其特征是男子蓄头发,而最后就带有政治色彩了。

4. The origins of many countries become gradually obscure in the mists of time.很多国家的起源在时间的迷雾中逐渐显得模糊不清。

5. The e-mail be sent in reply yesterday was at best evasive,at worst downright misleading.他昨天回复的电子邮件往好里说是含糊其词,往坏里说完全是误导。

6. It just so happened that I was on the scene when the World Trade Center was attacked on the morning of September 11,and the horrible sight would be embedded in my momory forever.


7. The American Great Canyon is known as on e of the sever natural wonders of the world and its scenic grandeur almost defies description.美国大峡谷被称为世界七大自然景观之一,其景色之壮丽几乎无法描绘。

8. Even though he was issued an explicit warming he still insisted on having his own way,which eventually led to this disaster.尽管有人向他发出了明确的警告,他却仍然一意孤行,最终导致了这场灾难。

9. Since its publication this book has been under siege from all walks of life for the vulgarity of its content.这本书自出版以来就因其内容的粗俗而遭到社会各阶层的批评。

10. Alice feels that motherhood means overturning all the marital, housing,professional and personal was expected to make in her 20s.爱丽丝觉得,一旦作了母亲就意味着她在20多岁所希望拥有的婚姻、住房、职业及个人发展的计划会落空。


Ⅲ 1.testify 2.novelty/novelties 3.jerked 4.apparatus






10.visualize 11.spontaneously 12.analyze


1. Many English teachers testify enthusiastically to the importance they attach to improvisation and role-play in

exploring texts in the middle school.很多英语教师极力证明在中学要把即席创作和角色扮演在探讨课文中放在第一位。

2. The first major attempt to use computer animation in a feature film became,to a large extent,the movelty of the medium itself.在故事片中利用计算机动画的首次重要尝试在很大程度上成了媒体本身的新事物。

3. The moment I felt myself slipping back into that sad,old routine,I jerked myself back to the reality of the moment.我一感到自己又不知不觉回到那令人悲哀的、老套的日常事务中时,就把自己拉回到此时的现实中来。

4. Close to the mill was the Steven Eegineering Works,at which the boilers and apparatus for making paper from wood were manufactured.靠近磨坊的是史蒂文工程制造厂,这里生产锅炉和用木料造纸的装置。

5. In each building,one end was panitioned off for single girls,the other end for single men,and the middle section was for families.在每幢楼的两端,一遍分割成女单身宿舍,另一边分割成男单身宿舍,中间为家庭住房。

6. Accotding to the forecast of the department concerned in 1990,the demand for chemical femilizer will be around 500 million tons in the aggregate by the year 2011compared to just below 300million in 1990.根据有关部门1990年的预测,到2011年对化肥需求的总量大约是500万吨,而1990年所需的总量还不足300万吨。

7. For many years these traditions operated independently of each other,but recently they have converged to give the field a

much more integrated look.多少年以来,这些传统都是独立运作的,但是最近他们汇集在一起使得这一领域呈现出更加完整的面貌。

8. A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders,since they cannot reach agreement in direct talks.既然雇主和工会领导之间不能以直接对话的方式达成共识,便指派了一位地方知名法官在双方之间进行调解。

9. Experiments with a model confirm that the meanimg of many famous paintings can be negated by inverting the picture.范例实验表明很多著名绘画可以通过颠倒画面的方式否定其所表达的含义。

10. The Olympic Games is a world-wide sports meet,its success involves the joined efforts and cooperation of the people from all walks of life in the host country.奥运会是世界性的体育盛会,它的成功举办需要奥运会举办国各界人士的通力协作。


