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人教PEP 英语五年级上册期中考试测试题 (考试时间40分钟 满分100分, 2018.11) Listening Part (听力部分40分) 温馨提示:在正式答题之前, 请同学们快速浏览一遍听力题目。 一、 L isten and choose. 听单词或词组,选择正确的选项。(10分) ( )1. A. art B. arm ( )2. A. watch B. wash ( )3. A. math B. music ( )4. A. class B. clever ( )5. A. food B. foot ( )6. A. feet B. meet ( )7. A. B. ( )8. A. B. ( )9. A. B. ( )10. A.

B. 二、

Listen and number

.听录音,用ABCDE 给下列图片标序号。(10分) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、 Listen and Judge 听句子或对话,判断正误,对的写A,错的写B 。(10分) ( )16. Our new maths teacher is very funny. ( )17. We have English and maths on Thursdays. ( )18. I often wash my clothes on the weekend. ( )19. I have beef noodles and potatoes for lunch. ( )20. My PE teacher is not strong. 四、 Listen and choose 听问句,选择合适的答语。(10分) ( )21. A. Yes, he is. B. No, she isn ’t. C. No, he isn ’t ( )22. A. I often read books. B. We have PE and math. C. We like fish. ( )23. A. No, I do. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am. ( )24. A. He is our Chinese teacher. B. H e’s tall and fat. C. He likes beef. ( )25. A. I’d like some water. B. I like science C. I’d like some fish.

Writing Part (笔试部分60分)

五、 Read and choose.(选出一个与另外三个意思或发音不同类的一项) (10分)

()26. A. Monday B. today C. Saturday D. Sunday

()27. A. sandwich B. beef C. sweet D. hamburger

()28. A. strict B. polite C. fresh D. kind

()29. A. young B. clever C. old D. finish

()30. A. watch B. what C. read D. wash

()31. A. cow B. yellow C. snow D. slow

()32. A. sunny B. sorry C. shy D. windy

()33. A. yellow B. baby C. happy D. pretty

()34. A. read B. eat C. bread D. tea

()35. A. flower B. wow C. how D. snow

六、Read and choose.单项选择。(10分)

()36. — _____ your music teacher? —Mr Jones.

A. What

B. What’s

C. Who’s

()37. —What do you have ___Fridays? —We have English and maths.

A. in

B. on

C. at

()38.—____________ —A sandwich, please.

A. Do you have a sandwich?

B. What would you like to eat?

C. What would you like to drink?

()39. —Is your science teacher young? —_________ He’s very old.

A. No, she isn’t.

B. No, he isn’t.

C. Yes, he is.

()40. —Today is Wednesday. What day is it tomorrow? —It’s__________.

A. Friday

B. Tuesday

C. Thursday

()41. —______your English teacher like? —She’s kind and friendly.

A. Who’s.

B. Whose

C. What’s

()42. —What would you like to drink? —I’d like some______.

A. tea

B. hamburger

C. sandwich

()43. —Do you often play football in this park? —__________.

A. Yes, I don’t.

B. No, I don’t.

C. No, I can’t.

()44. —What’s Wu Yifan like? — ________.

A. He’s hard-working.

B. He likes ice-cream

C. I love music.

()45. Beef noodles ______delicious.

A. am

B. is

C. are

七、Read and choose.联系上下文,选择正确的选项补全对话。(10分)

A: Hello, Lucy. It’s 4: 20 now. _46________

B: Ok! Let’s go.

A: Tomorrow is Saturday. I like weekends.

B: _47__________

A: I often do my homework.

B: And?

A: __48________

B: Wonderful!

A: What do you do on the weekends, Lucy?

B: __49________ And I read books and do some housework(家务活).

A: What? Do some housework? (家务活)

B: Yes. __50_________

A: Wow, you’re helpful.

八、 Reading comprehension.阅读短文判断句子正确写A,错误写B。(10分)

My name is Zhang Peng. I am eleven years old. I’m short and fat. I like Tuesdays very much. We have music and computer class. Miss Wang is our music teacher. She is young and kind.

I have potatoes and beef for lunch on Tuesdays. Chicken is my favourite food. I like all kinds of meat. But I don’t like vegetables and fruit. So I am very fat. I have mutton(羊肉)and pork(猪肉)today. I want to keep fit. What should I do?

( ) 51. Zhang Peng is 12 years old.

( ) 52. Zhang Peng is short and thin.

( ) 53. Zhang Peng’s favourite food is chicken.

