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In developing countries, some people think the government should introduce newtechnology to people in order to improve quality of life, while others belie ve the governmentshould offer free education. Discuss both sides and give yo ur own opinion.


Some people think that introducing new technology can improve people's qua lity of life inthe developing countries. However, others believe that free educa tion should be offered.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(2009年11月19日)




首段:背景介绍+ 争议焦点(可以省略)+ 作家立场



尾段:再次亮明观点+ 总结理由(可以省略)



1. 飞机旅行给人们出行带来便利,对于国家的商贸旅游有利好,国家富足,生活质量改善。

2. 普及互联网可以拓宽人们的精神视野,带来心灵愉悦,例如,穷人亦可以通过网络浏览美术馆和艺术馆的精湛艺术品。

3. 普及智能手机可以便利交流,获得信息,辅助教育,甜美生活。


1. 普及免费教育使来自偏远地区的贫困儿童受益,可以帮助他们摆脱贫困,改变命运。

2. 普及免费教育可以培养更多大学生,对于国家而言,提高国民基本素质,为国家发展注入新鲜活力,对于个人,专业上精通,精神上受益,为未来的事业辉煌,美满婚姻打下坚实基础,因此,普及教育有助于提高个人生活质量。


首段:背景介绍+ 作家立场:

The government, as a decision-maker, is the representative of citizen’s bas ic interests. Inthis sense, every governmental policy will inevitably exert a p rofound influence on its citizens’quality of life and further prosperity of the nation. People have been debating for years the function of a good governm ent, as I see it, both introducing innovative high-tech productsand popularizi

ng free education fall into the category of the governmental function.


1. exert a profound influence on …… 对于…… 施加深远影响

2. fall into the category of …… 归属于…… 的范畴


The reasons why developing high-tech products could conduce to the amelior ation of anation’s population lies in three main aspects. Primarily, prosperi ng aviation can, to large extent optimize people’s quality of life. For exampl e, the development of the internationaltrade makes citizens have access to va rious seasoned fruits and vegetables, likewise, the prosperity of international tourism enables people to improve the quality of their lives bytouring many hot scenic spots with their families, pursuing academic dreams overseas and thus enjoy more leisure activities or embrace more personal success. Also, t he betterment ofpeople’s life depends on the popularity of the Internet and t he mobile phone, specifically, the cell phone greatly strengthens the family tie and diversifies people’s entertainment. Similarly,with availability of the Int ernet, more and more citizens can embark on self-employment bydrawing on e-commerce or receiving education at home. (139)


1. tour many hot scenic spots 游览很多热门旅游景区

2. strengthen the family tie 加强家庭联系

3. embark on self-employment by drawing on e-commerce通过电子商务自我创业


Education is one of the key words of our time. A man without an education, m any of usbelieve, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances, depriv ed of one of the goldenchances, thereby, supporting free education has an in dispensable role to play in perfectingpeople’s quality of life. For a start,those poverty-stricken children from the rural areas couldbecome the benefi ciaries of free education, it is highly possible that a man receiving fineeducati on can shake off poverty and then revolutionize his or her destiny. Further, a nationcould benefit from the promotion of universal education, surely, tale nts inject new vitality into the mightiness of a country, the increased happine ss index of the citizens will ensue whena nation become stronger and richer. (126)


1. Education is one of the key words of our time. A man without an education, many of usbelieve, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances, de prived of one of the goldenchances. 教育是我们时代的关键词,一个人没有受过教育,是逆境的牺牲品,被剥夺了最珍贵的机会。

2. shake off poverty and then revolutionize his or her destiny 摆脱贫困,改


3. inject new vitality into the mightiness of a country 为国家的强大注入新鲜活力



I re-affirm my stand that a nation can rejuvenate through science andeducati on,

to optimize people's quality of life, efforts should be made the government i nterms of high-tech innovation and universal education.(35) 解析:

1. a nation can rejuvenate through science and education 科技兴国

2. efforts should be made the government 政府应该努力

3. in terms of 在……方面




Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Foreign languages have increasingly gained popularity among students these years, given that the world is shrinking and each country now has a more frequent contact with the outside world. Many people[c1]argue that children should begin learning a foreign language at elementary school, instead of waiting until [c2] they enter secondary school. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, despite the fact that parents do not want to put too much pressure on their children, they also do not want them to lose at the starting line. This means, if the kids start to learn a foreign language early, their parents are relieved from the thought that their kids will have to catch up later on, which is true to some extent. On the other hand, it is scientifically proved that children tend to learn a language faster before the age of 12. As far as I know, my friends who started to learn English when they were six or seven now have a much more satisfactory English level than those who started at12 or 13. So it is wise to have foreign language course in primary school curriculum. Additionally, learning a foreign language at an earlier age can lay children a solid foundation for future studying.Rather than just learning a language itself, children learn a lot more about the learning methods. As a result, when they enter secondary school, they can explore more languages and enrich their knowledge by extensive readings.