第一单元Section A 1、with his index finger, Patterson pointed toward a plan color-coded box beneath a long wooden table.他的食指向帕特森表示计划颜色盒长的木头桌子下面。 2、He disguised himself as a waiter and watched what was going on around. 他把自己伪装成一个服务员看着周围发生了什么事情。 3、He often whistles a tune during the morning tea break when his boss is not around. 他经常口哨曲子在上午茶休息的时候,他的老板不在身边。 4、And again she shouted in a high-pitched voice, word by word, with no attempt to restrain herself,“I cannon stand any more. 她又喊高音,一字一句,没有试图克制自己,“我炮忍受。 5、There were certain people in that room, like perter and John, who had failed to grasp what I was saying. 这个房间一定的人,像彼得和约翰,谁没有明白我在说什么。 6、During that time I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood. 那段时间我不胜向往纯真的童年时光。 7、I’m just praying that the board of directors will take steps before it is too late. 我只是祈祷,董事会将采取的步骤之前,已经太晚了。 8、She was the director’s faithful assistant in whom he could have absolute confidence. 她是导演的忠实助手在他可以有绝对的信心。 9、These developers pledge to build low-income housing units when the supply of affordable housing for poor people continues to shrink. 这些开发商承诺建立低收入住房单位时,穷人的经适房供应继续缩小。 10、People have been mobilized to build defenses and drain f looded lad as heavy rains continue to fall.人有被动员起来,建立防御和排水淹水的小伙子暴雨持续下降。 第二单元Section A 1、Church Mill, although of fairly moderate size compared with some of its neighbors, is a delightful two-story building of stone. 教会厂,虽然相当大小适中的一些邻国相比,是一个愉快的两层楼建筑的石头。 2、If your weight remains constant you must be using up all your calories, but if you are gaining weight then some of the calories you consume are being stored as fat. 如果你的体重保持不变,你必须使用你所有的卡路里,但如果你增加体重然后一些你消耗的卡路里作为脂肪存储。 3、I don’t think it advised that Tim be assigned the job since he has no experience.我不想劝提姆是分配工作,因为他没有经验。 4、Meals also have to be modified from their original state so that they will have a beneficial effect on the body. 膳食也必须从它们的原始状态修改,使得它们不会对人体具有有益的效果。 5、His face was very red, which was a clear evidence of his fever. 他的脸很红,这是他发烧的明确的证据。 6、Families with children tend to be restricted as to when they can take their


Unit 1 TEXT A Language focus Word in use [3] 1.whereby 2. pursuit 3. inhibit 4. maintain 5. patriotic 6. transcend 7. endeavor 8. dedication 9. prestige 10. nominate Word building [4] [5] 1.resultant 2. tolerant 3. pollutants 4. inhabited 5. participants 6. descendants 7. attendants 8. respectful 9. contestants 10. neglectful 11. resourceful 12. boastful Banked cloze [6] 1.eventually 2. premier 3. endeavor 4. bypass 5. handicaps 6. committed 7. attained 8. transcend 9. feats 10. slightest Expressions in use [7] 1. removed from 2. failed in 3. in pursuit of 4. deviated from 5. precluded from 6. triumph over 7. work their way into 8. written off

TEXT B Understanding the text [2] CBADBBCD Language focus Word in use [4] 1.indulge 2. propelled 3.aggravated 4.dazzled 5. alleviated 6.renowned 7.eloquent 8. destined 9.scorns 10. Applause Expression in use [5] 1.up 2.in 3.on 4.up 5.to 6.on 7.as 8.out sentence structure [6] 1.He prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last minute 2.She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge and to organize others rather than be organized by some whom she may not even rate very highly. 3.My brother prefers to take the whole blame himself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent. [7] 1. Try as he would 2. Search as they would 3. Hard as we work Try as we might Collocation Warm-up 1. repeated 2.overwhelming 3.immense 1.heroic 2.sound 3.substantial 1.attained 2.fueled 3.achieved [8] 1. sudden opportunities 2. immense obstacles 3. amazing determination 4. profound difficulties 5. overwhelming failures 6. poverty-stricken 7. substantial hardship 8. repeated misfortunes 9. sheer persistence 10. dazzle audiences 11. achieve fame 12. strong will


新视野读写教程第一册课后答案.txt台湾一日不收复,我一日不过4级!如果太阳不出来了,我就不去上班了;如果出来了,我就继续睡觉!新视野大学英语(第一册)答案 Unit 1 Section A. Learning a Foreign Language 《读写教程 I》: Ex. II, p. 7 1. The kind and patient teacher and her positive method of praising all students often. 2. In junior middle school, his English teacher was kind and patient. He liked to answer questions in class and he made much progress in English. But, in his senior middle school, his teacher punished those who gave wrong answers. He didn’t want to answer questions any more in class. As a result, he did not make much progress in English. 3. In college and junior middle school, his English teachers were both patient and kind, but he didn’t have as many chances to answer questions in college as he did in junior middle school. 4. It requires much time, commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course. 5. Hard work. 6. He could take all the time he needed to consider his ideas and write a reply before posting it on the screen. 7. Learning a foreign language taught him the value of hard work and gave him insights into another culture. 8. He could communicate with many more people than before. 《读写教程 I》: Ex. III, p. 7 1. embarrass


新视野读写教程第三册第三单元测试题(二级) 试卷编号:T7-U3-RW3-HJW 考试时间:60 分钟 满分:45 分 Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations (Each item: 1) Directions:In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. 1. A. In China. B. In Japan. C. In Korea. D. At home. 2. A. To reduce the size of the head office. B. To help the company make more money. C. To try new Japanese techniques. D. To learn from Japanese companies. 3. A. The things the man has learned. B. The success the man has found. C. The ways the man has changed his life. D. The attitude of learning the man has adopted. 4. A. The man can't make his own interviews. B. The man hasn't ever worked in business. C. The man doesn't teach kids about business. D. The man doesn't want a new job.