( ) 54. Zhang Peng likes to eat vegetables and fruit.

( ) 55. Zhang Peng has mutton and pork today.


期中测试卷 满分:100分姓名: 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听到的内容是(T)否(F)一致。(10分) () () () () () 二、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(10分) ()1. A. B. C. ()2. A. B. C. ()3. A. B. C. ()4. A. B. C. ()5. A. B. C.

三、听录音,给下面的图片排序。(10分) () () () () () 四、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10分) ()1. A. I come back every Sunday. B. I came back last Sunday. ()2. A. We went to the British Museum. B. We sent you a postcard. ()3. A. I like bananas. B. Six. ()4. A. Yes,I do. B. Yes,I did. ()5. A. Yes,there are. B. Yes,you do. 笔试部分(60分) 五、单词分类(填序号)。(5分) A.cheese B.went C.plant D.shorts E.sixteen F. ice cream G.met H.flower I.sweater J.forty K.egg L.came https://www.doczj.com/doc/fc1163139.html,ke N.T-shirt O.fifteen P. juice Q.bought R.river S.trousers T. thirty 1. bread:__________________________________________________ 2. dropped:________________________________________________ 3. mountain:_______________________________________________ 4. skirt:___________________________________________________ 5. nineteen:________________________________________________ 六、单项选择题。(10分) ()1. Amy,look ________ those ice creams! A. at B. in C. of ()2. When did they ________? A. arrive B. arrives C. arrived ()3. How ________ cheese do you want? A. many B. old C. much ()4. There are fifteen ________ in the class.


三年级英语上听力材料及参考答案 听力材料 Unit 1 Myself 1. Listen and match 听单词,将图片与 ap 或者 at 连线 (1)bat (2)nap (3)hat (4)hat 2.Listen and write 听句子,将表中的信息补充完整 (1)I’m Ben ,B-e-n ,Ben. I’m seven years old.I’m in class one. (2) My name’s Kim,K-i-m.I’m five years old.I’m in class three. Unit 2 My body 1.Listen and draw a monster(怪物).听下面的描述画出怪物的样子。 Hi! I’m a monster. I have a head. I have three eyes and a mouth. I have an arm. I have a hand. I have two feet. 2.Listen and choose. 听下面的对话,选出正确的句子。 (1)What’s the matter? My eye hurts. (2)What’s the matter? My hand hurts. Unit 3 Food 1.Listen and fill in the gap 听录音,根据单词的发音填字母。 hit sit fit 2.Listen and match.妈妈要给小朋友们做打卤面,听对话,将小朋友们和他们想要放到面里的食物连起来。 Mum:What do you want in your noodles,Tom? Tom:I want some chicken an vegetables. Mum:How about you Anna? Anna:I want tomatoes an eggs. Mum:Do you want tomatoes an eggs,Kitty? Kitty:Mum...I like tomatoes,but I don’t like eggs in my noodles. Mum:How about tomatoes an meat? Kitty:That’s great! Mum:your noodles are going to be ready in a minute.


2014-2015年人教版小学数学五年级上册期末试题 后附答案 学校:班级:姓名: 一、填空。(每空1分,共24分) 1、根据18×64=1152,可知1.8×0.64=(),11.52÷6.4=()。 2、686.8÷0.68的商的最高位在()位上,结果是()。 3、一个两位小数“四舍五入”保留整数取得近似值是3,这个数最小可能是(),最大可能是()。 4、34.864864 …用简便方法表示是(),保留三位小数约是()。 5、不计算,在○里填“>”“<”或“=”。 0.5÷0.9 ○0.5 0.55×0.9 ○0.55 36÷0.01○3.6×100 7.3÷0.3○73÷3 6、小明今年a岁,爸爸的年龄比他的3倍大b岁,爸爸今年()岁。 7、一本字典25.5元,孙老师拿150元钱,最多能买()本。 8、 0.62公顷=()平方米 2时45分=()时 2.03公顷=()公顷()平方米 0.6分=()秒 9、一个直角三角形,直角所对的边长是10厘米,其余两边分别是8厘米和6厘米,直角所对边上的高是()厘米。 10、一个盒子里有2个白球、3个红球和5个蓝球,从盒中摸一个球,可能有()种结果,摸出()球的可能性最大,可能性是()。 11、某学校为每个学生编排借书卡号,如果设定末尾用1表示男生,用2表示女生,如:974011表示1997年入学、四班的1号同学,该同学是男生,那么1999年入学一班的29号女同学的借书卡号是() 二、判断题(8分) 1、a2和2a表示的意义相同。() 2、3.675675675是循环小数。() 3、从上面、正面、左面看到的图形都相同。() 4、面积相等的两个三角形一定可以拼成一个平行四边形。() 5、0.05乘一个小数,所得的积一定比0.05小。() 6、小数除法的商都小于被除数。()


