当前位置:文档之家› 六年级下学期Unit5课课练




Name Grade Mark

一, 找出划线部分发音不同的单词。(5分)

( ) 1. A. drum B. drunk C. tube D. trumpet

( ) 2. A. fair B. pair C. stair D. dairy

( ) 3. A. salon B. hold C. gold D. cold

( ) 4. A. chopsticks B. tricks C. dentist D. lunchtime

( ) 5. A. everywhere B. here C. there D. pear



It’s _________ __________. I was _________ _________ for you at __________.


_________ were you _________ __________ __________?


At _________, we were _______ _______ ________. We were ________ a _________.


We were __________ ___________ _________. We _________ __________.

5、我们很担心! 我们到处找你们。

We were __________! We ________ __________ _________ you __________.


Where were you at 3: 30?

I ________ at the _________ _________.

I ________ _________ _________ my friend.


__________ you at the __________ at 7:00.


No, I wasn’t. I __________ at the _________ __________. I ______ _______for a game.


I _________ this __________ last year.


My __________ and I were __________ at the __________.


Ben was ___________ a ____________ on a chair.


Gogo ___________________ a ____________ ________ the air.


I was ___________ some _________ ___________.


( )1. I don’t have ______ envelopes. A. any B. some C. an

( )2. I have ______ envelopes. A. any B. some C. an

( )3. I have ______ envelope. A. any B. some C. an

( )4. Let’s ______ a bottle of shampoo now! A. buys B. buying C. buy

( )5. He’s ______ a bottle of shampoo now! A. buys B. buying C. buy

( )6. My father _____ a car to work. A. drive B. drives C. driving

( )7. My mother ______ a roll of toilet paper last night?

A. got

B. get

C. gets

( )8. I like __________. A. going swimming B. go swim C. go swimming

( )9. _______ is it today? It’s Sunday A. What day B. When C. What time ( )10. _______ is it today? It’s May 1st. A. What day B. When C. What time ( )11. Look! The baby __________. A. are sleeping B. sleep C. is sleeping ( )12. My _______ are hiking and swimming. A. hobby B. hobbys C. hobbies ( )13. It was my birthday ________. A. today B. tomorrow C. yesterday

( )14. My sister is good _______ English. A. on B. at C. in

( )15. I _____ a pair of socks tomorrow. A. buy B. am going to buy C. buying ( )16. What did you ________ at the store? A. buy B. bought C. buying

( )17. Our school is ________ a park. A. next B. to C. next to

( )18. I am _________you carefully, but I can’t ________nothing!

A. hearing listen

B. listening hear

C. listening to hear

( )19. They _____ tall now, but they ______ short last year.

A. are, are

B. were, were

C. are, were

( )20. Whose book is this? It’s _______. A. my B. mine C. me

( )21. Who is _______, Jenny or Tony? A. fast B. faster C. fastest

( )22. Please give_____ a knife? A. my B. I C. me

( )23. The TV is _______ than the radio.

A. expensive

B. expensiver

C. more expensive

( )24. I feel much ______ than before. A. better B. good C. best

( )25 I______ football yesterday afternoon. A. played B. was playing C.playing

( )26. I____ football at 2:00 yesterday afternoon. A. played B. was playing C.playing


1. At l_________,we were at the lake.

2. Where were you at 30:00?

I was at the s________ s_________. I was w_________for my friend.

3. Were you at the b_________ at 7:00? No, I wasn’t. I was at the t_________ s________.

4. We were w_________! We were looking for you e_________.

5. Where were you, Mom? I was at w________. I was t_________ on the phone.

6. Ben was playing a t_________ at the fair.

7. Tony was watching some m__________ t_________.

8. We were at the park this morning. We were riding a c___________.

9. Lisa had a t_________. She has to go to the d__________ o__________.

10. John was at the h_________ s_________. He was getting a haircut.

五,补全对话。根据上下文提示,在横线上填上一个合适的单词使对话完整。(9分)每空1分A: Good afthernoon, Tony. You look (1) ______________.

B: (2) _______ _________, Lisa. I was very happy this morning.

A: Really? (3) _______________ (4) ___________ you in the morning?

B: I was at the park. I (5) ___________ ___________ there.

A: Were you fishing alone?

B: No, I (6) __________. I was fishing with Gogo. And we (7) ________ 20 (8)________.

A: Wow, (9) ____________so great.


toy store, hair salon, home, fair, lake,

subway station, work, bookstore, dentist’s office, park

1,Mrs. Green was at ____________. She was very busy yesterday.

2, Jimmy was at the ______________. He was waiting for his friend.

3, Gogo was at the ______________. He was watching the magic tricks.

4, Dad was at _____________. He was taking on the phone.

5, Peter was at the ______________. He was looking for a new toy.