新视野大学英语(第2版)第1册Unit 1答案 III. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunities IV. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for 10.with V. 1.G 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.H 6.K 7.M 8.O 9.F 10.C Sentence Structure VI. 1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor. 2. Allan Clark kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down. 3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family. 4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others wee insulting and impolite. 5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry. VII. 1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language, but he also bridged the gap between his culture and ours. 2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learned to communicate with friends in English. 3. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives. 4. Not only do the workers want a pay increase, but they also want reduced working hours. 5. Not only is the house expensive, but it is also too far away from my company. Translation VIII. 1. Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply. 2. She is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless. 3. Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4. Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5. He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her. 6. Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. IX. 1. 我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果


新视野大学英语第三版课后答案 Unit 1 III 1 ben eath 2 disguised 3 whistles 4 restra in 5 grasp 6 longing 7 pray ing 8 faithful 9 pledge 10 drain IV 1 tell …on you 2 track down 3 work it out 4 picking on me 5 reckoned with 6 call on 7 on his own 8 get through 9 in disguise 10 revolves around V G O D I K L B F A N VI 1 advise 2 level 3 problems 4 n ecessity 5 skills 6 experie nee 7 solutio n 8 value 9 tool 10 manner VII 1 air-conditioned(装空调的;有冷气的) 2 handmade (手工制作的) 3 thunderstruck (非常吃惊的) 4 heartfelt (衷心的;诚挚的) 5 data-based (基于数据的) 6 self-employed (自主 经营的)7 custom-built (定制的;定做的)8 weather-beaten (饱经风霜的) VIII 1. well-informed (对.. 非常熟悉的) 2 new-found (新获得的) 3 hard-earned (辛苦挣得的)4 soft-spoken (说话温柔的) 5 newly-married (新婚的)6 widely-held (普遍认为的) 7 well-meant (出于好意的)8 well-educated (受过良好教育的) IX 1 no matter how different it may seem form any other substance 2 no matter what a woman tries to do to improve her situation 3 no matter what excuse he gives 4 no matter what anyone else may think 5 no matter how they rewrite history X 1 just as we gained fame in victory, we lost nothing in defeat 2 just as the head teacher plays a significant role in the school, Jane plays a significant role f leader in the classroom. 3 whoever was out there obviously couldn ' t see him just as he couldn' t see them. 4 she has bee n search ing all her life for the perfect chocolate just as I have bee n search ing for the perfect beer. 5 you can make those kinds of comparis ons just as you were doing the an alyses a minute ago. XI 1. No matter how experieneed a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a no isy recepti on. 2. Just as all his sister' s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them. 3. Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track dow n stole n vehicles. 4. If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won ' t say a word to you any more.


精品文档 Unit 3 – Section A Language Focus – Words in Use 1. Ernest Hemingway's keen insight into his society, ardent love for people and perceptive abilities helped him to form his own (peculiar) characteristic of writing. 2. The project is on the point of collapse, and unless something very (radical) is done to repair the damage there will be no hope for the project. 3. It's not unusual for teenagers to go through a(n) (phase) when they feel ashamed of their parents, afraid that they might not live up to their friends' standards. 4. It is (sensible) for every family to make earthquake emergency plans and know how to leave the area during the chaos following an earthquake. 5. Economists are interested in all the factors that can help to (predict) the extent to which a price change will affect supply and demand in the market. 6. Starting Monday, all foods (labeled) "organic" must be up to the strict national standards that the government decided to put into effect now. 7. There is more to a woman than her looks, so I (resent) the fact that after a woman grows old and loses her looks people stop paying attention to her. 8. Apart from technological development, the 20th century (witnessed) an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural transformation. 9. Unlike the practice in China, if you're at a hotel restaurant in the United States, expect a 15-20 percent service charge or add the (equivalent) amount yourself. 10. The change in smoking habits (parallels) a change in the incidence of lung cancer. The more people smoke, the more chances of occurrence for lung cancer. Word Building 1.chaos 2.drama 3.academic 4.depress 5.detect 6.erode 7.classify 8.confusion 9.cooperation 10.dictation 11.right 12.journalist 1.chaotic 2.dramatic 3.academy 4.depression 5.detection 6.erosion 7.classification 8.confuse 9.cooperate 10.dictate 11.rightist 12.journal