五年级上册文本及词汇朗读资料Unit 1 My day 1. A Let’s talk Zhang Peng: When do you finish class in the morning? xx:你什么时候上完课? Pedro: We finish class at 1 o’clock.Then we eat lunch at home.佩德罗:我们一点下课。然后我们在家吃午饭。 Zhang Peng: Wow!When do you go back to school after lunch? xx:哇!午饭后你什么时候回学校? Pedro: At 2:30.Classes start at 3 o’clock. xx:2:30。三点开始上课。 Zhang Peng: When do you usually eat dinner in Spain? xx:你通常什么时候在xx吃晚饭? Pedro: Usually at 9:30 or 10 o’clock. xx:通常在9:30或十点。 Zhang Peng: Wow! That’s too late! xx:哇!太晚了! 2. B Let’s talk SShopkeeper: Why are you shopping today? 店主:你今天为什么购物? Sarah: My mum worked last night.So I’m shopping today.

莎拉:我妈妈昨晚工作了。所以我今天购物。 Shopkeeper: Good girl!So what do you do on the weekend? 店主:好女孩!那么你周末做什么? Sarah: I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father. xx:我经常看电视,和爸爸打乒乓球。 Shopkeeper: That sounds like a lot of fun. 店主:听起来很有趣。 Sarah:Yes,butI’malsohard-working.Iusuallywashclothes.SometimesIcookdinner. 莎拉:是的,但我也很勤奋。我通常洗衣服。有时我做饭。Shopkeeper: You’re so busy!You need a robot to help you! 店主:你这么忙!你需要一个机器人来帮助你! 3.单词: eat breakfast吃早饭 have…classxx……课 play sports进行体育运动 exercise活动;运动 do morning exercises早 锻炼eat dinner吃晚饭 clean my room打扫我的 房间 go for a walk散步


2016—2017学年下学期五年级语文期中测试题 题号 一 二 三 四 总分 累分人 得分 一、基础知识与积累运用。(45分) (一)我会选。(10分) 1、下列带点字的读音正确的一组是( ) A 、开凿.(z áo ) 匕首.( b ì ) B 、逞.凶 (ch éng) 机械.(xi è) C 、新疆.(ji ān) 咀嚼.( ju é) D 、喝醉.(zu ì ) 亡.赖(w ú) 2、下列词语中没有错别字的一组是( )。 A 硝烟 清晰 绞尽脑汁 B 、妨碍 驼鸟 翠色欲流 C 煤体 幼稚 同归于进. D 、天崖 说谎 始料不急 3、草原的作者是( ) A .巴金 B .老舍 C .冰心 D 、林海音 4、《白杨》一课的写作手法是( ) A 、借景抒情 B 、叙事抒情 C 、借物喻人 D 、情景交融 5、最喜小儿亡赖中亡赖的意思是( ) A 、蛮不讲理 B 、顽皮淘气 C .游手好闲的人 6、依次选择合适的词语填空,正确的一组是( )。 (1).山顶上( )着一棵松树。 (2).一座古朴典雅的“丝绸之路”巨型石雕,( )在西安市玉祥门外。 (3).采油的井架( )在茫茫的大草原上。 (4).小刚( )在门口,等待妈妈回来。 A .站立 屹立 矗立 挺立 B .挺立 站立 屹立 矗立 C .挺立 矗立 屹立 站立 D .挺立 屹立 矗立 站立 7、依次选择修辞手法,正确的选项是( )。 (1).在这境界里,连骏马和大牛都有时候静立不动,好像回味着草原的无限乐趣。 (2).马上的男女老少穿着各色的衣裳,像一条彩虹向我们飞过来。 (3).爸爸只是向孩子们介绍白杨树吗?不是的,他也是在表白着自己的心。 (4).风火山,这座万年冰山露出了狰狞的面目,给筑路大军来了一个下马威。 A .拟人、拟人、设问、比喻 B .比喻、拟人、疑问、拟人 C .比喻、比喻、疑问、比喻 D .拟人、比喻、设问、拟人 8、下面四个词语中,不是表现人多的一项是( ) A 、人山人海 、B 、络绎不绝 C 、摩肩接踵 D 、眼花缭乱 9、下列句子停顿完全正确的一项是( )。 A 、未闻/孔雀/是/夫子家禽 。 B 、未闻/孔雀/是夫子家/禽 。 C 、未闻孔雀/是/夫子家禽 。 D 、未闻/孔雀/是夫子/家禽 。 10、下面四个词语中,不是表现优秀品质的一项是( ) 学校 班 级 姓 名