6, I was at the _______________. I was getting my haircut.

7, Mom was at the _______________. She was buying books.

8, Jenny and Lucy were at the _______________. They were seeing the dentist.

9, Tony was at the ____________. He was riding a camel.

10, Gogo and Ben were at the _____________. They were fishing.

七, 阅读理解。(10分)

A篇Two children, Lisa and Jenny, lived next door to a lady called Mrs. Berry. She was a very good cook and often made delicious cakes. The children could smell them as they baked.

“ How can we get some cake?” Jenny said to Lisa. “We can’t just go and ask for some. That’s rude.”

“ I know what we can do,” Lisa said. “ Come with me.”

The children went to the front door of Mrs. Berry’s house. Lisa knocked on the door. When Mrs. Berry opened it, Lisa said, “ Hello, will you play with us?”

Mrs. Berry laughed. “All right,” she said. “ What games do you want to play?”

“ We want to play Zoo,” Lisa said. “ We’ll be the animals. You can be the keeper who feeds us.”


( ) 1. Who did Mrs. Berry live next door to?

A. Trudy and Lisa.

B. Mrs. Wilson.

C. Jenny and Lisa.

D. Lisa and Daniel

( ) 2. What was Mrs. Berry good at?

A. Cooking

B. Writing stories.

C. Playing games

D. Washing

( ) 3. What did Jenny want to know?

A. How to get Mrs. Berry to play Zoo?

B. How to get to the front door?

C. How to get some of Mrs. Berry’s cake?

D. How to make a delicious cake?

( ) 4. Who knew how to get some cake?

A. Trudy.

B. Jenny.

C. Lisa.

D. Mrs. Berry.

( ) 5. What did Lisa ask Mrs. Berry to do?

A.Bake a cake for them.

B. Play Zoo with them

C. Teach them to bake a cake.

D. Pretend to be an animal.

B篇Mary is a good girl. She studies hard at school. She has lots of activities after school, too. On Monday morning, she has her piano lesson. She practices playing the piano from Monday to Friday. On Saturday morning, Mary always goes to the library. She likes reading story books there. After lunch, she has to go to dancing and painting classes. She goes home in the evening. She is too tired to play the piano. Mary goes to church with her family on Sunday morning. Then they visit grandpa and grandma. They usually have lunch together in a restaurant. They go shopping, too. Mary likes to read before she goes to bed. She never goes to bed late, so she is always early for school.

根据短文内容,判断正误. 正确的(T),错误的(F)。

()1. Mary is a busy student.

()2. She plays the piano every day.

()3. She lives with her grandpa and grandma.

()4. She is always early for school.

()5. Mary can dance and she can paint pictures.

八, 完形填空.(9分)

A :1 E______me , please . Could you tell me 2 h_____ to get to the

No.10 Middle School?

B : Walk 3 d______ this road , 4 t_______ the fourth turning to the right .

Then you’ll see 5 i______.

A : Is it far 6 f________here to there ?

B : No. It’s only about five 7 m________ walk .

A : Many 8 t_______ !

B : 9 N______ at all.


1. We will go swimming at the lake at 2:45 next Monday.

We______ go swimming at the lake at 2:45 next Monday. (否定句)

2. I was at the dentist’s office at 10:30.



3. Was your brother having a haircut at 3:30 ?




___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


六年级英语上册课课练答案 【篇一:新编新人教版pep小学六年级英语上册全册课 课练一课一练习题及答案】 =txt>unit 1 how can i get there? 第一课时 一、看图写出相应的单词或短语 ______________________________________________________ _____________ ______________________ _______________________ 【篇二:2017学年苏教版牛津译林版小学英语六年级英语上册第一学期课课练参考答案】 nit l the king’s new clothes period 1 a listen and number 1 the little boy pointed at the king and laughed. 2 two men visited the king one day. 3 the king walked through the city in his new clothes. 4 two men showed the king some magic clothes. (a 2 b 4 c 3 d 1) b read and complete king, magic, clever, foolish, laughed, clothes c rea d and choose 1 c 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 b period 2 a look and say 略 b listen and circle 1 there was a little girl in the street. she was very cold and hungry. 2 the man couldn’t go through the gate. how foolish he was! 3 peter often wears his father’s shoes. 4 snow white cleaned the house, cooked food and washed the dishes.