雅思写作经典范文 雅思小作文数据描述模板25个

雅思写作经典范文雅思小作文数据描述模板25个 1.the table shows the changes in the number of……over the period from……to…… 该表格描述了在……年之……年间……数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that…… 该柱状图展示了…… 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding…… 该图为我们提供了有关……有趣数据。 4.the diagram shows (that)…… 该图向我们展示了…… 5.the pie graph depicts (that)……. 该圆形图揭示了……

6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of…… 这个曲线图描述了……的趋势。 7.the figures/statistics show (that)…… 数据(字)表明…… 8.the tree diagram reveals how…… 该树型图向我们揭示了如何…… 9.the data/statistics show (that)…… 该数据(字)可以这样理解…… 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that…… 这些数据资料令我们得出结论……

11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table…… 如图所示…… 12.aording to the chart/figures…… 根据这些表(数字)…… 13.as is shown in the table…… 如表格所示…… 14.as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in…… 从图中可以看出,……发生了巨大变化。 15.from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that……or it is clear/apparent from the chart that…… 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到……


0107 国内 A 类小作文流程图大作文:需不需要把艺术课列为高中必修课。 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 Many universities offer online courses to student instead of delivering on campus. 积极还是消极 development 0112 国内小作文柱图大作文 Some cities have vehicle-free days, when private cars, trucks, motorcycles are banned in the city center. Public transportations like buses, taxis and metros are advised. To what extent do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 is it neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for 一大批年轻人? 0114 国内 A 类小作文 table 三年的 income output profit 大作文 Some people say job satisfaction is more important than job security, others think people cannot always enjoy their jobs. So having a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 澳洲 A 类小作文饼图,大作文 some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subjects. What are the reasons? Do you think this trend should be changed? 0121 国内 A 类小作文饼图留在英国和离开的原因大作文:The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. AD? 澳洲 A 类 3 个饼图关于中学生毕业后就业率,失业率和继续读书。大作文:很多年轻人花太多的课余时间在买东西上,这是不好的影响,agree or disagree。 0211 国内 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 In modern society, ambition is more and more important. How important is ambition for being successful in life ? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic? 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图买 food and other goods in three European countries


雅思7分大作文范文批改和解析 距离雅思写作7分你大概还有3个步骤要走,是的,不是谁都可以轻轻松松活动雅思高分的。今天给大家带来了雅思7分大作范文批改和解析,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 雅思7分大作范文批改和解析 雅思写作提高第一步:结构(5.0 - 5.5) 问题:出国留学的优点(the advantages of disadvantages of study abroad) 同学:One reason for those who decide to go overseas to get a higher degree is that they believe they can get better education in certain fields. That is to say, different universities in different countries have their specialized courses and rich resources can be provided according to their needs and requirements. Another reason is that they can learn a foreign language in a more efficient way. There is no denying that living in an all-round English environment and being affected by local culture make people quick learners. 解析:出国留学和高学历完全是两回事(出去读初中和高中都算出国);出国就是better education,在国内就不是better? 出


雅思大作文5分与7分范文各项指数对比分析 Let’s compare two answers to a question.The topic is as follows: International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the advantages of international tourism outweigh the disadvantages? A Poor Essay – The following is a band 5 essay. International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages? In my opinion advantages outweight the disadvantages. Firstly, many countries like Egypt or Tailand live from tourism Lots of people work there as a seilsmens or tourist guides. These countries without support of tourists wouldn’t be able to funtcion properly. Secondly, in countries visited by tourists are plenty of places where people just can’t pass because of rare animals or plant s. Another thing is that people like traveling and seeing new exotic places. They like lie on the beach or swim in ocean. Furthermore, tourism is now more growing industry highering tousands of people. There are makeing new places to work and to have fun. But on the other hand, people often for get that they aren’t the only beings on the planet. Many tourists are living garbage just anywhere. Some of them wan’t an exotic souvenir so they pay for illegal things like dea d or live animals or some sculpture. To sum up I think international traveling is a good thing but people must realise that there is something else besides them. They need to know that flora and fauna needs to be protected. People have to enjoy their holidays but alsow protect environment. Below is an analysis of this essay. Task Response The essay question has been copied and used as the introduction (paragraph 1). Once these 34 words are taken off the word count, the response is underlength at 194 words and so loses marks. Nevertheless, the topic is addressed and a relevant position is expressed, although there are patches – as in the third paragraph – where the development is unclear. Other ideas are more relevant but are sometimes insufficiently developed.