人教版PEP五年级下册整本预习资料全汇总 第一单元 一、重点词汇 eat breakfast吃早餐have...class上······课 play sports进行体育运动exercise活动,运动 do morning exercises做早操eat dinner吃晚饭 clean my room打扫我的房间go for a walk散步 go shopping去购物take学习,上(课) dancing舞蹈take a dancing class上舞蹈课 a.m.上午p.m.下午usually通常地 二、其他日常活动 get up起床eat lunch吃午饭go to bed上床睡觉 wash my face洗脸wash my clothes洗我的衣服 watch TV看电视play ping-pong打乒乓球 play the pipa弹琵琶go swimming去游泳 go running去跑步do homework做作业 do kungfu练武术play football踢足球 play basketball打篮球 三、语音 cl→[cl]:clean clock class clever

pl→[pl]:plate eggplant please play 注意:cl和pl放在词尾与e结合变为cle和ple时发音不同。 四、频度副词 always总是,一直(100%)usually通常(80%)often经常(60%)sometimes 有时(30%) 五、疑问词 why为什么when什么时候 六、重点句型 1、询问别人什么时候做某事的句型及回答。 句型结构: 问:When do you+动词短语原形+其他?(你/你们什么时候做某事?) 答:I/we(+频度副词)+动词短语原形+at+具体时间.(我/我们通常在几点做某事。) 例:When do you go to bed?(你什么时候上床睡觉?) I go to bed at9:00p.m.(我晚上九点上床睡觉。) 注意: 当主语是第三人称单数(he,she,it,单个人名或单数名词)时,助动词do要变成does。 句型结构是:When does+主语(第三人称单数)+动词短语原形+其他? 2、询问别人周末做什么的句型及回答。 句型结构: 问:What do you do on the weekend?(你周末做什么?)


Units 11~14 听力材料 一、根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。 据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。 听下面5段对话,每听完一段对话后,做1个小题。 1. W: Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave, Jim. M: OK, Lily. 2. M: Hi, Anna. What’s school club are you in this term? W: I’m in the chess club. 3. M: Lily, what makes you angry? W: When some people throw rubbish around, I feel very angry. 4. M: Do you have a pet? W: Yes, I have a yellow cat with a pink nose. 5. M: Where do you have lunch on school days ? At home? W: No, I live far from the school, so I have lunch in the school dinning hall. 听第六段对话,做第6-7小题。 W: Hey, Mike. Why don’t you get on that bus. It’s empty. M: I’m not going home right now. I’m going to visit my cousin from Jinan. W: Your cousin. M: Yes. Her family just moved here last week. W: Which bus are you going to take? M: The No. 61 or No. 816 bus. Her house is next to the People’s Hospital. 听第七段对话,做第8-9小题。 W: Have you joined Danny’s school culb yet? M: Yes, I have. I really care about our planet, so I joined the earth club. W: What do you often do? M: We often go to the park to collect rubbish and tell people the importance of protecting the environment. W: Sound good. How often do you meet? Every week? M: Yes. We meet at 10:00 every Sunday morning. 听第八段对话,做第10-12小题。 M: I’m hungry, Amy. Let’s go to Star Restaurant. I want to eat the hamburgers. W: Oh, no, Tony. I hate Star Restaurant. M: Why? The food is great, isn’t it? W: The food is fine, but the pictures on the walls makes me sad. And lound music makes me nervous. M: Emm…where do you want to go? W: Let’s go to the Blue Legon. The soft music makes me relaxed. M: But that music makes me sleepy. 听第九段对话,做第13—15小题。 M: How was the party last night, Anna? W: It was perfect. Everyone had a good time. M: Did Mary attend the party? W: Yes. By the time I got there, she had left. I heard she sang a song. M: She is a good singer. It’s a pity you missed it. How about Daniel?