1 毛主席在花山 基础演练 1.看拼音填汉字组成词。 jiāo shì mào áo là 花()解()礼()()夜()味 2.比一比,再组词。 肃()惯()搜()梳()啸()贯()瘦()蔬()3.把反问句改成陈述句。 (1)如果没有老百性的支持,我们能有今天这个胜利局面吗? (2)我们吃的穿的,哪一样能离开群众的支持? 能力提升 4.描写“笑”的词语很多,本文就有“回头一笑”“乐呵呵”。请你再写出4 个以上描写“笑”的词语。 5.默写毛主席的一首诗词或简要写出他的一个小故事。

2 山洪一样的掌声 基础演练 1.在加点字的正确读音下面画“√"。 心坎.几儿(qiàn kǎn)邢.台(xíng kāi)扒.开(bā pā)伫.立(chù zhù) 2.读拼音,写词语。 ruì lì zhòu rán shùn jiān jīng yíng ()()()() 3.根据意思,写出词语。 (1)形容微寒。( ) (2)连续不断地小声说话的声音。( ) (3)任意妄为,没有一点顾忌。( ) (4)长时间地站着。( ) 4.给下面的句子加标点符号。 (1)大家都坐好了张建解释说这样您讲话也方便一些 (2)我讲话是方便一些可是他们呢总理用抬得不高的右手指着群众 能力提升 5.本文课题《像山洪一样的掌声》采用了的修辞方法,你还学过哪

些课文的文题也采用了同样的方法,比如《》 快乐读书屋一 上将与下士 基础演练 1.给下面的多音字组词。 说____( ) 露____() ____() ____() 解____()华____() ____() ____() 2.在括号里填上合适的词语。 ()的伟人()的位置()的臂膀美国的第一任总统普通得和你一样的(),一样的(), 一样的()。 3.文章仅用“鼻孔朝天”、“背着双手”两个词,下士趾高气扬的神态就跃然纸上。请你也用两个词形象地刻画“那位下土看到站在自己面前的正是华盛顿本人时,是多么羞愧”的神态。 ()() 能力提升 4.文中哪个句子能反映故事告诉我们的道理?动笔抄写下来,并谈谈你的见解。句子 我的理解

仁爱英语七年级下册unit 5 topic 3 基础训练(含答案)教学文案

Unit 5 Topic 3 周末作业一、Words ['wenzdi] ['m?nd?] ['tju?zdi] ['θ??zdi] ['fra?di] ['f?z?ks] [d????gr?fi] [ɑ?t] ['h?stri] [m?θ] [ba???l?d?i] [?p?l?t?ks] ['sa??ns] ['mi?t??] ['i?zi] ['?nt?r?st??] ['d?f?k?lt] [l??n] [hw?t?] ['s?bd??kt] [best] ['st?di] ['a?td??] [?k't?v?ti] [??ten?(?)n] [b?'twi?n] [st?mp] ['s?t?di] [na?t] [sa?nd] ['febr??ri] [hɑ?d] [le?t] n.星期三 n.星期一 n.星期二 n.星期四 n.星期五 n.物理(学) n.地理(学) n.体育.(physical educatin的缩写) n.美术,艺术 n.历史 n.数学=mathematics n.生物(学) n.政治 n.科学 n.会议;会面 adj.容易的 adj.有趣的 adj.难的 v.学习,学会det&pron.哪一个;哪一些 n.学科;主题 adv.& adj.最好地(的) (good和well的最高级) v.学习;研究n.书房 adj.户外的;室外的 n.活动 n.注意 prep.在(两者)之间; n.邮票v.跺脚 n.星期六 从…到… n.夜间 n.声音v.听起来好像 n.(Feb.)二月 adj.努力的;困难的adv.艰难地;努力地adv.晚,迟adj.迟(的),晚(的) 二、写出下列短语 上一节音乐课结束下一节课 谈论在那一天每一个工作日每逢星期二在星期三上午 你觉得…怎么样?= 该是做…的时候了学习;了解


1 北京的春节 一、读拼音,写词语。 zhǎ yǎn tōng xiāo jiǎo zi luò tuo ()()()()bǐ cǐ rán fàng huò tān hè nián ()()()() 二、选出下列句子运用的修辞手法。 A. 比喻 B. 排比 C. 引用 1.“腊七腊八,冻死寒鸦”,这是一年里最冷的时候。() 2. 到年底,蒜泡得色如翡翠,醋也有了些辣味,色味双美,使人忍 不住要多吃几个饺子。() 3. 有名的老铺都要挂出几百盏灯来:有的一律是玻璃的,有的清一色 是牛角的,有的都是纱灯。() 三、按要求改写句子。 1. 孩子们把鞭炮点燃了。(改成“被”字句) 2. 除夕真热闹。(改成反问句)