Unite 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the



Unite 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front

新视野读写教程 3 第三单元答案

U3 Enhance Your Language Awareness Words In Action 1.1) inform 2) evaluate 3) attractive 4) depression 5) leisure 6) Collective 7) decreased 8) spiritual 9) religious 10) temporary 11) scales 12) cultivate 13) suggests 14) purchase 15) inevitable 16) enable 17) reinforced 18) comparison 19) occupations 20) destructive 2.1) work out 2) have a clear conscience 3) other than 4) fact of life 5) as a whole 6) relative to 7) point of view 8) in terms of 9) in part 10) took pains 11) in effect 12) serve as 13) Leave…with 14) wore out 15) better off 16) has a great deal to do with 17) from…derives Increasing Your Word Power 1. 1) 反攻,反击2)反要求;反诉3)对策;对付措施4)对应的人(物),对手5)产生相反效果的6)抗癌的7)防冻剂8)防污染的9)反对吸烟的10)不合群的;反社会的 2.1) decrease 2) ranking 3) concept 4) suggest 5) central, key 6) way, pattern 7) aim, goal, end 8) buy 9) seek 10) norm, criterion 11) position 12) total, amount 13) short-term 14) honest 15) sort 16) inevitable 3.1) total 2) current 3) ideal 4) relatives 5) alternative 6) objectives 7) individual 8) maximum Grammar Review 1.1) was the law 2) could he free himself from feelings of guilt 3) will he now 4) have I faced so difficult a choice 5) are visitors allowed to feed the animals in the zoo 6) had we started lunch when the doorbell rang 7) she told me did I realize the mistake I had made 8) can you buy shoes like that 9) did he protest 10) I known what was going to happen 2.1) Your picture/ painting is far/much more beautiful. 2) If only I could do half as well as you (have done). 3) The publishing house has produced twice as many books as it did last year. 4) We had to do more work for less money. 5) While people are richer in material wealth, their spiritual life is poorer. Cloze 1)whole 2) However 3) part 4) In effect 5) derived 6) purchased 7) better off 8) take pains 9) necessarily 10) to do 11) comparison 12) relative 13) inevitable 14) serve 15) seek Translation 1.1) For thousands of years philosophers have taken pains to illustrate/ explain/ interpret the meaning of happiness from their own points of view. 2) When I first came to college, I suddenly found myself left with everything to


新视野大学英语(第三版)第四册读写教程答案Unit 1 Text A Text A: Language focus: Words in use crumbled discern surpass shrewd conversion distort radiant ingenious stumped proposition Text A: Language focus: Word building: Practice 1 delicacy bankruptcy accountancy secrecy vacancy urgency atmospheric magnet metallic gloom guilt mastery Text A: Language focus: Word building: Practice 2 bankruptcies atmospheric delicacies urgency accountancy gloom magnet metallic mastery vacancy guilt secrecy Text A: Language focus: Banked cloze mentioned determine gained 1 / 24

responsible heavily artistic opposite analytical distorted stumped Text A: Language focus: Expressions in use were dripping with in exchange for flared up make an analogy between set a date for make……out of made a pact had appealed to Text AiTranslation: Task 1 亚里士多德是古希腊的哲学家和科学家。他的作品涵盖了许多学科,包括物理学、生物学、动物学、逻辑学、伦理学、诗歌、戏剧、音乐、语言学、政治和政府,构成了第一个综合的西方哲学体系。亚里士多德是第一个将人类的知识领域划分为不同学科的人,如数学,生物学和伦理学。他相信人所有的观念和所有的知识在根本上都是基于感知能力。他对自然科学的看法构成了他许多作品的基础。他几乎对他所处时期的每一个人类知识领域都作出了贡献。他的作品包含了人们所知的最早的关于逻辑的正式研究,即使在今天,亚里士多德哲学所涵盖的方方面面仍是学术研究的重要课题。他的哲学对所有的西方哲学理论的发展有着经久不衰的影响。在去世2,300多年后,亚里士多德仍是最有影响力的哲学家和科学家之一。 Text A:Translation: Task 2 The Doctrine of the Mean is the core of Confucianism. The so-called "mean" by Confucius doesn't mean "compromise" but a "moderate" and "just-right" way when understanding and handling objective things. Confucius advocated that this thought should not only be treated as a way to understand and deal with things but also be integrated into one's daily conduct to make it a virtue through self-cultivation and training. The Doctrine of the Mean is not only the core of Confucianism but also an important component of traditional Chinese culture. From the time it came into being to the present, it has played an invaluable role in the construction of national spirit, the transmission of national wisdom, and the development of national culture. TextB Text B: Reading comprehension: Understanding C-A-B-D-B-D-C-A Text B: Language focus: Words in use triggering

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