第1页,共4页 第2页,共4页 密 学校 班级 姓名 学号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 大山外语数学五年级月考卷纸一(人教) 一.填空。(每空1分。) 1.在自然数1~10中,质数分别有( )。 2.个位是( )的自然数,叫做奇数。两位数中,最大的偶数是( )。 3. 同时是2,5的倍数的最大两位数是( )。 4. 有一个两位数5□,如果它是5的倍数,□里填( )。如果它是3的倍数,□里可以填( ),如果它同时是2、5的倍数,□里可以填( )。 5. 三个连续的偶数和是96,这三个数分别是( )、( )、( )。 6. 100以内最大的质数与最小的合数的和是( ),差是( )。 7. 因为3×6=18,所以( )是( )的因数,18是6的( )。 8.( )只有1个因数,( )只有2个因数。 9.一个数同时是3和5的倍数,这个两位数如果是奇数,最大是( ),如果是 )。 10. 有( )条对称轴。 二.选择。(每题2分。) 1. 36的因数共有( )个。 A. 6个 B. 9个 C. 10个 D.12个 2. 下面的结果是偶数的是( )。 A 、785+547的和。 B 、675+53-465的结果。 C 、75×71的积是。 D 、奇数×奇数的积是。 3.如果a 表示自然数,那么下面一定可以表示偶数的是( ) A. a+1 B. a+2 C. 2a D. a-1 4.要是是3中可以填( )。 A.3或6. B.1,4或7. C.1或0. D.4或 5. 5.两个质数相加后,和是( ) A.奇数。 B.合数。 C.偶数。 D.奇数或偶数。 三.判断。(每题2分。) 1、自然数按是否是2的倍数,分成了奇数和偶数。 ( ) 2、自然数按因数个数的不同,分成了质数和合数。 ( ) 3、13,51,47,97这几个数都是质数。 ( ) 4、在10、1 5、20中,10是20的因数,15是10的倍数。 ( ) 5、几个质数的积一定是偶数。 ( ) 四.计算。(共20分。) 1.不用计算,直接写出下面各题的余数。(每题1分,共5分) 497÷2 ( ) 861÷5 ( ) 464÷5 ( ) 1023÷3 ( ) 126÷5 ( ) 2.写出下列各数的因数,倍数(写3个)。(共10分) 20 因数: 倍数 25 因数: 倍数 17 因数: 倍数 21 因数: 倍数 28 因数: 倍数: 3.计算。(共5分) 0.25×40= 12.4-2.8= 3.6+2.8= 125×8.8= 48÷0.8= 0.56+0.65= 56×0.01= 17.3×8+17.3×2= 9.2-0.8= 0.07×100= 五.图形。


人教版PEP英语五年级下册教材解析《义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语》的设计和编写体现了外语教学思想的继承和发展。在分析、研究许多种国内外小学英语教材的基础上,取其精华,博采众长,形成了本套教材特有的编写体系。同时,又吸收了当今国内外英语作为外语教学的理论和成功经验,把这些教学理论和实践经验同我国的小学外语教学实际相结合,以形成我国小学英语的外语教学模式和教学方法。下面谈谈我对五年级英语下册教材的理解: 一. 五年级下册的教学目标 能力目标:能够就息时间、周末活动、季节、生日、动物、野外活动等话题展开简短对话,并完成相应的任务。 知识目标:能够听、说、读、写81个单词和短语,16组句子和11个单句;能够听、说认读21个单词。 情感目标:引导学生养成良好的学习习惯,培养合作意识和创新能力。 二、五年级下册的单元内容介绍 Unit 1 This is myday(daily routine) Unit 2 My favouriteseason(seasons;weather;seasonal activities) Unit 3 MyBirthday(birthday ) Unit 4 What are you doing?(house work;indooractivities;telephoneEnglish ) Unit 5 Look at themonkeys(animals) Unit 6 A field trip(field trip)