四、课内阅读。 除夕真热闹。家家赶做年菜,到处是酒肉的香味。老少男女都穿起新衣,门外贴好红红的对联,屋里贴好各色的年画,哪一家都灯火通宵,不许间断,鞭炮声日夜不绝。在外边做事的人,除非万不得已,必定赶回家来,吃团圆饭,祭祖。这一夜,除了很小的孩子,没有什么人睡觉,都要守岁。 1. 用“//”将这段话分为两层。 2. 选段中具体介绍了下列除夕的活动:、、 、、、、、。 3. 这段话是围绕着“”这句话来写的。 2 腊八粥 一、给加点的字选择正确的读音,打上“√” 甜腻.(lì nì)咽.下(yān yàn ) 腊八粥.(zhōu zhóu )汤匙.(chí shi) 二、判断下面说法是否正确,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。 1.“难道还能设什么法来反抗吗?”是设问句,意思是没什么办法反抗。() 2. 本文通过对人物的动作、语言和心理描写,表现八儿一家的其乐融融。() 3.“肚子已成了一面小鼓”是比喻句,表现出八儿吃得饱饱的样子。


1、山中访友 1、为加点字选择正确的读音 唱和.(hèhé) 树冠.(ɡuān ɡuàn) 旋转.(zhuàn zhuǎn) 蕴.含(yùn wēn) 湛.蓝(zhàn shèn)栀.子(zhīzī) 2、根据解释写出相应的词语。 (1)隐蔽、僻静的小路 ( ) (2)道德高,名望重。() (3)很感兴趣地谈论。() (4)水波忽明忽暗的样子。() 3、火眼金睛、辩字组词 津()邀()瀑()峭() 律()遨()爆()稍() 4、我会查字典 “冠”用部首查字法,应先查()部,再查()画。“冠”在字典中有以下两种解释:①帽子②形状像帽子或在顶上的东西。在下列词语中,“冠”应选那种解释:张冠.李戴();树冠.();鸡冠.()。 5、把下列句子改成肯定句 ⑴我站立之处成了看雨的好地方,谁能说这不是天地给我的恩泽? ⑵这山中的一切,哪个不是我的朋友? 6、指出下列句子运用的修辞手法 ⑴走进这片树林,鸟儿呼唤我的名字,露珠与我交换眼神。 ⑵啊,老桥,你如一位德高望重的老人。 ⑶我脚下长出的根须,深深扎进泥土和岩层;头发长成树冠,胳膊变成树枝,血液变成树的汁液,在年轮里旋转、流淌。 ⑷你好,清凉的山泉!你捧出一面明镜,是要我重新梳妆吗?你好,汩汩的溪流!你吟诵着一首首小诗,是邀我与你唱和吗?你好,飞流的瀑布!你天生的金嗓子,雄浑的男高音多么有气势。 2、山雨 1、照样子写词语 例:水淋淋(ABB)、、、 飘飘洒洒(AABB)、、、 2、在括号中填入恰当的词 一阵阵()一缕缕()一首首()一丛丛() 一()歌谣一()岩石一()树叶一()音符 3、一锤定音(给加点的字注音) 几.乎()弹.奏()屏.息() 几.个()子弹.()屏.幕()

book 2 unit 5基础训练

10月31日高三英语课时作业(book 2 unit 5) 考号:姓名:班级: (一)基础单词(根据汉语提示写单词,注意正确形式) 1.The book will tell you how to ____________________(连接) a printer to your computer. 2.At the age of thirty, Samuel became a professional astronomer and _____________(获得) an international reputation. 3.He can play the piano, violin and several other __________________(乐器) 4.Who will take over the company is a very ________________(敏感的) issue. 5.Being a native of the city, he is ___________________(熟悉的) with all the streets here. 6.The baby is not really crying. She is only ________________(假装). 7.Her ______________(投入) to the job left her with very little free time. 8.She expressed her feelings in the ________________________(形式) of poetry. 9.The Asian Games will be _________________________(广播) live on TV. (二)重点单词 A:根据提示,写出下列单词的适当形式 10.____________________vt.& vi.表演;履行;执行 →____________________ n.表演;演奏→_____________________ n.表演者 11.___________________ _adj.幽默的;诙谐的→__________________n.幽默;幽默感 12.___________________adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的→_____________vt.吸引; 引起→_________________n.吸引;吸引力 13._____________________adj.痛苦的;疼痛的→___________________n.痛苦 B:一言辨异(根据语境,用所给词的适当形式填空) 14.They _____________ him to their party, and he accepted their ___________gladly.(invitation) 15.I am fully ____________of his success, for his hard-working and ______________convince me.(confident) 16.After a _______________ pause, he began to end up the meeting ________with few words.(brief) (一)根据汉语提示写出短语 1.____________________梦见;梦想;设想 2.____________________说实在地;实话说 3.____________________认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接 4.____________________用现金;有现钱 5.____________________戏弄 6.____________________依赖;依靠 7.____________________大约 8.____________________打碎;分裂;解体 9.____________________另外;也 10.___________________分类11.___________________最重要;首先 12.___________________熟悉;与……熟悉起来 (二)选用以上短语填空(其中有两个多余选项) 1.I'll give you 10 minutes __________to go over the text again before answering my questions. 2.Little did I ______________one day entering a university at that time. 3.______________, this tie is a little too colorful. I don't think it suits your boyfriend. 4.We __________great importance ________education and encourage constant learning and thinking. 5.“There is no future between us, so I want to_____________,”said the girl to her boyfriend. 6.Children need many things, but _____________they need love from their parents. 7.Economic development should ____________both domestic and foreign markets. 8.It is not difficult to ___________the materials as long as time permits. 9.The famous actress takes various exercises. ________________ , she is on a diet. 10.Usually it takes time for anyone to _____________a new place. 根据提示,利用本课所学知识,完成下面的小作文。 他依靠(rely on)信心和毅力(persistence)三十年如一日的练习唱歌,最重要的(above all)是他的歌声深受群众的喜爱。他十分看重(attach importance to)人们给予他的帮助,他认为没有(without which)这些帮助,他就不可能(can't)取得这么大的进步。他曾许诺他和歌迷的联系永远不分开(break up)。 词数:60词左右