雅思经典小作文柱状图4篇范文+写作要点分析 C1T3 题目 The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods. Write a report a university lecturer describing the information shown below. The chart shows that high income earners consumed considerably more fast foods than the other income groups, spending more than twice as much on hamburgers (43 pence per person per week) than on fish and chips or pizza (both under 20 pence). Average income earners also favored hamburgers, spending 33 pence per person per week, followed by fish and chips at 24 pence, then pizza at 11 pence. Low income earners appear to spend less than other income groups on fast foods, though fish and chip remains their most popular fast food, followed by


雅思写作九分作文范文欣赏:There is no doubt that helping students find a job is one of the primary functions of university education, but universities do exist for other purposes such as improving students’ analytical skills and raising students’moral standards. A university education can be seen as a process of improving students’analytical thinking. The variety of courses offered at university inspires students in various ways, therefore improving their analytical ability. For example, science courses such as math and biology help students develop a rational way of thinking whereas arts courses such as literature 123ve to let students ponder over issues from a logical, multi- dimensional perspective; and courses in social sciences force students to recognize the ideas that have been traditionally assumed to be acceptable and unproblematic. With the development of these types of analytical thinking,graduates can face future challenges with more confidence and enthusiasm. Also, university education is expected to improve students’ moral standards. This is rooted in universities’ belief that students’ awar123ss of responsibility towards their community and their country is of high importance. In this ever-deg123rating society and civilization, students are encouraged actively participate in improving the local community. A university that provides care and facilities for physically disadvantaged students may inspire the graduates to better handle situations in the future where they may have to interact with the disabled community. A successful university education is supposed to produce morally sound graduates, therefore increasing their employability. In conclusion, university education not only helps students locate a decent job but will also develop other qualities such as enhancing their analytical skills and cultivating their hunger and spirit for life. Some people warn that the era of the silver screen is coming to an end and that people will eventually lose interest in going to the cinema. Do you agree or disagree with this view (250 words)


第一篇 The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph sho ws the trends in consumption of fast foods. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. 柱状图显示的是1970-1990二十年间英国人每周在快餐上花费了多少钱;曲线图展示的是这二十年间快餐消费的趋势。 The bar chart shows how much money was spent on fast foods per week in the UK over a span of 2 0 years from 1970 to 1990 while the graph reveals the trend of fast food consumption over the same period of time. 从柱状图看,各收入阶层在汉堡和鱼煎薯条这两种快餐上的支出相对高于在皮萨上的消费;曲线图反映出汉堡与皮萨的消费呈现上升趋势,鱼煎薯条则呈现出波动趋势。 As we can see from the chart, the weekly expenses of people of different income levels on hamburg ers and fish and chips were relatively higher than that on pizza. The graph indicates that while hamb urger and pizza consumption both revealed a general trend of increase, fish and chips showed a tren d of fluctuation. 首先,高收入阶层和中等收入阶层每周在汉堡上的平均消费分别是每人42便士和33便士,比低收入阶层的14便士搞出了很多。在鱼煎薯条方面,高收入阶层的支出略低,是17便士,但中等及低收入阶层的支出都分别达到了25便士和18便士,相对于在皮萨方面支出


2014年雅思2月13日雅思真题写作全科回忆 听力 听力又一次原封不动使用了2012年5月19日老的套题 S1:V120519S1=V06144S1 废物回收 1.问NEWSPAPER星期几来收Every second week 2. Peter Wisborough (人物拼写) 3.NO.16 Bridge Road(彭彭提请注意1,2题吞音) 3.Central Park (问他最近的受理点) 4.(A yellow box)free of charge 5.POST CODE RH12PE 6.helpline@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f81415458.html, 7.Metals 可以回收 9.Magazines(不回收) 10.Save it (如果不清楚在小册子的哪里查询,应该不是流传的save it。) S2:V120519S2=V100814S2 澳大利亚的电台的每周蔬菜水果鲜花的市场行情介绍 11. crop - best value for money 12. potato - top quality 13. tomato - imported is better 14. carrots - unappealing appearance 15. orange - easy to peel 16. apple - bad quality 17. banana - ripe and ready to eat 18. a mixed bunch of 19. $12.00 (Lilies: 3 stems) 20. different colours S3:V120519S3 一女生和她的tutor讨论论文的事情