三、采取的措施 1. 词汇教学(Let's learn) 用游戏形式分散词汇教学的难点 在本册书中,有些短语中的单词比较长,不好读,也不好记。教师采用什么样的方法去弱化难点至关重要。如Unit 1 Let's learn部分,do morning exercises中的exercises发音难,单词长,不好记忆。怎么高效率地解决这个难点,而且要让学生感兴趣,教师得精心设计。建议教师先让学生做一个听听做做游戏,教师反复发出指令:Do morning exercises. Do morning exercises.让不同小组的学生做从第一节到第八节不同的广播操,学生在这一趣味活动中反复听了这个短语的发音。然后教师带领学生一起拍手接龙说词、拼词,即教学难点“exercises”: EXER EXERCI EXERCISE EXERCISES。花不了几分钟,学生就在趣味的游戏中轻松而且迅速地学会了这个词。教师们可以从这一教法中得到启示,从而举一反三,创新设计更多学生喜欢的、并能解决教学难点的教学游戏。 2. 对话的教学(Let's talk) 用Let's start引入句型 Let's start部分不仅能自然地引入新词教学,而且同样适合用来引入新句型的教学。如Unit 1的Let's start部分是一个听音写时间的活动,教师问:When do you get up? 同时让学生猜猜问的句子是什么意思,学生很容易就可以猜出,然后在“get


小学英语五年级第一单元听力材料 I. Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的单词或句子。 1. tall 2. helpful 3.shy 4. clever 5. hand-working 6. funny 7. kind 8. strict 9.old 10.He is old. 表 表示,不相符用“F”II. Listen and judge.听音,判断是否与下面的图片相符,相符用“T” 示。 1. Is she young? 2. Is he old? 3. Is she quiet? Yes, she is. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. 4. They are hard-working. 5.She is polite. III. Listen and choose.听录音,选出正确的答语,将其序号填在题前括号内。 1. Is she fu nny? 2. What’s she like? 3. Are they helpful? 4. Who’s your art teacher? 5. Do you know Miss Zhang? IV. Listen and write.听录音,写出所缺单词。 A: Do you know Ms Zhang? B: No, I don’t. Who is she? A: She is our maths teacher. B: Is she old ? young . A: No, she isn’t. She is B: Is she srtict ? A: Yes, she is. But she is very kind . 小学英语五年级第二单元听力材料 I. Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1. Saturday 2. Tuesday 3. Chinese 4. maths 5. feet II. Listen and match.听录音,将下面的课程与星期连线。 1. We have maths, science, Chinese and art on Tuesdays. 2. We have Chinese, English, maths and music on Mondays. 3. We have Chinese, maths, art and English on Wednesdays. 4. We have PE, music, science and English on Fridays. 5. We have maths, Chinese, English and computer class on Thursadays. III. Listen and judge.听录音,判读图片与录音内容是否相符,相符写T,不符写F。


2013学年度第二学期 小学六年级英语期末综合题 听力材料及答案 一. Listen and choose 第一部分共10小题。你将听到一个单词,请根据读音选择正确的答案,答案填在括号内。每个单词读两遍。(每小题0.5分,共5分) 1. cap 2. red 3. jam 4. bus 5. bam 6. pack 7. vast 8. than 9. rope 10. mouth 答案:A B B A B B A B B A 第二部分共10小题。你将听到一个句子,选择你所听到的选项。每小题读两遍。 (每小题0.5分,共5分) 1. There is a nature park near here. 2. My sister is washing her shoes in the bathroom. 3. It’s cold. Put on your coat please. 4. Yes, I want a pair of sneakers please. 5. What’s the matter with y ou? 6. The monkey has a long tail. 7. How do you feel today, Mom? 8. It’s a nice day, right? 9. Mike’s uncle has a big farm. 10. Look at that skirt. It’s nice. 答案: C A A B C A B C C A 二、Listen and circle 听句子或对话,把与听力内容相符合的图片圈出来。每小题读两遍。读前浏览选项,有助于做出准确而快速的判断!(每小题1分,共10分) 1. What’s the matter with you, mom? I have a fever. (第三幅图)