2019年人教版小学六年级语文下册全册课课练(附答案)【字词荟萃】 1、形近字组词。 弈()俱()援()盂() 奕()惧()缓()孟() 2、按要求写四字词语。 (1)意思与“专心致志”相近的四字词语: ()()() (2)仿照“沧沧凉凉”写叠词: ()()() 3、选字填空。 诲悔 (1)我会牢记老师的教()的。 (2)对以前的事,他感到很后()。 至致 (3)他离开后()今还没有来信。 (4)由于他粗心大意,()使公司损失一百万。 【句段集锦】 解释带点字的意思,并翻译句子。 (1)弈秋,通国之善弈者也。 __________________________________ __________________________________ (2)为是其智弗若与? __________________________________ ___________________________________ (3)我以日始出时去人近,而日中时远也。 __________________________________ _____________________________________________________ (4)孰为汝多知乎? __________________________________ __________________________________ 【课文链接】 1、阅读《学弈》后,回答下面的问题。 (1)写出“之”在句子中的意思。 ①一人虽听之,一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓缴而射之。()() ②虽与之俱学,弗若之矣。()() (2)课文记叙了两个人跟弈秋学下围棋,一个________________________,一个__________________________,告诉我们_____________________________。 2、阅读《两小儿辩日》后,回答下面的问题。 (1)找出文中的3对反义词,写下来。 _____________________________ (2)抄写文中的一个比喻句,并写出这个句子把什么比作什么。 __________________________________ __________________________________