G类雅思7分作文范文 Topic Some people say that older people should live with their adult children. Others say that they shouldn't. Which do you think is good practice. TEXT(257 Words) One of the topics in daily life is whether or not the older people should live with their adult children. My answer is the question is that it is better for them not to. Firstly, people of different ages have different ways of life. The old people like a quiet, peaceful and regular life whereas the young prefer noises, activities and unrestrained enjoyment. If they live together, old may feel that they are always disturbed and the young may feel that they are often handicapped. Secondly, people of different generations have different views and values. What is quite normal to the parents may seem to be old-fashioned or wrong to the children. When they live together, they may disagree on matters ranging from minor domestic matters to national and international issues. Consequently, family life may be unpleasant or even unbearable to both the old and the young. Last but not the least, adult children, like their parents, love independence and freedom, but their parents still take them as children and unintentionally interfere in their affairs. The situation will be worse if the adult children are already married. In this case, the children have already built a new and closed world and any outside interference may lead to conflicts. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that if the parents and their adult children do not live together, both the old and the young can enjoy complete independence and freedom, live a life they like, and keep intact their affections for each other 雅思范文:电脑是否现代教育所必须? 成因 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Present a written argument or case to an educated non-specialist audience on the following topic. Are computers an essential feature of modern education? What subjects can be better taught using computers? Are there aspects of a good education that cannot be taught using computers? You should write at least 250 words. 提示 You should you your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. Topic words: Computers Essential features / absolutely necessary Modern education / good education Task words: There are no specific task words. Three separate questions are given. Questions I should ask myself: Do I think computers are essential for education? What subjects do I think are best be learnt using computers? What do I think are the features of a good education, and are computers important in it?


More and more farmers and food manufacturers are genetically modifying their crops to reduce susceptibility to disease, improve flavor, and reduce costs. Do you think genetically modifying foods is a good idea? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. Sample 6 Score A few decades ago, manipulating genes in people, plants, and animals was just science fiction. Today, it’s a reality, and genetic modification may have many positive applications in the future, including the eradication of many hereditary diseases. But like most scientific and technological advances, the genetic modification of organisms for our food supply can be as dangerous as it is beneficial. Because of the potential dangers of this technology, I think genetically altering plants and animals in the food supply is a practice that should be very tightly controlled and carefully studied before it is an accepted and common practice. Unfortunately, it may already be too late for that. Many people don’t even realize that many of their foods are genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are already prevalent in supermarkets and grocery stores across the country, but manufacturers are not required to label foods as having been made from GMOs. As a result, millions of Americans purchase and eat GMOs every day without even knowing it. Yet we don’t even know if GMOs are harmful to our health. We don’t really know how GMOs may affect our bodies or our ecosystem. When we mess with DNA, we may be making changes that have all sorts of dangerous repercussions, including some that we may not even realize for several generations. One of the main concerns about GMOs is the unpredictability of the behavior of altered genes and of the bacteria, plants, and animals that interact with the altered organism. For example, a crop of corn genetically modified to be less susceptible to a particular insect may take on other unwanted characteristics due to the change. It may, for example, become more susceptible to another disease, or it could develop a tougher skin on its kernels, or it could decrease the crop’s ability to produce vitamin E. More frightening is the domino effect of genetically modifying foods. Any change in an organism’s DNA has the potential to affect not only the organism but also anything that feeds off of it, including us. How do we know how GMOs might affect us on a microscopic, genetic level? We don’t know, and can’t know, without years of studies that track all sorts of potential outcomes over several generations. Another fear is that transferred genes may escape from one organism into another. For example, imagine that Strain A of sweet peas was altered by adding a gene that would increase its sugar production. Through cross-pollination, this altered genetic code could enter other strains and slowly (or quickly) infect the entire sub-species. If the alteration was beneficial, this could be a good thing. But the altered gene might not act the same way in all varieties, and the change may not be a good thing in the first place,


2017 年雅思写作真经(1-10 月) 2017年1月7日写作真题 Task 1流程图 Task 2教育类 Art classes,like painting and drawing are as important as other subject, should be compulsory subject in high school. To what exta nt do you agree or disagree? 卯

2017年1月12日写作真题 Task 1柱状图 The chart shows the number of international applications from four different countries to a Europea n coun try. Task 2环境类 Vehicle free day means the private cars, trucks and motocycles are banned in city cen tres. Only the bus, bicycles and taxis are permitted in the city cen ter. Do you thi nk the ben efits outweigh the disadva ntages?

2017年1月12日写作真题 Task 1表格题 The Table bekw shows the income 日n亡expenditure of Harckley Hafl r a pubic place fcr hirng over the period of three years. Task 2社会类 Somebody thinks job satisfact ion is more importa nt tha n job security, while others hold the opposite

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