五年级数学上册期末试卷 学校: 班级: 姓名: 这个学期很快就要结束了,是不是又学会了很多的知识,增长了得多的本领。现在就来考查一下自己吧,要认真,要仔细哟! 一、认真读题,正确填空。(每题2分,共18分) 1、两个因数的积是12.5,如果一个因数扩大到原来的16倍,另一个因数缩小到原来的81,积是( )。 2、小华有x 枝铅笔,小丽比小华少4枝,小丽有( )枝铅笔,小丽和小华共有铅笔( )枝。 3、16÷6的商用循环小数表示是( ),精确到百分位约是( )。 4、一个梯形的面积是21.6cm 2,高9cm ,两个这样的梯形可以拼成一个高9cm ,底是( )cm 的平行四边形。 5、每一个宝宝在自己家的户口本上都有一个属于自己的身份证号码。某一个小宝宝的号码是360103xx0xx712,这个小宝宝出生于( )年( )月( )日,性别是( )。 6、小军有一本连环画,共a 页,他每天看h 页,看了3天,还剩( )页;如果a=100,h=25,那么剩下( )页。 7、一个长方形的周长是32米,已知长是宽的3倍,这个长方形的面积是( )。 8、把 1.21、1.21、1.22、1.2、1.211按照从大到小的顺序排列起来是:( )。 9、有5张卡片分别写着5、6、7、8、9,其中6是幸运号。方方任意抽走一张,她抽到6的可能性是( ),抽到大于6的可能性是( )。 二、认真辨题,仔细判断。(对的画“√”,错的画“×”)(6分) 1、含有两个未知数的等式不是方程。 ( ) 2、一个数除以101,商一定比这个数小。 ( ) 3、邮政编码的前三位表示邮区。 ( ) 4、两个同底等高的三角形,形状一定相同,面积也相等。 ( ) 5、3.1415926……是一个无限小数,也是一个循环小数。 ( ) 6、x 个5.6相加,和是5.6+x 。 ( ) 三、认真审题,慎重选择。(将正确答案的序号填入括号内)(4分) 1、下图是由五个相同的正方形拼成的,这两个三角形(用实线表示)的面积关系是( )。


五年级上册文本及词汇朗读资料 Unit 1 My day 1. A Let’s talk Zhang Peng: When do you finish class in the morning? 张鹏:你什么时候上完课? Pedro: We finish class at 1 o’clock.Then we eat lunch at home. 佩德罗:我们一点下课。然后我们在家吃午饭。 Zhang Peng: Wow!When do you go back to school after lunch? 张鹏:哇!午饭后你什么时候回学校? Pedro: At 2:30.Classes start at 3 o’clock. 佩德罗:2:30。三点开始上课。 Zhang Peng: When do you usually eat dinner in Spain? 张鹏:你通常什么时候在西班牙吃晚饭? Pedro: Usually at 9:30 or 10 o’clock. 佩德罗:通常在9:30或十点。 Zhang Peng: Wow! That’s too late! 张鹏:哇!太晚了! 2. B Let’s talk SShopkeeper: Why are you shopping today? 店主:你今天为什么购物? Sarah: My mum worked last night.So I’m shopping today. 莎拉:我妈妈昨晚工作了。所以我今天购物。 Shopkeeper: Good girl!So what do you do on the weekend? 店主:好女孩!那么你周末做什么? Sarah: I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father. 莎拉:我经常看电视,和爸爸打乒乓球。 Shopkeeper: That sounds like a lot of fun. 店主:听起来很有趣。 Sarah: Yes, but I’m also hard-working.I usually wash clothes.Sometimes I cook dinner. 莎拉:是的,但我也很勤奋。我通常洗衣服。有时我做饭。 Shopkeeper: You’re so busy!You need a robot to help you! 店主:你这么忙!你需要一个机器人来帮助你! 3.单词: eat breakfast 吃早饭have … class上……课play sports 进行体育运动exercise 活动;运动do morning exercises 早锻炼eat dinner 吃晚饭 clean my room 打扫我的 房间 go for a walk 散步 go shopping 去买东西;购 物 take 学习;上(课) dancing 跳舞;舞蹈 take a dancing class 上舞 蹈课 when 什么时候;何时 after 在(时间)后


小学英语五年级上册期末测试题 班级 姓名得分 听力部分 30% 一、Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确的单词)(5%) ( )1、A、bean B、beef ( ) 2、A、cow B、brown ( ) 3、A、boat B、road ( ) 4、A、tall B、small ( ) 5、A、skirt B 、girl ( ) 6、A、river B、farmer ( )7、A、sweep B、sweet ( ) 8、A、table B、vegetable ( )9、A、dishes B、fish ( ) 10、A、housework B、homework 三、看图,勾出你所听到的图片(6%) 1、 2、 3、 ()()()()()() 4、 5、 6、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听对话判断句子对错,对的打√错的打×。(4﹪) ( )1、There is a bridge in the park. ( )2、There are many tall buildings in the city. ( )3、There are two rivers and a bridge in the village. ( )4、The trash bin is behind the door. 五、听音,将听到的食物和水果打“√”。(5%) 二、听音,将下面五幅图按听到的顺序编号。(3%)