必修(一)Unit 5基础训练英语试题

谷城三中高一英语必修(一)Unit 5基础训练 一、单词拼写 1.Jack is often told by his parents to be friendly to anybody even if he is ________(抨击).2.Different people have different ________(看法)about open education. 3.If you are interested in buying coloured business cards of high __________(质量)at a reasonable price, you need to use the Internet. 4.We should give all children ________ (平等)opportunities to develop their special talents. 5.Children should learn and obey the ________(原则)of the school first. 6.The People's Republic of China was ________(成立)in 1949. 7.In the end the soldiers succeeded in ________(逃跑) from prison and ran away. 8.I promise that you will be ______(报答)for providing useful information about the missing child. 9.I think Rose will become a good monitor, so I'd like to ________(投票)for her. 10.Girls should have the right to be ________(教育)at school as boys do. 11.There is an ________(相等的) number of boys and girls in the class. 12.There were 16 ________(票) in favor of my suggestion, and 15 against. 13.This is her first time to perform on the________(舞台). 14.He had been a talented artist in his ________(青年时期). 15.There is too much ________(暴力)on TV, which may have a bad effect on children. 16.I'm ________(乐意)to do anything for you. 17.Under the teacher's ________(指导), he can speak some English soon. 18.The man ________(攻击) her with a knife. 19.We aim at ________(质量) rather than quantity. 20.They struggled in their desperate attempts ________ but missed the exit and started heading in the wrong direction. 21.We hope that you will give ________(意见) and suggestions about our work. 22.He managed to ________(逃脱) from the big fire into the street. 23.London is full of homeless people ________(乞讨) in the streets. 24.It is always better to share your worries and troubles with your friends or ________(亲戚).25.I can't stand some people's ________(残忍) to animals. 26. He was ________(判决) to three years in prison. 27. He gave the children some chocolate to ________(奖赏) them for behaving well. 28. In general,children of ________(受教育的) parents usually get better grades. 29. Make sure the ________(电源) is turned off first before you leave the lab. 30. Mandela was already in his seventies when he became ________(总统). 二、在下列句子的空白处填入一个适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Although he is quite old, he leads an _____ life. His _____ include tennis and painting. (active) 2.Everyone hopes to be treated ________ because ________ is the basic demand. (equal) 3.After retiring from the basketball field, Yao Ming decided to get further ________ (educate) in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 4.Some people choose not to eat meat because they believe that it is _____ (cruelty) to eat animals. 5.He offered ________ (guide) to us. 6.________ (hopeful), I'll be able to stay at home for three weeks this time. 7.It's ________ (legal) to drive a car without a driver's license. 8.He was ________ (devote) to his career. 9.It's ________ (fair) to treat women badly. 10.Tom is a ________ (self) boy, who always thinks of others. 11.He never ________ heart when he was in trouble. 12.It was a prison from ________ no one could escape. 13.The owner of the garden allowed us ______ (enter) the garden. 14.My mother devoted most of her time to ________ (care) for my sick father. 15.As ________ matter of fact, he was ________ lawyer. 16.Tom was out ________ work at that time. 17.He often turned ________ his neighbour for help. 18.Free ________ worry, the woman lived a peaceful life. 19.He was the first man ________ (explore) the outer space. 20.I'm worried about ________ I can be admitted to the university. 21.Things might get better, but it doesn't look very ________ (hope) right now. 22._______ (self) people must learn to share so as to make themselves become _______ (self).23.They have an ________ (activity) holiday, sailing and swimming. 24.It's so ________ (fair)—Mary gets more money for less work. 25.The money was divided ________ (equal) among her four children. 26.________ (devote) to their work, most of the parents spend little time with their children. 27.I'm worried ________ her driving the car tonight on the wet road. 28.The soldiers were fighting bravely ________ their people ________ the enemy. 29. When he was out ________work, he was involved in crimes of violence and was put ________ prison at last. 30.Only by practicing a few hours every day ________ you be able to master English. 31.We live in an age________more information is available with greater ease than ever before. 32.Most of the students in our class are________(will) to spend their money and time on books and other useful things. 33.Some of the films are full of________(violent),which is not good for young kids. 34.We’re just trying to reach a point ________ both sides will sit down together and talk. 35.Every time I________(see) the old man in the park,he is absorbed in reading papers. 36.When the sports hero turned________at our party,he was welcomed with open arms. 37.It’s important to learn to take a positive attitude_______life when you are _____trouble. 38.Tsinghua University,________(found) in 1911,is one of the best universities in China. 39.Under our teacher’s careful ________ (guide),we finished our homework in advance. 40.People who are well ________ (educate) will be respected by everyone. 课文缩写语法填空(一)根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Elias was a poor black worker in South Africa. The time __1__ he first met Nelson Mandela was a difficult period of his life. He was twelves years old at that time. Mandela was a black lawyear to __2__ he went for advice. Mandela offered __3__ (guide) to poor black people on their __4__ (illegal) problems. Elias needed Mandela's help __5__ he had little education. The school __6__ he studied for only two years was three kilometres away. He had to drop out of school because his family couldn't pay the school fees or the bus __7__. He couldn't read or write well. After trying hard, he got a job in a gold mine. __8__,he didn't have a passbook to live in Johannesbug and he worried about __9__ he would become out __10__ work. 课文缩写语法填空(二)根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 When Elias, a poor black worker in South Africa, first met Nelson Mandela, he was in a very

六年级下册课课练 版本苏教版小学语文六年级下册《课课练》答案

六年级下册课课练最新版本苏教版小学语文六年级下册《课课练》答案 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“最新版本苏教版小学语文六年级下册《课课练》答案”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持! 苏教版小学语文六年级下册《课课练》答案 长江之歌 一、丰采灌溉乳汁哺育源泉情怀荡涤惊涛春潮 二、pánɡ ɡün liàn 三、乳汁臂膀源泉清流力量长江 四、健美的臂膀纯洁的清流磅礴的力量 五、(一)1.春潮是你的丰采惊涛是你的气概甘甜的乳汁各族儿女健美的臂膀高山大海 2.唐古拉山脉11 上海东海 3.长江母亲千万年来哺育了两岸的多少中华儿女啊。

(二)1.这段诗句在课文中出现了两次,这样的写作手法叫反复。这样写能够突出表现中华儿女对长江的赞美和依恋之情,增强诗歌的节奏感。 3.你是滋养哺育亿万华夏儿女的伟大母亲。 六、1.示例:用气势磅礴、真情流露的语言,歌颂了长江的过去,赞美了长江的现在,展望了长江的未来。 2.洁白的哈达在青藏高原诞生初生的牛犊永远充满着青春的活力东方的巨龙是中华民族的骄傲、自豪和象征。 2 三亚落日 一、逊色洋溢潇洒收敛飞溅玫瑰缘故敏捷木屑 二、绝多用来形容风景美丽,无与伦比朋大得没有可以与之相比的惊水上没有泛起波纹,没有惊起一点波浪倦丝毫没有厌倦的样子三、1.三亚落日的美丽对三亚落日的留恋 2.指听凭秉性行事,率真不做作作者采用了拟人的手法,把太阳写成了一个顽皮、可爱、活泼的孩子,清晰地表达了对太阳的喜爱之情,也让我们感受到当时情景的壮观与美丽四、1.三亚落日色彩丰富 2.①①③①①① 3.孩童歪着抖落溅出4.三亚落日十分光亮,红得