Chen jie Miss Li Mr He John Sarah 笔试部分50% 六、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。6% ()1、A. tasty B. sour C. thin D. salty ()2、A. bedroom B. closet C. kitchen D. bathroom ()3、A.village B. tree C. flower D. glass ()4、A. in B. old C. on D. under ()5、A. curtain B. trash bin C.fresh D. mirror ()6、A. fish B. tofu C.tomato D.road 七、选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。(6%)。 ()1.Who’s your English teacher? A.He’s tall and strong ()2.What’s he like ? B. Mr Carter ()3.What do we have on Monday ? C. I often do homework ()4.What do you do on Sunday? D.We have Chinese and English ()5.What do you have for lunch? E. I like apple . They are sweet . ()6.What’s your favourite food? F. We have tofu and fish . 3、A、Yes, there is. B、Yes, it is . 4、A 、He is short and strong. B 、He is short and thin. 1、A、I can cook the meal. B、I can clean the bedroom. 2、A、Yes , I can. B、No, I can’t . 5、A、It’s Sunday. B、It’s Saturday. 6、A、It’s on the bed. B、It’s under the bed. 7、A、I have eggplant, potatoes and fish . B、I have eggplant, tomatoes and tofu .


人教版八年级英语上册书上听力材料(共13 页) Tapescripts Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A, lb Conversation 1 Xiang Hua: Hey, Tina. Where did you go on vacation? Tina: I went to the mountains with my family. Xiang Hua: Did everyone have a good time? Tina: Oh, yes. Everything was excellent. Where did you go, Xiang Hua? Xiang Hua: I went to New York City. Conversation 2 Girl: What did you do on vacation, Sally? Sally: Nothing. I just stayed at home. Girl: And did you do anything interesting, Bob? Bob: Yes. I visited my uncle. We went fishing, but we didn ' t get any fish. Conversation 3 Boy: Did you go anywhere on vacation, Tom? Tom: I went to summer camp. Boy: Did you go with anyone? Tom: Yes. I went with my friends. Everyone had a great time. Section A, 2a, 2b Conversation 1 Boy: Where did you go on vacation, Grace? Grace: I went to New York City. Boy: Oh, really? Did you go with anyone? Grace: Yes. I went with my mother. Boy: Did you go to Central Park? Grace: Yes, I did. It was really nice. Boy: Did you buy anything special? Grace: Yes. I bought something for my father. Boy: Oh, really? What? Grace: I bought him a hat. Conversation 2 Girl: Where did you go on vacation, Kevin? Kevin: I went to the beach. Girl: Oh, that ' s nice. Did you play volleyball? Kevin: No, I didn 't. Girl: Well, did you swim? Kevin: Yes, I did. The water was really warm. Girl: How was the food? Kevin: Everything tasted really good! Girl: Did you meet anyone interesting? Kevin: Yes. I met some very interesting people. Conversation 3 Boy: Where did you go on your vacation, Julie?

人教版 五年级数学下册 测试卷及答案

人教版五年级数学下册第二单元测试卷及答案 一、填一填。 1.50以内9的倍数有(),100以内19的倍数有()。 2.25的因数有( ),65的因数有()。 3.()既是9的因数,又是12的因数。 4.从199起,连续写5个奇数(),从388起,连续写5个偶数() 5.10以内的非零自然数中,()是偶数,但不是合数;()是奇数,但不是质数。 6.偶数+偶数=()奇数+奇数=( )?? 奇数+偶数=(??? ) 7.24=1×24=2×()=()×()=()×() 8.在0、1、0.8、25.2、35、-4这些数中,自然数有( ) 9.一个四位数,千位上是最小的质数,百位上是最小的合数,十位上既不是质数也不是合数,个位上既是奇数又是合数,这个数是() 10.一个两位数既是3的倍数,又是5的倍数,这个数最小是(),最大是()。 二、辨一辨(对的打“√”,错的打“×”)。 1.因为7×6=42,所以42是倍数,7是因数。() 2.偶数的因数一定比奇数的因数多。() 3.一个数的因数一定比它的倍数小。() 4.3、4、5这三个数字,无论怎样排列成三位数,一定是3的倍数。() 5.合数都是2的倍数。() 6.自然数中除了质数就是合数。() 7.3×0.4=1.2 ,3是1.2的因数。() 8.甲数除以乙数,商是15,那么甲数一定是乙数的倍数。() 三、选一选(将正确答案的序号填在括号里)。 1.下面各组数中,哪一组的第二个数是第一个数的倍数。() 2.自然数包括()。 A.质数、合数 B.因数和倍数 C.奇数和偶数 3.2是最小的()。 A.合数 B.质数 C.自然数 D.偶数

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