十分艳丽夺目,非常有感染力。五、1.诗句是在说我们正值少年时期。 2.首先因为“我”没有准备,突如其来的美景给我极大的震撼;其次因为“我”是在飞机上,从一个不同的角度看日出;最后“我”是从云层之上看日出,宛如仙境一样的云中日出让“我”沉醉其中。 3.提示:“日出之美”与“日落之美”都是很美丽的,喜欢哪一种都行,关键是要说清楚自己为什么喜欢。再谈原因时,不能仅仅从景色这一方面考虑,还应该结合自己的经历、情感等方面考虑。 3 烟台的海 一、广阔浪漫蔚蓝忙碌严峻痴迷 二、锲契嬉嘻嘻竣峻宛婉甚湛勘 三、dī tián qia lǜ máo l?a 四、1.因为在一年四季的海上奇观中,冬天烟台的海的景色尤为独特,堪称一道壮丽的风景线,具有代表性。使人在强烈的震撼中进入课文的情境,去细细品味不同季节的特点。 2.文章采用“总——分——总”的行文结构。通过对烟台海冬日的凝重,春天的轻盈,夏天的浪漫,秋日的高远的描写,彰显了烟台海的“独特”之美。文章还描写了在大海的背景下烟台人的劳动与生活,激发人们热爱自然,热爱生活的思想感


六年级下册语文课课练答案 【篇一:人教版六年级语文上册课课练习题】 txt>1、山中访友 1、为加点字选择正确的读音 2、根据解释写出相应的词语。 (1)隐蔽、僻静的小路 ( ) (2)道德高,名望重。() (3)很感兴趣地谈论。() (4)水波忽明忽暗的样子。() 3、填入下面横线处的句子,与上下文衔接最恰当的一组是() 去年夏天,我在杭州一所疗养院里休养。江岸后面是起伏的山 峦和绵延不断的树林。 ①这儿的景色真是美极了! ②那儿的景色真美! ③六和塔静静地矗立在钱塘江边, ④六和塔在钱塘江边静静地矗立着, ⑤帆影点点的江面上碧波粼粼, ⑥江面上帆影点点,碧波粼粼, A.②③⑥B.①④⑤C.②③⑤D.①④⑥ 4、读句子,体会句子的表达方法和感情 (1)啊,老桥,你如一位德高望重的老人。 ☆这个句子用了的修辞手法,把“老桥”比作“ ”,不但写出了桥的 古老,而且也突出了它充分表达了作者对桥的。 (2)走进这片树林,鸟儿呼唤我的名字,露珠与我交换眼神。 ☆这个句子用的手法,形象地表达了自己和、这两位朋友间的。(3)我脚下长出的根须,深深扎进泥土和岩层;头发长成树冠,胳膊变成树枝,血液变成树的汁液,在年轮里旋转、流淌。 ☆这是作者走进树林,靠在一棵树上产生的。从中,我们真切地感受到。 这山中的一切,哪个不是我的朋友?我热切地跟他们打招呼:你好,()的山泉!你捧出一面明镜,是要我重新梳妆吗?你好,()的 溪流!你吟诵着一首首小诗,是邀我与你唱和吗?你好,()的瀑布!你天生的金嗓子,雄浑的男高音多么有气势。你好,()的悬崖!深深的峡谷衬托着你挺拔的身躯,你高高的额头上仿佛刻满了


第一课时 一、组词语 益()采()掉()哀()炊() 意()彩()悼()衰 ( ) 吹() 二、搭配要恰当 遵守看到提高战胜改正改进工作缺点制度成绩困难勇气 ( )—( ) ( )—( ) ( )—( ) ( )—( ) ( )—( ) ( )—( ) 三、在下面的括号里填上合适的关联词语 1.()我们是为人民服务的,()我们有缺点就不怕别人批评指出。 2.()你说得对,我们()改正。 3.()你认为自己的看法正确,()应该坚持到底。 4.王鹏()接受了大家的批评,()改正了错误。

一、判断下列说法是否正确,对的打“√”,错的打“×”并改过来。 1.《为人民服务》一文着重围绕“为人民服务”这一中心论点逐层展开的。() 2.“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。”此句是毛泽东讲的。() 3.“精兵简政”是我党采纳了司马迁提出的意见。() 二、人总是要死的,但死的意义有不同。中国古时候有上文学家叫做的说过:人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。为而死,就比还重;替法西斯卖力,替去死,就比还轻。张思德同志是为人民利益而死的,他的死是比泰山还要重的。 (1)解释下列字的意思。 固:或: (2)句子的意思是: (3)“泰山”比喻:;“鸿毛”用来比喻: (4)说张思德同志的死是比泰山还要重的是因为 我还知道、(谁)的死比泰山还重。 (5)这段话采用了、、表达方法。

第一课时 一、利益、意义;采摘、彩色;丢掉、悼念;悲哀、衰败;炊事班、吹泡泡 二、遵守—制度看到—勇气提高—成绩战胜—困难改正—缺点改进—工作 三、因为……所以……;只要……就……;既然……就……;不仅……还…… 第二课时 一、√×× 二、司马迁、人民利益、泰山、剥削人民和压迫人民的人、鸿毛 (1)本来、有的人 (2)人终究免不了一死,但死的价值不同,为了人民正义的事业而死就比泰山还重,而那些自私自利,损人利已的人之死就比鸿毛还轻。 (3)泰山:山东泰安的泰山,比喻伟大;鸿毛:也是鸟的羽毛,比喻渺小 (4)他是为人民利益而死的;李大钊、雷锋 引用、举例子、对比


第一课时 一、看拼音,写词语。 gēngxīnbiānpàolàyuètōngxiāojiānduànguāngjǐng ( ) ()()()()( ) ránfàngzhǎnlǎnjiéránbùtóngzhāngdēngjiécǎi ( ) ()()() 二、比一比,再组词。 醋()燃()饺()拌()腊()然()较()伴()宵()摊()筝()眨() 销()滩()挣()泛()三、在括号里填上合适的动词,注意不能重复。 ()腊八粥()新衣()庙会()毛驴 ()醋大蒜()年画()爆竹()灯笼 四、请按一定的顺序排列下面的词语。 1.元宵节除夕重阳节清明节春节元旦中秋节 2.旬年时月周日季 3.自然资源木材资源森林资源生物资源 第二课时 一、给下列句子填上恰当的关联词。 1.()今天是元宵节,()今天的北京特别热闹。 2.()孩子们要放鞭炮,()要过春节了。 3.()除夕之夜要守岁,()除了很小的孩子,没有人睡觉。 4. 小孩子们买各种花炮燃放,()不跑到街上去淘气,在家中照样能有声有光地玩耍。 5.北京()是城市,()它也跟着农村一齐过年,()过得分外热闹。 二、阅读《北京的春节》片段,回答问题。 元宵上市,春节的又一个高潮到了。正(zhēnɡzhènɡ)月十五,处处张灯结(jiējié)彩,整条大街像是办喜事,红火而美丽。有名的老铺(pùpū)都要挂出几百盏灯来□各形各色□有的一律是玻璃的□有的清一色是牛角的□有的都是纱

灯□有的通通彩绘全部□红楼梦□或□水浒传□(zhuànchuán)故事□这在当年,也是一种广告。灯一悬起,任何人都可以进到铺中参观。晚上灯中点上烛,观者就更多。 1.给文中带点的字选择正确的读音并画“√”。 2.照样子再写几个词语。 各形各色(ABAC) 3.找出文中表示“全部、都”意思的词语: 4.给文中缺少标点的地方补上合适的标点。 5.“元宵上市,春节的又一个高潮到了”请你联系上下文,想想春节的三次高潮分别是什么?为什么说元宵是“又一个高潮”? 6. 作者在这段话中着力描写灯的多,多,为的是突出 第一课时 一、更新鞭炮腊月通宵间断光景燃放展览截然不同张灯结彩 二、醋(米醋)燃(燃烧)饺(饺子)拌(搅拌) 腊(腊月)然(然后)较(比较)伴(伙伴) 宵(元宵)摊(摊牌)筝(风筝)眨(眨眼) 销(销售)滩(沙滩)挣(挣扎)泛(广泛) 三、(熬)腊八粥(穿)新衣(逛)庙会(骑)毛驴 (泡)醋大蒜(贴)年画(燃放)爆竹(打)灯笼 四、1.元旦除夕春节元宵节清明节中秋节重阳节 2.年、季、月、旬、周、日、时 3.自然资源生物资源森林资源木材资源 第二课时 一、1.因为所以 2.之所以是因为 3.因为所以 4.即使 5.虽然可是而且 二、1.zhēnɡjiépùzhuàn 2. 半遮半掩绘声绘色载歌载舞糊里糊涂 3. 一律

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